If a man doesn't like cats. Is cat love a fiction? What kind of people do cats like? Conversation with a cat: sounds and facial expressions

Do you know men who love cats? What do you think about them? Some, obeying an outdated stereotype, cannot stand them. I think they are smart, subtle and deep. Fortunately, many people agree with me and one might even say that this opinion has prevailed recently.

It is also characteristic that many men no longer hide their tender affection for their furry brethren, and are even proud of it. The tone is set by writers, musicians and actors, respected, famous, accomplished people who have weight in society. All of them proudly consider themselves to be cat lovers. But even among stern men, there are those who simply adore their cats. I remember a touching article in a magazine about a border guard colonel who served somewhere in the Arctic Circle with his Persian cat.

In general, we can say that among us there are more and more confident men who sincerely love and care for their small and funny furry companions. I won’t lie, I like this trend, and I thought I could easily write why this is so. However, it took me several days to formulate the wonderful qualities that characterize such men, as well as to select interesting archival photos as illustrations.

They feel the mood subtly

Even the most docile cats can sometimes be unfriendly and not behave very kindly. At such moments, the owner needs to be especially sensitive and instantly understand the signals transmitted by the cat, which can be translated into one short phrase: “don’t touch me.” Men usually always know when to leave a cat alone or when to let it go. But now the capricious princess has changed her anger to mercy, and she is already basking on the lap of her admirer.

It’s wonderful when a person is able to be so attuned to those around him and not get irritated by their mood changes.

They are responsible

Although many people think that cats are easy to care for, a true cat expert will tell you that a cat requires a lot of attention, it needs not only care, but also your love and attention. It will be necessary not only to feed, but also to comb, wash, vaccinate, walk if possible, and, of course, clean the litter box daily! I think that you can completely rely on a person who is able to take on all these troubles.

They are serious and reliable

Such men love not only cats. Perhaps they would have gotten someone else, but high level responsibility, a realistic assessment of their schedule and work characteristics do not allow them to do this. But the fact that a man is able to connect his life with someone for 10–15 years speaks volumes. I think young girls should take a closer look at them.

They are able to appreciate the diversity of personality

The same cat can be gentle, languid, playful, reserved, lazy, bored, funny - very, very different and all in one person, so to speak. Men who love cats obviously appreciate the complexity of a cat's nature, and in life they are able to be flexible and accept people as they are..

They have a sense of humor

If you have a cat, you simply must have a sense of humor in order to appreciate their fun and antics. Men who love cats are certainly capable of not getting angry, but laughing at the funny pose of a cat lounging on the desktop right on important documents. They will be amused by a game of hunting, where the owner's morning sandwich is the prey, and the impudent hunter is positioned on the table so that his tail ends up in a plate with an omelette. They will definitely make a joke, even when at 4 am the house hears wake-up call. In general, men with a good sense of humor are always interesting to others, and doubly so with a cat on their lap!

They are thinkers

Cats are intelligent and known for their willfulness. It is difficult to subject them to any rules, but you can always come to an agreement with them. And for this you need to be an observant person, correctly understand the reasons for their behavior, and here you cannot do without the gift of original thinking. Apparently, male cat lovers in to the fullest have this quality because they usually easily find common language with your pets. And in life they themselves are a little like them - they do what they love, and not what they are told, and have a philosophical attitude towards life.

Do you know men who love cats? What do you think about them? Some, obeying an outdated stereotype, cannot stand them. I think they are smart, subtle and deep. Fortunately, many people agree with me and one might even say that this opinion has prevailed recently.

It is also characteristic that many men no longer hide their tender affection for their furry brethren, and are even proud of it. The tone is set by writers, musicians and actors, respected, famous, accomplished people who have weight in society. All of them proudly consider themselves to be cat lovers. But even among stern men, there are those who simply adore their cats. I remember a touching article in a magazine about a border guard colonel who served somewhere in the Arctic Circle with his Persian cat.

In general, we can say that among us there are more and more confident men who sincerely love and care for their small and funny furry companions. I won’t lie, I like this trend, and I thought I could easily write why this is so. However, it took me several days to formulate the wonderful qualities that characterize such men, as well as to select interesting archival photos as illustrations.

They feel the mood subtly

Even the most docile cats can sometimes be unfriendly and not behave very kindly. At such moments, the owner needs to be especially sensitive and instantly understand the signals transmitted by the cat, which can be translated into one short phrase: “don’t touch me.” Men usually always know when to leave a cat alone or when to let it go. But now the capricious princess has changed her anger to mercy, and she is already basking on the lap of her admirer.

