What do menstruation mean? If your periods are irregular: what you need to know about cycle disorders Menstruation occurs in different ways.


The menstrual cycle is a reproductive mechanism launched in the body of every healthy woman of fertile (childbearing age), ensuring a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child.

The stability and regularity of this cycle affects the overall well-being of a woman, her condition, activity and mood.

How it happens

The functioning of the menstrual cycle depends on the central nervous system and hormonal levels - the balance of sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen, the production of which is responsible for the ovaries. Depending on the hormones produced by the ovaries, hormones of the main gland - the pituitary gland - appear, but if there are few female sex hormones, then the pituitary gland stimulates their greater production, and this also happens in the opposite case.

The pituitary gland, as part of stimulating the normal menstrual cycle (MC), acts in three directions:

  • stimulates the release of the follicle, the maturation of the egg in the first half of the MC;
  • stimulates the release of the egg and the production of progesterone in the future, if conception has occurred;
  • promotes the production of prolactin - to provide the baby with breast milk after childbirth.

The pituitary gland is affected by the central nervous system (CNS) and its department, which corrects the functioning of the endocrine system - the hypothalamus. It is in this area that hormones that inhibit or inhibit, depending on the need, the production of gonadotropic pituitary hormones are not located and are constantly produced. At the head of the entire hierarchy is the cerebral cortex.

Ovarian cyst

Often, due to impaired maturation of the follicular component and accumulation of fluid in the cavity, a benign formation appears - a cyst.

It can often be diagnosed in fertile women. The cyst may disappear and appear on its own. The disease occurs in 70 percent of women. Ovarian cysts are classified according to the area of ​​occurrence:

  • follicular;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • paraovarian.

If the cyst does not go away within 1-2 cycles or does not disappear after childbirth in pregnant women, it must be removed surgically.

Failures in the cycle, why they happen

We can observe irregular cycles in most women. Few people can boast that their periods begin on the same day of the month. Why is this happening? The first and obvious reason: ideally, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Therefore, if your period began on January 6, then after 28 days it will begin on February 3–4, and then on March 1–2 and March 31–April 1. After all, each month has a different number of days, and the cycle can normally be delayed by 1–2 days. On average, it is expected that the cycle can be from 24 to 35 days. For many women, their cycle changes every month.

Another reason is disorders in the woman’s body. This includes nervous experiences, malfunction of the pituitary gland, ailments of the hormonal system, infections, inflammation, bad habits, excessive physical activity, heavy lifting, taking certain medications, blood diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, oncology, etc. The cycle can be affected by unsuccessful surgical interventions for gynecological problems, as well as trauma and damage to the uterus, diseases of the appendages, hypothermia.

What types of MC violations are there?

Since the mechanism of the cycle’s functioning is triggered by different parts of the body, the classification of MC disorders is based on where exactly the regulation is disrupted. Cycle failures are distinguished at levels:

  • cortex and hypothalamus;
  • pituitary gland;
  • ovaries;
  • uterus;
  • thyroid gland;
  • adrenal glands

If violations occur in one of the listed departments, the MC also fails. After stressful situations, severe fright or prolonged nervous tension, the pituitary gland suffers, not releasing the required amount of hormone for the cyclic maturation of the egg. There is no ovulation - no menstruation occurs either.

If the function of the hypothalamus is impaired, the ovaries may reduce estrogen production, so egg maturation will not occur within a given cycle. Perhaps the malfunction in the MC is associated with damage to the ovaries up to their fibrosis, which results in a decrease in the number of follicles ready to create an egg during the menstrual cycle. Follicles are formed individually during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus.

How to determine that a failure has occurred in the MC

MC disorders are divided into the complete absence of menstruation - amenorrhea and the presence of scanty non-menstrual discharge at inopportune times.

Another intermediate failure is observed if the intervals between previously regularly occurring menstruation have changed, the intensity of bleeding has increased or decreased, and erratic menstruation has appeared.

The main obvious signs of failure:

  • the volume of discharge changes – hyper- or hypomenorrhea;
  • the period of discharge has shortened - if previously menstruation lasted for 7 days, now this period has been reduced to 3–4, for example;
  • the discharge period has increased;
  • The usual rhythm of menstruation has been disrupted - periods appear either twice a month, or there is a 90-day break.

