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Alas, I couldn’t find any recipes for proper preparation of heh on the Internet. Therefore, first in this article I talk about preparing the dish, and give. Naturally, as usual on Recipes from Domovest, everything is described in detail.

Mostly reprints circulate on sites, in best case scenario recipes heard somewhere. You can understand whether a heh recipe is real or not very simply by reading about vinegar in it. Usually, recipes contain either abstract vinegar, without specifying the type or percentage, or 70% acetic acid, which is practically not used in cooking without dilution.

So, if you see simply “vinegar” or “acetic acid” in the description of the preparation of heh, you can safely close the site. This is either just a recipe reprinted from somewhere, or the author did not bother to talk about the most important thing, marinating the fish. Well, now I’ll explain what and how it really is.

A little history and classification. What we call fish heh is an appetizer from a series of Korean salads invented by our Soviet-Russian Koreans. Hye (hwe) in Korea is almost the same as Japanese sashimi, raw fish served with individual seasonings.

Whereas our fish heh is a dish prepared like a full-fledged Korean salad. Derived from the Korean fishermen's tradition of seasoning raw fish with vinegar for flavor and disinfection.

At that time, vinegar was only natural; among Koreans, it was mainly rice vinegar, which rarely had a strength higher than 3%. In the Soviet Union, in the second half of the 20th century, when they received widespread Korean salads, on store shelves were almost exclusively 70% vinegar essence. Which the Soviet Koreans, diluting with water, used for their salads, like regular 3% vinegar.

They didn’t always talk about dilution when telling the recipe for fish heh. This is where it came from - “add 5-6 teaspoons (25-30 ml) acetic acid 70% per 1 kg of fish" (recipe published on one popular resource)." I’ll say right away that when converted to 3% vinegar, it seems like a completely normal ratio.

But! Let's see what happens.
1) Acetic acid, due to its small volume, is not distributed evenly, but is immediately absorbed into the few pieces it hits. Yes, with subsequent stirring and infusion it will disperse a little, but it will still be uneven. Some pieces will be too sour, others under-processed.
2) All the acid will be absorbed by the fish meat and it will become too sour.

Now we do it right.
We dilute these 25-30 ml of acetic acid with 750-1000 ml of water. We get approximately 3% vinegar. Which we pour into the fish. Mix. Leave for 30 minutes, no more. Drain the vinegar using a colander. You can even squeeze it a little. And we continue to prepare.

Previously, they used 70% vinegar essence forcibly; there was usually no other vinegar on the shelves. Now it is better to dilute 9% table vinegar in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4.

What is different about this method of marinating fish?
First of all, don’t be afraid, the fish, despite low percentage vinegar, it will also marinate normally, as evidenced by the whitening of its meat.
Secondly, the pieces of fish will marinate evenly, since it is soaked in a large volume of liquid.
Thirdly, the excess vinegar will be drained, and as much acid as needed will remain in the fish.

About marinating time.
IN different recipes indicated different times, from half an hour to a day. The right time- 30 minutes. Half an hour is enough to soak even 3% vinegar. More will begin next complex process- some of the proteins tan, and some dissolve. Which you can clearly see by the cloudiness of the liquid (vinegar can turn white earlier if there are small fractions of meat that dissolve faster). Well, those who marinate for 24 hours with vinegar essence are guaranteed to get fish that is not inferior in toughness to old beef.

And of course, Korean fishermen, the founders of this dish, did not marinate fish for days. Just before lunch, they soaked the cut-up fish in rice vinegar. And while we were settling down to eat, He was already ready.

Therefore, a couple of safety tips:
- Use sea fish. It’s better to eat wild fish (not raised in cages), such as pollock, cod, etc.
- Be sure to freeze the fish. Although this is not necessary, we usually sell well-frozen fish everywhere.

And with river fish, especially freshly caught ones, it is better to make some other dish.

About taste.
Fish prepared in this way resembles meat. In fact, many people confuse it with pork. That is, they think that this is a Korean pork salad.

Step 1: prepare the fish.

For this dish, you can use any boneless or optional bone fish with white or red meat. First, using a scraper, remove the scales from it, gut it from the entrails, cut off the head and thoroughly wash the carcass under cold running water to remove blood clots, as well as any other contaminants.

After this, we dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and cut the fillet from the backbone, which, in turn, we remove the fins and skin. Then cut the pink meat into cubes, strips or pieces of arbitrary shape, thick from 1 to 1.5 centimeters and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: marinate the fish.

