Ten of the strangest delivery vehicles. Food delivery advertising: promotion tips

Some parts of the world still do not have the traditional means of delivery that the civilized world is accustomed to. For example, it is impossible to deliver letters and other correspondence by mail to some places on the planet, since there are many states on the world map where there is no such thing as a postal service. But it turns out traditional means deliveries do not claim a monopoly. There are many in the world alternative means delivery of aircraft, ships and any possible cargo. We have selected the most unusual and most exotic means of delivery.

10) Vityaz DT-30

Initially, a two-link tracked vehicle was developed in our country (in 1960) as a military tractor. Subsequently, the all-terrain vehicle was reoriented for civilian transportation. The equipment is designed for transportation in the North, Siberia, the Far East, the Arctic and Antarctic, and is also intended for transportation on soils with low bearing capacity.

This means that "Vityaz" can travel through rugged wooded areas in extreme climatic conditions (from +40 to -50 degrees).

The all-terrain vehicle has a payload capacity of 30,000 kg. Engine power 781 hp The volume of the diesel 12-cylinder power unit is 38.8 liters. So if you are in trouble on a Siberian expedition or you need to deliver cargo to an area where conventional off-road vehicles cannot travel, then this all-terrain vehicle will solve your problem without any problems.

9) Project 12322 "Bison"

In those areas of Russia or any other part of the world where there are no roads, a hovercraft can come to the rescue. To know for sure that your cargo will be delivered anywhere, you need to choose the most reliable hovercraft cargo transport in the world. Of course, this is the Zubr ship, developed back in the Soviet years. It's hovercraft.

This equipment is perfect for delivering parcels and cargo to places where no marine equipment in the world can go. It is worth noting that of course you will not be able to use this ship for civilian purposes. But, nevertheless, you can be sure that in many Northern and maritime regions of Russia there are several postal hovercrafts, which were also developed back in the Soviet years and still serve as assistants in delivering not only cargo to impenetrable Arctic regions Russia, but also transport people from the mainland to the Northern Islands.

8) Delivery by dog ​​sled

This is one of the oldest means of postal communication in the world. Surprisingly, this type of delivery is still used in some areas of the planet. In past times, this type of dog mail was the main one for delivering letters, parcels, parcels and various cargoes to remote, sparsely populated areas of Russia, Canada, Alaska and Northern Europe.

So in our country in the 19th and 20th centuries, dog sleds were used in the regions of the northern part of Siberia, Kamchatka and other regions inaccessible to transport.

In difficult climatic conditions, where equipment cannot withstand, they are indispensable as transport. Thanks to the work of specially trained dogs, many areas of the Far North were not cut off from the mainland parts of the Northern regions.

7) Airplane AN-225

The AN-225 cargo aircraft is the world's largest cargo aircraft. This aircraft can transport cargo weighing up to 250 tons over vast distances. We are all familiar with this plane. If anyone remembers, it was he who transported the Buran space shuttle to the cosmodrome.

Thanks to its carrying capacity, this one can accommodate 16 ten-ton sea containers and 50 cars. The aircraft can also transport dump trucks such as BELAZ trucks. The aircraft is also capable of transporting huge turbines and generators weighing up to 200 tons.

So, if you need to transport, for example, part sea ​​ship to another continent, then best solution you won't find it.

6) Vertical transportation system Genetal Motors Vert-A-Pac

In the 70s, GM developed a unique transportation system for new cars. by rail. Thanks to vertical loading cars, the carriage managed to accommodate 12 cars. This is twice as much as with horizontal loading.

Special carriages were developed American manufacturer railway cars ordered by Genetal Motors. Subsequently, the wagon manufacturer curtailed its activities. As a result, special freight cars for transporting cars were no longer produced.

It's a pity that this idea didn't get through widespread in the world of cargo transportation.

5) Pneumatic mail

This special kind cargo transportation, which is a system for moving small postal items through special vacuum pipes using compressed or rarefied air. To move letters or light loads, special ones are used.

In the mid-19th century, this type of pneumatic transport became widespread in many large cities around the world. Pneumatic mail was first used in London in 1853. Then the pneumatic mail began to spread throughout large countries Europe. In the 1890s, pneumatic mail came to America. For example, similar mail was used in New York. The technology made it possible to move from 400 to 600 letters through pipes at a speed of 50 km/h. The pipes were underground not far from its surface. The pneumatic mail sent about 95,000 letters per day.

