Little-known predictions for the future of Russia have been published. Does fate exist

People are accustomed to listening to the predictions of astrologers, psychics, and fortune-tellers on television, but they forget that at all times, for their ascetic life and purity of thoughts and hearts, the distant future was revealed to Orthodox elders from God. Psychics can make mistakes, but what is given to a believing elder to know is true.

Father warned people, talked about what would happen in Russia on the eve of the last times:

  1. Muscovites will shop using cards, and later there will be a time of famine.
  2. Moscow will feel a high-magnitude earthquake. If earlier the city stood on 6 hills, then after natural disaster they will become equal and 1 hill will appear.
  3. Those living in the village do not need to move. It will be safer and better to live there than in the city.
  4. No need to travel to Diveevo Monastery, there are no relics of Elder Seraphim of Sarov in it.
  5. There will also be persecution of Orthodox believers.
  6. In the Russian Federation in the future, representatives of the Communist Party will be in power.
  7. If someone hears that one of the priests was expelled from the temple, one must go under his wing during the persecution.
  8. The USA and Japan will be flooded with water.
  9. Australia will similarly go under water.
  10. The ocean will cover the US territory up to Alaska. The latter will again become Russian territory.
  11. At that time, there will be such military operations in the Russian Federation when the Germans will attack from the western side, and the Chinese from the eastern side.
  12. The Indian Ocean will flood half of China on the southern side. The Chinese will be able to fight their way to Chelyabinsk. The Russians will enter into a coalition with the Mongols and will drive the Chinese home.
  13. When will the war happen? When the Chinese go to Russia. They will succeed in conquering the city of Chelyabinsk, but God will transform them, converting them to Orthodoxy.
  14. The Russian Federation is destined to fight with Germany. Military operations will begin through the territory of Serbia.
  15. There will be fire everywhere! There is great sorrow among people, but the Russian Federation will not be consumed by fire, the country will survive.
  16. The territory of Belarus will be severely damaged. After these events, she will want to unite with the Russian Federation. Ukraine at that time will refuse to enter into an alliance and its people will cry and mourn a lot.
  17. The Turks will start a war with the Greeks. The Russian Federation will help the latter.
  18. Military operations in Afghanistan will be endless.

"Important! The time will come when military conflicts will break out everywhere. Then, the warring powers will decide that they need to elect a single ruler. You cannot take part in such an undertaking; that president will be the Antichrist.”

What did St. Seraphim of Sarov predict?

Predictions of Elder Seraphim for the Russian Federation in last times:

  1. The spirit-bearing elder told people that in the last times there would again be a tsar in Russia. He will glorify God, but soon there will be great strife in the country and a lot of blood will be shed. There will be people who will oppose the monarch, but God will show that the king pleases him and will extol the ruler.
  2. God will show mercy to the Russian Federation and magnify it through suffering. Before the reign of the Antichrist, it will be God’s will that the Slavic peoples become united and they merge into a sea of ​​people.
  3. Elder Seraphim warned that a time of division would come on Russian soil, some would take the side of the rebels, others would defend the sovereign. The latter will win, protecting the tsar, the church and Russian lands will remain intact.
  4. The rebels will be tried and not sent to Siberia, as they were punished before, but executed. A lot of blood will be shed, but it will be considered cleansing. The Tsar's power over the Russian lands will be established.
  5. God loves the Slavs for their loyalty and preservation of the Orthodox faith. In the last times, the faithful will recognize the machinations of the Antichrist and will not accept him as the messiah. At that time, the Russian-Slavic kingdom on earth will be the largest and strongest.
  6. The Russian Federation with troops from other countries will take Jerusalem and Constantinople. In addition, the Russian military, together with the troops of other countries, will capture Vienna. Approximately 7 million more local residents will live in the House of Habsburg and they will form the Austrian Empire.
  7. The French love the Mother of God and for this France will remain. It will be home to 17 million people, and among them will be Russians and their descendants. Reims will be the capital, and Paris will be wiped off the face of the earth by troops.
  8. The House of Napoleon will receive Savoy, with Corsica and Sardinia. The world war will last 10 long years.

Prophecies of the elders about the fate of Russia

Many spirit-bearing elders had the gift of clairvoyance from God and told the chosen ones about what would happen in the Russian Federation at the end of times. Grateful people wrote down these predictions and now everyone can read them. Whether to consider them true is everyone’s choice, and below you can read the warnings of the spirit-bearing Russian and other Orthodox elders.

