Honey, Apple and Nut Spas: traditions and customs of sweet holidays. Three Spas in August: Honey, Apple, Nut - history, traditions, signs


In August - apples and nuts are ripening! Bread is being harvested in the fields, and beekeepers are pumping out the first honey. It is believed that at this time, the gifts of nature have special healing properties.
It's time for THREE SAVES - it's a joyful time for Orthodox Christian. And so it has always been! Even our distant ancestors, in these days, tried to put aside work and turn to nature, to God, to themselves...

HONEY SPAS - August 14: It comes on the first day of the Dormition Fast. By this time, the hives are already full, and the beekeepers are ready to harvest the first harvest. People who are believers usually do this - with prayer, with special reverence. Then, the honey is taken to the church for consecration. This product is considered healing, so everyone tries it: from young to old. It can cure any ailment!
It is considered a good thing at Honey Spas to treat someone asking for honey with honey. No wonder there is a saying: “On the First Savior even a beggar will try honey...”. At home, the blessed honey should be placed in beautiful bowls and placed in the center of the table. You can bake honey gingerbreads, pies, buns. But, it is important to remember: fasting is underway, which means the dough should also be lean.
Another name for this holiday is “SPAS ON WATER”. It was given for a reason! According to legend, it was on this day that Prince Vladimir was baptized. To this day, a small blessing of water is performed on Honey Spas. All water is considered holy, giving strength, driving away fatigue and illness. It’s a good idea to take a swim on this day, especially if the reservoir has previously been consecrated.
It is believed that on the First Savior, women must atone for their sins. They will be forgiven and after that they can start a new life, clean from bad thoughts.
Traditions and signs of the Poppy Spas or Spas on Water - August 14:
The series of holidays of the last summer month began with Makovei, or "SAVIOR ON THE WATER". The day before, in each house the housewives collected a “poppy flower” - a bouquet of amulets of plants. Viburnum - gave girls beauty and tenderness, rue and marigolds - protected from diseases, ears of oats - promised a bountiful harvest, mint - favored peace and tranquility in the house. An obligatory part of the bouquet were poppy heads. The collected plants were tied with a red ribbon and on the day of the holiday - they were consecrated at the temple, and then they were protected better than ever for a whole year. A poppy bouquet was considered a powerful family amulet against misfortunes and illnesses. It was dried and placed on the window. There he showed off until the next Makovei.
Another name for the holiday is Honey Savior, since on this day - August 14 - beekeepers began collecting honey. It was believed that from this day on, bees no longer collected honey from flowers, and the honeycombs in the hives were already filled to the brim. The time has come to harvest the sweet harvest, consecrate it and indulge in your favorite delicacy to your heart's content. Our ancestors baked honey pies and gingerbread, and also brewed intoxicating mead, which they drank on holidays. In addition, mead served as medicine; it was used to treat colds and some other ailments. The First Savior was also called Mokry - on this day, according to our ancestors, the water acquired unique properties. On this day, it was imperative to swim in a river, lake or pond. It was believed that on the holiday, water washed away sins, illnesses and evil slander, and gave people health and strength for the whole year. It was at this time that good owners called the Magi to consecrate new wells and cleanse old ones. After Makovey, swimming was no longer accepted, since summer was nearing its end. And those who still decided to swim in a lake or river could get sick or even drown.
APPLE SPAS - August 19:

With the onset of the Apple Savior, August 19, Summer ends and Autumn begins. At least that's what was always thought. It's hard to argue with this! Indeed, many people notice that after this day it becomes much colder. The Second Savior for each of us, of course, is associated with apples. It is believed that until this day it is forbidden to eat them. This rule is especially revered by mothers who have lost their children. There is a legend according to which a deceased child will not receive a gift in the next world if his mother eats apples before the Apple Savior. But on the holiday itself, you can feast on the fruits as much as you like! You should definitely bless them in the morning and take a couple of things to the graves of your deceased relatives.
Along the way, don’t forget to treat everyone you know, visit your relatives, and don’t pass by a beggar. Only after this can you try the apple yourself. It would be nice to bake at home apple pie, make jam. All dishes must still be meatless.
"SAVIOR ON THE MOUNTAIN" - this is also the name of this holiday. Jesus Christ once climbed Mount Tabor with three of his disciples. He reached its top, climbed it and was instantly transformed. His clothes sparkled with white, his face shone. From here came another one holiday that is celebrated on this day is Transfiguration . He reminds us of the need for spiritual cleansing and improvement.
Traditions and signs on the Second Spas - August 19:
August 19 - the Second Savior came to the Slavic lands - Yablochny, also known as the Bolshoi. Interestingly, before this day, communities were prohibited from eating any fruits and vegetables except cucumbers. But, from the day of the Apple Savior, the time had come to feast on everything that the earth had produced. True, at first the harvest was brought to the wise men. The collected fruits were laid out in the temple, the wise men thanked mother earth for her fertility and performed a special ritual over fruits and vegetables. Community members donated part of the harvest to the poor, which is where the saying comes from: “On the Second Spas, even a beggar will eat an apple.” It was believed that the owners, who were not stingy in giving part of the fruits to the poor, next year They will certainly reap a bountiful harvest.
On the day of the Apple Savior, many dishes were prepared from apples: ducks, geese and chickens were baked with them, they were simmered in the oven with honey, and various pies were baked. From this day on, women began to experience real “apple suffering.” The housewife prepared juicy fruits for future use by everyone accessible ways- dried, dried, soaked, fermented...
People associated reliable signs with the Second Savior. For example, there was a belief that if on this day you take a bite of an apple from the first harvest and make a wish, your wish will definitely come true. The Slavs also believed in another funny sign: if a fly lands on a person’s hand twice on the day of the holiday, then extraordinary luck awaits him in life. Presumably, the flies on the day of the Second Savior could feel completely safe.

Natural signs concerned mainly the future cold months: for example, if it was hot on Yablochny Spas, they expected a winter with little snow, and if it rained, on the contrary, they were afraid that villages and fields would be covered to the very roofs. After the Second Savior, the nights became cold, Autumn was approaching... And the proverb warned: “The Second Savior has come - take mittens in reserve.” It’s not for nothing that this day was also called Autumn - after all, the warm, summer days were ending

Traditions and signs at the Ladino flight - from August 15 to 28: On August 15, the “Ladino flight” began - the days when the Slavs honored Mother Lada, the Most Pure Mother Earth. To the Most Pure One - the community had to finish harvesting and begin sowing winter crops. Because the earth was already preparing for the cold time and strong winter sleep. And before Mother Earth fell asleep, it was necessary to thank her for the gift of the harvest. The Magi these days performed rituals of thanksgiving to the Earth, amazing for modern man: they confessed their thoughts to her, repented for falsehood, if such was committed, bathed in the morning dew, sanctifying powerful force Mother Lada. It is not without reason that the female goddess Lada and Mother Earth were united in the minds of our ancestors: one of them symbolized female fertility, and the other symbolized the ever-regenerating forces of nature. And when the Earth generously bestowed people with its fruits, it was time to show it honor and respect.
On the day of the First Most Pure Day, they began to harvest viburnum. The Slavs revered her not only for her excellent delicious berries, which were used in liqueurs, jams, in the treatment of colds, but also for their ritual role in weddings and funeral rites. In families where young brides were coming of age, they actively stocked up on bunches of viburnum, since everyone knew: where bunches of viburnum were hung under the roof, you could safely come with matchmakers.
Collective trips of girls for viburnum were organized at the Ladino flight almost every day. This simple household activity turned into a real adventure for the cheerful youth. Arriving in the forest, the girls found the first viburnum bush and began to dance around it, sing and play. Only then did it come time to pick berries, the first of which should be eaten immediately, and while you chew them, think about your betrothed.
The young men, at this time, set up an ambush halfway from the village, and as soon as the berry pickers approached, they frightened them and tried to take away the full baskets. During the altercation, the youth painted each other's faces with berry juice, which served as a sign of mutual sympathy. Then, everyone returned to the village together and the girls gave the collected viburnum to their mothers, and they said: “Daughter, may you also be a red and healthy viburnum, immaculate and pure for the crown!” Several branches with berries were hung in the house, and the rest were placed under the roof as a sign that there was a bride in the house.
From these days, conspiracies, bridesmaids and betrothals began in the villages, so that in the Autumn they would play weddings, so that the living thread of Life in the Slavic tribes would not be interrupted.
NUT SPAS - August 29:
Christians celebrate the Feast of the Nut Savior on this day. Officially, it has several names at once. First of all, why Nut? The fact is that by this day the nuts in the forest are just ripening. You can go collect them and enjoy them. At the same time, the harvesting of bread ends. Hence the second name - Bread Savior. God himself commanded to bake bread on this day! It also needs to be consecrated in the Church and distributed to all who ask. Bread on a holiday should be treated with special feeling. Dropping even one crumb is already considered a sin. Do not forget on this day to thank the Lord for the food he gives us. In honor of the miraculous image of Jesus Christ, the holiday is also called "SPAS ON CANVAS" . kind woman- gave the Savior a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat while He walked to Golgotha. The Lord thanked her, dried himself, and when he returned the handkerchief, the woman gasped! The face of Jesus remained imprinted on it. Partly thanks to this legend, it is still believed that on this day it is good to trade canvases, especially if they depict a sacred face.
Traditions and signs for the Third Spas - August 29:
The next day, after the Most Pure Day, the last, Third Savior was celebrated. It also had several names: it was called Bread, Nut and Canvas. On Khlebny Spas, bread was baked from the flour of the new harvest. The dough for the loaves was kneaded by the older women in the family, simultaneously telling everyone in the household to be healthy. Bread was baked in a thoroughly heated oven; if it rose well, it was believed that diseases would avoid the house for a whole year. The finished loaves were taken to the wise men, and only after the glorifications, in which the entire community took part, did it become time for a family feast. The head of the family thanked the Gods for a bountiful harvest, and then a ritual of treating the first bread was carried out. The eldest man in the clan had to treat the youngest boy so that the clan would not be interrupted, and at the same time say: “The gods have given a rich harvest, may all the children of our family be in health and well-fed.” And after that, the whole family began to eat.
Bread and pies made from new flour, apples, honey, nuts, meat and fish dishes. It was believed that you need to taste at least a little of each dish, and then good luck, health and prosperity will not leave the house.
Another name for the Third Savior - “SPAS ON CANVAS”, or Canvas - was due to the fact that fairs were usually scheduled on this day, where linens and canvases were actively traded. And if a member of the Slavic community found himself in a marketplace, he was supposed to buy at least something, otherwise he risked spending the whole year in poverty.
Another THIRD SPAS was called Orekhov, because by this time the nuts were just ripe. It is interesting that the Slavs made bath brooms from hazel. And according to legend, such a broom instantly drove any ailment out of the body. But the nut brooms had to be stored separately from others so that they would not lose their miraculous power.