Unfortunately, due to extreme operating costs, pneumatic mail has virtually disappeared throughout the world over time. They were replaced vehicles who changed the world's view.

4) Delivery of messages by pigeon mail

If you need to deliver a letter to a place where there is no Internet, traditional postal communications, and also to a place where the cost of delivering a letter will be the same as it costs to deliver a consignment of industrial cargo, then you need to remember about pigeon mail, forgotten by humanity.

Yes, of course, this is not very modern, but, nevertheless, have no doubt, pigeons really know where to fly in any weather. Thanks to the natural instincts (self-orientation in space, self-direction, etc.) of pigeons, you can rest assured that your letter will reach the addressee.

3) Rocket mail

Despite the fact that this unusual type of delivery means has not actually been used anywhere in the world, nevertheless, in the history of the development of communications, this type of transportation has been tested several times. So, as an experiment, a real military missile was used, from which the fuse and warhead were removed, which was launched from the deck of the US Navy. The rocket flew about 160 kilometers, delivering 3,000 letters to a given destination.

2) Cargo ship MV Blue Marlin

When you need to transport a ship across the sea or ocean, the Dutch semi-submersible sea cargo ship “MV Blue Marlin” can come to the rescue. This cargo water transport purpose built to cope with the rigors of marine transport.

The Blue Marlin is ideal for transporting offshore oil rigs and large offshore radar systems.

1) Cargo space rockets delivering to the ISS

International space station, which is located, from time to time needs to deliver the necessary cargo to maintain the operation of the ISS and the life of the astronauts. In order to deliver the cargo, rocket launchers are used.

This is the most unusual and most expensive method of delivering goods in the world. Typically, cargo in a container is placed in top part rocket, which is located at the junction with the explosive compartments of the rocket. In order to launch a rocket, it is enough to ignite the fuel and the ship will go to outer space. Surprisingly, despite the explosion hazard of transport and complex technological difficulties, this type of transportation has been working reliably for a long time.

Ordering a delicious lunch to your home or work is a small gastronomic pleasure that almost everyone allows themselves from time to time. Some people choose a large and hot pizza, others choose light and harmonious-tasting dishes of Japanese cuisine, while others choose something more “homemade,” for example, a simple soup with noodles and meat in addition to a vegetable salad.

And there are incredibly many different delivery services, even in small towns - they all compete with each other, constantly imposing on themselves (and setting up customers for this) increasingly stringent requirements for the quality/taste of products, service, marketing and customer loyalty.

Market laws - nothing can be done about it! But this only plays into the hands of ordinary “eaters” who are constantly looking for where the most delicious lunch will be delivered at the most affordable price in the city.

But not all companies follow the “beaten path”. There are some very funny and unusual concepts related to food delivery in the world - that's what we're going to tell you about today.

“We’ll deliver right into traffic jams”

For Europe and the USA this is surprising, but for a number of Asian countries this situation can even be called normal - your delicious lunch is delivered not to your home or office (as we are used to), but to approximate point by geolocation, that is, directly into the car, for example.

IN largest cities(like Jakarta, Bangkok or Manila), drivers order a small hot lunch or a whole “box” of food for the day directly in a traffic jam, giving the car number, street and approximate location, hoping that the courier will deliver everything in approximately 30-40 minutes.

Such delivery services are usually presented huge number cafes throughout the metropolis, which allows you to respond very quickly to orders, deliver food on time and not inflate prices, keeping them at a competitive level.

“We deliver from anywhere”

And this concept appeared in India, later spreading to Bangladesh and the countries of Southeast Asia. Some delivery services do not “produce” anything, but will happily deliver any food from anywhere in the city at an agreed price. Conditionally - you can order fried chicken, and the couriers will search for her.

However, it is not this approach that has made this category of deliveries famous. The system that has taken root best is: “we take it from home.” So, if the wife of some bank employee in Delhi decides to prepare a delicious home-cooked lunch for her husband, she can send it to the office by contacting a special company - everything is delivered quickly and in special containers.

