Myrrh-streaming in Klin: why do icons cry? Why does the icon stream myrrh: miracles of the Orthodox world and the confusion of scientists.


Laboratory tests showed that myrrh is a liquid organic origin. How it appears at shrines remains inexplicable. As a result of studying the moisture taken from one of the weeping icons, it was found that “these are real tears.” Miro appears on the icon literally “out of nothing.” It happens that moisture appears and swells on the glass of the icon case covering the image, or appears on the icon itself underneath it. The antiquity or novelty of the icon, its material does not matter; images can stream myrrh on wood, paper, glass, etc.

The type, color, and consistency of the resulting liquid are varied: from thick, viscous resin to dew, which is why they sometimes talk about “oil flow” or “dew flow.” It may have a fragrant aroma. The shape and size of the drops are also different. Sometimes they cover the entire image, and sometimes they seem to flow from certain points. In the broad sense of the word, myrrh streaming refers to any miraculous appearance of moisture on icons and sacred objects. Often, after anointing with the exhausted myrrh, healing of various diseases occurs.


The history of the Orthodox Church includes about a thousand images, famous for their miracles. Most of them are images of the Mother of God. The main reason for venerating the image as miraculous was the certified gift of specific help to people: healing the sick, intercession from enemies, fires, and the elements. Sometimes this help was preceded or accompanied by a supernatural event: the Mother of God Herself came in a dream or in a vision and informed where and how Her image should be found; icons walked through the air, descended or rose by themselves; a radiance was observed from them when they were acquired (Eletskaya-Chernigovskaya, Czestokhovskaya-Tyvrovskaya, Tsarevokokshaiskaya, Zhirovitskaya, “Milyushaya”, Akhtyrskaya, Galichskaya, Dubovitskaya), a fragrance emanated (“Uncleaning”), a voice sounded (“Quick to Hear”, Yugskaya, Smolenskaya- Solovetskaya), the icon was updated by itself (Kasperovskaya) or the image on it came to life (“ Unexpected Joy", Serafimo-Ponetaevskaya).

Some images miraculously emitted blood, tears, and myrrh. The flow of blood (“Slaughtered”, Dolisskaya, Chen-stokhovskaya, Iverskaya, Cyprus, Pakhromskaya, “Unexpected Joy”), as a rule, from a wound inflicted on the image, occurred to admonish people who had offended the shrine. Tears flowing from the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary (“Weeping”, Tikhvinskaya-Athos, Ilyinskaya-Chernigovskaya, Pryazhevskaya, Ryaditenskaya, Kazanskaya-Vysochinovskaya, Kazanskaya-Kargopolskaya, “Tenderness” - Novgorodskaya, Kaplunovskaya, Mirozhskaya, “Znamenie” - Novgorodskaya, Korsunskaya-Izborskaya), were perceived both as a sign of sorrow for human sins, and as a sign of the mercy of the Lady, crying for her children.


