How to ask for forgiveness Sunday forgive. Forgiveness Sunday, how to ask for forgiveness? Why was Forgiveness Sunday called Forgiveness Sunday?

Forgiveness Sunday is a very important holiday for believers. It is on this day that Maslenitsa ends and begins Lent before Easter. On this day, it is important not only to forgive those who want to obey, but it is more important to ask for forgiveness for your sins. It is important to know exactly how and in what words to do this.

This day reminds us of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. God kicked them out because they, having sinned against him, never confessed to their sin. Thus ended their carefree, happy life. It is important to know that you must not only ask for forgiveness, but also forgive sincerely. To do this, you need to understand yourself and understand how to forgive the grievances in your soul. Only sincere apologies can cleanse a person’s soul so that he can enter into fasting with a pure soul.

Forgiveness Sunday is celebrated on the last of four Sundays before Lent, or the seventh Sunday before Easter. This day is the last day when you can eat fast food.

On this day, Christians, attending liturgies, can hear words from the Gospel about the forgiveness of sins, about Lent and about collecting heavenly treasures.

Why is it called Forgiveness Sunday?

The ability to forgive is highly valued in the church world. It is this quality in a person that makes him merciful to God. Jesus Christ said that the Lord God his father will do to everyone the same way as he does to his brother who has sinned against you.

The holiday took its name based on the performance of the Rite of Forgiveness on this day.

History of the rite of forgiveness

The beginning of the forgiven resurrection was given by Egyptian monks. To strengthen their prayer, they went into the desert one by one for the entire fast (40 days). There they found themselves face to face with harsh conditions wildlife. Some could not withstand the harsh conditions of desert life, others were killed by wild animals.

Realizing that they might not return for Easter, the monks asked for forgiveness for the offenses inflicted on purpose and inadvertently. They asked sincerely, as they ask on their deathbed, and they forgave, accordingly, from the bottom of their hearts, understanding the importance of this action. And since this meeting could have been the last, the rite of forgiveness was created - in order to reconcile and be forgiven, and therefore to be forgiven by God himself.

Subsequently, this day became a tradition and became part of the Church’s worship. It is on this day that the Church customarily remembers a terrible tragedy for humanity - the expulsion of the common father from Paradise - Adam.

How to ask God for forgiveness?

Often, having committed a bad deed, a person begins to look for excuses for himself, looking for those to blame for what he himself did. This began with the first people: Adam and his wife Eve. Having picked the forbidden fruit from the tree and eaten it, Adam did not want to take his guilt upon himself, but declared that his wife, whom God had given him, did it, thereby making not only her guilty, but also God himself, who gave Adam such a wife. Eve, in turn, made the snake guilty. However, he only suggested, and the people themselves opened their hearts to temptation, thereby showing distrust of God. Instead of saying: “Lord forgive us, we have sinned,” they began to justify themselves, thereby making their forgiveness impossible.

After observing ourselves, everyone can admit that having lied about their innocence, somewhere inside us a tormented conscience. Therefore, admitting your guilt is the first step towards forgiveness.

In order to be forgiven by God, it is not enough to simply come to Church, light a candle, and, albeit sincerely, but simply say: “Forgive me.” To receive God's covenant forgiveness you must be clear conscience and soul. You need to learn to forgive others. God asks us to forgive the sins of our offenders, to forgive the debts of our debtors.

“Forgive and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37), says the Savior.

Analyzing the Gospel, we can say that only those who know how to forgive their debtors will earn the forgiveness of the Lord.

How to ask for forgiveness from family, friends, colleagues, and employees?

Since the most important thing on Forgiveness Sunday is to ask for forgiveness, this must be done correctly. We are not talking about beautiful literary words. The most important thing is the sincerity of the intention with which man walking to the offended.

For the words to be correct, you need to truly feel the degree of offense caused, even if done inadvertently. The main thing is that the words come from the heart.

It is also worth noting the time at which you should apologize. This is usually done after the sun has set before darkness sets in. Usually, on Forgiveness Sunday, people went to the cemetery in the afternoon to visit their deceased relatives and remember them, but they did not drink alcohol on that day. After, in evening time, went to Church, where it was customary to exchange apologies during the liturgy. Returning home, everyone had dinner at a large table, asked for forgiveness again and went to bed.

To be clean in soul and body, they usually went to the bathhouse on this day.

What words do you use to ask for forgiveness?

When asking for forgiveness, it is important to remember that all words must be spoken out loud. Every forgiveness must be accepted and responded to. On this day, one cannot help but forgive a person who sincerely asked.

