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Icons in the house must be placed in a specially designated place. There is a tradition of placing icons on a shelf on the eastern wall, however, if this is not possible, then it is not necessary to arrange a home iconostasis on the eastern side. Sometimes icons are placed in the so-called red corner. "Red" means "beautiful" - this is an indication that the place for the icons should be clean, neat and beautiful.

Holy images can be placed in all living rooms. There is a pious tradition of placing wedding images in the bedroom. If the family is large, then icons in every living room are necessary for cell prayer all family members.

For pious believers, holy images (or at least one small icon) are located in the kitchen. This is explained by the practice of saying prayers before and after eating food.

Holy icons should not be placed on a shelf with books that have non-Christian content. It is not advisable to place them on TV or together with secular paintings - the place for icons should be specially designated for this shrine.

Some believers place an icon above the entrance to their house. Often at this place you can see an image Holy Mother of God Hodegetria Guide, since it is useful for an Orthodox believer to pray for help in good endeavors before going out. Sometimes a cross is placed above the entrance to the house.

How to arrange icons in the house

The principle of arranging icons on a home iconostasis is based on hierarchy, similar to the arrangement of iconostases in a temple. If the icons are located on the wall, then in the center at the head of the iconostasis there should be an icon of the Holy Trinity or the Lord Jesus Christ. To the right of this image you can place an icon Mother of God, and on the left is St. John the Baptist or a particularly revered saint, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Below you can place other images - angels, saints, prophets, saints, righteous ones. A crucifix can crown a home iconostasis.

It cannot be said that there are any specific instructions on the order of placement of icons in the home iconostasis (except that the Lord is desirable in a central place).

If space allows, then under the main icons of the Lord and the Virgin Mary you can place holy images of the Twelve Christian holidays. In the case when the home iconostasis includes several dozen icons, then under the central images you can also place shrines with the faces of the Savior or revered icons of the Mother of God and saints.

Sometimes they are located on one small shelf. Then in the center you can put icons of the Lord and the Virgin Mary, and at the edges you can place icons of the angel and saints.

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IN recent years All more people comes to the Lord. Unfortunately, long decades of atheism have left a large white spot in the spiritual education of many generations. Therefore, our contemporaries often find it difficult to understand the simplest questions of faith, or, out of ignorance, make mistakes in the performance of spiritual rituals. This also applies to how many of us make up our home iconostasis.

You will need

  • In what place should the iconostasis be placed Canonically - preferably in the east, and based on the real state of affairs modern life- in such a way that it is convenient and comfortable for you to pray, so that there is enough space and it is calm.


Another “categorical” rule is that in no case should you place icons next to posters and photographs of idols of today - politicians, rock musicians, sex symbols. If you want to decorate your home iconostasis, do it with fresh, fresh flowers or towels.

There must be icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. Also, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is especially revered, and his image is very often found in Orthodox families. If you have enough space in your home, you can complement the iconostasis with a personal icon, icons of saints to whom you often turn in prayer, images of the great saints of the Russian land and saints revered in the area where you live.

For a home shrine, the rules for placing icons are not as strict as for ones, but they still exist.

First, look at the iconostasis: if you have a desire to change, rearrange, or rehang something, then you need to do it, otherwise this internal dissatisfaction will distract you during prayer.

When arranging icons in a home iconostasis, the same principles apply as in a church iconostasis.
The central place is occupied by the icon of the Savior, often the largest in size. Next to the image of Christ is placed the image of the Virgin Mary and Child.
If you are facing, then the icon of the Savior will be to your right, and the icon of the Mother of God to your left. These are the two main icons, they must be in every Orthodox home, and above them you can only place the icon of the Holy Trinity or the icon " Last Supper".

If you still have questions, you can always turn to the priest for clarification or advice, and the priest will always help you and resolve all your doubts.

Please note

Do not forget that when arranging icons, there is a principle of hierarchy: for example, you should not place an icon of a saint who is revered in your region above the icon of the Holy Trinity, the Savior, the Mother of God, and the apostles.

