Do Winx really exist? Beautiful, but dangerous: do fairies exist? Distinctive features and behavior

Incredible facts

Do you think there were fairies in your family?

You will say that these are all fairy tales, but the Celts believed that members of the royal family had fairies in their bloodline, which elevated them to the highest rank in society.

They were supposed to protect the royal family and the future of humanity.

The fairies of Celtic folklore were not tiny, magical creatures with wings. They had the appearance of a man, but they had magical power and never grew old.

They did not have wings, which allowed them to walk among people undetected.

Some considered fairies to be mortal, but they lived much longer longer than people , sometimes living up to hundreds and thousands of years.

The Legend of the Fairy

According to legends, if a child was born to a human mother and a fairy-tale father, he looked like a man, but inherited magical abilities. If a child appeared from a fairy mother and a human father, he was born in a fairy-tale world and was ethereal.

According to other legends, fairies stole a baby from people and replaced it with their own. The parents were unaware of the substitution and raised the child with inexplicable abilities. Such children were called elves.

Do you think magical blood flows in your veins? These are the characteristics that fairies were believed to have.

How to become a fairy

1. You have a charming and sensual look.

Once you look at a person, it is difficult for him to turn away from you. Others have told you that your gaze is captivating, captivating, and bewitching.

You don't have to say anything to win others over, you just look deeply into their eyes and let your charms do their work.

2. You are unusual and attractive

Others describe you as unusual, extraordinary, or unique person. Despite the fact that you are different from others, you are considered very attractive and attractive.

3. Your body temperature is slightly below normal.

Your normal body temperature may be lower than that of the people around you. Or you may have normal temperature, but when someone touches you, you seem colder.

But, despite the fact that your skin is cooler than others, people are not put off by this, but rather calmed down. Yours blood pressure may also be below normal.

4. You may be sleeping too much or too little.

Sometimes you can sleep for only a few hours and still not suffer from insomnia. What's more, you get the sleep you need and still feel rested and active throughout the day. It also happens that you are more active at night and sleep during the day.

But in some cases, you may sleep a lot. This is due to the fact that in sleep you feel more comfortable than in real world. After all, fairies are mystical creatures.

good fairy

5. It seems to you that you do not belong to this world.

You may feel as if you have come from a distant world or another galaxy. Although you are interested in people, you try to avoid getting too involved with others.

Most often you feel detached and think about traveling or new places.

6. You have imaginary friends

You feel comfortable talking to imaginary friends and often engage in internal dialogues. After all, you have to hide your fairytale origins from people.

7. Children and animals love you

It doesn't depend on your age. You don't try to win their love, and maybe even avoid contact with them. But, nevertheless, small and large children and animals are always drawn to you.

8. You are interested in fairy tales or spiritual practices.

WITH early age you were fond of fairy tales and folklore. You are curious and always wanted to learn more, even if it went against your upbringing. You may even be talented in these areas.

9. Can you hear white noise

You often hear white noise in your ears. This sound cannot be explained as it is not distinctive like a ringing sound, but rather a similar sensation.

This sound becomes stronger when you anticipate the future or have a strong intuitive feeling that something will happen.

Do fairies exist

10. You love music

Do you have strong love to everything related to music. Perhaps you enjoy listening to music, singing, playing an instrument, writing songs, or dancing.

Do you think that music is the best way express yourself and cope with the emotions you face in the real world.

11. You feel calm in nature

It is in nature that you experience an incredible feeling of peace and comfort. Plants, flowers, trees, insects, animals and water help you gain strength and focus.

12. You love to dream

You often get caught up in your dreams and get lost in them.

In truth, you are drawn to your fairy-tale world, in which you feel most comfortable. Even when you are awake, you are often distracted and may become distracted.

13. You are sensitive to electromagnetic waves

You have increased sensitivity to various frequencies, including Wi-Fi, mobile phones and fluorescent lamps. You may experience headaches, stress, rashes, burning and tingling sensations on your skin when you are near sources of electromagnetic waves.

14. You would like to help people

You are attracted to the path of a healer, and you would like to give happiness and light to the people around you. Perhaps you are attracted to such professions as a doctor, a nurse, chiropractor, massage therapist, psychologist, veterinarian and others.