It’s wonderful when a person is able to be so attuned to those around him and not get irritated by their mood changes.

They are responsible

Although many people think that cats are easy to care for, a true cat expert will tell you that a cat requires a lot of attention, it needs not only care, but also your love and attention. It will be necessary not only to feed, but also to comb, wash, vaccinate, walk if possible, and, of course, clean the litter box daily! I think that you can completely rely on a person who is able to take on all these troubles.

They are serious and reliable

Such men love not only cats. Perhaps they would hire someone else, but the high level of responsibility, a realistic assessment of their schedule and the characteristics of their work do not allow them to do this. But the fact that a man is able to connect his life with someone for 10–15 years speaks volumes. I think young girls should take a closer look at them.

They are able to appreciate the diversity of personality

The same cat can be gentle, languid, playful, reserved, lazy, bored, funny - very, very different and all in one person, so to speak. Men who love cats obviously appreciate the complexity of a cat's nature, and in life they are able to be flexible and accept people as they are..

They have a sense of humor

If you have a cat, you simply must have a sense of humor in order to appreciate their fun and antics. Men who love cats are certainly capable of not getting angry, but laughing at the funny pose of a cat lounging on the desktop right on important documents. They will be amused by a game of hunting, where the owner's morning sandwich is the prey, and the impudent hunter is positioned on the table so that his tail ends up in a plate with an omelette. They will definitely joke, even when the alarm bell rings in the house at 4 am. In general, men with a good sense of humor are always interesting to others, and doubly so with a cat on their lap!

They are thinkers

Cats are intelligent and known for their willfulness. It is difficult to subject them to any rules, but you can always come to an agreement with them. And for this you need to be an observant person, correctly understand the reasons for their behavior, and here you cannot do without the gift of original thinking. Apparently, male cat lovers fully possess this quality, because they usually easily find a common language with their pets. And in life they themselves are a little like them - they do what they love, and not what they are told, and have a philosophical attitude towards life.

The main illustration is paintings by Natalia Osintseva (Govorukhina).

Love for all living things is inherent in man by nature itself. Some people cannot pass by a homeless puppy, while others prefer to have exotic animals at home or keep an aquarium. There are people who love cats. The psychology of those who are not indifferent to felines also has its own characteristics. After all, the conscious choice of a four-legged friend can tell a lot about the character of its owner. As the famous writer M. Twain said, cats differ from other pets in that they cannot be forced to obey by any means. These animals will never become slaves. And under no circumstances will cats do anything they don’t want to do.

People who love cats

Unlike meowing animals, it is simple and understandable. They quickly learn to follow commands and are easy to train. Maybe this is why ardent cat lovers prefer the wayward character of a cat. She is independent and stubborn. The cat prefers to walk by itself, as was noted in the famous work of R. Kipling. But, despite this, she is able to truly become attached to a person. And, having become his friend not involuntarily, but by at will, can love sincerely and forever.

When we have a cat in our home, we automatically strive to communicate with wild nature. Essentially this is little tiger, which you can pick up and caress. Mostly women prefer furry pets, but it happens that men also love cats. Our psychology is structured in such a way that sooner or later we all strive to create a family and a cozy hearth. And purring is a symbol of home well-being, calmness and reliability. A soft creature curled up in a ball, purring peacefully on the sofa, gives a feeling of warmth and a stable way of life. Love for a cat often characterizes a man as an exemplary family man, a caring father. Such a person values ​​comfort in the home, feminine affection, order and cleanliness, delicious lunch. If a guy prefers cats to dogs, then he will look for a life partner to match. Bright, beautiful, graceful and independent. But at the same time, affectionate, tender and able to give love.

Choosing a pet and awareness of responsibility

The psychology of cats is so unique that raising them requires a special approach. When you decide to have this semi-wild animal in your home, you need to remember the great responsibility. After all, this is not a hamster that will live only a few years. When getting a cat, you should realize that it will become its owner’s companion for the rest of its life. You will have to put up with her behavior, with fur on all surfaces, including clothes and food. Moreover, this pleasure is not cheap. The animal needs nutritious food and care, it can get sick. And then you will have to spend a lot on veterinarian services. But if all these worries don’t scare you, then you belong to the category of people called “cat lovers.” Your psychology is designed in such a way that any pet’s whims will be perceived as little pranks. And communication with him will only give positive emotions and will put you in a good mood.

