Why do you dream about strong waves? Why do you dream about a huge wave?

Water symbolizes life. Covers physical and emotional aspects. Calm water in the lake means the same calm, but limited life, without stormy events, fateful moments, with familiar surroundings and furnishings. On an emotional level, it means complete calm, the absence of interesting exciting moments.

The movement of water means changes in life. Why do you dream about a big wave?

Waves in a dream

A large wave of destructive nature brings a series of unpleasant fatal events, experiences and troubles. Dealing with them will not be so easy, but it cannot be avoided. Fear in a dream will transfer into real life, and how it all ends depends on the ending of the situation seen in the dream.

  • For a married couple - a series of big quarrels that arise unexpectedly and end in separation or divorce.
  • For a businessman - business losses.
  • For work - major checks, troubles.
  • For a public person - shame, hostility, fall.
  • For a child, such a dream promises problems with studies and collapse of hopes.

Big waves in a dream among the bright sunny day, which you observe with admiration, prophesy fateful moments in your life.

  • For an unmarried girl or guy - meeting your soulmate.
  • For a businessman this is a great prospect.
  • For a public person - recognition and honors, fame and success.
  • For the patient - recovery after a serious long-term illness.
  • For a child - successful passing of an exam, admission to a university.
  • In the intimate sphere - a test of great pleasure.

Dream Interpretation: huge wave in different bodies of water

Why waves? What does this dream portend? Big waves on the sea - quite normal phenomenon. On a small lake, river or pool - it is surprising. In other words, something unusual will happen.

The sea means life “in scope”, without restrictions and obstacles. Free, free life, large internal supply of energy. For people who live near the sea, the dream will not be so fateful. It’s a different matter for those who have never seen him in reality or go on vacation once a year.

Why do you dream about a big wave? Such a dream prophesies serious changes in life. Emotional uplift, joy, pleasant surprise. Before making an important decision, a dream with a huge wave suggests that everything will go great, don’t worry, success is guaranteed.

Scrolling further, a huge picture on a lake or river portends interesting events in life is not of such an extensive nature. This could be an interesting acquaintance, getting desired job, successfully completed case, good grades in studies. Fate will smile on something.

A sudden huge wave in the pool indicates that an event will happen in life that seems unreal. Fate has prepared a surprise for you.

But not always big waves promise success and positive results.

A big wave hits

The approach of a large wave causes fear and anxiety for life. What should you expect if she covered you in a dream? What does this dream mean? A big wave is covering - this dream warns that you will soon find yourself in difficult situation, from which it will be very difficult to get out. You will have to expend a lot of effort, show perseverance, courage and patience. Where to expect trouble?

You need to remember every fragment of the dream. It will definitely include relatives, children, husband, wife, colleagues, friends, bosses, and so on. That is, by the presence of one of them, you can determine where to expect problems.

How will it all end? Remember the end of the dream.

  • You managed to get out, stay dry - you will overcome difficulties and surprise yourself.
  • If you get out of the water, but all your clothes and hair are wet - you can solve the problems, but they will leave a serious imprint on your future life. A sediment inside, disappointment.
  • The wave is chasing you, but you managed to escape from it - show cunning and dexterity (“you will come out unscathed”).

The longer you were underwater, the longer the period of trouble will be. We got out quickly - solving problems in 1-2 days. We've been floundering under the water for a long time - we'll have to work hard.

Big waves on the sea in the distance

Why do you dream about a big wave? There is such a situation that it is observed as if from the outside. The waves don't touch you physically, but they interest you emotionally.

This dream suggests that you will find yourself in a situation that will not directly affect you, but you will participate in it.

If it's nice sunny weather, beautiful waves- the events will be joyful. Perhaps you will be invited to a wedding, anniversary or other celebration.

Large waves destroy nearby buildings and carry away people - troubles among loved ones, relatives, friends or in a team. It could be a divorce of a brother or sister, an accident in a family of friends.

Dreaming of a huge wave

Why do you dream about a big wave? As you prepare for bed, you mentally review the information that is bothering you. For example, an upcoming transaction, an exam, moving to a new place of residence, an important decision, a major purchase. All this is programmed by the subconscious. In a dream you will receive information, an answer to a question that interests you. This dream may foretell the failure of your plans.

The most favorable dream with a huge wave

What else can the dream book tell us? The wave is huge, but you managed to ride it and move quickly along the sea? You can't imagine anything better! You will become the darling of fate. The situation will develop in such a way that everything will be decided without your participation, but in your favor. Enormous success, recognition, luck and happiness are guaranteed!

The dream is about:

  • long-awaited happy marriage;
  • meeting promising people or sponsors;
  • business development and making big profits;
  • overcoming a serious illness;
  • getting a well-paid job.

Everyone has dreams. Some remember them and try to interpret them, others do not attach any importance to them. But this does not change the result. The picture you see in a dream will definitely be transferred to real life. However, it should be remembered that a dream can foreshadow both an imminent event that will come true within 1-2 days, and “work” for the future. That is, it will be possible to assess its power within a month.

Pay attention special attention to your feelings. If you read in a dream book that your sleep is quite favorable, but anxiety does not go away, it means that something will go wrong.

Sweet dreams! May you see a big wave more often in your dreams on a clear sunny day!

A wave in a dream is a symbol of creative and spiritual uplift, energy and inspiration. To explain in more detail what a big wave means in a dream, you need to take into account what the water was like, whether you swam in it or just watched. It is generally accepted that river water is the personification of current life, and the subconscious and unconscious desires.

Why dream of looking at the waves

If a big wave covers something, then this can promise failure and failure in business. Also this one is not favorable dream sometimes it is a harbinger of protracted illnesses. The dirtier the water in your dream, the more serious consequences await you. Quarrels await those who saw dark water in a dream.

If you watched with interest how the waves crashed, then this means that soon you will be decisively flirting with someone. A dream in which you saw clear blue waves on a good day sunny day, prophesies a fateful meeting with his other half.

Seeing how rolling waves move away from you symbolizes communication with bad people, which cannot be avoided. Care must be taken not to be harmed by them.

Rolling waves of dirty water in a dream warn that the dreamer may real life make a big mistake.

If you were looking at or river, then this promises you difficulties in business. Everything will not work out exactly as you planned; there will be many obstacles along the way.

Big waves in the open sea indicate that you can achieve significant things. Storm waves foreshadow problems and obstacles.

