How clay appears. Types and properties of clay

For residents of the middle zone, hedera, an unpretentious evergreen ivy, is more familiar as a popular hanging plant for the home. But in the southern regions of the country it is garden ivy.

Huge thickets of this culture can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. As the ivy grows, it climbs the inaccessible slopes and walls of houses, covers the slopes with a dense carpet, and its shoots hang from the trees. Plants belonging to perennial evergreen vines are not capricious, not demanding in terms of growing conditions and care. They grow quickly and readily delight with decorative foliage. different forms and colors.

It is not surprising that the plant has been noticed by gardeners for a very long time. In Europe, evergreen garden ivy, which remains attractive throughout the year, is used for decoration and landscaping of urban and rural buildings, parks and gazebos.

Description of garden ivy and cultivated species

In nature, there are one and a half dozen species of ivy. All of them are perennial climbing shrubs with long shoots that cling to soil, stones, other vegetation and walls with the help of numerous adventitious roots formed on the adult part of the stem.

Depending on the type of garden ivy, the leaves can be either cut, three- or five-fingered, or whole. The leaf blades of most garden ivy are dense, leathery with a smooth surface and radiating veins. In addition to plants with monochromatic, green foliage, even in wildlife variegated specimens can be seen.

While the long shoots and decorative foliage of garden ivy, reaching 30 meters in length, immediately catch the eye, the flowering of representatives of this genus sometimes goes unnoticed. The greenish flowers collected in capitate or umbellate inflorescences are very small and have no decorative value.

The small round fruits of a dark, almost black color that form after pollination look much more interesting.

Only a few of the most cold-resistant species are grown in cultivation in Russia:

  1. Common garden ivy is the most common plant and is also used as a houseplant. This species is distinguished by a slow growth rate, relatively medium-sized three- or five-fingered leaf blades and an abundance of varieties.
  2. Colchian or Caucasian ivy also grows in gardens. A strong, fast-growing vine with shoots up to 30 meters long and leaves sometimes reaching 20 cm in diameter, it is found in nature in the foothills of the Caucasus, as well as in a number of Asian regions. The shape of green or variegated leaves changes as they grow.
  3. Crimean ivy - another one Russian view, externally resembling the Maltese variety grown in Europe. Heat-loving plants, falling into favorable conditions, become powerful. Their trunks become woody at the base, sometimes merging with the trees that this garden ivy readily climbs.

Planting and caring for garden ivy

Ivy is rightfully considered a shade-tolerant crop that easily adapts to life as a ground cover plant. Settled under the crowns of large trees in the southern regions, it winters well. But the further north you go, the higher the risk of freezing, not only due to low temperatures, but also due to high humidity and insufficient shelter.

To protect the plant and make it easier to care for garden ivy, planting is done in elevated places protected from the wind. The first few years the crop does not grow too quickly, so young ivy is planted in the spring so that the seedlings ripen during the warm season and overwinter better. To propagate ivy, choose healthy shoots no older than 2–3 years. In this case, they will take root well and will not have to be seriously injured when transferred to a new place.

Ivy plants suitable for the garden are not too fussy and adapt well. To make this happen faster, a moisture-intensive, breathable substrate with high content organics. The main part of the ivy roots is located at a depth of up to 20 cm, so the planting hole is prepared a little deeper. A drainage layer must be provided at the bottom.

After planting garden ivy, care consists of watering, fertilizing and simple soil cultivation. Very careful loosening will help to increase the permeability of the soil to air and moisture, and mulching will help conserve moisture and protect plants from the first frosts by winter.

The soil is loosened to avoid the formation of a dense crust after rain, trying not to harm the shoots and their adventitious roots, which form closer to the nodes and quickly penetrate the substrate as they grow.

Mulching with leaf humus or other porous organic matter prevents the soil from drying out and, in wet years, from rotting. The mulch is added gradually, in a thin layer in several stages, so as not to affect the foliage located near the ground. By autumn, the layer is increased in order to carry out full-scale insulation and shelter of plants with the arrival of cold weather.

The further north, the more likely freezing of plants used for vertical gardening. This is in to the fullest concerns ivy for hedges, decoration of arches and walls of houses. Ground cover specimens, especially those additionally covered with snow, winter better.

After the snow melts in the spring, you should not rush to trim shoots damaged by frost or for other reasons. It is better to remove them at the beginning of summer, when the active movement of juices has ended. Cuts on large stems are treated with garden varnish.