Here it is also important to understand the difference between the concepts of “sorry” and “sorry”. There is a huge difference between them. So, asking the offended person to forgive the offender, he asks to relieve him of guilt, emphasizing that he is not at all to blame. But asking for forgiveness means admitting your guilt, thereby promising to improve in the future. It is the word “forgive” that the Bible encourages.

Having asked for forgiveness from the person who was offended, one should ask for forgiveness from all humanity. Because the Bible says that a person should love all people.

How to forgive sincerely?

Sincere forgiveness can only be earned through the sincere repentance of the person who committed the offense. Cutting out does not come immediately, but over time, when a person realizes what he has done.

Then he begins to think about how to express his obedience:

  • in writing;
  • in a telephone conversation;
  • personally.

Still, the most successful form of asking for forgiveness is verbally, in a personal meeting. So offended person will be able to see the eyes of the offender and the sincerity of his intentions. Both sides will be able to discuss the current situation, expressing their vision. And forgiveness will come with most likely sincere.

How can you learn to forgive in your soul?

In order to forgive sincerely, you need to experience the offense, consider it from the perspective of the offender, and not just the offended person. You should understand the person who committed a bad deed; perhaps the feeling of forgiveness will manifest itself.

The most important thing in forgiveness is not to express it in words to your offender, but to let go of the offense, forgiving him in your soul, thereby lightening your burden, first of all. It is very difficult to do this, especially if the person’s act is terrible, and it would seem impossible to forgive. Maybe that’s why people who can forgive terrible evil receive God’s blessing and it becomes easier for them.

Some come to this on their own, others need the help of a specialist, while others can harbor anger within themselves for years. And this resentment torments a person from the inside, tearing his soul apart.

What words are spoken when forgiving?

On this day, it is customary not only to ask for forgiveness, but you can also congratulate them on the holiday. Also, by asking for forgiveness, you can wish the person all the best.

Psychology how to learn to forgive?

Learning to forgive is the key happy life. Resentments accumulated inside make a person unhappy, preventing him from living fully. There are times when you cannot forgive because you don’t know how to do it.

In order to learn to forgive, it is important to determine for yourself why this is necessary in principle. Without understanding this there will be no success. If the search for truth has been successful, you can begin the process of understanding the truth of forgiveness.

First, you need to understand the reason for your offense. It often happens that some time after a quarrel, it seems trivial, and sometimes funny. In this case, you should just throw away all your grievances.

If the situation is really serious, it is necessary to release the accumulated anger before meeting the offender. Here you can act based on your preferences. Some people benefit from sports, others from creativity, others need special training.

Then you should analyze the behavior of your offender. Perhaps the person who brought you harm has completely different principles of life. Then the actions he committed in his eyes are the norm of behavior.

You should not wait for the moment when the offender, realizing his guilt, comes to ask for forgiveness. This may not happen at all. It may make sense to take the first step and discuss the topic of resentment directly with this person. Since there is a possibility that the offender himself does not think or even suspect that you are offended.

Analysis will be important own behavior. It may turn out that your share of the blame in the current situation is greater.

Having analyzed the whole situation, the main thing is to immediately discard thoughts about retaliatory actions. Often, a feeling of resentment forces us to commit rash acts, making a person sinful. After some time, the offense recedes and we are ready to forgive the offender, but it’s too late, we need forgiveness. Therefore, always try to forgive a person in your soul, without waiting for his obedience.

Parable: learn to forgive

In any situation, Christian people turn to wise parables, drawing answers to pressing questions from there. There are many parables about forgiveness not only for adults but also for children, which makes it easier for parents to teach their child the complexities of forgiveness.

parable one, for children

One deceased person arrived at the gates of Heaven, completely naked and transparent. However, his body was like an aquarium - transparent and full of thoughts. Some of them were bright and beautiful, like small fish, while others were dark and unpleasant, like sharks. The man was able to disguise these thoughts as good ones and God let him into Paradise without saying anything. However, after a while, the man returned to the gate and asked God to help him, since he was uncomfortable in Paradise. To which God told him that he was unable to help him, since everyone must bear the burden of their life themselves.

second parable

Although the setting of the parable developed in ancient times, it is worth noting that it could also take place today. One wise old man was called to discuss the punishment of a sinful monk. The elder refused, but after a while he accepted the proposals. Walking into the discussion hall, the elder hung a torn bag of sand behind his back. The people sitting in the hall asked him why he needed this, to which he replied: “I’m going to judge someone who has broken the Lord’s commandments, and my sins are pouring out behind me.” Such words shamed the participants in the proceedings; they did not judge the monk.

parable three - practical

A man came to a wise old man and began to complain about the offender and the fact that he could not forgive him. Then the elder advised him to take the pot in his hands, and the ambassador to treat him as he would treat his offender. The man took the pot and stretched his arms up, then threw the pot on the floor. Then the elder said: “You see, the pot broke, but it didn’t make you feel any better, it’s your pot, you didn’t get rid of it, but turned it into a pile of fragments that could hurt you. Evil begets even greater evil, which will definitely come back to you.”