If the waves carried debris with them or had destructive consequences, then this dream prophesies important event, which will negatively affect your entire future life.

A gift of fate awaits those to whom the wave brought something valuable. It is also very good if the waves were clean, penetrated by the sun's rays. A dream in which a big wave appears in a pool warns of small problems and troubles that will affect only one area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

Why do you dream of swimming in the waves?

If you quickly swam through strong waves, this means that you will be able to overcome your enemies and even subjugate them. A dream in which you drowned in the waves but did not die suggests that you are able to overcome all dangers.

If it was extremely difficult for you to resist them, then be prepared for difficult times.

A very strong blast wave that throws you straight into the air indicates that one of your friends or relatives is abusing your trust. Try to take a closer look at them and don’t allow yourself to be used.

If you've been swimming in dirty, foamy waves, you're likely to experience health problems for a long time. This dream may also have another interpretation, according to which the dreamer will face a protracted feud with someone close to him.

Seeing yourself on the crest of a wave that carries the dreamer to the shore is an extremely good sign. This dream promises brilliant success and prosperity. If the water was dark and dirty, and you felt horror, then you should prepare for the most unexpected difficulties. You may not be able to cope with them alone, and you will need the help of friends.

Running away from the waves is a sign that someone is preparing a trap for you. Beware of enemies and competitors who want to harm you.

Not being afraid of a huge wave and experiencing pleasure from what you see promises young people a quick marriage. It is also worth noting that he will be very happy and long.

Why do you dream of a big wave according to psychology?

Rolling waves testify to spiritual harmony and joy. A clean big wave is seen in a dream on the eve of a responsible decision and important actions.

Waves in the sea or ocean indicate the dreamer’s desire to develop spiritually and gain new knowledge.

If the waves frightened you in a dream, then this dream should be taken as a warning that you need to be more restrained and more carefully control your emotions. Otherwise, your emotionality can lead to sad consequences.

The beautiful waves you admired are a sign of the dreamer's strong energy. If you channel it in the right direction, you can achieve great heights.

For a family man, a dream in which big waves appear is a signal that he needs to save his relationship with his other half. If you really value this person, then be more attentive to him.

A storm of emotions awaits someone who is completely covered by a huge wave. Soon you will have an overabundance of feelings that will remain in your memory for a single day. The quality of your experience directly depends on what the water was like and what you experienced in your dream. The dreamer's inability to control his emotions and everything that happens to him is evidenced by a dream in which terrible waves carried him into the open sea.

Valuable comments from readers

    • Olya, yes, the most common interpretations of dreams with water are a surge of emotions and a cold

    Good afternoon In the morning I had a dream about a ship turning over and from under it a huge wave on the sea covered me and my wife, we were on land near the house and I ran to the house and managed to grab the threshold when the waves covered me? and my wife remained on the shore and was carried out to sea, I began to call her, looked at the sea and said she disappeared and began to cry and woke up. If possible, answer what this dream is for.

    • Edward, most likely, will lead to a quarrel with his wife. Often water, and especially a symbol of “overwhelming” emotions.

    Hello! Today I had a dream: I was swimming either in the sea or in the ocean! The water is simply impossible to take your eyes off, the color is bright, blue, the sun is shining - it’s a pleasure... I swim and understand that the shore is not visible, but nevertheless I understand that it is still there and I will swim to it. And then suddenly a huge wave grows and comes straight towards me! But I am absolutely calm and know that I need to dive into it correctly. And I calmly wait for it to get closer. And so it happened, I just dived into it and there was no fear! Why such a dream?

    • Perhaps a real quarrel with someone, a big release of emotions. However, as quickly as the wave hits, it will all end quickly. It is likely that a quarrel and its consequences will be avoided.

      • Thanks a lot!)

    Hello! Today I dreamed that I was swimming on the sea, the shore was not visible and in front of me there were waves, the sky was dark blue, two waves were very large and they covered me and at the beginning there was fear, but then I think to myself that the water is so warm it makes me so warmed me up and that there was no need to be afraid of them, and floated on the waves. It was as if the fear had passed and there was joy. Why such a dream?

    • The dream clearly indicates that in the future you will experience a manifestation of emotions. A sort of clarification of relationships, some accumulated problems in communication will come to light. But don’t worry about this, this conversation was necessary for you, it has been brewing for a long time, it will help put everything in its place.

    Hello! I had a dream. It’s as if my balcony has access to the sea, but not right away, but there is a sand island. And so I look out the window and I don’t see very much strong waves, but they already reach my balcony. I’m already more scared, I see everything that stood on my balcony has been washed away by water, it’s starting to flow more and more and is already pouring into the house, but not much, I close the door to the balcony and watch, thinking what to do or just wait, that’s all now calm down. Some things (not mine) float on the water, the waves intensify. But bam and everything calms down? The sun is shining, the water is leaving, and again there is an island of sand, and on the sand lies my beautiful carpet, so blue, as if the water had brought it back. I was happy and thought that something needed to be done while the water calmed down so that this would not happen again. Thank you!

    • The dream may indicate that a quarrel is approaching your home. It can start from afar, gradually growing like a snowball.
      The sun and the end of the storm - everything will return to normal after a quarrel, some kind of rest is also likely, nice time with someone.

      • Thank you!!!

    Good afternoon, I dreamed of two fairly large waves, but they were dirty, almost black, which I watched, for some reason this dream is disturbing. Thank you.

    • Julia, the dream speaks of a quarrel or conflict with someone. Waves, and dirty ones at that, are emotions that can cover you in the near future. Try to avoid sensitive topics.

    I dreamed that I was somewhere in the forest with a group of people and suddenly I saw a huge wave that was overflowing, and we barely had time to climb higher, we turned around, and on the other side the same wave was coming and also almost reached us, overflowing. The water was colored and quite dark, but it didn’t seem dirty.

    • Such a dream may indicate a strong manifestation of emotions; the wave seems to indicate an internal upsurge, a reaction to external factors.

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that at first I seemed to be sailing on a ship, but not on the sea, but along a canal, the color of the water is like in Thailand, turquoise with milk, very beautiful. And then I swim in the same water, not that the waves are strong, but there are some. And the ship sailed... (although it doesn’t upset me.

    • To excitement and expression of emotions, to the end of some stage in life, new level will begin.

