How fun it is to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. How to correctly ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday and how to respond

Today Orthodox Christians celebrate Forgiveness Sunday. Immediately after it, on Monday, it begins Lent- it, in turn, continues until Easter on April 8.

Forgiveness Sunday means the last day of Maslenitsa. In turn, Maslenitsa week precedes Lent. To get the required dates, you need to subtract 48 days of fasting from Easter, and the day before the beginning is Forgiveness Sunday. Easter in 2018 is celebrated on April 8. Thus, Forgiveness Sunday 2018 falls on February 18th.

What kind of holiday is this

Forgiveness Sunday is a day on which you need to let go of all grievances, improve relationships with family, friends and acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors and other people. It is necessary to resolve all conflicts.

This is a day of spiritual cleansing, preparation for Lent. Therefore, on Forgiveness Sunday it is strictly forbidden to:

To refuse forgiveness to anyone who asks for forgiveness is a great sin,
think about bad things
enter into conflicts with someone, get angry, quarrel and be indignant,
engage in physical labor: in particular, cleaning and washing. Exceptions include cooking and caring for pets.
eat meat (basically, from meat products should have been on the first day of Maslenitsa), and also got drunk,
leave food out in the evening
go to bed late, because after midnight Lent begins.

All this is needed in order to prepare for Lent, to cleanse your soul of negative thoughts and emotions.

Forgiveness Sunday: what to do

On this day you need to try to be as sincere as possible. If some words have long been asked to be spoken to your loved ones, then it is on the last day of Maslenitsa that they need to be said.

On Forgiveness Sunday, you should definitely try to go to church services. This is a special day for Orthodox Christians because the Sermon on the Mount is read in churches, and during the service the priest asks for forgiveness from his parishioners.

And, of course, ask for forgiveness from your family and friends yourself. To do this, you don’t need to list your sins and grievances, but just say: “Forgive me!”

At the same time, on Forgiveness Day they ask for forgiveness not only from the living, but also from deceased friends and relatives. It is enough to do this mentally, praying for the repose of their soul. On the evening of Forgiveness Sunday, it was even customary for the Slavs to go to the cemetery to remember the dead and say goodbye to deceased relatives. It was believed that on this day they “feasted” with their loved ones on Maslenitsa.

Also on this day there is a tradition of going to the bathhouse (in the modern version - taking a bath or shower) to wash away all sins, including those accumulated during Maslenitsa festivities, because they are sometimes accompanied by excesses.

Forgiveness Sunday: what you can eat

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it is customary for the whole family to gather at the table. It is worth noting that in the old days they sat down at the table 7 times - according to the number of days of the Maslenitsa week. Moreover, believers have a special menu on this day:

Breakfast - pancakes;
lunch - pancakes and dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, butter, sour cream, etc. You can serve dishes of fish, vegetables and eggs. But you can no longer eat meat;
dinner: according to tradition, scrambled eggs were served last on the evening of Forgiveness Sunday. Why was this dish served last on the table on Forgiveness Sunday? This is how housewives found a use for the eggs and milk left over from making pancakes.

On Monday, it was no longer possible to eat leftover food, so everything that was left from food on Sunday evening was burned or fed to domestic animals. If you don't have pets, you can feed the homeless.

History of Forgiveness Sunday

It is believed that the origins of Forgiveness Sunday lie in the traditions of Egyptian monks. Every year, one by one, they went into the desert for 40 days to strengthen their faith and stay away from earthly temptations. Before leaving, they asked forgiveness from their loved ones, since they might not return back from the desert due to any dangers.

Forgiveness Sunday is also called the day of Adam's expulsion. It is believed that one of the main reasons for expulsion from Paradise was that Adam refused to admit to committing a sin. The Bible says that a person who does not forgive other people and does not ask for forgiveness himself will not receive God's forgiveness.

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday
Today I will ask everyone for forgiveness
For phrases, actions, my behavior.
And if you keep a grudge in your soul,
Please forgive me for this insult!
And may souls be purified on this day,
After all, no one needs litter in this life.
May God forgive us all our sins.
I wish that He saves everyone from troubles!

The bright holiday has arrived!
This Sunday
Before God you have
I'm sorry.
Let's forget all the bad things
And we'll leave behind
Let only bright moments
They are waiting on the path of life!

