The priest regulated the consecration of the apartment. Preparing for the consecration of the house

Many have heard about the rite of consecrating a house or apartment, or even participated in it themselves. Not everyone, however, understands the meaning of this ritual: some doubt its necessity, while others, on the contrary, treat it as some kind of magical act. What kind of ritual is this, how to treat it and who has the right to perform it?

We know that there is a Guardian Angel over the whole world: over every country, over every city, over every village. Consecrating an apartment and a house, the priest, with the help of prayers, calls on the Holy Spirit and expels evil spirits from this room. It is sanctified, dedicated to God and is under the protection of the Guardian Angel of this city or village, and not the brownie. The angel keeps this dwelling under the condition that normal, moral image life.

What is the meaning of sanctification

The Church sanctifies everything necessary for human life with prayer and blessing. Every person wants his home to always have prosperity, happiness, light and warmth.The consecration of a house or apartment is evidence, first of all, of our trust in God, our faith that nothing happens to us without His holy will.

Consecration of the house is a ritual performed by a priest to daily life The blessing of God descended on the residents of this house and that everything in the lives of these people was accomplished with God’s help.

The church word "sanctification" in in this case has a different meaning than the consecration of water or an icon. In relation to this rite, the word “blessing” is more appropriate: when performing them, we prayerfully call upon God’s blessing on the house and those living in it, on their Christian life and doing good deeds.

Righteous John of Kronstadt wrote that the rites of consecration are caused by the extreme need of people who have an incessant need for God.

From time immemorial, Christians have consecrated their homes. This was usually done immediately after the construction of the house, so that even before moving in, the spirit of holiness and purity would be present in it. It was believed that if a house is consecrated, then God himself lives in it with his family, who protects it from everyone.

Also, the rite of consecration of the house can be carried out after overhaul, after the death of one of those living in the house or if quarrels began in the family.

Orthodox Christians believe that in this ritual the Lord Himself sends a blessing for life in a new place.

The Lord always comes to the house of those who long to see Him.

The apartment is cleared of " evil spirits“and the life of all household members within these walls is blessed.

It should be understood that this is not a mystical rite that “renews” the energy of the house, but the sanctification of the home by calling on the Lord and turning to Him in order to receive a blessing for a pious life. It is important to remember that the consecration of a home in itself does not give a person anything, because it is necessary to try to grow in spiritual life and strive for the main ideal of holiness - the Lord Jesus Christ.

The entire world created by God lives and moves according to the Law of God. Therefore, without God’s blessing and help, nothing truly valuable, important, good, or useful can be done. The Savior Himself said in the Gospel: "Without Me you can do nothing"(John 15:5).

Consecrating a home takes about forty minutes. Depending on the circumstances, it may vary slightly. Before the consecration of the apartment (house) begins, a table is prepared on which the priest will place the Gospel, a cross, a container of oil, sprinkles, and a cup of holy water.

Before the consecration of the apartment, images of the cross are applied to the four load-bearing walls (at the cardinal points). Candles are also placed under the signs of crosses.

The practical side of consecration is sprinkling the house with holy water, anointing the walls with blessed oil (oil), burning incense, and also reading certain prayers priest, in which all residents are remembered and God’s blessing is asked for their future life. Orthodox Christians are convinced that during consecration, sprinkling with holy water and reading special prayers, all demonic forces are driven away from the home. It is for the grace-filled preservation of the apartment from the influence of evil spirits that the consecration is carried out.

During consecration, demonic forces are driven away, and the apartment is filled with divine grace, which demons fear.

Consecration is somewhat reminiscent of a prayer service. In this ritual, God is asked for help in all household matters. It is believed that the house will be protected not only from demons, but also from evil people.

During this ritual, a special grace descends on the home, which gives the residents of the house quiet life within its walls, without quarrels and disagreements.

It should be borne in mind that the ritual will not solve everyday or family problems, but will put those living in the house in the right mood and help them gain God’s blessingand will allow you to decide whether a person will live with God or give in to his passions.

Why are rites of consecration necessary?

Why is it so important to consecrate houses in our time? Why do you need to consecrate a house or apartment?

According to the teachings of the holy fathers of the Church, the air is dominated by an unclean spirit, the devil, the prince of darkness and hell, the spirit of malice, the enemy of the human race, until the very second coming of Christ. The word air has several meanings. This is the atmosphere of the Earth, in which we physically exist, and what modern pagans and Jews call the astral plane - the area of ​​spiritual visions and contacts, in which, like nowhere else, the devil resides and dominates with legions of unclean spirits.

Through the astral plane, countless legions of demons filled our homes. People are no longer able to understand why their family and life well-being is being destroyed. Few people today are able to connect the disobedience of children, their addiction to alcohol and drugs, the endless divorces of young and middle-aged couples with the presence of demonic forces in their home and life - spirits of aggression, anger, revenge, shameless passion.

When they say that a brownie lives in a house, it means that an evil spirit lives in an unconsecrated house. There are such unreasonable people who, when moving to new apartment The cat is allowed into the house first (supposedly she is friends with the brownie, and then he does not harm people), and not icons or holy books. They do not sanctify the house by sprinkling it with holy water, but appease the brownie. Unfortunately, this is very common.