Character and temperament of cats

Cats live by instinct. German scientists have discovered an interesting pattern. It turned out that the psychology of cats is determined by their color. Striped animals are more independent; they are very reluctant to make contact with humans. They prefer to be left to their own devices. Black cats, on the contrary, are sociable and love affection. White felines are monogamous. They become attached to only one owner, giving him all their attention, allowing only him to stroke them. But black and white ones are usually harmless, they adore children, allowing them to cuddle them. Tricolors and reds are somewhat phlegmatic, a little odd, and slow. But these statements are not an axiom and do not always correspond to reality. The psychology of cats, the character and characteristics of their behavior also depend on what type of temperament the animal belongs to from birth. And as they grow older, other qualities are added to this base. There are four such types:

  • Sanguine. This cat quickly gets used to a new environment and loves children. She gets along easily with other pets, is mobile and moderately active.
  • Choleric. The psychology of cats and cats of this type is characterized by vigorous activity. Their mood changes quickly, they are quick-tempered and somewhat nervous, meow loudly and growl. The pet will not tolerate resentment or hold back emotions. He will prefer to immediately fight back with his paw or bite his opponent. Be it a human or another animal. You never know in advance what to expect from him. It is more interesting for such a cat to live with an owner who leads an active lifestyle and has an explosive temperament. In a house where there are small children, you need to keep an eye out for choleric cats. A child may unknowingly pull his tail or press his paw, for which he will receive a rebuff.
  • calm, slightly slow and calm cat. She rarely shows emotions, is reserved and very reserved. She may sleep around the clock or watch listlessly as attempts are made to engage her in play. This cat will appeal to homebodies, elderly or busy people who are rarely at home.
  • Melancholic. This is a very sensitive and touchy animal. You can’t yell at him, much less physically punish him. Cats are shy, afraid of strangers or new interior items. The psychology of melancholic cats is characterized by great devotion and love for humans. But they choose only one owner, who becomes their friend, because they are monogamous.

Knowing the characteristics of temperament will help you choose the right pet, because the rudiments distinctive features clearly visible even at a very young age. Character is revealed in the process of communication with brothers and sisters, with the mother cat. It is enough just to observe the behavior and play of the baby to understand what his character is.

Relationships between dogs and cats

The relationship between these completely different animals is well described in the work of K. Lorenz “A Man Finds a Friend.” A book that reveals the psychology of cats and dogs from all sides should definitely become a reference book. Especially if a person plans to have these pets at home at the same time. The author describes in detail life situations from personal experience, gives recommendations and advice. There are a lot of differences between animals. Take, for example, body language, a considerable part of which is given to the tail. A dog wagging its tail shows joy, greeting, and readiness to make contact. And the nervous twitching of a cat's tail signals displeasure and irritation. The first meeting of seemingly irreconcilable enemies is the most important. Depending on how it goes, further animal relationships will be built. But friendship can arise between them, especially if you accustom them to each other from the very beginning. early age. Even if a connection has been established and the pets are already sleeping and playing together, this does not mean that they should have everything in common. Each of them needs their own personal space, a separate corner with a bowl for food, as well as an equal amount of attention from the owner. Purrs are more prone to territorial aggression, this is how the psychology of cats works.

The book also describes how best to train animals to life together in order to traumatize the psyche of both as little as possible. It is believed that bringing a cat into a house with an already living dog is the most favorable situation. After all, dogs worry less about their territory and are more obedient, if, of course, they are raised correctly. It was also noticed that more large breeds dogs become attached to little kitten. Animals that fall in love with each other begin to look after each other, sleep together, and eat from the same bowl.

What do cat poses say?

It is generally accepted that felines are more liked by straightforward, frank and fair people. Cats, whose psychology is structured differently from dogs, can become their true friends, but not slaves. You can find someone with a cat if you know the peculiarities of its behavior. You should pay attention to everything: posture, manner of movement, voice, ears and tail. Cats use more than just sounds to express their needs. More often they prefer to communicate using gestures and facial expressions, and sometimes a whole set of signs.

Love for cats, whose psychology has not yet been fully understood by anyone, is an incentive to study the habits of the animal and understand it. are distinguished by grace and can tell a lot about her:

  • Calm, observation - the cat sits with its tail wrapped around its paws.
  • Greeting - the cat rubs against the owner’s legs, moving from paw to paw.
  • Love and affection - rubs its muzzle and whiskers against the face or legs of the owner.
  • Thoughtful - lying on his back.
  • Warning - a sharp swish of the tail.
  • Intimidation - the back is arched.
  • Threat - fur standing on end, paws straight and elongated.