By folk superstition, a bountiful nut harvest promised that next year- Rye will also grow well in the fields. Another sign promised that if they flew to warm regions the last flocks of cranes and swallows, then frost will already hit Pokrov. If August turned out to be rich in thunderstorms, Autumn was expected to be long and warm. The last SPAS meant that there was very little left until Autumn, and cold winter days were also just around the corner...After three Spas, it’s time to say goodbye to Summer! The wonderful time is behind us...
But there is even better ahead, God willing!

From the Internet - diary

From time immemorial, August has been considered very important events. Let's figure out what the holidays are called, consider their features, as well as the foods that are prepared on these days.


All Orthodox Spas in August, in addition to folk ones, also have church names. Honey is the Celebration of the All-Merciful Savior, Apple is the Celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Walnut is the Celebration of Transference Image miraculously Lord Jesus Christ.

All three Spas in August have their own unique traditions. There are also dishes that are usually prepared for festive table.


The first Savior in August is honey. It is celebrated on August 14th. According to the belief of our ancestors, until this day bees collect the wrong honey. That's why this product could only be consumed after the Savior. Honey, illuminated in the church during the holiday, was considered especially beneficial. There were even pleasant traditions on this day. For example, it was customary to bake various sweets with honey, and also to give each other jars of honey. On the Day of the Savior, you need to bring honey to church, give it to those begging, children and old people. Few people know that poppy and water were also celebrated on this holiday. Why is that so? The thing is that the poppy finally ripens for this holiday. Therefore, this product was also blessed during the Honey Savior. And on the festive table that day there were all kinds of treats with poppy seeds. What kind of holiday dishes were not prepared from poppy seeds - buns, salads, sochivo. It is not for nothing that another name for this holiday is Poppy Vein. By the way, according to folk beliefs, on this day it was possible to make a talisman called “Makoveychik”.

On the fourteenth of August, the priests organize a small blessing of water. It was the tradition of consecrating water and reservoirs on this day that gave the third name to the holiday - Wet Savior. It was believed that even dew on August 14 can give spiritual and physical strength and wash away sins as well as fatigue. On this day it was customary to swim in various bodies of water. After this it was impossible to swim, as the water began to cool and bloom.