Hypomenorrhea - scarcity of discharge occurs due to decreased activity of the pituitary gland and hardening of the ovaries. Menorrhagia is prolonged heavy menstruation, accompanied by pain and blood loss, lasting up to 2 weeks. Such phenomena occur during the formation of a cycle in adolescence and during hormonal decline in the premenopausal period. At fertile age, such disruptions occur from chronic diseases of the uterus, fibroids and the presence of polyps.

Any cycle disorders require attention and timely consultation with your gynecologist.

2016-04-07 18:36:48

Julia asks:

Hello! I have a question, I am 31 years old, diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. I’ve been taking the hormones prednisolone for about 15 years, I almost always have menstrual irregularities, I don’t know when my periods will start and when they will end, every month is different, and they don’t bleed very much, for two days, I use pads every day.
I am a virgin and want to decide to have sexual intercourse for the first time. Which constructive drugs should I choose? Are hormonal oral medications suitable? Psychologically, I am very afraid of getting pregnant, plus my lupus, this is completely undesirable. All methods do not give 100 percent confidence and this prevents me from relaxing, what should I do? But the man won’t be able to wait long, and will run away before I dare.

Answers Yushchenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna:

Hello! Hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated in SLE. It is worth considering a barrier method of contraception (condom). It will protect not only from pregnancy, but also from possible urogenital infections (if the sexual partner is not examined)

2015-03-23 15:59:41

Marina asks:

Hello. Help please. For three months in a row, from the middle of the cycle, the chest begins to hurt, sometimes so much that it is felt even when walking. The cycle is not stable, previously there were 36 days and 4-5 days of menstruation, now every month it is different, sometimes 28, sometimes 38 days, and so on. Last month I was 28, but my periods lasted 2 days. Tell me whether a gynecologist will help me or whether I need to go to a mammologist, what tests I need to take. What could this be, can I hope that it will go away on its own and how scary it is. I’m 23, I don’t have children yet. 4 years ago I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. I’m very worried. Thanks in advance.

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, it all depends on the gynecologist and his level of knowledge, most likely this is ordinary mastodynia-dishormonal changes in the mammary gland

2015-03-13 23:48:57

Marina asks:

Hello. Help please. For three months in a row, from the middle of the cycle, the chest begins to hurt, sometimes so much that it is felt even when walking. The cycle is not stable, previously there were 36 days and 4-5 days of menstruation, now every month it is different, sometimes 28, sometimes 38 days, and so on. Last month I was 28, but my periods lasted 2 days. Tell me if a gynecologist will help me or if I need to go to a mammologist, what tests I need to take. I'm 23, no children yet. 4 years ago I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. I’m very worried. Thanks in advance.

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, in terms of the doctor, everything depends on his qualifications, according to tests for 3-5 dc prolactin, estradiol, TSH, T4 st. 20-22 prolactin, progesterone, estradiol

2014-10-25 11:11:50

Nastya asks:

Hello! I am 18 years old, I started getting my period when I was 15, every month at a different time, the last one was September 21-25. I haven’t had my period since October 25th, I had unprotected sex about a week ago, please tell me what is this, pregnancy?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! Read about the possible reasons for a delay in menstruation and the actions that need to be taken in such a situation in the popular science article on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

2014-06-13 09:34:00

Ekaterina asks:

Hello. Please help me figure it out. A year ago we gave birth to our second child, 3 months later. after giving birth, an IUD was installed, everything was fine, although my period lasted for more than a week and every month on different days, the doctor said that it was because I was breastfeeding. But recently I went to the doctor for an examination, he said that everything is fine, the IUD is normal .But after the examination, dark brown discharge began to appear, this lasted 3 days, then a week after sex the same discharge appeared again, no painful sensations. Please tell me what it could be?? Thanks in advance)

2013-11-30 20:06:57

Natalya asks:

Hello! My periods start every month on different dates, for example they were on 10/24/2013 and then on 11/30/2013. And there was very strong pain in the lower abdomen and nausea before and after, what could it be. Please tell me. Thank you very much in advance.

