Roadside business ideas. Small road business: a real story

Dear friends, I decided to write about working ideas for making money selling goods on the side of highways. This proven method of earning money will allow you to earn money from scratch (or almost from scratch) and without any serious knowledge.

Many traders who stand on the roads and sell a wide variety of goods earn quite decent money. You can't raise coins with a shovel, but you have enough to live on. I have seen examples more than once of how such enterprising people started with a tray and after a while opened a full-fledged “business on the road.” You will see such examples further if you read the article to the end.

I can highlight the following advantages of this type of activity:

  1. Minimum funds to start. Naturally, if you have a car (many people have one now).
  2. Most of these ideas do not require registration of entrepreneurial activity.
  3. You can choose the busiest places for trade, where the flow of cars reaches several thousand per day.
  4. Popular products are always sold out.

And so let's begin.

Firewood and brooms - everything for a bath

At the entrance to our city they have been selling ordinary firewood for several years now. And they sell very successfully. Nearby is private sector and a large dacha area. Many rich people have solid fuel boilers and wood-burning saunas in their cottages, so they are one of the most important solvent buyers.

I remember how people started with a regular cart with firewood. Now, in their place, a road complex has actually grown up, where you can buy firewood and brooms, coal for barbecue and barbecue, figures for summer cottage, black soil and fertilizers, etc.

To organize the business, you need to find firewood suppliers. In almost every working-class settlement or village there are people who will sell firewood for pennies. A more difficult option is to organize your own firewood production.

Felt boots and hats

Starting in the fall, a trade in felt boots and hats is organized in one lively place. The product is popular and in demand.

The most interesting thing is that the people who are engaged in this business are far from poor, judging by their minibus - a foreign car. And the product is ordinary felt boots.

What prevents each of us from doing such a thing? No problem. You can purchase goods at wholesale centers or from resellers (you don’t have to look for manufacturers with small volumes).


Well, this is already a classic of the genre. I think each of you has observed the following picture: a car is standing on the side of the road, there are several five-liter bottles of blue liquid on the hood, the driver is sitting in the car - he is also a salesman. We have points where there is not even one, but several cars parked. Of course, earnings are purely seasonal, but you can earn good money in a few days.

Let's do the math. 5 liters of “anti-freeze” in bulk purchase will cost 60-70 rubles (2015). You can buy it at Auchan or Lenta. On the highway they will sell goods for at least 100 rubles, although some put a price tag of 150 rubles. As a result, we get from 30 to 90 rubles per bottle sold. On one stormy day, hundreds of cars can stop near a point of sale.


It’s funny, but ordinary potatoes in buckets that grannies sell are sold out by city residents with a bang! Such goods are also presented by a wide range of sellers on the side of our roads. People buy potatoes especially willingly in the spring, when prices in hypermarkets become extremely high. In the fall, of course, it is difficult to make money on potatoes, since there are so many of them everywhere.

The difficulty in organizing such a business comes down to two points: finding suppliers and storage for potatoes. The goods must be purchased during the harvest season, when peasant farms harvest their fields. At this time, potato prices are at their lowest.

The idea, of course, is not for a city dweller, but for those who have private house and the ability to organize long-term storage of potatoes.

Garden figures

Enough hot commodity in spring and summer - garden figures and MAF (small architectural forms). There is one point that sells a huge assortment of “garden characters” on the road: gnomes and hares, pigs and monkeys, dogs and cats, lions, bears and even dinosaurs. There are always buyers for such beauty.

You can purchase such figures in bulk from Russian suppliers. They are not difficult to find. Just enter “garden figures wholesale” into the search bar and you’ll get a whole series proposals. The markup on individual items can reach up to 100%.

Living close to a federal highway, you can seriously think about organizing your business on the highway. Here are just some ideas: this includes trade in agricultural products, you can open a cafe, store or toilet, car service center, gas station, motel, etc.

