Removing the evil eye with water. The best rituals and conspiracies to remove the evil eye

Damage and the evil eye are two negative energy programs aimed at reducing a person’s vitality. They wedge themselves into the energy field and begin to act like viruses. A person who has experienced the effects of an evil look or damage often feels tired, unable to concentrate, and his energy drops and cannot be replenished.

However, the evil eye, unlike damage, is not a purposeful and conscious impact of harm. It may affect people against whom strong attacks have been directed. negative emotions: anger, envy, desire for evil. For example, a person who enviously praises your cheerful appearance may cause unexpected feeling unwell. However, an evil look does not have a long-term destructive effect on health and life situations, however, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To protect themselves and their loved ones from the evil eye, our ancestors have long used a unique liquid, an energy protector. Holy water against the evil eye has the ability to protect both a child and an adult from envious people, and also relieve the consequences of bad wishes.

The consecrated liquid can restore a person’s energy and give him protection from unkind people. Non-believers call rituals with it a placebo effect and believe that a person inspires himself positive effect from its use. However, is this really so?

Water is an energy conductor. It’s not for nothing that in Russian fairy tales there are stories about living and dead water, each of which serves its own purposes. Liquid collected in places of Power (sacred spring, church) has the ability to protect a person, improve his health and restore energy balance.

Scientific and laboratory tests, carried out in many countries, have been noted more than once unusual properties blessed water and its difference from ordinary water. As has been scientifically documented, such a liquid has a beneficial effect on a person, has the ability to strengthen his health and vitality, and restores bioenergy balance. However, the reason for this inexplicable phenomenon has not yet been found by scientists.

Where can I get holy water?

Liquid for the ritual of getting rid of an evil look can usually be taken from the church. To do this, you need to bring a small empty container there, pray and draw water. Knowledgeable people they say you don't need to take it large number consecrated liquid from the church. The most convenient container is 0.5 l.

The water will have special qualities if you take it from the church on January 19, Epiphany. It is also popularly believed that on the night of January 18-19, all the liquid from the tap in the house has unique miraculous properties.

An extraordinary "protector" can also be recruited from sacred springs that appear at graves Orthodox martyrs. She will also have everyone healing properties and rightfully considered unique.

What is the essence of the ritual of removing the evil eye with holy water?

There are many rituals with a sanctified “guide” that help get rid of the consequences of someone’s envy and anger and protect a person from the words and views of ill-wishers. First of all, these sacraments are designed to help a person in the following situations:

  • protect your health and the health of your loved ones;
  • protect your property (house, cottage, car);
  • protect pets or livestock.

Rituals aimed at protection from an unkind gaze are carried out under the following important conditions:

  • absolute sobriety and clarity of thought;
  • absence of any negative emotions;
  • great faith in the power and help of holy water.

Rituals for relieving the effects of the evil eye are different; they can be done with the help of a spell, prayer, or proper washing. Since the energy of an adult and a child is different, the rituals of removing the evil eye with holy water aimed at protecting them also differ.

Ritual for removing the evil eye for an adult: how to wash your face correctly?

To carry out, you will need consecrated liquid and matches. To remove the evil eye with matches, you need to pour water into a cup or glass, light the match, and use it to cross the container with holy water three times. During the ritual, the Lord's Prayer should be read.

After this, you need to wash your face, neck and arms up to the elbows. Thus, matches against the evil eye will help remove any negative impact per person.

Ritual for removing the evil eye for a child?

Because of their weak energy protection, children often suffer from the views and words of an unkind person. This is especially true for newborns, who need to be especially protected from bad people.

Ritual with consecrated liquid, which will help remove the evil eye from a child, is carried out as follows:

  • You need to prepare a glass of holy water in advance.
  • the water should be at room temperature.
  • wash the child’s forehead with a small amount of water;
  • cross the baby and read “Our Father.”

It is best to do this ritual for protection once a week, so that a bad look does not accidentally “pierce” the child’s energy field.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

“I wash myself with holy, spring water, I remove the eye of an evil man, the spirit of his evil word. So be it!”