Garden ivy should be watered regularly throughout the season, but in moderation, keeping an eye on the soil moisture under the plants.

Propagation of evergreen ivy

Most species suitable for growing in the garden form adventitious or aerial roots. This makes it quite easy to root cuttings taken in the spring and summer months.

Semi-lignified shoots with visible rudiments or already real adventitious roots are suitable for ivy propagation. If you cut off very young, green growth, the rooting process takes much longer. And when unfavorable conditions, for example, in cool weather the cutting may completely rot.

To propagate evergreen ivy, it is better to use apical cuttings, but if this is not possible or you need to get a lot of young plants, the shoot is cut into 10 cm fragments, with at least one healthy node.

You can root the cuttings in an outdoor greenhouse, planting several of them in loose, light soil, or in plain water. When it appears on the stems sufficient quantity roots, the plants are transferred to their future location. Taking into account the growth of ground cover shrubs and the peculiarities of caring for garden ivy, planting is carried out at a distance of at least half a meter from each other.

Decorating the walls of the house with ivy - video

Evergreen garden ivy (Hedera) is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful ornamental plants. It can be grown both in the garden and indoors. This plant is quite unpretentious. However, of course, you need to follow some rules when growing it.

General description

Ivy belongs to the family of swallowtails. It is a very beautiful climbing vine. Sometimes evergreen ivy is also called hedera. One of the features of this plant is that its vines are not limited in growth. Indoors they can reach a length of 6 meters, and in gardens - sometimes 30 m.

Most often, garden evergreen ivy (H. helix) is grown as an ornamental plant in Russia. The flowers of this main form are small in size and collected in racemes. The leaves of common ivy are leathery, shiny, five- and three-lobed. In nature, this plant climbs along the surface of walls or trees using aerial roots.

An ivy leaf, depending on its shape, can have a variety of shades. Varieties of this ornamental crop, both dark and light green, are grown in gardens and indoors. Ivy varieties with variegated leaves are also considered very beautiful.

What plant forms exist?

In addition to ordinary ivy, other types of garden ivy are grown at home and in gardens. The following are considered especially beautiful forms among lovers of ornamental crops:

  • wax ivy (hoya);
  • Canarian.

Both of these varieties are valued by gardeners primarily for their beautiful large leaves. Like Canary and wax, they grow very quickly. Too much complex care They also don’t demand anything for themselves.

Wax ivy: description

The ordinary form of this ornamental crop is most often grown in gardens. In indoor conditions, the most common question is: Is it possible to keep this plant at home? This is a question many gardeners ask. The point is that this beautiful shape ivy is often called muzhegon. It is believed that this flower, among other things, can bring financial well-being to the family. However, at the same time, as some superstitious people believe, he also drives men out of the house.

But be that as it may, this plant is actually very beautiful - hoya (wax ivy). Is it possible to keep this form at home? Every housewife should, of course, answer this question herself. In Asian countries, wax ivy, unlike Russia, for example, is not considered a muzhegon. This decorative form is grown everywhere there. Moreover, in Asia, many people believe that wax ivy, on the contrary, brings family happiness.

Canary ivy

It is also very beautiful and popular with gardeners and hobbyists. The vine of Canary ivy outdoors can reach a length of 20 cm. Main distinctive feature This form is characterized by the unusual coloring of the leaves. The plate itself is green with a silver tint. At the same time, along the edge of each leaf there is white stripe. The three-lobed leaves of Canary ivy are large in size and look really very impressive.

How to grow indoors: preparing the pot

Ivy is a plant that has long vines, but at the same time a not very well developed root system. Therefore, there is no need to use a very large pot for this decorative crop indoors. A medium-sized container is quite suitable for ivy. In order for the plant to develop well, its pot should be filled with a soil mixture of the following composition:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf soil.

All these components must be taken in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. Evergreen garden ivy, like most other indoor plants, does not like stagnant water. Therefore, you should definitely put broken shards or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot.

Garden ivy: planting and care indoors

The ivy plant is considered shade-tolerant. But you still need to place it closer to the window (south or east). Direct sun rays at the same time, they should not fall on his lashes. Ivy, although it is a southern plant, does not like heat. In summer, the optimal temperature for it is 17-23 C, in winter - 13 C. This plant is not at all afraid of drafts.