You can see more about forgiveness here:

Forgiveness Sunday is a gift to humanity from the Lord. Having sinned throughout the year, a person receives unique opportunity, cleanse your thoughts and body in one day. By asking for forgiveness and forgiving everyone, he thereby receives forgiveness from God.

On this day, it is important to remember the origins of humanity, the mistakes of the first people and analyze the consequences of their mistakes in order to make life easier for yourself and your loved ones in the future.

Following the bright Maslenitsa, filled with delicious food, noisy festivities, singing and dancing, Great Lent is coming with its strict prohibitions and restrictions. At the intersection of two different cycles marked on the calendar Forgiveness Sunday 2016 is a day on which the forgiveness of sins and offenses is endowed with special power. About how beautiful and correct it is to ask for forgiveness at this time Orthodox holiday, we talk further. We have prepared for you the best poems, SMS and congratulations for Forgiveness Resurrection.

Forgiveness Sunday - I apologize!

Both ancestors and contemporaries have many traditions associated with this day. In Rus', “the powerful and the elder asked for forgiveness from the insignificant and the younger. At sunset, Orthodox Christians walked from house to house and quietly begged forgiveness from the offended, humbly bowing their heads. For this they received absolution with a kiss on the mouth.” Today's rituals have changed slightly, but the essence of Forgiveness Sunday remains the same - cleansing the soul before the difficult cleansing of the body during Lent. To do this you need:

  • Visit the temple. On this day, during the Liturgy in churches, they read the story about Eve and Adam, reminding us of the fall of our ancestors and their shameful expulsion from Eden. They also read a narrative in which Jesus explains in detail the words of the prayer “and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive...”.
  • Forgive the offenders. March 13 (last day Oil week) you should definitely forgive all your offenders, even those who did not ask for your forgiveness. Otherwise, all the work in the upcoming post will be in vain. Any sincere and insincere repentance should be accepted, and the bitterness of resentment should be forgotten and released. After all, just as we forgive others, so the Almighty will respond to our requests.
  • Ask forgiveness from the deceased. It is equally important on this day to reach out to those with whom you can no longer see in reality. Deceased relatives and friends will certainly forgive their sins if you take the time to visit the cemetery and kneel before their graves.
  • Ask for forgiveness from loved ones. From the very morning, without postponing the tradition until later, you must sincerely ask for forgiveness from everyone you have intentionally or unknowingly offended. Even those who are on good terms with you may remember an ugly act. Be generous with your requests: it is better to overdo it than to underdo it. In addition, there are many sincere and beautiful words who can be contacted to a loved one for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.

I apologize to all my family. All friends and relatives and even strangers. Maybe I offended you, in word or deed. Maybe I offended someone with my silence. We all make mistakes and know how to offend. But I want to repent, because God commanded to forgive...

LOVE in my soul, pancakes for a treat, and I ask you FORGIVENESS for everything!

Forgive me for everything I was guilty of: a stupid joke, an offensive reproach. For everything that I once offended you by speaking immodestly and rudely. By forgiving others, we promise to forget all past quarrels for a long time. Forgive me - I forgive you too, and let there be no hard feelings between us!

Let there be no guilt before you, and let you not offend me. But today you are forgiven by me. And I ask you to forgive me.

Traditional rituals for Forgiveness Sunday. How to ask for forgiveness?

What rituals are performed on Forgiveness Sunday?

Forgiveness Sunday is a beautiful and humane custom. On such a bright day, purification of the soul and obedience must be carried out in the traditional way. Since ancient times, on the last day of Maslyanya, people hastened to the temple to ask for absolution from the clergy, and then went to the graves of relatives and friends. At the cemetery they left delicious pancakes for the deceased and bowed to their ashes.