After a few days you will feel much better and vital energy will recover again.

Prayer for blessed water

Another way to get rid of troubles with the help of holy water is reading strong prayer, which will protect you from the evil eye both in the present and in the future.

The words of prayer are also read during morning and evening washing:

“Mother of God, save and protect me from the evil eye! Let the holy water wash away from me all envy, anger and hostility, both female and male! Just as your good power washes my face, so I am cleansed from bad words and unkind glances. Amen".

Holy water against the evil eye for money and housing

The evil eye on money is considered one of the most common. For example, everything is going well in your life: you have a job that brings good money, a family, an apartment. And then one day a certain person finds out about your salary and expresses envious words about how lucky you are. After this, money problems unexpectedly arise - either unforeseen expenses, or you may even lose a good source of income. How to avoid such consequences?

Money negativity can be removed with the help of consecrated liquid and a small conspiracy. To do this, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • take holy water into a basin (you can mix it with ordinary water);
  • go to the bathroom;
  • say the words of the spell: “The power of love washes away all bad weather, and sends me luck and money again”;
  • pour the liquid from the basin onto the top of your head.

In a few days, your affairs will begin to return to normal, and money problems will disappear as if by magic.

Holy water against the evil eye on housing will help in the following situations:

  • family members often get sick;
  • Constant breakdowns occur (broken faucet, broken window, malfunctioning household appliances etc.)
  • constantly having nightmares in the house;
  • pets die.

To carry out the ritual of protecting housing from negativity, you need to take small quantity extraordinary water and anoint the door handle with it front door With outside early in the morning and from the inside late in the evening.

This ritual needs to be carried out for a week. After a while, you will notice that the person who caused the troubles in your home has stopped visiting you.

One of the important and obligatory things that everyone should have in their home is holy water. IN different situations, if it is a health problem or damage caused by an ill-wisher, blessed water will always help. Such water can always be taken from churches and holy springs. Charged water is a great helper. It is advisable to accept this holy structure just like that. A liquid charged for good has a positive effect on a person, who himself consists of 80% liquid.

Holy water will help against damage!

The fact that holy water is beneficial has been studied and confirmed by many scientists. Holy water has a special structure given to it by nature. Harmony and positive energy fill the liquid, which subsequently affects the person with the same result. Scientists endlessly struggle, build different arguments and argue about this. Let them argue and explore further. And we care about the result. The main thing is that holy water helps.

Properties of holy water- to liken oneself environment where she ended up. For example, adding just a drop of holy water to a vat of plain water, we get a whole vat of already blessed water. This makes this holy substance unique. It has already been said that a person consists of liquid. Then imagine what a glass of water will do to the fluid in your body.

One day, scientists decided to conduct an experiment with water. The point was that first the water heard different words, and then froze. This experience took place in Japan. First, the words “love” and “harmony” were gently said. The resulting ice then contained symmetrical, even and beautiful snowflakes. Then the hated and rude words. Various and ugly figures grew in the frozen liquid. Frozen holy water showed best result. By turning the entire structure of water into itself, the picture of ice turned out to be the most beautiful.

Will holy water help with damage?

First of all, a person must understand that the evil eye has happened to him and what it is. Damage inflicted on a person affects him entirely. The liquid from which a person is almost entirely composed suffers almost completely. To make it clearer, remember the experiment conducted in Japan. Remember when hateful words were shouted into the water? What happened to the ice afterwards? The same thing happens with the liquid inside a person.

The previous aspect is very important to understand. Any human illness in physical manifestation has its own energetic basis. During the evil eye, the water inside a person is in a destroyed state. This in turn affects others physical processes. Thus, a chain is formed in the human body. The bad influence of spoilage extends to the entire liquid inside. And this negatively charged liquid seeks refuge where it can have the worst effect. The place that was already problematic. The organ that worries you the most.

The unique property of holy water to transform into itself the environment in which it finds itself in the event of an evil eye is guaranteed to help. It’s like a cleansing occurs in the body. Therefore, it is worth drinking holy water just like that.

