During the Dormition Fast, believers read certain prayers at home. How not to miss the main thing in the Assumption Lent

Theotokos Fast

A month after the Apostolic Fast, the Orthodox Church celebrates the multi-day Fast of the Theotokos or the Holy Mother of God, usually called the Assumption Fast. It was established before the great holidays of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Dormition of the Mother of God and lasts two weeks, from August 1 to August 15. The Church accepted and preserves this fast, guiding us to spiritual, grace-filled transformation and imitation of the Mother of God, Who, before Her transition to heaven, incessantly remained in fasting and prayer. Although the Mother of God always labored for us and fasted, having no need for fasting, as pure and all-immaculate, however, having foreknowledge of Her repose, She, exceeding and transcending the life of the Angels, showed angelic abstinence, often prayed that through the Divine Spirit she might be united in blessed soul with Her Son and become our intercessor, and then she especially fasted when the time of her departure from here approached, thinning Herself with holy love for the Son. Therefore, we are obliged to fast at this time and sing Her praises, imitating Her life and inclining Her to intercede for us. We testify to our true love for the Most Pure Virgin Mary by our holy imitation of Her.

According to the antiquity of the holidays of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Assumption Holy Mother of God, the establishment of fasting before them also dates back to the ancient times of Christianity. In the conversation of Leo the Great, delivered around the year 450, we find a clear indication of the Fast of the Theotokos. In this conversation, Leo the Great says: “Church fasts are so arranged in the year that for each season of the year its own special law of abstinence is prescribed. So for spring there is spring fast at Pentecost, for summer at Pentecost, for autumn - in the seventh month; winter - winter", now Nativity. The same saint in another of his conversations writes that the autumn fast is an ancient institution. At the Council of Constantinople, which took place in 1166 under the chairmanship of the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke, it was confirmed, in accordance with the ancient statutes, for all Orthodox Christians to continuously continue the Mother of God fast from the 1st to the 15th day of August (Art. Art.), and thus any confusion about the maintenance of the fast of the Mother of God is forever removed. For Valsamont, speaking about this Council, writes that “then some doubted the number of days of the Assumption and Nativity fast. Therefore, His Holiness the Patriarch himself confirmed that although the days of these fasts are not indicated in writing anywhere, we are nevertheless forced to follow the unwritten church tradition and must fast from the first and fourteenth days of November."
In terms of the strictness of the rules of fasting, the Theotokos Fast is superior to the Apostolic and Nativity fasts, but less strict than the Holy Fourth Fast. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Theotokos Lent, the Church Charter prescribes eating dry food, and on Tuesday and Thursday, boiling without oil; on Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed for wine and oil; and on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord and on fish.

How the Assumption Fast was established

The Dormition Fast begins a month after.
This fast was established before the great holidays of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Dormition of the Mother of God and lasts two weeks from August 1 to August 15 (all dates are given according to the old style).
The Dormition Fast has come down to us since ancient Christian times.
In the conversation of Leo the Great, delivered around the year 450, we find a clear indication of the Dormition Fast: “Church fasts are located in the year in such a way that each time has its own special law of abstinence. So for spring, the spring fast is on Pentecost, and for summer, the summer fast is on Pentecost (Petrov Fast - ed.), for autumn - in the seventh month (Uspensky - ed.), for winter - winter (Rozhdestvensky - ed.)."
St. Simeon of Thessaloniki writes that “The Fast in August (Assumption) was established in honor of the Mother God's Words Who, having learned of Her repose, as always, struggled and fasted for us, although, being holy and blameless, she had no need for fasting; So She especially prayed for us when she intended to move from this life to the future, and when Her blessed soul had to unite with Her son through the Divine spirit. And therefore we must fast and sing Her praises, imitating Her life and thereby awakening Her to prayer for us. Some, however, say that this fast was established on the occasion of two holidays, that is, the Transfiguration and the Assumption. And I also consider it necessary to remember these two holidays, one as giving us sanctification, and the other as propitiation and intercession for us.”
The final establishment of the Dormition Fast occurred at the Council of Constantinople in 1166, chaired by Patriarch Luke. Here it was confirmed that all Orthodox Christians, in accordance with the ancient statutes, must observe the Mother of God fast from August 1 to 15. Balsamon writes about this Council: “Then some doubted the number of days of the Dormition and Nativity fasts. Therefore, His Holiness the Patriarch himself confirmed that although the days of these fasts are not indicated in writing anywhere, we are forced, however, to follow the unwritten church tradition and must fast from the first day of August and from the fourteenth day of November."

