Wow description. World of Warcraft - How did the RPG genre originate? New features: T.I.N.D.R

Very soon World of Warcraft will be releasing a massive update - 6.1.4! In addition to the T.I.N.D.R. system For garrisons, players will also experience a major overhaul of class balance and numerous changes to various game systems.

Official Blizzard quote ()

New features: T.I.N.D.R.

  • Level up your follower to level 100 and give him this item - maybe he will finally see some light in his personal life!
  • You will find a more detailed description of the new function in the newly published .

New features of the “Production Manager” system

  • To ease some of the tension in the community, we've expanded the Mining Master feature set to include four options to choose from:
    • Responsible for production
      • This option remains unchanged.
    • Submissive slave
      • By becoming a submissive slave, you will automatically agree to terms of agreement with other raid members, according to which you will be able to fully explore a variety of ways to kill bosses, while other players will pay due attention to your needs, shortcomings and well-being.
      • You will humbly accept the loot that your raid comrades deign to leave you. You will also be obliged to thank them profusely for their generosity. Raid members have the right to publicly discuss the quality of your equipment and, if a collective decision is made, demand that you disenchant it.
      • In addition, in your account settings you can specify a special word that, when used in chat, will automatically interrupt the raid.
    • Passive-aggressive mode
      • The raid leader distributes the loot between the players more or less fairly, but at the same time he accompanies this process with caustic comments.
      • Note: when selecting this mode, all players joining the group will be privately sent a message that if they are not satisfied with anything in this raid, they can assemble their own.
    • Priority of main specialization
      • In essence, this mode is no different from the “Responsible for Extraction” system, but the players really asked to add it to the game, so get it, sign it and don’t deny yourself anything. Within reason, of course.

Warcraft: a feature-length film based on a game dedicated to a feature-length film

  • In a world of NPCs, healers, and damage indicators, the film industry is born. See your favorite fictional characters living in a fictional world and playing the roles of other fictional characters living in an equally fictional world. It's all about Warcraft: a feature-length film based on a game dedicated to a feature-length film.


  • Now, in addition to those items that you forgot to collect in dungeons, the kind postman will send you information about sales throughout Azeroth.
  • In addition to the ability to ignore certain players, we have added a new feature to the game. Now, due to a special sequence of symbols and screen flashes, we can completely erase from your memory all memories of your enemies. We promise not to abuse this opportunity. On the other hand, you won't remember it anyway.
  • To prevent possible confusion in terminology, Sylvanas decreed that her subjects would now be called walkers, rather than undead or Forsaken.
  • We mistakenly added the dance studio back to the game. Fortunately, this oversight was quickly corrected. We were just a couple of steps away from failure...
  • The ability to post information about your adventures on Twitter has been added to the game with a 50% chance of making you feel how different you are from modern youth.
  • Now all updates will be given names that are more understandable to the audience. The first of these will be update 6.2: “Bring the Iron Horde to its knees with a trick as old as time.”
  • As of this day, all regular World of Warcraft players are officially recognized as intern developers. From now on, you must compulsorily prepare title pages in accordance with the approved requirements every time you compile another report on the damage caused by certain classes. You also have to work on Saturdays. Got it?
  • We met with the members of the Fun ensemble, and, as it turned out, rumors about their death were greatly exaggerated.
  • Mixed character power reduction is now called a class deduction and reduces damage dealt according to the Central Bank rate in participating zones.
  • This list of changes was compiled by leading developers, producers, programmers and artists, instead of working on new improvements and gameplay features.


  • Kierkegaardian rating system: now you can look in a special menu to see who gave a negative rating to a particular message, and then rate it. As a result, nothing will change anyway. However, you have two options to choose from: agree to rate it or not. To be honest, it seems to us that, regardless of the choice you make, your conscience will torment you terribly. The tyrant dies and his power ends; the martyr dies, and his power begins.
    • Everything after this point is unimportant.


  • Draenei
    • The Gift of the Naaru ability now allows you to give gifts to other players. Although, if you remember, the Naaru are made of pure light, so you will have to make do with a rainbow or some other glare of the sun. You can make a list of gifts in advance.
  • Gnomes
    • Dwarves can now wear glasses regardless of class and profession. Glasses on the nose do not provide any advantage.
    • The ability "Every Man for Himself" has been reworked. It now allows people to use a third slot for accessories.
    • Orcs receive tax breaks from the state for their ardent adherence to the Green Party.
  • Walkers
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Walkers to gain bonuses from eating and drinking.
  • Worgen
    • All worgen are now required to wear collars and carry small plastic bags.


