How to stop a cat from climbing where it shouldn't? How to stop a cat from climbing on the kitchen table: life hacks for raising a cat. A joke to prevent a cat from climbing on the table.

The cat family is quite spontaneous and capricious creatures. Tables are their favorite habitats. In addition, various interesting things are always stored on the tables, with which you can play or enjoy those delicacies that the owner would never treat. Even though pets know that climbing on tables is not good, they cannot contain their curiosity when their owners are away.

In order to completely discourage your cat from climbing tables, you need to create a stable reflex in his head, and not just show him that you are unhappy with it. Otherwise, the cat will continue to play pranks, but only when you are not around.

Why cats climb on the table: 5 reasons

Before resorting to harsh measures to educate your beloved pet, you should analyze his behavior and try to understand why he so persistently wants to jump or lie on the table. According to felinologists, the most common reasons are:

  • banal curiosity;
  • the object is an obstacle to the window;
  • in active search for food;
  • love of hunting;
  • desire to find a comfortable place to sleep.


The cat climbs on the table out of curiosity, what should I do?

As we said earlier, cats of all breeds and ages are very inquisitive animals. It is extremely important for them to study the room in which they live, inside and out. Bookshelves, chests of drawers, furniture and cabinets - the cat will gradually but regularly explore everything he can get to.

Quite often, objects that lie on the table become the object of interest. A pet, as a rule, cannot resist rustling objects, sweets that lie in a beautiful container, flowers and pencils. A cat's attention may be attracted by a fringe on a tablecloth or a swinging pendant on curtains. What should I do?

  • You can wean an animal off something only by understanding it. Evaluate the table through his eyes. Remove from the surface all objects that may arouse your pet's interest. A flat, and most importantly, empty surface is unlikely to arouse the interest of a curious family member.
  • Spend more time with your pet and play with it regularly. Buy a toy for your cat at the pet store or do something yourself. Surely rubber balls and wind-up mice will become much more interesting than a table or curtains.

Looking for food

Even a well-fed pet cannot resist the tempting smells of food. There is a category of cats that are particularly gluttonous, and some are simply interested in eating something new. This habit is quite dangerous, since the animal can be poisoned or simply get an upset stomach.

What to do in this situation?

  • deprive the animal of the opportunity to drink and eat;
  • resort to physical measures of education;
  • deprive the animal of the opportunity to communicate with you;
  • shout loudly at your pet.

Remember that your pet does not consider his actions to be bad. He believes that climbing on the table is quite normal. Consistently, regularly and loyally, weaning your cat from this unpleasant habit, you will not only achieve what you want, but also maintain a trusting relationship with your furry friend.

Love your pet, don’t offend him, and he will repay you with his boundless love and devotion!

In the process of exploring an apartment, cats sometimes find themselves in places not intended for them, surprising the owners. Wherever they find four-legged pets - in refrigerators, in pots, in bread baskets, in multicookers. In a word, cats are ready to visit all household units in which they are placed. But one question rings in the heads of the owners in unison - how to stop a cat from climbing on tables?

Probably every owner of a furry pet has encountered unauthorized cat attacks on the table more than once. The reasons for this behavior can be very different. From curiosity to the desire to be closer to a heated, warm place.

As a rule, the cat gives a special “sacred” meaning to kitchen tables, remaining uninterested in other work surfaces. It also happens that along the way, felines inhabit trash cans and fruit baskets. So why did the world become a wedge for your pet in the kitchen? Let's figure it out.

First of all, it’s worth touching on the topic of a cat’s subtle sense of smell. Nature has endowed all felines with the finest sense of smell, which helps animals survive in the wild. Our domesticated pets are able to smell prey over long distances without even making eye contact with it. In apartment conditions, cats continue to be hunters, only they replace forests and deserts with cozy rooms.

Seductive scents

The kitchen is a real paradise for cat noses. During cooking, it is replete with dozens of different odors, to some of which a person remains insensitive. In cats, these aromatic ensembles awaken irrepressible curiosity. Sometimes it seems that the cat is able to foresee the impending cooking. After all, before a person has time to take up a knife, his four-legged friend appears at his feet and begins to closely monitor the process.

Important! It is not recommended to feed your pet food that is intended for its owners. If such feeding becomes a habit, the cat may develop health problems later. Read more about this and what the consequences will be on our portal.

