Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Tikhvin. Intercessor of Russia

In particularly difficult life situations Christians resort to prayer to higher powers. They turn to Christ, the saints and, of course, to Mother of God. A whole variety of things are associated with Her miraculous image. miraculous phenomena, testifying that the Virgin Mary hears everyone who prays and cares for us in various sorrows.

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, otherwise called the “Queen of the North,” is unique in its ability to heal people and protect the earth from the invasion of enemies. For the first time, Her miraculous image was revealed to the people in 1383.

How does the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God help?

The face of the Blessed Mother is capable of working miracles (and this is proven by facts):

  • drives away demonic forces from a person;
  • relieves serious physical illnesses (blindness, deafness, paralysis);
  • helps young children recover;
  • protects the house from ill-wishers;
  • helps with infertility and facilitates childbirth;
  • protects children from bad company, negative influence environment, etc.

From time immemorial, the Tikhvin icon has been turned to when there is a threat of military invasion and invasion of foreigners. The Mother of God has always helped Russian soldiers in protecting themselves from enemy troops, as stated in many sources. For example, one belief says that during the attack of fascist troops on Moscow, the face of the Tikhvin Mother of God was carried on a plane around the city, and a miracle happened - the enemy was defeated.

Today, churches of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God can be found in many cities of Russia - there are about 400 of them in total. This is due to the existence large quantity lists with icons, which are stored in various places. Most of the temples to this image can be seen on the map:

The Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky was built in the period 1673-1680. and became part of the “travel” palace of Alexei Mikhailovich, the second Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty.

The Tikhvin icon is the main shrine, which is kept in the iconostasis next to the face of Christ the Savior. The decoration of the temple impresses with its beauty and consistency of style. The author of the wall painting, according to researchers, is the talented artist Giovanni Scotti. His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II commits here divine liturgies since 1962. Each of his visits is a real holiday for believers.

Other attractions of the temple in Alekseevsky can be considered the luxurious iconostasis of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as the old Empire bell tower. To today The prayer rooms of the royal persons have been preserved here.

Help of the Tikhvin icon in various everyday situations

The Tikhvin icon helped many people in sorrows, spiritual infirmities, serious illnesses. This is evidenced by huge amount documented facts and real-life incidents confirming the miraculous power of a unique icon.

According to prayers, the Tikhvin Mother of God helps to heal from many ailments: epilepsy (“black”), paralysis various degrees, arthritis and arthrosis, blindness. The list of diseases can be continued, as well as the list of problems that Christians address in prayer to the Tikhvin icon.

“The meaning of the Tikhvin Icon”, “How does the face of the Tikhvin Mother of God help?” - these questions are of interest to many Christians who find themselves in difficult circumstances. They say that this icon is the Patroness of children, the Mentor and the Guide.

Prayer to the Tikhvin icon can strengthen family ties between children and parents. It is read in situations where a woman has problems conceiving or bearing a child. Before birth to the expectant mother It is recommended to place an icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God near you and read a prayer for the safe birth of the baby. It is not for nothing that this icon is called the “Chad Giver”. It calms restless and disobedient children and protects babies from the “evil eye.”

In addition, a prayer service before the face of the Mother of God can have the following miraculous effects:

  • Direct your thoughts in the right direction before making any fateful decision.
  • Protect a person from deception and intrigue of ill-wishers.
  • Give the person praying spiritual insight.

Those who want to touch the shrine with their souls, pray for healing and resolution of difficult life situations come to Tikhvin, where the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God in its prototype is located.

Tikhvin icon: description and style of iconography

According to many historical sources, the Tikhvin icon is considered the “peer” of the Virgin Mary, since the face of the Mother of God was painted by the holy Apostle Luke, who personally communicated with the Most Holy Theotokos.

The image is made in the iconographic style known as "Hodegetria". According to this style, the icon depicts the communication of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus. As a sign of his divine dignity, the Son of God holds a scroll with sacred scriptures in one hand, and makes a blessing gesture with the other.

IN in this case The Mother of God of Tikhvin is made differently - with her head bowing towards the Son. It is important to note that this iconographic style is considered one of the most strict and solemn.

Brief historical information about the Tikhvin icon

The face of the Tikhvin Mother of God is revered among the people as the image of a “strong helper”, patroness ruling dynasties. For a long time, the city of Tikhvin was called the “royal pilgrimage”, because this place was visited by the highest persons.

The history of the Tikhvin icon dates back to the 4th century. According to legend, its author was the Apostle Luke, who visited the already elderly Mary to learn about the details of the birth of the Savior in order to create his Gospel. In total, Luke painted about 70 icons of the Mother of God, but, unfortunately, only a few images have survived to this day. Mary personally blessed the works of the Apostle Luke and noted that Her mercy would always be with these images.

After the Tikhvin Icon was transported to Constantinople and placed in the Blachernae Church, it mysteriously disappeared in 1383, and some time later appeared over Lake Ladoga in a radiant glow. Appearing to people in different places, the icon finally landed near Tikhvin. Thus, the Mother of God herself indicated the place for the construction of the temple. This fact is evidenced by the texts of manuscripts and chronicles, which later took shape in the “Tale of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.”

Nowadays, this miraculous icon can be seen in the Assumption Cathedral, located at the Tikhvin Monastery. History testifies that during the capture of Novgorod, Swedish troops tried several times to destroy this monastery, but they were never able to do this due to the intercession of the Mother of God. She always sent a large army of warriors (even the armies of heaven), who successfully repelled the enemy's attack.

The Tikhvin icon often “moved,” as evidenced by historical data. In 1941, the Germans took it to Latvia, and in 1944, Archbishop John, saving the shrine, took it to the USA (Chicago). The icon returned to its native place in June 2004. An important event was the large-scale celebration of the 600th anniversary of the appearance of the Tikhvin Icon in 1983. A church celebration in Her honor is held on July 9.

Sincere prayer before the Tikhvin Icon really works miracles: many believers get rid of ailments that have tormented them for years, barren women become mothers, and the blind receive their sight. If you are suffering from mental distress or have serious health problems (paralysis, loss of vision, epilepsy, joint diseases), ask for healing by sincerely praying in front of the Tikhvin Icon.