Death Knight

  • The Blood Shield Mastery is now called Health Shield. At least it's not that bad.
  • Breath of Sindragosa now has a pleasant aroma.
  • "Bone Shield": calcium content increased by 50%!
  • Death Knights' skin color has become darker as players have requested that we make them appear darker.
  • The Dark Simulacrum ability is now 37% easier to pronounce.
  • Mind Freeze now causes the target to fall unconscious and turn into ice. All that remains is to erase the victim’s memory and retire forever to his ice castle.
  • Disease Outbreak no longer infects the enemy with Blood Plague and Chill. This ability now releases an airborne virus. Scientists first discovered this virus 30 years ago. Opposing players will have to work together to develop a vaccine until the government decides to drop mana bombs on the zone to cover their tracks.


  • The Balance specialization has been redesigned. Now the damage dealt changes solely depending on how many players on the forums demand to strengthen or weaken the druid's abilities.
  • The Remove Corruption spell can no longer be cast on players responsible for distributing loot in the guild.
  • The effect of the Tornado spell can now be dispelled by other druids.
  • Druids in the form of the Tree of Life can now bear fruit.
  • We created a new model of the moonkin, but it turned out to be so cute that it became impossible to fight the druid who took this form. In general, we will not add it to the game. But the model is, of course, cool.
  • The Gift of the Wild ability has been added back to the game. Its use allows the druid to leave a killed bird or rat at the entrance to the town hall of the enemy garrison.
  • New look: meatball. The caster transforms into a creature that is a cross between a yeti and a hamburger. In this form, the caster can use abilities such as “Eating Meat” and “Mischief in the Forge.” LONG LIVE MEEATHEL!


  • There's nothing wrong with this class.


  • The Time Travel spell now works across time zone differences.
  • The “Overload” talent has undergone changes and now does not load so much.
  • The description of the Blink spell has been changed to read: "Transports the caster to the nearest obstacle." The principle of the spell remains unchanged.
  • Due to the drought, created water is now issued only with coupons.
  • The "Invisibility" spell now only works if no one is looking at the magician. At the same time, he himself needs to close his eyes.
  • A new, even more original icon has been created for the “Magic Armor” spell.
  • To better demonstrate the difference in effectiveness, Fireball has been renamed to Fireball and Pyroblast to Huge Fireball. We tried.
  • Despite their heroic efforts, mage players never reached the stratospheric level of awesomeness of Jaina and Khadgar.
    • No, seriously, remember what Khadgar did with the dam in Tanaan Jungle?
    • The forces of the elements rose up and went crazy! And the water just started gushing out!
    • That was cool!


  • We have not yet removed Crackling Jade Lightning from the game.
  • Now, when using the Serenity talent, the monk puts on a brown coat and begins to mourn Hoben Washburn.
  • The Storm, Earth and Fire ability has become more effective and can now attack up to 5 targets. For this reason, we decided to rename it “Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and the Fifth Element.”
  • Now the monks can act out a staged skit, during which viewers will see how materials for preparing infusions and food are obtained, how they prepare for a meeting with the boss, and how they train for using rotations. Monks don’t actually do any of the above.
  • Now, when out of combat, monks still move somersaults.
  • The ability "Stimulating Brew" is now called "Red Bull". The effect remains the same, but now small wings grow on the monk's back.
  • Abilities that previously did not have "Chi" or "Zen" in their names have been renamed. Now their names contain one of these words (or both). We hope you enjoy Dancing Zen Crane Qi.


  • Paladins who use the Strengthened Seals talent now become immune to the machinations of bureaucrats.
  • After so many years, the templar finally made his verdict.
  • The "Inquiry" ability is back in the game! Surprised? Of course! Nobody is waiting for the Inquisition!
  • The Blinding Light effect now causes players to roar like an old wreck (whatever that means or has to do with Bruce Springsteen).
  • Due to the changing political climate, the Death Sentence talent has been replaced by Life Imprisonment.
  • In hopes of creating a more attractive image, the Order of the Silver Hand has banned the use of the Judgment spell in certain raids, dungeons, and certain battlegrounds. Paladins will not be able to cast Judgment while in these zones.