Families never went to bed without asking each other for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. Children made requests to their parents, servants to their masters, etc. The masters also considered it necessary to bow down to their subordinates. The ritual took place as follows: people bowed to each other at the waist, expressed sincere repentance and kissed the cheeks three times. IN modern Russia This custom is rarely observed, but the words “forgive me” are heard in almost every home.

An equally popular tradition in Rus' is the burning of a Maslenitsa effigy on the day of Forgiveness Sunday. At the very beginning of Oil Week, young people collected straw throughout the village, from which they built a figure in the square. On Forgiveness Sunday, the effigy was publicly burned, and while the flint was burning, they mentally asked for forgiveness from all close and dear people.

How to ask for forgiveness: Forgiven Resurrection - verses

Touching verses for Forgiveness Sunday

On Forgiveness Sunday, in addition to traditional phrases of apology, sincere congratulations. With the help of beautiful poems with a clear meaning, it is easy to establish understanding between the guilty and the offended, friends who are in discord, and relatives who once turned their backs on each other. Best congratulations with Forgiveness Sunday should convey a sincere desire to build friendly relations and wishes in honor of the great holiday!

On the Lord's holiday, Sunday,
I have a lot to say
And ask for forgiveness for everything,
Admit your wrongness.

And with your sincere forgiveness
I will be pleased and flattered,
Don't forget on Sunday:
The one who has forgiven is also forgiven!

I want your forgiveness
Ask for mistakes
After all, today is Sunday,
And it's time to forget

About grievances, disagreements.
Let's remember the good!
Let the bad weather go away
There will be peace throughout the whole earth!

I want to ask for forgiveness
If you did something ineptly,
I also ask you to forgive me
For what, perhaps, he did not do.

I forgive everyone from the bottom of my heart,
After all, sincerity is the most important thing.
Hurry up to forgive everyone, my friend,
And the world will become a little kinder.

I ask your forgiveness
If you did something wrong.
On Forgiveness Day Sunday
Both rich and poor

He hopes for forgiveness.
I wish you with all my heart -
Let everyone forgive you,
So that there is peace in the heart.

Forgiveness Sunday 2016 - SMS

Short SMS about Forgiveness Resurrection

It is not always possible to personally express your remorse to a friend or relative. Either the distance is too great, or the insult prevents you from looking your loved one in the eyes. At this time, you can send congratulations via SMS on Forgiveness Sunday 2016. Nice words with requests for forgiveness will certainly be appreciated.

Pancake Sunday
There is an old belief -
To be happy all year,
You need to ask for forgiveness!

Cleanse your soul and thoughts
On Sunday before Lent.
And prayers between you and God
They will cross like an invisible bridge!

We are all human, we are all sinners,
Quarrels are simply inevitable
If you are wrong, admit it,
If you offended, stand up for the answer,
And forgiveness will come to you
Warmth, calm!

Forgive the one who is to blame!
He will be happy, he will be glad
Let a man stumble
You can't be angry for an entire century!
Let him give us forgiveness
Love, warmth, liberation!

Forgiveness Day Maslenitsa ends a week of festivities with eating pancakes (the housewives definitely read ours) before the start, which will continue until. So read on important information about Forgiveness Day 2018.

Forgiveness Sunday 2018: number and date

Answering the question from our readers about what year, we inform you: Forgiveness Day in 2018 falls on February 18th. An important fact on this day is how to ask for forgiveness. Therefore, we consider it necessary to outline some points.

Forgiveness is asked with the following words: “Please forgive me if I am guilty of anything before you,” the answer should be: “God will forgive.” The main thing is that it be sincere, from the bottom of my heart. In churches during the liturgy, the Gospel is read with a part from the Sermon on the Mount, which talks about forgiveness of offenses to neighbors, because this is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father. The church service ends with mutual requests for forgiveness and then you can join. We also need to remember about the cheese week in 2018. That's what they call it last week before Lent, when they stop consuming dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.

Forgiveness Sunday Forgiveness: what not to do

Forgive us, and God will forgive,
Will cheer you up.
Let's get rid of grudges
On the day of general forgiveness.

Let spring sing in your soul,
And the joy only multiplies.
Let the bells ring
But the heart is not worried.

I'm not shy at all
Ask for forgiveness,
After all, if there is no resentment
It's easier to live in the world.

Everyone this Sunday
The Lord commanded to forgive
Do good and light
To illuminate our life.

And if you suddenly offend
It happened to me you
I will sincerely say:
"Sorry, forgive me"

On the day of forgiveness, on Sunday,
They ask for souls to be cleansed.
I ask you to forgive me
And don’t accumulate resentment.