Useful advice

If the icon is various reasons has fallen into disrepair and can no longer be restored, do not throw it away under any circumstances - take the icon to church. IN as a last resort, you can burn it and bury the ashes in a quiet place, such as a garden or cemetery.


In order to do iconostasis, you will need icons illuminated in the church. Among the icons there must be an icon with the image of the Savior, the Mother of God, the Trinity and the Guardian Angel. Can also be purchased personalized icons and icons with the face of Saints. In the center there should be an image of the Savior, and to the right of him the Mother of God.


The third row is “festive”. On it are icons depicting the Annunciation, the Nativity of Christ, the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, etc.

The fourth row is “prophetic”. Place the Mother of God and Child on the throne in the center, with prophets on either side.
The fifth row is “ancestral”. In the center is the “Old Testament Trinity”, on the sides are the forefathers. There may be more rows - everything is at your discretion.

Sooner or later, for most Orthodox people there is a desire to make your own small prayer corner. To create a home iconostasis you have to approach it thoughtfully. You can’t just install icons randomly. There are several things to follow simple rules.

You will need

  • Icon of Jesus Christ
  • Icon of the Mother of God
  • Other icons, upon request.


The number of icons in a home iconostasis must be at least two. It is best if these are images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. These icons must be present in every home. In addition to these icons, it would be nice to keep the image of the saints after whom the residents of the house are named, as well as images of locally revered saints. It should be noted that the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered on a par with the face of the Savior and the Mother of God, and it is present in every Orthodox family. When placing, one should be guided by the principle of hierarchy. On top there should always be images of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, and the Mother of God. The icon of the Mother of God should stand to the left of the icon of the Lord.

If you have painted and printed icons, give preference to the former. Thanks to the spiritual connection of the icon painter, the icon he created is valued much higher than any factory-made one.

Decoration of icons with decorations. Often, icons are placed in so-called icon cases (they are decorated with basma, as is done in many churches). Trimming with chasuble is very common. Icons can also be decorated with fresh flowers. On the holidays of Pentecost and the Holy Trinity, the iconostasis is decorated with birch branches as a symbol of a prosperous Church. Large icons are framed with white or embroidered towels.

Choosing a place for icons in the house. The coming of Christ is expected from the east, therefore one should pray facing him. Accordingly, the iconostasis should be located on this side, preferably in the corner. If the house is located outside the eastern side, the red corner can be arranged, focusing on the nearest church. If there is a passage and windows in the east, then you can install the iconostasis on any wall of the home, because in the church there are icons on all walls. It is only necessary to maintain some distance in front of the icons in order to feel complete freedom and openness in prayer. You cannot place equipment or interior items that symbolize peace near icons.

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Please note

There should always be an icon of the Holy Trinity at the top. Quarrels are not allowed in front of icons, misbehavior, scandals. It is advisable to crown a home iconostasis with a cross. Crosses are also placed on doorposts. If an icon or church utensil has become unusable, under no circumstances should they simply be thrown away.

Useful advice

From the images of the Savior, for home prayer Usually a half-length image of the Lord Almighty is chosen. Characteristic feature This iconographic type is an image of the blessing hand of the Lord and an open or closed book. For those who have the opportunity to place in the house more icons, you can supplement your iconostasis with images of revered local saints and, of course, the great saints of the Russian land.


  • Official website of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • iconostasis in the apartment

Every house is a small temple. And it must have its own iconostasis. But you can’t hang icons just to make them look beautiful. There are certain rules for placing shrines indoors.

You will need

  • - sheet of whatman paper;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - glue;
  • - icons.


Before hanging icons in your house, consecrate the room. The first time this should be done only by a church minister. The priest will go around all the rooms, reading prayers, and sprinkle the walls with holy water. After this Sacrament, no sinful acts should be performed in the house - drunkenness, smoking, foul language. Otherwise, the ceremony will have to be performed again.

Icons purchased from souvenir shop, must be consecrated in church. Only after this can they be hung at home. Shrines purchased in Orthodox church, there is no need to re-consecrate.

Icons need to be mounted on a wall that faces east or southeast. This is due to the fact that the person praying should face the side of the world where the sun rises. On the same side, believers await the second coming of Jesus Christ. If there is no suitable surface in the house, orient the shrines to the nearest church.