“Eat what we bring”

Such deliveries are 100% “history” for outrageous individuals. They are popular in many countries, but are especially respected in the student towns and regions of England, Scotland, the USA and Germany.

The point is simple. You call the company, name the amount of money (usually it should be more than 30-40 dollars/pounds) and some reason, for example, a romantic date. After an hour and a half, the courier brings you an absolutely “author’s” set of products, which can include both ready-made snacks and products for preparing a specific dish.

The big advantage of such services is real creativity - they can bring you something that you yourself would never think of ordering.

“The familiar in an unusual form”

Everything is much simpler here. These non-standard deliveries carry fairly “everyday” food in a not-so-usual form. It seems like nothing special, but some people are really hooked by it.

You can get a huge triangular pizza, an uncut roll that you have to eat whole (like shawarma) or some Mexican dishes styled like dessert cakes. Limitless flight of fantasy.

“We’ll deliver and serve”

In some ways, this system is similar to catering, but the differences are significant. In the case of "service delivery" you do not need to organize anything or plan in advance - as always, you simply order, for example, a hot dinner for a certain amount and additionally pay for the services of a waiter (some companies may send a cook, sommelier, or dishwasher).

It is quite expensive, but it produces strong impression- a trained person will open all bags, transfer dishes to your favorite dishes, serve everything to the table, refill drinks, and then remove empty plates.

All of these, of course, are very non-standard deliveries - and in “ordinary” cases (especially in Russia) there would hardly be any point in resorting to something like this. The vast majority of "real needs" are simply delivery really delicious lunches from quality ingredients. So that it is fast, hot and not very expensive. All these requirements are met by the Dostaevsky service operating in Moscow and St. Petersburg - round-the-clock free delivery of a wide variety of dishes: from Japanese cuisine to cakes. Try to place an order - the level of service will pleasantly surprise you!

:: You may be interested in other culinary publications.

With the growing number of online stores, the demand for the services of companies delivering goods and cargo is also growing. That is why in almost all regions and populated areas Today there are branches of such companies. Essentially, goods delivery services are intermediaries between the seller and the buyer, but they only charge for delivery. Due to its low cost of services, mail is the main competitor of goods delivery services. On the other hand, the advantages of delivery services are: speed of delivery, reliability, safety of goods, and often a “home delivery” service, which allows you not to go anywhere - everything will be brought to you at the location you specify.

It is worth noting that, despite the existing competition (but not very high) in this area, this type of activity remains quite in demand and has good prospects. Moreover, you can come up with many “tricks” that will distinguish you from your competitors. One of these features could be overnight or evening time.

Evening delivery service Luna

This is exactly what the guys from San Francisco did when they created their startup called Luna. The difference between their service and many other similar ones is that the goods are delivered to the client’s home or to a place specified by him in the evening and at night, namely from 19 to 24 hours. It would seem: what’s special about this? Aren't there other companies that open this late? It turns out not!

Have you ever had to take time off from work or be distracted from your main activities in order to pick up goods from a delivery service warehouse during the day? The author of this article has encountered such situations more than once, as have many people around the world. And it happened that there was simply no time to pick up the order and the goods were returned back to the sellers unpaid. This is where American (and not only) online stores lose a lot of money. It was this nuance that the creators of Luna were able to see and take into account. New business ideas often arise from something existing, but seasoned with subtleties and details.
How is everything going? In the admin panel of each online store associated with the Luna service, there is a special button “Deliver your order in the evening with Luna”. Thus, parcels from numerous online stores are redirected to the Luna database.

SoPost – delivery service

British online stores lose approximately one billion pounds sterling every year due to non-collection of goods. But this does not happen because someone has such jokes - sending the order and not picking it up. In fact, there are often good reasons: a person is on a business trip, at a dentist’s appointment, traveling, or, after all, busy with business.

It was this state of affairs that forced enterprising British people to create the SoPost service. Your order is linked to your email address or account social network. Therefore, your delivery address always remains up to date. Using google maps the guys at SoPost will find where you are at at the moment, they will bring your order and hand it in person. In this case, there is no connection to the “residence address”.