  • Spiritual Fervor can no longer be cast against players using a Hearthstone.
  • Spiritual Fervor can no longer be cast if the Priest is standing too close to a cliff.
  • Spiritual Fervor can no longer be cast against players using or about to use the elevator.
  • Priests have become 80% less nasty.
  • Soul Shield now melts in your mouth instead of sticking to your hands and clothes.
  • Using the Haunting Shape talent no longer summons a crowd of shadowy ghosts to follow you around. There will be a separate ability for this.
  • Divine Feathers can now be used to tickle sleeping party mates.
  • Now the “Inner Vision” spell allows you not to look at the world through the eyes of the target, but to penetrate directly into its consciousness. It is better not to penetrate into the mind of King Varian. This guy has too many cockroaches in his head.


  • Having made enough hits in a series, the robber will finish off the target, and then wash away the victory and snack on fried potatoes.
  • Changelist writers are no longer immune to Distraction... Wow! Brilliant!
  • The Black Crow Estate has been subject to strict secrecy, so that all texts regarding changes to the robber class will be written in invisible ink.


  • The Grounding Totem is now called the Grounded Totem. It makes the heroes who fall under its effect think about life and understand that perhaps they shouldn’t have quit their jobs and become graphomaniacs.
  • The condensation totem makes time travel possible.
  • The Lightning spell can now only be cast while moving. If the shaman stops, the casting of the spell will be interrupted.
  • The /smack command allows you to instantly remove the evil eye from the target, but you will then have to take full responsibility for the consequences.
  • New ability: Spray Water. Experienced chefs use this ability to prevent the noodles from overcooking.
  • The Rebirth ability allows the shaman to look at himself from an unexpected side.
  • Trembling Totem can now summon an Underground Worm and/or Kevin Bacon.
  • The Bloodlust spell has been renamed to Heroism.
  • The Heroism spell has been renamed to Bloodlust.
  • The spell "Release the Charm of Life" releases these spells in such a way that it will not seem enough.


  • The Cataclysm talent has been renamed to Warlords of Draenor.
  • Based on what we saw in the Warlords of Draenor introductory video, the Wrath of Mannoroth talent is no longer the same.
  • Warlocks can now complete the quest, divided into 47 stages, and receive all-color fire. Finally, you will be able to use the true weapon of warlocks - the rainbow!
  • Chaos Bolt can no longer be targeted. Chaos Arrow does what it wants! And no one dares tell her!
  • The “Black Soul” spell has been reworked and is now much more difficult to use, but we will refrain from going into specifics for now. You have to figure it out yourself.
  • The Rain of Fire spell no longer allows you to accumulate hot coals and does not cause damage.
  • The Backdraft passive ability of Destruction warlocks subtly reminds you of the old firefighter movie starring Kurt Russell.


  • The Tendon ability has been replaced with the Brutal Bonsai ability. Sorry, one of our developers remembered his hobby.
  • Spell reflection. REFLECTION. It reflects.
  • Warriors who use the Whirlwind ability immediately after the Bladestorm talent will be inflicted with a dizzy effect.
  • A warrior now looks 55% funnier when in a gladiator stance.
  • Due to numerous requests from colleagues, all warriors now use the Anger Management talent.


  • Companions of comrades: your comrades-in-arms have become respected persons - there are many who want to help them in their difficult task. The comrades of your comrades will settle in your garrison, who will carry out the instructions of your comrades.
    • A table will appear at the back of the town hall where new comrades will receive tasks. You will not be able to interact with this object. Companions who have received a task directly from you will approach him to give instructions to someone else. Soon you will see how companions of comrades are sent to carry out your instructions.
    • For the successes of their comrades, your comrades receive various rewards. Unfortunately, we cannot tell which ones - for some reason our comrades are keeping this a secret.
  • Task “Your own photographer” with the camera “S.E.L.F.I.” Only available to some players. No, we didn't change anything! It’s just that not everyone comes up with the idea of ​​constantly taking screenshots of their character.
  • Due to new noise regulations on Draenor, the music player in your garrison will automatically turn off after 10:00 pm each evening.
  • Companions awaiting your orders will now be able to play with toys from your collection. Keep in mind, they are not going to return them back. Yes, yes, toys will be everywhere.
  • If you send a max-level Epic follower on a mission that allows you to gain experience, you will have the opportunity to catch up with the follower on the way out of the garrison and ask why he still listens to you.
  • New Follower Perk - "Series Lover": Allows a follower to completely disappear from your garrison for an entire weekend when the new season of Game of Thrones airs. Upon returning, the comrade-in-arms emotionally shares his impressions and cannot stop.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players spending most of their time in their garrisons.


