Characteristics of a tradesman in the nobility. Images of the main characters in Moliere’s play “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”

Molière's comedy "The Tradesman among the Nobility" was written in 1670. The work was created within the framework literary direction realism. In the comedy “The Bourgeois in the Nobility,” the author ridicules the typical bourgeois, the ignorant Mr. Jourdain, who tried to join the “upper class,” but he could only clumsily imitate the life of the nobility.

If you need to quickly understand what Moliere’s story is about, we recommend reading the summary of “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” by action on our website. This material will also allow you to quickly prepare for a world literature lesson. The play "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" is included in school curriculum 8th grade.

Main characters

Mister Jourdain- a tradesman who wanted to be a nobleman. Those around him laughed at him, but played along with him for their own benefit.

Madame Jourdain- wife of Mr. Jourdain; did not share his desire to become a nobleman.

Cleont – a young man in love with Lucille.

Koviel- servant of Cleonte.

Dorant- a count, an acquaintance of Jourdain, who constantly borrowed money from the tradesman. In love with Dorimena.

Other characters

Lucille- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jourdain, in love with Cleonte.

Nicole- maid Lucille.

Dorimena– marquise; Jourdain tried to gain her favor through Dorant.

Teachers of dance, music, fencing, philosophy, who were hired by Jourdain.

Act one

Phenomenon 1

Paris. Mr. Jourdain's house. The music teacher and dance teacher prepare for the evening's performance and discuss that although Jourdain has no understanding of art, "money straightens the crookedness of his judgment, his common sense is in his wallet."

Phenomenon 2

Jourdain boasts to his teachers about his new robe, and they flatter him in everything.

To the tradesman the sound of the violin seems mournful. Teachers note that Jourdain should study the arts, since “all the strife, all the wars on earth,” “all the misadventures with which history is full” come from ignorance of music and the inability to dance.

Act two

Phenomenon 1

Jourdain orders that the ballet be ready in the evening, as the person for whom he is arranging all this will arrive. The music teacher, anticipating good pay, advises the tradesman to give concerts on Wednesdays and Thursdays, as all noble gentlemen do.

Phenomena 2-3

A visiting fencing teacher teaches a tradesman, explaining that “the whole secret of fencing is to<…>inflict blows on the enemy" and "not receive them yourself." The fencing teacher expresses the idea that dancing and music are useless sciences. An argument begins between the teachers.

Phenomena 4-5

Jourdain asks the visiting philosophy teacher to reconcile the quarrels. Referring to Seneca's treatise on anger, the philosopher tries to calm them down, but he himself gets involved in an argument, which develops into a fight.

Phenomenon 6

Philosophy lesson. The teacher offers to teach Jourdain the wisdom of philosophy: logic, ethics and physics, but they do not arouse interest in the tradesman. Jourdain asks to teach him spelling. The teacher tells him that there are vowels and consonants.

Jourdain asks the philosopher to help him write a love note, but in the end they settle on the tradesman’s original version: “Beautiful marquise, your beautiful eyes promise me death from love.” Suddenly the tradesman learns that he has expressed himself in prose all his life.

Apparitions 7-8

The tailor brings Jourdain new suit. The tradesman notices that the suit is made from the same fabric as the clothes at the tailor, and the pattern (flowers) is located upside down. The tailor reassures him with what is so fashionable in high society.

Apparitions 9-10

Dancing around Jourdain, the apprentices put a new suit on him. They call the tradesman “Your Grace”, “Your Excellency”, “Your Grace”, for which they receive a generous payment.

Act three

Phenomena 1-3

Seeing Jourdain's new outfit, Nicole can't help but laugh. Madame Jourdain is outraged by the appearance of her husband, who “dressed up as a jester,” and everyone is laughing at him anyway. Jourdain decides to show off his knowledge to his wife and Nicole, but does not surprise the women. Moreover, while fencing with a man, the maid easily stabs him several times.