Texts of Orthodox prayers to Our Lady of Tikhvin

Prayer 1

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, Queen of Heaven and earth, our city and country, Almighty Intercessor. Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the throne of God Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our iniquities and add His goodness to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love who worship Thy miraculous image. You are not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless you have propitiated Him for us, O Lady, for all things are possible for You from Him. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and immediate Intercessor; Hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection and ask God Your Son to be our shepherd, zeal and vigil for souls, a city ruler for wisdom and strength, judges for truth and impartiality, a mentor for reason and humility, love and harmony for spouses, obedience for children, patience for the offended, to those who offend the fear of God, to those who grieve complacency, to those who rejoice at self-control: to all of us is the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people: gather the scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, support old age, educate young people with chastity, raise infants, and look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession, raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten our heartfelt eyes to vision of salvation, be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the terrible judgment of Your Son: having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren in eternal life make life with the Angels and with all the saints. For you are, Lady, the glory of Heaven and the hope of earth. According to God, You are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

We thank You, O Most Blessed and Most Pure, Most Blessed Virgin, Lady, Mother of Christ our God, for all Your good deeds, which You have shown to the human race, especially to us, the Christ-named people of the Russian people, about whom the most angelic language will be pleased with praise. We thank Thee, for even now Thou hast surprised Thy ineffable mercy upon us, Thy unworthy servants, by the supernatural self-coming of Thy most pure icon, with which Thou hast enlightened all Russian country; Likewise, we, sinners, worshiping with fear and joy, cry out to Thee: O Most Holy Virgin, Queen and Mother of God, save and have mercy on all people, and grant them victory over all their enemies, and save all Christian cities and countries, and this holy temple Deliver us from every slander of the enemy, and grant everything for the benefit of everyone, who now come with faith and pray to Your servant, and who worship Your most holy image: for blessed are You with the Son and God born of You, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Tikhvin Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Story

In the handwritten “Tales of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God,” the earliest of which date back to the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, its appearance in the Novgorod land dates back to 1383. “Walking luminously through the air” from one village to another, “carried invisibly by angels,” the icon appeared to local residents until it reached the bank of the Tikhvinka River. The icon appeared before eyewitnesses seven times: first on Lake Ladoga, in the Smolkovo churchyard on the Oyati River in Imochenitsy, then “on Kozhel on Kukova Mountain,” then on the mountain above the Tikhvinka River and, finally, on the other bank of the same river. On the site of the last appearance of the icon, in the same year, the wooden Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was built, which became the storage place for the shrine. The church burned three times, but the icon itself remained unharmed each time. The antiquity of the icon was emphasized by its connection with the first image, painted, according to legend, by the Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Mother of God.

From the middle of the 16th century, the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God began to be identified either with the Blachernae Hodegetria, from the Blachernae Church in Constantinople, from where, shortly before the capture of the city by the Turks, it was miraculously transported to 1383 on the banks of the Tikhvinka River, 70 years before the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, or with the “Mother of God” Roman”, considered a copy of the miraculous Lida image made by Patriarch German at the beginning of the 8th century. During the iconoclastic heresy, this image, as legend says, miraculously floated across the sea from Constantinople to Rome. And after the Triumph of Orthodoxy he returned there the same way. The appearance of the icon on the Tikhvinka River played a special role in the merging of the mentioned images of Hodegetria. After the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow in 1478 and the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, the appearance of the icon “on Tikhvin” began to be perceived as the abandonment of the shrine by Rome and the second Rome (Constantinople), which had lost their piety, for the sake of staying in the new inheritance of the Mother of God - Holy Rus', which became the third Rome. In 1507-1515, in Tikhvin, by decree and at the expense of Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich, a stone Assumption Cathedral was built specifically for the veneration of the icon. From now on miraculous icon became known as Tikhvinskaya. In the 16th century, Tikhvin became a famous place for pilgrims. In 1527, the temple was visited by Vasily III, and in 1547, on the eve of the Kazan campaign and just a few days before the crowning of the kingdom, by John IV, who founded the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Church here in 1560 monastery.

In 1910, on the initiative of the Committee of Trusteeship of Russian Icon Painting, the ancient icon was revealed from under the later records of G.O. Chirikov. After the closure of the Dormition Monastery in the 1920s, the icon was an exhibit of the local history museum. Until 1941, the icon was in the Tikhvin Museum. During the occupation of Tikhvin in November 1941, the icon was taken by the Germans from the cathedral and sent to Pskov, where it was transferred to the Pskov spiritual mission. She stayed there for two years, where she the most important value weekly on Sundays they were given to the Trinity Cathedral for worship. Then the icon arrived in the spring of 1944 in Riga, Libau, Jablonec nad Nisou, and the American zone of occupation of Germany. As a result of long wanderings, in 1950 the miraculous image was transported to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago, where the rector and custodian of the icon was first Archbishop John (Garklavs) of Riga, and then his adopted son Archpriest Sergius (Garklavs), who devoted his entire life to preserving the icon . According to the will of Archbishop John, the return of the icon to Russia was to take place only when the Tikhvin monastery was revived. In 1995, the monastery was transferred to the Church, the Assumption Cathedral was restored and consecrated. In 2004, the icon was solemnly returned to its historical place in the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery of the Mother of God.

Miracles of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Tradition reports many miracles associated with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. The liberation of the Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery from the invasion of the Swedes in 1613, led by General Delagardie, is believed to be associated with one of them. The Mother of God appeared to the novice Martinian, led by Varlaam Khutynsky, Zosima Solovetsky and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. “Tell the governors and all the people,” said the Wonderworker, “The Most Holy Theotokos, the general prayer service for the Christian race, begged Her Son, Christ our God, to deliver you from your enemies, and you will see God’s mercy and victory.” A spiritual eclipse struck the Swedes, who fled after it seemed to them that they were surrounded by a countless army.

Troparion and kontakion for the holiday

Troparion, tone 4

This bright sun is upon us in this world, in all things and in all things. and 3 with the rays of yours, enlighten 2 the whole world. This is a great honor, because some gifts of life, having been received with great reverence, will glorify our gods, and 3 t you the birth of ours. є3mY pray1sz, q zhce tsRtse bcde, and 3save all the cities and3 countries2 of the Christians, unharmed from all the slander of the enemy, and3 save all and 4those who worship with faith, to your holy image, oh not and3skusobrachnaz.