Answers Kulchitsky Dmitry Viktorovich:

Is this data not enough to make a diagnosis? which you brought. There are cycle disturbances. Severe pain is also a sign of a disorder in the reproductive system. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist for an in-person consultation.

2013-04-04 12:24:51

Maria asks:

Hello! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO? I’m 25 years old, I’ve never gotten pregnant. My periods have been regular and pain-free since I was 14 years old, the cycle is 28 days. Ovulation is regular, every month from a different ovary. Hormones are normal, my husband’s sperm and antisperm bodies and hormones are all fine, We have been infertile for 7 years, we suffered from Chlamydia and trichomoniasis, we were cured. But after being married for 2 years, I still don’t get pregnant. I had an MSG of the fallopian tubes - the right fallopian tube is patent and undisturbed, but the left tube is partially unusable. Is surgical intervention worth it, and what are the complications?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Have you tried to get pregnant under the control of folliculometry and ovulation monitoring, tracking the growth of the dominant follicle on the right? If yes, and this has not been possible over the course of several menstrual cycles, then I advise you to go for laparoscopy. There will be no complications, and the patency of the left tube may be restored. It is necessary to plan pregnancy in the first 6 months. after surgery. Good luck to you!

2013-02-04 05:22:40

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! Today is my 34th day, I don’t have my period, I haven’t had a cycle for more than 34 days, every month is different, I’ve been having my period for 3 years now and the cycle still hasn’t established itself. Could the delay be related to the fact that after 6 months without sex there was sex? The guy always protects himself and takes it out before cumming.

2012-10-19 19:30:06

Lyudmila asks:

Hello, dear doctor! I would like to ask you this. Every month, a week before my period, my breasts start to hurt, I have colorless discharge, but every month the discharge is either weak or very strong, sometimes so strong that by the time I get to work, my panty liner is completely wet, but during this discharge there is no itching no, the only unpleasant sensation is from a wet pad. And I often want to go to the toilet. At the same time, the period of menstruation is different every month - sometimes on the 26th, then on the 27th, then on the 28th or 31st day. Tell me, what could it be?

Popular articles on the topic: periods are different every month

Determining the ovarian reserve is one of the most important indicators when planning pregnancy, both naturally and during in vitro fertilization (IVF). There are a large number of techniques and their diagnostic value varies.

For every woman, a regular menstrual cycle is, first of all, an indicator of health. Normal periods without deviations include those that occur regularly, their abundance, character, intensity and duration are unchanged from month to month. But in practice everything is a little different. Most women face menstrual problems.

Why are my periods bad? A question that concerns almost every third representative of the fairer sex.

If your periods are poor and there is very little blood being released, you should find out the reason. Deviations from the norm, when there is less than 50 ml per day, may indicate diseases of the reproductive system.

Every woman should keep a calendar, where to mark the days, mark what nature and intensity. To find out the exact reason why your periods are not going well, you need to visit a gynecologist. These indicators will help the doctor make a conclusion.

Hypomenorrhea is accompanied by scanty discharge when, during menstruation, a woman loses insufficient blood. Simply put, the volume is less than the physiological norm.

The norm is when a woman loses from 50 to 150 ml of blood. Weak periods can be caused by physiological factors.

During hypomenorrhea, menstruation looks like drops of blood, which can be light in color. In the future, with such scanty menstruation, they may be shortened in duration or absent altogether.

Why do you have scanty periods - reasons:

  • Malfunction of the ovaries. The cause of dysfunction can be various inflammatory diseases, hormonal imbalances, and external factors. Diseases such as oophoritis, salpingo-oophoritis, tuberculosis of the genital organs - these diseases are considered the main causes that can cause scanty periods.
  • Heredity. Sometimes, at the genetic level, scanty discharge is passed down the family line. For example, if relatives had bad periods and this was considered within the limits, without affecting conception. In this case, this is not a pathology.
  • Diseases and congenital pathologies of the uterus. Weak discharge may also indicate that there is inflammation of the uterus or appendages. Hypomenorrhea can also be caused by: adhesions, scars, taking hormonal contraceptives, and diagnostic manipulations in the uterine cavity. Sometimes the cause is tumors of various types in the appendages, cervix and in the uterus itself.
  • Hormonal changes. Failures can occur while taking contraceptives or due to a lack of some sex hormones in the body. But scanty periods can also cause other hormonal problems: diabetes during lactation (prolactin levels increase), problems with the endocrine system, when the thyroid gland produces few necessary hormones.
  • Psycho-emotional state. The emotional state affects the entire body, including the reproductive system. Any positive and negative emotions affect the brain, and it transmits a signal to the ovaries, so it can adversely affect their work.
  • Other reasons: excessive physical activity, intoxication of the body, overwork, fasting, sudden weight loss, anorexia, injury, lack of essential vitamins, radiation, exposure to chemically harmful substances, acclimatization and infectious gynecological diseases.

Weak menstruation: what treatment is used?

To prevent scanty discharge and not wonder why your periods are not going well, you need to visit a gynecologist on time. The specialist will prescribe all the necessary laboratory and medical examinations and tell you about preventive measures.

It is unlikely that you will be able to determine the cause on your own, so it is better not to risk it. A qualified gynecologist will be able to answer the question of why deviations from the norm occurred. If necessary, you may need the help of an endocrinologist.

Also, don’t forget that you need:

  • eat right;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • exercise;
  • try to avoid stress.

You need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least once every six months to monitor the condition of your body, especially the condition of the reproductive organs.

Sometimes during treatment a woman experiences:

  • depression, stress;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • frigidity.

In such a situation, sessions with a visit to a psychotherapist are added to the course of therapy.

Symptoms of scanty discharge

Gynecologists note that many women are interested in the question of why their periods are weak. And is it worth worrying if they are painless and do not cause discomfort?

Of course, if scanty discharge occurs during puberty, when the cycle is just forming, this is the norm. and during the period of milk production, menstruation may be weak, but it is still necessary to visit a doctor and make sure that everything is normal.

But, if a woman has very little discharge - just a couple of drops - this is an alarm bell! It may also occur that your periods are few and very scanty, you must definitely find out the cause of this condition.

If your period is weak for the first time, the girl may be pregnant. Smudge indicates implantation or threat of failure. In some cases, weak periods may indicate.

When there is little blood released and more than one cycle is repeated, this situation can only indicate a malfunction of the reproductive system.

Dear women, don’t play with your health. If you notice any abnormalities, take the time to visit a doctor to make sure everything is fine. And if a problem is discovered, to fix the problem in a timely manner.

Menstruation or menstruation is the period of the menstrual cycle in girls and women of childbearing age during which the endometrium (the upper layer of the mucous membrane) of the uterus is shed.

What happens in the body?

In the last days of the menstrual cycle (before the onset of menstruation), the endometrium is characterized by increased elasticity, as it prepares to receive a fertilized egg into the uterus.

If pregnancy does not occur, the hormonal levels in the woman’s body change, which leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the upper layer of the uterine mucosa, it stratifies and is gradually rejected. Along with it, blood that has accumulated due to the rupture of small blood vessels also comes out of the vagina - menstruation occurs.

From the second day of menstruation, simultaneously with the rejection of the upper layer, the endometrium begins to recover and is renewed. This process is completed on days 5-7 of the cycle. Next, the mucous layer begins to thicken and again prepares for the possible conception of a child.

At the same time, in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the egg matures in the ovaries. Around the middle of the cycle, a woman ovulates: a mature egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. If conception occurs at this time, pregnancy occurs; if not, the endometrium of the uterus is rejected again and the whole process begins all over again.

What does the discharge consist of?

Menstruation consists of blood, particles of mucous membrane and vaginal discharge and has a specific odor. Normally, their color can vary from red to dark brown, sometimes with clots. The volume of blood loss during menstruation, on average, for the entire period is about 250 ml (about a glass), and from 20 to 50 ml per day.

Throughout life, the volume of secretions may change. For example, young girls may have heavier periods than older women. However, a sharp change in their color, volume or duration should alert you at any age.

If bleeding from the vagina is very heavy, prolonged (more than 7 days), there are a large number of clots in the discharge, or, conversely, they suddenly become very scarce, and also if the blood during the entire menstruation is only scarlet in color - this is a serious reason for an unscheduled visit to gynecologist.