Congratulations to everyone,
I sincerely forgive everyone.
Let's celebrate this day with love,
Let it be clean and bright.

I sincerely apologize
For all the grievances that sometimes
In everyday life I applied,
Having no evil in my soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all the intentional evil,
For everything that hurt your heart
And it brought grief.

May our souls not suffer
Under the weight of petty grievances,
Forgive me as I forgive
And may the Lord forgive us all.

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
And let go of grudges
So that it’s easy and with a pure heart
We could give love.

If there was anything bad,
We need to forget about everything.
And in harmony and peace
Then we will all live.

Let it be filled with love
Your heart is overflowing,
Your life will be similar
To a wonderful, kind paradise.

I want to apologize to you:
Sorry for the disappointments of the past days.
May the day of Forgiveness bring peace to hearts,
So that our souls become brighter,

So that there is less evil and sadness in the world,
So that we can look forward with ease,
Let's let go of old grievances.
Today God is calling us all to forgiveness.

May God forgive us our sins,
And will save souls from defilement,
From all bad thoughts,
To guide you on the right path!

I ask for forgiveness today
After all, there is repentance in my heart,
I hope this Sunday
Everyone will forgive me for my actions!

If sin is fire, then forgiveness is the fire extinguisher. This article is not a moralizing proposal or exhortation to Leopold the cat about friendship. No, this is a conversation about the inner essence of forgiveness.

The object towards which forgiveness is directed is sin. Sin is a virus. We are all sick with this virus to one degree or another. A person can die from it alone, in his inner godless world, or he can sneeze it outside, infecting those around him. When a person sins against other people, insulting, offending, condemning, treating them unfairly, he transmits his virus to them and increases the activity of their own sinful diseases. Those around you feel resentment, anger, hatred, ill-will. This causes a negative emotional flow of feelings, which in themselves are already destructive not only for the soul, but also for the body.

How to live in a civilization where everyone is being killed by an epidemic of sin? The first is to learn not to sneeze, and the second is to have antiviral immunity to the sneezing of other carriers of sin. How to learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness? Let's start with the first one.

How to forgive?

Forgiving does not at all mean muttering “I forgive” through clenched teeth or convincing myself that I don’t remember the insult when my heart is filled with it. Forgiveness is not a formal act, not a dry statement of fact; it is, first of all, a complex and difficult internal process.

It consists of several stages.

Stage 1 - Understand.

Situations can be very different, they cannot be systematized. But no matter how and with what a person has offended you, no matter the degree of offense, you need to try to look at him not through the eyes of a victim, not through the exacting gaze of a judge, but from the position of a lawyer. You need to put yourself in the shoes of your offender and try to understand the motivation - why did this happen?

And there may be a lot of factors that we don’t pay attention to in our offense. All of us different people. Everyone has their own heredity, character, education, worldview. Our behavioral attitudes often depend on a variety of circumstances beyond our control. We are all in bondage from ourselves.

It’s just something strange that happens here. We are ready to justify and forgive ourselves, referring to all of the above, but to others – well, not at all! You need to try to understand the other, and having understood, you must also be able to regret it.

A man with a spiky helmet on his head walks around and just pricks you lightly with one of the needles. How can he, poor man, live with this block on his head? After all, he only hooked you with a piece of his own inner hell, and he lives in it all the time. This hell is in his feelings, desires, intentions and away. This man deserves pity, not punishment.

Stage 2 - Justify.

The second stage begins when an understanding and explanation of what happened is found. No, we're talking about not about amnesty, which is not always possible, and not about the final decision of the court. Because there are different situations. We have one highest court - God. " Vengeance is mine, I will repay", He says. And He is the one to make judicial decisions. It is important for us that at this trial we act not on the side of the prosecution, but on the side of the defense. If we can justify a person in our inner court, then there is hope that God will deal with him not in justice, but in love.

Why do we need this? But why. There is a Contract, enshrined in the unchangeable and eternal Word of God. If we can Last Judgment God will not be accusers, but defenders, then He promises that He Himself will not accuse us, but justify us for our sins. “As you forgive, so it will be forgiven you; with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”

If we can understand the motivation of our offender, justify him, realizing that he himself is more a victim than an executioner, then we can approach the third, final stage.

Stage 3 - Forgiveness.