Trading on the highway

The easiest way to earn money is by trading your own grown products. Residents of the southern regions successfully trade in melons, watermelons, peaches, and grapes. Ideas depend on the specifics of the region. In one area there is a thriving trade in fish, in another in strawberries or dishes, ceramics, etc.

As a rule, products at roadside markets have an attractive price, and passing people buy them with pleasure. This type of entrepreneurship does not require large financial investments, a business plan, or registration with the tax service.

The second way to trade on the highway is to sell hot drinks and food prepared in your own kitchen. This business is very profitable because these people usually do not pay taxes. To implement the idea you need to be able to cook well. Typically, merchants offer salads, dumplings, hot borscht, and meat dishes. The business plan includes small expenses. This includes the purchase of thermoses, disposable tableware, and food preparation products.

The third option to trade on the federal highway is to open a store. The profitability of such an event depends on the congestion of the highway, distance from the city, and the presence of competitors. An auto parts store can be opened near the city, this will attract additional customers from local residents. To implement an idea, you need to draw up a business plan. This will allow you to calculate the amount of initial capital.

It is better to open a grocery store away from the city. In addition to products, you can sell hygiene products, alcohol and cigarettes. This will require licenses. In order for the store to attract the attention of drivers, a large sign is needed! The following factors should be taken into account: availability and convenience of parking.

How to open a store?

Reopening Action Plan point of sale is as follows:

  1. find a good place;
  2. rent or buy territory;
  3. build and equip a store;
  4. register with the tax authorities;
  5. purchase licenses if you plan to sell cigarettes or alcohol;
  6. conclude agreements with suppliers.

To implement the idea, significant capital will be required. If your own funds are not enough, you can attract investors. A well-written business plan will help with this.

Power points

Get good income you can by opening cafes and snack bars on the highway. Cafe located in good place, can generate more profit than a restaurant in the city center. Ideas such as opening a kebab shop, a pizzeria, fast food, a cafe with home cooking are the most optimal on the road!

There are a few rules to ensure that roadside eateries generate maximum profit:

  • It is better to place eateries at a distance of at least 30 km from the city;
  • a cafe does not require a large area;
  • Convenient access and parking are required;
  • 24/7 operation.

The business plan, in addition to expenses, should also reflect the menu of the establishment. As a rule, road cafes serve food that takes no more than 20-30 minutes to prepare. Therefore, you will need refrigerators for preparing salads, etc. Food that you can take with you is also in demand.

There are several successful tricks to attract customers. Drivers and tour guides are offered free lunches. And for this they will bring passengers to your cafe. Truckers can become regular customers if the cafe offers free boiling water.

There are other ideas to attract visitors. For example, you can open a toilet near the establishment. In addition, this will allow you to receive additional profit. Don’t forget about a large sign, a memorable name, and the neatness of the surrounding area. There is no need to skimp on the quality of the dishes you prepare!

To open roadside cafe, individual registration will be required labor activity. Personnel are required to have health certificates. Whatever type of earnings on the track you choose, it is worth remembering that roadside business is associated with certain risks, so it would be a good idea to insure your property.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to choose large buildings, the main thing is that your establishment is located near high-traffic roads. At the same time, as with any other business, there are a number of features. You can find out more about how to open a roadside cafe, what documents to collect, what equipment to purchase, etc.


According to experts, the industry catering outside the city is underdeveloped, so it makes sense to think about a roadside cafe. IN European countries both a coffee shop and a restaurant can coexist peacefully on the roads fast food. But judging by Russian experience, fast food is the most acceptable option, since visitors to such establishments are usually in a hurry.

In addition, it is worth thinking not only about how to open a roadside cafe, but also where exactly to establish it. Best options- gas stations, places near settlements, and also shopping centers. A cafe can also be opened near a recreation area (on the banks of a river or lake). Many people advise choosing the southern direction (that is, south of the city or village), so you won’t be bored even in winter.

Choosing a room

Very often, premises that are rented out for organizing an establishment on the road are in a deplorable condition. To bring them into proper shape, you will have to make expensive repairs. It is most profitable to open a cafe on the basis of ready-made complexes, which are located at major road junctions. Several nearby sales points are sure to attract the attention of travelers.