What can you cook delicious for Honey Spas in August? Let's look at one good recipe as an example.

Honey mat "Kalyapush"


  • margarine - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • cinnamon - 2 grams;
  • honey - 250 grams;
  • water - 100-150 grams.


  1. Mix honey, sugar and water and boil.
  2. Let the resulting mass cool.
  3. Make a funnel from the sifted flour and pour the cooled syrup, butter, cinnamon, soda into the middle and knead the dough.
  4. Roll out the dough into round cakes, pierce them with a knife and place in a not very hot oven for 30-40 minutes.

August: Apple Spas

Second Spas - Apple. It is celebrated on August 19. Before this holiday, it was impossible to eat apples or dishes made from them. There was even a belief that if parents ate an apple before the Savior, their children in heaven would be deprived of all kinds of delicacies. Whether this is true or not, people followed this tradition. Therefore, for any parent to eat an apple before the onset was considered a terrible sin. Because they thought about their children, they wanted everything to be fine for them, even in heaven.

What else happened on Spas in August? On this day, loved ones and relatives were given souvenir apples made of wood or metal, as well as various pictures with these fruits. In order to collect fruit on the holiday, one had to get up at dawn. Then the apples had to be taken to the church for consecration. It is also noteworthy that before trying at least one fruit on your own, you first had to treat someone - first of all, of course, children and beggars.

There was an abundance of apple dishes on the table that day. These were pies, compotes, and jams. By the way, on this day you could also see pears on the table; they were also blessed on the Savior.

Another unshakable tradition has become evening walks which is advisable to do at sunset. Their meaning is to say goodbye to summer and welcome autumn. It is believed that by watching the sun set, you thank nature for its gifts. Singing is encouraged during such a walk. However, if this tradition is not for you, then simply talking to the sun will also be appropriate.

Let's take an example of a recipe for baking, which is usually prepared on

Pie “Boyar hat”


  • sour apples - 4-5 pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • margarine (butter) - 200 grams;
  • flour - 2.5 cups.


  1. Grind margarine with flour.
  2. Grind 1/3 cup sugar with the yolks.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Make a ball from the dough and separate a small piece the size of a walnut from it.
  5. Pour crackers into a greased pan.
  6. Place the dough into it so that it forms a “hat”.
  7. Peel the apples, remove the core and grate them.
  8. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar.
  9. Three separate pieces of dough on a grater.
  10. Place the apples at the bottom of the “cap”.
  11. Then fill with cream.
  12. Add grated dough on top.
  13. We fold the edges of the pie and bake it in a hot oven.

Nut Spas

As you remember, there are three Saviors in August. We have already described two in detail and looked at what is being prepared for these celebrations. And what is the third Savior in August? Walnut. It is celebrated on August 29. The first harvest of nuts is usually blessed in the church. Although this Savior was considered the most important of all three, it was not customary to celebrate it. This is primarily due to the fact that during this period grain was harvested and the fields were prepared for winter sowing. In general, there was simply no time to celebrate. By the way, the second name of the nut Spas is Bread. It was on this day that the first loaf from the new flour could be baked. It was also customary to consecrate bread. On this day, our ancestors baked flour products for the poor and treated everyone with nuts.

If you want to please your loved ones with gifts on this day, you can present nuts, homemade baked goods, or a canvas towel. It is impossible not to mention that the third name of this Savior is Canvas. This is connected with the legend that once upon a time, a long time ago, an artist came to Christ from the Prince of Edessa and asked permission to capture Jesus, so that his image would help cure the prince. The artist could not convey the face of Jesus. Then Christ washed and dried himself with linen, and his features miraculously appeared on it. The fabric helped cure the prince. The canvas became a relic and was kept in Edessa and then in Constantinople. This event took place on August 29 according to the new style, therefore the Savior is celebrated throughout the world on this day by Orthodox Christians.

Let's take a look good dish, which is suitable for Nut Spas.

Caviar made from bread and garlic


  • olives - 10 pieces;
  • walnuts- 20 pieces;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • wheat bread - 200 grams;
  • salt.