How to eat and spend the days of the Dormition Fast

During Lent, the Church prescribes moderate consumption of food and drink, and, moreover, not fast food, but fast food. The Church Charter clearly depicts both the time of use and quality lean food. Everything is strictly calculated with the aim of weakening in us the passionate movements of the flesh, excited by the abundant and sweet nutrition of the body; but in such a way as not to completely relax our bodily nature, but, on the contrary, to make it light, strong and capable of obeying the movements of the spirit and cheerfully fulfilling its demands.
There is a post necessary remedy for success in spiritual life and for obtaining salvation, for fasting, taking away excess food and excess drink from the flesh, weakens the power of sensual attractions. From this it is clear that the benefits of fasting are manifold:
a) fasting quickly and clearly shows a person that little is needed for his life, and his health depends not on refined, but on simple food and drink;
b) fasting very soon reveals the passions and vices that dominate in a person, to which he is attached with his heart, and that his flesh loves him most;
c) fasting makes us capable of prayer and reflection on God and the Divine; “He who fasts prays with a good spirit,” says St. John Chrysostom.

Actually there is a post strong remedy preparations for all great and saving works. All prudent and God-loving people felt this deeply - always and everywhere. All the saints fasted very strictly themselves and unanimously advised others to fast.
The Charter of the Church teaches what one should abstain from during fasting - “all those who fast piously must strictly observe the regulations on the quality of food, that is, abstain during fasting from certain foodstuffs (that is, food, food - ed.), not as bad (and not will be this), but as from foods indecent to fasting and prohibited by the Church, from which one must abstain during fasting: meat, cheese, cow’s butter, milk, eggs, and sometimes fish, depending on the difference in the holy fasts.”
The Assumption Fast is not as strict as the Great Fast, but more strict than the Petrov and Nativity fasts.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Dormition Lent, the Church Charter prescribes eating dry food, that is, observing the most strict fast, without boiling food; on Tuesday and Thursday - “by boiling food, but without oil,” that is, without oil; On Saturdays and Sundays wine and oil are allowed.
Until the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, when grapes and apples are blessed in churches, the Church obliges us to abstain from these fruits. According to the legend of St. fathers, “if anyone takes a bunch from the brethren before the holiday, then let him receive a ban for disobedience and not eat the bunch for the whole month of August.”

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, according to the Church Charter, fish is allowed at the meal. From this day on, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, the diet necessarily included the fruits of the new harvest.
Spiritual fasting is closely connected with physical fasting, just as our soul unites with the body, penetrates it, revives it and forms one whole with it, just as the soul and body make up one living person. And therefore, while fasting physically, at the same time it is necessary for us to fast spiritually: “As we fast, brothers, physically, let us also fast spiritually, let us resolve every union of unrighteousness,” commands the Holy Church.
In physical fasting, the foreground is abstinence from rich, tasty and sweet food; in spiritual fasting - abstinence from passionate sinful movements that delight our sensual inclinations and vices. There - leaving fast food - more nutritious and eating lean food - less nutritious; here is the abandonment of favorite sins and transgressions and the exercise of the opposite virtues.
The essence of fasting is expressed in the following church song: “Fasting from food, my soul, and not being cleansed from passions, we are in vain consoled by non-eating: for if fasting does not bring you correction, then you will be hated by God as false, and will become like evil demons, never eat."
Both the Great and Assumption fasts are especially strict regarding entertainment - in imperial Russia, even civil laws prohibited public masquerades, spectacles, and performances during the Great and Assumption fasts.