I'm sorry for everything
How could I offend you?
May God forgive, as they say.
Excuse me now.
I forgive you for all the years,
I don't hold grudges
And if you forgive me,
I’ll say “thank you” to you!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday
All grievances go away.
Forgive me today.
I'll forgive. We'll be even.
May spring warm you
This day is so good
And luck, happiness, joy
They'll come and surprise you in no time!

In a bright moment and hour of forgiveness
With the help of the Lord
I ask you to forget the grievances
Becoming freer from sins.
Let a ray of God's Grace
Will disperse the clouds in the soul
And all of us sinners in the world
It will teach you to love and forgive.

Forgiveness Day Maslenitsa ends a week of festivities with eating pancakes (the housewives definitely read ours) before the start, which will continue until. So read on important information about Forgiveness Day 2018.

Forgiveness Sunday 2018: number and date

Answering the question from our readers about what year, we inform you: Forgiveness day in 2018 falls on February 18th. An important fact on this day is how to ask for forgiveness. Therefore, we consider it necessary to outline some points.

They ask for forgiveness with the following words: “Please forgive me if I am guilty of anything before you,” the answer should be: “God will forgive.” The main thing is that it be sincere, from the bottom of my heart. In churches during the liturgy, the Gospel is read with a part from the Sermon on the Mount, which talks about forgiveness of offenses to neighbors, because this is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father. The church service ends with mutual requests for forgiveness and then you can join. You also need to remember about the cheese week in 2018. That's what they call it last week before Lent, when they stop consuming dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.

Forgiveness Sunday Forgiveness: what not to do

Forgive us, and God will forgive,
Will cheer you up.
Let's get rid of grudges
On the day of general forgiveness.

Let spring sing in your soul,
And the joy only multiplies.
Let the bells ring
But the heart is not worried.

I'm not shy at all
Ask for forgiveness
After all, if there is no resentment
It's easier to live in the world.

Everyone this Sunday
The Lord commanded to forgive
Do good and light
To illuminate our life.

And if you suddenly offend
It happened to me you
I will sincerely say:
"Sorry, forgive me"

On the day of forgiveness, on Sunday,
They ask for souls to be cleansed.
I ask you to forgive me
And don’t accumulate resentment.

Congratulations to everyone,
I sincerely forgive everyone.
Let's celebrate this day with love,
Let it be clean and bright.

I sincerely apologize
For all the grievances that sometimes
In everyday life I applied,
Having no evil in my soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all the intentional evil,
For everything that hurt your heart
And it brought grief.

May our souls not suffer
Under the weight of petty grievances,
Forgive me as I forgive
And may the Lord forgive us all.

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
And let go of grudges
So that it’s easy and with a pure heart
We could give love.

If there was anything bad,
We need to forget about everything.
And in harmony and peace
Then we will all live.

Let it be filled with love
Your heart is overflowing,
Your life will be similar
To a wonderful, kind paradise.

I want to apologize to you:
Sorry for the disappointments of the past days.
May the day of Forgiveness bring peace to hearts,
So that our souls become brighter,

So that there is less evil and sadness in the world,
So that we can look forward with ease,
Let's let go of old grievances.
Today God is calling us all to forgiveness.

May God forgive us our sins,
And will save souls from defilement,
From all bad thoughts,
To guide you on the right path!

I ask for forgiveness today
After all, there is repentance in my heart,
I hope this Sunday
Everyone will forgive me for my actions!

If sin is fire, then forgiveness is the fire extinguisher. This article is not a moralizing proposal or exhortation to Leopold the cat about friendship. No, this is a conversation about the inner essence of forgiveness.

The object towards which forgiveness is directed is sin. Sin is a virus. We are all sick with this virus to one degree or another. A person can die from it alone, in his inner godless world, or he can sneeze it outside, infecting those around him. When a person sins against other people, insulting, offending, condemning, treating them unfairly, he transmits his virus to them and increases the activity of their own sinful diseases. Those around you feel resentment, anger, hatred, ill-will. This causes a negative emotional flow of feelings, which in themselves are already destructive not only for the soul, but also for the body.

How to live in a civilization where everyone is being killed by an epidemic of sin? The first is to learn not to sneeze, and the second is to have antiviral immunity to the sneezing of other carriers of sin. How to learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness? Let's start with the first one.

How to forgive?

