At the stage of booting the computer, this happens one by one. operating system

In what order are the listed stages of booting a computer performed? 1) search for the initial boot of the operating system: alternate access to disks with

the purpose of searching among them for the system disk 2) the bootloader program is read into RAM 3) executing the BIOS: testing and configuring hardware 4) the bootloader program organizes the loading of other operating system programs from the system disk into RAM

Arrange the steps to boot your computer in order of execution.

1) search for the boot loader of the operating system: alternately accessing the disks in order to search among them for the system disk

2) the bootloader program is read into RAM

3) BIOS execution: hardware testing and configuration

4) the bootloader program organizes the loading of other operating system programs from the system disk into RAM

1. Select your computer input devices from this list:

a) printer b) monitor c) keyboard d) mouse
f) processor g) scanner h) microphone i) headphones
j) acoustic speakers

2. Which computer device processes information?
a) memory b) processor c) monitor e) keyboard f) mouse

3. Select information processes (actions with information) from the list
(Multiple correct answers)

A) working on a computer with a keyboard trainer, b) reading a book
c) videotape d) explanatory dictionary e) learning the rules

4. Which key can be used to erase the character to the right of the cursor?
a) Shift b) Backspace c) Delete e) Enter

5. The image on the monitor screen of a computer ready for operation is called...
a) Taskbar b) Desktop
c) Main menu e) Work area

6. A package of programs that controls the operation of a computer and ensures interaction between a person and a computer is called ...
a) operating system b) taskbar
c) application programs e) command buttons

7. Instructions that determine the operating procedure when turning on the computer are stored in ...
a) processor b) RAM
c) permanent memory d) not hard disk

8. When organizing information in chronological order...
a) processing occurs related to the receipt of new content, new information,
b) processing occurs related to changing the form of information, but does not change its content
c) information processing does not occur

9. Select Paint application window elements from the list
(Multiple correct answers)
a) application name b) menu bar c) “Close” button
e) Collapse button f) toolbar g) palette

H) Standard panel i) Formatting panel j) work area

L) scroll bars m) ruler

Operating system (OS) is a set of programs that ensure the joint functioning of all computer devices and provide access to its resources

This is system software, i.e. programs that control the operating system, processor, external devices and files and application programs, and conduct a dialogue with the user

IBM-compatible PCs use Microsoft's Windows operating system as well as the freely available Linux operating system. On Apple PCs there are various versions of Mac OS. On workstations and servers - Windows NT/2000/XP and UNIX OS. The operating systems are different, but their purpose and functions are the same. The OS is a necessary component of PC software; without it, the computer cannot operate in principle.

MS-DOS – a non-graphical OS that uses an interface command line. All commands are typed letter by letter in a special line. A shell is a program that runs under the OS and helps you work with it (for example, Norton Commander)

WINDOWS – OS from Microsoft, uses object-oriented window technology. Devices are connected automatically, i.e. The OS itself finds out what is installed on the PC and configures itself to work with the new equipment. Has a convenient user interface. Performs basic functions:

1) manages the file system (view, delete, copy, move, rename);

2) launch and termination of application programs;

3) all kinds of services (information about parameters, their configuration, optimization of work, etc.)

OS composition:

Software module that manages the file system- The process of computer operation comes down to exchanging files between devices

Command processor– special program, which asks the user for commands and executes them. The user can give a command to launch a program, perform any operation on files (copying, deleting, renaming), printing a document, and so on. operating system should run this command

Drivers– programs that control the operation of devices. Each device has its own driver. Technology "Plug and Play"(Plug and Play) allows you to automate the connection of new devices. During the installation process, Windows determines the type and specific model of the installed device and connects the driver necessary for its operation. When you turn on the computer, drivers are loaded into RAM. The user has the option to manually install or reinstall drivers.

GUI software modules– programs that allow the user to enter commands using the mouse

Utilities- utility programs for servicing disks (check, compress, defragment, etc.), performing operations with files (archiving, copying, etc.), and working in computer networks

Help system– obtaining information about the functioning of the OS as a whole and about the operation of its individual modules

OS files are stored in external, long-term memory (hard, floppy or laser disk). But programs can only run if they are in RAM, so OS files need to be loaded into RAM.

The disk (hard, floppy or laser) on which the operating system files are located and from which it is loaded is called the system disk.

After turning on the PC, the OS is loaded from the system disk into RAM. The download must be carried out in accordance with the download program. However, in order for a computer to execute a program, that program must already be in RAM. The resolution of this contradiction consists in sequential, step-by-step loading of the operating system.

After turning on the power, the processor begins executing the POST (Power-ON Self Test) computer self-test program. The performance of the processor, memory and other computer hardware is tested

After self-testing, a special program in the BIOS begins searching for the OS boot loader. There is an alternate access to the available disks and a search at a certain place (in the first boot sector of the disk) for the presence of a special Master Boot program (OS loader program).