Innate curiosity

It is not surprising that even in the time the owners are free from culinary experiments, the kitchen retains its value for the pet. This is a real interactive platform where you can satisfy your curiosity. Cats tend to go out on reconnaissance and are completely well-fed when their goals do not include searching for food. At such moments, our favorites are driven by pure research interest.

The need for a strategic vantage point

To uncover the second reason why cats are interested in tables and other elevated surfaces, we need to revisit their hunting roots. One of the main advantages of wild cats is the ability to easily move through trees. Thanks to this skill, their wild counterparts easily destroy bird nests and find food. But the most important reason why cats rush upward is of a strategic nature.

Representatives of felines strive to occupy the point from which the most complete overview of the territory “entrusted” to them opens. This point cannot always be a table: if a more advantageous pedestal is found in your house, then do not doubt that sooner or later your pet will certainly become interested in it.

Preparing supplies

Despite the fact that domestic cats are surrounded by care and attention, they do not give up their habits. Even if for several years food pours out of their feeders like from a cornucopia, they do not miss the opportunity to get their own food. And the reason for such “missions” is not at all the greed or excessive appetite of the cat. The animal feels the need to stockpile provisions. So, owners of sand cats sometimes find food hidden from the kitchen under pillows, under blankets, and so on.

This behavior will be especially characteristic of wild breeds and cats that were taken from the street. Their self-preservation instincts will be fully manifested - when they see food, they will certainly try to stock up on it for future use.

Watching the bustling life on the other side

If your table is adjacent to a window, which is often found in modern kitchens, get ready for frequent visits from your four-legged friend. Cats are attracted to such viewing platforms because through the window they have an excellent view of birds and barn cats. And since the window may be the only chance for a pet to take part in street life and interact with its inhabitants, he will not miss it.

By the way, a cat's long stay near the window can cause sudden outbursts of aggression. This behavior will be especially typical in the spring months, when the pet will see potential rivals in stray cats.

Search for the "bunker"

It also happens that a cat rushes onto the table in search of salvation. This reason is relevant for families with extremely curious and annoying little children who can’t wait to touch the cat’s whiskers and pull its fluffy tail.

The reason for the escape may also be other pets with whom the cat for some reason does not get along. Then the table begins to serve as a refuge from enemies and dangers lurking below.

Love for heated corners

If the stars align so that the table in your house is adjacent to a radiator or other heat sources, then you should not be surprised that the cat is literally drawn to this surface. The pet's frequent visits are explained by a simple desire to warm up.

A heated keyboard is a favorite resting place for kittens and adult cats.

Manifestations of this desire include the incredible attractiveness of laptops for felines. Thanks to the battery power, the turned on device becomes so warm and cozy for all the cats in the house that it acts like a magnet on them.

Lack of own territory

The last reason refers to a phenomenon that is quite rare, but still occurs. Sometimes owners find their pets fast asleep on tables. Moreover, such incidents are not isolated. Cats choose a table as a soft bed in cases where they do not have a secluded place in which they could spend time feeling safe. Or, for some reason, the cat’s existing bed does not suit the demanding pet.

Every family member needs a place to relax, including pets. Below we will give some tips on how to make your cat's corner more comfortable.

Let's summarize all the above reasons for cats being interested in tables:

  • researcher's curiosity;
  • gourmet scent;
  • the desire to control the situation from a bird's eye view;
  • stockpiling supplies for “harsh times”;
  • desire to participate in the life of society outside the window;
  • salvation from the tenacious hands of a baby or the sharp claws of another pet;
  • a pleasant pastime in warmth and comfort;
  • the need for “one’s own” safe place.

How to properly respond to this behavior?

There are owners who live with cats in perfect harmony, share cutlery with them and do not object to the cat’s ambitions regarding tables and other surfaces. Such permissiveness may have its consequences, but everyone has an individual approach to acceptable pet behavior. Perhaps this article will encourage such owners to look at the consequences of freedom given to the cat from a different perspective.