Phenomena 4-5

Dorant praises Jourdain’s new suit and mentions that he spoke about it “in the royal bedchamber,” which pleases the tradesman’s vanity.

Dorant asks Jourdain for “two hundred more pistoles” to round up the amount of his significant debt. The indignant Madame Jourdain calls her husband a “cash cow” and Dorant a “rascal.”

Phenomena 6

Dorant reports that he persuaded the marquise to come to the tradesman today, giving her a diamond - a gift from Jourdain. Nicole accidentally overhears part of the men’s conversation and learns that the tradesman is sending his wife to visit his sister in the evening so that nothing “embarrasses” them.

Apparitions 7-11

Mrs. Jourdain is sure that her husband is “hitting on someone.” A woman wants to marry her daughter to Cleont, who is in love with her. Nicole is delighted with her mistress's decision, since she likes the servant Cleonte.

Madame Jourdain advises Cleonte to ask Mr. Jourdain for her daughter’s hand in marriage today.

Phenomenon 12

Cleontes asks Monsieur Jourdain for Lucille's hand in marriage. The tradesman is only interested in whether his future son-in-law is a nobleman. Cleont, not wanting to deceive, admits that he is not one. Jourdain refuses because he wants his daughter to be a marquise.

Apparitions 13-14

Koviel calms the upset Cleont - the servant has figured out how to “twist our simpleton around his finger.”

Apparitions 15-18

Dorimena did not want to meet Dorant at her or his home, so she agreed to dine at Jourdain’s. The count gave all the tradesman's gifts to the marquise in his own name.

Apparitions 19-20

Meeting the marquise, Jourdain bows absurdly, which greatly amuses the woman. Dorant warns the tradesman not to mention the diamond given to Dorimen, as this is discourteous in secular society.

Act four

Phenomenon 1

Dorimena is surprised that a “luxurious feast” was arranged for her. Jourdain, drawing attention to the diamond on the marquise’s hand, calls it “a mere trifle,” believing that the woman knows that it is a gift from him.

Phenomena 2-4

Suddenly Madame Jourdain appears. The woman is outraged that after sending his wife away, her husband is throwing a “feast” for another lady. Dorant tries to justify himself, explaining that he organized the dinner. Madame Jourdain does not believe this. The upset marquise leaves, and Dorant goes after her.

Phenomena 5-8

Coviel, in disguise, poses as an old friend of Jourdain's father. Koviel says that the tradesman’s father was not a merchant, but a nobleman. However, the main purpose of his visit is to report that the son of the Turkish Sultan has long been in love with Jourdain’s daughter and wants to marry her. Soon, Cleont, disguised as a Turk, joins them and, through the translator Koviel, announces his intentions.

Koviel asks Dorant to play along with them.

Apparitions 9-13

Turkish ceremony. The mufti and his retinue, the dervishes and the Turks sing and dance as they initiate Jourdain, dressed in Turkish clothes, into a Turk. The Mufti places the Koran on the tradesman's back and calls upon Mohammed.

Act five

Phenomenon 1

Jourdain explains to his wife that he has now become a mamamushi. A woman decides that her husband has gone crazy.

Phenomena 2-3

Dorant persuades Dorimena to stay to support Cleont’s idea of ​​a masquerade and watch the ballet arranged for her.

Apparitions 4-7

Lucille at first refuses to marry, but, recognizing the Turk as Cleonte, she agrees.

Madame Jourdain was also against the marriage, but when Koviel quietly explained to her that what was happening was only a masquerade, she ordered to send for a notary.

Dorant announces that he and the marquise have also decided to get married. Jourdain thinks that the count said this as a diversion. The joyful tradesman gives Nicole to the “interpreter” Koviel, and his “wife to anyone.” Koviel is surprised that “you won’t find another such madman in the whole world!” .

"The comedy ends in ballet".


Molière's comedy "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" is one of the most famous dramatic works. The play was staged by more than twenty leading theaters and was filmed four times. Attracting with the brightness of the characters described and subtle humor, the brilliant work remains interesting for modern readers.