Today, as if the sun has brightened for us, the all-honorable icon of Your Lady has risen in the air, and the rays of Your mercy will shine through the whole world. This great Russia, as if it were some divine gift, having reverently received from above, glorifies Thee the Virgin Mary, and of Thee the Christ our God born: Pray to Him, O! Madam Queen Theotokos, may He deliver all Christian cities and countries unharmed from all the slander of the enemy, and save all who by faith worship Your Most Pure Image, the Virgin without art.

Kontakion, tone 8

According to the people in the 8th century, the saving tsRts and 3 btsdy: unspeakable mercy є3S, then the good morning has come true. It befits the most honorable and 3 most honorable image: firstly, for the saving vision of the world, you came to us most gloriously and luminously, illuminating2 us, who are brightly creating the celebration of your coming2. and 3 ўkrepi2 slavzschіz tS people, and 3zpno enemies2 victorious and 4m givers, and 3 all flowingz to 8 you, and3 with faith sing1schyz tz save2. Yes, we call you, gladly, to the world of salvation.

Let people come to the house of the saving Queen and Mother of God for Her ineffable mercy. Beneficence has faithfully resorted to Her, falling to Her Most Pure Image, and piously crying out: O Lady, for the saving vision of the world, having come to us most peacefully and radiantly, enlighten us who brightly celebrate the celebration of Your coming. And strengthen the people who glorify Thee, giving them great victory over their enemies, and save all who flow to Thee, and save Thee by faith, so we call Thee, the rejoicing Virgin of the world’s salvation.


Library of Russian Faith

Iconography of the Tikhvin image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Tikhvin icon belongs to the iconographic type of icons Virgin Mary Hodegetria, a characteristic feature of which is the communication of the Blessed Virgin with the Infant Christ, their turning towards each other. The image of the Mother of God is half-length, the Child sits on the left hand of the Mother. The Baby's legs are bent at the knees, and His right foot is under the left. He holds a scroll in his left hand and blesses with his right. The image of the Mother of God on the Tikhvin icon is almost identical to the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, the main difference is the tilt of the head.

Tikhvin Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Paintings

Temples in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Tikhvin Church located in Suzdal on the site of the long-vanished St. Andrew's Monastery, founded in the 13th century. The building of the church itself was built in the 17th century. Previously, on the site of the Tikhvin Church there was a Monastery of St. Andrew; The warm chapel in the name of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called serves as a monument to the monastery that was once here. In the inventory of the city of Suzdal of 1617, this monastery is not mentioned, therefore, the monastery no longer existed at that time. The inventory shows St. Andrew's Meadow, which belonged to the said monastery, and it is said about the inhabitants of the nearby area that they were plundered and beaten by the Lithuanians in 1611. Probably, at that time St. Andrew's Monastery was plundered and destroyed. When the existing Tikhvin Church was founded is not known with accuracy, but it can be assumed that it was founded no earlier than the 17th century, because it is not listed in the inventory of the city of Suzdal in 1617. In the church there is an ancient icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, which is locally revered. Ananiy Fedorov said about this icon: “ The icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God in 1513, the Tsar Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich brother to Moscow and returned to this church the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin with decorations and sent priestly vestments, which are stored in the church in the sacristy».

Located in the Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, in the village. Sobolevskoe. On the site of the new church in the village of Sobolevskoye there was a wooden single-altar church in the name of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1903 with donated funds.

Former Old Believer temple The Russian Orthodox Church is located in Moscow.

Edinovercheskaya is located in the village of Pavlovo-on-Neva Leningrad region. The parish was founded in 1991. By the end of the 90s, a wooden temple was built in the name of St. Sergius Radonezh.

The Russian Orthodox Church has long revered the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God - its significance in the formation of the Orthodox state and the life of the people is difficult to overestimate. The history of the image is closely connected with the fate of the entire country, especially with northwestern regions. Until the early 50s of the last century, the holy face was located in Tikhvin, being the largest shrine of the Novgorod lands.

After Tsar Vasily III visited the banks of the Tikhvin River to see the wonderful shrine, the city became a place of pilgrimage for other high-ranking persons until the beginning of the 20th century. For this he was nicknamed the “royal pilgrim.” By calling the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God “the palladium of Russia,” believers confirmed its power as a protector and assistant in military matters. Generations of Russian soldiers went into battle carrying a treasured image.

Now (since 2004) the miraculous icon is kept in the Assumption Cathedral on the territory of the Tikhvin Mother of God Monastery. Celebration Orthodox shrine takes place annually on June 26 (according to the old style - July 9).

Creation of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, iconography

According to legend, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God belongs to the first Christian icons, which were written by the Evangelist Luke. What gives the image special value is the fact that the image was created during the lifetime of the Ever-Virgin Mary. The artist personally saw and communicated with the Mother of God.

The image belongs to the iconographic type of the Mother of God Hodegetria icons, which translated from Greek means “showing the way” or “guide”. A special feature is the visual representation of not static figures, but those facing each other in the process of communication between the Mother and the Son. We see a half-length image of the Mother of God with the Child Jesus sitting on her left arm. Christ's right foot is located under his left. With His left hand He clutched a scroll with holy scripture, and with the right - blesses those praying. Mary's head is tilted towards the Son, which is the main difference between the painting of the Tikhvin Mother of God and a similar image on the Smolensk icon. The iconographic style of the Tikhvin Icon is one of the most solemn and strict in the Orthodox tradition.

History of the icon

After creating the icon of the Virgin Mary (Tikhvin), the Apostle and Evangelist Luke transferred the bright face to the city of Antioch, where his disciple Theophilus was then located. Then the holy image was in Jerusalem for almost 500 years, until the Byzantine empress Eudokia of Constantinople found it. During the time of iconoclasm, the holy icon, which preserved the face of the Mother of God, was hidden by the monks of the monastery of Pantocrator. Then the canvas became one of the main relics of Constantinople. But one day the image miraculously disappeared from storage in order to appear on Russian soil some time later (1383).

Finding the image of the Virgin Mary near the Tikhvinka River

The first chronicle mention of Tikhvin was in 1383, when a miraculous image of the Mother of God appeared to people in this area. The third Novgorod chronicle testifies that in the summer in a place (Tikhvin), not far from Veliky Novgorod, an icon of the Most Pure Theotokos, Ever-Virgin Mary, with the Eternal Child on her hand appeared.