    I had an interesting dream. Ocean shore, sheer cliff (50 meters), on top of the cliff there is a house with a small sandy beach and a glassed-in terrace. I'm on the terrace with company strangers I’m watching the ocean, the weather is good and large smooth waves are rolling across the ocean, with each wave getting bigger, we watch them in fascination, take pictures, the water from the waves is already beginning to enter the beach near the house, the next one is already partially submerging the glass under the water, but at the same time it it’s not a storm, but the water comes and goes, at that moment I get up, leave the terrace, call someone alone to follow me, we go deep into the house into the corridor, take my bag, jacket, and am about to leave the house and leave. At the same time, a wave, breaking the terrace with some large object (in the dream, everyone decided that it was a boat), carries it inside, after which the house begins to wash away with the wave into the ocean, the house turns over and falls, people do not panic. I wake up, being at that moment somewhere near the exit along with the second person.

    • Julia, your dream may talk about sharp changes in mood, sudden manifestation of emotions and even quarrel. Be careful that emotions do not harm your communication with people and do not destroy your usual connections with them.

    Good afternoon I had this dream on my birthday! The action takes place, it seems to me, in a certain holiday home, but not very clear things happen there. I saw a dismembered corpse that came to life, and those people who are doing this want to “remove” me. In my dream, I can’t help but think that they want to kidnap me, and I’m afraid to stay in the room alone, it’s dark there. In the dream there is also a watchwoman who is on duty all night, and I decide to sit with her, it’s not so scary, but her kitten is not the usual color - red and black, like a leopard. And then a nice guy comes up to me, even though in real life I have a relationship, and we go to his room. I don’t remember whether he introduced himself, but the name Igor remains in my memory. His room has large windows, sunlight penetrates, and very beautiful view from the window, forest. We stand, he presses me to him. Then the landscape changes to the sea, big ships swim, I still notice in a dream how in a city on the water, Venice). Then suddenly a big wave appears, it alarmed me, we left the room, and I stood behind the wall, as if between the rooms, and I saw only a shadow as the wave touched the building, I had no desire to run, but then, taking a step to the side, I saw how this wave already hits the building and for seconds I watch how chips fly from the windows, but there was no water, more precisely, only perhaps splashes with chips, and this guy, grabbing my hand, runs to the room opposite and seems to jump off somewhere where there seems to be a way out, but it’s not clear whether I jumped, I woke up.

    • Perhaps some old problems or some troubles characteristic of you will occur in life again. However, someone close to you, a friend, will help you overcome difficulties, if any arise. The sea and a calm city on the water - the situation is good, but unstable. This vision indicates emotional state. The big wave represents strong manifestation emotions in life. It is fortunate that you are being saved.

    I dreamed that I was walking along the seashore with a young man, the water was blue, warm, the weather was beautiful, the sun was shining...
    There are waves in the sea, we come closer to the shore, and a huge wave covers us. The water was bright blue and warm. I was delighted, the water was very pleasant, refreshing, but I didn’t get completely wet. And after a while I see that there are no more waves, seagulls are flying and the sea is absolutely calm.
    Help me explain, please)

    • If the wave was so pleasant in a dream, then, most likely, the dream will bring about pleasant experiences and excitement.

    My stepmother dreamed that she and my late dad were at sea, and there were huge waves that kept trying to cover them, and they kept running away from them. What is this for?

    I dreamed that huge waves were lifting me up. They didn't cover my head. And my mother was taking pictures at this time.

    • Elena, some kind of shock, excitement.

    Hello. Today I dreamed that we got on a boat. My mother, children, and my loved ones were on the boat. A motor boat without oars or a rudder. No one is steering the boat, but I understand that we will be washed ashore. We begin to swim, the water is green all around beautiful color, the shores are not visible. And gradually the waves begin. At first small, then bigger and then just huge. We found ourselves at the very top of this wave. I thought it was possible to turn over. But the wave subsided and I woke up. Thanks in advance for your comment.

    • Tatyana, this dream may promise some kind of family unrest and worries; increased conflict between family members is possible.

    Good night. Yesterday on Friday I had a dream. I’m walking on the water, it’s clear, and big waves are splashing on my legs from behind. I came out of the water and began to climb the sandy steps and climbed very high. Trying to look through the fence, I talked to someone. And then a man came out and began to take me down the steps by his arm. An acquaintance of mine ran up behind us and asked him something, and I continued on alone... help me understand an incomprehensible dream. Thank you!

    • Larisa, if the waves splashed you, then these were most likely relatively small waves. This dream indicates that despite all the problems and troubles, you are moving on. Sand as the material from which the staircase is made speaks of the instability and inconstancy of this movement and development.

    I dreamed that on the Volga along its entire length (as far as the eye could see) a huge tsunami-type wave formed several times and it hit the shore over and over again (the shore is high and rocky). The water is clean. In your mind you seem to understand that this is dangerous and they were even planning to evacuate, but there was no fear at all and you even wanted to go ashore. What could this mean?

    • Gennady, perhaps the dream represents some kind of incident; you will happen to become its observer; regarding participation in it, a lot depends on you.

    Hello, please decipher the dream: I am sitting on the beach with my mother. Opposite there is a calm azure sea, and suddenly a wave, also azure, rolls in. I was with a laptop, the wave twisted me and I ended up in the place where my mother was sitting, I was scared, but I liked it. And literally two days later I had a dream that I was sailing with a young man on a ship, my mother was standing nearby, we were standing on the deck. The sea is completely calm, the shore is not visible. Thanks in advance.

    • Lena, most likely, some kind of emotional shock awaits you, it is difficult to characterize it in terms of “good” and “bad”, it will give you dual feelings. However, the second half of the dream says that the future holds prospects for you on the personal front, something new.

    I had a dream in which I see a very large wave over the city and many people running from it, including me. But it’s hard to determine what color the water is; it’s getting dark outside. I’m not trying to save myself alone, I have some friend with me whom I don’t remember. We reached a small old house where unknown woman gave us the key. After which, behind the house we saw a tall building, for some reason knowing that this was the highest place in the city - it has 16 floors, we approached its door, I put the key, surprised that it was so small for a huge door. A lot of people were already standing near the building, we all ran inside and began to climb the stairs to the top, taking the children in our arms.
    There was a lot of memory and fear in the dream, the dream itself was very intense, the wave hit twice with a time interval, while in the dream I convinced everyone that there would definitely be a second wave and they should not leave the building.
    I ask you to answer what such a dream might mean. I see him for the second time in a month, and these dreams are almost identical.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Anna, in general, a wave in a dream is akin to events that can overwhelm you. Usually you understand it in a more negative way, however, in your dream it is worth noting some details that make you think about the general nature of the dream. Firstly, this is finding the key - most likely, when faced with problems, you will find a way out and, in addition, an answer to a question that has long interested you. Secondly, moving up the stairs promises a favorable and successful development of the future, a systematic movement towards the goal. So sleep is undoubtedly difficult emotionally, but there are also positive aspects to it.

