Drawings of virtual reality glasses with a ruler. DIY virtual reality glasses from a tablet and old glasses

I'll tell you right away. I don’t understand anything about this yet, and my grandchildren haven’t taught me yet. But what are the glasses virtual reality You can make it out of old glasses and shoe boxes and it was immediately captivating. He dragged me to his place for further investigation.

This project will show you how to make VR views such as Google cardboard, but optimized for tablets. Apart from the tablet, the cost is very low. He uses two pairs of reading glasses from the dollar store (Dollar Tree), a plastic shoe box, and a pair of inexpensive prism lenses costing about $7. The result is a very efficient device thanks to high resolution display and a larger field of view of the smartphone.

Step 1: Some Background Information

I created this device in order to engage students in the classroom using VR technology for their education. Since I am an educator in Salinas, California, I am naming this Salinas VR viewer.

Google's Cardboard was inspired by this viewer, but it was made to address several major shortcomings of trying to force the viewer to a larger screen than a smartphone. It would seem that all that is needed is to scale to the view size, but there are several problems with this approach.

One of the main problems is that, like cardboard, such a viewer will only use a simple pair of convex lenses to view the display. However, this may not be effective because large size display means that images cannot be placed (optically) directly in front of each eye. If these have not been corrected, then the person should be able to move each eye towards the direction of the ears. My viewer solves this problem by using an inexpensive prism lens, shifting the image so that it is optically directly in front of the viewer's eyes.

Another problem with using simple round convex lenses is that they are simply too primitive to allow for a VR experience. Such lenses have very limited area to widen the viewing area is that the eyes must be placed very close to the lens and thereby limit any eye movements. This kind of restriction on how we move our eyes is not natural. It's hard to see how much fidelity a VR system can have if it forces a person to hold themselves rigidly, looking straight ahead in an effort to keep the image in focus. People should be allowed to move their eye and still see VR images. Fortunately, some lenses have evolved to be as optimal as possible for people to use, i.e. reading glasses. These glasses allow for a wide field of view (fov), and a very large viewing area. These glasses are also extremely inexpensive.

Step 2: Equipment:

1 scribe [I thought for a long time what this means, probably in Russian - scribe :) ]: made by you.

Made with #90 wire nails, and some plastic folded and stitched. This allows the scribe to mark and cut very beautifully with either a utility knife or sharp scissors.

2 Pairs 3.25 Magnification Wide Frame Reading Glasses: Dollar Tree

Price: 2.00 Dollars. This is quite profitable. Other stores like pharmacies have them hard to find and sell a lot more (+10.00 per pair).

1 pair 1.5 Prism Wedge lens pair: Berezin stereo photography products http://www.berezin.com/3d

Price $7.95 per pair.

1 Plastic Box: Amazon: Whitmor 6362-2691-4 clear vu collection of women's shoe box by Whitmor

Price: $11.99 You need 1 window, but you get a set of 4. You can make at least 6 viewers through 3 boxes, and use another box for other plastic parts other than the body (plastic body)

1 roll of glue dots (high strength):

Price: about 5 dollars. Without this amazing glue, it would be impossible for the viewer. Please note that you are not using it from the video. You use the scribe (see above) to pick up the point and place it where needed.

3 templates: PDF files that need to be printed.

Cut it out and stick it on the plastic, then you can scribe the spare part you need. They are in color, but you can use the color code on the screen and still have them printed in black and white.

Step 3: Cut and connect the reading glasses.

Using a Dremel with a cutting blade (diamond works great), cut off the handles and nose of both pairs of glasses. Then apply glue in dots along the edge of the glass and on the bridge of the nose and stick together. Ready!

Step 4: Scribe, cut, then staple the side supports.

Tape plastic through the template supports, and scribe using a ruler. Then we cut out the supports and fasten them along the marked line, then fold them as shown in the picture. Repeat for the second support.

Step 5: Cut out the prism supports, place in the sliding metal, attach the side supports.

Cut out the prism supports, staple them along the marked line, then slide two of them onto the metal strip, and fold the sides down on both ends so that it fits into the glasses support. Metal strips from sliding onto a file folder.