  • New quest zone: Terminus
    • A refuge for everyone. A community for everyone. Those who come will survive.
    • To get to Terminus, receive the quest "Either the Butcher or the Calf" from Grick Rhymes in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, then follow the signs. The task is available to everyone except walkers.
    • Complete quests and gain respect from the inhabitants of Terminus to gain access to the walker racial ability - Cannibalism.
  • To avoid confusion with the names of bosses from other games, it was decided to rename the pet Mini-Diablo. Now his name is Mini-Baal. No, sorry. Mini-Malthael. Yes, that's much better.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the legendary quest “The Magical Power of Draenor” requiring you to collect 4986 Apexis Crystals instead of the required 4983. We don’t even know what Khadgar did with the three extra ones...
  • Now the senior historian Evelina on the Timeless Island asks only one question - about the mur'dalaks.
  • Players will no longer have to deal with fox poop unless they are completing a related quest. For those who have finally taken up this matter... be patient, in fact, everything is not so scary!


  • Damage received in PvP battles has been reduced by 10%.
  • There have been a number of changes related to the effects of control. We recommend checking with your class skills teacher before attempting them.
    • Control effects can only be used when truly necessary.
    • If the control effect lasts longer than 4 hours, you most likely cannot do without qualified assistance.
  • Killing an enemy leader in Ashran will now reward you with 16 conquest points.
  • The duration of all control effects has been reduced by 33%.
  • For killing an enemy leader in Ashran, you will receive 150 artifact fragments instead of conquest points.
  • Events in Ashran will now happen when you least expect it.
  • The cooldown of all control effects has been reduced by 33%.
  • Damage dealt in PvP battles has been increased by 10%.
  • Tanks no longer take extra damage in PvP battles, but to keep things fair, their hands must be tied behind their backs during combat.
  • For killing an enemy leader in Ashran, you will receive 219 Apexis Crystals instead of artifact fragments.
  • The Battle of Gilneas has been renamed to the Battle of the Water Tower.
  • All control effects are increased by 33%. For example, “Smerch” began to blow 33% stronger, and “Fear” became 33% more terrible.
  • It appears that players take 10% less damage in PvP battles, but in reality this is not the case. Don't fall for this trick.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some classes and specializations to be useless in PvP battles.
  • A new type of 1v1 rating battles has been added to the game: rating battles for Ashran.
  • For killing an enemy leader in Ashran you will not receive anything. The valuable experience gained in battle is reward enough in itself!

Dungeons and Raids

  • Onyxia has fully recovered and gained a new ability: “Deep Sigh of Relief.”
  • To avoid confusion between World of Warcraft's Blackrock Mountain and the new Blackrock Mountain adventure for Hearthstone, Blackrock Mountain will now be referred to as the Eldritch Black Molten Lava Pit.
    • The health and damage of all bosses and ordinary enemies in the Creepy Black Pit with hot lava has been increased so that they have less complexes about this.
  • Added support for virtual reality helmets, but only for the “Gloomy Paths Depot” dungeon and the battle zone with Gans’gar and Franzok.
  • Due to major PvP balance changes in update 6.1.4, the abilities of all classes for PvE raids have been weakened. Everything is as usual.

Pet Battles

  • Battle pets' ability "Surrender" has been renamed to "Shower".
  • The pets of the “Cat” family have gained the ability to always get under their owner’s feet, knocking him down at the moment when he was about to go somewhere.
  • Players can now use the /pet emote to gain experience along with their battle pets. Once you target your summoned pet, use the /pet emote over and over again. Your character will play with your pet, giving it much-needed attention, gaining a small amount of experience each time. We're not sure how pets from the Mechanism and Undead families will react to this, but give it a try.
  • The teeth of the beaver family battle pets are working again.