  1. Grind salt and garlic.
  2. Add chopped walnuts to the resulting mass.
  3. Grind everything again.
  4. Soak the bread slices in water, then squeeze them out.
  5. Mix the bread with the nut-garlic mixture.
  6. Beat the resulting mass, adding vegetable oil.
  7. Add lemon juice to the resulting “porridge”.
  8. You need to decorate the dish with olives, after which it can be served.


Now you know what Spas is like in August. We hope that our article will help you properly prepare for them. And also you will be able to celebrate the holidays of the Savior in August according to all the rules.

IN last month In the summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, three Saviors - Honey, Apple and Bread. Find out how these holidays are celebrated and what traditions should be observed.

Honey Spas

The very first Spas of August is invariably celebrated on August 14 and coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Lent. From this day on, beekeepers began collecting honey from overcrowded hives. Then the delicacy was taken to the church to be blessed, only after that they tasted the honey and treated it to loved ones. This is where the first, most famous name of Spas - Honey - originates.

By August 14, the collection of poppies began, from which various treats were made for the festive table, so Spas received its second name - Poppy or Makovey. Poppy Spas folk tradition associated with the church day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees.

On this day they asked the Lord and the Saints for a good harvest and not a hungry winter. They blessed water in springs and collected herbs for amulets. Spas was celebrated modestly, because by the beginning of August it was still in full swing Work was going on related to the harvest and there was no time for a magnificent holiday. After a hard day of work, celebrations were held, accompanied by dancing and songs, while treats with honey and poppy seeds, as well as mead, were on the table.

Honey Spas - traditions

From this day begins the period called Spasovki or Spas. At this time, our ancestors celebrated three Saviors. After the advent of Christianity, many pagan rituals mixed up. Therefore, on this day it is customary to go to the river for consecration. Since this Savior falls on the Dormition Fast, gifts of nature are usually placed on the table - berries, fruits, vegetables. In addition, housewives always bake honey gingerbreads and gingerbreads, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, buns with poppy seeds, buns and all kinds of pies.

During the service, the gifts of nature and, of course, honey are always blessed. Only after this did our ancestors begin to eat it.

Since earlier on this day the Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees were also remembered, high crosses were erected in memory of them, which were decorated with poppies. A pumpkin mask with a lit candle was always attached to the top. All night long, young people on Honey Spas walk and have fun, and also dance around the cross.

As on many holidays, it was customary for our ancestors to treat all the poor. And even many believed that if you don’t do this, you can bring trouble to your home. Our ancestors also said that you should not be sad on this day, otherwise the whole year will pass like this. Therefore, we tried to spend this holiday as fun and joyful as possible.

Apple Spas

The harvest festival, which is celebrated annually on August 19, is timed to coincide with the big church date- Transfiguration of the Lord.

According to legend, from that day on nature turned towards autumn and turned away from summer. The earth was transformed and gave people a new harvest of fruits. Apples collected at the end of summer were taken to church to be blessed and then used to prepare Lenten treats.

Some of the blessed apples were taken to the cemetery and placed on the graves of deceased relatives and close people. Ears of grain were blessed, which were therefore well preserved until the next year.

The girls charmed apples to get married and be happy this year. While eating the fruit, they made a wish for the groom, saying: “What is wished for is far-fetched! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true will not pass!

Despite the fact that work in the fields was still ongoing, the Apple Savior was especially revered, so folk festivities were organized with songs and dances.

Traditions and customs of Apple Spas

According to tradition, the harvest of fruits, mainly apples and grapes, began from Apple Spas. From the very morning it was customary to bring fresh fruits to church to bless them. A variety of treats were traditionally prepared from blessed apples.

Some of the blessed fruit was left in the church. The other part went to treat the suffering, the poor and the needy. This was how it was customary to drive away need and call upon well-being. They treated themselves to the rest of the fruits and prepared festive dishes.

Another folk tradition was associated with parents who lost children. Mothers were forbidden to eat apples until the Day of the Savior. On August 19, a woman who had lost a child was supposed to go to the child’s grave and leave several blessed apples there. It was believed that if parents complied with the church prohibition, their children in the next world would be given gifts and treats from heavenly apples.

This tradition has transformed over time, and now many people simply go to the cemetery in Spas and place apples on the graves of relatives.

According to another belief, an apple eaten on this day was considered magical. They made wishes for him deepest desire which was bound to come true.

Young girls, eating holiday fruits, thought about the name of the person they care about in order to marry him this year. At the same time, they usually said in a whisper: “What is planned is far-fetched! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true will not pass!