For iconostasis but several shrines will be required. Two images of the Savior, two of the Most Holy Theotokos, an icon of the Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos, icons of John the Baptist, revered saints and the twelve feasts.

Take a piece of whatman paper and draw the Royal Doors (the doors through which Jesus Christ invisibly passes in the Holy Gifts) in the center. Attach the icon of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary on them. Hang the face of the Savior to the right of the holy doors, and the Most Holy Theotokos to the left. This is the main one, middle row iconostasis A.

The row of shrines located above the Royal Doors is called festive. Place icons of the twelve holidays there.

The Deesis rank is the topmost row of icons. Attach a large image of the Savior in the center. To the right and left of him are the faces of the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist.

At the very bottom iconostasis and portray Honest and Life-giving cross Lord's. It can be cut from church calendar and glue it. Or draw it yourself with a felt-tip pen.

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Icons are works of art and more; through them you can turn to God with prayers, requests, and seek help and consolation. Therefore, it is very important to place them in in the right order by making your home iconostasis, who will become the protector of the house and its inhabitants.


Select for home iconostasis and the eastern wall of the house. If this is difficult, the icons can be placed in any easily accessible place where several people can gather for prayer.

Traditionally homemade iconostasis They are framed with hand-embroidered towels. You can hang images of temples, peaceful landscapes and views of the Holy Land nearby.

Please note that it is better to place icons on a hard surface rather than on a wall. Earlier iconostasis It was customary to place it in a special cabinet - an icon case. It can be replaced by a regular bookshelf. The main thing is that only theological books should be on it.

For home iconostasis and images of the Mother of God and the Savior are required. You should purchase icons of your saints (whose names are family members) and the especially revered Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is the patron of children, mothers, the undeservedly offended, as well as the sick, prisoners and travelers.

If you want to create a complete iconostasis, then it must be supplemented with images of the holy evangelists, the prophet Elijah, the Archangels Gabriel and Michael, St. John the Baptist, Panteleimon and icons dedicated to church holidays.

There are several strict rules according to the location of icons in the home iconostasis e that should be adhered to. Place the image of the Savior in the center (it should be the largest in size). On the left place the Virgin and Child, as is customary in the classical iconostasis e. Only the Crucifix or the icon of the Holy Trinity can be placed above. Place the rest slightly below or on the sides of the main icons. All iconostasis It is customary to crown with a cross.

Please note

If any icon has become unusable, it must be taken to church, but under no circumstances should it be thrown away.

In every Orthodox home, a place of honor should be given to icons, regardless of the status and condition of the family. It could be a modest shelf or even an entire iconostasis. The location of icons in the room is not random; the red corner must be located in a certain place so that household members can turn their thoughts to God and direct good thoughts to heaven.


You should know in what place they should be located icons V apartment. When a person prays, he should face east. Following this custom, the eastern wall of the room is the correct place to place the icons. However, the layout of the apartment may not always allow this, since windows may be placed on the east side. Do not place the icon next to a window or radiator, this will lead to its damage due to heat and drafts.

There's nothing wrong if you place icons in another place in the room, since sincere prayer will still be heard, regardless of where the holy image hangs. In front of the icon it should be enough free space, so that those praying can immerse themselves in their thoughts and requests, without being distracted by cramped spaces and inconveniences.

There should be no secular books, television, posters, figurines, calendars or paintings near icons. Place or hang a lamp in front of the icons. The image of the Lord God should be in the material radiance of light and remind you of his light in heaven. Light a lamp during prayer and on the eve of holidays. On Sundays and divine holidays, leave it burning throughout the day.

Place the measuring icon at the head of the bed to preserve and protect the peace of the sleeping person, filling it with pure thoughts. The icon can be located in the hallway above the entrance to the house, in the living room, and even in the kitchen (so that you can pray before or after meals). Hang the Guardian Angel icon in the children's room, it will protect your beloved child.

Remember, don't hang icons saints higher than the image of the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms and the Savior. Above them, only the Holy Trinity can be placed. The icon of the Savior should be located to the right of the person praying, respectively, the Mother of God to the left. The images of the remaining saints should be placed lower, while maintaining the hierarchy.