Therefore, today the grace of God, given through the rites of consecration, in particular, through the consecration of our homes, is especially necessary for us to help us protect, consciously protect ourselves from the viruses of sinful temptation and spiritual decay that penetrate our homes.

We pray that all evil spirits will leave the house and that the Guardian Angel will enter and remain in this house (apartment). And so that God protects everyone who lives here (if it’s an apartment), everyone who works here (if it’s an enterprise, a company).

Will the consecration of the house itself save us?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All the grace coming from God through the holy cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora) and others, including holy communion The Body and Blood of Christ has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through repentance prayers, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues).” The same can be said about the consecration of a home.

No sanctification will make sense and will not have a beneficial effect on our lives if the demons of television and radio broadcasting, in particular, reign supreme in the air of our apartments and houses.

Of course, in our neo-pagan times, when all sorts of healers and psychics are so popular, people asking to bless a car or apartment, first of all, expect some kind of magical effect: now the priest will “sprinkle” holy water and everything will be fine and wonderful. I also really want everything to be beautiful and wonderful, so that the car doesn’t get into accidents or break down, so that peace and tranquility reign in the family, so that no neighbors flood with water from the upper floors consecrated apartment etc. But at the same time, I still do not forget that Orthodoxy and everyday well-being are not always compatible things. We cannot with the help of some magical actions“force” God to send down what we need, but we can ask Him in faith. Grace, help, various gifts are given by God, given solely by His mercy. Awareness of this is paramount. Otherwise, godly Christian rite can be turned into pagan witchcraft, ungodly and vile. We must remember that everything we receive in life comes only from God.

When we pray to the Lord, we need to believe that the Lord is omnipotent, that He can create or grant what we ask for. To believe that He loves us, that He is merciful and good, that is, He wishes the best for everyone. It is with such faith that we must pray, that is, turn our mind and heart to God. And then, if during the ceremony we not only stand next to the priest, but also pray heartily with faith, then we too will be honored to receive sanctifying grace from the Lord.

Let us remember that the consecration of a house is both its protection from all disasters, and a blessing for good deeds and for the protection of our home from everything evil that is contrary to God; a blessing so that we do not leave God and try to direct our lives not according to the laws that the enemy of the human race introduces into human life, but according to the Law of God.

The fundamental purpose of consecrating an apartment, which people most often are simply unaware of, is to transform this home into a small Church.

The very fact of a priest coming into the house or a prayer service performed in the presence of family members (and most often this is exactly how the whole family gathers) is a contact, a communion of grace, and in no case should this be underestimated, especially considering that contact with it carried out through the congregational prayer of the family as a small Church, where two or three are gathered in the name of Christ(see Matt. 18:20).

What does sanctification give us?

Blessing an apartment does not solve our family and everyday problems, it only helps and sets us up. Man himself is free to choose whether he lives with God or acts guided by his own passions. If a family is trying to live like a Christian, then both its internal and external structure should testify to this. The internal structure is established and preserved through fasting and prayer, attending worship services. And the outward expression of the intention to live piously finds itself, among other things, in the rite of consecrating a home.

Who can consecrate a home? Can every person consecrate his home?

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to consecrate an apartment on their own.

The Church answers in the negative: the ritual can only be performed by a clergyman.

If something bad happened in the house, a major quarrel or an unpleasant event occurred, you can sprinkle the apartment with holy water yourself and walk around it with prayer. This will not be considered a rite of consecration, you will simply cleanse your home of bad emotions, memories, and sensations.

Reading a prayer, doing cense, sprinkling an apartment is not only possible, but also necessary for everyone. There is a pious tradition, once a week, in the evening, to pick up burning candles, a censer, and holy water and walk around the apartment singing. Sprinkle rooms and premises.But the consecration of a home by a priest is a completely different matter. This is not an ordinary, albeit very necessary, matter, but a special, solemn event in the life of a family. By the way, this is why it is best for all family members to be present at the consecration of the home.

A priest is a person appointed by God to a special ministry; one can put it this way: he is a special delegate of God. It is the priest who is entrusted by the Lord to perform Divine services and the most important of them - the Liturgy. Therefore, in the person of the priest (regardless of his moral qualities) it’s as if God Himself comes to your home. And blesses your home.

Just as the Savior once entered the house of the publican (tax collector) Zacchaeus, and granted salvation to him and all his household (Luke 19:1-10), so now, together with the priest (servant of Christ) in new home Angels of God enter. The Church asks the Lord to give peace to this house and to graciously bless it, saving and enlightening all who are going to live in it.

Consecration of the house

The consecration of the house is performed by a priest according to a special rite, containing prayers calling upon the house and those living in it the blessing of God.

The practical side of consecration is sprinkling the home with holy water, anointing the walls in a cross shape with holy oil (oil), burning incense, as well as reading certain prayers by the priest, in which all residents are remembered and God’s blessing is asked for their future life.

All those present pray to the Lord of our life to send a Guardian Angel, a guardian of the new home, preserving everyone from all evil and instructing them to do virtues, to fulfill the commandments of Christ. They also ask that the Lord save them all from hunger and all deadly wounds and grant them health and long life.