Honey Spas and the Assumption Fast

August 14 (August 1 to church calendar) a day replete with events for the Orthodox Church.
The main holiday of this day is called “The Origin (Deterioration) of Honest Trees Life-giving Cross of the Lord." However, the mysterious expression "the origin of the trees of the Cross" simply means a religious procession.
In the Greek Book of Hours of 1897, the origin of this holiday is explained as follows: “Due to illnesses, which occurred very often in August, from ancient times the custom was established in Constantinople of wearing the Honorable Tree of the Cross on roads and streets to consecrate places and to ward off illnesses. The day before, wearing it from the royal treasury , was believed at the holy meal of the Great Church (in honor of St. Sophia the Wisdom of God). From this day onwards, until the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, performing litias throughout the city, they then offered it to the people for worship. This is the origin of the Holy Cross.”
In the Russian Orthodox Church, this holiday is combined with the remembrance of the Baptism of Rus' in 988. Mention of the day of the Baptism of Rus' was preserved in Chronographs of the 16th century: “The prince was baptized great Vladimir Kiev and all Rus' August I". In the "Tale of the effective rites of the holy conciliar and apostolic great church of the Assumption", compiled in 1627 at the behest of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Philaret, the following explanation of the holiday on August 1 is given: "And on the origin on the day of the Holy Cross there is a process of sanctification for the sake of water and enlightenment for the sake of mankind, throughout all cities and towns.”
On this day, a holiday was established to the All-Merciful Savior Christ God and the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the victory in 1164 of Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky in a campaign against the Volga Bulgarians and the Greek Emperor Michael over the Saracens.
According to the rite accepted in the Orthodox Church, on this day the veneration of the Cross is performed (according to the rite Week of the Cross Great Lent) and the small consecration of water. Along with the blessing of water, the honey of the new harvest is also blessed (from here popular name holiday - honey Savior).
The subject of the 15th Word of the teachings of Gregory the Theologian was the feat of the Maccabean martyrs, whose memory is also celebrated on August 14.
"The Word was probably spoken on August 1, 362, when Gregory was just beginning his priestly ministry, and the apostate Emperor Julian was in power in the Eastern Roman Empire. Perhaps the 15th Word is a direct reaction to the campaign launched by Julian to discredit Christianity and discrimination against Christians,” writes abbot Hilarion Alfeev in his work “The Life and Teachings of St. Gregory the Theologian.
The Maccabee martyrs are described in the 2nd Book of Maccabees in the Bible, and a separate work on this topic by Josephus is also known. Events about which we're talking about, refer “to the period of persecution of the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes (176-164 BC), who pursued a policy of intensive Hellenization of Judea, accompanied by forcing Jews to participate in pagan sacrifices, violation of the Sabbath and other “laws of the fathers.” For refusal to accept paganism, thousands of Jews were executed by Antiochus." (abbot Hilarion)
Thus, the victims were the elderly teacher Eleazar, as well as seven of his students and their mother, who were subjected to severe torture and death for refusing to eat pork. First, Eleazar was tortured, then the brothers, whom their mother exhorted in every possible way, having courageously endured torment, to face death with dignity, after which the persecutors killed her too. In the face of death, they all firmly confessed faith in the One God and Resurrection of the Dead. One of the sons, dying, said: “You, tormentor, are depriving us real life, but the King of the world will raise us, who died for His laws, to eternal life." Another, stretching out his hands to be cut off, said: “I received them from heaven, and for His laws I do not spare them, and from Him I hope to receive them again." “For someone who is dying from people, it is desirable to place hope in God that He will revive them again,” another of the brothers was sure. And yet, in those days, thousands of similar stories happened, what was special about their feat that the Church described their suffering in detail. , sacredly remembers them to this day?