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Average rating: 4. Total ratings received: 2019.

For literary process The 17th century was characterized by the direction of classicism, which reflected the features of ancient literature. Moliere's play "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" is a kind of standard of the literary movement of this period.

Characteristics of Jourdain's image

The main character of the play “A Bourgeois in the Nobility,” Jourdain, became a kind of mirror in which the author reflected all the shortcomings and vices of society. Jourdain is a fairly elderly merchant, to whom one day came irresistible desire become part of an aristocratic society.

The main character began to completely rebuild his life and old habits in order to resemble a nobleman as much as possible. He hires a teacher and learns to dance, like secular gentlemen, arranges his apartment according to the example of fashionable salons, dresses in clothes made from expensive materials ordered abroad, and looks for a groom with a noble pedigree for his daughter.

But this does not help Jourdain to join the coveted society, since all his actions on the way to achieving his goal only cause ridicule from others. After all, what could be more amusing than an uneducated merchant imagining himself as a nobleman?

Close people use him for personal purposes: his daughter and wife demand new expensive outfits in order to match the future aristocrat. In order to marry off her daughter to her loved one, Jourdain’s wife puts on a real performance for her husband.

A low-income groom is dressed up as a Turkish sultan, whom, according to the script, the daughter is supposed to marry. Jourdain has become so accustomed to the role of an aristocrat that he does not see in the Sultan the poor guy Clement, who asked for the hand of his child a month ago.

Playing along with the upper class in everything, Jourdain is nothing more, nothing less than an unsuccessful caricature of it. Probably, his image would have caused ridicule of more than one generation of readers if not for the epiphany that Jourdain had at the end of the play.

He realized that all his life he had been striving for something more sublime than everyday vanity, and chose the wrong path, wanting to inherit the nobility. Jourdain realized that he had actually lived prosaically his entire life, while his soul longed for lyricism.

At this moment the main character becomes for real it's a pity. However, this feeling is replaced by joy for him - he finally saw the light and looked at the world with a completely different look.

The meaning of the story

In the play “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”, in addition to people who want to be equal to high-ranking society, the aristocracy itself is ridiculed, along with its meaningless and empty laws of life.

Jourdain's game of nobility is actually a demonstration performance for the upper class, because sometimes they themselves have their own made-up rules good manners, and bad taste in some things, look as comical as main character plays.

The main characters of the play “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” are divided into positive and negative, in their characters the dominant trait is clearly defined

“The Bourgeois in the Nobility” Moliere main characters

  • Mister Jourdain,
  • Madame Jourdain,
  • Lucille, their daughter,
  • Cleont, in love with Lucille
  • Dorimena, marquise.
  • Dorant, count in love with Dorimena
  • Nicole, Jourdain's maid
  • Koviel, servant of Cleonte
  • Music teacher
  • Music teacher student.
  • Dance teacher.
  • fencing teacher
  • Philosophy teacher
  • Tailor.
  • Tailor's Apprentice
  • Two servants.

“A tradesman among the nobility” characteristics of the heroes

Jourdain - the main character of "The Bourgeois in the Nobility", for whom the desire to become a nobleman is a wonderful dream. Passionately wanting to fulfill this dream, Jourdain cannot think sensibly about anything, so everyone around him fools him, including the teachers of linguistics, philosophy, dancing, and fencing who fed on him. However, with all the passion to “become noble,” Jourdain retains his lively nature and remains himself: when lending money, he always knows the score; if you make him angry, he swears and fights, forgetting all the rules of high society; studying science, he chooses the most practical one; he prefers a cheerful folk song to the mournful song of the shepherds; he glorifies science for the existence of vowels and consonants, and is delighted with the fact that he speaks in prose.