In an Orthodox church, an iconostasis is an altar partition with several rows of icons that separates the altar from the rest of the church. According to the Orthodox calendar, the iconostasis consists of icons arranged in tiers. The number of tiers ranges from three to five. The classic iconostasis is considered to be a five-tier iconostasis, in which the subjects of the icons and their order have a certain meaning.

The iconostasis can be read both from top to bottom and from bottom to top, but, as the clergy say, it is better to perceive it as a single image. “The iconostasis is perceived as a whole. It is very symbolic because it tells the whole story. The meaning of each row in the iconostasis is determined by the canon, and its content and content depends on the specific temple. The entire content of the iconostasis serves as a reminder of the formation of the church, covering all times, and including all the symbolic meanings of individual icons,” said Archpriest, rector of the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO Igor Fomin (Father Igor).

The five rows of icons bear the following names: the top row is forefathers, below is prophetic, festive, Deesis, and the lowest row is local, where the Royal Doors, altar doors, temple and locally revered icons are located. From the middle of the 16th century, as stated in the Orthodox Encyclopedia, the Northern and Southern gates were mandatory, but, as a rule, they were installed only in large churches.

The lowest row of icons in the iconostasis describes the earthly life and exploits of saints; above are depicted earthly path Christ, his sacrifice and the Last Judgment, and at the top are depicted the prophets and forefathers who meet the righteous.

What do the rows of the iconostasis symbolize?

Local series

The lowest row in the iconostasis is local. Locally revered icons are usually located here, the composition of which depends on the traditions of each temple. However, some of the icons of the local series are fixed by the general tradition and are found in any temple. In the center of the local rank are the Royal Doors, which symbolize the doors of heaven, a symbol of entry into the Kingdom of God. To the right of the Royal Doors is the icon of the Savior, to the left is the icon of the Mother of God, which is occasionally replaced with icons of the Lord's and Mother of God feasts. To the right of the icon of the Savior there is usually a temple icon, that is, an icon of the holiday or saint in whose honor this temple is consecrated.

Above the Royal Doors there is an icon of the Last Supper and an icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the four Evangelists.

Deesis (deisis)

The local row is followed by deisis (translated from Greek as “prayer”; in Russian the word is fixed in the form “deesis”). Here in the center is the icon of the Savior. To the right and left of Him are the Mother of God and John the Baptist. They are followed by archangels, saints, apostles, martyrs, saints, that is, the entire host of saints, represented by all orders of holiness. The meaning of this series is the Church’s prayer for peace. All the saints on the icons of this row are turned three-quarters of a turn towards Christ and are shown praying to the Savior.

“There is no strict placement of the Deesis in temples. As a rule, it is located above the Royal Doors. The iconography of the Deesis is varied and differs in the composition of saints and the number of figures. Minimum quantity icons in central row iconostasis - three - the Savior, the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist. In this row there may also be icons of saints, apostles, prophets, hierarchs, saints, and martyrs. In their order they are located either on the right or on the left. So the Deesis does not have a strict series. He can be second or third,” says Father Igor.

Holiday row

Festive describes the events of the Savior’s earthly life. In this row there are icons of the twelve feasts (12 main church holidays - the Nativity of the Mother of God, the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Exaltation of the Cross, the Nativity of Christ, Baptism (Epiphany), the Annunciation, the Presentation of the Lord, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the Ascension, Pentecost, the Transfiguration of the Lord, Dormition of the Mother of God).

P rorochesky series

The prophetic row of the iconostasis represents the Old Testament church from Moses to Christ. It consists of images of prophets with unfolded scrolls in their hands. Initially, images of David and Solomon were placed in the center of the row, later - the Mother of God and the Child.

Forefathers' row

The top row is called the forefather row. This row is located above the prophetic and represents a gallery of the Old Testament forefathers with the corresponding texts on the scrolls. In the center of this row is usually placed the image of the Holy Trinity in the form of three Angels - the appearance of God to Abraham as an Old Testament indication of the Trinity of God and a reminder of the Eternal Council Holy Trinity about the salvation of man and the world.