Until the 20th century the streaming of myrrh or tearing of icons was a rare, exceptional phenomenon. Mass signs began to be observed in Russia in the 20th century. The first such period occurred in the early 1920s. 1991 - the beginning of the time of widespread signs from icons in Russia. Icons are miraculously found, renewed, and stream myrrh in churches, monasteries, and homes ordinary people. This is certain historical fact. 1991 marked the beginning of the dismemberment of Russia. The country found itself plunged into the abyss of trials. On Bright Week 1991 The “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God from the Nikolo-Perervinsky monastery in Moscow exuded fragrant myrrh. In the summer of the same year, in one of the ancient churches of Vologda, tears flowed from the eyes of the Lord in the image Savior Not Made by Hands. On August 18, an ancient icon of the Mother of God began to cry in Georgia. On November 22, 1991, in the Smolensk Assumption Cathedral, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God shed a tear. “Tears of the Mother of God! A phenomenon that brings awe and reverence, writes Archpriest Mikhail Pomazansky about the crying icons. “It testifies to how close the Mother of God is to the world.” But let these tears not exist! If the family has no children more grief How to see your mother crying, then for Christians what a strong and terrible shock it must be to know that the Mother of God sheds tears for them and because of them! ! For several years, icons have been streaming with myrrh in the centers of Orthodox holiness - the Optina Hermitage, the Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Hermitage of the Riga Trinity-Sergius Monastery, in newly built monasteries, etc. The number of reports of miracles from icons in Russia at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century broke all records. For example, in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in the city of Ivanovo, from December 1998 to March 1999, 1047 icons streamed myrrh. Pavel Florensky, a member of the commission for describing miraculous signs in the Russian Orthodox Church, believes that there is nothing unusual in this: the mass flow of myrrh is caused by the fact that churches are being restored and there are more icons. Many miracles are associated with the patron saints of Russia - the Royal Martyrs. In September 1994, the Feodorovskaya Icon, the patroness of the House of Romanov, streamed myrrh in Tsarskoe Selo. In the Intercession Church of Marienburg (near Gatchina), built in memory of the miraculous salvation Royal family When a train crashed near Borki station, the icon “Recovery of the Dead” became myrrh. This happened on February 17, 1994, on the eve of the celebration of this icon. First, a thin stream of light flowed from the eye of the Mother of God, then tears flowed one after another, then three stripes of the world appeared from the left shoulder. Later the entire surface of the icon became myrrhized. The miracle lasted about two months. At one time, the story of the myrrh-streaming icon of the Holy Royal Martyrs also received wide publicity. On January 31, 1997, in the house of a Moscow parishioner, a small paper icon of the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas Alexandrovich and St. equals - ap. book Vladimir. In 1998, the myrrh-streaming of the icon of Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich began in the Moscow Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the Pea Field. The image was transferred here from the apartment of one of the parishioners, where the miracle was first recorded on November 7, 1998. An abundant outflow of the world occurred almost every day, and the wondrous fragrance did not stop for a single day, especially intensifying during funeral services for the Royal Martyrs. Contrary to the laws of physics, the myrrh flowed across the icon lying on the analogue not down, but from four sides of the icon case towards the image of the Tsar. Since then, the icon periodically exudes myrrh, which has been repeatedly recorded by film cameras. This icon traveled throughout Russia and was solemnly received in various dioceses.


Recently, in the Holy Mother of God-Neopalimovsky Cathedral of Ulyanovsk, eight icons were myrrhized: five of them are in the iconostasis (these are icons of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, and St. John the Merciful). In the right and left aisles of the temple, the icons “Savior Not Made by Hands”, “Baptism of the Lord” and “Mother of God Praying at the Cross of the Savior” stream myrrh. All icons stream myrrh in different ways: on some, myrrh flows down the forehead, on others - through the hair of saints, down the hand, on the icon of the Mother of God - as if tears. After the Liturgy, the flow of myrrh was noticed by the clergy and parishioners of the temple, then the miracle was witnessed by Archbishop Proclus of Simbirsk and Melekess.



On the eve of Easter, parishioners of the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Stary Valovay, 200 kilometers from Penza, witnessed an unusual phenomenon: myrrh was dripping from the icons, and blood appeared on them. “For the past year we have had 27 icons streaming myrrh, but two weeks before Easter they began to “cry” especially hard. And six Icons actually bled,” said the head of the temple, Gennady Zalivnoe. “At first we observed how a red drop appeared on the icon of the Crucifixion of Christ, on the forehead of Jesus, then it flowed in a trickle. After that, blood appeared on the palms, legs, and ribs,” he said. A little later, “Savior Not Made by Hands,” “Blessing Savior,” “Savior Almighty,” “Epiphany,” and another “Crucifixion” were bled—only those icons depicting Jesus Christ. They all stand either on the altar or next to it. After the service, parishioners collect cotton wool and handkerchiefs from under the icons, onto which the myrrh flows. Then believers apply them to sore spots and are cured. “My son Vladimir has sore legs, he even had surgery. One leg hurt so much that I couldn’t sleep at night. I applied a handkerchief soaked in peace to him, and the pain went away. He’s much better now,” said one of the parishioners. All the myrrh-streaming icons of this church used to be in the houses of parishioners. And not one of them ever leaked myrrh, much less bled. And only in the temple a miracle happened.