Step 6: Pour hot glue into the side supports to make them rigid.

Apply glue in dots on the corners of the glass on both sides and place the glass in the side supports. Then fill the side supports with hot glue to make them rigid.

Step 7: making the body. Cut and scribe a plastic shoe box.

Cut into a shoebox using a template. In a shoebox it's long enough to cut out each end to get two sleeves.

Step 8: Cut and bend the metal strip, place it in the casing and seal the sides.

Again using the file folder metal strips, cut them to size using the templates, bend them, and place them inside the bottom of the casing. Fold back the casing and secure the metal strips in place.

Step 9: Put the latches on the top of the case.

You can use any type of schnapps or even staples to finish the frame. The ones I used are plastic latches that cost about $4 for 60 will fit, but you need special pliers that sell for about $20.00 (Walmart). Metal latches work well and you don't need an expensive tool to use them.

Step 10: Attaching the prism lens to the prism supports.

Remove the metal strip of glass and apply glue in dots on the prismatic supports. Make sure the prism lens position is from the thin side towards the nose, hold the two prism lenses together and push them onto the supports. Place the metal strip on the glasses there.

Step 11: Make a back support, and staple and glue to the body.

Google Cardboard- assembly instructions

When making a cardboard yourself, you can also attach an NFC chip to the glasses to ensure more reliable pairing with your smartphone. Smartphones with a built-in magnetometer have the ability to respond to changes magnetic field. The application, in turn, analyzes data from the smartphone camera, accelerometer, magnetometer and simulates the effect of virtual reality in Cardboard. Google Play has created a whole section of cardboard applications from Google and third-party developers.

Download official application Cardboard for Android smartphones You can scan the QR code below or follow the link to the application page on Google Play.

But in reality, if in reality you want to assemble a cardboard with your own hands, you will be a little disappointed in its availability. For example, the only materials at hand can be cardboard and a pattern drawing, but the main components such as: 2 convex lenses (with a focal length of ~45 mm), 2 magnets (neodymium ring and ceramic disk) and an NFC chip are unlikely to be lie on your nightstand. Therefore, if you don’t want to bother too much, it’s better to buy a ready-made Google Cardboard and try out the available virtual reality.

Good afternoon (evening/night optional).

Today I’ll tell you about how you can make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, no phones(Traffic!):


On at the moment NO official standard for VR glasses/mask and the like. About Oculus, HTC, Samsung, Sony, etc. there is no point in talking and comparing. These are just devices with different functionality +/-, some gadgets. There is no point in arguing about what VR is, everyone sees it differently.

I’ve been wanting to play with this kind of thing for a long time, but phone glasses don’t appeal to me, they’re inconvenient, heavy and there are few applications, poor synchronization with the PC, phone battery, radio delay.

In the process of working on my experiment, 2 nuances that were important to me were highlighted:

1. Head tracking.
2. Display instead of a phone.

Based on these nuances, I started building the unit.

I’ll say right away that the thing is in itself and does not pretend to be of quality; anyone can repeat the production of this helmet based on the instructions received.


For the glasses I needed the following components:


The first thing is a warning:

All responsibility, namely independent penetration into the body of the finished product with subsequent violation of its integrity and performance, lies with the person who committed this action.


The body will have to be assembled separately for the matrix, due to the fact that the matrix is ​​quite voluminous and a different focusing distance is required. Lens replacement required. The part that will be applied to the head and nose will be taken from this body.


The main task is to synchronize the controller with the matrix, I knew that the controller and matrix would work, but whether I would get the required resolution is another question.

I’ll give you an excerpt from the datasheet:

My display has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a resolution that falls within the range of 1920x1440.

The problem is that the controller has the wrong resolution and needs to be flashed.

Initially, when connecting the display, instead of a picture, I received a set of stripes. (I even thought that the display itself was covered).

But after a while (when connected to a computer) it became clear that the display was displaying something, but it was clear that it had a problem with synchronization and resolution.

