Magnetic field of planets. Magnetic field of the morning star

Today we will have to make a short expedition into the interior of our star and into the depths of our planet. We need to understand why planets have a magnetic field and how it functions. Questions about the magnetic field solar system huge variety and many of them still do not have their clear answers.

For example, it is known that the Sun and the planets of the solar system have their own magnetic field. But today it is generally accepted that Venus and Mercury have very weak magnetic fields, and Mars, unlike the other planets and the Sun, has practically no magnetic field. Why?

The Earth's magnetic poles do not have a fixed position and from time to time they not only wander in the areas of the North and South Poles, but also, according to many scientists, radically change their location to the opposite. Why?

It is believed that approximately once every 11 years our Sun changes its magnetic poles. The North Pole gradually takes the place of the South Pole, and the South Pole gradually takes the place of the North Pole. At the same time, for humanity this unusual phenomenon goes completely unnoticed, although even a small flare on the Sun, creating a magnetic storm, seriously affects the well-being of all weather-dependent people on the planet. Why?

Unfortunately, these and many other questions concerning the magnetic fields of planets and their interactions in the Solar System have so far remained questions, temporarily and sometimes sloppily, covered by not entirely substantiated hypotheses and not entirely clear reasoning. At the same time, answers to these questions are simply vital for our civilization, the future of which is far from cloudless. For example, there are suggestions that a displacement of the Earth’s magnetic poles by just 2000 kilometers from the Earth’s geographic poles could lead to a new Flood or large-scale extinctions of many species of animals and plants due to changes in the location of the ice masses of the North and South Poles and, as a consequence, to climate change on the planet. Therefore, finding answers to these questions is undoubtedly an important task and requires our immediate intervention in the process of solving it.

So, question one. What happened to Mars, Mercury and Venus, which were left out of the cosmic magnetic pie? Why are they not like all the other planets in the solar system?


We have already determined that the magnetic field of any physical body is a region of space in which the rotational movement of free electrons and their ethereal flows takes place inside and outside the physical body . The size of this area depends on many factors and, above all, on the size of the physical body, the substance of which it consists, power external influences etc.

Our planet has a sufficiently powerful magnetic field, which significantly exceeds the power of the magnetic field of any of the planets terrestrial group: Mercury, Venus and Mars. Currently, there are many hypotheses about the reasons for this situation, but scientists have not come to a consensus, since none of the hypotheses stands up to criticism. At the same time, the nature of the appearance of the magnetic field on Earth also does not yet have its exact and clear understanding.

Scientists believe that the Earth's magnetic field is a reliable protection of all life on the planet from the deadly effects of cosmic particles. It has an elongated shape of hundreds of Earth radii on the night side of the Earth and approximately 10 Earth radii in the form of a cavern on the subsolar side of the planet (Fig. 40).

Rice. 40. Earth's magnetic field

Researchers associate the emergence of the Earth's magnetic field with the existence of a liquid metal core inside our planet, which, rotating under the influence of convective movements and turbulence, initiates electric currents. The flow of these currents in the liquid core, according to scientists, contributes to self-excitation and maintenance of a stationary magnetic field near the Earth. This opinion is based on the dynamo effect, which leads to the appearance of the planet’s magnetic field.

The magnetic dynamo model, at first glance, makes it possible to satisfactorily explain the emergence and some features of the magnetic field of the Earth and the terrestrial planets, but provided that inside our planet there really is a liquid metal core that has been rotating regularly and tirelessly for billions of years, stably generating electrical and magnetic fluxes. But inside Mercury, Venus or Mars there is such a core and, unfortunately, for some reason it does not want to rotate at all or rotates at a very low speed and practically does not generate magnetic fluxes. In addition, it should be noted that we do not yet have accurate knowledge about the deep structure of the Earth, much less Mercury, Venus or Mars.

At the same time, this theory has not been correctly confirmed by experiments that have been carried out in large numbers since the 70-80s of the twentieth century. Proving the possibility of self-generation of the planet’s magnetic field was not so easy. In addition, the magnetic dynamo theory could not explain the behavior of the magnetic fields of other planets in the solar system. For example, Jupiter. But against the backdrop of other rather weak hypotheses that linked the presence of the Earth’s magnetic field in the ionosphere due to the movement of the solar wind or with the influence of salt water currents in the oceans, the hypothesis of a magnetic planetary dynamo is still firmly entrenched in modern scientific society. As they say, if there is no fish, there is no cancer.