However, the effect of the charge of consecrated water in the body is not constant. Drinking water once does not guarantee protection for the rest of your life. It is advisable to repeat the procedure regularly. Or at the next meeting and the enemy influences you, the problems will begin again.

Rules for conducting a ritual using holy water for the evil eye

Having talked about the composition and details of holy water, we can name certain rules for its use. Everything is extremely simple. You just need to try to always keep everything internal fluid in the same condition as it was originally. In reality, everything is not as simple as it seems. By leaving our internal fluid stable in one positive state, we would become saints ourselves!

To start the ritual, you yourself need to tune in to a good result. Remove all unnecessary things from your head, relax and forget about all the troubles. You can't start removing the evil eye when you have Bad mood or you are experiencing negative feelings. In this case, there will be no result! And everything done will be meaningless - the harmony within you will remain disturbed.

You shouldn’t blame someone for the evil eye that has been cast on you, and don’t be angry with that person. Damage will not be caused to a person who is filled with harmony and positive energy. And if the damage caused affected you, then your body was already ready for it. He was just waiting for something to push him to fail. Bad attracts bad. We didn't come up with this. Unfortunately, we cannot eradicate the evil eye and damage in general. Therefore, we must move on with our lives, and when a problem arises, we must fight it. The main thing is not to think about problems. And they won't arise for you.

Instructions for using holy water against damage

To begin with, as soon as you realize that something wrong is happening to you, start drinking water little by little. This water will already begin to have an effect. Next, you should take blessed water and wash your face with it. You need to understand that such a ritual can only be used in cases light weight. During the procedure, say:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!"

After this, be sure to wipe your face with the inside of your clothes on the threshold of your home. It is important that this item touches your body.

For example, damage is removed from children in the same way. The mother washes the child’s face with holy water, and then wipes it with the hem of her clothes. After bowing on the threshold you need to say:

“Damn, damn! Go beyond the threshold!

Sometimes children are capricious during the ritual, but then it is important to baptize the child with blessed water, drawing a kind of cross on the body. After reading a prayer "Our Father".

If you feel sick surrounded by many people, you should run a bath and pour holy water into it. After you have collected the water, dilute it with the consecrated liquid, saying:

“In an open field, a white birch tree stands, sways, and bends in the wind! Korov does not know reproaches, does not suffer from envy, does not wither from anger, rejoices in the sun, bows to the rain! So be free with this water love! Amen!".

Starting water procedure, begin to read the Lord’s Prayer and plunge headlong into the water, repeating the prayer again. This method is considered very effective. There are severe cases when a person’s energy shell is severely damaged. Then add candles to this procedure. Place them around the edges of the bathroom and light them. They'll give you more best effect. You should stay in the bathroom for at least half an hour.

Sometimes special cases They force you to cleanse yourself of the dashing influence quickly and on the go. In this case, you cannot perform long rituals. Then find any liquid. Water for example. Remember the prayer you know and say it into the water. Then douse yourself completely. You charge your own water. Prayer will sanctify the liquid for you. This method will create a temporary protective barrier for you. As soon as you get home, perform a full ritual with holy water. You will get rid of the evil eye completely and accurately.

If you want to be protected from external influence ill-wishers and always have good energy, add holy water to the drink you drink in the morning. Having blessed, for example, tea in the morning, you can safely forget about the evil eye and order. It's like a vaccine against evil influences on you. By using it, your body simply will not pay attention to external threats.

Removing damage with water is very common, since one of the most popular attributes for removing damage is water.

This is understandable if you know. It is, according to scientists, an ideal repository of information. Its structure is multidimensional. The properties have not been fully studied.

Although, in principle, we don’t need to know this. To use water, you only need to understand that it instantly perceives emotions, energy and is structured accordingly.

This property has long been used in religious rites, magic, rituals, and so on, turning to water for help.

Removing damage with water is also based on its energy-informational “abilities”. They take “clean” water and put a negative program into it.