When installing the firmware, I went through more than a dozen and settled on this version:

Now, when connected to a computer, the display displays information that an HDMI connector is connected and offers a resolution of 1024x600. In this case, the display actively tries to receive a signal from VGA, and the message “Connect the VGA cable” appears.

I had to scratch my head again. This controller is a direct analogue of boards with a large number connectors, for example:

This means you need to wire up buttons to your controller so that you can customize the display and switch operating modes. I have attached a diagram for the connectors, the buttons hang on the 53rd leg of the chip:

Just in case, I am attaching a diagram of the RTD2660 chip:

After flashing the firmware and switching the controller to HDMI mode. The display began to start under WIndows 7, my surprise was great when, in addition to the native, native resolution of 1024x600, I was able to set the resolution to 720p and 1080p. At 720p it works great without being distorted, but at 1080p the fonts are no longer readable, but it holds it just the same, surprise, running games at 720p is more fun than at 1024x600 (not all games support low resolutions).


I was already playing with glasses on my phone, the resolution was 960X540. I launched Half-life 2, Portal, but I didn’t like the fact that it was a phone and the fact that I couldn’t look around the space with my head, I rotated the mouse + delays via Wi-Fi, they just infuriated me and didn’t let me play. In general, the pixels are visible, but I still liked it.

A 7-inch 1024x600 matrix, part number 7300130906 E231732 NETRON-YFP08, was removed from the spare parts box. Based on the available matrix resolution, we can conclude that for each eye the resolution will be 512x600, which is slightly more than the phone screen resolution and, most importantly, there will be no delays.

The matrix connector has 50 pins and is fully compatible with the display controller.

To achieve maximum contrast and image richness, you will have to remove the matte film from the matrix. Since the product will be closed, there is no risk of any glare.

Finalization of the matrix is ​​carried out in 7 stages:

1. disassemble the matrix along the edge of the frame;

2. place the module on the lining (here you can tape the edges of the module to the lining so that water does not damage the part);

3. Place a damp cloth on top of the display, preferably the size of a matte film;

4. Gently soak the napkin with a small amount of water at about 25 degrees;

5. wait about 2 - 3 hours, it all depends on the quality of the coating. (the glue of matte films is sensitive to water);

6. carefully pry up the edge and slowly, without jerking, remove the matte layer;

7. check.

If you want to collect glasses on a 2K display, then I will give you a link:

For this price on Ali you can buy a ready-made device with FullHD ->

Therefore, I did not spend money on the concept and decided to use what I had for testing.

Arduino and gyroscope:

The most important part Getting the effect of presence in a game, application or video is the ability to control your head, which means we will write head tracking.

Excerpt from the official source for Arduino Leonardo:

Unlike all previous boards, the ATmega32u4 has built-in support for a USB connection, this allows you to set how Leonardo will be visible when connected to a computer, it can be a keyboard, mouse, virtual serial / COM port.

This is exactly what I need.

The simplest and most common gyroscope was chosen - GY521, which has an accelerometer on board:

1. Accelerometer ranges: ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16g
2. Gyroscope ranges: ± 250, 500, 1000, 2000 °/s
3. Voltage range: 3.3V - 5V (the module include a low drop-out voltage regulator)

Gyroscope connection:

#include #include #include #include MPU6050 mpu; int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz; int vx, vy; void setup() ( Serial.begin(115200); Wire.begin(); mpu.initialize(); if (!mpu.testConnection()) ( while (1); ) ) void loop() ( mpu.getMotion6( &ax, &ay, &gx, &gy, &gz); vx = (gx+300)/200;

Based on the sketch, we can conclude that head tracking is essentially a gyro-mouse.


It all came down to the division into stages:

1. trying on head tracking;
2. writing tracker firmware;
3. ordering the required controller for the display;
4. setting up and launching the display with the controller;
5. fitting and general assembly.

This is what debugging a head tracker with a gyroscope looked like:

Video of the head tracker in action:

Running the display with a controller:

To run the display, I need the Tridef 3D program, which allows you to run games and applications with Side by Side images, which I used as a test.