    Hello! I had a dream from Sat to Sun. He made me wary. How my mother and sisters and I swam in the river, where it was shallow, but I don’t know what exactly - the sea or the river. The sea is clean and calm. And then suddenly a wave comes quickly towards us, about 10 meters! We were very scared and, in order to somehow escape, we all dived under the water. When the wave passed, we surfaced, then new waves again. Afterwards, I started helping my sister dive and plug her nose. And I don’t understand why this is happening.

    • Ekaterina, a wave can represent experiences, excitement, a bunch of problems. It is possible that collectively, more people saw in a dream who followed your example.

    Good afternoon. Tell me, I had a dream today that we are near my friend’s house, and suddenly a huge wave rises, which can be seen very far away, and we climb to the roof of the house, but the stairs are located outside the house. In neighboring houses, people did the same. We hold our breath and the wave covers us and goes away. We climb down from the house again, and so on 5 times at a certain interval. The 5th wave was much smaller, so when we climbed onto that house again we weren’t too worried.

    • Julia, waves are a symbol of experiences and stress. Each wave symbolizes a specific occasion and excitement about it.

    I dreamed that I was on the open sea, the weather was cloudy, I was right in the sea and somehow I tried to be on top of them, I rode on them, there were like 3 waves, or 4, but the last wave was so big that I almost drowned. But he didn't drown!
    What does it mean?

    • Being in the sea, where there are a lot of waves, is an experience, excitement. Most likely, some things will take your mind, and you will deal with some concerns and issues in the near future.

    I dreamed that I was walking in a village, standing almost on a cliff, and in front of me was either a large sea or an ocean and very beautiful waves. I look and admire them. The water is not dirty, but dark - such a dark turquoise color. The weather itself is good, the sun is shining. I enjoy these waves and take pictures of them. It was very beautiful in the dream.

    • Yana, I think the dream is quite favorable. In life there will be an upsurge akin to creativity. You will feel the integrity of life, the depth. Perhaps there will be a period when you will understand and discover a lot for yourself.

    Hello! From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that I was swimming in water, but I don’t know where exactly. It looks like indoors. There are small waves, and suddenly a wave rises and covers me completely. I’m underwater for a few seconds, and then I pop up to the surface like a float, and above me is the sun and blue sky. And the sea water was clean and turquoise. Why is this dream? Thank you!

    • Natalie, the dream indicates some kind of shock or experience. Similar to how it covers sea ​​wave, rolls in suddenly, completely drawing you into its swirling flow, and the events of life will have a similar character.

    Igor, good morning!
    I dreamed: the windows and the door to the balcony were open at my house and clear water was pouring into them. My feet got wet. I looked out the window, and it felt like a house on the seashore and the sea was raging. A huge wave was coming towards the house, and I managed to close the door to the balcony. Decipher it, please. Thanks in advance.

    • Varvara, a dream can predict a quarrel, increased emotionality. There are some family troubles taking place.

    Hello! I often dream of a huge wave that covers me completely, I experience in a dream panic fear. Last night I dreamed that the child and I were on the shore, and suddenly a huge wave was approaching us, covering us and carrying away my daughter. I cried in my sleep. Tell me please, what kind of dream?((

    • Julia, often such dreams personify experiences and worries from real life.

    Hello, I’m also interested in your opinion. Since I was 14 years old (now I’m 27), i.e. I've been dreaming about tsunamis for 13 years now. Mostly closer to summer, sometimes every day, sometimes once every six months. The situations are different - sometimes steep cliffs, sometimes an ordinary beach, sometimes a seaside town. But the essence is the same - a huge wave begins to flow. The reactions are also different, sometimes I try to run away in panic and drown, sometimes I remember that this has already happened and calmly wait until I die, I rarely manage to escape from it by running away or climbing higher. To be honest, I’m already tired of it, but I can’t understand why this is happening. Maybe I'll die of suffocation or at sea, or maybe just emotions.

    • Margarita, recurring dreams may indicate some situation that has been going on with you for a long time. An ordinary dream with a big wave indicates some kind of mental turmoil, excitement that will have to be experienced in reality.

    This morning I had a dream about how I stood on my 6th floor balcony and watched huge waves on the sea, and one like a tsunami rushed PAST me. I woke up with great concern for my children. Why would this be?

    • Dinara, a large wave from afar may indicate an experience. IN in this case about potential problems that may only exist in the future, but not now.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was with my family and friends on a ship. Ship off the coast. Here we see that a nearby ship was covered by a huge wave and turned over, no one was saved. We were swimming, the water was clear and then our ship was covered, I looked at everything from the outside. I shouted to some men on the shore that there were four or three children there. In a state of shock, I couldn’t say for sure, but I knew for sure that my little daughter was there! The dream ended that I was walking with someone, crying, they didn’t save anyone, and then I remember that I seem to be pregnant, I found out in a dream the day before (in fact, I’m not pregnant and didn’t plan to in the near future) and I’m trying to calm myself down, because I understand that I have a child inside me and now I need to not lose it. The sensations after sleep are unpleasant, I worry. Please tell me what it means.

    • Yaroslav, a dream may indicate emotional stress in life. Indeed, a lot of things can cause troubles and problems, literally turning your life upside down.
      Stability will be replaced by hesitation and uncertainty even in the forecast of pressing affairs. Pregnancy in a dream indicates hope and faith in your success. A new look at things will help you cope with any difficulties that were previously perceived as practically insoluble.

    Hello! I had a dream that I and a friend were driving a car in our own way locality, but it’s not clear where the waves are starting to cover us from (and where we were going, there are no bodies of water). At first I was very scared, but then I liked it.

    • Natalia, the dream reflects that the future will be very emotional and eventful.

    Hello! I had a dream that my mother and I were walking along the beach, evening, and suddenly a huge wave, I felt scared and it covered us, I immediately got out, but my mother didn’t, I shouted to her, the wave rolls back into the sea far away, I continue to call my mother and see her in the distance, I start running to her and telling her that we need to hurry up before the second wave arrives.

    • Anastasia, a dream can warn of significant experiences in your lives. Most likely, some events in the near future will make you worry.