Let's talk in more detail about what kind of water is needed.

Spoilage is not removed with just any water. The fact is that the liquid must be energetically “pure”, that is, structured in a special way.

If you want to know what it looks like, look for material about the experiments of Japanese scientists. There are even photographs there (after freezing).

Water crystals look like beautiful snowflakes if they have been pre-treated with prayer or positive energy. It is precisely this water obtained in this way that spoilage is removed.

It is described in Russian folk tales. There they call her “alive.” This water is taken from the Temple. There it is processed through prayer and acquires the desired structure.

You can also use Epiphany water. This can be collected from any source on one night of the year. The date is January 19. This is the day of a great Orthodox holiday -. Liquid space structures.

Once a year, a stream of life-giving energy flows to the Earth, which is absorbed by all the water under open air. It is recommended to stock it for use in difficult moments of life.

Water from natural source you can prepare it yourself. To do this, they slander a glass of liquid good words. For example, “love” or “kindness”.

Dew is also often used. This liquid, collected away from the city spirit, has the right energy.

Spring water

This ritual is performed on Ivan Kupala using spring water. It is very ancient, Slavic. Suitable for any person, but, due to its origin, works better for natives of this culture.

You need to get up at dawn. Provide a vessel made from natural material. A wooden bucket or clay jug will do.

The morning should pass in silence.

  1. Having risen, go to the source and get some water. It is advisable not to generate negative thoughts, go with prayer (mental).
  2. When you return home, divide the water into three parts.
  3. Immediately go out into the yard and pour the first part of the liquid on yourself.

Read the plot:

“Water flows, embraces, and washes away all the dirt from the Servant of God (name)! Beauty appears, bodies are renewed. The soul is healed. Life will be good! Amen".

You need to repeat this two more times: at noon and at sunset. Stand with your face facing east.

Try not to talk on this day, especially with strangers. Eliminate telephone conversations too. And the best thing is to be bored alone with yourself. It will be more accurate that way.

Epiphany water

It must be said that the fact of swimming in an ice hole on a winter day is an independent ritual to remove damage. Only the strongest “infection” can get caught in the field and not leave.

Well, if you missed this day or are afraid, then you can turn to water for help.

  1. Pour some liquid into a glass.
  2. in front of the icon of the Savior.
  3. Now dip your fingers in the water and draw a cross one by one: on your forehead, chest, stomach, legs, arms.

At the same time repeat:

“Life-giving force! Save, help, protect the Servant of God (name) from evil! Take away the evil-attack! Only God, I recognize power! Amen!"

Don't disdain the rest of the water, drink it. Pray and sleep!

If everything is clear with water, then what kind of egg is needed for the ritual? Buy from the “grandmothers” from the village. The egg must be alive, not refrigerated.

The ritual can be repeated if you do not feel better immediately.

  1. We take the egg in left hand.
  2. Read the Lord's Prayer three times.
  3. Now roll the egg over your body saying:

“Come out dashingly! Here's a little house for you, you'll be glad! Go away, trouble, and close the gate! Egg, take the nasty stuff for yourself, leave me the joy!”

If you feel that it has become heavier, then put it aside and continue the ritual with others. Continue this way until you have worked out your entire body.

Now throw it into the water (without breaking it). They need to be placed at the head of the place where you will sleep. When you go to bed say:

“Girlfriends, protect us, drive out the damage!”

In the morning everything needs to be thrown away. Yes, try to do this so that the other person does not touch the spoiled eggs.

They are infected with the corruption that came out of you. They can pass it on to someone else! And this is undesirable.

The most ideal option is to take the entire contents of the jar to the cemetery and leave it there, breaking the eggs.

Removing damage with holy water

Church water can be used as protection, which people resort to for help. To do this, wash your face with this water every day.

You need to pour a little into your left palm, circle your face counterclockwise and say:

“Water is a guardian, a warrior of the living! Protect, save! Put your enemies to flight!”

If you do this every day, you won’t have to remove the damage. She just won't take you!