Opex Spas in 2018

Opex Savior is celebrated on August 29, the day after the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. The Third Spas marks the final transition from summer to autumn: at this time the August field work was completed and winter crops were sown.

On August 29, bread was baked for the first time from the new grain harvest, which is why the holiday is also called “Bread Savior.” By this time, the forest trees had finally ripened, which were collected and blessed during the church service that day. Based on the weather, they wondered what the fall would be like, so many customs and traditions of Opex Spa were born.

By looking at the church calendar for 2018, you will not miss the dates of important celebrations. May luck accompany you in all your endeavors.

Traditions and customs

The most main tradition Nut Savior, like other major religious holidays - attending services in church and praying.

According to church tradition, on these days nuts (hazel, walnuts), bread and loaves made from first-harvest flour are blessed.

On this day, according to tradition, they finished harvesting the grain and baked the first loaf of flour from the new harvest. The bread was blessed in the church and then eaten by the whole family.

In the old days there were such proverbs: “The Third Savior saved bread”, “If the Third Savior is good, there will be kvass in winter.”

The ritual of keeping the remains of the first loaf, wrapped in a canvas rag behind the icon, has been preserved in some villages to this day. People believed that in this way they lured prosperity into the house and protected the family from hunger.

In many cities and villages on Khlebny or Nut Spas fairs were organized - it was believed that trade on this day would be especially favorable.

At the fairs one could find an abundance of various fabrics, which the villagers willingly came for, since there was an opinion among the people that on this day they needed to buy something from fabrics.

It was not customary to celebrate the Bread (Nut) Savior in any special way, since at that time the suffering was in full swing, and people had no time for entertainment. In the morning they attended church, blessed nuts, bread, grains and went to prepare the fields for winter sowing.

Also on this day, housewives prepare a medicinal nut tincture: walnuts are poured with vodka and infused in a dark place.

The celebration of Nut Spas was no longer on the same scale as Apple and Honey. Summer was ending and the cold was beginning, so people tried to quickly prepare food in their barns.

At lunchtime we went to church to bless bread and pies made from new grain. They prayed before the icon of the martyr Diomede.

By evening, the peasants cleaned the healing underground springs and cleaned the wells. In general, we were preparing for autumn and winter. And only then they sat down at the table. It was customary to serve a tincture based on walnuts, as well as bread and pies.

Well, we ended the day with a wash in the bathhouse. People made brooms from hazel, which protected them from diseases and the evil eye.

Housewives baked bread and pies with mushrooms, prepared various dishes with the addition of nuts and treated them to their family and friends. Since the Assumption Fast ended, dishes of meat and fish were put on the table. But the main dishes were:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • nuts;
  • apples with honey.

According to popular expression - “on the water”; the second - “on the mountain”; the third - “on the canvas”.

Feast of the First Savior

Established on the occasion of a double victory: the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky defeated the Bulgarians, and the Greek emperor Manuel defeated the Arabs in 1164.

The Russian prince and the Greek emperor had in their troops Holy Cross of the Lord. They're both working hard prayed to Him for help and both were rewarded with a wonderful vision with the troops: from those taken to war icons of the Savior and Mother of God light came out and overshadowed the troops. The warriors bravely rushed at the enemy and won. In memory of this event, a religious procession to the river, where during the blessing of water the peasants tried to bathe their horses.

The First Savior is also called Honey Spas . This day is beekeepers' holiday when beekeepers break the first honeycombs in the hives, "On the first Savior even a beggar will eat honey", people say. The peasants believed that from this day on the bees would stop producing honey. It is unknown where a strange concept about roses came into the Russian village, but the peasants believed that when the roses stop blooming, then a change occurs in the dew. Indeed, the dew that appears is good and harmless. As for roses, their transfer to Russian soil followed the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (12th century).

Feast of the Second Savior

Second Spas per day - Spas "on the mountain". Previously before second Savior fruit was not allowed. they were carried to church for consecration, after which all fruits were allowed to be eaten. Therefore among the people second Spas called "Apple Spas". After consecration, part of what was brought is given out as a parable, and the rest is taken to the house, where the fast is broken with consecrated apples.