Forgiving does not at all mean muttering “I forgive” through clenched teeth or convincing myself that I don’t remember the insult when my heart is filled with it. Forgiveness is not a formal act, not a dry statement of fact; it is, first of all, a complex and difficult internal process.

It consists of several stages.

Stage 1 - Understand.

Situations can be very different, they cannot be systematized. But no matter how and with what a person has offended you, no matter the degree of offense, you need to try to look at him not through the eyes of a victim, not through the exacting gaze of a judge, but from the position of a lawyer. You need to put yourself in the shoes of your offender and try to understand the motivation - why did this happen?

And there may be a lot of factors that we don’t pay attention to in our offense. All of us different people. Everyone has their own heredity, character, education, worldview. Our behavioral attitudes often depend on a variety of circumstances beyond our control. We are all in bondage from ourselves.

It’s just something strange that happens here. We are ready to justify and forgive ourselves, referring to all of the above, but to others – well, not at all! You need to try to understand the other, and having understood, you must also be able to regret it.

A man with a spiky helmet on his head walks around and just pricks you lightly with one of the needles. How can he, poor man, live with this block on his head? After all, he only hooked you with a piece of his own inner hell, and he lives in it all the time. This hell is in his feelings, desires, intentions and away. This man deserves pity, not punishment.

Stage 2 - Justify.

The second stage begins when an understanding and explanation of what happened is found. No, we're talking about not about amnesty, which is not always possible, and not about the final decision of the court. Because there are different situations. We have one highest court – God. " Vengeance is mine, I will repay", He says. And He is the one to make judicial decisions. It is important for us that at this trial we act not on the side of the prosecution, but on the side of the defense. If we can justify a person in our inner court, then there is hope that God will deal with him not in justice, but in love.

Why do we need this? But why. There is a Contract, enshrined in the unchangeable and eternal Word of God. If we can Last Judgment God will not be accusers, but defenders, then He promises that He Himself will not accuse us, but justify us for our sins. “As you forgive, so it will be forgiven you; with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”

If we can understand the motivation of our offender, justify him, realizing that he himself is more a victim than an executioner, then we can approach the third, final stage.

Stage 3 - Forgiveness.

Forgiveness can become effective and efficient not from the uttered phrase “I forgive,” but from the inner conviction and understanding that in fact there is no guilt. There is a personal tragedy of the person who offended you. But this is a reason for pity for him, and not for condemnation. There are factors that played a bad role in this matter; there is, after all, the Providence of God, which could thus test the Christian qualities of your soul, but there is no fault of the other. In fact, the other served either as a weapon or as a victim, but not as an executioner. Because the bearer of evil has already punished himself with this evil. A person on fire may catch you and burn you, but he is all on fire. Pray for him and become his advocate. He needs your forgiveness no less than you need to forgive him.

How to ask for forgiveness?

You can say the same thing, only with the opposite sign. You can't justify yourself in any way. Our selfishness, self-pity and selfishness will scream and say anything to make us feel sorry for ourselves. They will be driven by pride. But if you don’t listen to them, then humility will come to your soul - our best and true friend. Peace and silence always go with him.

You cannot give even the slightest reason to justify yourself. We need to understand: if the result is evil, then no matter what we do, no matter how good our intentions are, we get a result that pleases not God, but the devil. That means he’s guilty.

On Forgiveness Sunday, there is a custom in church to ask for forgiveness from those parishioners who do not even know each other. This rather strange action has its own logic and meaning. Of course, asking for forgiveness from a person you don’t know and have never communicated with is stupid. But this is if we are talking about a personal insult or insult.

What if about something else? We are all part of a single whole. We are connected to each other like cells of one organism. Some are further away, some are closer to each other, but, one way or another, we are united. If in human body When a small nerve root of a tooth becomes inflamed, the whole body hurts and trembles. Each of his cells, one way or another, reacts to this pain.

Likewise, any of our sins resonates with pain throughout the entire human body of Christ. Each outburst of sin is a drop of blood dripping from the suffering brow of the Savior on the Cross. We are all guilty and liable. We all need forgiveness and justification. But not from ourselves, but from people and God. Forgiveness, as a Gift, can only be retained by a contrite and humble heart. The proud can never bear such a huge burden.