Let's try to digress somewhat from already accepted theories and hypotheses and reflect on the nature of the emergence of the magnetic field of planets and stars in the Universe. In our opinion, we must not forget that planets and stars are also physical bodies. True, very, very large. They are in our Universe, and, therefore, must obey the laws and rules that operate in this Universe.

If this is so, then a completely reasonable question arises: “Is it necessary to have a rotating liquid metal core inside planets and stars to generate a magnetic field?” After all, ordinary permanent magnet has no moving core, but creates a powerful magnetic field around itself. Yes, and a conductor, when an electric current passes through it, generates its own magnetic field, without requiring any rotating cores. Neither liquid nor solid. Therefore, maybe try to look for other reasons for the emergence of the Earth's magnetic field?


Indeed, the Earth, the Sun, and all the other planets of the Solar System are, in fact, huge physical bodies rotating both around their axis and around the Sun in our continuously rotating Galaxy. Their rotation speed is different, but each planet or star in the Universe has its own gravitational field, which rotates in accordance with the rotation speed of the planet or star.

We have already seen that the rotation of a particle leads to the formation of a torus tunnel in it, through which aether currents rotate, creating a rotating magnetic field around the particle. In magnets and ferromagnets, the magnetic field is created by free electrons and aether currents rotating through successively located torus tunnels of atomic nuclei. At the same time, no visible tunnels or black holes are formed in magnets and ferromagnets.

Planets and stars also have their own magnetic fields, but just like magnets, there are no visible tunnels or black holes in them. Streams of free electrons and ethereal currents rapidly move from one pole of a planet or star to another through the body of a cosmic object. Spiral-shaped chains of antineutrinos, forming free electrons, easily penetrate through rocks, magma or any other formations that may come their way. This is due to the fact that the atoms of the substances that make up a planet or star are oriented in such a way that they do not hinder, but promote the movement of free electrons.

Having entered one pole (we believe that on Earth this is the North Pole), streams of ether and free electrons escape from the other pole (South Pole) and, revolving around a planet or star, return to the pole (North Pole of the Earth). The atoms of substances located in the depths of our planet are obviously strictly oriented in the direction of the flows of free electrons and ether and are located so that the electrons move through the torn tunnels of atomic nuclei in the direction from the North Pole to the South Pole (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Arrangement of atomic nuclei chemical elements in the body of planet Earth

Therefore, the Earth has a powerful magnetic field, which actually performs protective functions for the animal and flora planets. A dense flow of ether and free electrons creates reliable protection from the flow of cosmic particles, retaining and converting them into other particles. By the way, it is here, in the places where cosmic rays collide with chains of antineutrinos of free electrons, that we need to look for the answer to the question about solar neutrinos, which magically disappear on the way from the Sun to the Earth.

Mars, having its own gravitational field and having a rotation speed similar to that of Earth, has practically no magnetic field of its own. Why?

Mars has a gravitational field. It actively rotates in accordance with the rotation of the planet. It is believed that the core of Mars, like that of the Earth, is liquid and consists of iron. Surface soils also contain iron oxide hydrates. On Mars, as well as in the depths of our planet, there is a crust and mantle. Mars rotates at about the same speed as Earth. In general, everything is there to ensure that the magnetic environment on Mars is close to that on Earth. But on Mars, despite the abundance of iron, there is a clear problem with the magnetic field.

What's the matter? Why on Mars in front of everyone favorable conditions For

the emergence of a magnetic field, this field practically does not exist? Who

or what is to blame for this paradoxical situation?

Today there are hypotheses that try to speculatively explain the absence of a magnetic field on Mars by the fact that the rotation of its liquid iron core suddenly stopped and the effect of the planetary dynamo ceased to manifest itself. But why did the rotation of the planet’s core suddenly stop? There is no answer to this question. Well, it stopped and stopped... It happens...