Master Boot is loaded into the OS and control of the computer's operation is transferred to it. The program searches for operating system files on the system disk and loads them into RAM as program modules

Installation of programs - an installation procedure for most software products that uses a special distribution copy.

Copying a software product to your hard drive is called installation. The program file has the extension .EXE .COM .BAT It works independently or accompanied by service files. Launching a program means starting its work. But this software product must be compatible with hardware

Key words:

  • program
  • software (software)
  • system software
  • application software
  • programming system
  • operating system
  • archiver
  • antivirus program
  • application general purpose
  • special purpose application

2.3.1. Software concept

A program is a description in a formal language, “understandable” by a computer, of a sequence of actions that must be performed on data to solve a given problem.

Without software computer operation is impossible. Therefore, a computer is considered as a system - a single whole consisting of interconnected parts: hardware ( technical devices) and software.

The scope of application of a particular computer is defined as its technical characteristics, and the software installed on it.

The cost of software in many cases is comparable and even exceeds the cost of computer hardware.

Depending on the tasks being solved (working with text, processing or creating graphic images, performing mathematical calculations, organizing leisure time, accessing information on the Internet, etc.) on different computers different software may be installed.

Software modern computers totals huge amount programs, it is constantly evolving - existing programs are being improved, some programs are being replaced by others, and new programs are appearing.

All the diversity computer programs can be divided into three groups: system software, application software, programming systems.

2.3.2. System software

operating system

Operating system (OS) - main part software without which the computer cannot work.

Computer - complex system, consisting of many hardware (physical) and software (information) objects. Physical objects include memory devices, monitor, keyboard, printers, etc.; Information objects include all kinds of programs and data.

In turn, the computer is part of the “human-computer” system. The means that provide interconnection between the objects of this system are called an interface.

Hardware interface - means that provide interaction between computer devices. To ensure the joint functioning of computer hardware, the OS includes device drivers - special programs, controlling the operation of devices connected to the computer (keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, etc.). Each device has its own driver supplied by the manufacturer of this equipment.

User interface - means that ensure interaction between a person and a computer. The operating system includes programs that support a dialogue between the user and the computer: wanting to perform some action (run a program for execution, print text on a printer, view the properties of the computer, etc.), a person gives the OS the appropriate command. The operating system executes this command and provides the user with the result of the work or reports the impossibility of executing the specified command. We'll look at the user interface in more detail a little later.

Currently, the most common operating systems for personal computers are Windows, MacOS and Linux (Fig. 2.6).

Rice. 2.6.
Logos of the most common operating systems: from left to right - Windows, Mac OS, Linux

Now computers are sold both without an OS and with an OS already installed. At the user's request, you can install another operating system on your computer by purchasing its distribution kit on an optical disc. When installing the OS, the programs included in it are copied from the optical disk of the distribution to hard drive computer. After installation, operating system programs are stored in long-term memory - on the hard drive.

Installing an OS from a distribution onto a hard drive is not always required. For example, when using a Live distribution, Linux OS boots directly from the CD and uses only RAM.

Booting a computer is the sequential loading of operating system programs from long-term memory (hard or optical disk) into the computer's RAM. Let's take a closer look at this process.

The computer includes a read-only memory (ROM), which stores programs for testing the computer and the first stage of loading the operating system - BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). After turning on the computer, BIOS programs begin to run; information about the progress of this process is displayed on the monitor screen. First, the hardware is tested and configured. If all the equipment is functioning normally, the transition to the next stage occurs - searching for the bootloader of the operating system.

The disk (hard or optical) on which the operating system is located and from which it is loaded is called the system disk. At the boot stage, the disks available on the computer are alternately accessed in order to detect the system disk among them. The sequence of accessing computer disks is determined BIOS settings. A sign of a system disk is the presence of a special operating system loader program in a certain place. If the disk turns out to be a system disk, then the bootloader program is read into RAM. Then this program organizes the loading of other operating system programs from the system disk into RAM.

If, during the detection of the system disk, a device is accessed in which any other disk is placed, the message “Non system disk” appears on the monitor screen, the operating system stops loading and the computer becomes inoperable. Service programs

To work with programs that serve disks, you need to be a fairly experienced user. But today no person working on a computer can do without the use of archivers and anti-virus programs.

Archivers are special programs that compress programs and data. Archivers provide a reduction in the volume of stored information, which means saving disk space and reducing the time it takes to copy this information, which is especially important when sending information over the Internet.