The iconostasis ends with a cross or an icon of the Crucifixion (also in the shape of a cross). Sometimes icons of the Mother of God, John the Theologian, and even sometimes the Myrrh-Bearing Women are placed on the sides of the cross. The cross (Golgotha) above the prophetic row is a symbol of the redemption of humanity.

The iconostasis received its main development precisely in the Russian Orthodox Church and this was due to the peculiarities of national temple construction. The temples of the Eastern (and for us, rather southern) patriarchates were mainly built of stone. Their interior decoration from the floor to the domes were painted with frescoes depicting the Lord, the Virgin Mary, saints and various theological and historical subjects.

In Russian churches the situation was different. Stone cathedrals were, so to speak, “piece goods” for cities or large monasteries. Most churches were built of wood and, accordingly, were not painted inside. Therefore, in such churches, instead of frescoes, new icons began to be added to the altar barrier, and from this it grew up several rows.

How the iconostasis appeared

In the Jerusalem Temple, the Holy of Holies was separated from the sanctuary by a huge curtain, which was torn in two after death on the cross Savior as a symbol of ending Old Testament and the entry of humanity into the New.

In the first three centuries of its existence, the New Testament Church was in a persecuted position and was forced to hide in the catacombs. The sacrament of the Eucharist was performed directly on the tombs of the martyrs in cubiculums (rooms) hastily adapted for the temple, where only their own people gathered. Under such conditions, there was neither the possibility nor any particular need to fence off the throne from those present.

The first mention of temples specially built for worship and of altar barriers or parapets separating the most sacred part of the temple from its main space dates back to the 4th century.

After the legalization of Christianity by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine the Great, the Church came huge amount new believers, whose level of churching was relatively low. Therefore, the throne and the altar needed to be protected from possible disrespect.

The first altar barriers looked either like a low fence or a row of columns, which were often topped with a transverse beam - an “architrave”. They were low and did not completely cover the painting of the altar apses, and also gave worshipers the opportunity to observe what was happening in the altar. A cross was usually placed on top of the architrave.

He mentions such obstacles in his “ Church history“Bishop Eusebius Pamphilus, who, for example, reported the following about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher: “The semicircle of the apse was surrounded by as many columns as there were apostles.”

Quite soon, the cross on the architrave was replaced by a row of icons, and images of the Savior (to the right of those praying) and the Mother of God (to the left) began to be placed on the supporting columns on the sides of the royal doors, and after some time they began to supplement this row with icons of other saints and angels. Thus, the first one- and two-tier iconostases, common in the Eastern Churches, appeared.

Development of the iconostasis in Russia

The classic multi-tiered iconostasis first appeared and became widespread precisely in the Russian Orthodox Church, so that it was associated with architectural features Russian churches, which have already been mentioned above.

The first churches built in Rus' copied Byzantine models. Their iconostases had 2-3 tiers.

It is not known exactly when exactly they began to grow, but documentary evidence of the appearance of the first four-tier iconostasis dates back to the beginning of the 15th century. It was installed in Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir, whichpainted Reverend Andrew Rublev and Daniil Cherny. By the end of the century, such iconostases had spread everywhere.

In the second half of the 16th century, the fifth row appeared in the iconostasis for the first time. In the 17th century, a similar arrangement became classic for most Russian churches, and in some of them you can find iconostases in six or even seven rows. Further, the “number of storeys” of the iconostasis stops growing.

The sixth and seventh tiers were usually dedicated to the Passion of Christ and, accordingly, to the passion of the apostles (their martyrdom). These stories came to Russia from Ukraine, where they were quite popular.

Classic five-tier iconostasis

The five-tier iconostasis is a classic today. Its lowest tier is called “local”. To the right and left of the royal doors there are always icons of the Savior and the Virgin Mary, respectively. On the royal doors themselves there are images of the four evangelists and the plot of the Annunciation.

To the right of the icon of the Savior is usually placed the image of the saint or holiday to which the temple you are in is dedicated, and to the left of the image of the Mother of God is an icon of one of the saints most revered in this area.