There is an assumption that the planetary dynamo regularly rotated and generated the magnetic field of Mars 4 billion years ago, thanks to a large asteroid, which itself revolved around the planet at a distance of 50-75 thousand kilometers and stubbornly forced the liquid core of Mars to rotate. Then, apparently tired, the asteroid descended and collapsed. Deprived of support, the core of Mars became bored and stopped. Since then, Mars has neither an asteroid nor a magnetic field. There are few supporters of this theory, just as there are not many other versions worthy of attention regarding the absence of a magnetic field on Mars. The question of Mars and its missing magnetic field hung in the air, even without the help of magnetic forces. True, today NASA experts claim that the atmosphere of Mars was “blown away” by the solar wind, because Mars does not have a magnetic field. But, unfortunately, they do not clarify why Mars does not have a magnetic field.

So, what happened on the red planet? Where did the magnetic field go? Let's try to put forward our version.

I guess that on Mars there was a magnetic field similar to the magnetic field of the Earth. This is evidenced by the presence of magnetized regions in the planetary crust. Mars is similar in structure to Earth and has huge natural reserves of iron. Therefore, there most likely was a magnetic field on Mars. And quite possibly even more powerful than on Earth. The magnetic field protected the planet and protected life on this planet. Whether there were intelligent beings there, I don’t know. But, naturally, I cannot deny this. But there was a magnetic field. Sure. Where did it go?

It is known that on Mars there are traces of a powerful collision of the planet with a large cosmic body. These traces have long been of interest to scientists. It is well known that in the event of a collision of large physical bodies Usually two mandatory events occur. Powerful shaking of these bodies and release huge amount heat. With such tremors, naturally, the entire internal and external structure of these bodies is disrupted. This is logical and natural.

At the same time, we remember the properties of magnets. With them heating, for example, up to 800 degrees Celsius, magnetized iron loses its magnetic properties. Iron just as easily gives up its magnetic abilities when it is sharp shaking. Thus, for the metal to lose its magnetic properties it must receive severe shaking and be heated to a certain temperature.

That's why, I guess, that when Mars collided with a large asteroid, both happened, i.e. the planet was seriously shaken and no less seriously heated. Oriented atoms lost their order, their tunnels took on multidirectional positions and disrupted the trajectories of free electrons and ether flows. This led to a disruption of the magnetic field of Mars. Protective effect The planet's magnetic field was lost and streams of cosmic particles fell on Mars, destroying all life if it had already settled there by that time. The sun evaporated all the water. The atmosphere was destroyed. The planet died.

Like this sad story with our cosmic neighbor, who failed to prevent the approach of the asteroid and did not destroy it even on the distant approaches to the planet. And for us it's good lesson, showing that main task of our civilization is not to stupidly fight for conditional leadership among the states of the Earth and defend the imposed unipolarity of the world, but to unite the efforts of the entire civilization to protect against any natural disasters in the form of rain from asteroids, global warming or at least global cooling, local and regional floods and rainstorms, world hunger, rampant epidemics, etc., and so on, and so on.

Well, well, it was quite possible that it was. And Mars has indeed lost its

magnetic field resulting from a collision with a large asteroid. But what about

Venus? What about Mercury? They also do not shine with their magnetic capabilities.

Were they also attacked by evil asteroids?

There may have been asteroids. Scientists believe Mercury survived a powerful collision with a huge asteroid, as evidenced by a huge crater

measuring 1525x1315 km on the Zary plain. Naturally, this affected the manifestation of the planet’s magnetic field, reducing its power.

But, nevertheless, Venus and Mercury have a completely different story. When we considered the rotation of Venus and Mercury, as well as their gravitational fields, we noted that these planets have a weak magnetic field. The magnetic field of Venus is approximately 15 - 20 times less than the Earth's magnetic field, and the magnetic field of Mercury is approximately 100 times less than the Earth's magnetic field. What is the reason for these differences?

Astronomers believe that the emergence of a magnetic field on both Mercury and Venus, as well as on the Earth, is associated with the rotation of the liquid metal core. But in this case, it is logical to assume that the rotation of the planet’s core should directly depend on the rotation of the planet itself. The higher the rotation speed of a planet, the higher the rotation speed of its core, and, consequently, the more powerful its magnetic field.

However, one revolution of Venus around its axis is 243 Earth days, and of Mercury - 88 days, i.e. Mercury rotates about 3 times faster than Venus. It would seem that Mercury has the right to claim a magnetic field more powerful than that of Venus. But research results show that Mercury’s magnetic field is not more powerful, but is more than 5 times weaker than the magnetic field of Venus. The situation is even worse for Mars, which rotates at a speed approximately equal to the rotation speed of the Earth, and has virtually no magnetic field.