Predictions of St. Anatoly of Optina

Many who hear widespread heresies will be deceived. The Antichrist will be deceitful, so that if he can influence, the elect will also be deceived. The enemy of the human race will not directly deny the truth of the dogmas of the Holy Trinity, the divine nature of Jesus, and the honor of the Mother of God.

The unclean one will distort the traditions of the holy fathers, the statutes that were revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. These tricks will be noticed only by the most experienced in spiritual inner life.

Prophecy from St. Theodosius (Kashin)

Father believed that the Great Patriotic War was not yet the terrible war that was destined to happen. In the next one, enemies will attack the Russian Federation from the east, and then, like locusts, from everywhere.

Schema-Archimandrid Stefan of Athos predicts

The USA will soon completely perish and the fall of the country will be terrible for the people. People will seek salvation in the Russian Federation or Serbia. Events will happen in the future.

Prophecies of Elder Matthew of Vresthenes

The elder predicted such a future for the Russian Federation:

  • A war is coming in which the entire new world order will rise up against Russia. All of humanity will suffer, billions may die. The occasion will be the events unfolding in Serbia.
  • When Russia is resurrected, World War III is coming. The outbreak of hostilities will take place in Yugoslavia.

"Important! Victory will be for the Russian Federation and the winning country will contribute to lasting peace and prosperity throughout the planet. Russia will not conquer most of the lands of former enemies.”

The future is predicted by the elder of Optina Hermitage Vissarion

There will be a coup or an unplanned change of power in the Russian Federation. In the same year there will be an attack by the Chinese. The troops will be able to reach the Urals. Russians will unite with each other as Orthodox Christians...

Prophecies of Elder Nicholas (Guryanov)

The parishioners asked the spiritual elder Nikolai what the president would be like after Yeltsin? He replied that he was in the military, but not for long, and he himself was short.

Prediction of Blessed Jerome

You should not perceive the Antichrist as Satan or a demon - he is a man. The devil will dwell in his body. This is a warning both for Russians and for all earthlings who will live in the last times.

From the predictions of the elders for the last times, it is clear that the Antichrist will be cunning, but faithful believers will recognize his machinations. The Slavs will unite into one people and Russia will not bend the knee to the false messiah.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Most people are sure that fate exists and that it is impossible to deceive it. But the real question is how one understands it as a whole. Can a person control his own destiny? Some answer this question in the affirmative, arguing that a person does not depend on fate, that fate depends on the decisions and choices of the person himself. Not everyone will agree with this, and for good reason.

Fate is a kind of line that every person chooses for himself. If this were not so, and fate were predetermined, then all a person’s aspirations to achieve his goals would be useless. Many, however, try to justify their own failures and mistakes by saying that this is fate. But this is not true, because fate develops throughout life. No one can guess about their fate, and certainly no one can know this for sure.

There are many facts that prove everything said above. Many tried to change their own destiny and achieve something in life, and those who really strived for this succeeded. So, for example, the writer J. Rolling, the author of the Harry Potter character, is well known to many. But few people know how difficult it was for the woman. She was a simple teacher French, and her first literary experiments were unsuccessful. Moreover, many times she was refused the publication of the same Harry Potter, but Joan did not give up, revised and finalized her book. It's hard to say that this was fate. After all, if the woman had not chosen such a difficult path, her book would hardly ever have seen the world. Joan herself decided to become a writer and persistently pursued this goal.

You can take an example from life. So, a person decided to buy a lottery ticket for fun or for the sake of interest, without at all expecting to win. But he won a significant amount of money. This is not fate, it is a choice, albeit a very minor one.

There are a great many similar examples. But they all make it clear that blaming fate for everything is wrong.

If you imagine fate in the form of a tree, it turns out that when you make a decision, a branch of the tree branches and goes further. If a person had made a different decision, then the tree would have looked different. IN in this case– the tree is human life, destiny.

Perhaps it is possible to say definitely about what a person’s fate is only after his death. Only then can you consider and analyze all his actions, good and bad. And based on this analysis, draw conclusions about the person’s personality and his fate.

Some paranormal researchers, however, take a completely opposite point of view. So, in particular, according to Lazarus Model, the lives of all people develop completely differently, some have a holiday every day, others suffer from birth to last minutes life, some are hardworking and talented, others are poor and unknown. And all because every person has his own destiny, which is given to him from birth. As proof of its correctness, the Model talks about prophecies and predictions. The future exists in space and time long before it occurs.