    Hello! I had a dream today... I’m at the sea, someone invites me to go swimming, I turn around and see that the sea is not calm... in the dream I understand that I have absolutely no desire to go into the water, I turn away and start walking away from the shore and from the beach. Turning around, I see that a high wave is rising, I start running, reach the house and begin to watch how the wave covers the shore and some people and things (including mine, I definitely remember the phone, which also went into the sea). Then another wave began to rise, which reached the house where I was. I managed to close the door, but the water came in a little. And she ran up the house to take better cover. The water didn’t seem dirty, but it was dark blue.
    In my dream I also had a feeling that my mother was with me on the beach and she was also covered by a wave, but then, when everything seemed to be over, and the worries and fear had passed in the dream, my mother was with me, smiling and saying that everything Fine.
    Please help me interpret my dream!

    • Anastasia, a very emotional period is expected in the future. Difficulties can spread to all areas of life, truly resembling a wave that can cover everything with its influence.
      Your actions will help you overcome difficulties, after a while the wave will go away, everything will return to normal.

    Hello! Today in a dream I watched big waves from the shore. It was cloudy, the waves were big, the water was dark, but not dirty. In the distance I saw an approaching wave, when it was already near me, it was of incredible size. There was fear and at the same time calm. The wave covered my head and carried me somewhere. At this time, I was trying to find my son's hand. Found it. The fear is completely gone. The two of us were washed out to the other side of the shore. She came out of the water smiling and happy that her son was nearby! How can you understand this dream? Thanks in advance!!!

    • Oksana, most likely, you should expect a shock in life, however, judging by the dream, it will be predictable, and you will be sure that everything will turn out well. Based on the dream, all adversities will pass by, and everything will return to normal.

    I dreamed that I was on the seashore with some man (I don’t know him), relaxing, sunbathing, and suddenly I raised my head up and saw that a huge wave, completely transparent, was rising into the whole sky, I started screaming, everyone needs to save themselves quickly, you need to drop everything run, I grab my things and start running with this man, I look at the sky and see that the city is protected by a glass dome, a wave is spreading over it, I say what a good idea they came up with, and then in the distance I see that the dome could not stand it and water is pouring onto the city ...and woke up))) why is it not clear?)

    • Elena, something will protect you from stress and emotional overload. You will find rest and protection in something or someone. Usually similar dream indicates that it is necessary to rest, take a break.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in a room with large windows on the seashore, the ocean, where the waves splashed all the way to my house. But gradually they become larger and begin to hit the windows of the house. The waves are very beautiful, turquoise. As a result, the waves broke several glasses in the window, but not all. This didn’t scare me, it just upset me that the glass needed to be changed) There was no water in the room either due to the waves.
    Help me explain, please. I don’t remember dreams, but here it doesn’t give me peace)

    • Anastasia, it is possible that some changes are “knocking on your window” in reality. They will come to life on their own, despite your actions. Trouble is likely at first.

  1. Hello. I dreamed of a large lake, gloomy weather, the lake was not transparent but did not seem to be dirty, rather cloudy. I was with someone, not alone. And for some reason we need to swim across the lake. Almost to the middle of the lake I saw from the other shore a huge wave, pink in color and it was shining. I was afraid and I turned around and swam back. The water in the lake rose at the moment of the wave and then I don’t remember anything.

    • Masha, if you dreamed of a fairly calm lake, then this indicates satisfaction with some situation. However, the water was not entirely clean, apparently something is still bothering you.
      The wave is a symbol of shock, which can be viewed with both a plus and a minus sign. There will probably be a shock in life that may force you to give up some plans or scare you in some way.

  2. Hello. It was asked that my family and I were in the apartment for a long time deceased grandmother. Moreover, some people there were unfamiliar to me, but I knew that they were also relatives. I was sitting by the window on the sofa with my son. It was raining outside. Suddenly I see a car has stopped on the road, there is more and more water on the road, this car is being overwhelmed by waves on both sides. Then a larger wave engulfs everything on the street, and immediately a huge wave rises and goes straight to the window (2nd floor, but in the dream it looked like 5). It became scary that we would drown. The color of the water is as usual in the Black Sea: greenish-gray, not very, but cloudy, with pieces of algae, but such water is considered clean in our season. I only manage to cover my son with myself. The window can withstand. Then another similar wave comes and the house begins to shake. I covered my son and ran into the opposite room. And I feel like the whole house is falling. And we seem to be in weightlessness, although we stand with our feet on a solid surface. Here the house turns over onto its roof. I’m still trying to save my son, bending over him and pressing him to my stomach. The house turns over again and falls into place. The water is running out, no one is in the apartment special significance didn't give it any credit. Right now there are overturned cars and broken trees outside the window, but people are already walking. I just don’t remember whether the water came into the apartment or not.

    • Anastasia, if something similar happened (storm, bad weather, rough sea) in lately in life, then the dream may turn out to be empty.
      Otherwise, it means some kind of life shocks, blows of fate, which you will feel especially acutely. However, the consequences will be beyond what is especially important to you.
      Be careful.

    Hello, I had a dream today creepy dream, which shook me to the core, I woke up, cried, couldn’t calm down. Dream: I am standing with my son and his father in a place unfamiliar to me, apparently on the shore. I feel that the end of the world is coming, there is no one around, the sky is gray and a huge wave is approaching us, I am starting to worry that the child’s father can swim, I seem to be able to climb, but my son will not be able to and he will die right away, at first we were doused by a wave small height, because we became wet, but stood on our feet, I turn and see a wave from which no one can survive, I have such a panic for my son that I rush around, and it covers us, I see only my son’s legs, I wake up from my own crying. Scary.

    • Marina, most likely, in life you should expect an emotional outburst, a storm of emotions. Usually such dreams occur after/before a showdown.

    Hello. I was in the river (Volga) in a group of girls, one of them was in my hands, she had no legs... we wanted to start sexual intercourse. I saw that a wave was coming... I began to get out of the water with this girl. .managed to get out, and a huge wave raised the level very much.
    Almost to residential buildings... but I came out on time holding the girl. .what does this mean?

    • Most likely, the dream warns about emotions in relationships with the opposite sex. Some sort of showdown is possible. Moreover, the influence is great external factors. Some plans will have to be postponed, which were probably going to be done together with someone.