For that category of owners who have set themselves the goal of once and for all getting rid of the bossy habits of their four-legged friend, below is a list of outcomes that the unlimited circulation of cats on the tables can lead to:

  • Cats shed, leaving dead fur in any accessible places. Moreover, there are breeds in which shedding is not limited to specific months. Any visit by a pet to the table can end with wool in a sugar bowl, mugs, or salad bowls. Of course, the owner will not get poisoned from cat hair. But he will have to put up with “fluffy” food;

  • A cat's curiosity can play a cruel joke on a pet. Knives and other sharp objects are usually stored in the kitchen, which the cat runs the risk of running into. Representatives of felines are extremely careful and will not rush to the cutting edge themselves. But the occurrence of tram-hazardous situations is always possible. For example, a cat can get caught on a tablecloth and drop a heavy object on itself;

  • Human treats are absolutely not meant for cats' stomachs. If your pet gets used to eating leftovers from the table, then he may become cold towards his food. Constantly begging for goodies during feasts will take up a lot of time from the owners. But the main danger is that if the pet owner gives up and starts feeding him, then sooner or later the cat will begin to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

  • Permissiveness in one issue will entail permissiveness in all others. Do not forget that marking boundaries is an integral aspect of raising an animal. Whether we like it or not, we still have to tell the cat a firm and unequivocal “no” one day. Moderate harshness in handling a pet will help it maintain health and the owner’s nerves.

  • Preventive measures

    Everything ingenious is simple - if your cat makes periodic pilgrimages to the table for food, if possible, remove all treats from their reach. Leftover sausage or smoked fish can attract the attention of even a well-fed, happy pet. Strong odors will simply oblige your pet to go scouting.

    One of the possible reasons for a cat's love for kitchen surfaces is malnutrition. Sometimes the owner simply does not put enough food into the bowl; sometimes the composition of this food does not provide a sufficient amount of nutrients.

    If you “pamper” your pet with food from the supermarket, get ready for frequent bursts of appetite. Cheap food is an analogue of human fast food - they lull hunger only for a couple of hours, being useless dummies.

    The sooner the cat learns the word “no,” the better the life together will be.

    Remember that the tricks that will be described above can be avoided if you start raising a pet from an early age. The “no” command must be learned by every pet. The sooner the kitten gets used to the fact that the owner’s word is law, the easier it will be to interact with him in the future. Of course, cats cannot be trained like dogs. But they are able to pick up human intonations and assimilate the desired reaction from them.

    Briefly about parenting strategies

    Before moving on to the tips themselves, you should dwell on the owner’s attitude towards the behavior of his pet. Remember that trying to limit a cat’s needs while angry or irritated is a waste of time. Intimidating a cat, or worse, physically punishing it, will not be difficult. But the consequences of such measures will be depressing.

    If you choose the wrong parenting methods, you will get one of two things. Or a frightened cat with a lot of phobias, who will be afraid to go out to people and be in constant stress. Or an embittered cat who, to spite you, will continue to visit forbidden places just to assert his right. All these painful manifestations can be avoided if you choose a competent strategy.

    The most difficult, but also the most correct way out is to reach mutual understanding with the cat on the issue of boundaries.

    Many of the measures that will be listed below may seem cruel and bizarre to the owners. In a sense, this is true. All subsequent methods are based on causing a sharp negative reaction in the cat and experiencing stress. In other words, all tips for weaning a pet are based on negative reinforcement in the terminology of behaviorism. Therefore, the experience of frustration is inevitable for a cat.

    Table 1. Simple tricks for dealing with a cunning cat


    Cats are very sensitive to loud sounds, and therefore try to avoid unnecessary noise. If you place tin cans on the surface, the cat will certainly drop at least one of them. A further reaction will not be long in coming - the pet will leave the crime scene as quickly as possible

    It's no secret that unexpected contact with water causes deep hostility in a cat. As soon as the pet steps on the tray with one paw, in the next split second he will rush to change his place of stay. Do not forget to push all high-back chairs before using this method - the cat can easily hit a sharp corner while in a state of shock

    Most often it is recommended to use the most radical aroma - citrus. Rosemary and lavender oils are suitable. However, the effect will be equally strong from all oils, since their smell is too rich for a cat’s sophisticated sense of smell. You can also purchase a special repellent liquid at pet stores, but its effect is inferior to essential oils or the most common orange peels.