The reason for use is quite clear, these glasses will not be recognized as Oculus DK1/DK2 glasses and in order for the device to be recognized as VR glasses of at least the first revisions of the oculus, it must be completely changed software display controller, which I can’t afford yet, it will also require either partial prototyping, or creating again a concept board based on the kind of gyroscopes that are used in oculuses -

But due to the fact that I decided not to spend a lot on this project and I’m not going to make money from it either, we’ll leave that for other people. (I know who makes sets with oculus firmware based on similar glasses for smart phones, but I won’t advertise them, the post is not about them)


Having played enough with the standard case, I decided to try the matrix on it and was very disappointed, the matrix turned out to be too big for focal length, I saw everything, but I didn’t see the whole picture, it didn’t add up into one.
The assembly of the body began from scratch.

Having broken off all the protruding parts, as well as the fastening of the head strap, I got the following set:

Actually, like many prototypes, I chose corrugated cardboard, as the most flexible, easily accessible material:


During testing, the glasses performed extremely well; playing at 720p resolution is a pleasure. The gyroscope works great and follows head movements, the mouse does not float along the coordinates, I passed the cable through my head behind me, 3 meters was more than enough.

The glasses stick out quite a lot, although the mass is not very large, you have to get used to turning your head.

Disadvantages of such a system:

1. You need a smaller matrix in order to reduce the length of the body.
2. You need high-quality lenses (for mine, I took them from magnifying glasses at the nearest print shop).

In general, for myself, as an undemanding person, it will do.

Once I’ve played enough with it all, I’ll make an 8D projector from this matrix and controller. (Keep an eye on the reviews)

Thank you for your attention and patience, I will be happy to answer your comments.

Cardboard virtual reality glasses immerse a person in completely new sensations. With them you can ride a roller coaster or feel like the main character in your favorite horror movie without leaving the couch. To do this, you just need to figure out how they are designed and how to use them.

To preserve the cardboard case, Google Cardboard is shipped folded only. Therefore, if virtual reality glasses were bought as a gift, then the birthday person will be pleased if his gift is collected in advance. This is done simply and excitingly, reminiscent of a construction set or a puzzle. The main thing is to comply step by step instructions and everything will work out. For complete convenience, we recommend that you lay out the body and additional parts as shown in the diagram below.

Step 1.

Insert the eyepiece with lenses (part 2) into section 1.1. as shown in the picture. In this case, the front side of the eyepiece should be directed towards you.

Step 2.

Carefully fold the body (part 1), alternately bending it along the lines from right to left, i.e. from paragraph 1.4. to 1.5. As a result, the eyepiece will be closed on 4 sides. In this case, it will be possible to align its holes with the protruding parts of the eyepiece.

Step 3.

To fix the resulting structure, we need to secure two sections. To do this, it is necessary to remove the protective layer from the self-adhesive strip 1.6. and fasten sections 1.4 with it. and 1.5. For strength, all protruding parts should be fitted to the corresponding holes. If it seemed to you that the band is 1.6. If it doesn't hold everything as securely as we would like, you can use tape.

Step 4.

Install the partition (part 3) into the holes of the eyepiece and section 1.1. After this, insert the magnetic ring (part 5) into the oval hole located in section 1.5. Place your smartphone on the border between section 1.1. and 1.7. to assess the suitability of its size with the glasses. If the smartphone turns out to be smaller, then for comfortable use of the gadget, install an additional step (detail 4.). Now all that remains is to drag assembled body with a harness (part 6) to completely secure the structure.

Step 5.

Attach a special elastic band to hold the glasses if you purchased them in one set with Google Cardboard.

Step 6.

Smartphone with operating system Android or iOS is the heart of Google Cardboard. Paste it into section 1.7. Launch the desired application and secure the cover with the Velcro fasteners. Now you can ride a roller coaster ;)

Search for applications.

There are more and more interesting applications - games, virtual excursions, video, etc. To find applications compatible with your smartphone, use the following keywords:

  • cardboard;
  • google cardboard;
  • stereo pair

To search for videos on YouTube, use two tags - “stereo pair” or “sbs”.

Some tips.