Forgiveness can become effective and efficient not from the uttered phrase “I forgive,” but from the inner conviction and understanding that in fact there is no guilt. There is a personal tragedy of the person who offended you. But this is a reason for pity for him, and not for condemnation. There are factors that played a bad role in this matter; there is, after all, the Providence of God, which could thus test the Christian qualities of your soul, but there is no fault of the other. In fact, the other served either as a weapon or as a victim, but not as an executioner. Because the bearer of evil has already punished himself with this evil. A person on fire may catch you and burn you, but he is all on fire. Pray for him and become his advocate. He needs your forgiveness no less than you need to forgive him.

How to ask for forgiveness?

You can say the same thing, only with the opposite sign. You can't justify yourself in any way. Our selfishness, self-pity and selfishness will scream and say anything to make us feel sorry for ourselves. They will be driven by pride. But if you don’t listen to them, then humility will come to your soul - our best and true friend. Peace and silence always go with him.

You cannot give even the slightest reason to justify yourself. We need to understand: if the result is evil, then no matter what we do, no matter how good our intentions are, we get a result that pleases not God, but the devil. That means he’s guilty.

On Forgiveness Sunday, there is a custom in church to ask for forgiveness from those parishioners who do not even know each other. This rather strange action has its own logic and meaning. Of course, asking for forgiveness from a person you don’t know and have never communicated with is stupid. But this is if we are talking about a personal insult or insult.

What if about something else? We are all part of a single whole. We are connected to each other like cells of one organism. Some are further away, some are closer to each other, but, one way or another, we are united. If in human body When a small nerve root of a tooth becomes inflamed, the whole body hurts and trembles. Each of his cells, one way or another, reacts to this pain.

Likewise, any of our sins resonates with pain throughout the entire human body of Christ. Each outburst of sin is a drop of blood dripping from the suffering brow of the Savior on the Cross. We are all guilty and liable. We all need forgiveness and justification. But not from ourselves, but from people and God. Forgiveness, as a Gift, can only be retained by a contrite and humble heart. The proud can never bear such a huge burden.

Archpriest Igor Ryabko
Orthodox Life

Viewed (3915) times

Forgiveness Sunday. How to ask for forgiveness correctly.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, Forgiveness Sunday begins.

On this day, you need to ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and acquaintances in order to cleanse yourself of possible hidden grievances, and enter Lent with a pure soul.

It is also helpful to know how to properly respond to forgiveness.

This holy day for everyone Orthodox people day, I would like to wish you peace and understanding, forgiveness. Forgiveness Sunday brings us closer and kinder friend to a friend. Go to church, worship the icons, thank the Lord for everything. Let all sorrows and grievances be forgotten. Forgive everyone, and you will be forgiven.

On Forgiveness Sunday, let us sincerely ask each other for forgiveness and forgive mutual offenses, and then we will approach Lent with a good soul and celebrate Easter with a pure heart. Let peace and tranquility, love and mutual understanding reign in every family. May every day bring joy, luck and happiness.

On the holy holiday of Forgiveness, I want to apologize to everyone I offended and wish you great bright love, happiness and goodness! May all grievances dissolve on this day, and may your hearts be filled with peace and joy! Let there always be people next to you who can warm you with their warmth and support you in any situation! Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

On the day of Forgiveness Sunday, I sincerely ask you to forgive me for all the insults and grief that I, intentionally or unintentionally, could bring to you! Let them remain in the past and not darken our friendship! I congratulate you on this holiday and, in turn, forgive you!

I want to congratulate you on this great and bright holiday. This is the day when you need to let go and forget the grievances caused to you, because it is the ability to forgive that distinguishes great people. I wish that unpleasant and unwanted things will bypass you and not dare to darken your life. Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

Sorry if by accident

I insulted you with a word

Although I was angry, it was still the same

I adored you.

Sorry I couldn't

Once upon a time to support.

For what I tried

Press for pity.

Sorry for the inattention,

In times of oblivion.

Forgiven today

It's Sunday!

I apologize to everyone

Who did I offend?

Today is Sunday

Forgiveness, friends.

Let's forget all the grievances

We are together with you,

And we won't remember

Everything is in the past, behind us.

I apologize with all my heart

For all the words that sound like noodles on my ears,

For all the actions that brought only sadness.

Wave your hand and shout: “Well, let it be!”

Let others sin, not us -

Both you and I are always full of goodness.

And so that it goes over the edge,

Just give me the word “forgive.”

Clean in my thoughts, warm in my soul

On this bright Sunday.

And today everyone needs it

Forget about grievances, doubts,

Smile and don't be sad

Ask for forgiveness from the heart

And forgive everyone yourself

On the day of forgiven resurrection.