There is a tradition according to which, after the consecration, the small table and the priest is invited to tea. Why is this necessary? It is believed that the priest in this case symbolizes Jesus Christ himself. It’s as if you are inviting him into your home as the most welcome guest. However, tea drinking is not a mandatory rule, everything is at your discretion. In addition, remember that a priest’s visit to your home is an excellent opportunity for the whole family to resolve some spiritual issues, to take an important step in spiritual life, which they might not dare to take in another setting.

The ritual itself does not insure you against sins. It only helps to find the ground under your feet, the foundation on which future life will be built within the walls of the house. It should be Christianly pure and bright. Only then will it be possible to maintain harmony in your home.

Sanctification will not insure you from new sins, but it will help build that internal foundation on which the life of your family will subsequently be built. It should be bright in the Orthodox way - only in this case will it be possible to maintain peace and harmony in the house.

About the consecration of a home. What is needed for this, when can a house be consecrated? what buildings cannot be consecrated.

Sticker on the walls during the consecration of the home. (Anointed by the priest with consecrated myrrh)

The consecration of the apartment was initially performed as a blessing for the construction of a new house, then as a blessing for the entrance to this house. The same applies to the sanctification of other things. By consecrating a machine, a person not only creates some new quality of this machine, but by his act he states that he is devoting himself, this machine, his deeds and thoughts to God. Therefore, those people who think that consecrating a car is enough to ensure that it never gets into an accident should remember that by consecrating a car, a person himself is sanctified and must correspond to this consecration.

What is sanctification?

- Orthodox Christians call sanctification the rituals through which God’s blessing descends on their lives. According to the teachings of the Church, the basis of various rituals is, first of all, the desire to spiritualize human activity, do it with God's blessing. It is important to understand that the consecration of a place begins from the moment when people, entering a house or apartment, begin to live there correctly. And therefore, the consecration of a home by a priest is a confirmation of your desire to live in a consecrated place, the intention to fulfill Christian commandments, remembering that family is small church, and work is the place of human labor for the glory of God.

Is it necessary to consecrate the apartment?

- the consecration of an apartment does not solve our family and everyday problems, it only helps and sets the mood. Man himself is free to choose whether he lives with God or acts according to his passions. If a family is trying to live like a Christian, then both its internal and external structure should testify to this. The internal order is established and preserved through fasting and prayer, attending divine services, and the external expression of the intention to live piously finds itself, among other things, in the rite of consecrating the home. We must remember that the consecration of a house is common prayer family and priest for people to live holy in this place.

When can consecration be held?

- there are a number of points that need to be kept in mind when preparing for the ceremony. The ritual itself is short (30-60 minutes) - the priest sprinkles the room with holy water, performs incense and calls on God in prayer to begin a good deed (the rite of blessing the home). At the same time, not every deed can be considered good. For example, they will not sanctify businesses related to the production or sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, the banking and credit system (usury), the provision of sexual services, witchcraft and magic. The priest may refuse to perform the ceremony if the room is not tidy and the employees behave inappropriately (swearing, for example). In this case, you will probably be advised to “fix the shortcomings” and return to this issue later.

Those who sin are those who, to consecrate an apartment, hang amulets and talismans on the walls - images of demons, with or without horns. Even worse are those who call sorcerers into their home so that with their sorcery they “cleanse” the room from evil spirits. But this, as it is said in the Gospel, is the same as casting out Satan with Satan or cleansing dirt with mud.

Please note that all these ancient sorcerers, wise men, magicians, charmers, sorcerers, healers, astrologers, demonologists, fortune tellers now have different names, more cultural or scientific: hypnotists, psychics, traditional healers, ufologists, astrologers, contactees, mediums, spiritualists, theosophists, occultists, magicians, non-contact massage therapists, parapsychologists, psychotherapists, telepaths, telekinesists, fortune-tellers on computers, telehealers, etc. They no longer just cast spells, but charge water. They don’t just cast spells, they make passes. Satanism is covered up by science. Sorcerers now have specialist degrees. The filth killers became intellectuals. But changing the signboard did not change their essence. These are wolves in sheep's clothing that need to be avoided, even if they use in their sessions christian symbols, gospel words, the sign of the cross or the name of God.

Is it possible to call “brownies” and let a cat into a new home?

Some people, when moving to a new apartment, resort to pagan superstitions: they call their “brownie”, “master” with them. You can't do this. You are calling evil spirits onto your head. Others fall for another misconception: supposedly, to “bless” a new house, they first let a cat into it. Blowing out candles with sentences like: “ that everything bad that happened before will also go out and never come back” are pagan magics and are not permissible. If a person did all this, he must repent of this in confession, and never do this again in the future.

What to do if there is evil spirit in the house?