How long do they last?

The menstrual cycle is a period that is counted from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. On average, for girls and women it is 28 days. However, for some, the number of days in the cycle may differ: a variant of the norm is considered if it lasts from 21 to 35 days.

As you can guess from the name, menstruation occurs only once a month. But if the menstrual cycle is short, they may come twice, and if it is very long (35 days), menstruation may not occur every month.

Periodic menstrual bleeding lasts from 3 to 7 days.

The absence of menstruation in women of childbearing age may indicate:

  • serious illness
  • hormonal changes,
  • but most often - about the onset of pregnancy.

If your periods suddenly stop, you should urgently go to a gynecologist to find out the reason.

At the age of about 55, menopause occurs - the last menstruation, after which periodic bleeding in a woman stops. Menopause can occur at any age from 40 to 60 years.

At what age do teenagers get their periods?

When should your first period appear? It is impossible to give an exact age; it depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Usually the first menstruation begins between the ages of 11 and 14, but there are cases when it occurs very early - at 8, or, on the contrary, late - at 16 years.

Most often, a girl's first period comes around the same time as her mother's. However, the arrival of menstruation too early or late in adolescents often indicates hormonal disorders, so in this case it is highly advisable for a young girl to visit a gynecologist.

Menstruation symptoms

What symptoms may indicate your period is approaching? Everyone is different. Some people do not feel any changes in their well-being at all, and only learn about the onset of menstruation when it occurs. However, most of the fair sex still experience a number of characteristic symptoms.

Most often in girls before menstruation:

  • breasts swell,
  • the lower abdomen begins to hurt,
  • they become irritable and hot-tempered.

These are symptoms of the so-called premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which makes itself felt several days (from 2 to 14) before the onset of menstrual bleeding. According to statistics, at least 45% of women experience it.

In addition to the symptoms listed above, the following may also appear during PMS:

  • feeling of anxiety, melancholy,
  • irritability,
  • aggression or depression
  • pain in the heart,
  • panic attacks,
  • frequent urination,
  • heaviness in the lower body,
  • some even experience bouts of vomiting and a slight increase in body temperature.

However, if such manifestations are so strong that they interfere with concentration at work, or are accompanied by fever and severe pain, we recommend that you bring them to the attention of your doctor.

What should you not do during your period?

Menstruation is not a disease. On the contrary, this is a sign that the girl’s health is fine and she can give birth and carry a child if she wishes. However, this does not mean that you do not need to take care of your health at this time.

During menstruation, it is very important to observe a number of restrictions so as not to harm your body and not increase bleeding.

Experience physical stress

On critical days, it is extremely advisable to limit physical activity, and this applies to even the most notorious sports fans. Do not lift weights, run, or do strenuous physical work.

Why? Because all these actions increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and aggravate bleeding from the vagina. Because of this, the hemoglobin level may drop significantly, causing a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, and fatigue.

By the way, this is why many schools allow you not to go to physical education class when girls are menstruating.

Drink alcoholic drinks

Alcohol is harmful in itself, so you should avoid it on other days as well. But during menstruation, alcohol is also prohibited because under its influence the walls of blood vessels dilate, which again can lead to more heavy bleeding.

Have a sex life

Lovers should wait a few days to protect the body from pathogenic organisms. During menstruation, the uterine and vaginal mucosa becomes very vulnerable, and the risk of contracting an infection increases several times.

In addition, sex is also physical activity, which is contraindicated during this period. And there may not be any pleasure, since it will be difficult for a woman to relax due to the discharge and special smell.

Take a hot bath, go to the sauna, swim in open water

During menstruation, girls need to take better care of themselves and regularly wash themselves with warm water to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor. You should not take a hot bath, much less visit a sauna. There are cases when, after such visits, women began bleeding so heavily that it was difficult to stop.

Also, during menstrual bleeding, you should not swim in pools and especially open water, as the risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the vagina and uterus increases. Unfortunately, even the use of tampons will not help provide the necessary protection.