A raised cat's tail speaks of friendliness, while a lowered and tousled cat's tail speaks of confusion. A tail pointing down and tapping on the floor means the cat is scared. Nervous twitching of the tail from side to side, whipping it on the sides means the highest degree of aggression.

Dominance and the desire to suppress enemy aggression can rarely be observed among females. A mother cat, if her babies are in danger, will fight to the bitter end. She will give her life for the kittens, not retreating even from the most terrible and large enemy. But cats often, in the struggle for the affection of a young cat, can fight fiercely, finding out who is stronger. The pose when they stand motionless, nose to nose, expresses extreme concentration. The slightest movement of the enemy or sudden extraneous sound may be the impetus for a valiant battle. But one of the cats is defeated sooner or later. He lies on his stomach, pressing his body and head tightly to the ground, and extends his paws with claws towards the enemy. His posture expresses both submission and threat. In this case, the winner leaves first, demonstrating his dignity and superiority. Friendly relations between adult males are practically impossible.

Cats in relation to humans at home are somewhat different. They rarely express extreme aggression towards their owner. But a stranger may be scratched or bitten if he does not retreat after the warning signs. More often, aggression is triggered by fear, stress or confusion. Complete trust in the owner and others is manifested in a position on the side or back, when the stomach is open. The cat's eyes are usually closed, she is relaxed, dozing and is not at all averse to being petted.

Conversation with a cat: sounds and facial expressions

Although cats prefer to communicate with gestures, the most talkative of them purr constantly. has more than 16 signals of various ranges, including inaccessible human ear ultrasound. Mothers often communicate with their kittens using such inaudible sounds. An ordinary “meow” may differ in timbre and tonality. Having learned to speak like a cat, a person will be able to convey the necessary information to the pet with similar sounds. For example, quietly hissing at a cat when it does something forbidden, you can let it know that it should not be done. The psychology of cats is designed in such a way that not all of them are too talkative. Some animals make only a few quiet sounds throughout their lives. Others, on the contrary, constantly scream, purr, growl, hiss and grumble. Here's what some cat words can tell you about your furry friend's mood:

  • Hissing is a warning signal.
  • Snorting - surprise, desire to distract the enemy, confusion.
  • Low range rumbling - readiness for defense.
  • Grunting is a threat and a warning.
  • Clattering of teeth, smacking and bleating - a desire to catch prey or disappointment if this was not possible.
  • Purring - the cat is happy with life.
  • A cooing short “meow” is the joy of meeting, greeting.
  • Vibrating with a hoarse “meow” - friendly attitude, Gratitude.

Each drawn-out “mi-auu”, “meaa-u” in most cases expresses a request, a call for help, a complaint or a cry. The degree to which a cat is talkative depends not only on its individual character, but also on its breed. The psychology of their Siamese and Oriental counterparts is different in that they are very talkative and sociable. British and European shorthair cats, on the contrary, are silent.

The facial expressions of all cats are very expressive due to high degree mobility of the muscles of the muzzle and head. Cat's eyes are a mirror that reflects the mood and state of mind pet. Half-closed eyelids and slow blinking mean calm, tranquility, and relaxation. Wide eyes - interest, concern. Fear is shown by dilated pupils. A narrowed gaze expresses warning and challenge. Sharply constricted pupils indicate extreme concentration. If the cat looks away, then it is ready to obey. A direct look into the eyes of the owner and ears stretched forward express interest, a request, a desire to communicate or eat. Ears drooping to the sides indicate aggression, while ears pulled back and drooping indicate that the cat is scared. If the tips of your ears tremble nervously, this is a sign of insecurity.

Education and training, punishment and reward, play and toys

If a woman or man loves cats, whose psychology is so unpredictable, then, of course, they will want to play with them. Cats are hunters by nature and know how to have fun without a person. Rustle pieces of paper, balls, laces, curtains and other pieces of furniture and interior design are the most suitable for them. best toys. By running, jumping, trying to catch its own tail, the kitten develops its body and skeleton, strengthens its muscles. When playing with a cat, you should remember that she is used to being dominant. And too aggressive, in her opinion, attacks on the part of the owner can forever discourage the cat’s interest in playing with him. A bow on a string or a lace in her understanding is prey. And the victim cannot behave fearlessly, attack or fight back. The cat should not be allowed to play with its arms and legs. The habit of scratching and biting can easily become ingrained, which is extremely unpleasant and dangerous for young children.