  • New Main Profession: Character Model
    • We're sure there are a lot of important things in life besides taking care of your already stunning looks - but you might not care about those little things anymore.
    • Model characters can gain the Mirror Turn ability, allowing them to personalize their walk on the runway and earn the Right to Walk Left achievement.
    • By mastering the Character Model profession, you can learn other useful things at the same time. Because now you are simply super!
  • Players with max cooking skill can no longer cook using standard recipes. Instead, they must use random items from the mystery basket. In a limited amount of time, they must prepare a three-course meal using ingredients such as orange pop, marshmallow spread and gefilte fish. Cooks who are unable to prepare a delicious meal from the food provided will be punished with a cleaving blow.
  • Bat Snack and Crispy Bat Wing can no longer be cooked in level 90 or higher zones as Draenor cannot be flown.
  • The last player still mining Coal Silk in the Fire Front zone was mailed a whole bunch of Coal Silk.

User Interface

  • The group search interface has been redesigned. It now allows you to determine where the devils are the second half of your raid 10 minutes after you were supposed to start.
  • Due to popular demand from players, shoulders can now be made invisible! Come to think of it, this is a strange request. But if you really want your character’s arms to dangle separately from his body, then go ahead.
  • A new drop-down menu has been added to the What Happened to Your Character menu, allowing you to instantly send your favorite developer a message about exactly how your character died.


  • Clothing vendors throughout Azeroth offer a unique dress for sale that periodically changes color from black and blue to white and gold (and back again). Of course, the process of color change has a very serious scientific basis, which we, perhaps, will not expand on.
  • Wild Feasts now overlap each other. In the literal sense of the word. You can build fortresses out of them and all that.
  • To make it easier for you to evaluate whether a given item will improve the quality of your gear, item levels will now be ranked using the Dewey Decimal classification system.
  • We rounded all parameters on all subjects to the nearest ten, put a decimal on the left and doubled the resulting fraction. We use this system when figuring out how much to tip, and we're confident in its reliability.
  • The Muddy Paw, Soiled Gem, Mud-Stained Pendant, and Soiled Tooth items now have a special, dirty shine.

Corrections made

  • The curious little wolfcrawler no longer sticks his nose anywhere.
  • The long-suffering automatic message correction feature has been disabled again due to an overload at a power plant near one of our data centers.
  • Fixed a bug due to which it was necessary to spend several years in the game to reach the maximum value of the Archeology skill.
  • Fixed a critical error that occurred when some bad people did some bad things.
  • The savages of Draenor are wildly buffed by 6-8 more Wildlands savages. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience and confusion.
  • Players who previously always walked on their own can now go off the beaten path.

If you look a little closer at the screenshot of those times, you will see similar characters, small green orcs and the fat guys everyone liked, even the castles and turrets from that old strategy migrated to the new modern WoW game. Particularly impressive is the design style of the game, the highly artistic execution of the inserts and the overall game engine. Something not everyone can boast of.

Nine years later, the game is finally being released on PC under the Blizzard brand - the original: (“World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade”) on a CD size of only 596.3Mb. The release date of the game in Russia is officially considered: November 22. 2004.

So the era of MMORPG has come - Blizzard showed everyone what real role-playing games should look like, if you play the WoW game you will fall in love with it literally from the first steps. Many other companies wanted to repeat the World of Warcraft game and create something similar, but I can honestly say that any new copy is much worse than the original. You can copy the style of the RPG genre, but the game itself cannot; it is simply unique. The territory of the three-dimensional virtual world of WoW is hundreds of kilometers, which you cannot cover with your character in one day, even on the fastest horse.

In the very first version of the game, you could develop your character by pumping up experience to level 60. But the game doesn’t end there. Blizzard constantly stimulates players, continuing to develop game history, patches continue to be released, new fixes and additions continue to appear, new versions of the game appear, the territory of the World of Warcraft is constantly growing.

Now the most popular version on pirated free servers is World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

This version was released in Russia on (Date: September 5, 2008). The game has grown considerably thicker and now weighs more than 17 gigabytes after installation. Now you can again level up your character up to lvl 80, there are new epic things and dungeons with new bloodthirsty bosses. Unlike previous versions, here to go to “Bossa” in the “inst” - dungeon, it is no longer necessary to recruit a large group of 25-50 people as before, five are enough, a tank, a healer and several damage dealers. Father-in-law has become much more interesting, new locations of the so-called BGs (translated as territory for running) have appeared - fighting for the flag between the Alliance and the Horde.