“The story of the martyrs testifies not only to the courage of the Jews who were ready to die for their fatherly traditions, but also to the fact that belief in the Resurrection of the dead was widespread among the Jewish people long before the coming of Christ.” Beginning his Word dedicated to the Maccabees, Gregory the Theologian says that few Christians honor these martyrs, since they suffered before Christ. According to the conviction of St. Gregory “There is a certain mystical and secret teaching, very convincing for me and for many God-loving people, according to which none of those who achieved perfection before the coming of Christ could achieve this without faith in Christ. For the Word, although clearly revealed only in known last times, was previously known to those who are pure in mind, as is clear from (the example of) many who were glorified before Christ."
Despite the fact that the Maccabees suffered before death on the cross Christ - they suffered “according to the Cross”, and therefore, undoubtedly, deserve special veneration from the Christian world.
Undoubtedly one of the most bright examples Christian feat in this story is a mother who not only witnessed the death of her children, but also inspired them to the martyrdom: “I do not know how you appeared in my womb; it was not I who gave you breath and life; it was not me who formed the composition “Everyone, therefore, the Creator of the world, who formed the nature of man and arranged the origin of all, will again give you breath and life with mercy, since you now do not spare yourselves for his laws.” Saint Gregory, obviously amazed by her act, compares her feat with the feat of Abraham, who was ready, out of obedience to God, to sacrifice his son: “A mother, courageous and noble, loving both her children and God, endures supernatural suffering in her heart. She feels sorry for the suffering children, on the contrary, she is afraid that they will not suffer. She does not so much grieve for those who have departed as she wishes for those who remained to join them... Oh, courageous soul in female body! Oh, wonderful and generous sacrifice! Oh, Abraham’s sacrifice and, if I don’t say so boldly, Abraham’s great one! For he readily sacrifices one, albeit only begotten, but she dedicated a whole nation of sons to God, surpassing both mothers and priests in the number of victims... She cited her gray hair and old age as an example to make her admonitions more convincing, not in order to save children from death, but to induce them to suffer."
The dying words of Eleazar are filled with the confession of the One God, the readiness to die for Him: “Antiochus and all those standing here! We have one king - God, from whom we received being and to whom we will return. We have only one security - in keeping the commandments. the blessings we hope for; and nothing is scary for us, except to fear anything more than God. Our homeland is the highest Jerusalem, which no Antiochus will take under siege and will not be able to take. Our temple is the most magnificent heaven, and the holiday. ours is the rejoicing of angels. We have one great and greatest sacrament - God, to whom all the local sacraments point."
St. Gregory clearly correlates the situation in Judea during the time of Antiochus Epiphanes with the era of the Byzantine Empire during the time of Julian the Apostate: a wicked king who forces people to renounce their faith in True God and accept paganism. “Both here and here are citizens loyal to their king in everything except with regard to faith: when there is a choice between the king of earth and the King of heaven, they prefer the latter. In Homily 15 there are many themes that will be heard in Homily 4 and the 5th - incriminating against King Julian."
Having depicted the martyrdom of the Maccabees, Gregory brings us to his main idea: “Martyrdom is not just an example of the heroism of an individual or a group of people - it can be inspiring, cleansing and saving for an entire people. In other words, martyrdom and confession are comparable to the redemptive feat of Christ.” It is on the feat of confessors of faith that the Church is built and stands, it is through the blood of martyrs that it is preserved and grows.
It is obvious that already in those days the spiritual fate of an entire people depended on the fortitude of each person individually and the entire people as a whole. We can say that thanks to people like Eleazar, his wife and sons, the faith was preserved.
Likewise, in the time of Julian, the future of Christianity depended on how firm the people and every Christian would be in their confession of faith in Christ. And in the era of Emperor Valens (164-178), the fate of the Church depended on the firmness of the defenders of the faith - whether it would withstand the onslaught of Arianism or, having submitted, take the side of the heretics.
The feat of the Maccabean family (with all the centuries-old evidence it can be said that it is not the only one) confirms to us that every Christian must have the courage to become, if necessary, a confessor, a martyr and a witness to the true faith. Millions of people throughout the history of the Church - from the apostles to the martyrs of our days - gave their lives for the faith, thereby becoming companions of Christ in His redemptive work.