    Hello. I dream of a lot of water, but it is not clear whether it is the sea or the ocean, the water is blue, transparent, there are mountains, plains around in the distance, a sunny day, beautiful scenery, my boyfriend and I are swimming, in the dream he was exactly the same as in life, there was no distortion, he swims poorly, and in a dream I knew this, suddenly in the distance I see a wave and understand that it is huge, so far away that I managed to realize that I could do something and have time to see it, we swam to something that seemed to be flooded building, there were railings that you could try to hold on to, at that moment I seemed to understand that this was a flooded area, it seemed like there shouldn’t be water here at all, I became a little scared, the wave was already very close, I was facing it and the young man had his back, we hold on to the railing, and I look at it, the sensations are indescribable, it’s breathtaking, but not scary, in the wave about fifty meters above me I see large debris, like household appliances, pieces of houses, as if she had already demolished a lot of things on her way, I shout to my friend, come on! (Hold your breath) he holds his breath and closes his eyes, and I looked at the wave a little more and did the same, it covered us, but did not blow us away, and when it almost passed, I could no longer resist and was carried away about five meters, I surfaced and there was no fear, only joy and I screamed wow, cool))

    • Alice, most likely, you will successfully go through some life trials. The wave often means stressful situations, experiences, a flurry of emotions. The image of the guy may indicate that in some way the dream may be related to the area of ​​relationships.

    Hello! I really ask for help in interpreting the dream! I dreamed of very large waves on the sea, which were moving not towards the shore, but to the side (perpendicularly). They were very strong, round (curled), even. but the water was not dirty. My daughter ran into this sea! I lost my voice from horror, I couldn’t even scream... SHOCK! The wave threw her ashore... she began to spit out water. Words cannot describe how scared I was... and it seemed like she was half naked.

    • Olga, since the waves were not directed at you, the center of future events will be your daughter. An expression of emotion on your part. Waves often appear in dreams, warning of anxiety and stress. It is likely that your daughter will have a difficult period in her life, she will need your help somewhere, be attentive to her.

    I dream about a city, many high-rise buildings. I see a huge wave rolling over the city and covering it. I close the window and see how the water floods it almost to the top. But nothing leaks into the room. I know this is only the first wave. The water subsides, and someone opens the window, and the second wave begins to arrive. I try to close it, and swear at the person who opened it, because I can’t close it. I close the remaining gap with my hands, and a few drops of water fall on us. And the water goes away again. After that I close the window tightly. There is a feeling of fear from the large volume of water, but I know that I am at home, and high, and the wave will not completely flood me. I have this dream from time to time, please explain what it could mean! Thanks in advance!

    • Irina, someone constantly pisses you off, makes you nervous and worried.
      Waves dream of stress.

    Hello!!! Please help me understand why I dreamed about this strange dream. I dream that I am lying in a pond in the water. The water is dirty, there is a lot of algae and debris. There are many pieces of small white foam floating on top. The water is not calm, there are big waves on it. I understand that there are many snakes in the pond, but I don't see them. And despite all this, I like lying in it.

    • Natalya, the dream promises a hectic period filled with all sorts of troubles. You can call it a “dark streak,” but it will pass. Temporary stressful period.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was standing in front of the window of my aunt’s house, watching the beauty of the waves of the sea. Iore was very close to the house, about a couple of meters. It was held up by a very high red brick wall. About 2-3 floors high. The sea was almost to the brim. Near the window outside (on the street) and inside there were tables standing close to the wall. I decided to get out into the street through the window, climbed onto the table. But as soon as I was outside, an unrealistically strong wind began and drove up a huge wave. I ran inside the house with fear. The most difficult thing was to have time to climb onto the table that stood on the street, climb through the window, crawl along the table that stood inside, and I constantly thought that I would not have time to close the window. As a result, I stood in the middle of the room , looked back at the closed window, and heard the sound of the wind (as if a scream, like a squeak, was also heard through it). Afterwards, a huge wave rose above the wall and flooded the courtyard of the house, while the window inflated, bent inward, but the glass did not crack , what I was afraid of. Then again it was like at the beginning, I went to the window, was going to go outside to sit, everything was repeated many times.
    Please tell me what this could mean?)
    I saw the dream on Sunday.

    • Most likely, there will be a reason for your emotions to go over the edge. It is possible that external event will provoke you, so be careful not to ruin your relationship with someone.

    My son and I were swimming, a huge blue wave covers us, I swim out, but my son doesn’t. Why is this, something has become alarming, please explain.

    • To worry about my son. It is possible that due to some troubles associated with it.

Dream interpretation of waves

The water world with its depths and unexpected natural phenomena remains a mystery to humanity. Any dreamer at least once in his life has had to deal with night visions where he had to watch the raging ocean, hide from a tsunami, or plunge into the transparent surface of the sea. The interpretations provided by the dream book will help you figure out what waves mean in dreams.

If you dreamed of a huge wave, then in reality there will be obstacles, hitches in business, and the person will have to independently solve the problems that have accumulated over a long time.

The sleeping person will have to go through an unfavorable period in her life, who, according to the plot, was swallowed up by the depths of the sea, but the heroes who escaped from the elements in the dream will quickly find themselves “afloat” again in reality.

Vast spaces clean water, which one had to contemplate from the top of mountains or rocks, will tell about the sincerity of loved ones, the honest intentions of companions.

Rippling sea in dreams

I dreamed about the power of the water element

Why do you dream about big waves? The symbolism of such dreams is most often presented in a negative way. Excessively high water rapids are signs sent by the subconscious in order to warn the dreamer about upcoming changes.

To be on the shore in dreams due to fear of water or inability to swim - a person is afraid to express his own point of view, show character, or become part of a team.

Those who have seen the foaming sea will have to experience a stormy romance, experience feelings of love and hatred. Also, visions with a similar plot can tell about a lifestyle whose days are filled with bright colors.

Waves on the surface of the sea in dreams hint at internal experiences that disturb the sleeping person. Perhaps the person is experiencing stress at work or is worried about the health of relatives.

Popular meanings of dream books

According to the Wanderer, one dreams of a clear stream of water, foreshadowing the receipt of long-awaited news, and foam on the waves speaks of an approaching illness. What predictions do other well-known interpretations make?

A feeling of anxiety and a sense of impending danger haunts the dreamer in reality when the day before important event dream of a storm warning.

Huge wave according to Miller

The interpreter of the famous psychoanalyst provides several interesting meanings.

As Miller's dream book says, waves predict a change from calm family happiness to a stormy life full of adventures and meeting interesting people.