American PickupZone service

Even more unusually, the problem of the customer’s absence on site was solved by the PickupZone service. They set up a network of informal "delivery branches" from various locations that people visit most frequently. Thus, the delivery of the order arrives and is stored in one of the places where the customer is the customer of the goods. Among these places where people stay are: gyms, beauty salons, dental clinics, studios, laundries, tennis clubs and many, many other places that townspeople usually visit.

This is how the problems of returning orders and lack of customer time are solved in different and creative ways by various enterprising businessmen who have created such unusual and useful delivery services.

What else can you think of in the field of goods delivery? Take a closer look and listen to the needs of society, and you will definitely be able to occupy your unique niche, which will bring the desired respect and income. Good luck!

free to the Garden Ring, from 100 rubles inside the Third Transport Ring

from 11:00 to 23:00

+7 (964) 638−93−73

500 rubles - in the Chistye Prudy metro area, 900 rubles within the Garden Ring

The Odessa-Mama cafe appeared thanks to the creators of the long-established Khachapuri. Typical Odessa dishes of home-made Jewish cuisine are prepared here. You can order lard with pepper, rooster jellied meat, lazy dumplings, potato pancakes with chopped veal, pike perch in cheese sauce and much more. Also here good choice homemade soups and desserts.


150 rubles in the Krasnopresnensky district, 200 rubles within the Third Transport Ring, free delivery for orders over 1,200 rubles

from 10:00 to 23:00

+7 (495) 739−25−56

600 rubles

Pyan-sho are traditional Korean steamed buns with a rich filling. Pyan-syo kiosks are constantly changing their location; this winter they can be found on Arbatsky Lane, in Krasnaya Presnya Park and at the VDNKh food court. There are only four types of pian-sho on the delivery menu: classic, with kimchi (spicy), vegetarian and with salmon.

A modern Georgian cafe, where the food is cooked mainly by Georgians. You can order everything that is on the menu, that is, pkhali, satsivi, chikhirtma, all kinds of khachapuri, achma, lobio, as well as grilled dishes and desserts. In addition, Saperavi delivers Georgian lemonades and Natakhtari beer and homemade compotes.

"Food Party"

free within Moscow, 300 rubles - outside the Moscow Ring Road within 30 km

Tue.-Sat. from 10:00 to 21:00, Sun.-Mon. from 10:00 to 23:00

+7 (495) 268−07−28

3,495 rubles

A service that delivers home groceries and recipes for five dinners. All dishes, as the creators promise, need to be cooked no longer than 30 minutes. Every week the menu for the next week appears on the website, and the serving size is 500-700 grams. Sample menu for the week: hangover hodgepodge with smoked meats, mashed potatoes with bacon and a mixture of five peppers, Italian salad with basmati rice, tuna and corn, country-style beef stew with buckwheat, classic spaghetti Carbonara. You can choose a box of dinners for two or four. Delivery, by the way, also works in St. Petersburg.

A branch of a British company specializing in the sale of coconuts has opened in Moscow. You can only buy them in boxes of nine pieces each. You can also subscribe and have coconuts delivered every two weeks. On the website you can also get tools for opening coconuts: a CocoJack set, CocoTap and CocoCut knives. In addition, the site has detailed instructions how to open a coconut.

Finger Food

free within the Third Transport Ring and for orders over 800 rubles, free from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road for orders over 1,200 rubles

from 10:00 to 22:00

+7 (968) 711−08−87

850 rubles

A project promoting the idea that everything tasty should be eaten with your hands. The menu includes quiches with chicken and mushrooms, salmon, mozzarella, tuna, spinach, baked vegetables, apple or cottage cheese with raisins, salads, soups (including spinach with smoked salmon), burgers and much more. You can also order a set lunch: soup, quiche and fruit drink (though only for weekdays from 11:00 to 17:00 and at least four servings).

Chef Dmitry Zotov's pizzeria prepares different food: From soups to desserts, but the main dish is pizza. Here it is prepared in the American style: uneven, with swollen edges and unusual fillings. You can order everything on the menu: any pizza, bruschetta, pasta, desserts. Absolute hits: pizza with suluguni, potatoes, bacon, egg and onion; cannelloni with rabbit and porcini mushrooms; bourbon cherry tiramisu. The choice of drinks is also large: from American ale to cocoa.