Some features

In addition, having decided how to open a roadside cafe, it is advisable to comply with several unspoken requirements:

  • the establishment must be designed for at least 70 seats and have an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. m;
  • the room should not be too spacious, a cozy atmosphere should reign here;
  • the cafe is equipped with parking, not only for cars, but also for trailers and trucks, in addition, it is necessary to create convenient driveways;
  • It is advisable to decorate the interior discreetly and simply, however interior decoration It shouldn’t resemble a Soviet canteen, which completely kills your appetite.

Required Documentation

To start a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. However, if the cafe plans to sell alcoholic drinks, then you only need to create a Limited Liability Company. Once the premises have been selected, permits should be obtained from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

So that your roadside cafe responds sanitary requirements, it is necessary to take care of the availability of water and electricity supply, as well as connection to other communications. The entrepreneur also needs to obtain a license to sell alcohol. Without fulfilling all these requirements, a businessman may face big problems.

Equipment purchase

You will also need equipment:

  • retail (window displays, cash register);
  • kitchen (stoves, furniture, dishes, plumbing, household appliances);
  • warehouse;
  • ventilation

The cost of equipment can vary, on average it ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. It all depends on how seriously you intend to equip the living room and kitchen.

Roadside cafe menu

The cuisine should be hearty, but quite simple. lobsters, marbled beef and lobsters are clearly not needed. But it is very important to focus on the quality and freshness of the products. If possible, the menu should be varied, but quickly prepared.

You must offer your guests hot first and second courses, sandwiches, and barbecue. It is also advisable to include several salads on the menu, but they need to be prepared immediately before serving, because you never know in advance what the guests will order. In short, you need to provide as many types of dishes as you can store, so that you can easily reheat or cook later.

You can diversify your roadside business a little by offering take-out food in closed containers. You can also sell related products: water, cigarettes, juices, coffee, tea. You can also allow drivers to fill a thermos with boiling water for free (which is especially important in winter). The service of a roadside cafe should be high quality and fast. Every visitor should have the impression that he has become a long-awaited guest, and even better - that he has been at home.

When thinking about how to open a roadside cafe, don't forget about competition. There may be several similar catering outlets in your area. You need to do something to attract a client, right? You can come up with some kind of “trick” of your own. For example, sell unusual, original snacks that your competitors do not have.

Then you will need to go to cafes of this kind and find out their menu. A good option is to open an establishment that specializes in preparing a particular dish. national cuisine. And, of course, we don’t forget that all people love gifts, albeit small, but pleasant.

Let's say, mini-souvenirs as a keepsake or some other little thing - inexpensive, but necessary in the household (a pack of napkins, a small towel, you never know what else). Don't worry about incurring additional costs. The fact is that you can make a small markup on the cost of dishes (exactly as much as the gift itself costs), most likely, the visitor will not even notice that he is buying something other than lunch.

Financial component of business

Of course, the establishment’s income will depend on the number of visitors. There are unlikely to be regular customers in such road catering (due to the specifics of the business). Due to this main factor success - capacity.

Before deciding on the direction of activity, you need to consider that you won’t have to count on a regular clientele. However, there are quite a lot of fickle consumers. It is important to understand that the supply of goods and services must meet the needs of the population.

Next, you should register your company. For a small segment, individual entrepreneurship is more suitable. Next, depending on the scale, we determine the required area and location. Choose the most passable place, that is, those routes that are laid, for example, on the way to resort towns or cities industrial value. The purchase of equipment and hiring of personnel should be carried out in accordance with the chosen type of activity.

We offer you a selection that lists the main ideas for business in the roadside segment.


In Russia, this idea of ​​entrepreneurship on the highway is not widely developed. Nevertheless, the demand for this type of service is present and tends to grow. To realize the idea of ​​opening a motel, first determine a favorable location. The ideal option is if there is an existing car service center, gas station or store nearby. It is necessary to take into account the requirements for business on the highway. For example, motel signs should not obstruct road visibility. The optimal distance from the road must be maintained.