    The foil method is in many ways related to the tin can method. Loud sounds that instantly identify the cat cause it to immediately disappear from sight. The sounds are accompanied by unpleasant tactile sensations - scratching metal with claws is real torture for pets

    This method can be considered the most radical. Both double-sided and classic options are acceptable. Having stepped into this sticky material, the cat will wave its paws for a long time and frantically, dreaming of getting rid of the annoying scrap. Scotch tape will deal a painful blow to the cat’s love of cleanliness. Your pet will spend hours diligently licking dirty paw pads

    Pet stores sell special electric mats that can release small currents. As soon as the cat repeats its attempt to climb onto the table, the mat will work, and the pet will experience a weak but noticeable shock. The humanity of this method and its consequences are questionable

    At first glance, this method is the simplest: you see a cat on the table - you spray. However, this method has some nuances. The cat should not notice you, concentrating on the unpleasant drops. If a pet develops a strong association of the spray bottle with its owner, it will begin to fear and avoid you. You are required to instill in your cat a completely different association: “table - splashes”

    If you notice that your pet likes to climb to heights, but do not want to give up your desk for this hobby, nail some kind of shelf so that the cat can climb on it without causing inconvenience. If your cat lacks personal space and compensates for this deficiency by occupying the table, take care of a comfortable corner for your pet

    Video - Scotch tape against curious cats

    By the way! Aromatic oils also provide invaluable assistance when trying to stop a cat from chewing indoor plants and flowers. But the danger of using them lies in your pet’s possible allergy to strong odors.


    Now that you have become familiar with all sorts of ways to restrict a pet, you should say a few words about their use. Shocking your cat too often with tape, pans of water, and strong-smelling substances risks causing your pet to break down. Approach this process with moderation. If the cat is accustomed to visiting the table, then it will not be possible to abruptly tear it away from its favorite activity.

    In addition, the measures described above indicate that the owner missed an important point in raising a cat. All tricks are based on creating the illusion of an aggressive, hostile environment - splashes of a spray gun from nowhere, sticky tape, sharp sounds. All this makes the cat afraid of the environment and not listen to you. Therefore, if there is still such an opportunity, start by instilling in the cat a sense of boundaries.

    A) remove cat B) remove table

    IN) train the cat G) train owners

    Which answer seems to be the most appropriate in solving this problem? Surely many will choose answer B, but this test does not imply only one correct answer. All options provided are correct. And moreover, not four, but ten ways weaning a cat from table climbing: consider, prove, justify.

    We’ll talk about solving the problem a little later, because if there is a problem, then it somehow appeared first, and only then required a solution. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the cause of this very problem.

    Why do cats love tables so much? Probably because they are so pleasant to sleep on? Surely, to satisfy such needs, the cat will prefer something more natural, for example, a chair. But the table is still a free treat for your pet, because it’s so nice to eat something other than your own cup and not according to the usual routine.

    The second reason for the cat to visit the table is a good view from above. For example, if the table is located near the window, the pet will want to admire the beauty of heights, because cats love heights.

    The third reason is due to the fact that the cat simply loves to sleep on the table. Without any explanation, she liked this place and that’s it.

    A cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Let's start fixing the problem itself.

    Remove cat

    If you do not have time to deal with the reasons and solve this problem, then simply prevent it by removing the animal from the table location during your absence. Simply close the door to the kitchen, leaving the cat outside. Having an obstacle in the form of a massive door, the pet will not be able to climb onto the table in any way. Do this action every time you leave the kitchen. If you often walk back and forth, and there is no way to track whether the cat has come out or not, then simply do not let the animal into the kitchen at all. At first, he may begin to resist, but over time he will get used to the idea that he is not allowed there and will abandon all attempts to penetrate.

    Delete table

    The expression “Delete a table” means removing what is a table in the cat’s understanding. If for him the table is a snack bar, then when leaving the kitchen, remove everything edible from the table. If for your pet the table is the object of view from the windows, then move it away from the window and provide the cat with a replacement, it can be a shelf, as tall as the table or higher.

    Water procedures

    Cats don't really like unexpected douches. Place a tray on the table (this could be an oven tray), and the cat will jump into the bath. She is unlikely to want to repeat this procedure.

    Loud sounds

    Cats avoid loud and especially harsh sounds. If a balloon bursts several times in front of an animal, then when it sees another one, the pet will have an unpleasant association, and the cat will begin to avoid such objects. Having accustomed your cat to an unpleasant attitude towards balloons, place several directly on the table, so that the pet can see them from the floor. Seeing this unpleasant object from below, the animal will not want to meet it and will postpone going to the table. If the pet watches the balls on the table for a long time, then the desire to visit this surface will completely disappear.