Plan operations

Doctors warn that during menstruation it is impossible to plan operations, even such seemingly insignificant ones as tooth extraction, since during these days women’s blood clotting worsens.

Ignoring this prohibition can lead to complications: large-scale, difficult-to-stop bleeding and large blood losses.

Take anticoagulants

For the same reasons, during the period when menstruation occurs, you should not take aspirin, ascorbic acid and other anticoagulants. They thin the blood and prevent it from clotting, so they can cause heavy bleeding.

Follow a strict diet

On the days of menstruation, you should not adhere to strict dietary restrictions, much less starve or sit on liquid or mono diets. The girl must eat well so that the body is not depleted due to simultaneous blood loss and malnutrition.

The result of dieting during menstruation can be a serious deterioration in health and fainting.

If a girl takes care of herself, eats right and does not overwork, then her critical days will pass without any negative consequences.

Video: what is menstruation and why is it needed?

Do your periods come as expected and do not cause you much trouble? Great! But if they “go around” haphazardly and are accompanied by a number of problems, this needs to be addressed immediately.

11:08 1.09.2013

You probably remember the shock you felt as a teenager when you learned that you would have to endure the inconvenience of menstruation for decades. Then you were more interested in the aesthetic as well as the purely practical side of the issue.

Having grown up, you accepted your destiny as a woman and learned to easily cope with critical days. Moreover, I realized that a clear “schedule” of your periods, their nature and duration can tell a lot about your women’s health. The fact that they did not arrive at the expected time is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy. There are a number of reasons that can slightly shift the dates of the “red days of the calendar” in one direction or another, which should not scare you. But, ideally, shifts should not exceed two to three days. But if “delays” or “accelerations” occur too often, the amount of menstrual blood is much more or less than usual, you experience pain the day before or during menstruation - there is reason to think. The cycle doesn’t just break!

The norm as it is

The physiological menstrual cycle is considered to be 21-35 days. Normal menstruation lasts 3-5 days, during this period 50-100 ml of blood is released. On the eve of menstruation, many women experience increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, some experience increased fatigue and irritability. If on the eve of and during your period you feel completely overwhelmed and cannot do without painkillers and sedative pills, this is the first signal that there is a problem and it needs to be solved. After all, menstruation is a physiological process that should not unsettle you and cause suffering. Menstrual cycle disorders are also indicated when its duration is inconsistent, bleeding is too scanty or too heavy.

Let's sort everything out in order

If you notice that your critical days have become very unpredictable or too troublesome, do not try to clarify the situation with the help of a friend. Check according to the principle “how are you?” - it’s not only a thankless task, but also quite dangerous. After all, having heard that a friend has the same problems, you can give up on yourself (they say, this is a woman’s lot) and miss the onset of a serious illness. In fact, such a coincidence can only mean one thing: it’s time for both of you to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Moreover, it is possible that your identical symptoms have completely different causes. That is why it is simply unacceptable to use the advice of girlfriends who have been helped by this or that medicine. Even with the same diagnosis, prescriptions for two different patients can differ significantly!

Take your doctor’s prescriptions extremely responsibly, because we are talking about your women’s health, quality of life and even fate. Remember that cycle disorders can be caused not only by inflammatory processes or neoplasms in the genital organs, but also by malfunctions of the endocrine system.

And it's all about him

Menstrual cycle disorders (MCIs) come in several types, depending on the cause that caused them. Let's try to figure them out.

. Algomenorrhea
This type of NMC is considered the most common - it affects almost 50% of the fair half of humanity 14-45 years old. With algodismenorrhea, a woman feels aching or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, sacrum and lower back during menstruation, and general malaise. Nausea, vomiting, loose stools, and headache caused by spasms of cerebral vessels may also be added to the above symptoms. Such symptoms can last from several hours to a day or more. Some mothers of teenagers hope that their daughter’s problems will be solved after the start of active sex life or childbirth, but this assumption is not always justified. Algodysmenorrhea may indicate endometriosis, malformations of the reproductive organs (which obstructs the outflow of menstrual blood), as well as chronic inflammatory diseases of the ovaries.