The legend tells that the image on the tree moved independently - “Svetozarno” floated across the sky, occasionally appearing before eyewitnesses. On Lake Ladoga, fishermen admired the face of the Holy Mother and Child. Further, an image with a radiant light was seen in Smolkovo, Imochenitsy, on the Oyat River, Kozheli on Kukova Mountain, on the mountain above the Tikhvinka River, on the other bank of the river. It seemed as if angels were invisibly carrying a bright face through sparsely populated places, lands that had not yet fully accepted the Christian faith. The icon was shown to people only seven times, and when they began to pray, it was given into their hands.

“Reverent men” set off on a journey from Tikhvin to Veliky Novgorod to notify the archbishop and the city administration about the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God and the miracles it performed. After hearing what he heard, the archbishop thanked God for his mercy and love for mankind. And then he notified the reigning Moscow autocrat. By order of the Grand Duke, the first Tikhvin church was built - the archbishop blessed the deacons and priests for the new church.

They say that those who had found faith laid down a crown for a new wooden temple, but the next morning next day They saw a miracle - a living image moved to the other side of the river along with hewn logs and a crown. The Mother of God suggested the best place to build a church, and she herself chose where her home would be in Rus'. The wooden church that was built was named after the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. During its history, the church, built of wood, was engulfed in fire several times, but the icon itself remained undamaged.

Later, at the expense of the Grand Duke, a stone cathedral was erected to worship the shrine in Tikhvin (1507-1515). Since then, the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos began to be called Tikhvin.

The annexation of the Novgorod lands to Moscow (1478), the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks (1453), and the miraculous discovery of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God began to be interpreted in a new way. The shrine left Rome and the second Rome (Constantinople) for the trampling of piety, the decline of morality, replacing them with a truly Christian people - Holy Rus' (which from now on became the third Rome). The icon became a symbol of the centralized power of Russia and confirmed its special mission before God.

Veneration of the icon

Already the 16th century turned Tikhvin into a widely known place of Christian pilgrimage and pilgrimage. The temple is visited by royalty:

  • Basil III accompanied by Archbishop Macarius.
  • The son of Vasily III, Ivan IV is also with Archbishop Macarius.
  • Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible before his coronation before the start of the Kazan campaign.

By order of Ivan the Terrible, the Mother of God Assumption Monastery was founded in Tikhvin (1560). The king raises the veneration of the shrine to new level. He considers her his patroness and intercessor. During the campaign against Kazan (1552) on the Pyana River, a miraculous image of the Tikhvin Mother of God appeared to John, which strengthened him to defeat enemy forces. After the campaign, the king founded a monastery here, giving him a copy of the miraculous icon, written in Tikhvin.

The emergence of a new dynasty of Russian tsars, the Romanovs, was also associated with the Tikhvin image of the Virgin Mary. In the Ipatiev Monastery in the city of Kostroma, Mikhail Fedorovich was blessed for the kingdom by his mother, Elder Martha, with a copy from the Tikhvin Icon.

Processions of the cross with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God were held 24 times every year. The image was richly decorated with a golden robe, and a golden lamp was hung in front of it. Before the October Revolution, the monastery was rich and prosperous.

New times

1920 was the year the Assumption Monastery was closed. The icon was transferred to the Tikhvin Museum of Local Lore as an exhibit, where it was not studied until 1941. During the occupation of Tikhvin by German troops (November 1941), the image was sent to Pskov and transferred to the Pskov spiritual mission. He stayed there for two years, where every Sunday he was transferred to the Trinity Cathedral for worship. In the spring of 1944, the icon arrived in Riga, then ended up in Libau, Jablonec nad Nisou, and the American zone of occupation of Germany.

After long wanderings, the miraculous image was transported to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago (1950). The rector of Riga John and his adopted son Archpriest Sergius dedicated their lives to serving and preserving the icon. The will left by Archbishop John stated that the iconographic image of the Tikhvin Mother of God could be returned to Russia only after the complete revival of its place of preservation - the Tikhvin monastery.

Return to the Tikhvin Monastery

With the spiritual revival of Orthodox Rus' and the appeal to eternal values ​​in 1995, the Tikhvin Monastery was returned to the fold of the Church. The Assumption Cathedral was restored and consecrated. The year 2004 was marked important event For Orthodox faith and Christians - the Tikhvin shrine returned with honor to its original place - to the monastery of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Along the route, the image was displayed to parishioners of Orthodox churches.

Lists of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

The Tikhvin icon, like its numerous copies, is famous for miraculous salvations, healings, and military deeds. The miraculous copy of the image is preserved in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Copies of the holy face are also venerated in other churches, for example:

  • Trinity Cathedral;
  • Church of Our Lady (Sushchevo);
  • Novodevichy Convent for Women;
  • Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Lyshchikova Mountain;
  • Church of the Blessed Princes Gleb and Boris (Zyuzino);
  • Church of the Transfiguration (Bogorodskoe).

Ancient lists of icons console Orthodox Christians not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. One copy is in the church of the Sergius Metochion in Paris . In 2007 exact list The Tikhvin Mother of God was found by the Murmansk and Monchegorsk dioceses (the village of Varzuga on the Tersky coast of the White Sea). The icon has a precious chasuble, not inferior in beauty to the frame of the original.

Miracles of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tikhvin)

The miracles performed by the icon and copies of the Tikhvin Mother of God, throughout the history of her existence, have attracted Christians from all over the world, instilling faith and hope for her help in matters:

  • Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev, a major military leader and associate of Peter the Great, was saved by the icon of the Tikhvin Icon from an enemy bullet during the Battle of Poltava. After this, the general founded the Borisov Tikhvin Convent. His descendants honored the icon and presented it with rich gifts.
  • The miracle created by the icon is associated with the liberation of the Tikhvin Dormition Monastery of the Mother of God from conquest by the Swedes (1613) under the command of General Delagardie. At this time, the Mother of God appeared to the monastery novice Martinian. She was accompanied by Nikolai Ugodnik, Varlaam Khutynsky, Zosima Solovetsky. The monk was told to convey to all people that the Mother of God begged Her Son for deliverance from enemies, victory is near. The Swedes fled as if they were broken by a spiritual eclipse - they dreamed of a countless Russian army.
  • The list of the Tikhvin icon “Militia” became protection for the Tikhvin militias Patriotic War 1812. Thanks to her, many of the representatives of the nobility did not suffer “neither from cannonballs and bullets, nor from deadly diseases,” despite participating in many battles.
  • According to legend, during the Great Patriotic War, the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God saved Moscow. She was taken on board a plane and then flown around the capital. After the service, the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow began.