Choosing a place for ivy should be approached immediately with maximum responsibility. The fact is that this plant really does not like moving. It will be possible to move a pot with this vine in the future only as a last resort.

Ivy is a plant that requires regular but moderate watering. There should be no standing water in the pot with it. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The soil in the pot under the ivy should always remain slightly moist. In summer, this plant is usually watered twice a week, in winter - once.

In the warm season, it is advisable, among other things, to spray ivy. It is worth carrying out such procedures when the air temperature in the room rises above 20 C.

You can fertilize ivy with the usual universal dry mixture for indoor plants. Such fertilizing should be applied at the frequency indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Caring for ivy in the garden

The homeland of garden ivy is Northern Europe. And therefore this plant is quite hardy. However, the climate in Russia, unfortunately, is still more severe than in Europe. Therefore, in our country, ivy can be grown outdoors mainly only in the southern regions. Only some varieties of common ivy are suitable for the middle zone. Moreover, they are used in in this case can mainly only be used as ground cover.

The place for this plant in the garden is chosen depending on the color of the leaves. For dark green ivy, partial shade is also quite suitable. Forms with variegated leaves need bright lighting. This decorative plant is watered in the garden using approximately the same technology as in indoor conditions. The ivy leaf of almost any variety is actually very beautiful and represents the main decorative value of this plant. Therefore, it is better to water the vines in the mornings or evenings using the sprinkling method. This way, it will be possible not only to moisten the soil under the ivy, but also to wash away the dust from its lashes.

You can feed this ornamental crop with ordinary rotted manure. This plant also responds very well to ash. Ivy of any variety, of course, is primarily an ornamental plant. This liana is hardy and unpretentious. But sometimes it happens that the ivy lashes slow down and its leaves turn pale. In this case, the plants should be fed with urea (a matchbox per 10 liter bucket of water).

Ivy propagation

It is not difficult to grow this ornamental crop on the site or indoors. Ivy is most often propagated by cuttings. Planting material is cut off in spring or summer. The length of the selected cuttings should be approximately 10 cm. The cut branches just need to be stuck into moist soil. Ivy cuttings take root very easily and quickly. There is absolutely no need to keep them in water before planting. There is no need to treat them with any means that stimulate root formation.

New long lashes grow from cuttings very quickly. Within a year you will be able to see lush independent plants on the site.

If desired, you can try to propagate evergreen garden ivy not by cuttings, but by shoots. It is also very simple and quick way. Shoots for ivy propagation are not too long - with 8-10 leaves. Such planting material must be pressed into wet sand. Only leaves should remain on the surface. In about two weeks the shoot will take root. All this time, the sand should be kept moist.

The branch that has taken root must then be dug out of the ground and cut into several parts so that each of them has a leaf and a root. Next, planting is done in the usual way - in pre-prepared beds or pots.

Clay is a product of weathering rocks, mainly feldspar and mica. Earthquakes, strong winds, and floods move rock layers from their place, crushing them to powder. Stacked in the cracks earth's crust, they harden over millions of years.

Cambrian clays are primary; they have not been washed out over millions of years, although they have been weathered. Other clays are called secondary clays, a product of deposition. Secondary clays are found among sedimentary strata of all types - continental, including lacustrine, coastal-lagoonal and marine.

Lake clays often have a monomineral kaolinite composition. Pure montmorillonite clays (bentonites) are usually formed as a result of the alteration of volcanic ash and pumice. In industry, there are 4 most important groups of clays: coarse ceramic, refractory and refractory, kaolins, adsorption and

highly dispersed montmorillonite.

The main chemical components of clay are secondary minerals simple composition: silicon dioxide (quartz, SiO„ 30-70%), aluminum hydroxide (AlO3, 10-40%) and H20 (5-10%). Present in clays are TiO2, iron hydroxide (Fe20„ FeO), MnO, MgO, CaO, K20, Na20.

In addition, during the weathering process, secondary minerals are also formed. complex structure(aluminum and ferrisilicates). They are more highly dispersed than primary minerals. All secondary minerals of complex composition have a lamellar structure and contain chemically bound water. Since these minerals are the most important integral part various clays, they are called clay, or clay, minerals (A.I. Boldyrev, 1974). With all the variety of clay materials they have general feature: they were formed during the chemical destruction of other minerals and therefore the sizes of their crystals are very small - only 1...5 microns in diameter.

