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Do you want dessert to bring not only pleasure, but also maximum benefit? Choose sweet syrup from maple sap for consumption - natural product low in sugar. It is ideal as a separate dish and as an addition to pancakes, cheesecakes, and so on. Why is it useful? this product and where is it produced? Find out more about this.

Maple syrup - what is it made from?

Unfortunately, in Russia the natural product is considered a delicacy and is not very popular. Many people have only heard about it from Canadian and American films, because the food is foreign. North America is considered the birthplace of this delicious delicacy, where red, black, and sugar maples grow.Maple syrup is made fromtree sap by evaporation. Cooking a product is a real science, complex, very interesting.

How they do it

The cooking process has remained unchanged for a long time. In early spring, when the trees are filled with life, holes are made on the trunks, tubes are inserted and containers are placed to drain the liquid.Maple syrup is madefrom the collected juice, placing it in special containers and evaporating. To obtain a complete product, it is evaporated huge amount water. For comparison, 1 liter of treats is prepared from 40 liters fresh juice. When the liquid reaches the desired consistency, it is filtered and bottled. No additives, dyes or preservatives are used for production.

Collecting liquid does not harm trees - you can take it from one trunk every year. Maple sap in large quantities mined in Canada, where sugar maple grows everywhere - national symbol countries. Control over the quality and properties of the resulting and sold delicacies is carried out by a special state commission - they are so responsible in the production of everyone’s favorite product.

Maple syrup - benefits and harms

The product is an excellent alternative to jam, sugar, jam, recommended for healthy eating. It doesn't have chemical elements, preservatives that can harm the human body.The benefits and harms of maple syrupdescribed in special studies. According to scientists, the product is as healthy as bee honey, but in addition contains less sugar. The delicacy is rich in vitamins, minerals, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, antioxidants and so on. Benefits of maple syrup:

  • prevents the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • enhances potency;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • enhances the effect of vitamins;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • reduces risk diabetes mellitus;
  • has a beneficial effect on the pancreas;
  • helps with cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • cleanses the liver.

The product is only beneficial for healthy people if consumed in reasonable quantities. Those who have allergies should eat with caution - possible individual intolerance to the component. For the first time, you should buy the product, try a little and monitor the body’s reaction in order to avoid side effects. Also, syrup should not be abused by those losing weight due to its content large quantity glucose. Maple sugar has no other contraindications.


The product is made exclusively from natural raw materials. It contains no artificial additives, which makes the treat healthy for all ages. Maple syrup is rich in B vitamins, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, iron, manganese, and antioxidants. The delicacy contains antioxidants and polyphenols that can prevent serious diseases.Composition of maple syrupcan be called unique.

Maple sap - calories

The described product is similar in consistency to natural honey, thick, viscous, has a specific, pleasant taste. The dark amber-colored Canadian syrup, collected at the end of the season, has a particularly strong aroma. Those who are on a diet hoping to replace sugar with the product described should remember high concentration glucose.Maple syrup calories– 260 kcal per 100 g.

Maple syrup - what is it used for?

Thanks to its caramel-like taste, the product is ideal for use in cooking. The delicacy can be added as a topping to desserts, fruit salads, pancakes, cheesecakes, ice cream, waffles, and baked goods. Due to its properties, the product is excellent for use instead of sugar, for example, in tea. Delicious lollipops and sweets are made from it. The product is often used for preparing main courses and sauces.Uses of maple syrupappropriate in medical purposes, for example, for prevention oncological diseases, increasing immunity.

Maple syrup is a traditional treat for Canadian and American residents. In Russia, Norway maple is suitable for making maple syrup. However, the sap from this type of maple is less sugary, but it can be used to make a maple syrup recipe.

Maple syrup recipe

  1. To make maple syrup, you need to select suitable tree. Best time for collecting juice - spring.
  2. Make a hole in the maple trunk with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a depth of about 5-10 cm.
  3. To prepare maple syrup, you need to insert into the hole either a metal corner with a hook for a container or a tube through which the maple sap will flow. To obtain 0.5 liters of maple syrup you need 15-20 liters of juice.

You should also follow the rules on how to make maple syrup.

How to make maple syrup at home?