When raising a cat, you need to remember that it will not be possible to train it and achieve complete obedience. She doesn’t care about prohibitions, she does not react to physical punishment, continuing to do what she likes. It is important to teach the animal to relieve itself in a special tray, absorb food and sleep in strictly designated areas. Here all actions should be aimed at developing conditioned reflexes. For example, if a cat gets into the habit of walking past the litter box or to another corner, then he should be purposefully led to that place day after day, waiting for him to do his business. We must not forget about encouragement; the cat needs to be caressed, stroked and praised. A few days later, and in as a last resort weeks, the cat will get used to it.

Territory and social aspects of behavior

The psychology of cats is designed in such a way that territory is very important for them, because they are asocial animals. They mark their favorite places, thus protecting their personal space from uninvited enemies. Despite this, in nature cats can live in groups or colonies, gathering according to their interests. For example, feed together, sunbathe in the sun. As a rule, there is no friendly communication between them. Each individual retains its individuality, trying to retire to sleep in a secluded place, choosing separate paths for walking and places for thinking, favorite trees for sharpening claws.

Hunting and food

And although cats are simply amazing hunters, they do not need to hunt at home. Just like they don’t need to protect their homes. The breadwinner and protector is the owner, whom the cat treats more like a parent. This is manifested in the way she shifts from foot to foot, gently rubs her legs, showing her affection. This is exactly how a kitten communicates with its mother. Hunting for a domestic cat is entertainment, an instinctive desire. She can catch a mouse, a fly or a bird. Quite rarely, a cat decides to attack a huge rat with sharp teeth that could cause her pain. Your prey domestic cat brings it into the house. This is a gift for the owner, an expression of true friendship and care.

Mother cat and offspring

Cats are very caring and devoted mothers. They constantly lick the kittens, stimulating the babies' blood circulation and breathing. Animals raise their offspring through play and silent communication. If there is a threat of danger, the cat may drag the children to another place. But the connection between mother and child does not last long. As soon as the kitten grows up, the cat loses interest in him, perceiving him as a young male or female.

Regardless of which pet you decide to place next to you, remember that the psychology of cats, dogs and other animals works differently. And, before bringing a new tenant into the house, it would be a good idea to study the main features of the behavior of the future pet, so that in the future his pranks, games or aggressive behavior did not come as an unpleasant surprise. Once in new home, the kitten feels defenseless and unsure of itself. He needs someone who will help him get comfortable in a new place, protect him from dangers and become a true senior comrade. And cats never forget kindness, an affectionate attitude, as well as pain and fear. And all these feelings are usually associated with a person. Take care of the cat, caress it, do not hold it forcibly, do not punish it too harshly, and it will become you true friend for many years.

Research shows that a person's love for cats or dogs can tell a lot about them.

According to the American Pet Food Association, 62% of American households own pets. Dogs are the most popular pet, with 39% of American households owning them, but cats are a close second to their worst enemy, with at least one in 33% of US households.

Recently, scientists decided to find out whether the choice of a furry friend can really tell something about a person. It turned out that it could.

Research has shown that people tend to gravitate towards the animals with which they grew up and were raised, and factors such as the person’s age and living space are also important.

Parents who have small children are more likely to get a dog that their children can play with and go for walks with. But older people most often choose cats because they are much smaller, and caring for them does not require significant physical effort.

People living in the suburbs are more likely to have big dogs, while apartment residents like cats or small dogs.

However, research shows that both cats and dogs, and the people who love them - popularly called "cat people" and "dog people" - have many differences. Scientists at the University of Texas found that those who identify as dog people are more extroverted, agreeable and conscientious than their cat-person counterparts. Those who love cats more are, in turn, more creative and entrepreneurial, but at the same time they are more prone to neuroses and anxiety.

A pet can tell not only about a person’s character, but also about his political sympathies. After a survey of 2 thousand Americans, it turned out that 33% of dog owners called themselves Republicans, while only 28% of cat owners were Democrats.

After another, larger survey of 200 thousand pet owners, it turned out that the division by political leanings was more even. 50% of dog people were more likely to become conservatives than cat people.

But cat and dog lovers also have something that unites them and makes them similar friend to a friend - all these people consider themselves closer to nature, they are usually optimistic and do not like clothes with images of animals.

The survey also found that cat people and dog people have equal opportunities to earn a graduate degree, but cat lovers are 17% more likely to complete graduate school.

Here's some more information about the tendencies of cat and dog lovers:

Help for animals:

  • 67% of dog lovers help homeless kittens.
  • Only 21% of cat lovers help homeless kittens.