Contains clay main role kaolinite, montmorillonite, hydromicas, spars, limestones, marbles play. Based on the predominance of the clay mineral, mineral types of clays are distinguished: kaolinite, montmorillonite, hydromica, etc.

Minerals of the kaolinite group include kaolinite AL2Si2Os(OH4) and halloysite AL28i2Ol(OH4) x 2H?0, as well as some other minerals. Kaolinite clays contain approximately 20-25% silt particles (less than 0.001 mm), of which 5-10% particles are colloidal in size (less than 0.25 microns). Minerals of this group are quite common in many types of clays. Such clays have relatively low swelling and stickiness.

Bentonites are sedimentary rocks consisting of minerals of the montmorillonite group. These minerals have a layered crystal structure like graphite or talc, i.e. they consist of very thin scales that can be mechanical impact slide on them over each other. This is why these minerals feel greasy to the touch. Between the scales there are cavities into which water molecules easily penetrate. Due to this, bentonite clays swell strongly in water and form a plastic dough.

Of the montmorillonite group minerals in clays, the most common are montmorillonite AL2Si40|9(OH2) x n20, beidellite ALoSbOyfOH?) x n20, and nontronite Fe2Si40|o(OH3) x n20. Montmorri-lonite clays, unlike kaolinite clays, have high swelling, stickiness and cohesion.

For them it is very characteristic feature is high degree dispersion (up to 80% of particles are less than 0.001 mm, of which 40-45% are less than 0.25 microns).

Among clay minerals great place belongs to the minerals of the hydromica group. This group INCLUDES hydromuscovite (illite) KAb[(Si, Al)4O|0](OH)2 x pH,0, hydrobiotite K(Mg, Fe)3[(Al, Si)40io](OH)2 x pH20 and vermiculite (Mg, Fe++, Fe+++)2[(Al, Si)4O|0](OH)2 x nH20.

In addition to clay materials, all clays contain one or another amount of impurities that greatly affect the properties of clays.

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth, consisting of only silicon dioxide - silica (Si02).

Feldspar is a mineral that, along with silica, necessarily contains alumina - aluminum oxide (A1203), as well as the oxide of one of the metals such as sodium, potassium, calcium.

Mica very easily splits into thin transparent plates. Mica contains silica, alumina and (often) compounds of iron, sodium, and magnesium.

Most often, these impurity minerals make up the sand present in the clay. Less commonly found in clay are grains of limestone, gypsum, and other rocks and minerals.

Different minerals have different effects on the properties of clay. Thus, quartz reduces its ductility, but increases strength.

Clay crystal lattice

Clay minerals vary in structure. Such important properties clays, such as solubility, volatility, viscosity and other properties that characterize the stability of the compound, are determined by the energy of the crystal lattice. Clay is a crystalline solid, i.e. it has a clear internal structure, due to the correct arrangement of particles in a strictly defined periodically repeating order. Particles in crystals (atoms, molecules or ions) are arranged regularly, forming the so-called spatial lattice of the crystal.

The crystal lattice of various clay minerals is built from the same elementary structural units, consisting of silicon and oxygen atoms, as well as aluminum, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The composition of clay minerals may also include Fe, Mg, K, Mi and others. Clay minerals have a layered structure and belong to layered silicates. Layers of clay minerals consist of a combination of silicon-oxygen and oxygen-hydroxyaluminum compounds.

The unit cell of the silicon oxygen compound is a tetrahedron, the four vertices of which are occupied by 02" anions, and in the center of this tetrahedron there is a smaller Si cation.

The tetrahedron (SiC>4)4 is the main structural unit not only of clay minerals, but also of all naturally occurring compounds of silicon with oxygen (A.I. Boldyrev, 1974).

The excess negative charges of this unit cell can be neutralized by the addition of any cations or the connection of several tetrahedra through the vertices, when the oxygen ion is simultaneously associated with two silicon ions. For clay, the most typical compounds are those in which silicon-oxygen tetrahedra are connected into layers (or sheets) of a cyclic structure. In such a layer, for every two silicon ions there are five oxygen ions, which corresponds to the formula (Si20s)2

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedral layers can combine with a layer of oxygen-aluminum hydroxyl atoms, which form octahedra. In them, the aluminum ion is surrounded by oxygen atoms and hydroxide ions. Aluminum-hydroxyl octahedra are connected in the same way as silicon-oxygen tetrahedra - into octahedral networks or layers. They can be constructed by analogy with the mineral gibbsite Al(OH)3 or brucite Mg(OH)2.