History knows many cases when people saw their future in a dream. For example, the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, dreamed of a funeral in the White House several nights before his own death. To the question “Who is being buried?” they answered him “President”. And indeed, Lincoln was soon assassinated. The dream turned out to be prophetic.

According to historians Plutarch and Arrian, shortly before the death of Alexander the Great, the predictor Pythagoras (who was the namesake of the famous mathematician) predicted his imminent death. When the Macedonian arrived in Babylon, soothsayers came out to meet him and persuaded the emperor not to enter the city.

According to historians of antiquity, in particular Tacitus and Suetonius, most Roman emperors were well aware of all the details of their death, but no matter how hard some of them tried to deceive fate, no one succeeded.

The famous modern writer Daria Dontsova also received a prediction from an Arab soothsayer. While still an unknown translator, the woman got into a car accident. After this, the clairvoyant predicted that Daria would soon earn big money by moving her hand from right to left. Dontsova did not immediately understand what this meant, and only when she began writing books did she realize that it is from right to left that Arab countries write.

The most common methods of predicting the future are fortune telling using coffee grounds and cards, clairvoyance, and astrology. Very popular ancient art fortune telling by hand - palmistry. This occult science was well known back in Ancient Egypt. Many famous thinkers, including Pythagoras, were interested in it. The first treatise on fortune telling that has reached our time was written by Aristotle back in 350 BC.

There are, according to some experts, many other examples that confirm that each person has his own destiny. These, in particular, include cases of miraculous salvation.

As the Lazarus Model notes, there is a whole series the so-called occult sciences, which came to us from ancient times, and which deal specifically with predicting fate. But, the researcher notes, this is far from safe. If a person, for example, was predicted that he would live to be 75 years old, then getting into a shipwreck at the age of fifty is not at all scary, because the person believes that he will remain alive. But, at the same time, having learned his fate, each person, as it were, signs his own death warrant with a delay. A person loses the feeling of immortality, and the hands of his death hour begin to count down.

But the soothsayers are not always right, are they? Even Vanga made mistakes sometimes. Meanwhile, the prediction falls on the subconscious man dead burden, projecting the wrong program for life and setting up for death. In ancient times, it was not for nothing that the anecdote about the astrologer of Louis XI was well known. The king decided to execute him for bad prophecies, but before the execution he decided to ask if he knew that day own death. The astrologer turned out to be a very good psychologist and answered that he would die three days before the death of the king himself. Louis never decided to execute him...

At the same time, Lazar Model is confident that fate can be changed. And yogis are generally confident that the destiny given at birth can be exchanged for another. But even if this fails, within the framework of one destiny there is a certain freedom of choice left to the person.

According to Model, astrologers divide a person’s fate into three vectors: horoscopic karma, the structure of karma and the vector of will. Thus, a person’s fate is determined one third by the stars, one third by karma, and another third by the person himself.

Horoscopic karma can be calculated using numerous predictive systems, in particular, the Tarot system. Thanks to these calculations, many outstanding individuals were able to prevent fatal turns of fate. So, for example, the greatest adept of France, Louis Constant, was able to prevent the death of his small child.

Indian palmists hold similar views, who are confident that fate is like a thread, one end of which is in the hands of God, and the other in the hands of man. The end of the thread that is in the hands of God is incomprehensible to man, it is a mystery, so man must focus on what depends directly on him. A person must develop his mind, strive for perfection, while observing moral standards. Only there can you influence fate.

Thus, the opinions of experts regarding the existence of fate, the veracity of all kinds of prophecies and the ability to change one’s fate differed. Each person must decide for himself what fate means to him. But be that as it may, everyone must live morally, honestly and act according to conscience and justice, no matter what...

Due to events in the world, many have become seriously interested in psychics and their predictions for 2018 regarding Russia, Ukraine, and the presidential elections. History proves the existence of people capable of guessing future events. These include the prophecies of Vanga, Nostradamus, and Maria Duval. Skeptics deny the authenticity of the forecasts, but known cases and the facts say otherwise. Recently, predictions have appeared about future man-made disasters - everyone decides for themselves whether to believe them or not.

Political scientists and sociologists agree that there will not be a radical change of power in Russia in the near future. The majority of the population supports external and domestic policy state, which is led by the president and the government. Some analysts believe that line-up change State Duma , replacing them with new, young candidates will lead Russia to prosperity. This will help improve imports and exports, stabilize exchange rates and improve relations with Western countries.