In Mordovia, in the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, the icon of the Quick Hearer weeps and the icon of the Holy Royal Martyrs streams myrrh. According to the rector of the church, Abbot Mikhail, the church in the village of Nizovka, Ardatovsky district, is famous among the Orthodox for its miraculous icon Iveron Mother of God, which is written on the holy Mount Athos. After the icon appeared in the temple, real miracles began to happen. People began to be healed of incurable diseases. A boy was brought to the temple with his children's cerebral palsy. His head couldn't hold up, his arms and legs couldn't move. A prayer service was held, the boy left on his own feet, although, of course, he was supported. Now pilgrims from all over Russia come to the temple. Such healings are not isolated. After praying at the icon of the Iveron Mother of God, twins were born in a family where there had been no children for 20 years. Then another miracle happened. On November 22 last year, the icon of the Quick to Hear began to cry. Drops clear liquid, flowing from the eye of the holy face, have been preserved to this day. One of the most incredible miracles This was the first myrrh-streaming of the icon of the Holy Royal Martyrs in Mordovia. The abbot brought her to the temple two years ago. This year, in the first week of Great Lent, while walking around the icons with a censer, Abbot Michael discovered on the icon dark spots. The faces of all the Royal martyrs were imprinted on the glass. The stains of myrrh are still visible on the icon. They're a little off greenish tint. The icon itself emits a unique fragrant smell. The icon has already healed a woman with cancer.

The first week of March was rich in reports of miracles. In different parts of the country, monuments, and not icons, as is usually the case, have become myrrhized. What does it mean when an icon streams myrrh, who recognizes a forgery, and what do monuments have to do with it, read in our regular “Question and Answer” column.

How can you understand that an icon is streaming myrrh, and what does it mean?

Most people, even those far from Christianity, have heard about such an amazing phenomenon as the streaming of myrrh from icons. This topic has been causing controversy and disagreement between church ministers and scientists for many decades.

But to date, it has not been possible to establish for certain why the holy images “cry”.

The term “holy myrrh” or myrrh-streaming is used when drops of an oily aromatic liquid appear on the surface of icons or on the relics of saints, emitting a fragrance. It is she who is called myrrh. It should be noted that its quantity, color and density may be different and do not depend on any external factors. It can be thick and viscous, like resin, or resemble dew.

Are these icons considered special?

In fact, icons are not considered special; after the appearance of the worlds, they cannot be called miraculous. However, many believe that healing properties possesses the world itself. It is believed that people who attach themselves to such images can receive healing from ailments and receive help. higher powers in solving problems.

The icon can begin to stream myrrh at any time. But in recent years It was noticed that the myrrh streaming of icons takes place before very important or terrible events in the world.

Isn't this a joke?

But there are often cases when a miracle is created artificially for the purpose of profit. Due to the identification of numerous dubious facts Since the appearance of the myrrh on icons, the Russian Orthodox Church has introduced a special procedure for a commission examination of the myrrh flow. When a leak of peace is discovered on an icon, this fact is reported to the diocesan administration, which sends a special commission to the church. Its participants must interview eyewitnesses, inspect the icon and the conditions of its storage.

If the conclusion is positive, a new commission is sent to more thoroughly investigate the possibility of oil stains appearing naturally.

If the second commission did not reveal signs of the natural origin of myrrh-streaming, the icon is placed in a sealed icon case. If oily stains continue to appear in it, then the icon is declared myrrh-streaming.

Where were the monuments myrrhized?

Deputy State Duma, ex-prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya said on March 3 that a bust of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was cast in myrrh on the peninsula. The sculpture was installed near the chapel at the prosecutor's office building in Simferopol. Media reports that people with sick children come to the bust.

After Poklonskaya’s loud statement, the head of the Svetogorsk city administration told the media about her miracle Leningrad region Sergey Davydov. According to him, a monument to Vladimir Lenin was cast in myrrh on Red Square in Vyborg.

Myrrh-streaming is a unique phenomenon. It is considered a real miracle, since not all icons can stream myrrh. Myrrh is a special oil that is released on the surface of icons, images, and relics. It exudes a pleasant fragrance; the consistency of myrrh can be honey-like, sticky like resin, or similar to dew.

An icon that streams myrrh is deservedly considered special, and the myrrh itself is miraculous. Those who touch it will be healed from any ailments, relationship problems, mental and physical illnesses, disasters.

INTERESTING: When dew appears on the icon, a special commission immediately comes to it, which confirms the fact that this phenomenon is not a fake. The myrrh-streaming icon is placed in a special capsule.

Why does the icon shed blood?

Icons and images do not literally cry blood. If the process of myrrh-streaming is not artificially faked (that is, there are no special holes in the icon that release moisture or oil), then most likely the myrrh is mixed with paint, that the image was painted, which in its mixed state has a brownish tint.