Therefore, the hypotheses about a liquid core and a magical planetary dynamo become even more elusive and untenable. I think we dealt with Mars earlier. But how to explain the weakened magnetic field of Venus and Mercury?

We have already thought about the formation of our Solar System and assumed that it was formed as a result of the collision of stars belonging to different galaxies that rotated in opposite directions. This predetermined the rotation of some planets, conditionally, clockwise, and others - counterclockwise.

During the formation of the Solar System, all the planets came under the gravitational influence of the Sun, which influenced the planets, causing them to rotate counterclockwise in accordance with the rotation of the powerful gravitational field of our star. Gradually the gravitational fields of the planets rotating clockwise began to “adapt” to the general etheric flow that makes up the gravitational field of the Sun. Their gravitational fields also began to rotate counterclockwise, but the planets and their magnetic fields continued to rotate clockwise by inertia.

A contradictory situation was brewing in which the Sun, naturally, by right of the stronger, began to win, influencing not only the gravitational fields of the planets walking “out of step,” but also their magnetic fields and the planets themselves. As a result, their magnetic fields, which are flows of ether and free electrons, also slowed down their rotation.

Mercury's magnetic field slowed down its rotation and influenced the slowdown in the rotation of the planet itself. Then, Mercury stopped its rotation and after certain time began to rotate in the opposite direction, i.e. counterclockwise. Gradually it increased its speed and has now reached its current values. Mercury has “got back into action” and is already confidently moving “in step” with the entire solar system. True, it is still a little behind.

Venus, due to its more solid mass, is still at the stage of slowing down its rotation and after a certain time will stop in order to gradually gain momentum and begin to rotate counterclockwise. Venus's magnetic field may already be rotating in the opposite direction, but its rotation relative to the planet's body is still very small. It ensures the movement of ethereal flows and free electrons, but this movement is less intense than their movement on our planet. This explains the presence of a magnetic field on Venus, which, although it exists, is still significantly weaker than the Earth’s magnetic field.

Thus, Every planet and star has a magnetic field, but has different meanings. The emergence and existence of a magnetic field near planets and stars is caused by movement of ethereal flows and flows of free electrons. The determining condition for the formation of the magnetic field of a planet or star is the features location and orientation metal atoms of which they are composed. The magnetic field is located in close proximity to planets and stars and rotates together with the planet or star itself and with its gravitational field.

I think that the situation with the magnetic fields of the planets of the Solar System has become a little clearer and we can move further along the path of understanding the magnetic fields of stars and planets in the Universe.

The second and third of the unclear questions, concerning the magnetic field of our planet and our star, is associated with assumptions about a radical change in the location of their magnetic poles.

According to calculations of various scientific schools, our planet changes the location of its magnetic poles to the opposite (according to various estimates) once every 12 - 13 thousand years, and every 500 thousand years, or more, and the Sun, which is many times larger than the Earth, manages to do this every 11 years old. Simply amazing efficiency! It is gratifying to note that we, actual and authorized members of the Solar System, do not even notice this. We are not currently considering the phenomenon of precession, which affects the location of the Earth’s magnetic poles, but not so dramatically.

The change in the Earth's magnetic poles is believed to have a global impact on everything that happens on Earth, including the freezing of mammoths and Flood. But the change of poles of the Sun, it turns out, pass by our attention and do not spoil our good mood(if it exists, of course)! At the same time, the appearance of even a small flare on the Sun leads to a magnetic storm on Earth, which easily forces a considerable part of the planet's population to clutch their heads and not get out of bed for quite a long time. Miracles!

By the way, according to the calculations of the same researchers, the last reversal of the polarity of our planet’s magnetic field occurred 780 thousand years ago. We swear that the numbers are accurate! But whether to believe them or not is your decision. As for me, my wary attitude towards these assessments is still quite stable.


Our thoughts about magnetic interaction planets and stars is certainly a necessary and useful matter. For example, we know that the Sun has a strong magnetic field. Does it influence other planets? Of course it does. However, its gravitational field is much broader than the magnetic field of our planet, and it is this that plays a role in the solar system. main role in its formation and maintenance in a stable state. The magnetic field of the Sun has the greatest influence on the terrestrial planets. But its influence, noticeable to humans, reaches the Earth only periodically in the process of the emission of powerful solar prominences and the emergence magnetic storms. The ice and gas giants of our solar system are affected by the magnetic field of our star much weaker than the terrestrial planets.