    It's not just balls that can make loud noises. You can also use various objects, jumping on which the cat will drop them on the floor. For example, pot lids. If you place them along the edge of the table, the cat will jump and fall, followed by a lid from above. Cats are usually not attracted to such a fall, and they will not want to repeat it.

    Strong smell

    Anything that is inedible for a cat and emits a scent, literally or figuratively, repels the animal. If you rub a few drops of essential oil on the table, the cat, having jumped there, will climb back down without thinking twice. Absolutely any broadcast will do. In the absence of aromatic oils, you can use regular table vinegar, orange peels or something like that. There are many.

    Sticky surface

    This option will be more problematic for the owners, but as an option itself it is no exception. Place double-sided tape on the surface of the table. Cats don't like sticky soil under their paws and won't stay in this kind of interior.

    Electric mat

    You won't find anything in pet stores. There is even a special electric mat. It is not intended to execute the offending animal, but to scare it away. By jumping onto the table, the cat will receive a weak electric shock, which will not cause him harm, but the unpleasant sensations will definitely remain.

    Replacing the table

    If you have the opportunity and desire to change the interior, then you can simply replace the table your pet is accustomed to with a new one. The cat will be curious, but he will not immediately understand that this is a table. And if you don’t leave food on it, your pet won’t really like the new piece of furniture.

    The totality of all methods

    If you have tried several options and have not achieved results, then combine several methods at the same time. Just imagine the reaction of a cat if, after jumping onto the table, he feels that his paws are stuck, an unpleasant pungent odor emanates from the surface, when he moves to the side he receives an electric shock, and, trying to jump off the table, he touches the lid and it falls along with it, creating a loud sound. If you were the cat, would you return to this table?

    Give a cat

    If even the most extreme measures have not stopped your pet from climbing on the table, then your case is special and your pet is unique. Give a unique gift to your friend by giving him a cat, and the problem will be solved by itself.

    But seriously, all animal actions are based on reflexes. There are innate reflexes, and there are acquired ones. If you help the animal acquire the correct reflex actions, then this pet will not cause problems. Think about the psychology of the animal when working with it, and not about your unsatisfied feelings, and you will succeed in difficult education.

    Cats are stubborn and sometimes restless creatures. They love new, unexplored surfaces. How to stop a cat from climbing on a table is a question that owners of such pets often face. Consider these basic guidelines for teaching good manners to your pet.

    The cat does not always steal food from the tables. Of course, this is a fairly common reason for a pet to appear on such a surface, but it is far from the only one.

    Among the main factors that encourage a cat to visit this place are the following:

    • showing curiosity. It is quite possible that before leaving home you put some interesting thing on the table for your pet. Cats are creatures who are interested in everything. If they have already explored the entire apartment, every corner of it, be prepared for the fact that they will also begin to climb onto the table, especially if you leave something there;
    • theft of products. Most often, cats climb onto the kitchen table for leftover food. You shouldn't put all sorts of goodies here after your meal is over. A domestic predator will quickly understand what's what. In addition, for this animal a piece of stolen food is a kind of prey;
    • daytime nap. Interestingly, the cat loves to nap in a place where there is a smell of food. These scents calm her down. That is why a pet can choose a kitchen countertop as a place to sleep;
    • adoration of high surfaces. The cat likes to climb higher to observe the situation in the house. Such a pet can often be seen on the windowsill, because it offers a wonderful view of the street. It’s hard to find a more interesting activity for a furry pet than watching what’s happening from above. This is why the cat may often climb on the table. By the way, in most cases, he develops such a habit when you have several pets living in your house at once;
    • looking for a warm place. If your home is cool in winter, be prepared for the cat to find a way out. The higher it is located above the floor level, the warmer it is.

    When the reason for this behavior in your cat is clear to you, it’s time to start fighting the bad habit.

    Video “How to stop a cat from climbing on the table, tearing up wallpaper and eating flowers”

    From this video you will learn how to effectively stop a cat from climbing on the table, tearing up wallpaper and eating flowers.

    Ways to teach your pet a lesson

    If a cat climbs on the kitchen table, you need to stop such liberties. There is no point in throwing a kitten off the surface or hitting it. You won’t achieve full results, but you can ruin your relationship with your cat. Let's look at the main ways to raise your pet.