Ms. Jourdain- the wife, compared to her husband, is smart and well-read, it’s not easy to fool her, she immediately sees the catch.Jourdain's wife, a true representative of the nobility. She is a sensible, practical woman with feeling self-esteem. She tries with all her might to resist her husband’s mania and his inappropriate claims:“You're obsessed with all these fads, hubby. And this began for you from the moment you decided to associate with important gentlemen.”All efforts of Madame Jourdain are aimed at clearing the house of uninvited guests who live at the expense of her husband and use his gullibility and vanity for their own purposes: “That’s it, drive your teachers in the neck with all their gibberish.”

Lucille- stubborn, in love with Cleonte, daughter of Jourdain. Lucille received good upbringing, she loves Cleontes for his virtues. Therefore, not knowing about the idea of ​​​​her lover and his servant, she is sincerely indignant and resists her father’s attempt to marry her to the son of the Turkish Sultan: “ No, father, I already told you that there is no force that would force me to marry someone | anyone other than Cleont».

Cleont- in love with Lucille. Cleont is noble not by origin, but by character, he is honest, truthful, loving. Cleont is sure that only a person’s spiritual nobility and his reasonable behavior in society are true. In his opinion, any deception casts a shadow on a person. In the image of Cleontes The ideal of classicism was embodied: only one who in his behavior was guided by the requirements of reason and proceeded from what was considered good could be a truly noble person.

Count Dorant has a noble origin, refined manners, captivating appearance. But at the same time, he is a poor adventurer, a swindler, ready for any meanness, even pimping, for the sake of money.

Nicole- a maid who is in love with Koviel.

Koviel- a servant in love with Nicole.

The main character of the comedy is Mr. Jourdain. He is rich, but his family confuses him, his origin disgusts him. Jourdain has a great desire to enter the circle of high society. His opinion that money solves everything can be called erroneous. Jourdain is confident that the means will solve the issue of love, titles, knowledge and other issues. The main character is illiterate and uneducated. Therefore, people only pretend that he is smart and educated, in reality they only need his money. Jourdain is very naive and is deceived by almost all people. They flatter him and give him compliments, and against this background they deceive both teachers and tailors.

The character looks very funny, especially in those situations when his desire to turn into an aristocrat is manifested. The author of the comedy makes it clear that the main character, with his desire, is emptying his soul of good inclinations. Generally speaking, the main character is not a fool, he managed to take advantage of his father’s money and, moreover, multiply it. Jourdain also has enough intelligence to understand that his teachers are deceiving him, they are giving him the wrong truths. The truths given to him by his teachers only fetter him and prevent him from developing in the right direction. Jourdain often becomes a reason for ridicule. Even his servants, when they see him, are unable to restrain themselves from laughing. The hero notices this, but it doesn’t matter to him, because he has a goal that not only makes him a laughing stock, but also puts others in danger.

For his environment, which in no way influences his future, in his opinion, success in high society, Jourdain becomes dangerous. His wife may fall under the hot hand, and Jourdain begins to insult and deceive her. Servants are also victims of mistreatment and humiliation. Even a daughter is just a stage that can help Jourdain achieve his goal. The happiness of his daughter is in great danger, but this is not important, what is important is to receive the title of aristocrat.

The author of the play, for all Jourdain’s kindness and responsiveness, still presents him as a rude, cynical and illiterate person. Of course, the hero causes laughter, but how can you despise him for this? The author mainly tried to make fun of aristocrats. No matter what the hero is, he adheres to his life line to the last, he does not change his judgment. As a result, we can say about Jourdain that he is too spoiled by a luxurious life and is bored. He is doing something completely unnecessary.

Essay about Jourdain

The main character of the creation “Bourgeois to Nobility” is Mr. Jourdain. Jourdain is richest man, who carefully hides his origin. His bad background prevented him from entering secular society.

The hero believed that money rules everything and you can buy everything with it, including love and a noble upbringing. For his own money, the hero hired a large number of teachers who began to teach him the behavior of aristocrats and certain sciences. During his training, the hero managed to expose the shortcomings and ignorance of people from high society. The hero did not have special knowledge and therefore he became a victim of deceivers. Jourdain was deceived by everyone from ordinary teachers to a tailor.