A computer virus is a specially written malicious program that can damage data on a computer or disable it. Signs indicating that programs have been infected by a virus include: incorrect operation programs; slow work computer; inability to load the operating system; disappearance of programs and data; significant reduction in the size of free memory area; submission of unforeseen sound signals; Frequent “freezes” of the computer (“freezes” are called states of computer inoperability).

Creating computer viruses is not harmless fun, but a crime; the people who write and knowingly distribute these malware are criminals.

To detect and remove computer viruses, as well as to protect against them, specialists develop anti-virus programs. The most famous of them: Kaspersky Anti-Virus, DoctorWeb, Panda.

In order not to subject your computer to “infection” with viruses and to ensure reliable storage of information, you must follow the following simple rules:

  1. install on computer antivirus program and regularly test your computer for viruses using it;
  2. regularly update your antivirus program via the Internet;
  3. Before reading information from random media, check them for viruses.

Communication programs are designed to provide access to Internet resources and communication between users.

2.3.3. Programming systems

Programming is the process of creating programs, developing all types of software. Specialists who develop software are called programmers.

To write programs, special languages ​​are used - programming languages. These are formal languages. They consist of some fixed set of words; There are clear rules for writing programs in a programming language. To date, there are several thousand programming languages. Some languages ​​can only be used by a limited number of their developers, while others become known to millions of people. Professional programmers sometimes use more than a dozen different programming languages ​​in their work. In 9th grade you will become familiar with the Pascal programming language. Perhaps some of you are familiar with the Logo programming language, which was specially created for teaching programming to young children.

A program in a programming language can be written down on a piece of paper. But in order for a computer to execute it, the program must be entered into the computer, the program's source code (programming language code) must be translated into binary code, the program must be checked for correct operation, and corrections must be made if necessary. Special software tools are designed for this.

2.3.4. Application software

General purpose applications and special purpose applications can be distinguished.

General purpose applications are required by almost every user to work with different types information. Types and purpose of general purpose applications:

  • text editors - for working with text information;
  • spreadsheets - to automate calculations;
  • graphic editors - for creating and editing all kinds of graphic images;
  • multimedia players - for playing sound, animation and video;
  • presentation editors - to create materials that allow a large audience not only to hear the speaker, but also to see the key points of his speech;
  • database management systems - for accessing ordered information from a certain subject area.

As a rule, when a user purchases a computer, he installs the so-called office software package on it, which includes basic general-purpose applications. The most widely used office packages are: Microsoft Office for operating rooms Windows systems and Mac OS; for Windows and Linux operating systems (Fig. 2.7).

Rice. 2.7.
Logos of the most common office packages

Special purpose applications are intended for professional use in various fields activities by qualified users:

  • publishing systems - to automate the preparation of books, magazines and other printed materials;
  • accounting programs - for automated calculations wages and accounting cash enterprises (organizations);
  • computer-aided design systems (CAD) - for creating three-dimensional drawings of buildings, mechanisms and other complex objects;
  • computer modeling programs - for testing the stability of designed structures, safety and other characteristics vehicles and other objects;
  • mathematical packages - for performing complex scientific and technical calculations;
  • geographic information systems - for development topographic maps, preparation of meteorological forecasts, modeling of environmental situations, etc.;
  • medical expert systems- to help in diagnosing the patient, etc.

Special purpose programs also include numerous educational programs: electronic textbooks, simulators, testing systems, construction kits, encyclopedias and reference books. There are a lot of educational programs that are useful for you different subjects you can find in Single collection digital educational resources.

2.3.5. Legal regulations for the use of software

Programs according to their legal status can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Software that is the private property of authors or copyright holders;
  2. free software.

The programs included in the first group can be divided into:

  • commercial;
  • shareware;
  • freely distributed.

Commercial programs are sold in special packaging and with accompanying documentation. In accordance with the license agreement, the program developers guarantee its normal functioning and are responsible for this. Software piracy is a crime that involves the illegal copying, use and distribution of commercial software. Many people do not even suspect that by buying freely sold pirated “compilations” of software, they are breaking the law. Computer pirates, illegally replicating software, devalue the work of programmers and make program development economically unprofitable. In addition, computer pirates often offer users unfinished programs or demo versions of them.

Conditionally free programs(shareware) are offered by developers free of charge for the purpose of advertising and promoting them to the market. These programs have a limited duration or limited functionality. If the user makes a payment on time, he is given a code that activates all functions of the program.

Freely distributed programs include: new, unfinished versions of software products; programs that are part of fundamentally new technologies; additions to previously released programs; outdated versions of programs; drivers for new devices and some other programs.

When purchasing any version of software in this group, the user receives a program presented in binary code, which makes it impossible for anyone other than the developers themselves to make changes to it.

