Homemade virtual reality glasses. How to make virtual reality glasses yourself

CRM (CustomerRelationshipManagement) translates as customer relationship management and is a well-known system for automating business processes.

Without such software today it is impossible to imagine the effective organization of the activities of real estate agencies and realtors. CRM for real estate agencies and realtors allows you to improve relationships with clients, which ultimately ensures positive dynamics in sales volumes and increased profits.

The modern market offers a variety of software products that allow you to solve the issue of interaction with the client. But any program is not enough. A system in which management principles and the specifics of business processes of real estate agencies and realtors are successfully implemented will be truly effective in practice.

Benefits from CRM in a real estate agency and the work of realtors

1) Increased sales of real estate agencies and realtors

CRM allows you to increase sales of real estate agencies and realtors by increasing the efficiency of attracting new clients and reducing the outflow of existing clients.

2) Savings on advertising and marketing of a real estate agency

3) Providing real estate agency management information

CRM in a real estate agency will allow you to obtain analytical and statistical information in real time on almost any piece of information (percentage of regular customers, their LTV, employee efficiency, failure statistics, etc.). Without an automation system, business processes are carried out chaotically, information is not recorded or is lost over time. And get data about current state Real estate agency affairs are problematic.

4) Reducing costs for document flow in a real estate agency

Automation of document flow of a real estate agency reduces costs and errors with orders, invoices, and acts.

5) Tips for a sales manager at a real estate agency

CRM for a real estate agency tells the sales manager what next step to take in working with a client, and when is the best time to make this communication.

6) Sales planning in a real estate agency

CRM helps to build sales plans for a real estate agency, analyze the duration of transactions and find bottlenecks in the sales funnel. CRM provides information about the progress of the plan.

7) Forecasting financial performance in a real estate agency

Data from CRM allows you to predict financial indicators real estate agencies, which can be especially convenient when raising borrowed funds.

8) Improves motivation of real estate agency staff

CRM helps to compare the performance of real estate agency employees, their KPIs, and reward them for good work.

9) Reducing the number of errors in real estate agencies

Automation of repeated manual routine actions in a real estate agency leads to a reduction in the number of errors due to the human factor.

10) Improving the quality of service in a real estate agency

CRM allows you to receive more feedback from real estate agency clients. This information will help you find bottlenecks, improve the quality of services and reduce the number of dissatisfied customers.

11) Improving the efficiency of real estate agency employees

CRM allows you to distribute as efficiently as possible working hours real estate agency employees, speed up the solution of routine repetitive tasks and reduce the number of errors.

Modern CRM for real estate agencies and realtors

Customized CRM for real estate agencies and realtors

  • Quartus- CRM system for automating the workflow of the head of a real estate agency, employees, and owners of companies for the sale or rental of real estate.
  • ReCRM- a service for partial or complete automation of the work of the owner of a real estate agency and realtors.
  • RRru- managing a real estate business by recording employee work, maintaining databases, a call center and automatic accounting.
  • Bizerra- real estate agency in your pocket on your smartphone or tablet.
  • GrandISRealtor- CRM system for managing clients or real estate.

Universal CRM that can be implemented in a real estate agency

  • amoCRM - cloud system client management
  • bpm'online- CRM system for marketing, sales and service
  • Salesforce- CRM systems provided exclusively through the SaaS model
  • SuiteCRM is a fork of SugarCRM, supplemented by a number of modules
  • Zoho CRM- SaaS CRM
  • vTiger CRM- Open source CRM in PHP
  • Apek CRM- CRM system
  • FreshOffice- online CRM system, document management, financial accounting, warehouse management, business processes, communication tools
  • Highrise - simple CRM for small business
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM- a software package for customer relationship management developed by Microsoft and aimed at organizing sales, marketing and service delivery (help desk)
  • Pipedrive- sales management tool for small groups
  • SugarCRM- commercial open source CRM system
  • WireCRM- online CRM system for accounting clients and transactions
  • Yclients- service automation platform
  • Bitrix 24- CRM system for small businesses
  • Megaplan- corporate CRM system
  • RosBusinessSoft CRM- a universal software product for managing customer relationships, comprehensive business automation, as well as the successful development of a corporate information system

Depending on functional characteristics The software will allow you to automate almost all work processes in a real estate agency, as well as certain areas, for example, maintaining a client database.

Cloud, boxed or custom CRM for a real estate agency?