  1. Note that maple syrup can be prepared by evaporating the water from the sap. Thus, the sugar level increases to 66%. As maple syrup is made, a color change occurs. It becomes significantly darker. Of course, the taste of the product also changes.
  2. At home, a “batch” approach is used to make maple syrup. This means that the juice is placed in a container for evaporation and actually heated. As the water evaporates, juice is added to this container until the required amount of syrup is obtained.
  3. When preparing a maple syrup recipe at home, use a large container, preferably one with a Teflon coating, as the syrup can burn. It is better to take a deep container for preparing maple syrup to prevent the resulting foam from escaping.
  4. Wide containers are required to speed up the evaporation process of maple syrup. To obtain 1 liter of maple syrup, you need to evaporate 42 liters of excess moisture from 43 liters of sap. Considering that the area of ​​the evaporated surface will be 30 square meters. cm, then we will need 28-56 hours.
  5. The evaporation container must be deep, since the syrup must constantly boil. The higher the sugar concentration in maple syrup, the higher the boiling point. At the end of cooking maple syrup, the boiling point is 7 degrees higher than the boiling point of water. If the boiling point of maple syrup is higher than 7.5 degrees, then you need to add more juice and bring the syrup to the desired temperature.
  6. Once the maple syrup has reached the desired temperature, it is ready to be filtered and sealed. Ideally, the percentage of sugar in maple syrup should not exceed 66%. If the indicator is less than 66%, the syrup will be watery and will not keep well, and if the threshold is exceeded 66%, the syrup will become sugary.
  7. Hot maple syrup is filtered to remove granulated sugar and various suspended matter. A wool or synthetic filter is used for filtration. The syrup is then cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

Oh, these things are for me, bro! It happens that you go to a supermarket and your eyes widen when you see all these unfamiliar, but alluring products. So I would buy myself something unusual: you pick up one thing, then another, turn it, twirl it - and back on the shelf. It looks interesting, but what to do with this exotica? Where should she go? What if you spend money to no avail? You will have another exhibit in your refrigerator next to the terribly hot pickled peppers and ketchup that you bought the month before last, but for some reason you never finished, and now you don’t want to touch it at all - even to throw it away.

One of these alluring things is undoubtedly maple syrup. You can't count how many times you've heard about it in American films: these guys stick it everywhere! Or maybe, who knows, you’ve tried maple donuts or maple waffles in some coffee shop - and that’s where your knowledge about maple syrup ends. Why is it so good and what can you do with it? Today we will figure it out.

How is maple syrup made?

The homeland of maple syrup is North America - and all because it is made from the sap of maple trees that grow only on the North American continent. This delicacy is obtained from the sap of sugar, red and black maples, growing in the southwest of Canada and in a number of US states - for example, in Vermont, whose symbol is not for nothing the maple leaf.

Making maple syrup - a whole science. To make it, you need to work hard. It all starts with the collection of maple sap, which occurs in a completely certain time: optimal conditions- when the temperature rises above zero during the day and drops below at night. As a rule, this occurs from the end of February to the end of April. The temperature difference in this matter is favorable, because in such conditions the tree gives off more sap.

To get maple sap, small holes are drilled in the tree trunk (up to one and a half centimeters in diameter and up to five centimeters deep) and special tubes are inserted into them, through which the sap enters the vessels. Sounds like how you collect birch sap, right, dude?

The collected juice must be processed immediately: it is an extremely perishable product. Therefore, thoughtful Canadians build special “steam rooms” right among the maples. Maple syrup is made without leaving the cash register! And this happens as follows.

Freshly collected maple sap is placed in special containers and... evaporated. This happens long and tediously: the juice spends long and tedious hours in a special evaporator before it becomes a full-fledged syrup. At the same time, an absolutely incredible amount of water is evaporated: to obtain one liter of maple syrup, you need about 40 liters of juice (so, by the way, this sweetness is not cheap, do not expect to get it for less than 300 rubles). How many maples need to be “milked” to produce the delicacy on an industrial scale?

The product is considered ready when the amount of sugar in it reaches 66%. If we continue to evaporate the water further, crystallization will begin, and we will get maple caramels in the exhaust. When the finished syrup has cooled, it is passed through a filter, removing traces of crystallized sugar - and the delicacy is ready. I wonder if it is possible to do something similar with our birch trees? Imagine, bro, how exotic: “Birch syrup. Spirit of Russia".

Please note: when we described to you the process of preparing this syrup, we did not say a word about additives, because (real) maple syrup simply does not contain them. No sugar, no dyes, no thickeners, no preservatives - nothing like that. Only maple syrup - no cheating! In Canada, there is even a special state commission that controls the quality of the syrup: this is how they take a responsible approach to the production of the delicacy from the symbol of the country.

What are the benefits of maple syrup?