    Scaring sounds

    In order to wean your cat from climbing on work surfaces in the kitchen, leave tin trays or bowls in the center of the countertop. The next time the animal jumps there, the dishes will fly down with a crash. Such a sound will certainly frighten your pet, and if not the first time, then after several such situations he will forget about this surface.

    Since your furry pet doesn’t like loud, unpleasant sounds too much, you can take advantage of this in the process of instilling good manners in him. Cover the tabletop with foil or plastic bags. When the cat starts rustling on the table with its paws, it will simply be afraid of the effect.

    Strong odors

    If the cat continues to climb onto the table, it’s time to use pungent scents, because they can also scare the animal. A good way out of the situation would be to treat the countertop with a vinegar solution. Of course, the smell will persist for some time, but the cat will stop dozing on this surface.

    Alternatively, place a few wedges of fresh lemon on the table or sprinkle some lemon juice on your napkins. The cat also does not like the aroma of citrus fruits, and this is worth remembering if you want to wean her from climbing on the table.

    Irritating surface

    When a kitten jumps on the table, it is important to promptly fix in his mind the not-so-pleasant associations with such a process. To do this, place a baking tray with cold water in the center of the surface and wait until your cat decides to try his luck again. After a swim, the pet will be seriously scared, so it is unlikely to try to climb onto the table again.

    Watch the cat during the process. If she suddenly decides to be cautious and bypass the baking sheet, place her paws in the water. In this case, a reflex will be fixed in her consciousness: the table is an unpleasant place for her. True, it is quite possible that you will have to repeat this procedure.

    Double-sided tape should also be considered an irritating surface. You can use it to cover your kitchen work surface. A cat, having once walked across such a table, will no longer want to repeat its experience. However, keep in mind that peeling off the tape is not so easy.

    Radical methods

    You can wean your cat from walking on the table using more radical methods. Buy a special electric mat, spread it on the countertop and connect it to the network. The cat will receive a light shock as soon as he jumps in there again. Such measures will once and for all help your pet forget about his favorite prank. There is no need to worry about the cat’s health - a little current will not harm it in any way, but you will certainly achieve the desired effect.

    What techniques should not be used?

    If your cat jumps on the table, steals food from there, or likes to lie on such a surface, you need to fight this habit carefully, showing, first of all, cunning rather than persistence. That is why you should not throw your pet off the table. It is also not recommended to use force against him. Isolation is another prohibited method. There is no need to lock the cat on the balcony or in the bathroom. This approach will not solve anything, but you will pretty much scare your pet.

    Today we will tell you how to stop a cat from climbing tables. This problem can arise for any animal owner. We hope that our advice will help you.

    Cat on the table

    With the appearance of animals in the house, the life of family members and their pets will change dramatically. A playful kitten or cat will delight and amuse you. And sometimes no one will initially pay attention to your pet’s pranks. Before bringing a cat into your home, it is advisable to study the initial basics of the content. Your pet should have its own place and dishes. Over time, it will be difficult to wean a spoiled animal from bad habits.

    Climbing on a table is one of the most common. Hygiene rules must be observed first. If there are children in the house, this habit must be broken immediately. Otherwise diseases will become your friends. There is not a single convincing argument in favor of having an animal on the table.

    Small cats are very inquisitive by nature. They make sure to explore every corner of the home. This habit will not disappear with age, since cats are very active. They are interested in all the hard-to-reach places in a house or apartment. Some people get used to this, in their opinion, harmless whim, and then the cats continue to roam all corners of the home. In fact, you can try to fix the problem. First you need to create inconvenience for the cat, that is, create so-called barriers. All available means will be used.

    Outsmart your pet

    How to stop a cat from climbing on tables and stealing food? First you need to understand why he does this so diligently and every day, what attracts him there. Perhaps he just wants to play, frolic, or find something to prank on. Spend more time with your pet, play active games with it. A ball and toy mice will please your mustachioed pet. He will understand that it is also interesting below. The cat's instinct takes its toll. He likes everything unknown. Cats love heights. That's why they like to climb and jump.

    The kitchen table, at which you have to eat, is not an object for games and entertainment. You need to try to wean your pet from this habit. First of all, it is necessary to remove all food from the table after each meal. Having made sure that there are no food or research items, the cat will find this object uninteresting. This way, two problems will be solved: the cat will stop climbing on the table and stealing food from it.

    For your pet, the food on the table is its prey. Outsmart him. Leave the food on the windowsill, behind the curtain. He will search and get his own food. Don't forget about water.