Cloud CRM for real estate agency

Pros cloud CRM for real estate agency Disadvantages of cloud CRM for a real estate agency
(+) 24/7 support

(+) regular software improvements

(+) available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) no need to rent/purchase hosting/server

(-) data security may be at risk: all information is stored on someone else’s server and there is no way to control the circle of people who have access to it

(-) it is impossible to restrict access via the Internet

(-) the need to pay a subscription fee

(-) quality and speed of support can be disappointing

(-) customizing for the specific business processes of a particular real estate agency can be problematic

(-) impossible to influence the speed of improvement

(-) if the provider’s servers/data transmission channels become unavailable, the work of the real estate agency will stop

Out-of-the-box CRM for a real estate agency

Pros boxed CRM for real estate agency Disadvantages of a boxed CRM for a real estate agency
(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) can be tailored to your business processes

(+) no subscription fee

(-) support and updates must be taken upon yourself

(-) the cost of modification and implementation time can be much more expensive than if you order development for yourself from scratch

Development of an individual CRM for a custom real estate agency

Pros individual CRM for real estate agency to order Disadvantages of an individual CRM for a custom real estate agency
(+) 100% takes into account all the specific business processes of a particular real estate agency or network

(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) you can restrict access via the Internet

(+) can be made available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) you can quickly implement any necessary functionality

(+) can work without the Internet

(-) development cost

(-) choosing the wrong contractor can lead to problems

(-) you need to rent/purchase hosting/server

Errors and problems when implementing CRM in a real estate agency

The most common mistakes that lead to problems when implementing and operating CRM in a real estate agency are:

  • incorrect definition of the purpose of CRM implementation
  • illiterate definition and formulation of business processes
  • choosing the wrong CRM
  • inadequate assessment of implementation timeframes
  • incorrect estimate of the budget for implementation
  • non-compliance with the algorithm and implementation methodology
  • implementation “from above” without carrying out necessary preparation personnel
  • inertia of management towards the implementation process

Result: software doesn't bring desired result. Therefore, it is important to pay sufficient attention to staff training and their motivation to perform their duties efficiently. To solve this problem, training should be conducted regarding not only functionality, but also proper motivation. It is necessary to explain to employees what benefits they will receive from workflow automation. But it may not be possible to do without personnel decisions.

In what cases is CRM in a real estate agency useless?

Before deciding to implement an automation system, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Automation is pointless if there is no stable flow of clients.
  • There is no need to use CRM if there is no motivation for business development.
  • Expensive automation is not advisable with minimal turnover, since the cost of software may not be recouped.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of CRM for a real estate agency

To evaluate the effectiveness, it is worth deciding on the goals for which business process automation is carried out. If the goal is to increase the speed of customer service, then at the initial stage using CRM takes more time, but after that the time is significantly reduced.

Simple or multifunctional CRM in a real estate agency?

It all depends on the level of business. The simpler the implementation, the de facto the scarcer functionality and the less effective the software will be.

What indicators should be in a CRM report for a real estate agency?

The report must reflect the following indicators:

  • Degree of customer satisfaction on a 10-point scale
  • Description of common problems
  • Customer turnover shows the number and ratio of incoming/departing customers
  • Performance of advertising sources
  • Average check

Only on the basis of this information can you formulate the right strategy aimed at increasing profits.

When communicating by phone, a real estate agency employee clarifies where exactly the client found the real estate agency’s phone number. With dynamic call tracking, this is done automatically. This information allows you to track the performance of advertising sources and more competently plan your marketing budget.

Technology virtual reality V lately is becoming more and more relevant and in demand. The only problem is that the current cost of devices is quite high level, which makes the technology not accessible to everyone. In this article we will look at basic information on how to make virtual reality glasses on your own, using only improvised means.

What do you need to understand before creating homemade VR glasses?

Before you develop virtual reality glasses with your own hands, you must be familiar with the principle of their operation. If possible, you should test a factory sample. This is quite simple to do - in shopping centers devices with virtual reality technology are beginning to appear en masse, providing a number of games for their visitors.

Homemade VR glasses and how they affect vision?

Having decided to make virtual reality glasses at home, remember - these types of devices are designed so that after a certain amount time the user thought that the virtual world was real for him. Accordingly, the natural principle of vision must be preserved. Although modern developments have virtually no effect on the quality of vision, after developing your own prototype, we recommend not to spend too much time using it. This can be bad for your eyes.

How to make VR glasses with your own hands?

Before you make glasses with your own hands, you must get all the necessary tools and materials that will be needed to complete the work. Then you can proceed to the following procedures.
Diameter measurement required lenses. To do this, the smartphone is placed on a flat (!) stable surface, and then the user turns on a program on it to recreate virtual reality. The master's task is to view the screen through the lenses, changing the distance until an ideally high-quality picture is achieved without blurry outlines and corners. This will allow you to understand what lenses may be required, what the focal length should be, and so on.
At the next stage of creating virtual reality glasses for the phone, the master must personally create a cardboard box that acts as a case. Alternative option will be a scan downloaded from the Internet. It is necessary to ensure that the body does not have such a long bottom as upper part. Don't forget about the hole for own nose. Having made a protrusion, the smartphone will fully rest on them. Don't forget about the cutouts for the buttons located on the sides of the smartphone.
To achieve maximum picture quality in VR glasses, you need to paint all the insides black. This will prevent reflections and glare that can negatively affect the viewing experience.