To remove the existing one, perform the following ritual.

  1. On Thursday morning, take the Trinity Icon and place a glass of water in front of it.
  2. Read “Our Father” once. Trinity three times. Then a name prayer.
  3. Every time before new prayer take three small sips. Pronounce:

“I believe! He's leaving! Happiness is coming! I believe!”

And don’t forget about holy water, use it daily, turn to it for help.

In the summer, when you are in nature, do not be lazy to get up early and wash yourself with dew. There is no need to say anything. Just imagine yourself swimming in a sea of ​​pure energy.

And it’s also good to swim in the dew if the opportunity arises. You don't have to roll around naked on the grass. Wear a thin shirt or dress.

When the clothes are dry, do not wash them. It can be used at the first sign of discomfort. Removing spoilage with water helps!

It is one of the most powerful means that can heal not only the mortal body, but also the suffering soul of the believer. With the help of simple rituals and Epiphany water, you can independently remove damage from a person or home.

Some rituals to correct damage are carried out precisely on the feast of Epiphany; for some, it is enough to choose a suitable time for the ritual on any day of the year and have in your arsenal of magical means: Epiphany water, ordinary church candles and candles bought in the church in .

Remember! Prayers can be read from a prayer book, and spell words must be learned by heart or written on a clean, white sheet of paper with your own hand.

How to remove the evil eye or damage from yourself personally.

Choose a day on the waning moon. It is important that no matter what day this falls on Orthodox holidays(except for those in which rituals to remove damage can be performed).

Pour water into the bath, add a glass of Epiphany water and read the “Our Father” three times. Cast on yourself sign of the cross(cross yourself) and say the plot:

“Merciful Lord, forgive the one who did me harm, I forgive him, and you forgive him. Give me strength to get rid of spells and witchcraft. Help me and send holy angels to protect me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Read the incantation three times, then get into the bath and lie in it for 20-30 minutes. When enough time has passed and you feel the urge to leave the bath, open the drain, watch the water flow into the drain hole, and say the same three times:

“Damage in the water. Water in the ground. Rest in peace to me, God's servant (name). Amen".

How to remove damage from a person.

1 way.

If a person is damaged, then before starting his treatment, it is necessary that he defend the service and confess.

After the service, he is sprinkled Epiphany water and, taking an egg in their hand, they begin to move it over the head of the damaged person with the prayer “Our Father”, while reading the prayer seven times.

Method 2.

This ritual is simpler, but it can only be performed once a year on the day of the Epiphany.

You need to rub the body of a spoiled person with Epiphany water with the words:

“Holy water is like God's tear. Help, help, wash away the accursed disease from the body of God’s servant(s), deliver him from pain, aches, from everything evil and harmful. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you are sure that your home has been damaged, then you can correct it on your own with the help of simple rituals and Epiphany water.

How to remove damage from a house (apartment).

1 way.

This ritual is carried out precisely on the feast of the Epiphany.

For this ritual, prepare:

A bowl of Epiphany water,

An unopened pack of salt,

Ordinary church candles according to the number of corners in the house,

One candle bought in the church on the day of the Epiphany.

Over a bowl of Epiphany water, say the Lord’s Prayer three times.

Then dissolve three pinches of salt in it from a new, unopened pack. Sprinkle your house (and outside too) or apartment with this water, while whispering:

"God. Rid my house of black witchcraft. God forbid, torment from evil. What is hidden in the home? Drive out, Father, all the devilry from the frame and floor, walls and ceiling, from things bought and donated, from doors and windows. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Now count the number of corners in your house (apartment) and prepare accordingly the same number of church candles (small ones possible).

Then take the candles in one hand, and in the other a lighted candle bought in the church on Epiphany (we will call it “main” in the future).

Now start walking around your home with the main candle lit, clockwise from the front door. When you reach a corner, secure a candle in it, light it from the main one, and move on. It’s good if you take care in advance about how to secure the candles in the corners of the house, for example, place containers with salt or sand.