The Assumption Fast begins on this same day. In terms of the strictness of observance, it is equal to Lent (without meat, dairy and fish products) and lasts from August 14 to 27 (until the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after which it is named). Only on August 19, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - once during the entire Lent - can you eat fish. However, when one of the well-known modern archpriests was asked whether there are relaxations in fasting in the Orthodox Church (and if they exist, which ones and for whom) he answered something like this: “There are relaxations in fasting: for converts, children, pregnant women, lactating , sick, on the road or on vacation. Which is an individual question and relates, rather, to personal Christian self-awareness.” However, do not be upset if you do not find yourself in any of these groups: the fast will last only two weeks, and observing church canons in the summer is pure pleasure.

3 Rule of Nicholas, Patriarch of Constantinople

Question. Should you fast in the month of August?
Answer. In former times this fast was observed; it was subsequently moved so as not to coincide with the pagan fasts that took place in the same month. However, many still observe this fast.

(Trul. 26, 56; Laod. 49-52; Peter Alex. 15; Timothy Alex. 8, 10).

The canonical fast is the fast of St. Pentecost, before Easter, and fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays every week. This is the order of the 69th Ap. rules. Over time, other posts were established, including the so-called Assumption Fast in August. This fast is discussed in the present rule of Patriarch Nicholas and, as can be seen from this rule, the question of the duration of this fast was at that time (in beginning of XII century) controversial. Balsamon, in his 55th canonical response to Patriarch Mark of Alexandria, interpreting this rule, says that it is a synodal decree from the time of this patriarch (Nicholas). This decree was that during all annual fasts, including the Assumption fast, one should fast only for seven days, for only one fast lasts forty days, namely, the fast before St. Great Easter; however, if anyone wishes to fast before other holidays, including the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for more than seven days, or if this is prescribed by any clergy charter, then he can do so. The present rule of Patriarch Nicholas was discussed at a meeting of the Council of Constantinople under Patriarch Luke (1156-1169), and, according to the reports of Balsamon, some at this council argued that this fast should not be observed, since it was postponed to another time, as evidenced by this answer Patriarch Nicholas; others, on the contrary, argued that it should be observed, for the answer itself says that in former times this fast was observed, and was subsequently transferred to another time. However, when and where this was done is not mentioned in the answer. The Patriarch and other bishops at the council decided that this fast should be observed without any excuse, and, in support of this, they referred to the famous year 921, which says that triple-weds can approach St. sacrament three times a year, namely: on Easter, on the Dormition of the Most Holy. Mother of God and on the Nativity of Christ, for before these holidays people usually fast. When opponents pointed out that nowhere was it said how long the fast should last, the patriarch noted that if there is no written decree about this fast (Assumption), as well as about the Nativity fast, then in this case we must still follow the unwritten tradition of the church and begin the Assumption Fast on August 1, and the Nativity Fast on November 15. And this instruction of Patriarch Luke has become generally accepted in the Eastern Orthodox Church, so that, in accordance with it, one must understand the present rule of patriarchs. Nicholas.


The Assumption Fast is the shortest in time compared to other multi-day fasts. In its severity, this fast corresponds to the rules of Lenten abstinence.

Any fast requires efforts from believers and compliance with many restrictions. The Dormition Fast is a multi-day period of detention. It lasts two weeks every year - from August 14 to 28. This post is strict, but this applies not only to nutrition.

Prayers to be read during the Dormition Fast 2018: The holy fathers call reasonable and moderate fasting "the matter of all virtues"

The Assumption Fast is popularly called Gospozhinki. This name is associated with the address in prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Madam.

We present to your attention the prayers of the Dormition Fast, which, in turn, are read before and after eating food, as well as the traditional phrase of gratitude.

Prayers before and after eating food

Before eating:

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it Your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. The eyes of all trust in You, Lord, and You give them food in good season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal’s good will.

After eating:

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as You came among Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Secret prayer before eating food for those who are immoderate in diet:
(prayer for weight loss)

I also pray to You, Lord, deliver me from satiety, lust, and grant me in spiritual peace to receive with reverence generous gifts Yours, so that by eating them, I will receive strengthening of my mental and physical strength to serve You, Lord, in the short remainder of my life on Earth.