How to make lenses?

Many people wonder how to make lenses. You won’t be able to create them yourself, but there is one life hack - you can use lenses from old unnecessary flashlights. The main thing is that they are the same. Accordingly, you will have to acquire two flashlights.
Two holes are created on the cardboard, which are just a little short of the diameter of the lenses themselves. In this case, they will be inserted as tightly as possible into cardboard or other type of thick paper. To prevent them from falling out, you should additionally secure the lenses with hot glue. A few drops will be enough.

If you don't know how to make VR glasses, you don't need to first look for instructions on how to make them yourself. You must first familiarize yourself with the list of materials that will be required to create a homemade product. Our virtual glasses will be made from the following materials:

  1. Smartphone with operating system Android;
  2. Pen;
  3. Scissors;
  4. A pair of lenses;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Cardboard box.

Step by step instructions

A diagram of glasses is available on the Internet, which can be found upon request. Google Cardboard. If this seems too simple, you can make the design yourself. In order to use glasses without problems, cardboard sheets must be extremely durable. This is the only way to guarantee wearing safety.
Initially, all parts are cut out from a cardboard box. In the figure below you can see the diagram of the blanks by which all the parts are prepared:
Before you start cutting out blanks for VR glasses, you should make drawings on cardboard. To do this, use a pen and ruler.
Once the drawings are prepared, you can start cutting them out using scissors. If you make a mistake, you can eliminate it using a glue gun. Once all the parts are cut out, all that remains is to connect them into a single whole.

Sheet of hard cardboard

To make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, you will need durable material. As practice shows, virtual reality glasses made of cardboard would be a good option. But if the task is to create a durable structure, you will need corrugated cardboard to make glasses.

Glasses cutting template

Before cutting out parts, you need to download drawings with dimensions. Finding them is quite easy on the Internet. You should select a template for virtual reality glasses made of cardboard depending on the size of your device, or customize them individually. The main thing is to get a high-quality image in each eye.

Lenses in the amount of 2 pieces

You can't do without lenses. If you don't have flashlights with you, you should use educational lenses for school. They are also suitable for creating virtual reality glasses. The main thing is to give them the desired position and play with the distance in order to ultimately get a good resolution.

VR content to check

Having created glasses for your smartphone with your own hands, all you have to do is go to the Android application market and download the programs you like. Make your choice according to your own taste.


Once you learn how to make VR glasses, you will notice that it is a fairly simple procedure. The hardest part to design is the eyeglass frame, but in the end you will be happy with the job done.

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Virtual reality glasses allow owners to move into a completely different world - three-dimensional. Such glasses cost a lot of money, but we suggest not rushing to the store or ordering them in online stores, since such glasses can be made at home.

First of all, we suggest devoting a few minutes to watching the author’s video

What do we need:
- a smartphone running Android OS;
- two lenses;
- pen;
- ruler;
- cardboard box;
- scissors.

Before starting production, we note that we recommend using lenses from an old unnecessary flashlight. Let us also clarify that the cardboard must be chosen thick so that it can support the weight of the smartphone.

Let's start by cutting out all the necessary parts from cardboard box. In the figure below, you can see a diagram of cardboard blanks, according to which you can prepare all the parts.

Before you start cutting out the parts, you need to draw them on cardboard. To do this we will use a ruler and a pen.

When all the drawings are ready, you can start cutting them out using scissors. According to the author, if you accidentally cut a part incorrectly or inaccurately, then the error can be corrected with a glue gun.

After we have cut out all the parts, we need to assemble it all into one structure. For greater convenience and stability of the structure, you can additionally connect all the parts with a glue gun.

Now you need to insert two lenses into a separate piece of cardboard. To do this, you need to make two holes on a piece of cardboard. In principle, if the holes are slightly smaller than the diameter of the lenses, then this can be considered a plus, since in this case the lenses will be inserted into the cardboard in a very tight manner.

But in any case, you can fix the lenses with a couple of drops of hot glue.

You can go away for a while and start downloading the “Cardboard” application on your smartphone, the demo version of which can be downloaded on the Play Market. In principle, in the vastness of the network you can find an already hacked full version applications.

While the application is downloading, you can continue making glasses. We insert the cardboard with lenses into the glasses. After this we can say that our glasses are ready.

Virtual reality on your smartphone! It is under this slogan that Google invites craftsmen to make a virtual reality helmet from cardboard and a smartphone. Let's figure out what it is and how it works.

This helmet was first presented at the conference Google I/O 2014. View the presentation of the helmet at Google I/O 2014 you can, the official page of the helmet is g.co/cardboard.