Archpriest Igor Ryabko
Orthodox Life

Viewed (3916) times

Forgiveness Sunday in 2016 fell on March 13th. This will be the last Sunday before Lent and the seventh Sunday before Easter.

During the liturgy in churches the Gospel will be read, in particular the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ. It says that we must forgive our neighbors and not so much. You must forgive everyone who, voluntarily or unwittingly, has offended you.

We don’t like to forgive... But we must. Without forgiving our offenders, we ourselves will not be able to receive forgiveness of our sins from God.

The Sermon on the Mount also talks about fasting and laying up heavenly treasures.

The custom of asking each other for forgiveness on this day among Christians has been going on since time immemorial. Everyone asked for forgiveness when meeting each other and accepted everything possible measures to make peace with your enemies.

That is why this Sunday is called Forgiveness Sunday.

Forgiveness Sunday is the first step towards Lent. This Sunday ends the possibility of eating dairy products. Fasting is, first of all, abstinence. Abstinence from forbidden food, from evil, irritation, envy and other vices. The Church reminds people of how Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise for their disobedience to God and intemperance. Eve wanted to eat an apple, but she couldn’t resist and ate it. She herself did not obey God, and even tempted Adam to try the forbidden fruit.

Therefore they were expelled from Paradise. As the priests say, this is where all our troubles come from. It's their own fault, they say.

We must understand how dangerous sensual sinful pleasures, carnal pleasure and the passion of selfishness are for a person.

According to Priest Maxim Pervozvansky, one cannot begin fasting if there is no peace in the soul.

Therefore, we need to make peace with those with whom we have difficulties in relationships.

As it turns out, not everyone understands how to do it correctly.

Nowadays we use two words to ask for forgiveness - excuse me and forgive me. It would seem that what a difference it makes. You can say this and that. But there is a difference - and a big one.

When we say - I'm sorry, it means - take me out of guilt, make me innocent, in other words, let's assume that I'm not guilty before you, I'm actually not guilty, it happened by accident.

And when we say forgive, it means that we admit our guilt, but we ask you to let it go, we ask you to accept us as we are. By saying, I'm sorry, we seem to promise to improve.

Therefore, we must ask God to forgive, and not to excuse. To forgive means to accept. Accept a person for who he is.

In addition, the word “sorry” has phonetic and semantic similarities with the word “just”.

Have you noticed that when relationships between people deteriorate, they say they become more complicated. Simplicity and clarity are lost. When people are in a quarrel, they can’t just look into each other’s eyes, they can’t just talk, they can’t just smile.

And when we say “I’m sorry,” we admit our guilt and promise to improve. We propose to eliminate the difficulties, we propose to make sure that we can look each other in the eyes again.

When we ask for forgiveness from a person or from God, we are asking to simplify our relationships, while admitting our guilt and forgiving our neighbor.

Forgiveness Sunday: how to ask for forgiveness correctly?

Another question that interests many: what to ask for forgiveness for.

Of course, you should ask for forgiveness first of all from those whom you have offended or hurt, or with whom you have difficulties in your relationship.

We must ask for forgiveness from all people, since we are all the Body of Christ, and accordingly, if one of us sins, he “infects” everyone else with sin. To make it clear: if one organ of the body hurts, the whole body suffers. It's the same with people. We are all one, and that is why we suffer for each other’s sins.

We all have one more common sin - we do not truly love each other. We are only interested in ourselves. We communicate only with those who are pleasant to us, and with the rest... it’s better not to remember. And we are called to love each other. On Forgiveness Sunday we must realize this moment.

Of course, you don't have to fall at your feet. You just need to understand this and repent. Although you should ask God for forgiveness for not being able to truly love everyone.

Forgiveness Sunday: how to ask for forgiveness correctly?

You can often hear people say that they cannot forgive some person. By saying this, a person means that he cannot forget the pain that another person inflicted on him. But to forgive does not mean to forget. A person will remember the pain, but having forgiven, he simply will not hold a grudge against the person who caused this pain, will not take revenge, accepts the person for who he is and will now be able to look him in the eyes.

But if the person who offended you is not going to repent of what he did, what should you do? Below is the answer of Priest Maxim Pervozvansky:

- But if the offender does not even think of admitting his guilt and going to peace?

- Then, of course, it’s hard to reconcile. But the Lord calls us to forgive even our enemies and Himself sets an example for us in this. Such forgiveness seems like something fantastic, impossible, but in God, in Christ it is possible.