Fairies are light, winged magical creatures of extraordinary beauty, usually female and always kind. This is how their imagination and acquaintances from childhood draw them. fairy tales. But do fairies really exist? And if so, what do they look like and do they have any supernatural powers? To talk about the existence of fairies, you first need to delve into the stories and legends that describe these charming sorceresses.

Fairy fairies - who are they?

Modern ideas about fairies are very far from their traditional descriptions. First of all, you need to understand that these are one of the representatives of an unknown force, like, for example, gnomes or brownies. The very designation “fairy” comes from the ancient French word “faerie”, meaning everything that related to the life of small mythical creatures.

Until now, researchers have not determined the origin of these creatures. According to one version, real fairies are personified spirits of nature: plants, water, air, fire. According to another, these are modified ancient pagan deities. According to the legends of the medieval Scots and Irish, the souls of dead people turned into fairies. However, it is impossible to establish this for certain.

Fairies in world folklore

The first legends about fairies originated in medieval Europe. They gained the greatest popularity in Celtic legends, which were described as miniature creatures that could fly and become invisible. Fairies lived alongside mortals. They often held magnificent celebrations with dancing and music on forest edges and clearings. Every person could see them.

In addition, there were lonely fairies. Legend has it that they lived in people's houses and helped them do their homework: they washed dishes and lit a fire in the hearth. For this, the owners treated them with respect and care and thanked them in every possible way. The house fairy's favorite color was brownish-red. According to legend, they loved children and often gave them gifts.

Medieval Scottish legends featured both good and evil fairies. In general, in folklore there were a wide variety of types of these magical creatures.

An interesting question is whether fairies exist in Russian folk art. Our ancestors did not have similar character. To some extent, mermaids can be considered analogues of these fairy-tale creatures.

Do fairies exist in real life?

Stories and legends about fairies are common among different nations. But how real are they? Do fairies really exist? U different people your own point of view on this matter. Some do not even admit the possibility of the existence of fairies, others firmly believe that these winged sorceresses live next to us.

As one of the arguments, they cite folklore tales and legends. After all, the people who created them could not invent fairies, which means they actually saw them at a time when magical creatures did not yet have to hide from humans. One should not ignore the numerous testimonies of people who saw these winged sorceresses with their own eyes.

Eyewitness accounts

Stories about encounters with fairies began to appear a long time ago. They are described not only in ancient legends, but also in more modern sources. A lot of evidence from those who saw the fairy appeared in the 19th century. At the same time, people claimed that they not only saw these creatures, but also communicated with them.

At the beginning of the last century, photographs taken by two British girls became a real sensation. The pictures show them playing with fairies. More modern research disputed these photographs. Nevertheless, in theosophical circles there is still no doubt about their authenticity. People who have direct contact with the magical world do not have to wonder whether fairies exist. And everyone else can only believe in these stories or deny them.

What fairies look like

Modern ideas about fairies as miniature winged creatures appeared relatively recently. Initially they were described quite differently. Let's find out what real fairies look like?

Interestingly, they could be not only female, but also male. The growth of the fairies was also not constant: they were also described as glowing tall creatures, and how tiny, with an appearance more reminiscent of trolls. The fairy's favorite colors were green and blue. This is probably due to their closeness to nature.

Interestingly, the flying fairy with wings is a figment of the imagination of 19th century storytellers. Folk legends said nothing about this. Initially, fairies did not have wings, but they could fly perfectly without them.

Fairy Traits

As we have already noted, there are both good and evil fairies. The character of these creatures is characterized by inconsistency and unpredictability. Fairies can provide assistance to a person and generously thank them for the services rendered to them. But still, their main qualities are frivolity and touchiness. An angry or offended sorceress could bring a lot of trouble and even make a person seriously ill.

However, many fairies, on the contrary, were healers and even passed on their knowledge to people. These creatures were also distinguished by playfulness and a penchant for all sorts of tricks, for example, they could tangle the hair of a sleeping person, make milk curdle, or steal food from the table.

Relations between fairies and people

Since ancient times, people have believed that fairies live next to them. It is not surprising that legends and literature describe many cases of their meetings and the development of relationships. The love affair between a mortal man and a fairy has always been shrouded in a mysterious romantic aura. These stories are the basis of many fairy tales. The sorceresses took me to their kingdom handsome men, and then, usually for some serious offense, they were returned home. At the same time, it turned out that centuries had already passed in their homeland.