First of all, I want to note that the game World of Warcraft has gained its popularity largely due to pirated servers and game emulators, where anyone can play for free, unlike the official game server “ /”, where you can upgrade for free by playing only up to level 20. That said, of course, you can’t compare the original wow and pirate emulators, which have a huge bunch of shortcomings, but okay, with bugs in the game and tasks that don’t work - of course you can still exist somehow, but what’s most infuriating is just the huge number of cheaters with which not fun to play. Of course, the administration is trying to catch them in WoW, but even banning such players does not help. Sometimes baga-uzers run wildly around the game, even fly over the admin’s head. But in fact, it's not all that bad, the Arcade in World of Warcraft is fun, playable, just great.

All players of especially high levels walk around so important, so busy that sometimes I can simply ignore you. What are they doing there, you ask? Yes, at first glance it seems that they are just killing time, in fact they are busy leveling up their professions in a role-playing game, and some even have a kind of business when they sell their products at a local auction store, basically all the people are often in One city in “Storm City” is the so-called main city, it is here at the bank that meetings take place between players who make deals to sell and exchange unique magical RPG items.

When your hero reaches level 80 for a long time and successfully, it would seem that it is useless to play further, but no, then the real game begins. Upon reaching level eighty, everything is really just beginning: Now you can equip your hero with the best clothes, knocked out from the most inaccessible “dungeons” of dungeons. You can earn “honer” - this is experience that is given in fights on the run, for this experience you can buy epic PVP enhanced items in World of Warcraft, and that’s not all.

Who also has access to special PVP: Arenas for 2x2 and 3x3 players, that is, you must choose a couple of these as friends in order to easily go through all the arenas. And successfully accumulate arena points, for which you can also purchase equipment for your hero, for example: weapons, shields or armored armor. The type of equipment, of course, depends on the class of your hero; armor is usually worn only by “Paladin” and “Warrior”, while other heroes wear everything from rags to leather and chain mail.

Brief description:

Game World of WarCraft (WoW)) is the most outstanding online project. Under its banners, it has gathered the largest group of fans, more than 11 million people around the world. Her third addition Wrath of the Lich King) became the fastest-selling game in the history of computer games.

The game is unparalleled for several reasons: firstly, its creators are famous Blizzard who bring their games to perfection; secondly, the game has a huge prehistory, because it was not created “from scratch”, but is a logical continuation of the world of WarCrfat, which was released back in 1994; thirdly, it is constantly developing, expanding, and improving. It is thanks to constant development, the desire for an ideal balance of power and a polished plot, rich in all kinds of events, that World of WarCraft has gained such popularity.

The game takes place 4 years after the events of [b]WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos. Azeroth is gradually recovering and gaining strength after the devastating wars. However, a new threat is looming over the world, which players in the world of WarCraft will have to face, uniting in alliances and acting together against a common danger.

There are two factions in the game: alliance and horde. Each faction consists of several races. You have to choose a faction and race, as well as the character class you will play. It could be a hunter, or a paladin, or a druid... it's up to you. Once you enter the world, get ready to complete a huge number of quests, fight monsters and players of the opposite faction. In addition to the main storyline, you will encounter mini-stories that are succinctly integrated into the overall outline and complement the gameplay. A variety of armor, all kinds of weapons, mounts, companions, resources for creating new things, quest items, many large locations, professions that will expand the capabilities of your character, PvP in arenas and battlefields - all this awaits you in World of WarCraft.

Your opinion:

So, I'll try in order.

World. The game world is gorgeous. Its enormity is impressive, the locations are impressive, they are not similar to each other, but at the same time they fit together harmoniously without causing dissonance. The locations are inhabited by corresponding monsters that may be characteristic only of this area, although there are also those that can be found in other areas. In general, the saturation of monsters is balanced - there are not many and not few of them, just as many as needed (hey, it came out in verse, cool).

NPC. The computer characters are well implemented. It feels like everyone has their own character (well, not everyone individually, mostly the key ones). A well-written assignment text is pleasing to the eye and mind. It’s also good that the NPCs don’t stand there like idols, but walk around the location, do something, and from time to time (in some regions) repel the onslaught of some enemy or monster. Thanks to this, you don’t feel like an actor among soulless scenery, but feel like part of a living society.