Tikhvinskaya does not leave her mercy Blessed Virgin ordinary people. Helps you heal and get what you want. The appearance of the image was always accompanied by numerous miracles. Only true believers can ask for help. They turn to the holy face of the Most Pure Virgin Mary with a pure heart, fully trusting in Her goodness. It is advisable that this image always be in the house; it will protect the home from enemies, uninvited guests, help preserve the family hearth, and protect children.

Sincere, pure prayer in front of the Tikhvin icon really works miracles: believers get rid of terrible diseases that have tormented them for years, women suffering from infertility give birth to healthy babies, blind people regain their sight. Ask for healing by praying in front of the Tikhvin Icon.

What can you do with an icon?

  • Since ancient times, mothers have prayed to the Tikhvin Icon - the Most Pure Mother of God patronizes babies and protects them. Women kneeling ask for obedience, pacification, the gift of good friends, protection from evil thoughts and temptations for their children. modern life, calming anxious and restless babies.
  • The icon gives women who have lost faith the happiness of motherhood; they often turn to it when they have problems with conception. The miraculous image of the Mother of Jesus is taken with them to childbirth to alleviate suffering.
  • The Mother of God and Jesus Christ written on the icon help in strengthening mental strength, treating depression, disorders, nervous attacks, epilepsy, and paralysis.
  • The icon has long protected the people from conquerors and robbers, and bestowed help and victory in defending their lands. Therefore, her intercession can preserve the peace and integrity of the house, and turn away uninvited guests, ill-wishers, envious people, and encroachers from the threshold. This icon is reliable, strong amulet families and homes.
  • It is advised, before making an important life decision, to venerate the image of Our Lady of Tikhvin. The holy icon will protect you from intrigues, intrigues, and protect you from deception.

Icon of the Mother of God “TIKHVINSKAYA”

One of the most revered shrines in Rus'.


Description of the icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin:

It is believed that the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was created by the holy evangelist Luke during the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Until the 14th century, the icon was in Constantinople, until in 1383 it unexpectedly disappeared from the Blachernae Church. According to the chronicle, in the same year in Rus' the icon appeared before fishermen on Lake Ladoga near the city of Tikhvin.

Ancient chronicles describe how in 1383 an icon of the Mother of God with the Child of God on her hand appeared over the waters of the lake in a radiant light, carried by an unknown force through the air. Several times the icon sank to the ground, but after the construction of the temple began at this place, the icon miraculously moved again until it stopped in a swampy place near Tikhvin.

With joy, the people began to build the temple on the site finally chosen by the Mother of God for the residence of Her icon. Subsequently, a stone church was built on this site, and then the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery was established.

Many miracles and healings took place before the Tikhvin icon; more than once it saved the Tikhvin monastery from the Swedes who besieged the monastery for three years from 1613 to 1615. Each time, through the prayers of desperate defenders, the Most Holy Theotokos, through her intercession, helped them put to flight several times the enemy forces. Since then Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God considered the patroness of the northwestern lands of Russia.

In 1944, the future Archbishop of Chicago and Minneapolis John (Garklavs) and a layman named Sergius (later his adopted son), saving the miraculous Tikhvin icon, took it to Europe and then to the USA. Before his death in 1982, Archbishop John bequeathed to his adopted son, Archpriest Sergius Garklavs, to take care of the icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin and return it to Russia when the attitude of the secular authorities towards the Church in the country changes and the Tikhvin Monastery is restored. The ceremonial return of the shrine took place in June 2004.


Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Tikhvin”

First prayer before the Tikhvin icon

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, Queen of Heaven and earth, our city and country, Almighty Intercessor. Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the throne of God Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our iniquities and add His goodness to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love who worship Thy miraculous image. You are not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless you have propitiated Him for us, O Lady, for all things are possible for You from Him. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and immediate Intercessor; Hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection and ask God Your Son to be our shepherd, zeal and vigil for souls, a city ruler for wisdom and strength, judges for truth and impartiality, a mentor for reason and humility, love and harmony for spouses, obedience for children, patience for the offended, to those who offend the fear of God, to those who grieve complacency, to those who rejoice at self-control: to all of us is the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people: gather the scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, support old age, educate young people with chastity, raise infants, and look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession, raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten our heartfelt eyes to in the sight of salvation, be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the terrible judgment of Your Son: having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, make our fathers and brothers live in eternal life with the Angels and with all the saints. For you are, Lady, the glory of Heaven and the hope of earth. According to God, You are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer before the Tikhvin icon

We thank You, O Most Blessed and Most Pure, Most Blessed Virgin, Lady, Mother of Christ our God, for all Your good deeds, which You have shown to the human race, especially to us, the Christ-named people of the Russian people, about whom the most angelic language will be pleased with praise. We thank You, for even now You have surprised Your ineffable mercy on us, Your unworthy servants, with the supernatural self-coming of Your most pure icon, with which You have enlightened the entire Russian country; Likewise, we, sinners, worshiping with fear and joy, cry out to Thee: O Most Holy Virgin, Queen and Mother of God, save and have mercy on all people, and grant them victory over all their enemies, and save all Christian cities and countries, and this holy temple Deliver us from every slander of the enemy, and grant everything for the benefit of everyone, who now come with faith and pray to Your servant, and who worship Your most holy image: for blessed are You with the Son and God born of You, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Tikhvin”

Troparion, tone 4

Today, great worldwide joy has arisen for us, given to the holy Mount Athos, Thy celibate-bearing icon, Lady Theotokos, with the image of Thy three-numbered and inseparably most pure hands, for the glorification of the Holy Trinity: for Thou convenes the faithful and those who pray to Thee for this to know, as two are the Ones who hold the Son and the Lord , show the third as a refuge and protection to those who honor You from all misfortunes and troubles, so that all who flow to You by faith receive liberation from all evils and protection from enemies. For this reason, we, together with Athos, cry out: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.


Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Tikhvin”

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Voivode, our Lady Theotokos, let us sing a song of thanksgiving about the appearance of Her wondrous icon, to which those who flow continually are delivered from enemies visible and invisible. But You, Lady of Heaven and earth, as a merciful Mother, now accept this little prayer of ours and never fail to show Your mercy and intercession on us, protecting us from all troubles and misfortunes, calling to You: Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God Intercessor.

Ikos 1

The faces of angels jubilantly serve You, Lady, and in reverence for You, who carried the Creator of visible and invisible creatures in Your hand, they carry Your icon from place to place. We, earthly beings, marveling at the wonderful appearance of Your icon, carried by Angels, cry out to Tisitsa: Rejoice, all Heavenly Powers highest; Rejoice, surpassing all ranks of angels. Rejoice, Most Honest Cherub; Rejoice. The most glorious without comparison, Seraphim. Rejoice, joy of the Angels; Rejoice, praise of the heavenly faces. Rejoice, praised by the Angels. Rejoice, glorified by the Seraphim. Rejoice, worshiped Archangel; Rejoice, honored by the armies of heaven. Rejoice, honored in Your icon by Angels; Rejoice, borne in Your visible image by invisible forces. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, the Intercessor.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the fisherman above the abyss of water, carried by invisible power and light like the sun, your shining icon, O Mother of God, with the Eternal Child, who called the fishermen to catch the world in the net of salvation, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The misunderstood mind of the wondrous appearance of Your icon led people to understand, as if the most honorable icon, revered in Constantinople, was given as an inheritance to the Russian family. Likewise, we, giving thanks for Your mercy to our family, cry out to You: Rejoice, Mother of true life; Rejoice, through Your obedience you healed Eve’s disobedience. Rejoice, you who opened the closed Eden; Rejoice, thou who hast revealed to the world the Crusher of the head of the serpent. Rejoice, thou who bore the ark of the Destroyer of the World; Rejoice, you who saved the world from the drowning of sin. Rejoice, God brought down the ladder; Rejoice, you who raise those on earth to heaven. Rejoice, the sea of ​​Pharaoh who drowned his thoughts; Rejoice, bush, not scorched by the fire of the Divine indwelling You. Rejoice, tablet written by God; Rejoice, O stone, who poured out the water of life to the thirsty. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High has overshadowed the country of Tikhvin, always with the icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, often appearing and sanctifying the land for a temporary stay, inciting the erection of holy churches, so that the name of the Lady may be glorified for the glory of the Trinitarian God, to whom we cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the good will, the people of the Tikhvin country desire Your presence with them and remember Your protection, You showed Your icon in many parts, until You indicated God’s chosen place of its residence. In the same way, we cry out to Ti: Rejoice, tabernacle, in which the physical Divinity dwells; Rejoice, holy of holies, in the midst of no one is the eternal Bishop. Rejoice, thou art gilded by the Spirit, who bore the Lawgiver; Rejoice, lamp, kindled by the Divine fire. Rejoice, you who bore the manna of the life of Christ; Rejoice, table, containing animal bread. Rejoice, censer, possessing the coal of the Divine, making the whole world fragrant; Rejoice, rod of color that vegetated Christ. Rejoice, pillar, leading to an eternal inheritance; Rejoice, cloud, covering from enemies visible and invisible.

Rejoice, land of promise; Rejoice, fleece, Christ is worthless, like rain descended from heaven. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 4

Eagerly to quench the storm of confusion and sorrow, faithful people cry out to the Lord: show us the Divine gift, whose love for mankind you sent to the Russian country, do not hide the treasures with which we hope to enrich our spiritual poverty, transform our sadness into joy, wipe away tears and sobs. And having achieved what she wanted, she cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the joyful discovery of the shepherd of his flock and the Mother of the Chief Shepherd who fell in the Tikhvin countries, he builds a temple in honor of the newly appeared icon of Her, and establishes presbyters, and glorifying the Mother of God, they cry out to Her: Rejoice, Daughter, who inclined her ear to the voice of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, for the ancestral lamentation was destroyed by Your Nativity. Rejoice, Bride, who the Heavenly King desired for kindness; Rejoice, Queen, who appeared at the right hand of the King. Rejoice, adorned with golden robes and possessing all the glory within; Rejoice, leading many into the palace of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, apple, whose fragrance is smelled by the whole world; Rejoice, crystal of purity, shining with brilliance. Rejoice, fragrant myrrh, poured out to the whole world; Rejoice, royal purple, flesh of the Creator of all, from Your virgin blood. Rejoice, living sealed fountain, who brought forth the water of life; Rejoice, mental grape, growing Divine bunch. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 5

Your God-bearing star has appeared, Your icon, Mother of God, flowing around the entire country of Tikhvin, and illuminating those who are in the darkness of ignorance with the light of knowledge of God, illuminating those who mourn with joy, and instructing those who go astray on the path of doing the commandments of Your Son and God. To him we cry out in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing George sitting on a treasure of wood, a woman seated with a scarlet rod in her hands and shining with an indescribable light, the wondrous Saint stood conversing with her, recognizing You through the fragrance of grace, the Mother of God, who received the sensual form and Saint Nicholas standing before You, and cried out with trepidation: Rejoice, home, which the Wisdom of God created for Himself to infuse; Rejoice, Virgin, who gave birth to Emmanuel. Rejoice, rod of Jesse, from the worthless flower of Christ God; Rejoice, Unmarried Bride, who by the overshadowing of the Spirit conceived a Son. Rejoice, O witch, in whom the Word of the Father was written with the finger of the Father; Rejoice, sealed book of virginity, given to Joseph for safekeeping. Rejoice, mystical mite who received the coal of the Divine in her belly; Rejoice, exalted throne, on which Christ is seated in flesh. Rejoice, light cloud, on which the Lord of glory came; Rejoice, gate closed, in the image of one Christ has passed through. Rejoice, uncut mountain, from which the cornerstone was cut off, O Christ; Rejoice, fiery cave, who unburntly received the fire of the Divine. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 6