Next come the southern ones (by right hand from those praying) and northern (on the left) doors. They are usually painted with icons of the archangels Michael and Gabriel or the archdeacons Stephen and Lawrence (although other options are possible), and the rest of the local row is filled with several images of saints, also most revered in the region.

The second tier is called “festive”. Here the center of the composition is the icon of the “Last Supper” above the royal doors, to the left and right of which you can see scenes of the 12 most significant evangelical events from the point of view of the Church: the Ascension, the Presentation, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Her Presentation into the Temple, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the Entry of the Lord to Jerusalem, Transfiguration, etc.

The third tier is called “deisis” - from the Greek. "prayer". The central image of this series is the Lord Almighty, depicted in all his power and glory. He sits in golden robes on the royal throne against the background of a red diamond (the invisible world), a green oval (the spiritual world) and a red square with elongated edges (the earthly world), which together symbolize the entirety of the universe.

The figures of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (right), the Most Holy Theotokos (left) and other saints are facing the Savior in positions of prayer. The figures of the saints are depicted half-turned towards the worshipers in order to show that during the service the saints stand with us before God, they are before him as prayer partners in our needs, for which we ask them.

The fourth row depicts the Old Testament prophets, and the fifth row depicts the forefathers who lived at the dawn of humanity. In the center of the “prophetic” row is placed the icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign”, and in the center of the “forefathers” - the icon of the Holy Trinity.

Iconostases in modern churches

The construction of the iconostasis, as well as other aspects of the internal church life, are regulated by certain traditions. But this does not mean that all iconostases are exactly the same. When forming the iconostasis, they try to take into account the general architectural appearance of a particular temple.

If the temple premises were converted from some other structure and its ceiling is low and flat, then the iconostasis may well be made two-tiered or even single-tiered. If you want to show the faithful the beautiful painting of the altar apses, choose an iconostasis in the Byzantine style up to three rows in height. In other cases, they try to install a classic five-tier one.

The position and filling of the rows are also not strictly regulated. The “deisis” series may come after “local” and precede the “holiday” series. The central icon in the “festive” tier may not be the “Last Supper,” but the icon of the “Resurrection of Christ.” Instead of a festive row, in some churches you can see icons of the Passion of Christ.

Also, above the royal doors, a carved figure of a dove is often placed in rays of radiance, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, and the upper tier of the iconostasis is crowned with a cross or an image of the crucifixion.

Andrey Szegeda

Iconostasis in the church.

Iconostasis of the Smolensk Temple of the Novodevichy Convent. 2010.

Iconostasis of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Uglich ( beginning of XVIII century). Photo from Wikipedia.

Iconostasis- altar partition dividing the altar and middle part temple, from the north to the south wall. Consists of icons arranged in tiers. The number of tiers ranges from three to five.

In the middle of the lower tier are Royal Doors. To the right of the Royal Doors is a large icon of the Savior, to the left of them is an icon of the Mother of God with the Child in her arms. On the northern and southern gates are the archangels Gabriel and Michael (sometimes the holy deacons). Behind the icons of the bottom row there are deacon doors on both sides. The icon of the Last Supper is placed above the Royal Doors.

The second tier from the bottom contains icons of the twelve holidays. This is the so-called "holiday" series. It can also be called historical: it introduces us to the events of Gospel history. The first icon here is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, followed by the Entry into the Temple, the Annunciation, the Nativity of Christ, the Presentation, the Epiphany, the Transfiguration, the Entry into Jerusalem, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Assumption. The number of holiday icons may vary.

The third tier is the Deesis icons. This entire series symbolizes the Church’s prayer to Christ, which will end at Last Judgment. In the center of the row, directly above the Royal Doors and the icon of the Last Supper, is the icon of the Savior in Power. Christ, sitting on a throne with a book, is depicted against the background of a red square with elongated ends (earth), a blue oval (spiritual world) and a red rhombus (the invisible world). This image represents Christ as a formidable judge of the entire universe. On the right is the image of John the Baptist, the Baptist of the Lord, on the left is the icon of the Mother of God. It is no coincidence that this is the “Intercessor” - the Mother of God is depicted in full height looking left and holding a scroll in her hand. To the right and left of these icons are images of archangels, prophets and the most famous saints, who represent the holy Church of Christ.