You need to finish the walk where you started, after which you should have one lit candle in each corner of the house.

If the main candle has not yet burned out, secure it in the central part of the home and leave it until it burns out completely.

After all the candles have burned out, collect the remains, wrap them in paper and throw them in the trash.

Method 2.

With this ritual you will not only remove damage from your home, but also create the strongest protective amulets.

It can be carried out on any day of the year during the waning moon.


Two small aspen branches,

A medium-sized church candle, it should be enough to go around your entire home,

Epiphany water,

A clean jar.

In addition, prepare a convenient place for ritual actions in advance. This could be a stool covered with a clean napkin made of natural fabric (let’s call it an altar). It is most convenient to place the altar at the front door of the home.

Place aspen twigs on the altar, church candle, place the jar and pour Epiphany water into it. Prepare a box of matches and a candlestick for a church candle (you can secure the candle without the help of a candlestick, for example, in a small cup with salt or sand).

Light a candle, take it in your left hand and start walking around the house (apartment) clockwise from the front door with the prayer “Our Father”, do not forget to cross yourself with your right hand.

Having finished walking around where you started, put out the candle in a jar of Epiphany water and place it on the altar.

Now take the jar of water in one hand and the aspen twigs in the other.

Repeat the walk along the same route, reading the “Our Father,” dip the twigs in water, and sprinkle Epiphany water on the baseboards.

After finishing the walk, place the twigs in a jar of Epiphany water and place them on the altar.

Light the candle again, secure it in a way convenient for you, place it next to a jar of water and twigs, read the plot three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Holy candle Epiphany water the enemy's traces were washed away forever. I frightened my enemy with prayer and blocked his path. Don't harm him anymore, avoid my house. Amen".

Wait for the candle to burn out and roll the remains into a ball.

Remove the branches from the water and make a cross out of them. You can fasten the branches using ordinary black, white or red threads.

Water the indoor flower with water.

Hide the wax ball at the threshold or somewhere in the hallway.

Attach an aspen cross above the entrance to the house.

As you can see, removing damage from Epiphany water from a house, a person, or yourself personally is not at all difficult. Observing simple rules and sequence of actions, you can achieve success, find peace, health and well-being.

I wish you good health and the best for your home!

To remove damage and the evil eye, healers use enchanted water. Especially strong energy has fire water. Purification by fire is probably one of the most ancient magical methods used by man for these purposes, and fire water is water into which “fire has entered” and transferred its power and energy to it. In the old days, this particular water was called living water; it was used to treat diseases.

It is believed that fire water can completely replace cleansing with living fire.

Fire water from the evil eye and damage

Fire water is prepared only on Thursday! The time of the ritual does not matter, but it is advisable to take spring water to remove damage; for treatment, you can take water from three taps or fill the jar three times from one source. Holy water should not be taken, as it has its own energy!

Place a jar of water on a table covered with a plain cloth. Place four church candles in a cross around the jar and light them. Then place bread, salt, coal and earth between the candles and the jar. Take the fifth lit candle in your right hand. Break off the sulfur heads of three matches, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father” prayer. Light a match from the candle you are holding (three in turn) and bring it to a jar of water, draw three crosses with a burning match and circle the jar of water three times, then throw it into the water with the words:

"Fire, enter clean water».

Do this ritual with every match! Then drip wax from the candle you are holding in your hand into the water, while repeating the words of the prayer:

“Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!”

Remove burnt matches and wax from the water with your fingers, and throw three large crystals into the water rock salt, taken from new packaging. When making water in medicinal purposes You can put a silver item in water for two hours. You need to leave the room where the ritual was performed for a while.

Place a jar of water in the kitchen, where the element of Fire reigns. Wash your face with this water in the morning; you can add it to the bath while bathing. It is very effective in protecting newborns. Based on it, you can prepare decoctions from medicinal herbs: Add a spoonful to all the dishes you cook. If you want to protect your home, fire water can be used during repairs, washing clothes, added to the water for watering indoor plants, and added to the water your pets drink.