Characters. Characters in World of WarCraft (WoW) excellent. The pronounced characteristics of a particular race make them individuals, and not clones of each other. Yes, to be fair, it’s worth noting that within a certain race the range of available appearance modifications is meager... but given the total number of races, the feeling of “attack of the clones” doesn’t even come close to us, everything is fine.

Assignments. Wow... there are a huge number of quests in the game. All of them are thought out, laconic, and fit well into the overall outline of the world. There is no feeling (as in some games) that this or that quest is out of place, that it is like an incomprehensible stump of something lying on the road, coming from nowhere and serving something unknown, for what purpose. Doing such quests is a pleasure.

The plot of the game as a whole. Let me put it briefly: gorgeous. WoW is currently experiencing the advent of the third global expansion, which will introduce a new storyline to the game. Alas, due to the nature of the changes, those initial adventures that were available since the opening of the servers will no longer be available to us... this is of course sad... but at the same time, new adventures fascinate the mind... I want to play, and how!

Now about the more technical aspects. Graphics. Perhaps the most controversial and controversial moment in the world of WoW. Some say the graphics are crap, others say the graphics are great. From the technical side, everything is in order with the WoW graphics, another point is the specificity of its style, a logical continuation of the style WarCraft(remember the third part). When you play in such a world, you have an exact and absolute feeling of it. that this is a game, that this is a magical, fantasy world - and that’s good. Personally, I don’t understand those who strive for photorealism in this genre. For what? a game should be a game...

Control. Control via keyboard and mouse pleases the field of games built on the principle of click and drop (where characters move to a point on the terrain that you select with the mouse, LineAge 2 for example).

World of Warcraft- the fruits of the labors of Blizzard programmers, animators and designers, a project that combines all the best that modern role-playing games can give. It received the highest ratings from most gaming publications.
WoW belongs to the MMORPG (Massively Multlplayer Online Role-Playing Game) genre - online collective role-playing games. In the world of Warcraft, thousands of players live in the virtual world - they travel, gain new experience and knowledge, create alliances, fight monsters and complete tasks that can change the fate of the whole world.

The game takes place 4 years after the events of the previous version Warcraft- Reign of Chaos. The ancient lands of Azeroth have not yet cooled down from the rivers of spilled blood. Irreconcilable opponents are restoring destroyed kingdoms and gathering strength. The threat of a new conflict is becoming more and more obvious. At any moment, war could return to the world again Warcraft...
You will return to lands familiar from previous parts Warcraft. Big cities and small settlements, seas, forests, caves and characters - everything will seem familiar to you and, at the same time, will amaze you with a new level of sound and graphics.

Every minute the world around you changes. Returning a month later to the same places, you may not recognize them. A small town can turn into a fortress, and mountains into quarries for extracting stone for new roads.
On WoW server you will have the opportunity to join one of the warring parties - Horde or Alliance - and choose one of the races. There are 9 character classes to choose from - Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior. For everyone, you can choose a name, gender and profession to your liking - the hero can become a shoemaker, blacksmith, alchemist, etc. You also have the opportunity to develop his talents and skills.

Everyone - from a travel enthusiast to a daredevil who cannot imagine life without battles - will find something to their liking in this game. You not only solve problems and complete tasks - you live the life of a virtual character. Any, sometimes the most insignificant, actions affect the lives of other players and the history of the development of the world of Warcraft. Determine which of the three WoW modes is most interesting to you - Normal, Player vs Player or Role-playing and begin your journey and game.

Gold, silver and copper - with virtual coins you can buy everything your heart desires and more; not only weapons and clothes, but also your own horse, mule, and other animal that will be useful in travel. Money can also be invested in education - for example, take fencing lessons, learn a certain craft, gain knowledge in medicine, etc. There are more than 1000 spells and skills in the game that you can learn or buy with money. Items earned and conquered during campaigns can be sold at special auctions that are held within the game itself.
You can communicate with friends at special conferences. The game interface can be completely changed and customized to suit you. This is very important and convenient, because in the world WoW you will have to spend hundreds of hours of gaming time.

Minimum system requirements:

Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP
- 800 MHz processor
- 256 MB RAM
- 32 MB Video card
- 4 GB of free hard disk space
- sound card compatible with DirectX® 9.0c
- 4-speed CD-ROM drive
- Internet connection at a speed of at least 56 kbit/s, recommended 128-256 kbit/s and higher