  • Dog lovers are 36% more likely to set a popular song as their ringtone.
  • Cat lovers are 11% more likely to rewrite contacts from their mobile phone also in the address book.

Everyone is different, and that's wonderful. Some people believe that it is impossible not to love cats. Others adore dogs and do not understand how one can sympathize with naughty cats. Still others are indifferent to both animals. The purpose of this article is not to find out which of them is right. The point is to figure out what people who love cats are like, outlining a portrait of a typical ardent cat lover.

Arrogant, fearless, do not know how to obey and never subservient to a person or other creature. I love cats very much, but they really are like that - affectionate and touchy, purebred and domestic, short-haired and fluffy, they all show independence to one degree or another. All of them prove every day that man is not the crown of nature, not the master and not the head of the situation. So why do people love cats, why are we so attracted to willfulness, independence and stubbornness?

Psychologists, astrologers and other specialists are adherents of a certain division of all humanity into groups: by hair color, by type nervous system, by date of birth, by zodiac sign, etc. Of course, there is also a characteristic of people loving cats. How else? After all, the choice of a four-legged friend largely depends on the worldview, habits and qualities of an individual person. It is believed that a typical cat lover is a straightforward, frank, sometimes even excessively, person who confidently moves towards his goal and has a keen sense of justice.

Read also: Man and cat: friends or not?

Cat and independence

“Of all God’s creations, there is only one from which one cannot make a slave even with the help of a whip - this is a cat.”

Mark Twain

Ardent dog lovers believe cats are independent main reason his dislike for these animals. The dog is simple and clear. She must obey, must consider the person the master, follow commands and act, obeying not instincts, but a wave of her hand or a demanding tone. It’s a paradox, but, according to cat lovers, it’s impossible not to love cats precisely because of the capricious nature of mustachioed impatiens. The cat does not know how to obey, and that is why they love her. A wayward, independent and stubborn cat cannot be broken; you can only come to an agreement with it by concluding a pact on the conditions of living together. In fact, under the same roof with cat people it is not a slave, which they consider dogs to be, but true friend, companion, faithful comrade.

Another reason why people love cats for their independence is the closeness of these animals to nature. Even a cat that never leaves the house behaves like a real predator, hunting for impromptu prey or fighting off an impudent person who decided to cut its claws. As V. Hugo said, God created a cat so that a person could have a tiger that he could pet. And we take advantage of wonderful opportunities to touch wildlife, have a piece of the jungle at home and observe the habits of a real, albeit small, tiger cub.

Cat and curiosity

No, we are not talking about the famous cat curiosity, but about the curiosity of a human researcher, a person looking at the world from the position of “I want to know everything!” The characteristics of people who love cats as an object of study are very simple, but at the same time very interesting. These are people-observers who do not ignore even the smallest details: “It’s strange, the birch tree turns yellow on the left side, and the maple tree standing next to it turns yellow on the right... Why?!” Observing the behavior and habits of cats is endlessly interesting. It is much easier to explain this or that decision of a dog, because these animals are very similar to people. But the cat is our opposite. And the more you study it, the more questions arise - a godsend for an inquisitive mind!

Read also: Why do cats love valerian?

Cat and home

The cat as a symbol of the home is not new. However, this image is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. A cat, cozy and fluffy, curled up on a comfortable sofa, purring with pleasure, licking its fur coat, lapping milk, basking in the sun or near the fireplace... This is warmth, calmness, reliability, a familiar way of life.

If a man loves cats, he probably appreciates a woman’s care, pays attention to the cleanliness of the house, is grateful for the rich borscht and the newspaper carefully left on the dressing table. This is a man for whom the generally accepted image of a mother and life partner is of decisive importance. He does not take women’s duties for granted, but is sincerely grateful to his wife for creating a cozy atmosphere. On the other hand, if a woman loves cats, she values ​​peace and order, trying to surround herself and her loved ones with care and warmth. However, like cats, sometimes she becomes cheerful, eccentric, unpredictable - such people will never be bored with each other.

He, she and cat

Psychologists believe that if a man loves cats - he really loves them, and does not just consider it possible to have this animal at home - he treats women as equal beings, does not show rudeness, and does not consider the attitude: “Your place is in the kitchen, your day” to be correct. - the eighth of March." If a guy loves cats since adolescence, he will look for a companion whose character resembles these independent creatures - independent, intelligent, proud, a little bitchy and confident in her abilities.