A flying fairy could take the person she liked to a distant village located many kilometers from home, and subsequently he did not remember how or why he ended up there.

In general, it was believed that a meeting with representatives of the magical world did not bode well. Therefore, people tried to stay away from places where fairies lived.

Magic skills of fairies and ways to protect against them

Real fairies are endowed magical abilities. One confirmation of this is numerous fairy tales, where they, with the help of spells and a magic wand, perform miracles and help good people. Fairies can change not only their height, but also their entire appearance, and also turn into an animal or plant. In addition, they can fly and become invisible.

Described large number means of protection against fairies. People believed that these magical creatures were afraid of iron, the sound of bells and, oddly enough, bread. Both fresh and stale, it was the main way of protection against fairies. However, the most the best remedy to protect yourself from the wrath of these creatures was to avoid meeting them. And anyone who did see the fairy was advised not to look at her too closely.

Now we know what real fairies look like and what magical qualities they have. One way or another, everyone chooses for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in them. And the question of the existence of fairies still remains open. But you can rest assured that if you treat these little creatures favorably, they will definitely repay you with kindness and come to your aid.

Since childhood, everyone has seen cartoons and read fairy tales in which there were a large number of magical and magical creatures. Many people wonder if fairies exist in real life. Since ancient times, they were considered inhabitants of the forest, but they could help a lost person or fulfill a wish.

Evidence of existence

It was believed that all fairy tales were written based on real events that the writers experienced. They claimed to have met fairies and communicated with them. When the world was a much kinder place, and people believed in miracles and magic, it was very easy to meet a winged sorceress. Now they have left this world and moved to a parallel one, but they still visit people.

IN modern world photographs or any evidence of the existence of sorceresses cause a great stir. But based on them, it is impossible to say with 100% certainty whether fairies exist in reality.

In 2008, a resident of a small town in America provided the press with a photograph where the silhouette of a little girl with wings was clearly visible. It was proven that the photo was genuine and had never been processed, but this was hidden by the state from society so as not to confirm various myths and fiction.

Residents of Ireland have reported sightings of flying creatures unknown to them, but such claims have often turned out to be fiction, invented to attract the attention of the press and scientists.

In China, a large number of tourists and locals have seen fairies in the Aokigahara Grove, also known as the suicide forest. They make the lost think about suicide.

One day it was found in the forest small body creatures with wings, but it was also passed off by the state as a fake so as not to scare citizens. The existence of fairies in reality is doubtful, but there is no reason to deny it.

Description of creatures

In fairy tales, fairies existed in forests and could easily contact humans. They looked like small, slender girls in neat and shiny dresses with wings and with magic wands. These creatures are not as beautiful and kind as they seem. They are capable of not only helping a person in the forest, but also ruining his fate.

It is better never to count on the help of these mystical creatures. They are capable of:

  • ruin the entire harvest in the fields;
  • kidnap or bewitch a person;
  • abuse animals;
  • steal gems and metals.

In Ireland, people sincerely believe in the existence of fairies and elves. Residents describe them as small, slender and winged creatures. In most cases, they are either completely naked or dressed in robes made of natural fabrics, decorated with jewelry. They can be found in the clearings, dancing or playing musical instruments. They prefer to spend the rest of their time in trees or in bird nests. They have a king and queen. They control and give orders to others.

Fairies are divided into different kingdoms:

  • kingdom of the dead;
  • noble sorceresses;
  • wood elves;
  • harvest fairies;
  • seekers.

Each kingdom maintains balance in their world and is responsible for a specific task in the ecosystem.

Distinctive features and behavior

Fairies, like people, have their own character and preferences. They help people, but that's not always the case. They can ruin both property and human life. These creatures have a very nasty character, but this can be avoided if you follow a few rules.

  1. Never show your distrust of their existence.
  2. Do not use magic items for other purposes: pins, bracelets, candles, stones, potions.
  3. Do not spoil everything that is created by nature, because fairies are the guardians of all wild animals, plants, stones and other natural elements.
  4. Do not go deep into the forest, because this is already their territory, and here they can do whatever they want.
  5. Do not create unnecessary noise - do not turn on music at full volume, do not drive into the forest with a car or motorcycle.
  6. Do not pollute the environment.