Psychics and political scientists are confident that there is no need to fear a war between Russia and Ukraine. Although provocations and minor conflicts are possible, the influence of the West will be felt. Global changes and restructuring of the entire system will occur in Ukraine. This was facilitated by the past historical events. It is believed that over time left side will be able to join the Romanians and Poles, and the right will join Russia. This will be a painful and lengthy process for the sake of peace and development of Ukraine. In the future, they predict a global redistribution of borders, which will not affect only Russia.

Psychics about the future of Russia

Today, ancient records of prophecies from great seers have been preserved. Predictions from psychics for 2018 allow us to understand the state of affairs in the global economy and politics. Modern seers largely agree with the predictions of psychics known in history (Vanga, Nostradamus). It is expected that humanity may face with a series of earthquakes and floods, some of which will be in Russia.

Vanga's predictions

The prophetess believed that in the coming year oil production in Russia would stop due to limited natural resources. This is a disappointing forecast, because 80% of the country’s economy relies on this industry. Vanga's predictions for 2018 promise economic prosperity in Russia. The government will not be so dependent on oil production; perhaps Russian scientists will come up with another source of energy.

Vanga's prediction for 2018 for Russia promises the end of the conflict between the two fraternal peoples. The seer believed that people must consciously come to a compromise solution, forget minor troubles, remember centuries-old friendship. It is likely that peace will come through the efforts of ordinary citizens and not through political discussions. Vanga previously said that Crimea and Russia would unite together, suggesting tectonic changes.


Nostradamus's predictions about the Third World War say that the Islamic and Christian worlds will collide there. A lot of military events will take place in developed countries of Europe. Nostradamus considered Siberia the center of the world's rebirth. Russia and China will accept refugees affected by the war and become the most powerful states. His prophecy regarding solar energy has already come true. The Prophet promised the development of medicine, cloning internal organs and the conquest of space. However, the meaning often depends on the interpretation of ancient predictions.

Maria Duval

Predictions for Russia from a clairvoyant promise peace and prosperity, when, like other powers, they will vegetate from political crisis. It is even believed that the government will lend to many European countries . Russians should not be afraid of totalitarianism and war, as Maria says. Scientists from the Russian Federation will contribute to research that will help create a cure for old age that will increase life to 150 years.

Predictions of modern psychics

Modern psychic Pavel Globa accurately predicted the collapse of the USSR and the 2014 revolution in Ukraine, so many are waiting for his forecast for 2018. According to the clairvoyant, this year promises global economic changes. The United States is facing a crisis, a change of power and minor unrest. It is planned that America will cease to be the leading country in the world.

Difficulties are also expected in the countries of the European Union. Portugal will repeat the fate of Greece and become bankrupt. Pavel Globa predicts that the economic situation in Russia will not change globally. The stability of the currency until 2025 will be supported by gas and oil resources, but dramatic progress should not be expected. A new president will be elected soon, presumably aged 55 years.

In 2018 and 2 years later, Russia will have to put up serious resistance to NATO. About Ukraine, Globa noted the following: protest resistance will increase, the emergence of a new revolution and a change in political forces is not excluded. New people who came to power will strive to improve relations with Russia. Ukrainians will have a hard time during this period. The predictions of clairvoyants from around the world are presented in the table:


Holy Matrona of Moscow

Matrona's predictions indicate that the new year will be decisive in the destinies of most people. They will reconsider their attitude towards each other and will be able to live in harmony.

Wolf Messing

In 2018, a new political leader will emerge who will change the course of history.

Alexander Sheps

Russia will become more influential, EU countries will begin to ask for its support, the war in Syria will soon end.

James Hansen

Glaciers will melt and floods will become more frequent. Many global fires await Russia in 2018, especially in Siberia.

Who will be president after Putin in 2018

There is no consensus among astrologers, psychics, and the media as to who will be the next president of Russia. Nostradamus believes that the country should be led by a person who grew up in the northern region. His reign will go down in history as the Golden Age. Vasily Nemchin predicted 150 years ago that the head of state will be a president with an analytical mind. He will be able to recreate a great state, like the USSR. His career is expected to peak in 2023.

Edgar Cayce believes that the new president will be educated, smart person with a technical mind. It will promote industrial development and move the center of Russia and the whole world to Siberia. Mikhail Levin is confident that the future president belongs to the current political elite and will be able to completely reset the modern way of life and completely eradicate corruption. Globa’s forecast for the new leader of Russia is disappointing, and he even predicts death for Putin in 2018. He made the same prophecy in 2012, but it did not come true.