  • Google glasses apps drain your phone's battery significantly. We recommend turning on airplane mode or at least not moving far from the outlet;
  • Some apps can put you into a state of active gesticulation. Therefore, try to stand or sit further away from objects that can be accidentally broken;
  • using headphones, you can immerse yourself even deeper into the virtual world;
  • It’s better to buy glasses along with an elastic band holder so that your hands don’t accidentally drop the gadget at some unexpected moment.

CRM (CustomerRelationshipManagement) translates as customer relationship management and is a well-known system for automating business processes.

Without such software today it is impossible to imagine the effective organization of the activities of real estate agencies and realtors. CRM for real estate agencies and realtors allows you to improve relationships with clients, which ultimately ensures positive dynamics in sales volumes and increased profits.

The modern market offers a variety of software products that allow you to solve the issue of interaction with the client. But any program is not enough. A system in which management principles and the specifics of business processes of real estate agencies and realtors are successfully implemented will be truly effective in practice.

Benefits from CRM in a real estate agency and the work of realtors

1) Increased sales of real estate agencies and realtors

CRM allows you to increase sales of real estate agencies and realtors by increasing the efficiency of attracting new clients and reducing the outflow of existing clients.

2) Savings on advertising and marketing of a real estate agency

3) Providing real estate agency management information

CRM in a real estate agency will allow you to obtain analytical and statistical information in real time on almost any piece of information (percentage of regular customers, their LTV, employee efficiency, failure statistics, etc.). Without an automation system, business processes are carried out chaotically, information is not recorded or is lost over time. And get data about current state Real estate agency affairs are problematic.

4) Reducing costs for document flow in a real estate agency

Automation of document flow of a real estate agency reduces costs and errors with orders, invoices, and acts.

5) Tips for a sales manager at a real estate agency

CRM for a real estate agency tells the sales manager what next step to take in working with a client, and when is the best time to make this communication.

6) Sales planning in a real estate agency

CRM helps to build sales plans for a real estate agency, analyze the duration of transactions and find bottlenecks in the sales funnel. CRM provides information about the progress of the plan.

7) Forecasting financial performance in a real estate agency

Data from CRM allows you to predict financial indicators real estate agencies, which can be especially convenient when raising borrowed funds.

8) Improves motivation of real estate agency staff

CRM helps to compare the performance of real estate agency employees, their KPIs, and reward them for good work.

9) Reducing the number of errors in real estate agencies

Automation of repeated manual routine actions in a real estate agency leads to a reduction in the number of errors due to the human factor.

10) Improving the quality of service in a real estate agency

CRM allows you to receive more feedback from real estate agency clients. This information will help you find bottlenecks, improve the quality of services and reduce the number of dissatisfied customers.

11) Improving the efficiency of real estate agency employees

CRM allows you to distribute as efficiently as possible working hours real estate agency employees, speed up the solution of routine repetitive tasks and reduce the number of errors.

Modern CRM for real estate agencies and realtors

Customized CRM for real estate agencies and realtors

  • Quartus- CRM system for automating the workflow of the head of a real estate agency, employees, and owners of companies for the sale or rental of real estate.
  • ReCRM- a service for partial or complete automation of the work of the owner of a real estate agency and realtors.
  • RRru- managing a real estate business by recording employee work, maintaining databases, a call center and automatic accounting.
  • Bizerra- real estate agency in your pocket on your smartphone or tablet.
  • GrandISRealtor- CRM system for managing clients or real estate.

Universal CRM that can be implemented in a real estate agency

  • amoCRM - cloud system client management
  • bpm'online- CRM system for marketing, sales and service
  • Salesforce- CRM systems provided exclusively through the SaaS model
  • SuiteCRM is a fork of SugarCRM, supplemented by a number of modules
  • Zoho CRM- SaaS CRM
  • vTiger CRM- Open source CRM in PHP
  • Apek CRM- CRM system
  • FreshOffice- online CRM system, document management, financial accounting, warehouse management, business processes, communication tools
  • Highrise - simple CRM for small business
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM- a software package for customer relationship management developed by Microsoft and aimed at organizing sales, marketing and service delivery (help desk)
  • Pipedrive- sales management tool for small groups
  • SugarCRM- commercial open source CRM system
  • WireCRM- online CRM system for accounting clients and transactions
  • Yclients- service automation platform
  • Bitrix 24- CRM system for small businesses
  • Megaplan- corporate CRM system
  • RosBusinessSoft CRM- a universal software product for customer relationship management, comprehensive business automation, as well as the successful development of a corporate information system

Depending on functional characteristics The software will allow you to automate almost all work processes in a real estate agency, as well as certain areas, for example, maintaining a client base.