Silicon-oxygen and oxygen-hydroxide-aluminum networks form so-called tetrahedral-octahedral layers and packets. When the tetrahedral and octahedral layers are connected, the 0?' ions of the tetrahedral layer located at the vertices of the tetrahedra become common to both layers, i.e., the 0?' ions will serve as a kind of “bridges” between the Si4~ ions of one layer and the ions AB3+ of another layer. This structure is the most stable, since the number of positive charges Si4+ and AC+ in this structure is equal to the number of negative charges 0? and HE."

Minerals of the kaolinite group have a two-layer phystal lattice, the packets of which are formed from two layers connected through common oxygen atoms: a layer of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra and an aluminum-hydroxyl layer, which has a dioctahedral structure. Such two-layer stacks alternate at intervals in the crystal, giving it a plate-like structure. Kaolinite is not able to absorb water into the interstitial spaces and therefore does not have the ability to swell.

Minerals of the montmorillonite group according to their crystal chemical properties are divided into two groups:

Dioctahedral (montmorillonite, nontronite, beidellite);

Trioctahedral (saponite, hectorite).

Montmorillonite is a three-layer mineral. Its packets consist of an octahedral layer (di-octahedral structure), which is sandwiched between two tetrahedral layers.

The composition of these layers is not constant due to isomorphic substitutions. The silicon of tetrahedra can also be partially replaced by aluminum and iron, and in octahedra, in addition to aluminum ions, there can be magnesium ions. Unlike kaolinite, the interpacket distances of montmorillonite can vary. These distances vary depending on the amount of water between the bags. Because of this, montmorillonite has a high swelling ability.

Minerals of the hydromica group include hydromuscovite (illite), hydrobiotite, vermiculite and other hydrated varieties of micas. The absorption capacity of hydromicas is several times higher than that of kaolinite, but 2-3 times less than that of montmorillonite.

The structure of illite is similar to that of montmorillonite, with the only difference being that it crystal lattice there are numerous isomorphic substitutions. Thus, the Al3+ ion in the octahedral layers is replaced by the Fe3+ ion and the Mg?+ ion, and two aluminum ions are replaced by three magnesium ions with the replacement of octahedral voids. In illite, two aluminum ions in octahedra are often replaced by two magnesium ions, while excess negative charges are compensated by potassium ions, which are located in the interpacket spaces.

Aluminosilicates - zeolites - have "molecular sieves" used as catalysts in the petrochemical industry to produce high-octane gasoline. Zeolites are the best adsorbents for radioactive waste nuclear power plants. They have proven themselves to be excellent in removing radionuclides from the body of “liquidators”, as well as farm animals living in contaminated areas. Zeolites are vital for animals. Having eaten plenty of natural zeolites, the animals became healthier: they gained better weight, and the mortality rate among calves decreased. This is explained by the fact that zeolites are able to absorb harmful substances and supply the body with the components it lacks.

The most important physicochemical and water-physical properties of clay - absorption capacity, hydrophilicity, cohesion, stickiness, reaction of the environment - are directly dependent on the mineralogical composition.

Free and bound water in clay

Water molecules themselves are neutral. However, one has only to place dipole water molecules in the external electric field, as the dipole character of these molecules immediately begins to manifest itself.

The hydration of hydrophilic colloids is also determined by electrostatic forces, i.e. due to electric charges, arising due to ionization. On the surface of colloidal clay particles, shells are formed consisting of water dipoles, oriented with their positive or negative end depending on the type of charge.

Thus, in hydrophilic colloids, i.e., in clay solutions, some part of the water is firmly bound to colloidal particles, while the other part plays the role of a medium in which colloidal micelles are located.

The properties of bound water differ sharply from the properties of free water. In terms of the degree of ordering of the structure, bound water approaches the properties solid and has a higher density compared to free water. Hydration shells high molecular weight compound do not have solvent properties, so the high molecular weight substance dissolves only in free water. Bound water when the clay solution is cooled, it does not freeze, whereas free water susceptible to freezing.

Metabolism in clay

Clays are often found under a layer of sand and soil. When washed out of the soil minerals and organic residues they fall on the clay substrate. Their most intense penetration occurs in the upper layer of clay 10-15 cm thick. Orenburg region A deposit of Miocene sub-coal clay has been explored and used (N.P. Toropova et al., 2000).