IMPORTANT: From an esoteric point of view, such a phenomenon can be regarded as a sign. Warning about events in the future (most often bad: war, losses, disputes, death, illness).

Why do icons stream myrrh and cry in churches and at home: folk signs

Interpretations will accept:

  • The icon “cries” - a sign that foreshadows changes in the future; if the “tears” are light, they will be good, if dark, they will be bad.
  • The icon was covered with “dew” - a good sign that tells you that everything will be fine.
  • The icon streams myrrh abundantly - a good sign about upcoming favorable events.
  • The icon streams myrrh in the church - a favorable sign for the church, city, parishioners.
  • The icon streams myrrh at home - a good event will happen in the family

What does it mean when the icon of the Pantocrator, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, and the Seven Arrows streams myrrh?


  • The icon of the Almighty streams myrrh - expect favorable events and changes, your affairs will improve and your life will become happy.
  • The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker streams myrrh - happy event or message, favorable life changes.
  • The icon of the Mother of God streams myrrh - children's health, the birth of a child, getting rid of diseases.
  • The Seven-Shot Icon streams myrrh - peace and quiet at home, protection from the “evil eye”

What to do if the icon at home is streaming myrrh?

Under no circumstances should such an icon be washed or wiped. Try not to disturb her and if you have the opportunity, invite a clergyman to your home who could witness this phenomenon. Wait until the myrrh-streaming ends, even if it lasts a very long time. Accept it as God's grace and respect the icon that gave you such a unique sign.

Myrrh (translated from ancient Greek as “fragrant oil”) is used in Christianity to perform the sacraments of confirmation, and in Orthodoxy also for consecration new church. According to church tradition, the ritual of making peace, or world-making, was established by Christ’s apostles. Among the Orthodox, the patriarch himself conducts it only once every few years; The rite is accompanied by a special service. The received myrrh is poured into consecrated vessels, they are sealed and transferred to the dioceses for anointing.

How do icons stream myrrh?

As history testifies, it happens that icons themselves stream myrrh: drops of an oily liquid appear on their surface, from which a strong fragrance characteristic of the world emanates. According to Sacred TraditionChristian tradition, transmitted orally, every year the relics of John the Theologian, the Apostle Philip and the Great Martyr Theodotus exude myrrh.

Many reports of myrrh-streaming icons appeared at the end of the 20th century. Thus, in 1991, information spread about the myrrh-streaming icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Sovereign” in the Moscow Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery, then the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the Assumption Cathedral of Smolensk, and then myrrh-streaming icons were observed in many places, not only in churches, but also in private houses.

The scale of this phenomenon has become such that the Moscow Patriarchate created a special commission to examine the myrrh-streaming icons

Every place where an icon streams myrrh always attracts many pilgrims, which creates favorable conditions to make a profit, which is why many cases of falsification of myrrh-streaming, up to and including outright fraud, have been recorded. Therefore, to establish its authenticity, the diocese establishes a special commission that conducts an on-site examination of the icon and interviews witnesses. If no signs of falsification are found, then the myrrh-streaming icon is placed in a locked icon case and sealed. If the icon streams myrrh in it, which means this phenomenon is genuine, then an official conclusion about the stream of myrrh follows.

Why do icons stream myrrh?

From a church point of view, if an icon is filled with myrrh, then this serves as a special sign from above for people, but we are not always able to unravel its meaning. It is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about which icons exhibit myrrh-streaming. These can be icons of ancient writing, and modern lists, and even small paper icons.

Moreover, the very fact of streaming myrrh does not indicate that the icon is miraculous, although the myrrh flowing from it has unique healing properties and helps in curing many diseases.

Scientific explanation

Despite all the efforts of scientists, scientific explanation the myrrh-streaming of icons was never given. All have been examined external conditions that could contribute to this (oil from nearby icons that fell by accident; oil traces that could have been left by parishioners who kissed the icon after anointing their foreheads with oil, etc.). Moreover, there are even cases where the myrrh flowed not downwards, but upwards, contrary to all the laws of physics.

Myrrh-streaming as a miracle does not fit into scientific ideas about the world, but a scientific explanation of how icons stream myrrh is still missing and, it seems, will not be given very soon.

What does the myrrh streaming of icons mean?