Preacher of Your visible stay in the country of the Tikh-wins and the wondrous providence about it, the pious George proclaimed Your appearance and Your will to the people, and those who disobeyed miracles are admonished to glorify You, the Lady, and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have deigned to shine the light of the knowledge of God with the appearance of Your icon, and You have deigned to desire the light of monastic life, O Mother of God, at the place of the appearance of Your icon, so that the faces of the monks cry out to You incessantly: Rejoice, O fruitless vegetation of the barren root; Rejoice, dedicated to God from infancy. Rejoice, you who were raised in the holy temple; Rejoice, ignorant of God. Rejoice, adorned with all virtues; Rejoice, luminous chamber prepared for the Lady. Rejoice, purified by the grace of God; Rejoice, you who were chosen from the beginning of time to be the head of our salvation. Rejoice, Bride of the heavenly Architect, entrusted to the earthly tecton for safekeeping; Rejoice, you who magnified little Nazareth with your presence. Rejoice, praise of the powers above; Rejoice, glory to all earthly beings. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 7

For those who want to strive in solitude for the monks Martyrios and Cyril, and to please God through their labors and monastic exploits, you showed the way to the place of the desired feat in a pillar of fire and in a voice. Having come to know Thee as the good Hodegetria traveling with them, they cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new source of miracles in the country to the north has appeared Your icon of Tikhvin, the Most Holy Lady, unapologetically bringing healing to all who come with faith: they despise blindness, they are speechless, they hear deafness, they rise up in weakness, they are freed from the bonds of demons. In the same way, glorifying You, we cry: Rejoice, for the Father’s favor rests on You; Rejoice, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, for in You the Son of God has become incarnate, the Savior of the world; Rejoice, ineffable advice to the Mystery. Rejoice, you who received the gospel from the Angel; Rejoice, angelic ones, rejoice, you who have brought joy to the whole world. Rejoice, for the Lord is with You; Rejoice, for through You all earthly beings have been brought closer to God. Rejoice, Blessed One among women; Rejoice, you who have bestowed blessings on all wives. Rejoice, Mother who remained a Virgin before and after Christmas; Rejoice, firstfruits of the honor and glory of virginity. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 8

The miracle of the appearance of Your image, Lady, is strange, and unspeakably, it surprises the worldly and horrifies the earthly, and at the same time it enlightens the grace of Christ our God, born of You. It is also strange that the monastery will be defended by enemies who boasted of destroying Your property. For this reason we cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You are all in the highest, Lady, but You do not abandon those below, protecting Your abode like a wall and a visor, with Your honorable icon. For when there was an enemy invasion, you said that people would take my icon and walk around the walls and see the mercy of God. In the same way, through Your deliverance from the enemy, I cried to You: Rejoice, Mother of Your Creator and Lord; Rejoice, even for the sake of the baby John leaped in the womb of Elizabeth. Rejoice, blessed one from all generations; Rejoice, sublime in humility. Rejoice, thou who bestowed heavenly joy and earthly peace by Thy birth; Rejoice, you who received praise from the Angels, magnification from the shepherds, who received the worship of Your birth from the Magi. Rejoice, Thou who nourished the one above and below with milk, the Nourisher of Thy grace; Rejoice, you who wrapped Him in swaddling clothes around Him who dresses with light like a robe. Rejoice, who bore the whole world in your hand; Rejoice, you who brought the sacredness of the temple to the temple. Rejoice, blessed by Simeon; Rejoice, glorified by Anna the prophetess. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 9

Of every angelic nature of the purest essence, Lady, the monastery, for the sake of Your coming, the icon was created, from the uncleanness of sin, which was near destruction, but was cleansed by repentance, as if the general Prayer Book for the Christian race delivered You from enemies, in the likeness of unclean animals, undermining those who worked. Let us also cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets who have spoken many things are perplexed to sing according to the heritage of Your many miracles, O Lady, and the secrets of Your structure for the salvation of people: both by goodness and by attending punishments you led people on the path of salvation. Having preserved the previously invincible monastery from visible enemies, You deigned to cleanse the invisible enemy from the wounds of the invisible enemy with fiery cleansing, admonishing that purity, abstinence and heartfelt prayers are more pleasing to You than the praise of a single mouth. We also cry out to You: Rejoice, O thou who sanctified Egypt by Thy coming; Rejoice, thou who glorified the country of Galilee by Thy presence. Rejoice, thou who sought Thy Son throughout all Jerusalem, Whom Thy soul loved; Rejoice, you who found Him in His Father’s house. Rejoice, you who composed all the words about Your Son in Your heart; Rejoice, having known God in Your Son before all others. Rejoice, thou who served Thy Son in His earthly life; Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering. Rejoice, having received the adoption of John the Apostle and all believers at the Cross of Your Son; Rejoice, thou who motherly loved those redeemed by His blood. Rejoice, Thou who, first of all, understood the mystery of the resurrection of Thy Son;

Rejoice, thou who enjoyed much joy in the ascension of Thy Son into heaven. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 10

Those who want to save many people from the sorrows and illnesses that beset them and strengthen their faith in Thy all-powerful intercession, O Lady, in many cities, abodes, villages of the Orthodox country, Thou hast granted the power of miracles through the image of Thy honorable icon, so that seeing the mercy shown by Thy, they cry out to God with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall and a shield, O Lady, to the Orthodox army, under the sign of Thy icon, against the twenty tongues of the warriors, preserving them from the arrows of the enemy. Be the same wall and protection from all enemies, visible and invisible, for us, who fall to Thy most honorable icon with faith and love and cry out to Thee: Rejoice, consolation to the faithful after the Ascension of Thy Son; Rejoice, Teacher and Helper of the Apostle. Rejoice, we are rejoiced at the announcement of Your departure to God; Rejoice, the disciple's face like a cloud for the burial of You who has gathered together. Rejoice, we have been received from the earth by the hands of Your Son; Rejoice, escorted from all the angelic authorities. Rejoice, earthly heaven to the sublime settlement of the mountains;

Rejoice, throne of the Lord, lifted up from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, thou who hast sanctified the air by Thy ascension; Rejoice, through Thomas you assured your transmigration into heaven with the flesh. Rejoice, fulfilling the promise to the disciple’s face; Rejoice, having given peace to this through Your presence from Your Son and God. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome by diligently meeting the many miracles that come from Thy holy and miraculous icon. Like an ambulance, you heal ailments, deliver from troubles, free demons from torment, in every place calling on You with faith and crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