The desire to become a nobleman made Jourdain a real laughing stock. The author showed that thanks to vices people can forget about their good inclinations. Hobbies became the meaning of life for the hero. Jourdain had a special mind that helped him increase his father's fortune. He knew that the tailor was deceiving him, but he did not contradict him. Because the hero really wanted to become an aristocrat. Jourdain also knew that the teachers did not teach him anything. However, the desire to become a noble was stronger than his mind.

Everyone laughed at Jourdain. His wife tried to dissuade her husband from the plan. Tailor Dorant pretended to be a friend, although in his heart he hated him. The hero became a laughing stock even in front of his servants. The reason for the laughter was Jourdain’s ridiculous outfit. His desire to break into the ranks of the nobles becomes dangerous for the people around him. He began to deceive and constantly humiliate his wife. He also began to treat his servants poorly. He even decided to sacrifice his daughter's happiness in order to become an aristocrat.

In the work, the author described Jourdain as a rude and uneducated person. At the same time, the hero was a naive, sincere and good-natured person. After studying certain sciences, the hero began to express himself in prose. His every discovery and action caused only laughter. In the play, the author laughed at the aristocrats and directed the edge of satire against them. Despite strong desire to get into high society, Jourdain always remained a sincere person, unlike Doriman and Dorant, who have no conscience and honor. Jourdain is a kind and wealthy man who found himself an unnecessary hobby.

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In 1670, Moliere wrote the comedy-ballet “The Tradesman among the Nobility.” Summary and characteristics of the main characters of the work are presented in this article. Let's start with a summary.

Jourdain decides to become a nobleman

One gentleman, an honorable bourgeois, seemingly has everything one could want - money, health, family. However, he decided to become a noble gentleman. "What is the main character's name?" - you ask. Mister Jourdain. It is he, the main character of the work, who begins the pursuit of aristocracy. To do this, he hires teachers and tailors, who must make him a nobleman. Moreover, each of them wants to cheat Jourdain, paying exorbitant compliments to his education, talent and taste.

Jourdain's activities from the comedy "The Tradesman in the Nobility" (Molière)

A summary of his activities is as follows. The author describes how Julien invites those present to evaluate his extravagant robe. There is, of course, no limit to the teachers’ admiration, because the amount of money he receives from him depends on what assessment he gives to the owner’s taste. Everyone invites Jourdain to dance and play music - what noble gentlemen do. The dancer begins to teach the minuet to the tradesman, and the musician insists on the need for weekly home concerts.

However, the graceful movements of the main character are interrupted by the fencing teacher. He says that his particular subject is the science of sciences. The teachers, carried away by the argument, came to the point of assault. The philosophy teacher, who arrived a little later, tried, at Jourdain’s request, to reconcile the fighting. However, as soon as he advised everyone to take up philosophy, the most important of the sciences, he himself found himself drawn into a fight.

The philosopher, rather shabby, nevertheless began his lesson. However, the tradesman refused to engage in logic and ethics. Then the teacher began to talk about pronunciation, and this caused Jourdain’s childish joy. His delight at discovering the fact that he spoke in prose was truly great. An attempt to improve the text of the note addressed to the lady of the heart failed. Bourgeois decided to leave his option, considering it the best.

New suit and failed attempts to impress

The tailor who came was more important than all the sciences, and the philosopher was forced to retreat. A new suit was made for Jourdain latest fashion. Generously seasoned with flattery (“Your Grace”), it significantly emptied Jourdain’s wallet.

His sober-minded wife spoke out decisively against her husband walking through the streets of Paris, since he had already become a laughing stock in the city. The desire to impress the maid and wife with the fruits of training did not bring success. Nicole calmly said “y”, and then, without any rules, pricked her master with her sword.