To believe in fairies or not is everyone's choice. There is no evidence of their existence. If you do have to deal with them, it is better not to tease them. Believing in them does not harm anyone, but distrusting their existence can create problems. Over time, scientists will be able to unravel the mystery of all magical creatures, but for now we can only rely on the information of people who allegedly saw this with their own eyes.

On our website you can find information about whether Winx fairies exist and whether there is a 7th season of Winx, and also ask questions to other users in the comments.


One of the most popular heroines of modern cartoons is the fairy Winx. Millions of little girls want to be like the fairy-tale character of the Italian animated series, they dream that a real miracle will happen to them.

Let's figure out how the image of Winx was invented. Fairies, like any other magical creatures (witches, gnomes, elves, unicorns and leprechauns), are the main characters ancient mythology, ancient legends and tales.

There are always debates about whether Winx and other mythological characters exist in real life. With regular intervals, irrefutable evidence of the existence of fairy fairies appears in printed publications and on the pages of Internet sites - photographs, videos. However, modern computer graphics capable of performing real miracles that are very difficult for the human eye to recognize.

Experts in the field of esotericism unanimously assert that everything that a person wrote about exists in reality. In their opinion, people have true vision, which makes it possible to see the smallest matters that the brain perceives in a special format. Therefore, based on this theory, the Winx fairies, like other magical creatures, should exist in real life.

No one has studied in detail the question of whether there are Winx fairies on our planet. Not carried out scientific research, samples of materials were not taken, etc. Therefore, we should hope that in the near future the leading world scientists and will give a definite answer.

For now, we can only believe that our thoughts are material and rely on the opinions of psychologists and esotericists, according to which, if a character has been described, then he exists in reality.

Is there a Winx season 7?

The popular animated series "Winx Club" was released in 2004. Six seasons have been released so far, and fans around the world are wondering whether the next one, the seventh, will be released. Many rumors circulated around this topic. For example, in 2013, news was circulated that a continuation of the popular cartoon was not planned. The creators of the project received dozens of letters from fans who were interested in whether there would be a continuation of their favorite fairy tale story. The response received could not but please the audience, because they were not going to abandon the project.

Answering the question about whether Winx season 7 is on at the moment, you can give a clear positive answer. The project was completed at the end of the previous year, but the release date on television remains a secret. According to preliminary data, the showing of the seventh part will begin no earlier than the fall of this year. Residents of Europe and America will see it first, and then fans from countries from the post-Soviet space.

The plot of the last part: fairies go in search of the time stone, which can harm the entire planet, they have to protect fauna, as a result, a real zoo will be created on Earth. The film has new heroes - enemies and loyal friends of the Winx. In season 7, viewers will see new exciting adventures, dangerous stories and other surprises from the creators of Winx Club!

At the moment, every fan of the animated series can watch the trailer for season 7 online in good quality!

Such mysterious creatures as fairies are mentioned in many fairy tales and legends. According to legend, these creatures live in flower meadows and in the shade of dense forests. They can appear to a person and even speak to him. But in order to understand that there is truly a fairy-tale creature in front of you, you should know what real fairies look like, how they behave and whether there is a need to be afraid of meeting them.

According to legends, a fairy is beautiful girl with shiny wings behind its back. The height of these beauties is not great and rarely exceeds 15 cm. They can be either smartly dressed or without a dress at all. Their appearance and the way she speaks and moves can charm anyone.

You can often find information that fairies can be very playful. They are not averse to making fun of a person and making him nervous. True, there is no need to be afraid of them; according to legend, fairies do not bring misfortune to a person and cannot do anything bad to him.

What does the fairy queen look like?

These fairy-tale creatures are also led by a fairy. It’s easy to find out that the queen is standing in front of you.

Her head will be crowned with a tiara, and her dress will be more elegant than that of the other fairies. The queen, along with other beauties, takes part in jokes on people, and can often lead these funs.

Such a fairy lives in the most beautiful flower in the meadow. It is believed that her home may be in a rose, because a crowned person should live only in a royal flower.

What do fairies look like in real life?

These are one of the few fairy-tale creatures that do not change their appearance in the presence of humans. If anyone happens to see a fairy, she will look exactly as described above.

Therefore, it will be easy to recognize her, because it is extremely difficult not to notice the miniature girl with wings behind her back.

Video: Real fairies


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