The first online teahouse where you can order different types pilaf: “Chaikhansky” - the famous Uzbek leg of lamb pilaf, “Festive” - with Uzbek raisins, and “Vegetarian” - with vegetables, barberries and dried fruits. You can also order the “Achichuk” salad or assorted Baku vegetables, flatbread and homemade jam. Drinks include TeGusto compote, and green tea served free of charge with every ordered pilaf. In addition, 3% of each order goes to a charitable foundation.

An establishment, if you can call it that, a small one rented from a restaurant in Baumanskaya Kitchen, where two people prepare pizza according to their own recipes and deliver it around Moscow. The menu has a classic set: vegetarian pizza, “Caprichesa”, “Polo Tomato” and others. You can also order soup or salad and drinks. The website conveniently describes how long delivery will take to different areas of Moscow: for example, pizza will arrive in the Central Administrative District within 30-40 minutes after ordering.

Soupmates is a service for delivering soups in cups: beetroot, okroshka, borscht with avocado, cheese, lentil, tom kha, salmon, tomato, pumpkin, chicken with broccoli, tomato, mushroom and sweet soups - apple and banana-coconut. Delivery is currently suspended, but they promise that it will resume after the New Year holidays.

In the summer, Pizza Hut pizzerias reopened in Moscow, having left with Russian market in 2011. Pizza Hut now offers delivery as well. You can order different pizzas, both classic and original: for example, “Teriyaki” pizza with chicken in teriyaki sauce, a pizza roll in the form of a croissant, and there are also appetizers and salads; the only desserts are cheesecake and Baskin Robbins ice cream. You can place an order on the website by phone or SMS and through the application. A pleasant surprise: all couriers have beacons, so you can track their location on the map.

Dish constructor for beginners, a set of products to prepare a restaurant dish at home. It's simple: they bring you a box of food, and you, following the instructions, cook for yourself delicious dinner in 30 minutes. This year, the project launched a diet program where you can subscribe and receive recipes and products for five low-calorie meals a day. The course lasts 28 days. Food is delivered twice a week for three to four days.

The Bulka bakery and confectionery chain has also launched a delivery service. Now on the website you can order freshly baked bread, soups, and even breakfasts, among which, by the way, cheese cakes and granola with yogurt and berries are especially popular. In addition, at Bulka you can order sourdough or coffee beans to your home, as well as gifts like gingerbread houses or gift card for 3 or 5 thousand rubles.

Food delivery is a fairly common service. However, not all of its varieties are known to citizens who use banal delivery (courier). If you love to taste delicious restaurant food at home, you will definitely enjoy unique ways food delivery services that you've probably never heard of before.

The most unusual food delivery
Sometimes a banal food delivery service can be turned into a real holiday!

For example, such an idea was successfully brought to life by Peter Bonhaum, a native of the USA. Peter is the owner of a pizzeria where the food delivery service is a real costume show. Moreover, this idea is the work of the owner of the pizzeria himself. Each of the couriers working for St. Petersburg, at the time of delivery, dresses up in a costume of one or another fairy tale hero. By the way, the suits were made to order and are original and bright outfits that can lift the mood of any client. Just imagine your amazement and delight when not an ordinary pizza delivery guy knocks on your door, but:
Flying Squirrel
Captain Terror
Or Captain Organic

If you are too conservative and don’t like making changes in your life, you can simply order delicious and appetizing food using regular delivery.

For example, having read the words on the forum: I recommend choosing here http://dostavka1.com food to order in Moscow from the restaurants “John Jolie”, “Mama Tao” or “Luce”, you can rest assured of first-class service and quality of dishes. But if you dare to treat yourself to a trip to China one day, get ready for home delivery of food, the service of which differs significantly from conservative understandings.

So, in China, when ordering food at home, you can count on the fact that not just a courier will arrive to you, but

a real waiter who is ready to serve you all evening as if you really were

You are not at home, but in a luxurious restaurant.

This original idea visited restaurant owners who wanted to save their customers from long and tedious queues. It’s hard to believe, but in Chinese restaurants, which are successful and popular among local and visiting gourmets, sometimes there really are entire queues! That is why food delivery with a waiter to your home has truly become a salvation. An attentive and polite waiter will be able to:
Deliver the food you ordered to the desired address
Set the table
Serve you
Clear the dishes from the table and even wash the dishes!