As already mentioned, it is impossible for us sinners to understand the meaning of myrrh flow. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that this is a harbinger of future catastrophes, but the chronicle of myrrh-streaming refutes this opinion.

Our human logic is powerless here, because cases have been recorded when, for example, it is not the revered praying icon of the Mother of God that flows myrrh, but its typographical imprint. We don’t know how to explain it if an icon is streaming myrrh at home. We can only rely on the Providence and Grace of God, which reveals these signs that are incomprehensible to us.

Where are the myrrh-streaming icons in Moscow?

In Moscow, icons in which myrrh-streaming has been recorded are located in the following churches:

  • icon of St. Nicholas in the church named after him in Pyzhi (myrrh-streaming on May 21, 1994);
  • icon of the martyr Tsar Nicholas II (ibid.);
  • the icon of the Kazan Mother of God in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Bersenevskaya Embankment (myrrh-streaming in 1996);
  • Iveron Icon of the Mother of God and seven more icons in the Church of the Archangel Michael on the Maiden Field (summer 1994);
  • icon of All Saints, in the same place (summer 1996);
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” (ibid.).
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"When they talk about the myrrh streaming of icons, you need to understand that the name of this miraculous phenomenon- conditional. A certain light, oily substance released during miracles is not identical to the sacred myrrh used in the sacrament of anointing.

A liquid appears on the icons, only reminiscent of myrrh, and equally fragrant. The type, color and consistency of the resulting liquid varies: from thick, viscous resin to dew, which is why they sometimes talk about “oil flow” or “rosy flow”.

Newspaper "Fifth Dimension" for 2002, article "Myrrh-streaming: why icons cry."

1.Biblical myrrh. Myrrh, myrrh - the name of fragrant oils made from grains of essential and oil-bearing plants. A significant proportion of it is occupied by myrtle (myrrh), which gave the oil its name. It is known from ancient biblical times (Song of Songs, 1:12; 3:6; 4:6; 5:13; Isaiah, 41:19; 55:13; Zechariah, 1:3; Nehemiah, 8:15). A well-known harlot in the area, having learned about the coming of Jesus Christ to her village, “brought an alabaster vessel of ointment; and standing behind His feet and weeping, she began to wet His feet with tears and wipe them with the hair of her head, and kissed his feet and anointed them with ointment”( Luke 7:37-38). Similarly, as the gospels report, Jesus Christ and other women of similar behavior repeatedly washed the feet of Jesus Christ with ointment (Matthew 26:7; Mark 14:3; John 11:2; 12:3). A certain Nicodemus used one hundred liters of a mixture of myrrh and aloe for the burial of Jesus Christ (John 39-40). On Sunday morning, women came to the tomb of Jesus Christ to anoint his body with myrrh. These women in Orthodox Church are called wives.

2. Church ointment. In the process of paganization of Christianity, churchmen gradually introduced into the religious practice of believers rituals, worship of angels and saints, and made idols (icons and sculptures)... All this is strictly prohibited by the Holy Scripture (Bible) of the Old (Exodus, 20:4-6; Leviticus , 26:1; Numbers, 14:18; Deuteronomy, 5:8-9; Psalm 97:7) and New (John, 4:21-24; 2 Corinthians, 3:17; Philippians, 3:3) Testaments. In the VIII-X centuries christian church introduces 7 so-called Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Wedding, Priesthood and Blessing of Unction -. in which " visibly believers are given the gifts of God's grace." Confirmation is "the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by which, through the visible anointing with myrrh and the audible utterance of certain words of prayer/incantation, the believer is given the powers of God's grace for carrying out a Christian lifestyle or for performing a separate service." In the Orthodox Church, the sacrament of Confirmation performed by a priest immediately after the baptism of a child or adult. catholic church

Confirmation, which is called Confirmation, is performed by the bishop on children who have reached the age of 8-12. In the Orthodox churches of monarchical rule (Byzantium, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania), the head of the country's church also performed the Confirmation of the monarch/tsar for the kingdom.

The myrrh-streaming (outflow of an oily, fragrant liquid) of icons has been known for a long time. Earlier similar cases happened extremely rarely. Over two thousand years, no more than 18 cases of myrrh-streaming of icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary have been recorded. The myrrh streaming of icons occurred no more than two or three times a century. At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first, a flood of messages about myrrh-streaming icons literally poured in.