Traditional thanksgiving phrase:

“An angel for your meal!”

You need to attend church and pray to miraculous images for the well-being and health of your loved ones and loved ones. In the first days of the Dormition Lent, it is advisable to bless water.

Prayers that are read during the Dormition Fast 2018: the history of the Dormition Fast, how to observe it

Mention of this post dates back to 450. The first day of Lent begins with the holiday of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, popularly called Honey Spas. For the holiday, many baked goods were prepared with honey, and honey was also illuminated, which could only be eaten after the end of fasting. And on August 19 they celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, among the people - Apple Spas. Only on this day is it possible to eat fish and wine, and it is also possible to eat apples and grapes from the new harvest. At the end of Lent, on August 28, people celebrate and pray for the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Despite all the severity, these fasts are very easy to maintain. In August, nature provides enough food to diversify your diet. Of course, the weather also contributes to peace of mind, allows you to think about spiritual values, and reduce the emotional and physical stress of believers. All kinds of sinful thoughts go far away and thereby a person attracts a happy future in harmony with the world and himself.

How to observe the Assumption Fast?

Fasting is very simple:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday only dry eating (foods that are not subject to heat treatment - vegetables, berries, nuts),

Tuesday and Thursday prepare boiled food,

Saturday and Sunday wine and oil are allowed.

If the fast ends on Wednesday or Friday, then breaking the fast is only possible the next day. And on any other days, it is recommended to gradually break the fast and start with fish dishes.

People often think that fasting is tasteless and monotonous. But it’s worth showing a little imagination and ordinary porridge will turn into pleasant healthy dessert, and you can prepare various dishes from vegetables, enriching them a little with spices. One of good substitutes protein food are mushrooms, especially since collecting them is very interesting activity, distracting from everything worldly. Fruits ripened in August will make your menu even more interesting.

For people who have a plot of land, during the Dormition Lent the harvest time comes; when working, you won’t even notice how quickly the harvest is coming main holiday Dormition of the Mother of God. This holiday takes place in churches with an evening service, during which the Shroud with the image of the Mother of God stands in the center of the temple. Afterwards they carry her procession around the church and the burial ceremony is achieved.

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Dormition post

The Assumption Fast is one of four multi-day fasts, dedicated to preparation for the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Assumption Fast lasts from August 14 to 27.

With this post the Church calls us to imitate Mother of God Who, before moving to heaven, remained incessantly in fasting and prayer.

The first day of the Dormition Lent marks the holiday “The Origin (Destruction) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.” Also during Lent falls the twelfth holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19).

The fast ends with the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On August 27, during evening services in churches, the Shroud with the image of the Mother of God is taken out from the altar for veneration. The shroud is kept in the middle of the church until the burial ceremony, when it is carried in a procession around the church.

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Dormition Fast The Dormition Fast begins exactly one month after the end of the Apostolic Fast on August 1 (14) and lasts 2 weeks, ending on August 14 (27). This post prepares for the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on August 15 (28). Fasting in Islam

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Assumption Fast The Assumption Fast was established in memory of the Mother of God, who spent her life in fasting and prayer. It lasts according to the church calendar from August 1 to August 14 (August 14–28). August 15 (29) celebrates the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary; this day ends the fast. If he

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By blessing His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II

“And after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John, and led them alone up to a high mountain, and was transfigured before them. His clothes became shining, very white, like snow, as a bleacher on earth cannot bleach. And Elijah appeared to them with Moses; and talked with Jesus. At this Peter said to Jesus: Rabbi! It’s good for us to be here; We will make three tabernacles: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. For I didn’t know what to say; because they were in fear. And a cloud appeared overshadowing them, and from the cloud came a voice saying: This is My Beloved Son; Listen to him. And, suddenly looking around, they saw no one else with them except Jesus alone” ().