But if the Sun so actively influences the entire solar system, then why is it not itself a stable element of the system and, according to some scientists, every 11 years easily changes the location of its magnetic poles to the opposite?

There is a clear discrepancy here that requires an explanation. And the explanation is quite simple, although unexpected. I don’t think that the Sun is capable of changing its magnetic poles so rapidly, and the planets of the Solar System do not seriously react to this. At the same time, the inhabitants of planet Earth do not even notice this. We often observe how a solar magnetic storm brings millions of people out of a calm state, increasing their blood pressure, affecting well-being and mood. But this is a fairly short-term phenomenon and cannot be compared with such global processes as the change of solar poles. This means that the scientists’ conclusions cannot be accepted unconditionally. But the phenomenon, according to scientists, exists. Well, let's try to look for other reasons for this amazing phenomenon.

The solar system is usually depicted as a kind of flat disk with the Sun in the center, surrounded by planets traveling around it in their strictly defined orbits (Fig. 42).

Rice. 42. Traditionally accepted image of the solar system

However, this is a certain static position of the Sun and planets in the space of the Universe, which does not correspond to the actual position of the Solar system in space. The solar system is moving at a tremendous speed of approximately 240 kilometers per second. outer space and the planets move not only around the Sun, but also forward, along with the entire solar system. Therefore, in the space of the Universe, planets actually move in a spiral. But the Solar System itself as a whole does not move rectilinearly, but in a spiral, rotating in one of the arms of our Galaxy. The arms of the Galaxy themselves also rotate in a spiral, subject to the powerful gravitational influence of the galactic core. Galaxies also perform spiral rotations in their galaxy clusters. And all this revolves around the core of the Universe, moving in a spiral from the back of the universal tunnel to the funnel of its black hole.

Spiral movements begin to be set by ethereal jets flowing from the core of the Universe. Etheric streams can unite, but they can also exist in independent life. At the same time, the stars and stellar systems in them also rotate and move in space in a spiral.

Based on this, I believe that the Solar system, within its ethereal stream, also rotates, making spiral movements in space. However, if we assume that the Sun does not move along the center of the jet, but with some displacement towards its boundaries, then many questions become quite understandable. Making spirals rotational movements The Sun mainly orients its rotation axis and magnetic poles in the direction of the galactic core and, partially, the core of the Universe. Therefore, the solar axis of rotation and magnetic poles will always be oriented towards the core of the Galaxy, taking into account the influence of the gravitational forces of the core of the Universe. Provided that the Sun does full turn around the ethereal jet for 22 years, one can observe an “imaginary” change of magnetic poles.

In this case, the observer, being on planet Earth and focusing, for example, on the North Star, will record a change in the direction of the magnetic pole, which will actually be stationary in relation to the Sun (Fig. 43).

Rice. 43. Apparent change in the location of the magnetic poles on the Sun

Considering that there are no clear fixed landmarks on the surface of the Sun, and sunspots are constantly changing their location, determining the relative immobility of the solar magnetic poles was quite difficult. Therefore, the researchers quite sincerely believed that every 11 years the magnetic poles of the Sun change places.

Thus, the magnetic poles of the Sun can certainly migrate within certain limits, but allowing them to change dramatically every 11 years requires very, very strong arguments. Modern researchers do not yet have such arguments. By the way, the opposite change in the location of the Earth’s magnetic poles also seems to me to be insufficiently justified. Therefore, I am more inclined towards a certain migration of the poles within a certain specific area of ​​​​our planet, and for now this is all I can afford.

Presence or absence of planets magnetic field associated with their internal structure. All terrestrial planets have their own magnetic field. The giant planets and Earth have the strongest magnetic fields. The source of a planet's dipole magnetic field is often considered to be its molten conductive core. Venus and Earth are similar in size, average density and even internal structure, however, the Earth has a fairly strong magnetic field, but Venus does not (the magnetic moment of Venus does not exceed 5-10% of the Earth's magnetic field). According to one of modern theories The strength of the dipole magnetic field depends on the precession of the polar axis and the angular velocity of rotation. It is these parameters that are negligibly small on Venus, but measurements indicate even lower tension than theory predicts. Current assumptions about Venus' weak magnetic field are that there are no convective currents in Venus' supposedly iron core.