Astrologers' forecasts for 2018

This year belongs to Yellow Earth Dog. Famous astrologers, considering eastern calendar, promise well-being and prosperity to the hardworking, honest people. Everyone who worked hard last year will be rewarded. The situation in world politics will heat up. Due to the influence of a planet like Mars, the year promises to be difficult, full of conflicts between countries. Astrologers do not predict a third world war, but problems should be expected from Islamic states. All countries and world leaders must learn in the Year of the Dog to look for compromise solutions and smooth out conflicts.

Predictions about Ukraine

Astrologer Ross gives more optimistic predictions for 2018 for Ukraine. He predicts the end of the military conflict in the East and the reunification of Donbass. This should happen at the beginning of 2018. New people will come to power who will direct their forces to achieving economic recovery, political world . It will not be easy for Ukraine to achieve rapid prosperity; new revolutions are possible. You shouldn’t count on the return of Crimea in the coming years, Ross says. According to the astrologer, the peninsula could go to Turkey and fall under the influence of Islam.

Predictions about the world

Forecasts about the world situation were shared by the seer Edgar Cayce, who draws visions while in a strong hypnotic sleep. These predictions come true with amazing accuracy. He found the Second World War, predicted many historical events. The seer is one hundred percent sure that there will be no Third World War, humanity will be able to do without a global conflict. Hitler's war was the last.

You should not expect peace and harmony to reign in all states. Humanity will suffer global warming, melting glaciers, many countries and continents will simply go under water. Casey created my own map, where the scheme for flooding the world is described in detail. Some countries will be threatened by volcanoes, earthquakes, and man-made disasters. According to his forecasts, Japan will go under water, upper part Europe. In western America the earth will split in two. Global changes expected from 2058 to 2098.

Predictions of the prophets about the rulers and future of Russia

At all times, people wanted to look into the future of their country and recognize its rulers. Monk Abel, Nostradamus, Vasily Nemchin, Maria Duval, Vanga agreed in their prophecies that after a period of unrest in Russia, prosperity will begin again and this is connected with the fate of the new ruler who will come after Tsar Boris (he will go to the Labyrinth), Dwarf with a dark face and his stupid protégé...

ABEL monk (1757-1841) - Russian predictor. Peasant origin. For his predictions (the days and even hours of the death of Empress Catherine II and Emperor Paul I, the invasion of the French and the burning of Moscow), he was repeatedly sent to fortresses and prisons, and in total he spent about 20 years in prison. By order of Emperor Nicholas I, A. was imprisoned in the Spaso-Efimevsky Monastery, where he died. In "Russian Antiquity" for 1875, excerpts from A.'s letters, from his "Life" and "very terrible books" were published.

After seven decades of abomination and desolation, demons will flee from Rus'. Those who remain will dress up in “sheep disguises” while remaining “predatory wolves.” Demons will rule Russia, but under different banners. A second Boris, a giant titan, will appear in Rus'. Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction, and under the guise of a revival of its former greatness, the last that remains will be destroyed. After the last three years of abomination and desolation, when dog children will torment Russia, the Giant will leave in such a way that no one will expect it, leaving behind many unsolvable mysteries. The giant will wander through the labyrinth, and a short man with a black face will sit on his shoulders. Little man with a black face will be half bald and half hairy. He will remain unknown for a long time, and then begin to play the role of a servant. He will come from a southern family. He will change his appearance twice. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. There will be a war in the Promethean Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third Tauride War - a crescent moon will appear there and torn Taurida will bleed. And then they will place an unintelligent young man on the throne, but soon he and his retinue will be declared impostors and driven out of Rus'. Demons striving for power will hopelessly break against the bear's head and paws, into which the spirit of the Russian ancestors will be embodied.
And the most terrible for Rus' ten kings per hour / thirty tyrants per hour / will come:
a man with a helmet and visor who does not reveal his face / faceless swordsman, a man clad in chain mail, a man shedding blood /;

Man from the swamp. His eyes are green. He will be in power when his two A's come together. He had mortal wound, but she is healed. He fell, but again rose to unattainable heights and began to take revenge on everyone for his humiliation. And there will be blood Great Blood after three, after seven and through the fall of the green-eyed one. They won't be able to figure him out for a long time. Then he will be cast into the abyss;
The other one will be long-nosed. Everyone will hate him, but he will be able to rally great power around himself;
A man sitting on two tables (thrones) will seduce five more like him, but on the fourth step of the ladder they will fall ingloriously;
A man with unclean skin. He will be half bald and half hairy;
Marked will flash like a meteor and will be replaced by
The lame / crippled / who will terribly cling to power;
Then the Great Lady with golden hair will lead three golden chariots.
In the very south of the black Arab kingdom a leader in a blue turban will appear. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into ashes. There will be a big, exhausting war of the cross and the crescent, in which the Moors will intervene, lasting 15 years. Carthage will be destroyed, which will be resurrected and the prince of Carthage will be the third pillar of the unification of the armies of the Crescent. There will be three waves in this war - back and forth.