When learning to forgive, we also need to remember this point: often people who cause us pain do so with the permission of the Lord. Not in the sense that they are not to blame, but in the sense that this offense will benefit us.

For example, if we ask God for such a quality as humility, it would be wrong to expect that it will suddenly fall on us from heaven. Rather, we need to wait for God to send a person who will offend us, hurt us, maybe even unfairly. Having endured such an insult, having found the strength to forgive - maybe only the 3rd, 10th, 20th time - we will slowly learn humility.

So you need to understand that nothing happens by chance and God creates everything for our benefit.

– Father Maxim, how can I determine whether I have truly forgiven or not? You can forgive in words, although this is also not easy, while in reality the resentment may remain...

- The fact is that forgiveness is not a one-time process. It happens that we seem to have forgiven and forgotten everything, but after some time, indignation and anger at our offender flares up in us again.

What's the matter? But the fact is that unforgiveness is a passion. And passion, once settled in us, can over time take deep roots in the soul and, moreover, is capable of hiding, for the time being without showing “signs of life.” This happens especially often when the offense inflicted was truly extremely painful and serious.

And who benefits from this wound bleeding again and again? Of course, the evil one! He tirelessly, with all his might, tries to lead a person astray, and if we have some kind of “sore spot” - something that makes us lose our balance, get annoyed, get angry - he will definitely put pressure on him. There is a resentment - this “stag” will remind it, refresh in our memory unpleasant actions or words spoken to us.

This scar takes a long time to heal - it takes time, but you also need to make an effort for it to heal.

We need to remind ourselves that with God everything is possible. Christ, experiencing torment on the cross that we are afraid to even imagine, forgave his tormentors and will give us the strength to forgive our offenders.

Who should you ask for forgiveness on this day - from everyone or only from those whom you have probably offended? And how to forgive from the heart, how to find out whether you have forgiven in reality or only in words? What to do if you don’t have the strength to forgive?

We asked Priest Maxim Pervozvansky to explain the meaning of Forgiveness Sunday and the essence of forgiveness.

Like before death...

– Father Maxim, where did this custom come from - asking everyone for forgiveness on the last day before Lent?

– This is not at all some kind of product of folklore, this is an ancient church tradition. Christ himself laid the foundation for it with his words in the Gospel of Matthew: “If you forgive people their sins, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you; But if you do not forgive people their trespasses, then your Father will not forgive you your trespasses.”(Matt. 6:14-15). This is the unchanged Gospel reading on the last Sunday before Lent.

Later, the rite of forgiveness appeared in the Church. In Egypt or Palestine, monks went alone into the desert during Lent and, of course, were not sure that it would not become their last refuge. Therefore, they reconciled with each other, asking for forgiveness for everything, as before death.

– We don’t go into any desert... Why do we continue to observe this tradition and Forgiveness Sunday still falls on the eve of Lent?

– Because it is categorically not recommended to enter Lent in a non-peaceful state. This is a time of cleansing, spiritual renewal before Easter; accordingly, you need to try to begin your cleansing, free yourself from the burden of guilt before your neighbors, i.e. really reconcile with everyone, forgive everyone from the heart.

Forgive, not excuse

– What does it mean to forgive? What should we mean by this concept?

- There are two different words: “I’m sorry” and “I’m sorry.” These are almost synonyms in modern Russian, however, initially these are very different words in meaning.

Have you noticed that it is often much easier to say “sorry” than “forgive”? “Sorry” means take me out out of guilt, make me innocent, in other words, let’s assume that I’m not guilty before you. So a child who climbed onto the table for candy and broke a vase can say: “Mom, I broke your favorite vase here, excuse me.” Thus, he wants to justify himself: “It’s not my fault, it just happened.”

What is “sorry”? This means: I am guilty, I admit my guilt, but let me go, accept me as I am, I will try to improve.

Therefore, we ask God not to forgive, but to forgive, which means to accept. Accept the guilty, the sinner, whatever - but accept.

– It’s the same with people: do we ask them to accept us as we are?