In our time, the number of messages about myrrh-streaming icons began to appear almost weekly. For example, in the Holy Vedensky Monastery located in Ivanovo, from December 1998 to March 1999, according to reports, 1047 icons streamed myrrh.(!)

A case became widely known when, in the military town of Klin-2, elderly woman Almost all the icons in the house began to stream myrrh. After publications in the media, numerous pilgrims flocked to the woman, bringing with them their icons. And the brought icons also began to stream myrrh. The woman stopped going to church, performing independent prayer services at home. Questionable-looking “elders” began to come to her, to whom she took everyone she knew for “treatment.” A reasonable question arises: was the miracle of myrrh-streaming from God?

Strange as it may seem, it is not only the icons of saints that stream myrrh. There are known cases of myrrh streaming in images of Grigory Rasputin and even Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Church ministers consider the streaming of myrrh from icons to be a sign of mercy and support from above, but they treat reports of the next myrrh streaming with great caution - cases of falsification are too frequent. For each case of myrrh-streaming, the diocesan administration appoints a special commission whose functions include examining the icon and interviewing witnesses. If the commission makes a positive decision, a new commission is created to conduct a more thorough investigation.

One of the cases of falsification was exposed by Tsar Peter the Great.

Not long ago, during the Pope's visit to Greece, ministers of the Greek Orthodox Church announced that one of the icons began to exude bloody tears, as if testifying to the ungodly nature of the visit of the head of the Catholic Church. Analysis of the “tears” showed that they were wild cherry juice. It turns out that there are charlatans not only among ordinary people, but also among the clergy themselves.

1. Myrrh streams are different. From a drop on an icon to a puddle of oil in which the icon almost floats.

How can this be repeated? Drop oil from a pipette and pour oil into the bag with the icon. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to shout harder about the miracle. It’s impossible to check here, but such a miracle can be repeated.

If there are rumors that the icon streams myrrh not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top, contrary to the laws of physics. Or myrrh sharpening occurs before the eyes with a noticeable increase in volume. Here we need to consider this process more carefully (on-site visit is required). Not forgetting the experience of exposure made by Peter 1.

During the reign of Peter I, an icon of the Mother of God “cryed” in one of the cathedrals. The priests said that she was mourning the old order, which was being destroyed by Peter... Peter was a believer, but for some reason the “miracle” did not make any impression on him. Moreover, he sent a formidable order to the rector of the cathedral in which the icon “cryed.” “I order,” the Tsar wrote, “that from now on the Mother of God should not cry. If the Mother of God still weeps with oil, then the backs of the priests will weep with blood.” It may seem to a believer that the priests have nothing to do with it at all. However, the crying of the icons immediately stopped. And it is no coincidence: in the overwhelming majority of the “miracles” of “crying” icons and “bleeding” crosses, they are performed by none other than clergy. The reactionary clergy of the time of Peter I did not like the new orders he introduced. So they decided to “create” a “weeping” icon of the Mother of God in order to turn the people against Peter. He figured out the plan of the churchmen and threatened them with reprisals for “working a miracle.”

But how do “miracle workers” make icons “cry” and crosses “bleed”? Very simple. For this purpose, they drill, for example, holes in the icon and place a vessel with “tears” or “blood” on the opposite side of it. Using various devices, “tears” or “blood” are squeezed out of the holes. This “God’s grace” is then collected and sold to believers. The same thing is done with crosses.

Of course, icons “cry” and crosses “bleed” not with real tears and blood. Do “miracle workers” in robes replace them with either Lenten ones? oil, or water, or a mixture of some chemicals. This is yet another proof that the “miracle” of “crying” and “bleeding” icons and crosses is created not by God, but by man. If this were the work of God, the icons would cry with real tears or blood. But earthly “miracle workers” cannot do this, and they use, for example, vegetable oil to create a “miracle,” since it flows down the icon not in a stream, but in drops, like real tears. Sometimes they use water. But then they lubricate the surface of the icon with oil so that the water rolls down the icon in drops.

Sometimes objects can “cry” and “bleed” without the intervention of human hands. A similar “miracle” happened in 1923 in Podolia. Here, in the town of Kalinovka, there stood by the road a cross covered with tin, on which the image of Christ was painted. In the years civil war the tin was pierced by bullets. Rust had accumulated near the hole, mixed with paint, which, washed away by the rain, flowed down the cross, forming red stripes. These stripes were mistaken by believers for traces of blood. The news of the “miracle” quickly spread throughout Ukraine. And crowds of believers began to flock to the “bleeding” cross. The secret of the “miracle” was revealed by a special commission, which included representatives of the clergy.