Visit of Count Dorant

Let's continue the retelling. "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" is a work that further describes the visit of Count Dorant, Jourdain's new "friend". This is a liar and a squandered rogue. Entering the living room, the count noticed that he was talking in the royal chambers about the owner of the house. Dorant has already borrowed 15,800 livres from a gullible bourgeois and has now come to borrow another 2,000. In gratitude for this, he decides to establish the amorous affairs of his “friend” with the Marchioness Dorimena, the woman for whom the dinner party is being held.

Unsuccessful matchmaking and Koviel's idea

The tradesman's wife is worried about the fate of her daughter. The fact is that the young man Cleonte asks for the girl’s hand, to whom Lucille reciprocates. Nicole (the maid) brings the groom to Jourdain. He sees his daughter as either a duchess or a marquise, so he refuses the young man. Cleont is in despair, but Koviel, his nimble servant, who, by the way, is vying for Nicole’s hand, volunteers to help his master. He is planning something that will lead the intractable tradesman to agree to marriage.

Pleasing the Marquise

Enter Dorant and Dorimena. The count brings the widowed marquise to Jourdain’s house not at all to please the gullible tradesman. He has been pursuing her for a long time, and he benefits from the crazy spending of the crazy Jourdain, which he attributes to himself.

The Marquise happily sits down at a luxurious table and eats delicious dishes to the compliments of Jourdain, this strange man. The mistress of the house appears and disturbs the splendid atmosphere with her anger. Her husband assures her that it is the count who is giving lunch. However, Madame Jourdain does not believe her husband. Offended by the accusations made by the mistress of the house against her, Dorimena, and with her Dorant, decide to leave the house.

Initiation into "mamamushi"

What does Moliere talk about next in the comedy “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”? The summary will help you remember or learn about what happened after Dorimena and Dorant left. Appears in the house new guest. This is Koviel in disguise. He talks about how Jourdain’s father was supposedly a real nobleman, and not a merchant. After this statement, he can safely hang noodles on the ears of the tradesman. Koviel talks about how the son of the Turkish Sultan came to the capital. Seeing Lucille, he is mad with love and certainly wants to marry this girl. However, before this, he longs to initiate his future father-in-law into a “mamamushi” (Turkish nobleman).

Cleontes, in disguise, appears as the son of the Turkish Sultan. He speaks in gibberish, and Koviel translates it into French. This is accompanied by songs, dances, and Turkish music. According to the ritual, the future "mamamushi" is beaten with sticks.


What kind of ending has Moliere prepared for the reader of “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”? We will try to summarize it briefly, without missing the main thing. Dorimena and Dorant return to the house. They seriously congratulate the tradesman on the high title he has received. The “nobleman” wants to quickly marry his daughter to the son of the Turkish Sultan. Recognizing her lover in disguise as a Turkish jester, Lucille meekly agrees to carry out her father’s will. Koviel in a whisper introduces Madame Jourdain to the essence of the matter, and after that she changes her anger to mercy. Father's blessing received. A messenger is sent for a notary. Dorimena and Dorant also decided to use his services. While waiting for the legal representative required to register marriages, guests watch a ballet choreographed by a dance teacher.

The requirements of the era and the innovation carried out by Jean Baptiste Moliere

"The Tradesman in the Nobility" is a work that was written in the 17th century. It was an era that demanded compliance with the trinity of action, place and time. They were strictly followed by the classical literature of the time. In addition, genres were divided into “low” (comedies) and “high” (tragedies). Classic literature had to follow the following rule in the depiction of heroes: each of them fully illuminated one or another character trait (negative or positive), which was either ridiculed or elevated to virtue.

However, Moliere, observing in basic terms the requirements of the era, stepped into realism. Departing from the examples of classic literature of that time, he, in the person of Jourdain, ridiculed the huge layer of wealthy bourgeois who inhabited the cities and who were eager to join the upper classes of society. In order to emphasize how absurd and funny these upstarts who strive to get into other people’s sleighs are, the satirist created a comedy-ballet, completely new genre. Like some other classics of literature (Pushkin, Gogol, etc.), he is an innovator of form.