Free software removes this limitation, providing everyone with access to source codes programs. The user of free software has the right:

  • use the program for any purpose;
  • study and change the program;
  • copy and distribute the program;
  • distribute the modified program.

Examples of free software are Linux OS, office suite, graphic editor Gimp.

The most important

The set of all programs designed to be executed on a computer is called software.

All variety of computer programs functional purpose can be divided into three groups: system software, application software, programming systems.

System software includes the operating system and utility programs.

An operating system is a set of programs that ensure the joint functioning of all computer devices and provide the user with access to computer resources.

A programming system is a set of software tools designed for developing computer programs in a programming language.

Programs with which the user can solve information problems without resorting to programming are usually called application programs or applications.

According to legal status, software can be divided into two groups: 1) software that is the private property of authors or copyright holders; 2) free software.

Questions and tasks

  1. What is computer software? What is his role?
  2. What main groups of software are usually distinguished by functional purpose?
  3. What are the main functions of the operating system? What is the name of the operating system in your computer lab?
  4. What is the difference between installing an OS and booting an OS?
  5. While the computer was booting, the message “Non system disk” appeared. What is this connected with?
  6. At the stage of booting the computer, the disks available in the computer are alternately accessed in order to detect the system disk among them. What do you think this is for? Why don’t they clearly indicate which drive is the system drive?
  7. What is a computer virus? How to protect your computer from being damaged by computer viruses?
  8. What are programming systems intended for? What types of software are programming systems used to develop? Who can work with programming systems?
  9. How many programming systems do you think there are?
  10. Using additional sources of information 1, find out the names of five or six programming languages.
  11. One of the programming languages ​​is called ADA. Find out the origin of this name.
  12. Find out the origin of the name of the programming language Pascal.
  13. Find out who is the developer of the Logo programming language.
  14. Name the types of application programs. Who uses general purpose applications?
  15. Who uses special purpose applications?
  16. Would you take it computer games for general or special purpose applications? Where should I include translation programs? Computer dictionaries and encyclopedias? Justify your answer.
  17. Construct a graph describing the composition of computer software.
  18. Why do you think developers often freely distribute unfinished versions of their software?
  19. What types of programs can be distinguished by their legal status?
  20. What do computer virus developers and computer pirates have in common?

    1 To complete tasks 10-13, use Internet resources.


At the stage of booting the computer, the disks available in the computer are alternately accessed in order to detect the system disk among them. What do you think this is for? Why don’t they clearly indicate which drive is the system drive? VERY NEEDED!


There may be several systems in order to later ask the user which system to load? If you specify the system drive, you will not be able to change the system boot parameters, I would answer this way

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At the stage of booting the computer, the disks available in the computer are alternately accessed in order to detect the system disk among them. For what, according to

do you think this is necessary? Why don’t they clearly indicate which drive is the system drive?

In what order are the listed stages of booting a computer performed? 1) search for the initial boot of the operating system: alternate access to disks with

the purpose of searching among them for the system disk 2) the bootloader program is read into RAM 3) executing the BIOS: testing and configuring hardware 4) the bootloader program organizes the loading of other operating system programs from the system disk into RAM

Arrange the steps to boot your computer in order of execution.

1) search for the boot loader of the operating system: alternately accessing the disks in order to search among them for the system disk

2) the bootloader program is read into RAM

3) BIOS execution: hardware testing and configuration

4) the bootloader program organizes the loading of other operating system programs from the system disk into RAM

1. Select your computer input devices from this list:

a) printer b) monitor c) keyboard d) mouse
f) processor g) scanner h) microphone i) headphones
j) acoustic speakers

2. Which computer device processes information?
a) memory b) processor c) monitor e) keyboard f) mouse

3. Select information processes (actions with information) from the list
(Multiple correct answers)

A) working on a computer with a keyboard trainer, b) reading a book
c) videotape e) explanatory dictionary f) learning the rules

4. Which key can be used to erase the character to the right of the cursor?
a) Shift b) Backspace c) Delete e) Enter

5. The image on the monitor screen of a computer ready for operation is called...
a) Taskbar b) Desktop
c) Main menu e) Work area

6. A package of programs that controls the operation of a computer and ensures interaction between a person and a computer is called ...
a) operating system b) taskbar
c) application programs e) command buttons

7. Instructions that determine the operating procedure when turning on the computer are stored in ...
a) processor b) RAM
c) permanent memory d) not hard disk

8. When organizing information in chronological order...
a) processing occurs related to the receipt of new content, new information,
b) processing occurs related to changing the form of information, but does not change its content
c) information processing does not occur

9. Select Paint application window elements from the list
(Multiple correct answers)
a) application name b) menu bar c) “Close” button
e) Collapse button f) toolbar g) palette

H) Standard panel i) Formatting panel j) work area

L) scroll bars m) ruler