Fourth row. If the icons of the third row are unique illustrations of the New Testament, then the fourth row introduces us to the times of the Old Testament Church. Here are depicted the prophets who announced the future: the Messiah and the Virgin from whom Christ will be born. It is no coincidence that in the center of the row there is an icon of the Mother of God "Oranta" ("Sign"), or "Praying", depicting the Most Pure Virgin with her hands prayerfully raised to the sky and the Child in her bosom.

The upper, fifth tier is called “ancestral”. His icons refer us to events of even more ancient times. Here are icons of the Old Testament righteous and forefathers - from Adam to Moses (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc.). In the center of the row is the "Old Testament Trinity".

The top of the iconostasis is crowned with an image of the crucifixion.

Home iconostasis .

How to determine the right place in an apartment or country house to place icons? Is it true that icons should only be placed in corners? How to place icons in right place, V a certain sequence? Then you will have a home iconostasis that will not only please the eye, but also protect the house and its inhabitants, maintain spiritual purity in the room, and fill you with a feeling of goodness. Creation home iconostasis can be an act that brings us closer to God.

Previously, houses were built specifically for the so-called “red corner”. He was assigned the farthest corner of the hut, on the eastern side, diagonally from the stove. Moreover, both walls adjacent to the “red corner” had windows. It turned out that the iconostasis was located in the most illuminated place of the house. Because to the home iconostasis Orthodox Church does not impose too strict requirements, these rules can be deviated from. These are the realities of our lives - in modern apartments there is no place for a “red corner”. It is enough to follow the simplest rules. If possible, you should choose the eastern wall for the iconostasis. If you have any difficulties with this, don't worry. Just find a free and easily accessible place for him, where nothing will interfere with your prayer.

A prerequisite is to have two icons: Savior and Mother of God. Images of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as the most perfect of earthly people, are necessary for every Orthodox Christian. As for other icons, it is recommended to acquire images of those saints after whom family members are named.

The iconostasis should be located as far as possible from the TV (in modern life it often replaces the icon), VCR, computer, music center and another household appliances. However, exceptions are made here too. For example, in work spaces (offices, offices) it is not forbidden to place icons next to computers.If an employee works from home, then the icon placed near the computer serves as confirmation that this technology is used to spread the Good News, that this human-made instrument serves as a conductor of God’s will.

Fresh flowers can be used to decorate your home iconostasis. Near the home iconostasis there should be no decorative objects of a secular nature - photographs, vases, figurines, paintings, posters, magazine posters, and so on. All this reflects the physical, material world; such images are momentary and do not correspond to the purpose of sacred icons. Next to the iconostasis you can hang images of temples, views of the Holy Land, calm landscapes, and so on. It is important that all these types do not contain aggression, do not distract your gaze from the iconostasis and hang at a relative distance from it.

Domostroy ordered that icons be placed in every room. In the human mind, their number was supposed to “lower” the sky into real world: “Every Christian should in his house, in all rooms, hang holy images in order of seniority, arranging them beautifully, and place lamps in which candles are lit in front of the holy images during the prayer service, and after the service they are extinguished and covered with a curtain for the sake of cleanliness and from dust , for the sake of strict order and safety; and they should always be swept with a clean wing and wiped with a soft sponge, and the room should always be kept clean.” The bottom row of such an iconostasis was occupied by “local” icons, “for bowing”. In addition to the icons of Christ and the Mother of God, this row was occupied by especially revered images, for example, icons of the same name saints, blessed icons from parents and relatives, panagia crosses and reliquaries with holy relics, lists of famous miraculous images; finally, icons of saints - helpers, prayers and intercessors in certain matters.

It is believed that it is better for icons to stand on a hard surface rather than hang on the wall. Previously, the iconostasis was placed on a special shelf or even in a special cabinet - an icon case - it is sold in all church shops. A lamp is hung or placed in front of the icons. It must be lit during prayer, and on Sunday church holidays it can burn all day.