Transfer the pieces of fish into a deep bowl, fill them with 9% table vinegar, mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon until smooth, tighten with plastic wrap cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5–2 hours, or better all night. This simple method of pickling will help get rid of helminths, which different quantities found in the tissues of lake, river, and sometimes even sea inhabitants.

Step 3: Prepare the remaining ingredients.

After the required time has passed, you can continue preparing other necessary ingredients. Using a clean kitchen knife, peel all the vegetables specified in the recipe, rinse them under cold running water, dry them with paper kitchen towels, place them on a new cutting board and chop them one by one. Carrots in strips or on a coarse grater, and onions rings, half rings or quarters. Simply chop the garlic finely or squeeze it through a special press. Then we send to kitchen table all other products and return to fish.

Step 4: bring the dish to full readiness.

We take the bowl out of the refrigerator, place its contents in a colander and leave it in the sink for a while so that the remaining marinade drains from the fish pieces. Then we transfer them, along with onions, garlic and carrots, into a plastic, but preferably enamel, clean bowl. Season everything with sugar soy sauce, a small amount salt, coriander, ginger and two types of pepper: black and red. After this, bring the vegetable oil to a boil over high heat and pour the hot fat over the vegetables and fish. Mix everything again until smooth, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator again. After 2–3, or better yet 6 hours, you can take the first sample.

Step 5: serve fresh fish heh.

Fresh fish heh is served chilled as an appetizer or main vegetarian dish. Along with this aromatic dish, you can serve any vegetable side dish; the ideal option is boiled, fried, steamed potatoes, mashed potatoes, marinades and pickles. Rice or pearl barley porridge. Very often, this fish is used as a cut for sandwiches, added to salads and prepared in small canapés. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Before serving, the fish can be seasoned with another portion of fresh vegetable oil and sprinkled with finely chopped fresh dill, parsley, cilantro, and green onions;

Very often, instead of table vinegar 9%, they use essence diluted with boiled purified water at the rate of 3% vinegar - 1 part acid to 22 parts water, 6% - 1 part acid to 11 parts water, 9% - 1 part acids to 7 parts water;

It is better to chop the carrots on a special julienne grater called “Mandolin”, from this appearance the dishes will be more attractive;

Very often, onions and carrots are fried on vegetable oil and only after that it is combined with marinated fish, as well as spices, and kept in the refrigerator for the prescribed time.

Step 1: Cut and slice the fish.

If you use whole fish, then first you need to clean it, since to prepare heh we need fillet. We cut off the head, tail, fins, skin, remove the entrails, and separate the pulp. We cut the resulting fillet into thin strips 1cm wide, and trim them so that each piece is about 2cm long. Fish should be cut into thin slices so that the pieces were almost transparent. This will allow it to marinate better and absorb the flavor of the spices.

Step 2: Marinate the fillet in vinegar essence.

The fillet should be dry, so blot it with a paper napkin, place it on a plate or other suitable container (preferably enamel or glass) and pour vinegar essence over it, mix and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary that the vinegar is well absorbed.

Step 3: Clean and cut vegetables.

While our fish is marinating, we need to peel the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots on a Korean shredder, so it will be better saturated with spices and the finished dish will acquire a bright feature of Korean cuisine. Everyone knows and loves Korean carrots, right?

Step 4: Lay out the vegetables and season the dish with spices.

Squeeze the marinated fish thoroughly to drain the resulting juice, and transfer it to a deep bowl. Place a layer of onions on top, then carrots and begin seasoning with spices. Heh is a Korean dish, which means it should be spicy and aromatic. Crush the garlic, salt, add coriander, black ground pepper, sugar. Don't stir yet.

Step 5: Add even more flavor before serving.

Pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it properly. You can check its readiness by dropping a drop of water, and if the oil starts to shoot, it means it’s time to add red pepper to it and quickly remove from heat. This is necessary to enhance the taste and smell of the pepper and make the oil aromatic. Pour hot oil over the spices and leave for a couple of minutes so that the spices impart their taste and aroma to the vegetables and fish. Mix our appetizer thoroughly and after 15 minutes you can enjoy the spicy and incredibly spicy taste of real Korean heh! Bon appetit!

Heh is best suited for cooking sea ​​fish, ideally fresh, or frozen immediately after being caught, and defrosted before cooking. But in any case, unlike other raw fish dishes, khe contains vinegar essence, which kills many unwanted microorganisms.

You should also choose fish based on the size and number of its bones. Small-boned fish are good - trout, carp, pink salmon, mullet, pike perch.

He should be served with unleavened rice cakes, or simply with rice, which, as in the cuisines of neighboring peoples, is the main food of Koreans.