    Scaring maneuver

    How to stop a cat from climbing on tables and eating food? There is an effective method. You must scare the pet away. It is enough to leave tins of drinks or other loud objects on the table. The cat will be scared away by their noise when he tries to jump on the table. The second time he will think about whether to climb there or not.

    If instinct works and the desire to climb up and rest on the table persists, you should try a more effective method. Place a regular kitchen tray there. Then add some water to it. As soon as the cat again has the urge to jump on the table, it will plunge into the water; the unpleasant sensations should stop such attempts. In fact, there are many effective ways to stop a cat from climbing tables in the kitchen. There are other methods to teach your pet good manners.

    Alternative observation site

    Some animals manage to sleep on the kitchen table. Apparently they really like it. Undoubtedly, this cannot be done. A place of your own, soft and comfortable, is a must. Cats love their own bed. After all, this is their individual place.

    Have you removed the food from the table, prepared a place to rest, but your pet continues to climb on the table and look down on everything that is happening? Nothing surprising. He is watching. He loves heights. Perhaps he is hiding there from a dog or mischievous children who want to play with their favorite tabby cat. It follows from this that it is necessary to build an observation place for him. A shelf attached to the wall should replace the kitchen table. You can build it yourself or purchase it at a pet store. For a tall tree along the wall, your pet will only thank you. All climbing options are suitable here. Love and care for your pet will create all the necessary conditions for its comfort and convenience.

    Comfortable place to relax

    How to stop a cat from climbing on tables when it’s so warm and cozy there? Create warmth and comfort, but in a different place. If the kitchen has a kitchen corner, move the chair closer to the radiator or radiator. In winter, your pets find warm places for themselves in the form of office equipment forgotten on the table. Remember to turn off electrical appliances when leaving the house. Many people have a kitchen table near a window. This is one of the reasons why your pet is on it. Move the table to another place or focus on another window.

    Deterrents and sounds

    How to stop a cat from climbing on tables? All animals are different, some are obedient, others are cunning and capricious, and you can assume that some will not fall for your tricks. Any ban for them is a kind of challenge. Of course, you need to use all options. The usual words that you can’t do this will also work. After all, no one has yet canceled the conditioned reflex. You can use a few drops of essential oil or vinegar and pour the liquid onto the table. This should also help wean your pet from climbing. Perseverance and work will yield results.

    You need to devote at least two weeks to the issue that worries you so much. You can also use loud sounds, children's toys, loud rattles, and various squeaks to prevent the cat from jumping on a forbidden object. The sound should be unexpected and very loud at the moment of the jump. The animal will become frightened and may no longer try to jump onto the table.

    Scotch tape and spray bottle

    How to stop a cat from climbing on tables using tape? Now we will tell you in detail. Try sealing the kitchen table with double-sided tape. Leftover wool on the table and cleaning up tape are unpleasant consequences of this method. But believe me, the result is worth it. Contact with the tape will cause the cat to dislike the table. He will be put off by the desire to lick sticky paws for a long time.

    Any means are suitable for the desired result. It's no secret that cats don't like water.

    If the cat wants to jump on the kitchen table again, you need to quickly spray it with a regular spray bottle. This simple repellent maneuver should work. An important point is the fact that the pet should not be afraid of its owner, who is making various attempts to eradicate the bad habit, but the very method of combating it.


    How to stop a cat from climbing on tables using electric shock? This method is effective, but not suitable for everyone. Sometimes the cat's character is stronger than the owner's character. And who is re-educating whom, we still need to think about it. Still, it’s worth a try, especially since these products are available for sale. At the pet store you can buy electric bedding and electric toys for animals. When contacted with such things, the cat should be afraid.

    There is no need to worry, since the current is weak and will not harm your pet. And the principle of operation should help. In addition, very unpleasant sensations will remain in the animal’s memory for a long time.

    A little conclusion

    Now you know how to stop a cat from climbing tables. The expert’s advice and recommendations given in the article will help you. We hope that you will soon solve your problem with your cunning tailed pet. Remember, cats are very individual. They don't like screaming or hysterics. There is no need to cause aggression or fear in the animal. Feeling angry will not lead to anything good. Under no circumstances should you hit an animal. An offended cat may begin to take revenge. Only attentive attitude and daily communication with your pet will be fruitful in any case.