An episode from the life of Louis XIV, which became the basis of the comedy

Moliere wrote "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" for Louis XIV, the French king, who was greatly offended by the Turkish ambassador's remark that the Sultan's horse was decorated much more elegantly and richly than the king's horse. Jourdain's mocking and stupid initiation into "mamamushi", the dances of dancers dressed as Turks - all this makes you laugh at what vanity does to a person, what a fool it turns him into. It is especially ugly where people rely on accumulated wealth. In fact, no amount of capital will displace the nobility of the family and the born aristocracy from the first roles. This is what Moliere wanted to show ("The Bourgeois in the Nobility"). The heroes depicted by him serve to reveal this idea.

Jourdain's image

His vainglorious desire to become a member of the noble class makes money not only from false teachers who assure the protagonist of his success in education, but also from Dorant, a cunning and selfish count who borrowed substantial sums from a tradesman, blinded by his desire, and does not intend to return them. Jourdain, who believes that he is obliged to have a lady of his heart, gives the Marquise Dorimena a diamond through Dorant. Dorimena believes that this is a gift from the count. And it is to the Count that she attributes the ballet performance and the gourmet dinner.

This “philistine among the nobility” is especially funny in his uncomfortable, but supposedly noble, costumes. The main characters laugh at him, but not only them: the maid, the teachers, and everyone around him. The culmination is the initiation into "mamamushi", played out by Koviel, Jourdain's servant, disguised as a Turk. The newly-made “mamamushi” cannot refuse the “son of the Turkish Sultan” to celebrate. He agrees to the marriage of his daughter, as well as the marriage of the servants.

The merchant, prudent and energetic, dexterous and intelligent, seemed to have lost all these qualities when he decided to gain the nobility for himself. We feel sorry for him when he has to fight off ridicule and he explains that he is striving for the title for the sake of his daughter. Practically uneducated, who worked a lot in life, but did not have the opportunity to comprehend science, the tradesman realized the squalor own life and decided to provide a better future for his daughter. This effort, however, did not bring any good to her or Jourdain himself. The girl was almost separated from her lover. Vanity is a bad helper in the desire to improve one's position in society.

Jourdain's wife

Jourdain's wife always evokes in the reader positive feedback. “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” is a work in which a true representative of the nobility is depicted in her person. She is a practical, sensible woman with self-esteem. She tries with all her might to resist her husband’s mania. All her actions are aimed at driving out uninvited guests who live at the expense of Jourdain and use his vanity and gullibility for their own purposes. Unlike her husband, she has no respect for the title of nobility and prefers to marry her daughter to common man, who would not look down on her bourgeois relatives.

Nobility in comedy

The nobility in the comedy is represented by two characters: Marchioness Dorimena and Count Dorant. The latter has a captivating appearance, refined manners, and noble origin. However, at the same time, he is a swindler, a poor adventurer, ready for any meanness for the sake of money, not excluding pimping. He calls Mr. Jourdain a dear friend. This man is ready to praise him appearance, manners. Dorant “admits” that he really wanted to see Jourdain. Then, having bribed him with crude flattery, he asks to borrow more money. Acting like a subtle psychologist, Dorant notes that many people would happily give him a loan, but he was afraid of offending Jourdain by asking someone else. This conversation is overheard by the tradesman's wife, so they won't disclose it here. real reasons, which gave rise to the strange friendship of Jourdain and Dorant. Alone with the tradesman, the count reports that the marquise reacted favorably to his gift. It immediately becomes clear that Jourdain is trying to be like a nobleman not only in his manners and manners, but also in his “passion” for the Marquise, trying to attract her attention with gifts. However, the count is also in love with Dorimena and uses Jourdain’s means, his gullibility and stupidity in order to achieve the favor of the marquise.

So, in general outline the topic of interest to us has been revealed. “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” is a work that can be analyzed in more detail. Based on the information presented and the original comedy, you can do this yourself. Discover features works of art always interesting.