The determining factor for this idea is the presence of a large parking lot, otherwise the flow of customers will be significantly reduced. For a motel of 10 rooms, you will need an area of ​​approximately 150 square meters. meters. Each room must have a view of the parking lot so guests can see their cars. The furnishings inside the rooms may be minimal:

  • bed;
  • closet;
  • bedside tables;
  • TV;
  • shower room.

Create a comfortable atmosphere for your clients in the form of a pleasant renovation. Then on their next trip they will stay with you again. For customers, an important factor is the availability of payment terminals mobile services, as well as reception credit cards. For optimal attraction, it is recommended to decorate the building according to a specific theme.

Roadside cafe

For long trips, such establishments near the roads are simply necessary. In addition, the level of competition for such an idea is minimal. To open a cafe by the road, you need a small building with an intimate and comfortable atmosphere. In addition, the access to it should be convenient and as open as possible, and it is preferable to have parking spaces.

Count on the number of tables for approximately 70 people, no more. In addition, a 24-hour work schedule is required. Also determine work shifts for your staff.

When it comes to your menu, focus on dishes that take less than 25 minutes to prepare, and also offer a take-out service. A long wait for a cafe on the highway is unacceptable. Be attentive to the drivers and tour guides who stop at your place most often; you can negotiate with them to attract additional clientele. In return, provide discounts to similar consumers.

Car service

An important type of service on the highway is car repair. Therefore, the idea of ​​opening a car service and tire service is recommended. The best option there will be a combination of these services in one service. The most favorable location for this business idea is considered to be low distance from cities. Be sure to include car diagnostics in your range, as on the highways this type services are most in demand. Body work can be included in the nomenclature, but it is not recommended to specialize in this area.

Sauna and showers

On the highway, this idea for business is most relevant, but this area is not developed among entrepreneurs, so there is practically no competition in this type of business. The best working hours are 24/7. In addition, a location next to a car service center and other facilities is considered an advantageous location.

Trading platform

This idea functions optimally in combination with other objects: a hotel, a gas station, and so on. Food products will be considered the most relevant products, with the main focus on products with a long shelf life. In addition, related products for cars are needed, for example, anti-freeze, various guides and maps, batteries and much more.

If implementing a business idea on the highway “from scratch” seems like a difficult task to you, there is an opportunity in this field of activity. This way you will acquire a functioning enterprise with a developed organizational structure and an established management system. On our website you can buy a business franchise on the highway in different price category. The main advantage of a franchise is its lower cost compared to independent organization of your business. Good luck in your new endeavors!

2009 Two comrades graduated from the university with an education in construction. Began to think where to apply the acquired knowledge. In the end we decided to open own business. Firstly, young specialists must find a place of work with decent wages not easy. Secondly, the income from your business depends only on you.

The area of ​​activity was initially determined - budgetary sphere. This guarantees relative stability, which is important for beginning entrepreneurs. Even in times of crisis The state invests money in maintaining infrastructure, in particular in roads and housing and communal services. In the chosen direction, I was primarily interested in construction related to state and municipal orders.

The comrades come from a small village. There they decided to organize a business. Met with head of the municipal settlement, discussed issues of landscaping the territory, as well as the possibility of participating in housing and communal services tenders. It turned out that the volume of work, especially for the repair of adjacent areas, is enormous and the state allocates money for this through quotations. Problem The problem was that the purchase of materials and subsequent work had to be carried out through intermediaries, and this was expensive. Local contractors were needed. The offer of two comrades turned out to be very opportune.

We decided to start small: asphalt patching repair, repair of blind areas, landscaping. We calculated everything and came to the conclusion: it is better to make asphalt yourself. Despite the fact that the village has asphalt plant, a branch of a regional road enterprise, it was not profitable to purchase a finished product from it. The fact is that in the absence of competition the plant became monopolist. Local municipalities were forced to buy asphalt from him at exorbitant prices, because they did not have the capacity to produce it.