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An excerpt characterizing the magnetic field of planets

Natasha threw off the scarf that was draped over her, ran ahead of her uncle and, putting her hands on her hips, made a movement with her shoulders and stood.
Where, how, when did this countess, raised by a French emigrant, suck into herself from that Russian air that she breathed, this spirit, where did she get these techniques that pas de chale should have long ago been supplanted? But these spirits and techniques were the same, inimitable, unstudied, Russian ones that her uncle expected from her. As soon as she stood up and smiled solemnly, proudly and slyly with gaiety, the first fear that gripped Nikolai and everyone present, the fear that she would do the wrong thing, passed and they were already admiring her.
She did the same thing and did it so precisely, so completely accurately that Anisya Fedorovna, who immediately handed her the scarf she needed for her business, burst into tears through laughter, looking at this thin, graceful, so alien to her, well-bred countess in silk and velvet. , who knew how to understand everything that was in Anisya, and in Anisya’s father, and in her aunt, and in her mother, and in every Russian person.
“Well, the countess is a pure march,” the uncle said, laughing joyfully, having finished the dance. - Oh yes niece! If only you could choose a good guy for your hubby, it’s pure business!
“It’s already been chosen,” Nikolai said, smiling.
- ABOUT? - the uncle said in surprise, looking questioningly at Natasha. Natasha nodded her head affirmatively with a happy smile.
- What a great one! - she said. But as soon as she said this, another, new system of thoughts and feelings arose in her. What did Nikolai’s smile mean when he said: “already chosen”? Is he happy about this or not? He seems to think that my Bolkonsky would not approve, would not understand this joy of ours. No, he would understand everything. Where is he now? Natasha thought and her face suddenly became serious. But this only lasted for one second. “Don’t think, don’t dare think about it,” she said to herself and, smiling, sat down next to her uncle again, asking him to play something else.

The terrestrial group has its own magnetic field. The giant planets and Earth have the strongest magnetic fields. The source of a planet's dipole magnetic field is often considered to be its molten conductive core. Venus and Earth are similar in size, average density and even internal structure, however, the Earth has a fairly strong magnetic field, but Venus does not (the magnetic moment of Venus does not exceed 5-10% of the Earth's magnetic field). According to one of the modern theories, the strength of the dipole magnetic field depends on the precession of the polar axis and the angular velocity of rotation. It is these parameters that are negligibly small on Venus, but measurements indicate even lower tension than theory predicts. Current assumptions about Venus' weak magnetic field are that there are no convective currents in Venus' supposedly iron core.


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The Earth’s magnetic field has long been known, and everyone knows about it. But are there magnetic fields on other planets? Let's try to figure it out...

Earth's magnetic field or geomagnetic field - magnetic field , generated by intraterrestrial sources. Subject of study geomagnetism . Appeared 4.2 billion years ago. At a small distance from the Earth's surface, about three of its radii, magnetic power lines have dipole-like location. This area is called plasmasphere Earth.

As you move away from the Earth's surface, the impact increases solar wind : from the side Sun the geomagnetic field is compressed, and on the opposite, night side, it extends into a long “tail”.

A noticeable influence on the magnetic field on the Earth's surface is exerted by currents in ionosphere . This is the region of the upper atmosphere, extending from altitudes of about 100 km and above. Contains large number ions . The plasma is held by the Earth's magnetic field, but its state is determined by the interaction of the Earth's magnetic field with the solar wind, which explains the connection magnetic storms on Earth with solar flares.

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by currents in the liquid metal core. T. Cowling showed back in 1934 that the field generation mechanism (geodynamo) does not provide stability (the “anti-dynamo” theorem). The problem of the origin and preservation of the field has not been resolved to this day.

A similar field generation mechanism may take place on other planets.

Does Mars have a magnetic field?

There is no planetary magnetic field on the planet Mars. The planet has magnetic poles that are remnants of an ancient planetary field. Since Mars has virtually no magnetic field, it is constantly bombarded by solar radiation as well as the solar wind, making it the barren world we see today.