Anyone can make a helmet, provided that you managed to find all the components: cardboard and lenses for assembling the helmet itself, Velcro so that the structure is collapsible, magnets to control virtual reality, an elastic band for fixing the smartphone and, an optional element , NFC tag so that the smartphone knows that it has been placed in a virtual reality helmet.

Some of the components to assemble the helmet will not be easy to find. It is noteworthy that after the publication of templates for self-assembly helmet, within a few hours a kit called Google Cardboard VR Toolkit appeared in one of the American online stores, which includes pre-cut cardboard and all other parts. It's a pity that no one guessed this before.

When all the components for the helmet are ready, you simply assemble it by inserting your smartphone inside, look inside the helmet and enjoy virtual reality.

So, what do you need to create a Google Cardboard virtual reality headset?

The picture below shows all the necessary parts for making a helmet and a description with original links, mainly to the Amazon store.

1. Cardboard

This must be corrugated cardboard(it is recommended to use micro-corrugated cardboard class E - with the number of corrugations 295 +/− 13 per 1 meter and a thickness of 1.6 mm). You can read more about corrugation categories in Wikipedia (English version). This type of cardboard can be found in craft stores. To achieve good result look for durable, thin cardboard. The minimum sheet size is 22x56 cm, thickness 1.5 mm. The guys from Google suggest buying cardboard and .

2. Lenses

This component is the hardest to find. For the helmet to work, you need lenses with focal length 45mm. Biconvex lenses work better because... they prevent distortion at the edges. Google helmet developers used a set of lenses Durovis OpenDive Lens Kit, available (USA) and (Europe).

3. Magnets

You need a ring-shaped neodymium magnet, like or, and one ceramic disc magnet, like or. Approximate size 19mm in diameter and 3mm thick.

4. Velcro

You'll also need a ruler, glue, scissors, a paper cutter, or access to a laser cutter.

For cutting cardboard, the masters from Google offer two templates: one for cutting on a laser cutter (file laser_cut.eps in the archive) and a second one for cutting with a paper knife (file print_yourself.pdf in the archive). In the second option, you need to print the template on paper, stick it on cardboard, matching the numbers in the light and dark circles (the light one is glued on top of the dark one) and cut it out. Templates can be downloaded from Google's website or here.

Google Cardboard Templates Version:1.0

Templates for making a Google Cardboard virtual reality helmet. File laser_cut.eps for cutting cardboard on a laser cutter and file print_yourself.pdf for printing on a printer.

06.08.2014 611.02 KB 3620

Once everything is ready, the helmet is assembled as shown on g.co/cardboard, and your smartphone is inserted inside.

The Cardboard demo program must first be installed on your smartphone, within which you can select one of the following demos:

- Earth, where you can fly Google Earth;

- Guide, where you can visit Versailles with a local guide;

- YouTube, where you watch a video on a massive screen;

- Exhibition, where you can view cultural artifacts from all angles;

- Photosphere, where you can look around while inside the photospheres (I couldn’t take a screenshot here because this demo didn’t start for me);

- Street Vue, where you'll ride around Paris on a summer's day;

- Windy day, where you watch a cartoon that takes place around you.

Unfortunately, that's all there is for now. But we should hope that more programs for the helmet will appear soon Google Cardboard. True, you can try games for Durovis Dive, but to do this you will need to attach a helmet to your head and connect some kind of gamepad to your smartphone.

Which smartphones are suitable for the Google Cardboard virtual reality headset?

Now let's figure out which phone is suitable for a helmet. It must be a smartphone running Android versions 4.1 and higher. Preferably with support for NFC technology. Below is a list of phones that are compatible with the helmet.

Fully compatible smartphones:

Google Nexus 4 and 5;
- Motorola Moto X;
- Samsung Galaxy S4 and S5;
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Partially compatible smartphones:

HTC One (magnet control does not work);
- Motorola Moto G (magnet control does not work);
- Samsung Galaxy S3 (magnetic control does not work, head tracking problems, rendering problems).

Development of your own programs

If you are a programmer, then you can independently develop programs for the Google helmet. To do this, Google is offering an experimental VR Toolkit. Why experimental? Because Google is not going to support the VR Toolkit at the same level and with the same quality as the core Android SDK and libraries. This toolkit can change or break at any time, because work on it continues.

However, there are tutorials and documentation for the VR Toolkit for those interested. In addition, there is the possibility of feedback from developers.


To summarize everything written, it is worth thanking the group of enthusiasts from the company Google, who created such affordable helmet virtual reality and shared your idea with everyone absolutely free of charge. Thanks to them, we can enjoy the virtual world using our smartphone and special software. It should be noted that this approach has far-reaching prospects. After all, it’s enough to connect game controllers to your smartphone and you can not only contemplate virtual reality, but also participate in it. In addition, all interested developers can create their own software for the helmet Google Cardboard, because for this Google provides tools VR Toolkit. We will await the development of the project with interest.