- first of all, try to find the reason for its appearance in yourself. Confession and communion help to get rid of unclean spirits. But there is also a special prayer for this: “For the temple, cold from evil spirits.” We do not recommend reading it yourself; that is the job of the priest. And if the priest does not undertake to drive out evil spirits, turn to the hieromonk or elder, do not lose hope, because the Gospel says: “he who seeks will find.” Know that evil spirits or demons now have a different name: “UFO” (unidentified flying objects), “AN” (anomalous phenomena), “poltergeist”. Poltergeists are diabolical miracles (the most common phenomenon in homes). In the diary of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the Russian poet, there is a documentary entry about such a “miracle” that happened in his time. In one house, furniture, chairs and tables began to jump and move by themselves. This is how evil spirits mock. The police could not help. This phenomenon stopped only after the Orthodox priest served a prayer service in the house. And today, how many different phenomena have been described of “invisible drums” that knock, beat their owners, drop refrigerators on the floor silently, light wallpaper without fire, pour water from a wall in which there is no pipe or water, etc. It must be said that no one is safe from this devilry. But most often it happens to non-Christians, pagans in their way of life, to non-believers, so that they come to their senses at least a little: if there are demons, then there are probably angels and God. And, of course, there are habitats for both, hell and heaven. It’s just a pity that for many this experience is sad.

What is needed for sanctification?

- to consecrate the apartment, it is desirable that the apartment be tidied and repairs completed. In the church shop You need to purchase 4 stickers with the image of a cross and 4 smallest candles. At home, you need to prepare a small table on which the priest can place the sacred objects necessary for consecration (usually installed in the very best place), a clean chalice for St. water (salad bowl, vase, etc.), about a glass vegetable oil(holy oil), sv. The priest brings water with him. It is imperative that the one who ordered the consecration of the home be present at this ceremony and participate in prayer. It is also allowed, with the proper desire and ability, with the blessing of the priest, to read some prayers while performing the rite. During the consecration, it is necessary to temporarily turn off phones and not talk during prayer.

Is it necessary to fast before consecration and receive communion?

- a Christian must, all the days of his life, fast, pray and receive communion as our Holy Church commands.

Should a woman cover her head?

- yes, this is desirable. A woman must cover her head during prayer.

Is it necessary to set the dinner table?

- among many Orthodox Christians there is such a good tradition after the consecration to set the table and drink tea, because the priest who came to the house for the celebration of consecration symbolizes Christ. If you feel the need, prepare in advance festive table in honor of the consecration of your home. Perhaps meeting and communicating with a priest will help you in the future.

How to consecrate an apartment yourself?

- no way. The rite of blessing a home is performed only by those who are not prohibited from serving Orthodox priest.

What to do after consecration?

- A Christian must strive for holiness. That is why, after the consecration of a home, you cannot smoke, swear, or commit other sins in it. Otherwise, what was the purpose of consecration then? After all, the apartment is not consecrated a second time (except in cases of death of someone in the apartment or renovations). But if sins happen, for this purpose the Church has given you the right (and obligation) to consecrate your home yourself in humility and repentance. To do this, you need to sprinkle all the premises with holy water with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” or “The Grace of the Holy Spirit.” Remember that the water must be blessed by an Orthodox priest, and not taken from so-called “holy springs” (for not all of them are truly holy). Do not confuse blessed water with “healing” or “charged energy.” They sprinkle with a rosary tassel or a handful, in a cross shape (the priest does this with hyssop sprinklers). Blessed water should be stored in the red corner (it can stand for years and decades without deteriorating), in the same place as the icons, and not in the kitchen or bookcase. Do not allow children to play with shrines, spiritual books, prosphora, icons, crosses. Independent consecration (sprinkling with holy water) is performed only AFTER personal complete consecration by the priest himself, because Simply sprinkling cannot replace the rite of consecration itself.

After consecration, the coal is poured into a place that is not trampled underfoot, for example, in bushes or under a tree. They drink holy water with reverence, consecrated oil is smeared with prayer on sore spots, and added to food.

What places should not be consecrated?

The Church does not have a list of things that cannot be sanctified. But, based on the very meaning of sanctification, one cannot sanctify those things that subsequently cannot be used for a good purpose. You cannot consecrate establishments that indulge in vice. This ban also existed in pre-revolutionary Russia. Also, some clergy believe that the consecration of places of detention, places where a person suffers, is a theological problem. Although nothing prevents us from creating churches in these places of detention.

While refusing to bless places of execution and torture, the Church nevertheless sanctifies weapons. A weapon is a thing that can be used for both evil and good. By sanctifying weapons, the Church has never blessed aggression, violence for the sake of violence, murder for the sake of murder. The Church blesses the soldiers for the feat of arms to defend their homeland, and, above all, to defend the faith. According to the canonical rules of the Church, a warrior who killed even in a just war had to confess this and suffer one or another penance, despite the fact that the Church itself blessed the warrior for this feat.

Weapons are not inherently bad things. It all depends on whose hands the weapon is in. If a weapon is in the hands of a Christian who defends shrines and his homeland, then it is used for good, and if in the hands of a terrorist, then for evil. The Church does not sanctify weapons as such, but only in the hands of a warrior fighting for justice.

Every believer knows that in order to live safely in an apartment, it must be sanctified. Such a ritual allows you to cleanse the room of negative energy and otherworldly entities, as well as protect against devilish forces and magical influences. Recently, strange things began to happen in my house that defy logical explanation, so I decided to take active measures. In this article I will tell you how to consecrate an apartment yourself, and when it is necessary to do it.

Why bless the apartment?