. Dysmenorrhea
The very beginning of the word suggests that there is dissonance. In this case, both delays and premature onset of menstruation occur. Watch when this happens. If you travel frequently and change time zones and climate zones from time to time, then do not be surprised that your hormonal system does not have time to “figure out” what and when it should do. It rarely happens that your cycle “does not notice” flights from winter to summer and vice versa. Such NMCs can pass on their own after returning home and acclimatization.

. Oligoamenorrhea
At the same time, NMS menstruation really rarely comes, like invited guests. Often, a woman suffering from this disorder tends to be overweight, and she also has increased hairiness, making it difficult for her to get pregnant. There may also be a violation of the structure of the ovaries or polycystic disease. Examination often reveals neurometabolic dysfunctions.

. Metrorrhagia
It happens that bloody discharge from the genital tract occurs between menstruation “out of turn.” If they are not accompanied by pain and deterioration in general condition, then the woman may not pay special attention to them. The explanations are as follows: she was too nervous, tired, or forgot to take a hormonal birth control pill. However, it would not be superfluous to consult a gynecologist.

Bleeding can be caused by benign tumors of the pelvic organs (myoma or fibroid of the uterus, polyps of the endometrium and cervical canal), as well as infection or malposition of the intrauterine device.
Often accompanied by bleeding, malignant tumors of the endometrium, cervix, vagina or vulva, disorders of the blood coagulation system, hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function), and liver disease.

. Amenorrhea
In some periods of life, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) is due to physiological reasons - pregnancy and breastfeeding, menopause. But the absence of menstruation in a physically healthy girl at 17-18 years old is a serious reason to seek help from a specialist. This happens when this charming lady is too keen on “weight loss” diets.

Amenorrhea is considered the most severe (and, fortunately, rare) pathology of menstrual function. With this type of NMC, the psycho-emotional and sexual spheres also suffer, and the woman’s performance is reduced. Such patients have a high risk of developing cardiovascular, cancer and mental diseases.

Don’t wait for everything to “work itself out”

You should know that any problems with menstruation are a signal of problems throughout the body. The female reproductive system very sensitively detects the most minor disruptions in its functioning. Very often, NMC occurs as a result of ovarian dysfunction (congenital and acquired defects, inflammatory diseases), as well as after a medical abortion, miscarriage, constant stress and neuroses, uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives, treatment with certain synthetic drugs. When ovarian function is impaired, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is usually very pronounced. A woman feels lethargic, apathetic, may cry often or experience bouts of irritability.

It is especially dangerous to ignore heavy bleeding or try to reduce it yourself with the help of herbs. In case of serious hormonal disorders, such measures are ineffective, and you can only aggravate your condition with anemia (dizziness, pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes, increased heart rate, headache, general weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite) and even skip the beginning serious illness. Try to make your visits to the gynecologist not extreme, but calm and planned. The doctor will help you identify the cause of NMC in time and make the right decision.

Act calmly and deliberately

Menstrual irregularities need to be corrected - this is beyond doubt. Don't paint gloomy pictures of yourself and make worst assumptions. No one will force you to resort to the most radical methods. In such a delicate matter, the time factor is very important. The sooner you take measures that will save your “disordered schedules”, the better.

You may have to treat the diseases that caused NMS. For example, in case of infectious or inflammatory processes, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial agents and antibiotics; reduced immunity will need to be supported with general strengthening procedures, a balanced diet and taking vitamin complexes. Review your work schedule and organization of free time. If you are overtired, sleep poorly and are constantly “on edge,” smoke and drink too much coffee, then your periods are unlikely to be normal.

If you are unsure whether to take synthetic hormones to normalize your cycle, discuss alternative means with a competent doctor. Perhaps herbal preparations with a similar effect will suit you: they are much “softer” than chemically synthesized hormonal drugs, moreover, they are safer and rarely cause side effects.

During your period, do you feel more hungry and constantly chew? This is no coincidence. The body requires support, because it needs strength and nutrients.

Follow your desires. Do you want some fish? Treat yourself to a piece of trout or salmon, a sandwich with caviar or cod liver - these products contain elements that are extremely important for you. Buy your favorite fruit, eat a small chocolate bar. This is much healthier than rich cakes or dubious sausages.