Cloud, boxed or custom CRM for a real estate agency?

Cloud CRM for real estate agency

Pros cloud CRM for real estate agency Disadvantages of cloud CRM for a real estate agency
(+) 24/7 support

(+) regular software improvements

(+) available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) no need to rent/purchase hosting/server

(-) data security may be at risk: all information is stored on someone else’s server and there is no way to control the circle of people who have access to it

(-) it is impossible to restrict access via the Internet

(-) the need to pay a subscription fee

(-) quality and speed of support can be disappointing

(-) customizing for the specific business processes of a particular real estate agency can be problematic

(-) impossible to influence the speed of improvement

(-) if the provider’s servers/data transmission channels become unavailable, the work of the real estate agency will stop

Out-of-the-box CRM for a real estate agency

Pros boxed CRM for real estate agency Disadvantages of a boxed CRM for a real estate agency
(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) can be tailored to your business processes

(+) no subscription fee

(-) support and updates must be taken upon yourself

(-) the cost of modification and implementation time can be much more expensive than if you order development for yourself from scratch

Development of an individual CRM for a custom real estate agency

Pros individual CRM for real estate agency to order Disadvantages of an individual CRM for a custom real estate agency
(+) 100% takes into account all the specific business processes of a particular real estate agency or network

(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) you can restrict access via the Internet

(+) can be made available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) you can quickly implement any necessary functionality

(+) can work without the Internet

(-) development cost

(-) choosing the wrong contractor can lead to problems

(-) you need to rent/purchase hosting/server

Errors and problems when implementing CRM in a real estate agency

The most common mistakes that lead to problems when implementing and operating CRM in a real estate agency are:

  • incorrect definition of the purpose of CRM implementation
  • illiterate definition and formulation of business processes
  • choosing the wrong CRM
  • inadequate assessment of implementation timeframes
  • incorrect estimate of the budget for implementation
  • non-compliance with the algorithm and implementation methodology
  • implementation “from above” without carrying out necessary preparation personnel
  • inertia of management towards the implementation process

Bottom line: the software doesn't deliver desired result. Therefore, it is important to pay sufficient attention to staff training and their motivation to perform their duties efficiently. To solve this problem, training should be carried out regarding not only functionality, but also proper motivation. It is necessary to explain to employees what benefits they will receive from workflow automation. But it may not be possible to do without personnel decisions.

In what cases is CRM in a real estate agency useless?

Before deciding to implement an automation system, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Automation is pointless if there is no stable flow of clients.
  • There is no need to use CRM if there is no motivation for business development.
  • Expensive automation is not advisable with minimal turnover, since the cost of software may not be recouped.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of CRM for a real estate agency

To evaluate the effectiveness, it is worth deciding on the goals for which business process automation is carried out. If the goal is to increase the speed of customer service, then at the initial stage using CRM takes more time, but after that the time is significantly reduced.

Simple or multifunctional CRM in a real estate agency?

It all depends on the level of business. The simpler the implementation, the de facto the scarcer functionality and the less effective the software will be.

What indicators should be in a CRM report for a real estate agency?

The report must reflect the following indicators:

  • Degree of customer satisfaction on a 10-point scale
  • Description of common problems
  • Customer turnover shows the number and ratio of incoming/departing customers
  • Performance of advertising sources
  • Average check

Only on the basis of this information can you formulate the right strategy aimed at increasing profits.

When communicating by phone, a real estate agency employee clarifies where exactly the client found the real estate agency’s phone number. With dynamic call tracking, this is done automatically. This information allows you to track the performance of advertising sources and more competently plan your marketing budget.