For the interpretation to be correct, it will be necessary to take into account not only the details accompanying dreams, but also the peculiarities of the dreamers’ perception. Thus, a body of water covering a young girl will tell about the all-consuming feeling of falling in love, and for a married woman such a sign will hint at chores around the house.

How does he interpret family dream book, running away from the wave is an attempt by the subconscious to relieve itself of the burden of responsibility, clear the conscience, and reveal the truth to others.

The general dream book considers waves as an omen of a grueling struggle for a place in the sun, be it a desired position or the heart of a beloved.

Image of the elements

At first glance, a meaningless image of the calm surface of the sea will tell the sleeper about the coziness, love and harmony reigning at home.

A high tsunami in dreams will tell about inflated self-esteem and exaggeration of one’s own capabilities.

The dreamer's actions

Seeing a ship signaling a disaster is a sign of fear for loved ones. As he assures modern dream book, sailing on the waves in order to save a person is a plot that personifies pure thoughts and virtue.

The dreamer who runs away from the crushing wave according to the scenario will be able to avoid material troubles.

A surfer in dreams expresses hidden desires to become free, to get rid of parental oppression.

Sports and recreation

The turbulence of the sea personifies mental anxiety, and the interpreter of dreams will tell you what the wave is for in a dream.

Dreamed seaside resort speaks of general fatigue of the body, deterioration of well-being and mood.

Contemplation beyond the surface of the water

What does a ship tossed on the waves mean? After the news received, expect dramatic changes.

  • As the dream book interprets, a wave often covers the head of someone who cannot overcome complexes in reality; such a person is consumed by routine.
  • The cold expanses of the ocean will hint that old feelings have cooled.
  • Misunderstanding of loved ones brings a person to the extreme, when in dreams, according to the plot, a tsunami washes away a house, a street, a city.

If you dreamed of many small waves, then thanks to a strong inner core you will be able to solve the problems that arise quickly.

Other meanings

Seeing waves in a dream means becoming the initiator of a scandal, spreading rumors, weaving intrigues to achieve your own goals.

A muddy stream of water can be dreamed of by a person whose mind is filled with bad thoughts.

Running on the waves is a unique sign that tells about strong-willed qualities. Such symbols say that a person has caught luck by the tail, since after dreams success and recognition are guaranteed.

During the storm, according to the plot, did the boat begin to toss? The forces are unequal, rivals will be able to win an unequal battle.

Why do you dream about a raging sea? It is known that the water element has a connection with human emotions. Also, according to researchers, a dream about a rough sea speaks of internal changes, about changes in worldview. Dream books believe that the meaning of a dream may depend on the color of the sea, the transparency of the water, the height of the waves and your attitude to what is happening.

A sea with waves in a dream indicates that you are overwhelmed by strong emotions - this is the opinion of most authors. We can talk about both negative and positive feelings: the general mood of the dream and the color of the water will tell you what emotions the dream reflects.

For example, muddy, dark waves can indicate suppressed anger or resentment. This may portend quarrels, domestic squabbles, or a depressive period. Also, a dirty sea with high waves warns of possible error in resolving serious issues. Be extremely careful during this period, especially if you need to solve some problems that are important to you.

In general, the authors of dream books agree that a rough sea indicates obstacles: your path will not be smooth, you will have to overcome obstacles. The vision speaks of your excitement and deep experiences. In order to emerge victorious from the tests, you will need all your will.

Deep blue color

At first glance, a dream in which you dream of a sea of ​​intense blue color may be good sign. However, experts believe that this is not so. Blue is the color of depth and mystery. Something secret may come to the surface, and it is not a fact that it will please you. You are used to suppressing your desires, putting off solving problems until later.

The bright blue sea with waves reminds you that problems exist for you to solve. If you understand that the sea in front of you has significant depth, then this speaks of the depth of your experiences, of a hidden internal conflict.

The meaning of foam on the waves

If strong waves have formed dirty, voluminous foam, then this bad sign: your plans will not come true, there is no reason for hope. Cloudy foam indicates that your expectations are not realistic, they will remain just a dream. If the foam is light and translucent, then this image may foreshadow the beginning of a beautiful, romantic relationship, new love, which will bring you a lot of tenderness and bright emotions.

The bigger the waves, the stronger the emotions. If you see a sea with high waves in a dream, this may portend significant changes in your life. On the other hand, a lot depends on the mood in a dream. For example, if the waves are high, but transparent, bright blue, and you perceive the water element joyfully, with pleasure, then this may portend pleasant changes in life. This may predict some kind of sharp turn of fate, which you will perceive in a positive way, as some kind of adventure.

Small waves are a sign of a fair wind

A sea with small, rhythmically flowing waves is a harbinger of a successful period in life. You will achieve your goal, your plans will come true. This is especially true if the waves in the dream are clear and you have a positive attitude towards the water element, it does not scare you.

At the same time, most likely, some changes will take place in life. Perhaps you will have a desire to change your profession or do something new for your soul - pick up a hobby, passion, start playing sports.

A good sign is if you conquer the waves, for example, on a surfboard or a small yacht. A completely logical explanation: such a dream states that you are full of life, confident in yourself, and your plans easily come true.

If in a dream you see a measured, rhythmic surf, then this may also indicate that it is time to take care of your inner world and personal growth. Go to a psychologist, do something new for yourself: dancing, drawing, a foreign language.

Huge tide

Seeing a big tidal wave - dangerous dream. Some difficult situation or great misfortune may await you. In this case, it is impossible to control events; they unfold quickly and unexpectedly. The best way respond to them - remain calm and believe that any troubles will sooner or later end and a peaceful, calm period will begin.

A tsunami or a strong and dangerous storm indicates possible conflicts in the family or at work. You may have a serious quarrel with your loved one or find yourself in the midst of a scandal at work. Your position may be shaken. Most often, the authors of dream books warn about the possibility of conflict with the mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

The key to the meaning of a dream is your actions

If in a dream you swim in the sea, floating with pleasure on the waves, then in real life you will feel a surge of strength and joy. Ahead is a period of rest or great luck. Pleasant, easy events await you. If the waves are formidable, but you conquer them, then the meaning of the dream is associated with victory in a difficult task for you.

Waves overwhelm your head - a sign of serious worries, perhaps illness. The obstacle to realizing your plans is insurmountable. This may also indicate financial problems.