As a light-receiving candle we see Your holy icon, Mother of God, in the Tikhvin countries kindled by Your grace, enlightening the whole country and attracting many to its light for the salvation of souls. We also cry out to Thee: Rejoice, who promised to preserve and save all who call upon Thee; Rejoice, you who glorify You, glorify You. Rejoice, thou who bringest the prayers of the faithful to Thy Son and God; Rejoice, and You Yourself unceasingly praying for everyone at the throne of Your Son and God. Rejoice, Thou who bestowed Thy grace upon Thy venerable icons; Rejoice, you who have illuminated the entire universe with the rays of Your grace. Rejoice, Most Honest Cherub and Most Glorious Seraphim; Rejoice, highest of all creation. Rejoice, Queen of Heaven and Earth; Rejoice, for Your prayer can accomplish much before Your Son. Rejoice, speedy intercession of the entire Christian race; Rejoice, firm hope for all the faithful. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 12

Having desired to give a new sign of Thy grace, Thou didst open a source of miracles to the city of Peter, O Mother of God, in Thy icon, so that the faithful may be brought to their senses, those who labor and mourn may find ready refuge and intercession, glorifying God who granted it, they cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your miracles and the mercies revealed to our race, we touchingly fall to Your most pure image, Lady, and kissingly, with fear and love we pray to You: guide us on the path of salvation, so that we may be worthy of Your merciful intercession, always be the Intercessor and Intercessor for us, crying Ti: Rejoice, true statement and protection; Rejoice, admonition and enlightenment of the unbelievers. Rejoice, desperate Hope; Rejoice, salvation of sinners. Rejoice, consolation for the sad; Rejoice, healing of the sick. Rejoice, protection of widows and orphans; Rejoice, refuge for the offended. Rejoice, strengthening of kings; Rejoice, fertilizer for the saints. Rejoice, praise is given to those who are virgins; Rejoice, joy for all the pious. Rejoice, Lady, merciful for us before God, Intercessor.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, Who gave birth to all the saints Holy Word, protection and protection for us in this life from enemies visible and invisible, from troubles and sorrows, save us from temptations and falls, and in the future life, at the judgment of Your Son and our God, be the Intercessor and Intercessor, delivering us from eternal condemnation, yes saved by You, from the faces of the angels we cry out to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


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Sometimes there are situations in life when a person can only rely on God’s help. But it’s never a bad idea to simply pray for the benefit of your family and friends. Often when we come to a temple or church, we see many icons in front of us. All depict saints being prayed to for various things. It is believed that each icon needs to be prayed with certain requests. But people who are not versed in religious rules, they rarely know the purpose of each icon. We will tell you which icon to pray for:

"Trinity"- one of the miraculous Orthodox icons, the most important shrine of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Around her they pray about the most important and important things in life, about what can affect a person’s entire future destiny. People who have lost hope and cannot find a way out should pray near her. difficult situation. Before praying, clearly think through your request. You need to pray to the Trinity after repentance and praising the Lord.

"Savior Not Made by Hands." It depicts the Savior, to whom one should turn with requests to save the soul, show the true path, be healed and get rid of bad thoughts. You can ask for mercy both for yourself and for others, but first you need to repent and read the “Our Father.”

"Savior Almighty". She is asked to save family members.

"Crucifixion" helps protect your home from thieves and criminals.

"Savior in the Crown of Thorns" helps to overcome all obstacles on the path to the salvation of the soul.

Icon of the Mother of God "Vladimir" - it is customary to pray for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, for the strengthening of the Orthodox faith, for preservation from heresies and schisms, for the pacification of warring parties, for the preservation of Russia - the day of celebration is June 23 (6).

Icon of the Mother of God "Kazan"- pray for the sight of blind eyes, for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, is an intercessor in hard times, it is used to bless those who marry - the day of celebration is July 8 (21) October 22 (4).

Icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya" - they pray for deliverance from various misfortunes and for consolation in troubles, from fire, for increasing the fertility of the earth - the day of celebration is February 12 (25) (celebrated on Tuesday of Holy Week).

Icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvin"- they pray for the sight of the blind, the healing of the possessed, for illnesses of children, relaxation of joints, for paralysis, falling sickness, from the invasion of foreigners - the day of celebration is June 26 (9).

Icon of the Mother of God "Ostrobramskaya" helps to find and maintain the happiness of a married couple. They also pray to her that strangers do not interfere in the newlyweds’ relationship.

Icon “Faith, Hope, Love” gives people wisdom, helps strengthen faith, hope and love in people's hearts, and also gives strength to overcome difficult life obstacles.

Icon "Recovery of the Dead". They pray to her for the health, well-being and happiness of children, as well as for the return of lost children to the family (children who fell into the sect, were subjected to strong drugs and alcohol addiction etc.).

"Peter and Fevronia." Prayers near her help to find family happiness and well-being; you can also ask her for the birth of a child.

"Guardian Angel" helps every baptized Christian get rid of need and illness. By praying to this icon, a person turns to his Guardian Angel, who saves him from sins, troubles and misfortunes.

"Seraphim of Sarov". Those who need support and support pray at this icon. Helps to heal from diseases, gives comfort.

"Blessed Matrona" A revered icon of modern times. You can ask her for help on any difficult issue.

"The Inexhaustible Chalice". This icon is asked for healing from harmful addictions such as drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling.

"Nicholas the Wonderworker." One of the most famous and revered icons in the world. She needs to pray to those who, through life or work, travel a lot or are often on the move. Sailors, fishermen, pilots, travelers and seafarers pray to her. In addition, Nicholas the Wonderworker is the intercessor of the unjustly offended, women, children, beggars, unjustly convicted and prisoners. Therefore, all these categories of the population can turn to the Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with their requests.

"Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon." People pray to this icon for healing from illnesses.

"Sergius of Radonezh". This saint is the patron saint of all who study. You can ask this icon for blessings for the new school year, as well as for help in mastering new knowledge.

Icon of "St. Catherine of Alexandria" helps those who strive for knowledge. Contact her if you want to get a good education. It promotes success in any science, especially in the study of languages ​​and mathematics. The icon helps to find new approaches in pedagogy. In Europe many educational institutions are named after Saint Catherine. Lawyers, prosecutors and judges ask for support in court cases. Saint Catherine is also prayed for marriage and help during pregnancy and childbirth.