This is what Canadians do for their famous maple syrup! We thought that they didn’t start all this in vain: no one would start such a mess out of nowhere. What is so good about this notorious maple syrup?

Maple syrup is (wow!) a healthy sweetener. It is not as high in calories as sugar - if you work hard in the gym, then this information will certainly benefit you. And maple syrup does not increase blood sugar levels, so it is often recommended for diabetics - too useful information, it’s worth winding it on your mustache.

In addition, maple syrup contains a lot of useful substances: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and B vitamins. It’s strange, but it turns out that any of them is not the best healthy dish, For example fried chicken, can be improved using the same syrup. Yes, imagine, it is added not only to desserts!

So what should we do with it now?

So, having found out about beneficial properties maple syrup, you finally dared and bought it. What should we do with it now?

The taste of maple syrup is quite interesting: it resembles caramel and at the same time gives off a woody taste. The easiest way is to pour it over anything: pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, pastries. You can use it instead of sugar by adding tea or coffee. More great way to use maple syrup is to put a couple of teaspoons in warm milk if you have a cold (or in cold milk - just like that). Since maple syrup is very healthy, it will be a good substitute for the usual honey in this role; This is especially true if you have allergies.

You can also cook something with it. We already told you about the cool guy sandwich with maple syrup, but this is far from the end!

For example, when you bake a chicken in the oven (and bros dare to do this), you can coat it with maple syrup in the last half hour. You can stew meat with it. You do everything as usual, but add syrup to the main dish (don’t forget to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:2). By the way, it goes well with nuts - you can throw them into the meat at the same time. Don't be afraid to experiment!

You can also make a surprise for a friend: you take apples, cut out the core, put the filling inside: walnuts, raisins, cinnamon - and pour maple syrup mixed with water on top (again, there should be twice as much water as syrup). Then you put these good fellows in the oven for half an hour - and that’s it.

And this is how cool American Kreayshawn eats syrup. If you're still hesitating whether to try this wonder, man, it will help you make a decision.

Maple syrup - good supplement for waffles or pancakes. Maple syrup, like the maple leaf, is a symbol of Canada. In this article you will learn what real maple syrup is made from, as well as how and where it is made.

Maple syrup is a sweet syrup made from the sap of the maple tree. Only 4 types of maple are suitable for producing syrup:

  • sugar maple,
  • red maple,
  • black maple,
  • Norway maple.

Real maple syrup has a slight woody flavor.

Most maple syrup is produced in Canada. Maple syrup and sugar maple are symbols of Canada and some US states (for example, Vermont). The sugar maple leaf has become the national emblem of Canada.

Maple syrup is also produced in Russia; it is produced in the Leningrad region.

Production technology

Typically, maple sap is collected in early spring: from late January to late April. In nature, this period is called “crying plants.” This period is similar to the same phenomenon in birch and is also characteristic of other types of maples, such as white and Norway maples.

They begin the process of collecting juice in the season when the buds swell and the air temperature is above zero during the day and below zero at night. This is very important, since it is at this time that the tree releases more sap.

The best and favorable time March is considered. It is believed that the juice is especially sweet at this time.

To collect sap, holes with a diameter of 3 to 15 mm and a depth of 2 to 5 cm are drilled in the tree trunk. Tubes are inserted into the holes through which the sap flows into a special container.

The sap is then concentrated by evaporation, turning it into maple syrup. The juice is evaporated on large, flat, heated surfaces. No sugar is added during thickening.

Since the juice is 96% water, it takes many hours to evaporate the water and obtain the required syrup concentration. On average, about 1 liter of syrup is obtained from 40 liters of juice.

Places of production

About 80% of the world's maple syrup is produced in the Canadian province of Quebec. Canadian maple syrup exports are valued at more than C$145 million annually. In Canada, maple syrup is also produced in the provinces of Ontario and New Brunswick.

In the United States, maple syrup is produced in upstate New York, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont and Pennsylvania.

Vermont is the largest producer in the United States, producing about 5.5 percent of the world's supply.

The syrup is conventionally divided into Canadian and American (Vermont) based on its density and transparency.

In Canada, a special government commission monitors the purity and authenticity of Canadian maple syrup.

Sugar maple grows in nature only in North America. Maple syrup was originally collected and used by the indigenous peoples of this continent. The practice of extracting maple syrup was later adopted by European settlers, who gradually improved their extraction methods.

Maple syrup is often used as an additive to pancakes or waffles. It can also be used in many other foods, from ice cream to cornbread. In addition, maple syrup is used as an ingredient in baking and desserts.