When terrible death threatens everyone, the Swift Sovereign will come (the Great Horseman, the short-lived great sovereign, the Great Potter). If he is pure in soul and thoughts, he will bring down his sword on the robbers and thieves. Not a single thief can escape reprisal or shame.
Five boyars close to the Tsar will be put on trial.
The first boyar is a judge.
The second boyar is fleeing abroad and will be caught there.
The third will be the governor.
The fourth one will be red.
The fifth boyar will be found dead in his bed.
The Great Renewal will begin. There will be great joy in Rus' - the return of the crown and the acceptance of the entire large tree under the crown. The three branches of the tree will merge together after the flight of the demons and there will be a single tree.

There are many prophecies about the future of Russia. One of the most detailed and unusual belongs to the Russian astrologer and soothsayer Vasily Nemchin.

Anticipating his words about what awaits us in coming years, it makes sense to mention those of his predictions that related to the recent past. Describing last century in his manuscript, Vasily Nemchin says:

"In the first 15th year there will be a great war." 1915 is the height of the First World War. “When the years are three times 15, there will be great joy in Rus'.” 1945 - the year of victory in the Great Patriotic War. All his predictions are based on 15 year cycles. He also speaks of the time “four times 15,” describing the great desecration of the sky. It (the sky) “will be plowed open, and the wicked will dare to argue with the very angels of heaven, for which they will receive great punishment.” “Four times 15” is 1960. This practically coincides with the year of the first human flight into space. “5 times 15,” that is, in 1975, he says, “great peace will be established throughout Europe and Asia.” Indeed, the Helsinki Agreement was concluded in 1975.

About the “tyrant” Vasily Nemchin writes that he “will come out of the ground like an unholy grave spirit” and will be “twice buried.” Stalin was indeed buried twice - once in a mausoleum, and once in the ground. But, the prophet writes, even when he is buried, his spirit will “excite and stir” people, and “his spirit will be guarded by three elders associated with the forces of darkness, and on the last of them will be the seal of the Antichrist, that is” three sixes will be incarnated.”

The prophet considered the events of 1990 to be a turning point. According to him, this is “the time of the flight of the demonic.” And, indeed, it all started in 1989, and the collapse of the USSR occurred in 1991. 1990 really turned out to be the climax.

Further, Vasily Nemchin writes that there is “the last”, the seventh 15th anniversary, when “demons will rule Russia, but under different banners.” It is this, this seventh 15th anniversary, that, according to the prophet, will turn out to be the most terrible for Rus', especially “the first 3 years of the nightmare.” Both in the 3rd and in the 7th 15th anniversary, he says, THERE WILL BE A DECISIVE BATTLE WITH SATAN ON THE TERRITORY OF Rus'. Rus', in his opinion, will be on the eve of complete collapse and destruction, and under the guise of restoring ancient greatness it will be destroyed the last thing left.

However, everyone who strives for power will “hopelessly fall to pieces on the bear’s head and paws,” in which “the spirit of the Russian ancestors” will be embodied.

In Nemchin’s predictions about the recent past there is a mention of the “second titan” (apparently this is Boris Yeltsin), for whom he predicted a very strange and unexpected departure. “HE WILL LEAVE IN A WAY THAT NO ONE WILL EXPECT IT, he will leave behind many unsolvable mysteries.”

In addition, it is written that “he will go through the labyrinth and the search for descendants who will hope to solve the mystery will be hopeless.” The Russian seer compares the second “titan” with someone else, “of the same name as him,” who also ruled Russia in time of troubles and indicates that “one was small, and the other was large.” Here we are talking about Boris Godunov, who really was short in stature. But if about Boris Godunov he states for sure that he will die from poison, then about our modern titan he just as categorically says that this one will “go through the labyrinth.” What a strange symbolic image! And this will happen “after three years of abomination and desolation, disbelief and searching,” after the time when “children of dogs will torment Russia.”