Every person is a sinner, and sometimes he himself does not suspect it. All his words, actions and thoughts are reflected on an energetic level in his apartment, because that is where he spends the majority of his time. If joyful and pleasant events fill the space with favorable energy, then quarrels, abusive speech, assault, witchcraft, etc. – with negative energy. In the first case, grace, tranquility, and prosperity will reign in the house, and in the second - poverty, oppression, cruelty and anger.

As you know, negative energy attracts the devil, therefore, if the apartment is not cleansed in time, it will soon become a haven for otherworldly creatures. All this will negatively affect those who live in a “dirty” house as follows:

  • feeling unwell;
  • development of serious diseases;
  • mental disorder;
  • anger towards others and lack of mutual understanding;
  • the emergence of addictions to alcohol and drugs;
  • desire to harm someone;
  • thoughts and desires about suicide.

In addition, it will be impossible to achieve well-being in unclean housing, even if its residents make every effort to achieve this. The only one the right decision in this situation, the home will be illuminated, and for this it is not at all necessary to contact a priest - it will be enough to carry out the ceremony yourself. But it should be noted that it will only work if all manipulations are carried out correctly. To avoid mistakes, you should carefully study the information on how to consecrate an apartment yourself, and also ask for advice from a clergyman.

After the consecration ritual, the holy spirit will be able to settle in the “clean” apartment, which will protect its space and residents from negativity and evil entities. Positive changes will be noticeable almost immediately. Residents will feel a certain lightness on an emotional and spiritual level, which will be reflected in their behavior and attitude towards each other. But it is important to understand that God's protection can be lost again if you continue to sin and lead an unrighteous lifestyle.

How to recognize a “dirty” house?

As a rule, people come to the understanding that their apartment needs cleaning only when staying in it becomes unbearable. This is explained by the fact that negativity accumulates gradually, and its manifestations are not immediately noticeable. But there are still a number of signs by which it is easy to recognize “unclean” housing:

  • frequent feasts with drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • possession or use of narcotic substances;
  • constant scandals and use of obscene language;
  • assault and violence;
  • sexual depravity;
  • practicing witchcraft;
  • paranormal phenomena;
  • strange sounds and voices are heard;
  • availability large quantity insect pests, control of which does not produce results;
  • equipment often breaks down;
  • things disappear;
  • pets die for no reason, or run away and do not want to return.

The presence of even a few of the above signs indicates that it is necessary to clear the premises of negativity. To prevent the situation from repeating itself in the future, it is recommended to carry out rituals at a certain frequency, for example, 2 times a year.

It should be noted that when changing place of residence, you should also “clean” the new apartment, because it is not known what happened in it before. Moreover, this must be done before the furniture is brought in. Knowing how to consecrate a house yourself, you can choose the most convenient time for yourself, so that nothing and no one interferes with the ritual.

Home lighting rules

It is necessary to properly prepare for the home cleansing ritual. The clergy recommend that first of all, all family members living in the apartment take communion. Then, purchase church candles and holy water. Upon returning home, you should start cleaning - remove all garbage and unnecessary things from the premises, wipe the floors, wash the floors and windows. Dirty clothes must be washed in advance so that on the day of the ritual they are already dried and neatly folded in their place.

There must be icons in the house, and it is advisable to set aside a separate corner for them. If there are none, then you need to buy them at the church, and the change should be left as a donation. You can also purchase icons in a store, but in this case they will need to be consecrated in the church, otherwise they will not have any power.

The person who will perform the cleansing ritual must lead correct image life, do not use abusive language and believe in God with all your heart. Immediately before consecrating the apartment with holy water yourself, you need to pray and ask for help from the Almighty. Then they proceed directly to the ritual, performing alternate actions:

  1. Place one lit church candle in every room.
  2. 3 or more candles are placed in front of the equipped iconostasis.
  3. Take in left hand cup of holy water and begin to walk around the apartment.
  4. Lighting of each room should start from the eastern corner and move clockwise.
  5. With the right hand dipped in holy water, the corners and walls of the premises are baptized.
  6. During the round, they read the prayer “May God rise again,” “Our Father,” or Psalm 90.
  7. After completing the round, the candles cannot be extinguished; they must burn out on their own.

It is best to carry out a cleansing ritual on Sunday or Thursday, but you should not do this on Friday. It should also be remembered that such important matter You can only start in a good mood, with a positive attitude and full confidence in your abilities. After you have blessed the apartment yourself with holy water, all residents need to pray, and only after that can they cross the threshold.

In order for the home to remain under divine protection, its owners must constantly maintain cleanliness, not make trouble, not utter swear words, get rid of bad habits And addictions. In addition, it is recommended to make it a rule to read a prayer daily and express words of gratitude to the Lord. It is important for a person to understand that the well-being of his home depends on his soul and mind, so he needs to start cleansing with himself.

When a person feels uncomfortable in his own home and feels an otherworldly presence, it is urgent to carry out a cleansing ritual that will help get rid of negativity and scare away evil entities. If you know how to consecrate an apartment yourself, you don’t have to call a priest, but perform the steps yourself.

Before wondering how to consecrate an apartment yourself, you need to figure out whether it’s worth performing the ritual at all.