Waves according to Miller's interpretation

Miller believed that water in a dream speaks of the inner world, and by its state we can judge deep mental processes. The sea is your fantasies, desires, needs. Everything you want, everything your soul requires. If in a dream you simply stand on the shore and look at the waves, this means that you give up your desires and watch them from the side. If you enter the sea, it means that in life you are ready to meet your hidden needs and begin to realize them.

The researcher also believed that swimming in a muddy, choppy sea indicates a scandal. If the sea is clean and transparent, this speaks of strong, passionate love.

The sea and waves in night dreams are a sign of changes both within a person and around him. Such a dream may indicate the personal growth of the sleeper. However, a cloudy and choppy sea is a bad sign. Perhaps the dreamer is expecting a stormy showdown or serious danger. To understand exactly what the subconscious is talking about when sending this or that dream, it is important to remember all the details of the night vision and refer to the dream book.

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    Who is the dreamer

    The same dream seen by a man and a woman can mean completely different things. This is especially true for such an ambiguous symbol as the sea.

    Dream Interpretations give different interpretations for men, married women and unmarried girls.


    If married woman If you dreamed of big waves or even a tsunami, then quarrels will begin in family life. Perhaps the sleeping woman has a rival. But if the wave did not overtake the woman, then she will be able to maintain the warmth of the hearth.

    To an unmarried girl I dream of huge waves for an imminent wedding.


    Huge waves covering the dreamer's head promise a man new novel. Soon he will be overwhelmed by violent passions.

    Seeing a storm from afar in a dream means success in business and promotion.

    What were the waves like?

    The determining factor for the correct interpretation of a night vision in which the sea was present is the size and color of the waves.

    The dreamer could be caught in a storm or observe a calm and clean sea ​​water.


    A calm sea with small waves promises the dreamer a calm and measured life. All changes will take place peacefully. In addition, such a night vision speaks of the dreamer’s desire to personal growth. In the near future, it will be useful to expand your horizons and start learning foreign language or take advanced training courses.

    If in a dream a small surf barely touched the sleeper’s feet, then a journey awaits him to another country or to unknown corners hometown.


    A storm in a dream is an ambiguous symbol:

    1. 1. A raging sea is a dream of upcoming unrest and experiences. A turbulent life awaits the dreamer, filled with experiences and emotional turmoil. Such night vision symbolizes the throwing of a person. He is overwhelmed by various feelings: jealousy, fear, resentment, hatred. To overcome all obstacles, one must not allow emotions to prevail over reason.
    2. 2. Seeing huge waves or a tsunami in a dream means impending danger. If the sleeping person managed to escape, then the threat is exaggerated.
    3. 3. If the dreamer was directly inside a sea storm, then trouble awaits him.
    4. 4. Watching a storm from the shore or from a cliff means that fate is favorable to the sleeper. Troubles will pass him by. Moreover, the further a person was from the surf line in a dream, the safer he can feel.
    5. 5. Seeing yourself sailing on a ship on high waves means a fun life. In the near future, the dreamer will not be bored.
    6. 6. If in night vision you happen to see a tornado at sea, then the sleeper will experience unexpected and dramatic changes that will completely turn his life around. These transformations will not be easy. The dream book recommends not giving up, and then the dreamer will definitely win the fight for happiness.

    Foam on the crests of large waves in a dream symbolizes doubts that have been gnawing at the sleeper in reality for a long time. You should be more decisive and make an important decision.

    Clean or dirty sea

    Clean and clear sea water is almost always combined with calm. Such a dream promises the sleeper peace and harmony. There's no need to wait anytime soon negative changes, no violent passions. Life will go on as usual, rocking the dreamer rhythmically on the waves.

    Rarely, but it happens to be seen in a dream clear water in a storm. Such a vision speaks of the purity of the thoughts of the person himself and the people around him. The dreamer chose the right path, on which he will not encounter major troubles.

    You dream of muddy waves when the sleeper is not honest with himself. He lives not as he wants, but as society dictates. It is recommended to defend your point of view more decisively. Also, a sea with muddy water in a dream acts as a signal of the machinations of competitors.

    Wave color

    The sea in night vision can take on a variety of shades:

    1. 1. The clear blue sea promises happiness to the sleeping person. A particularly good dream is one in which sun rays pierced by the waves blue color. But if in the dream there were many birds flying over the water or sitting on the shore, then the sleeper subconsciously experiences fear and anxiety. If in a dream a ship or boat was sailing on blue water, then the dreamer will have a quick trip.
    2. 2. Blue waves in night vision symbolize that the solution to the problem is known to the sleeper, but is hidden deep in his subconscious, like in the thickness of sea water. It’s worth being alone with yourself and thinking.
    3. 3. A dreamed black sea promises a sudden unpleasant encounter if it was stormy in the dream. However, a calm sea of ​​a dark shade, reflecting the moon and stars, foreshadows the sleeper a happy and long life.
    4. 4. Green waves foreshadow a favorable outcome in real life. After the sleeper, a long-awaited vacation and a pleasant pastime awaits.

    Sometimes you can even see the red sea in a dream. It symbolizes long term relationship. Soon the question will arise - move to a new level or finish the novel.

    The plot of the dream

    Usually the sea in a dream is a symbol of emotional experiences and seething feelings. But in order to accurately interpret the dream, the sleeper will need to remember his actions.

    Interpretations will be different depending on whether the person swam in the sea, drowned, or simply looked at the waves from the shore.


    If in your dreams you happened to swim in the sea, then you need to remember the details of the dream:

    1. 1. Swim in sea ​​water- a sign that the dreamer knows how to enjoy life and take advantage of circumstances. If the waves were small, then the sleeper will have good luck in life. We had to fight the elements - temporary difficulties lay ahead.
    2. 2. Swimming in the sea at night means changes and sharp turns in life.
    3. 3. If in a dream a person was sailing on a ship, then large waves that cause fear symbolize an unpleasant event. It will be a real shock for a person. But a relatively calm sea promises success in business thanks to instinct and intuition.
    4. 4. Drowning in the sea in a dream means problems that will take the dreamer by surprise. The dream book advises to act more actively and boldly in reality.
    5. 5. Jumping into the sea means trusting to a stranger and lose control of the situation. In reality, the sleeper may commit an act that he will definitely regret later. The feeling of danger when jumping into the water is a reflection of life experiences.

    If in a dream a sleeper is carried away into the abyss, then in life he must accept difficult decision.

    By correctly interpreting night vision, you can notice the impending danger in time and make the right decision.