V. Selivanov wrote in his book “The Year of the Russian Farmer”:

“On this day, after lunch, crowds of women and children besiege the landowners’ orchards, which are almost always surrendered to merchants, and buy from the latter everything that would even be thrown out as worthless, if only it were called an apple. They buy with pennies, with hemp and flax, for eggs; for example, for one egg they get two or three handfuls of apples, as many as the farmer’s broad hands can hold. On this day, whole carts of carrion and non-carrion, even good varieties of apples, are poured out to the surrounding parishes, where at the end of mass. everything is selling out."

Feast of the Third Savior

Third Savior,that is Savior, - - Savior “on the canvas”, designated in memory transferring the miraculous image of the Lord to Constantinople.

Exists tradition, What during the earthly life of Jesus Christ The Prince of Edessa fell seriously ill. Having learned about miracles of the Savior, the prince sent his artist to him with a letter, asking him to heal him from a serious illness. When the artist saw face of the Savior, he really wanted to depict His features on the canvas, but all his efforts were in vain - he could not catch his facial features God's. Noticing this, Jesus Christ He ordered water to be brought, washed himself, wiped His face with a handkerchief, and, to the surprise of those present, an image of Him immediately appeared on the handkerchief. This Jesus Christ, His miraculous image sent to the prince along with a letter in which he wrote: “Blessed are you for believing in Me without seeing Me. After My Ascension, My disciple will come to you and completely heal you from your illness.”

The prince, having received the image and worshiped Him, was almost completely cured of his illness. At first the image was kept in the city of Edessa, where the prince lived, but was later transferred to Constantinople. This transfer was completed (n.st.).

Find out what you must do these days!

In August, many peoples celebrate holidays associated with the end of the harvest. There are such holidays in Orthodox tradition. They were founded 950 years ago by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky of Vyshgorod and they were named Spas. Since then, every year Orthodox world notes - Honey, Apple and Nut Spas. There are many signs and traditions associated with this bright holiday. How to celebrate them correctly? What can and cannot be done these days?

The Days of the Savior are special, because they are named in honor of Jesus Christ, who, as is commonly believed in Orthodoxy, died on the cross for human sins and saved human souls from the flames of hell. The symbols of these bright holidays are fragrant honey, ripe apples, hazelnuts and fresh bread on the table. Find out the dates and signs of the three Spas in August 2018

First Spas: Honey or Poppy (Makovey)

It is celebrated on August 14 and is called a holiday Life-giving Cross The Lord's. This is due to the fact that many centuries ago in Constantinople, people began to die en masse in the August heat from an unknown disease. In order to save the people from the disease, it was decided to carry around the city a piece of the cross on which the Savior was crucified. This is how the name Spas appeared.

People call the holiday August 14 Honey Spas , since it is at this time that honey collection begins in apiaries. In the evening on Spas it was customary to try the first honey. On this day, housewives baked pancakes with honey, gingerbread, buns and pies and treated them to everyone who entered the house. A saying is connected with this: “On the First Savior, even a beggar will try honey.” Since the holiday coincided with the beginning of the Dormition Lent, the treats were Lenten.

August 14 is also the day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees. People rethought the name of the holiday and associated it with the poppy, which ripens by this time. Therefore, this spas is often called Macabee and they bring poppy heads to church to bless them, bake pastries and pancakes with poppy seeds and honey.

Second Spas: Apple

It is customary to celebrate the Second Spas on August 19, and this is where the farewell to summer begins. It was called apple because it was at this time that the picking of apples began and Orthodox Christians were forbidden to eat them before the Savior. You could taste the sweet, aromatic apples no earlier than August 19 and after they were blessed in the church.

Mothers who lost their children brought blessed apples to their graves. It was believed that if a mother did not taste apples before the Savior, her child would eat heavenly apples.

You could also see young unmarried girls near the apple trees. Leaning against the apple tree, they whispered and asked her for beauty, unfading youth and a good groom.

At this time, housewives began to cook apple jam, marshmallows, compotes and baked apples.

Third Spas: Nut or Bread

Nut Spas is celebrated on August 29. This holiday was founded in honor of the celebration of the transfer of the Image of the Lord Not Made by Hands to Constantinople.
At this time, nuts are ripe in the forest, which, after being collected, are usually illuminated in the temple. It was also customary to trade and buy fabrics for handicrafts on Spas. winter time. Therefore, people also call this holiday the Savior on Canvas.

On the tables in Nut Spas there was a lot of bread and other baked goods, because the grain harvest had just ended. Bad omen on this day it was considered to leave a half-eaten crust on the table or drop a piece of bread on the floor.