Each person must make a decision independently, based on their own spiritual desire. How the consecration of an apartment will take place largely depends on the person’s initial mood.

As practice shows, many people illuminate their apartments, hoping to solve their everyday problems: difficulties in relationships, troubles at work. But the clergy warn that cleaning the home will not help get rid of problems, but will only direct a person on the right path.

If a person begins to live according to Christian commandments and adheres to God's laws, he will be able to get rid of negative energy, including cleansing the home itself from it. Such changes will have a positive impact on life, and the right attitude will help get rid of many problems.

Whether it is necessary to illuminate the house and how many times to perform the ceremony, everyone decides for themselves. The priests strongly recommend cleaning only in one case - when buying a new home.

If the previous owners did not adhere to spiritual rules and led an incorrect lifestyle, some of the negative energy will certainly remain in the house and will spoil the life of the new owners.

The following signs may indicate the need for cleaning:

  • Something is constantly falling in the house;
  • family members often quarrel for no apparent reason;
  • pets get sick;
  • extraneous noises and sounds are periodically heard;
  • It is impossible to concentrate in any room.

When to carry out

One of the main questions that concerns religious people is when to cover. Experts assure that the ceremony can be performed at any time when it is convenient for the owners and the priest. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that it is forbidden to clean the apartment during fasting and during menstruation. This is wrong.

During critical days, girls are only prohibited from receiving anointing and being baptized. As for other rituals, there are practically no restrictions. Today the church allows rituals to be held at any time, including during Lent. When is the best time to light an apartment, the priest will tell you in more detail.

Important! Often, when asked whether it is possible to consecrate a house during Lent and whether it is possible to consecrate an apartment during menstruation, priests answer positively.

Any dwelling or house can be consecrated only once. If in the old days in Rus' there was a tradition of consecrating an apartment on great holidays, today this custom has not been preserved. However, nowadays you can also find Christians who honor this tradition and continue to clean the apartment on Easter, Christmas, and Epiphany. If a person wants to play it safe, it is better to clean the home with a certain frequency using holy water and burning candles.

Important! Purification is done only once; subsequent rituals will not have the original power and will be practically meaningless.

What you need

What attributes will be required when consecrating an apartment depends on the chosen method. Today you can clean your home in different ways. It is advisable to choose a method based on your own intuition.

Inner instinct will certainly tell a person which method will be more suitable in a particular case. It is necessary to remember that housing can only be consecrated after cleaning. If the house is a mess or unfinished repairs, the ceremony will not help get rid of negative energy; there will be practically no effect from the ritual.

When consecrating an apartment, the first thing you need to do is not only fully understand how the ceremony takes place, but also choose a place in advance. It is better to store purchased attributes in a specially designated place. This could be a table, cabinet or shelf. What is needed to consecrate an apartment.

The classical ceremony is carried out using the following items:

  • holy water;
  • ceramic or glass container;
  • Bible;
  • church candles;
  • lamp with vegetable oil.

Before you begin to perform the sacrament, you need to make sure that everything you need to consecrate the apartment is at hand.

Method 1

Many believers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to consecrate an apartment with one’s own hands, and whether such a ritual will really work. The clergy assure that a true believer also has certain powers, so the ritual will help get rid of negativity and protect the home. It is recommended to perform the ceremony this coming Thursday.

To consecrate your home, you will need to purchase in advance:

  1. Icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (3 pieces).
  2. Two church candles.

You can bless an apartment when it is convenient for a person. Most experts advise performing the sacrament in the first half of the day. Purchased candles must be placed in the church in front of the icon, cross yourself and say a prayer: “Nicholas the Wonderworker, bless me to cleanse my house and help me cast out evil spirits. So be it. Amen".

Upon arriving home, you need to light one candle, take it in your right hand and go around all the corners, saying out loud: “I am cleaning the corner, the floor, the walls and the ceiling. I drive out demons and envy. Let the candle burn away troubles, misfortunes and illnesses.”

While reading the prayer, it is required to place the sign of the cross on all corners of the room. Similar actions perform in each room. Cleansing is carried out over 3 Thursdays. At the same time, a person must remember to go to church first in order to receive approval to perform the sacrament.

Method 2

A church candle is taken in your right hand, after which you need to go to the right doorpost in the room, this corner will be considered the starting corner.

If in some place the candle begins to crack and smoke, this indicates that a large accumulation of negative energy is concentrated in this place. To clean such an area, you need to read prayers until the candle calms down. After the room is cleaned, place the candle on the doorframe from which the cleansing began and leave it to burn out.

Method 3

The ritual using holy water is very popular.

To perform the ceremony you will need the following items:

  • holy water (it is recommended to take it from church);
  • glass bowl (necessarily new);
  • icon;
  • lamp.

Before performing the ritual, you must obtain approval and blessing from the priest.
After this, next Saturday, spend general cleaning and get rid of everything unnecessary.

When the house is tidied, you need to place an icon with a lamp in the hall (opposite the entrance) and leave it for at least a day. In order for the ceremony to be as effective as possible, priests also advise preparing yourself for the sacrament in advance.