– Yes, and in this sense, forgiveness can qualitatively change our relationships. It is no coincidence that the word “forgive” has a certain connection – both phonetic and semantic – with the word “simply”. Please note that when relationships between people begin to deteriorate, they say that they become more complicated, i.e. lose their simplicity and clarity: we cannot Just look into each other's eyes, Just smile at each other Just talk. And when one of us says the word “sorry,” it means the following: “I’m guilty, I’ll try to improve, make amends; let’s eliminate these difficulties, let’s make sure that we can look each other in the eye again.”

By asking for forgiveness, we try to simplify our relationships with people and with God by admitting our guilt and relinquishing the guilt of our neighbor. This is where our cleansing begins, this is where Great Lent begins.

Why ask for forgiveness?

- Father, is it necessary on Forgiveness Sunday to ask for forgiveness from everyone you know even the slightest bit - according to the principle “maybe I offended him in some way, but I don’t remember”? Or only those who were definitely hurt?

– Firstly, we ask for forgiveness from those against whom we have sinned, whom we have upset, with whom we have omissions, difficulties and problems in relationships.

Secondly, we must ask forgiveness from all people in general - like our brothers and sisters - for the fact that we are bad Christians. After all, we are all members of the one Body of Christ. Whether one member is sick or the whole body is sick is one of the key thoughts of Scripture. Adam and Eve sinned - all humanity suffers. I sinned - my brother is suffering.

In addition, we need to ask people for forgiveness for not truly loving them. We are called to love every person, but instead we “talk a little” with him because we are not interested in him. We are only interested in our own person and those people who at the moment we need. This is a sin against people - on Forgiveness Sunday it is useful to feel this.

This definition does not mean that you need to fall at the feet of everyone. But you need to try to feel this moment - the lack of love in yourself - and sincerely repent.

How to forgive?

– What if a person feels that he is not able to forgive? And Forgiveness Sunday came - it seems that we should forgive...

- Anyone can forgive. When people say “I can’t forgive,” they often mean that they are unable to forget the pain they have caused. But to forgive does not mean to forget the pain. Forgiveness does not imply its automatic and immediate disappearance. It means something else: “I do not hold any grudge against the person who caused me this pain, I do not wish him retribution, but I accept him as he is.” The pain may not become less, but a person will be able to look directly into the eyes of his offender if he himself is ready to look him in the eyes and sincerely ask for forgiveness for the offense caused to him.

– But what if the offender doesn’t even think of admitting his guilt and going to peace?

“Then, of course, it’s hard to reconcile.” But the Lord calls us to forgive even our enemies and Himself sets an example for us in this. Such forgiveness seems like something fantastic, impossible, but in God, in Christ it is possible.

When learning to forgive, we also need to remember this point: often people who cause us pain do so with the permission of the Lord. Not in the sense that they are not to blame, but in the sense that this offense will benefit us.

For example, if we ask God for such a quality as humility, it would be wrong to expect that it will suddenly fall on us from heaven. Rather, we need to wait for God to send a person who will offend us, hurt us, maybe even unfairly. Having endured such an insult, having found the strength to forgive - maybe only the 3rd, 10th, 20th time - we will slowly learn humility.

So you need to understand that nothing happens by chance and God creates everything for our benefit.

Father Maxim, how can I determine whether I have truly forgiven or not? You can forgive in words, although this is also not easy, while in reality the resentment may remain...

– The fact is that forgiveness is not a one-time process. It happens that we seem to have forgiven and forgotten everything, but after some time, indignation and anger at our offender flares up in us again.

What's the matter? The fact is that unforgiveness is a passion. And passion, once settled in us, can over time take deep roots in the soul and, moreover, is capable of hiding, for the time being without showing “signs of life.” This happens especially often when the offense inflicted was truly extremely painful and serious.

And who benefits from this wound bleeding again and again? Of course, the evil one! He tirelessly, with all his might, tries to lead a person astray, and if we have some kind of “sore spot” - something that makes us lose our balance, get annoyed, get angry - he will definitely put pressure on him. There is resentment - this “stag” will remind it, refresh in our memory unpleasant actions or words spoken to us.

This scar takes a long time to heal - it takes time, but you also need to make an effort for it to heal.

We need to remind ourselves that with God everything is possible. Christ, experiencing torment on the cross that we are afraid to even imagine, forgave his tormentors and will give us the strength to forgive our offenders.

IN explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova the word “apologize” has two meanings: 1. ask for forgiveness. 2. bring something in your defense ( outdated).

Interviewed by Valeria Posashko