“After these words, eight days later, He took Peter, John and James and went up to the mountain to pray. And when he prayed, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became white and shining. And behold, two men talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah; appearing in glory, they spoke of His exodus, which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem. Peter and those with him were burdened with sleep; but when they awoke, they saw His glory and the two men standing with Him. And when they departed from Him, Peter said to Jesus: Master! It’s good for us to be here; Let us make three tabernacles: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah, not knowing what he said. While he was saying this, a cloud appeared and overshadowed them; and they were afraid when they entered the cloud. And there came a voice from the cloud, saying: This is My Beloved Son; listen to Him. When this voice came, Jesus was left alone. And they kept silent and did not tell anyone in those days about what they saw” ().

Celebrating the Transfiguration Lord's Church solemnly confesses and glorifies the union of Divinity and humanity in the person of Jesus Christ. By His Transfiguration, the Lord deigned to protect His disciples from despondency and raised them to the highest hope amid the disasters that were to befall them in the world. The Holy Church, by celebrating the Transfiguration of the Lord into heavenly glory, prepared for all of us, morally consoles us during our earthly journey, filled with hardships and sorrows, instilling in us that behind short-term sorrows the glory of eternal bliss will shine, in which our body will also participate. To those who follow the path of the cross, the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord inspires that for our transformation from the darkness of sin into the light of truth and virtue, which opens the doors of heaven, impartiality to the delights of the world and prayer are necessary. For the Lord, for His Transfiguration, not without reason, ascended to a height that removed Him from our earthly world, and, having lifted His body to the mountain, from here, prayerfully and in spirit, ascended to heaven and was transformed into glory. As the Church calls us on this day: “Enlightened by the radiance of the virtues, let us ascend the holy mountain, so that we may see the Divine Transfiguration of the Lord. High mountain - having a heart cleansed from passions, we will see Christ’s transfiguration, enlightening our mind.”

The Transfiguration of the Lord took place in February, shortly before the suffering of the Savior, but the Holy Church celebrates the Transfiguration in August, because the celebration in February would fall on the days of St. Lent, days of Lenten, penitential, while the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord foreshadows the future century. The Feast of the Transfiguration was established on August 6 (19) because on September 14 (27) the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is celebrated, on which the celebration and remembrance of the passion of Christ takes place for the second time, and since the Transfiguration took place forty days before the crucifixion of the Savior, the holy fathers, counting from the holiday The Exaltation of the Holy Cross took forty days; the Transfiguration was set to be celebrated on August 6 (19).

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in terms of the importance of the event, is great and the twelfth.

The peculiarities of this holiday include the fact that on this day the bunch (grapes) and the first fruits of the fruit are blessed. In Russia, in places where grapes do not grow, apples are blessed on this day.

This custom is sacred and significant. The first fruits of the new harvest were brought to the altar in the Old Testament, according to the Law of Moses: “You shall bring the firstfruits of the fruits of your land to the house of the Lord your God” (); “When you come to the land that I am giving you and you reap its harvest, then bring the first sheaf of your harvest to the priest” (); “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your profits” ().

The Apostolic and Council Rules also stipulate that the first ears of corn, fruits and vegetables should be offered for their consecration with prayer and blessing.

By offering and blessing fruits and ears of corn, the Church inspires that everything in it - from man to plant - should be dedicated to God, as the property of God and the blessing of God is called upon for its use. For “the earth is the Lord’s and what fills it, the universe and everything that lives in it” ().

In general, fasting is a powerful means of preparation for all great and saving deeds. This was deeply felt by all prudent and God-loving people - always and everywhere. All the saints fasted very strictly themselves and unanimously advised others to fast.

The Charter of the Church teaches what one should abstain from during fasting - “all those who fast piously must strictly observe the regulations on the quality of food, that is, abstain during fasting from certain foodstuffs (that is, food, food - ed.), not as bad (and not this will happen), but as from indecent fasting and prohibited by the Church. The foodstuffs one should abstain from during fasting are: meat, cheese, cow’s butter, milk, eggs, and sometimes fish, depending on the difference in the holy fasts.”