A few days before the ceremony, you are required to stop consuming alcohol, limit your food intake, and pray constantly. Also during this period, it is strictly forbidden to swear, since foul language summons evil spirits. If cleansing is carried out by a woman, it is necessary to tie a scarf on her head and be sure to wear a skirt below the knees. The most important criterion is the presence of a pectoral cross.

It is advisable that all family members be at home during the sacrament. Holy water must be poured into a new cup. After this, dip 3 fingers folded with a pinch in it. The ritual begins to be performed from the corner where the icon stood. Walking around the room is done clockwise. While moving, it is necessary to sprinkle the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture with holy water and at the same time read the prayer: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling sowing sacred water, let every evil demonic action be put to flight. Amen".

When a sacrament is performed by clergy, many of them bring stickers with them in advance for consecration. When performing a ceremony, this attribute is optional.

Such stickers were originally intended to support the ritual and additionally protect the home from evil spirits. Usually they are glued in the room on all 4 walls.

Whether it is necessary to buy such stickers, everyone must decide for themselves. Most clergy do not use the attribute, but draw a cross on the walls themselves.

Do I need to follow any rules after doing a cleanse? Every believing home owner must change his lifestyle and adhere to God's commandments and laws. In order not to spoil the home energy, it is forbidden to swear, quarrel and swear in the house. It is necessary to remember that you can only consecrate an apartment once. No matter how many times the ritual is performed later, only the first ritual will have power.

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Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that it is quite simple to consecrate a home on your own, not every believer is able to do everything properly. If, a few days after the ritual, the situation in the room has not changed and it continues to be difficult to be in, it is recommended to call a priest.

According to popular belief, only a clergyman - a person in clergy and serving the Lord - can consecrate anything, be it a house or a ship. That is, in order to consecrate a house, a priest is needed.

But is this true? Is it really necessary to always invite a clergyman? Is it possible to sprinkle holy water in the corners yourself and read a protective prayer? Such questions arise in the minds of many people who have purchased or built their own home.

In what cases is it necessary to consecrate?

When thinking about how to consecrate a house, people involuntarily wonder whether it is necessary to do this. In our country, the church did not participate in human life for many decades. Accordingly, houses were not consecrated and children were not baptized, but people lived quite well. Many new property owners think something like this, not quite sure who to turn to for consecration and believing that this process is complex and troublesome.

Indeed, it is not always necessary to consecrate a house, but only in certain situations. Consecration should be resorted to if in the purchased house:

  • a crime has occurred;
  • people lived poorly, went bankrupt, families broke up or children died;
  • there were many seriously ill people among the previous owners;
  • sinful, godless or satanic deeds were happening;
  • there were fires, basement flooding, and regular roof subsidence.

Of course, no one will tell buyers about all this. Therefore, you need to pay attention and listen to your intuition. The main reason for consecrating a home is a deep conviction in the necessity of this, an irrational, inexplicable desire to consecrate the premises. Such sensations cannot be ignored, and if they arise, they must be sanctified.

When should you not consecrate?

When thinking about how to consecrate a house, many people also ask questions about under what circumstances this should not be done. There are many superstitions among people. For example, someone is convinced that rituals should not be performed during Lent. Others are confident that an obstacle to sanctification may be the presence of menstruation days for a woman who is a member of the family. Still others believe that if one of the family members is not baptized, then the house cannot be consecrated. There are other beliefs.

However, none of this is true. No one interferes with the ceremony of consecrating the house. critical days, nor the absence of a cross on the neck of one of the relatives, nor posts. As any priest will say, even Lent is not an obstacle to the consecration of a home.

The only thing that can prevent you from consecrating the purchased house is the ritual that has already been performed. A home is consecrated only once; subsequently it is only cleansed. Rituals with holy water, church candles and prayers, carried out both by clergy and independently, are aimed at cleansing the home.

Is it possible to consecrate yourself?

Contrary to the widespread belief that it is necessary to invite a priest for this rite, the church is not forbidden to carry it out on its own. The answer of the clergy to the question of whether it is possible to consecrate the house themselves will be in the affirmative.

Of course, it is not always possible to carry out the consecration ceremony yourself. Moreover, not everyone. People often confuse the rites of consecration of a home with rituals for its cleansing. For self-cleansing home premises there are no obstacles or conditions. But the possibility of consecrating a home on your own still has limitations.

What is needed for an independent ceremony?

How to properly consecrate a house yourself? The most important point is the strength of faith and the righteousness of a person’s life. Of course, the one who begins to perform the ceremony must be baptized.

The first thing to do is to obtain the approval of the clergyman, in other words, to receive the priest’s blessing. You need to discuss the details of the ceremony with the clergyman and decide on the method of conducting it.

Without the blessing of a clergyman, you cannot think about how to consecrate a house yourself. The performance of a ceremony by a person who has not received a blessing will have no force.

What ritual options are there?

How to consecrate a house yourself? There are two options. In the first version, the ceremony is carried out using church candles. The second uses holy water.

Which method of consecrating a home to use must be determined together with the clergyman during the discussion of the future ritual. You shouldn’t ignore the priest’s advice, but if you have an inner conviction that you should consecrate with water or only with candles, you need to talk about it.

Which ritual is better?