Go to a field or forest, collect a bouquet of fresh flowers grown in natural conditions, and not in your garden or front garden. Soak this bouquet in a basin of fire water and sprinkle it throughout the house and your yard.

If you find something suspicious, boil fire water (this is the only magical water that does not lose its properties when boiled) and pour a cross over all the places that make you suspicious.

Based on fire water, you can prepare other magical waters, each of which has special properties.

Cross water: ritual of preparation

Cross water should be prepared only on the first day of the new moon. At noon, draw water from a spring or well into a small bucket, and in the evening, when the new Moon should appear (it is not visible in the first hours of the new moon), stand facing the window and pour the water into a jar with a glass.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and turn it upside down three times. Open the jar and lightly pat it with your palms.

Take 2 church candles, make a small cross out of them, light it on three sides and lower it through the neck of the jar into water in a horizontal position, saying:

"Cross of Fire, save me."

Cross yourself three times. Leave the water with a cross on the window for a day.

On the second day, remove the cross from the water and read “Our Father” over the jar. The candle cross should be kept as long as you use water. It is recommended to drink half a glass of this water 3 times a day if you are sick. gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, nervous system. It helps with headaches and baldness. If you bathe your child in water that has been added cross water, he will sleep well.

This water can be used to treat inflammatory and skin diseases.

Ice water for healing diseases

This water is prepared on the basis of fire. In winter, water can be frozen by placing a container of water outside overnight, and in warm weather - in the refrigerator. Water must be poured into a plastic bottle and closed tightly. In the morning, place the vessel or bottle on a table covered with a white cloth. Light church candles on four sides of the bottle and say 12 times:

“The first day is Monday;

Second day - Tuesday;

Third day - Wednesday;

This is water to the rescue.

You healed flints and stones,

Heal you and me, servant of God (name )».

The water should thaw on its own. You should drink from your left hand, taking a few sips, while closing your eyes. Right hand Place it on the diseased organ and concentrate all your attention on it. Hold your hand for 20 minutes. You may feel warmth or a slight pulsation in your hand. The course of treatment is 7 days. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after a week, but new water should be prepared for each course.

If after some time sediment appears at the bottom of the vessel, bad smell, the water will become cloudy - these are signs of damage that need to be removed. Such water can no longer be used; it should be poured at midnight into an untrodden place and where there is no vegetation.

If a person is sick, then you can alleviate his condition in the following way: sit him on a chair with his back to the sun. Blindfold him with a black bandage and point a sunbeam at him with a mirror. Swipe the beam seven times over your entire body, from head to toe. In this case, you can read any prayers. Perform the ritual for 5-10 minutes. Remove the bandage and bring the patient to the window. He must take three deep exhalations, thereby “sending” the diseases into space, from where solar energy came to your aid.

Shake the bandage and wash it with fire or ice water. Wash the patient's hands, face and feet with water. This method is very effective, especially for stressful conditions and diseases caused by them.

Full moon water to remove damage

Determine the last Saturday before the full moon. On Saturday at dawn, fill a three-liter jar of water. Place the container on the window on the sunny side: the sun's rays should fall on the jar of water. On full moon days, after the moon rises, go outside with a jar of water and press it to your heart area. Find a position so that the Moon is reflected in the water. Say a curse:

“The month is bright, the dawns are clear, enter my bottomless waters.”

When you return home, wash your face with this water three times and pour it on your feet three times. Do this procedure with a person who is sick. Then through left shoulder Sprinkle the apartment three times clockwise, don’t forget about the bed and dining table.

The water of the full moon has very powerful energy and has the ability to remove damage from the home and from the residents, which was caused by an ill-wisher through the charmed dirt swept under the threshold.

After treating the apartment, carefully sweep the floors and collect crumbs from the table, if any. Collect all garbage with a dustpan and take it to a place where people do not go. Pour water under the threshold and into a bowl for pets to drink from. After 7 days, the damage should stop, and peace and harmony will return to the house and things will improve. emotional state everyone living in it.

Video: Spell for water from damage