There are cases in history when people were horrified by the appearance of “bloody” stains on hosts and prosphora. Such a “miracle” took place, for example, in 1383 in the small German town of Wilsnack, where hosts lying in the altar of the church began to “bleed.” And what kind of guesses did the believers express when looking at the “bloody” cakes! Many saw in this a menacing omen from God about the onset of the “doomsday.” In fact, believers mistook the accumulation for blood special kind& bacteria that are red in color. These bacteria settled on the host and multiplied so much that their accumulations became visible even to the naked eye.

The icon’s simple fogging was once even mistaken for its “crying.” In 1934, in Pruzhany (Belarus), many believers gathered in a cold church, and from their breath on the surface of the icon mother of god drops of water appeared. This was accepted as a "miracle".

If we approach “miracles” without a preconceived opinion, we will be convinced that there is nothing “miraculous,” that is, supernatural, in nature. A “miracle” is either the result of deliberate fraud, or a phenomenon that is completely understandable scientific point vision. (100 answers to believers. M.: Politizdat, 1974.)

2. The relics of saints stream myrrh. But they did not stream myrrh in museums, only in lately There are terrible stories about how museum workers poured cement into the eyes of saints so that myrrh would not come out of them, etc.

3. Catholic statues are bleeding, but lately we have been hearing a lot of revelations from Catholics themselves.

4. Commission on Miracles. It includes believing scientists. Who are obedient members of the church, fulfilling its instructions, including the study of miracles. Judging by what I have heard regarding her work, it is more a description of the miracles of myrrh flow, instead of their comprehensive study.

They usually cry with vegetable oil (this is very convenient for them, since the water would simply flow out in a stream without forming tears). Icons can also cry with water, but only in cases where they themselves are lubricated with vegetable oil or some other fat (or in cases where simple sweating of the icon is taken for “crying”).

Sometimes icons cry “blood.” Chemical analysis“blood” indicates that it is made, in particular, from a mixture of carmine and glycerin. A highly effective "blood" made by mixing colorless solution small amount potassium thiocyanate and also an almost colorless solution of ferric chloride.

As for condensation, let's experiment with how to cover an icon or glass so that oil or water condenses on it. Or something else.

After the experiment it will be clear that this phenomenon is possible in natural conditions and it will be clear what to look for in the myrrh-streaming ones in a similar way.

After establishing Soviet power For some reason, the icons stopped crying altogether, although precisely this time was the most favorable for the crying of icons, so that God could thereby express his indignation at the so-called “devilish persecution” of the godless government against religion and the church.

Perhaps in in this case the icons were simply afraid that the next revelation of the secret (of course, divine) mechanism for the creation of this miracle could turn out clearly not in favor of the organizers of this “miracle”. One way or another, God’s protest did not manifest itself with the help of weeping icons under Soviet rule.

But times have changed, the church, with active support from the current political authorities, has regained strength. The auspiciousness of the moment is also manifested in the fact that now there is no longer Peter I, who could unceremoniously examine the “crying icon” and identify the earthly reasons for the mechanism of its “crying”: after all, the church, protected by state power, will in no case allow any “ blasphemers" doubted the miraculousness of the icon and would allow themselves to examine the icon itself.

That is why it would be quite natural to expect a new invasion of the miracle of weeping icons. And, of course, the implementation of this invasion soon followed.

In the Volgograd region (see newspaper "World of News" dated November 18, 2001) the initiative was carried out with the icon of Barbara the Great Martyr. It was on it that, at first modestly, droplets began to appear in the form of perspiration. Moreover, pay attention to how well the icon chose the time for the creation of her miracle: it happened precisely on the eve of the holiday Holy Mother of God! Apparently, this was still a test of strength, since thin streams began to flow from the icon... The flow of myrrh was so abundant that the servants had to collect the water with cotton wool.

The initiative for this icon was quickly taken up by other quick-witted icons (“Later other icons also cried”), apparently so that no one would have any doubt about the authenticity of the miracle and God’s determination to put the production of miracles on a large scale, using the in-line method for this matter. And believers flocked to the temple. For short term 19 icons have already been consecrated here. Otherwise, it was beneficial for someone...