The Assumption Fast is not as strict as the Great Fast, but more strict than the Petrov and Nativity fasts.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Dormition Lent, the monastic charter of the Church prescribes eating dry food, that is, observing the strictest fast, without boiling food; on Tuesday and Thursday - “by boiling food, but without oil,” that is, without oil; On Saturdays and Sundays wine and oil are allowed.

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, according to the Church Charter, fish is allowed at the meal. From this day on, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, the diet necessarily included the fruits of the new harvest.

Spiritual fasting is closely connected with physical fasting, just as our soul unites with the body, penetrates it, revives it and forms one whole with it, just as the soul and body make up one living person. And therefore, while fasting physically, at the same time it is necessary for us to fast spiritually: “As we fast, brothers, physically, let us also fast spiritually, let us resolve every union of unrighteousness,” commands the Holy Church.

In physical fasting, the foreground is abstinence from rich, tasty and sweet food; in spiritual fasting - abstinence from passionate sinful movements that delight our sensual inclinations and vices. There - leaving fast food - more nutritious and eating lean food - less nutritious; here is the abandonment of favorite sins and transgressions and the exercise of the opposite virtues.

The essence of fasting is expressed in the following church song: “Fasting from food, my soul, and not being cleansed from passions, we are in vain consoled by non-eating: for if fasting does not bring you correction, then you will be hated by God as false, and will become like evil demons, never eat."

Both the Great and Assumption fasts are especially strict regarding entertainment - in imperial Russia, even civil laws prohibited public masquerades, spectacles, and performances during the Great and Assumption fasts.

The Assumption Fast is the second most important of the four multi-day fasts of the year. It is necessary to prepare spiritually for two weeks of asceticism. Prayers will help you with this.

The Assumption Fast is dedicated to the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so prayers at the beginning of Lent are always addressed specifically to the Virgin Mary. You need to start with prayer on the first day of fasting, August 14th.

1. Why prayers are so important during Lent

Some people misunderstand the spiritual importance and purpose of fasting. Each fast represents a time when one can cleanse oneself spiritually, so clergy recommend reading prayers and attending services, as well as helping loved ones and leading correct image life.

Many people think that it is enough to simply follow the rules of nutrition, but this is not so. Fasting is not a diet, but a comprehensive work on oneself. Undoubtedly, abstinence from animal food is important aspect Uspensky and any other post, but this is a secondary goal, not the main one.

Reading prayers is a dialogue with God. It was through prayers that the Holy Mother of God tried to find peace and humility, help and support Higher powers. In the same way, you and I need help sent from Heaven.

2. The best prayers for the beginning of the Dormition Fast

In 2018, fasting begins on August 14th. Until the 16th inclusive, special prayers are read, which should help tune in to a humble lifestyle. Here is one such prayer:

“Mother Intercessor, bless me, a sinner, give me strength to understand the importance of fasting. Strengthen my faith in our Lord, Your Son, crucified on the cross. Forgive me my sins and sins, voluntary and involuntary, just as I will try to forgive all my offenders. Give me the will of iron and spiritual strength to draw closer to You, Mother of God. Pray to God for my health and the health of my loved ones. Forgive me for my weakness and give me strength to strengthen my faith. Amen".

This prayer is read before bedtime. You can read “Our Father” with it. In addition to this prayer, there is another one that is addressed to Jesus Christ. It can also be read at the very beginning of the Dormition Fast:

“Jesus Christ, our God, help us and hear us, as you heard your Mother in prayers, and accept us into Your Kingdom, as you accepted the Mother Intercessor. Illuminate our lives with goodness, joy and strength. Help us live this Lent as it should be true Christian. Bless us at confession and the sacrament of communion. Forgive us our sins. Hear our prayers during the coming fast, help us cope with our weaknesses. Hear our requests and illuminate our lives with your love. Amen".

Prayers for the forgiveness of sins are the main ones for any fast. The Assumption Fast, according to clergy, exists precisely in order to atone for one’s sins, to begin new life. Two weeks may be enough to change for the better. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and