It would seem without serious investment Making asphalt yourself is not realistic. However, the comrades found a way out. After studying the market, we found a used one asphalt regeneration plant. That is, she made a new one from an old one. The latter, by the way, turned out to be more than enough: the peeling canvas adjacent areas, laid back in Soviet times; mountains of asphalt chips removed by road workers before road repairs. All this free raw material could and should have been recycled.

Principle asphalt regeneration is simple. Old asphalt or asphalt chips are mixed in a container and heated to a certain temperature. Bitumen is added, but in smaller quantities than when making new asphalt. The result is an asphalt concrete mixture of limited use. That is, she perfect suitable, for example, for constructing blind areas and patching, but not for loaded areas. Another benefit is that you don’t need to buy crushed stone and sand, and less bitumen is used.

By the way, young entrepreneurs took the choice of an asphalt concrete plant very seriously. The device was found autonomous, that is, on a wheelbase and with a built-in generator with the ability to attach it to a car. This ensures it mobility: free movement and no need to search for a source of electricity. Plus, the installation was equipped container for heating, melting and maintaining a constant temperature of the asphalt mixture, which is not unimportant. Separately buying a container for bitumen is very expensive. Heating it in barrels on site is long and inconvenient.

In general, with bitumen the companions had enough serious problems. You can’t buy it in small quantities, because no one will bring bitumen for little money. However, it was found alternative option - Briquetted bitumen BND 90/130. It is sold not in barrels, but in briquettes. From a company that makes such a product, it can be purchased for little money.

And so, the raw materials were practically free, and options for suitable equipment were found. Now it was necessary to find funds for this project. The total cost of all equipment was estimated at 1 million rubles. The beginning village businessmen, of course, did not have that kind of money. The state helped. Comrades became participants entrepreneur support programs. In cooperation with the employment service, we managed to get everything done quickly necessary documents. Moreover, everyone prepared their own business plan. This little trick was a success. Both received subsidies for 58,800 rubles. In total we managed to get about 120,000 rubles.

As part of the program for future employees of an opening business state initially provided wages in the amount of 58,800 rubles. True, only three people. The comrades immediately hired their relatives. Thus, it was possible to attract investments of almost 500,000 rubles.

However, these funds were not yet enough. Entrepreneurs contacted regional guarantee fund. Having prepared the necessary documents and fulfilled all the conditions of the fund, we managed to get more 200,000 rubles with minimal interest and without material support loan. By the way, they offered more, but the comrades decided that they needed as much money as was necessary for the start.

Having collected money, they turned to leasing company , which could supply previously selected equipment. You could get it by paying only 30% of its cost. Having spent 300,000 rubles, entrepreneurs still have 400,000 rubles left as a “safety cushion”.

Of course, the purchased equipment was far from new. Productivity is low- about 3-5 tons per hour. However, it had enough resources to get started. In addition, the specialists of the supplier company gave comprehensive information about all its advantages and disadvantages. Before commencing operation, the comrades additionally entered into an agreement with instrumentation engineer. He, not being a full-time employee of the new enterprise, was supposed to provide consulting assistance on the operation of equipment.

The head of the district supported the young entrepreneurs. This is how they were received first orders. At first, a lot had to be done manually; there was not enough equipment. However, things gradually improved. Rollers, jackhammers, and compressors were purchased. We started working not only with individuals, but also with management companies, budgetary organizations. Began to grow staff.

Gradually, thoughts appeared about moving to a new stage in the development of the business. Have your eye on small asphalt plant worth 6.5 million rubles. Its productivity made it possible to do not only pothole repairs, but also lay a continuous asphalt sheet.

I would like to note that success this small business was made possible not only thanks to original idea and the approach to its implementation. I think the main factor was actually working regional programs support for beginning entrepreneurs.

True, of course, you still need to be able to use them.