The seventh 15 years are a persistent attempt by the satanic forces to regain full priority. He also talks about some “long-nosed man” who “will be hated by everyone” and who will be able to “rally great power around himself.” “A man sitting on two tables,” the seer writes, will seduce five more like him into 4 They will fall ingloriously on the th rung of the ladder.” “Table” in this case is “throne”, that is we're talking about about someone who combines two positions, two “thrones.” There is also a mention of some “lame”, “crippled” person who will also cling very tightly to power; the 5th year after 1991, according to Vasily Nemchin, will be a sharp turning point. "Many people will gather in old town to welcome a new person, THERE WILL BE GREAT JOY, WHICH WILL END IN SADNESS.”

Then he writes about “a crocodile devouring people,” about some kind of monsters emerging from jars, test tubes and retorts. These monsters will “replace people.” He writes that “SOULLESS MONKEYS WILL TAKE OVER MANY CITIES... The sea will overflow its banks and be stained with blood. This will happen at the turn of the century." But around 2005, Nemchin writes, there will be “great joy - the return of the crown”, and then “the acceptance under the crown” of the entire “big tree”, in which there will be three “shoots”. In time, this will approximately coincide with the restoration of the monarchy among the Franks - “the Frankish dynasty will return again.” This also corresponds to the words of Nostardamus about the return of the Bourbons. Ragno Nero also writes about the restoration of many monarchies in Europe. Vasily Nemchin says that first the Frankish king will regain his position, and then the Russian one, and they will be connected by some kind of ties. The election of the Russian Tsar will be popular and will take place in three cities.

Nemchin also writes about the rulers of Russia that 10 Kings will rise from the troubled kingdom. And after them, a different person will begin to rule, different from all previous rulers. He will be a sage and esotericist who owns secret knowledge, he will be mortally ill, but he will completely heal himself - “The Great Potter.”

He will unveil the concept of a New State, built entirely on a completely independent economy based solely on self-sufficient principles. The “Great Gonchar” will reach the very pinnacle of Russian power when his two A’s personally come together.

Under the “Great Potter” there will be a unification of 15 leaders who will create a New Great Power. The Russian state will be recreated within new borders.


I. Ten “kings” before the coming of the “Great Potter”:

1. Ulyanov (Lenin) – 1918 – 1923
2. Stalin I.V. – 1924 – 1953
3. Khrushchev N. S. – 1953 – 1964
4. Brezhnev L.I. – 1964 – 1983
5. Andropov Yu. – 1983 – 1984
6. Chernenko K. – 1984 – 1985
7. Gorbachev M.S. – 1985 – 1991
8. Yeltsin B.N. – 1991 – 1999
9. Putin V.V. – 2000 – 2008
10. Medvedev. YES. – 2008 – 20?? G.

II. A person possessing fundamentally new knowledge and technologies.

III. A person who survived, as people say, after wounds incompatible with life.

IV. This person will turn 55 in 2011 or 2012.

Forecasters of different eras and religions are unanimous in one thing, HE is coming. This is not just a coincidence, it's worth thinking about. There are elections in a year. And this year we will have the opportunity to see and hear him. And in 2012 we will have to choose which RUSSIA we want to live in.

Looking into the future, Vasily Nemchin talks about many difficult trials. He talks about numerous desecrations of the sky, about the “conquest of the red planet.” In the middle of the 15th anniversary, “a terrible death will threaten everyone,” all of humanity. He sees some event that will "shock everyone in the middle of the 15th anniversary." And yet, according to the prophet, humanity will be saved, survive and will only become stronger from such shocks. But in the south a war will rage with the “three different sides“, the “blacks” will intervene in it, united by a terrible leader who “eats human flesh.”

The war would last 6 years and end with “the victorious march of the Frankish sovereign and two northern leaders.” At the same time, Rus' WILL UNITE WITH TWO OTHER “BRANCHES”, ONCE SEPARATE FROM HER. There will be a unification of 15 leaders who will create a new power.

Vasily Nemchin also has an interesting prediction regarding the Far East, which will become a completely separate state, especially the “fish island”. Apparently, we are talking about Sakhalin, where a new race of people will appear. “Mighty tiger people will give birth to a power,” there “whites will unite with yellows.” The remaining territories will remain connected with Russia, except for the “fire-breathing country of Kashma”; the “golden tyrant” there will lead the country to great prosperity. By the way, this “golden leader” will subsequently fight with the Sakhalin Republic. But this will happen in more distant times, when the seas will overflow their shores, ENGLAND WILL BE FLOODED, AND CRIMEA WILL BECOME AN ISLAND.