Most planets create a magnetic field using a dynamo effect. The metals at the planet's core are molten and constantly moving. Moving metals create electric current, which ultimately manifests itself as a magnetic field.

General information

Mars has a magnetic field that is the remnants of ancient magnetic fields. It is similar to fields found at the bottom of Earth's oceans. Scientists believe that their presence is possible sign that Mars had plate tectonics. But other evidence suggests that these movements lithospheric plates ceased about 4 billion years ago.

The field bands are quite strong, almost as strong as those of the Earth, and can extend hundreds of kilometers into the atmosphere. They interact with the solar wind and create auroras in the same way as on Earth. Scientists have observed more than 13,000 of these auroras.

The absence of a planetary field means that its surface receives 2.5 times more radiation than the Earth. If people are going to explore the planet, there needs to be a way to protect humans from harmful exposure.

One of the consequences of the absence of a magnetic field on the planet Mars is the impossibility of the presence of liquid water on the surface. Mars rovers have discovered large amounts of water ice beneath the surface, and scientists believe there may be liquid water there. The lack of water adds to the obstacles that engineers must overcome in order to study, and eventually colonize, the Red Planet.

Mercury's magnetic field

Mercury, like our planet, has a magnetic field. Before the flight spaceship Mariner 10 in 1974, none of the scientists knew about its presence.

Mercury's magnetic field

It is about 1.1% of the Earth's. Many astronomers at that time assumed that this field was a relict field, that is, left over from early history. Information from the MESSENGER spacecraft completely refuted this guess and astronomers now know that a dynamo effect in Mercury's core is responsible for the occurrence.

It is formed by the dynamo effect of molten iron moving in the core.The magnetic field is dipole, just like on Earth. This means that it has north and south magnetic poles. MESSENGER did not find evidence of the existence of anomalies in the form of spots, this indicates that it is created in the core of the planet. Scientists until recently thought that Mercury's core had cooled to the point that it could no longer rotate.

This was indicated by cracks across the entire surface, which were caused by the cooling of the planet’s core and its subsequent effect on the crust. The field is strong enough to deflect the solar wind, creating a magnetosphere.


It captures plasma from the solar wind, which contributes to weathering of the planet's surface. Mariner 10 detected low plasma energy and bursts of energetic particles in the tail, indicating dynamic effects.

MESSENGER has discovered many new details, such as mysterious magnetic field leaks and magnetic tornadoes. These tornadoes are twisted bundles that come from the planetary field and connect in interplanetary space. Some of these tornadoes can range in size from 800 km in width to a third of the radius of the planet. The magnetic field is asymmetrical. The MESSENGER spacecraft discovered that the center of the field is shifted almost 500 km north of Mercury's rotation axis.

Because of this asymmetry, South Pole Mercury is less protected and subject to much greater radiation from aggressive solar particles than the north pole.

Magnetic field of the "morning star"

Venus has a magnetic field that is known to be incredibly weak. Scientists are still not sure why this is so. The planet is known in astronomy as Earth's twin.

It has the same size and approximately the same distance from the Sun. It is also the only other planet in the inner Solar System that has a significant atmosphere. However, the absence of a strong magnetosphere indicates significant differences between Earth and Venus.

General structure of the planet

Venus, like all the other inner planets of the solar system, is rocky.

Scientists don't know much about the formation of these planets, but based on data obtained from space probes, they have made some guesses. We know that there have been collisions of iron- and silicate-rich planetasimals within the solar system. These collisions created young planets, with liquid cores and fragile young crusts made of silicates. However, the big mystery lies in the development of the iron core.

We know that one of the reasons for the formation of the Earth's strong magnetic field is that the iron core works like a dynamo machine.

Why doesn't Venus have a magnetic field?

This magnetic field protects our planet from strong solar radiation. However, this does not happen on Venus and there are several hypotheses to explain this. Firstly, its core has completely hardened. The Earth's core is still partially molten and this allows it to produce a magnetic field. Another theory is that this is due to the fact that the planet does not have plate tectonics like Earth.

When spacecraft it was studied, they discovered that the magnetic field of Venus exists and is several times weaker than that of the Earth, however, solar radiation it rejects.

Scientists now believe that the field is actually the result of Venus's ionosphere interacting with the solar wind. This means that the planet has an induced magnetic field. However, this is a matter for future missions to confirm.