Consecration of a home by the laity with the help of candles is much less popular than with the use of water. This is a very common belief that water sanctifies and candles purify. In fact, to independently conduct a ritual for the consecration of residential premises, you can use both.

The methods have no advantages over each other. But there are some nuances that determine the choice in the case when there is no strong internal preference or the priest, for some reason, does not recommend a specific method.

In a ritual using candles, a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read. A person who is going to consecrate a house with a candle prays to this saint before the ceremony. The ritual itself is recommended to be performed on Thursdays.

During the ritual with water, the layman turns to the Lord himself. It is recommended to carry out the ritual on Sunday, after praying to Jesus.

What prayer should you read during consecration?

The prayer that helps to sanctify a house is a combination of Psalms 90 and 100, between which there is an unspoken appeal to the Lord. This is how clergy consecrate homes. The priests first read Psalm 90. Then they silently turn to the Lord with a request to protect and bless the living space, and finally read Psalm 100.

However, in how to consecrate a house for a layman, deviations from the accepted order of the ritual are acceptable. The prayers that will be read during the consecration should be discussed with the clergyman. The Psalms are difficult to read, so when performing the consecration on your own, they usually read the “Our Father” and other prayers.

When buying an old house, is it better to consecrate or cleanse?

Before consecrating a purchased house, either on your own or by inviting a clergyman, you need to find out whether this ritual has already been performed. Of course, if the house is new, then there can be no doubt that it is not forbidden to carry out the consecration. But when purchasing an old house, this issue becomes important. This is exactly what any priest will ask a parishioner who comes to him for approval, support and blessing.

Church canons strictly prohibit re-consecration. It is generally accepted that such an action is blasphemy. After all, since the dwelling has already been consecrated, it means that it is under the jurisdiction of the Lord and under his protection. Repeated sanctification is nothing more than a manifestation of distrust in the Lord, an expression of doubt in Himself.

If the property being purchased had a single owner, it will not be particularly difficult to find out whether the house was consecrated. But if you buy an old home that has changed many generations of owners, for example, a village house built at the beginning of the last century, then it is almost impossible to find out whether it was consecrated. Even if the owners of the house were generations of convinced atheists, political workers or social activists of the local collective farm, one should not miss the possibility that one of the owners could conduct a secret consecration ceremony. Therefore, it is better to cleanse such houses from filth and evil, and not to sanctify them.

How is the ritual with candles performed?

There is nothing complicated about how to consecrate a house with candles. You need to purchase candles at the church trading store located in every church. Three to place in front of the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and three more to carry out the ceremony.

It is recommended to consecrate your home in this way on Thursday. Before starting the ritual, you should light a candle in front of the image of the Wonderworker and pray to him, asking for blessings and help in carrying out your plans.

You can pray to the Wonderworker like this:

Most Holy Nicholas the Wonderworker, Father. Bless me, the servant of God (proper name), for this great deed. Give me strength and rid me of doubt. Maintain and increase the strength of my faith. Give peace to my soul and lightness to my thoughts. Help me in sanctifying my home and handing over the walls and roof into the hands of the Lord, under the protection of the Almighty and into His great mercy, amen

The procedure in the house is as follows:

  • a lit candle is held in right hand;
  • walk around all rooms clockwise;
  • every corner, threshold, passage and walls are baptized;
  • read prayers.

Before you begin the ritual, you should discuss with the priest how many times you will have to perform it. The traditional belief is to perform the ritual on three Thursdays in a row. However, if the house is new and devoid of filth, and the people who moved into it are pious, one walk around with a candle and prayers may be enough.

How is the ritual with water performed?

There is also nothing complicated about how to consecrate a house with holy water. Having secured the blessing of the priest, on Sunday you should come to church service and pray to the Lord, asking for his help in carrying out the ceremony. Also in the church you need to take the holy water necessary for the ritual.

Actions in the home are as follows:

  • pour water into a large and convenient container, for example a bowl;
  • walk around the premises clockwise;
  • spray water on every corner, passage, jambs, walls;
  • fingers need to be folded as they do for sign of the cross;
  • Read prayers throughout the ceremony.

If there is a Red Corner in the house or you are planning to equip it, you should start your walk around it.

What does sanctification require?

Every human action in this world has its consequences. Such an important act as the consecration of one’s home is no exception. This act obliges the people who committed it to live in piety and purity, both moral and everyday. After all, when they consecrate their home, they enthusiastically entrust their home to the Lord. They must take care of it accordingly, that is, as if it were a house that belongs to God, into which he can look at any moment.

You cannot sin in such a home. We must not forget about maintaining cleanliness and order. You cannot indulge in idleness and blasphemy. In other words, the consecration of housing is not only important from an energy point of view, it also serves as a powerful incentive for people. It is a core that does not allow them to indulge in idle laziness and wallow in the dirt, not only spiritual or moral, but also the most ordinary. After all, in a house entrusted to the Lord, one cannot ignore a layer of dust or unwashed window panes, a pile of unwashed laundry, a dirty stove and abandoned garbage.

Thus, consecrating a home disciplines a person. It prevents it from “spreading” across the sofa, which means it is a benefit not only for the soul, but also for simple everyday worldly life.