In “Promethean Mountains” (in the Caucasus), Nemchin foresees “15 years of war.” And here is what the prophet writes about scientific and technological progress: he says that there will be “flying cities”, and people from the Moon will talk with people from the Earth, and we will see that the sky above the Moon is the same as above the Earth. And people will begin to fly,” “like heavenly angels,” without sitting in “iron balls” or “iron boats” for this. AND THEN WILL PEACE AND PROSPERITY COME ON THE EARTH.

But before that, big shocks await us. He writes about some “intelligent talking plants” and that after the 21st century the most terrible test for people “will emerge from the depths of the sea.” It will be a “mind alien to man.” Maybe we are talking about some terrible mutations among sea animals, which will eventually give rise to “monsters” that drag away ships and fight with land.” It is worth noting that the topic of the future of Russia is quite popular on many forums and blogs, since it concerns each of us.

Paracelsus's prediction

There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means “noble”, and the current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy. The Hyperboreans will experience a lot in their turbulent future history - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of benefits, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040.

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, liberated from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis; however, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but will be revived in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.
Every person will live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes, but it is Russia that will give this hope to the whole world. New Leader Russia, for many years will be unknown to anyone, but one day, he will unexpectedly come into power thanks to the power of his new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become the Law, bringing light and prosperity to everything on the planet... His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people dreamed of throughout their existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his his comrades-in-arms will become fantastically strong and powerful, almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his comrades-in-arms to become practically immortal... Other people will call him himself, and even his descendants, who live for 600 years, nothing less than Gods... He, his descendants, his comrades will not lack anything - neither clean fresh water, nor food, nor clothing, nor energy, nor weapons, for reliable protection all these benefits, while the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism. ...God will be with him... He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world... His home, and the home of his new race will be in the south of Siberia...”

Clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996

“A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and will be replaced this is new philosophical doctrine Fire Bible.
Russia is the ancestor of all Slavic states, and those that separated from it will soon return to it in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia new form, in Russia there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture, and the former will be restored again Soviet Union, but the union is already new. Russia will strengthen and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and will not only survive, but will also become the sole and undivided “mistress of the world,” and even America in the 2030s will recognize Russia’s complete superiority. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by its old name ancient name Rus.

The prophecy of the soothsayer Max Handel

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the current era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to voluntarily submit to such a Leader. This is how the ground will be created for the emergence of a New Race, and all current races and nations will cease to exist... It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will arise... Humanity will form a United Spiritual Brotherhood... The main factor that will advance the Slavic race much higher than their current state will be music, and It is music that will allow, even in the absence of proper intelligence, to mentally rise much higher in the level of harmony...”

Astrological forecast astrologer Sergei Popov

“In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of “prosperity” of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it; the monopoly on the most latest technologies, Russia faces a “bright future” and a period of prosperity. It is to Russia that the Center of World Politics will shift.

Predictions of the French clairvoyant and astrologer Maria Duval

“Against the backdrop of a global depression, Russia faces an exceptionally bright future and the Russians are destined for an enviable fate - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire a strong army, continue its development and even lend money to many European countries...By 2014, Russia will become the richest power and the standard of living of the average Russian will already reach the current very high level the life of an average European, and all Russian citizens will have approximately the same income, but to acquire this power they will have to pay a certain price - Russia will have to fight with someone. All of humanity is on the verge of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age, increasing life expectancy up to 140 years, and key role Russian scientists and Russian researchers will play a role in all these discoveries and inventions.

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis

Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia.
It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be in everything. huge world caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that no one, even the most developed state in the world, does not have now and even by that time will not have... Then for Russia all other countries will follow... The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon

Natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.

American clairvoyant Danton Brinkie

“Watch Russia - whatever path Russia goes, the rest of the world will follow it in the same way.”

Predictions of 1996 by clairvoyant Valeria Koltsova

“By 2009, a powerful World Economic Crisis will ripen - this crisis will shake America more than the Great Depression, the dollar will depreciate and turn into a useless piece of paper, and its place in the world for oil trading will be taken by Russian ruble, which will then become a single world currency, since the euro, like the collapsed American dollar, will also not justify itself... In the period from 2010 to the end of 2012 huge wave tsunami will cover New York and all cities East Coast USA. A hysterical, terrible panic will begin in America, people will be urgently evacuated and resettled in other cities... And from then on, a gradual but inevitable flooding of the oceans of the earth will begin North America And Western Europe...During this period of economic crisis and natural disasters, a “black” President will rule in the United States, and at the same time, against the backdrop of a devalued dollar and the Economic crisis, not just mass unrest, but real uprisings and truly revolutionary events will occur in the United States...”