Clay is an excellent “exchange point” for ions of mineral waters. At the same time, the composition of clay is greatly influenced by natural mineral waters. Thus, if sulfate-calcium (or magnesium) groundwater migrates among clayey rocks of marine origin, usually containing exchangeable sodium, then the following reactions occur:

clay = 2Na+ + Ca++ + SO4<-»2Na+ + SO4 + глина = Са++

clay = 2Na+ + Mg++ + SO4<->2Na+ + SO4 + clay = Mg++

The symbol “clay=Ca++” denotes clay containing exchangeable calcium (or another exchangeable cation). This is how cations are exchanged, but the amount of anion (SO4 ~) does not change.

Gradually, all exchangeable sodium passes from the clays into solution. Waters from sulfate calcium (magnesium) are transformed into sulfate sodium, and the absorbing complex from a typical sea - sodium becomes a typically continental - calcium-magnesium (A.I. Perelman, 1982).

The clay fraction of soils and rocks contains two categories of ions: some easily pass into solution and are capable of participating in reactions - these are exchangeable cations and anions; others are firmly fixed in the nodes of crystal lattices and can go into solution only as a result of the destruction of minerals during long-term weathering processes.

The impurities included in clay determine its color, consistency, special plasticity or rock hardness. There are up to 40 types of clays used in the earthenware and porcelain industries, pharmacology, construction, perfumery (the main part of powder), chemistry, and the food industry. Clay can be white, blue, gray, red, brown, green, black. Sometimes clays of chocolate or dirty black color are found.

The colors of clay are determined by the large amount of salts present in them:

Red color - potassium, iron;

Greenish - copper, ferrous iron;

Blue - cobalt, cadmium;

Dark brown and black - carbon, iron;

Yellow - sodium, ferric iron, sulfur and its salts.

Blue, green and black clay are considered the most active. Kaolinite has been well studied - the basis for porcelain products; it is white. Refractory clays are mainly kaolin, they are plastic, but they have little iron.

Pigments are inorganic compounds that color clay and glazes. Pigments can be divided into two groups: oxides and colorants. Oxides are a naturally occurring basic material that forms among the rocks of the earth's crust, is purified and atomized. The most commonly used are: copper oxide, which takes on a green color in the oxidizing firing environment; cobalt oxide, which produces blue tones; iron oxide, which gives blue tones when mixed with glaze, and earth tones when mixed with clay. Chromium oxide gives the clay an olive green color, magnesium oxide gives it brown and purple tones, and nickel oxide gives it a grayish-green color. All these oxides can be mixed with clay in a proportion of 0.5-6%. If their percentage is exceeded, the oxide will act as a flux.pressing the melting temperature of clay. When painting products, the temperature should not exceed 1020 ° C, otherwise firing will not produce results. The second group is dyes. They are obtained industrially or by mechanical processing of natural materials, which represent a full range of colors. Dyes are mixed with clay in a proportion of 5-20%, which determines the light or dark tone of the material. All specialized stores have an assortment of pigments and dyes for both clay and engobes.

Preparing ceramic mass requires a lot of attention. It can be composed in two ways, which give completely different results. A more logical and reliable way: add dyes under pressure. A simpler and, of course, less reliable method: mix dyes into the clay by hand. The second method is used if there is no exact idea about the final coloring results or there is a need to repeat certain colors.

materials used:

Dolors Ross. Ceramics: technique. Techniques. Products./Trans. with him. Yu.O. Bem. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2003.

Properties of clay

Types of clay

Clays are classified according to their composition, origin, color, and their practical use. If one of the minerals predominates, the clays are named after this mineral - kaolinite, halloysite, etc. More often, clay is represented by a mixture of three or more minerals, i.e. is polymineral. Typically, clay contains impurities, fragments of various minerals, organic substances and newly formed minerals, with a high content of which there is a transition from clay proper to clayey sands, clayey coals, etc. Their numerous physicochemical properties depend on the chemical, mineralogical and granulometric composition of clays. and technological properties (plasticity, swelling, shrinkage, caking, fire resistance, swelling, adsorption, etc.), which determine the industrial applications of clay and clayey rocks.

Adsorption clays

Adsorption clays are mainly montmorillonite in their mineralogical composition and are characterized by increased binding capacity, high exchange base capacity, adsorption and catalytic activity. This group of clays includes.