International volunteering. Volunteer programs abroad that will allow you to see the world

IN English speaking countries volunteer projects are called Adventure projects, since it is this area of ​​programs that provides the opportunity to get acquainted with anywhere in the world on a budget through adventure, language practice and new acquaintances with young people from different countries peace. International volunteering is a program accessible to absolutely everyone, both in terms of age and financially. This unique opportunity explore the country from the inside, improve your foreign language and just have a great time with people from different parts of the world.


Program date

all year round


from 2 weeks


What is international volunteering?

  • Budget travel.
  • An alternative version of tourism.
  • Intercultural exchange.
  • Language practice.
  • Professional experience.

The main idea of ​​volunteering is to unite people from different countries with common interests to spread ideas of peace and national tolerance through intercultural exchange.

The motivation for volunteering is different for everyone. For some, this is an opportunity to see Europe or Asia, get international experience work and make new acquaintances. For others, it is an opportunity to realize their ideas and ambitions, contribute to the development of society and help other people. For others, it’s practicing a foreign language and self-development.

Maria Kolenikina, senior coordinator of the TravelWorks International Volunteering program for Russia and the CIS countries.

History of creation

The international volunteer movement was born in the 20th century on the initiative of young people full of energy and desire to restore the destruction after the First World War. Currently, more than 3,000 volunteer projects operate annually in 107 countries around the world.

The number of people who took part in volunteering from 1987 to 2018 increased from 80 to 320 million.

What is a volunteer project?

An international volunteer project is an international team of 10-20 people who voluntarily come together to accomplish a useful task - for example, organizing a festival for children, restoring an ancient castle, or planting flowers in a national park.

During the project, participants are provided with free food and accommodation, entertainment activities and excursions. Each project has one or more camp leaders - curators of program participants.

A camp leader is a project participant with volunteer experience, often a citizen of the country where the project takes place. He oversees volunteer activities and the cultural and entertainment component of the program, and is the link between the foreign volunteer and the host organization.

Project types

Work in a volunteer project is prerequisite and the voluntary initiative of everyone. The type of employment in the project can be different - from organizing a world music festival and working with children and animals to archaeological research and restoration work of an 18th century castle.

An international volunteer is not free labor. A project participant’s work usually starts in the morning and lasts 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Since the main goal of the program is to obtain intercultural exchange, all free time volunteers devote themselves to entertainment, excursions, and cooking national cuisine and international communication.

After finishing the project, 93% of our participants share their emotions with us and say that participation in the volunteer project changed their outlook on life, perception of the world and awakened a desire to develop and travel.

Who is the program suitable for?

  • Looking for options for an interesting holiday.
  • For those looking for budget travel options.
  • Those wishing to practice the language and improve its level.
  • Tired of standard tourist trips.

Requirements for participants:

  1. Age: 16-99 years.
  2. Basic spoken foreign language and higher.

For those who want to know more:

Leave a request for the program below, or call 8 800 3333 915 - we will be happy to help you go on an unforgettable journey.

A great way to travel the world is to join an international volunteer movement. There are many volunteer organizations and communities, as well as charities and independent companies helping in this endeavor. In this article, we will describe the main volunteer programs abroad in 2017, and at the end we will provide resources for finding volunteer work.

There are a number of programs that have existed for decades, hundreds and thousands of people take part in them. Let's look at them in more detail.

Appalachian Trail

Work and Travel

Volunteer programs 2017 abroad – UN Volunteers

This is the most ambitious project, working in many directions, from caring for the ecology of the planet to helping civilians in hot spots. Not everyone will be able to qualify for this volunteer program, but if you can, you will receive large number benefits, ranging from a settlement grant to severance pay upon completion of work. In order to take part in the program, you need to register on the official website using this link:

The organization's name stands for Worldwide Opportunity on Organic Farms. Under its terms, volunteers work several hours a day on farms growing organic products, for which they receive food and housing. Official website of the volunteer program:

Trip Leader for HF Holidays

Read also: Work and Travel USA 2017 – tips, prices and reviews

The organization recruits volunteers to organize and accompany hiking trips across Europe. As a reward, you will be provided with housing and food. You can register and apply for the free volunteer program here:

Other volunteer programs for 2017

In the century information technology volunteering has undergone certain changes. If previously there were several large organizations working in one direction, now they act differently.

Volunteer programs 2017 abroad - study in India

Instead of recruiting a few hundred people and distributing them around the world or within one country, organizations operate differently. They recruit volunteers into small groups of up to 10 people and send them to a specific location. For example, three volunteers could be sent to teach poor people in India or China - there is no need for more people in one place.

Go to Europe as a volunteer for a year - what, where, when?

Sometimes there comes a moment in life when you understand that something needs to change. Location, type of activity, environment, maybe a lifestyle... If you have such a desire, you are from 17 to 30 years old and you are ready to leave the house for a period of 6 to 12 months, then you have a unique opportunity (which, unfortunately, few people know about) to become volunteer under the grant program of the European Voluntary Service and live for a year in any EU country without incurring any financial expenses!

What is the name of the program?

EVS, or European Voluntary Service (European Voluntary Service) within the framework of Erasmus+.

Who can become a participant?

Any young man or girl aged 17 to 30 years (inclusive). The motto of the program is “Volunteering for all”! The most important requirement for a volunteer is enormous motivation, strong desire help, be part of the program, show initiative and enthusiasm in carrying out your tasks! The only thing that needs to be noted is the level of foreign language proficiency. In order to communicate with the coordinator of the host organization, you must have at least a basic level of English or national language the country you would like to travel to.

Where can I go?

Participants from Russia can travel to, as well as Iceland, Norway and Turkey.

How long can I go?

Projects generally last from 6 to 12 months. Since you can only participate once in your life, many projects last exactly 12 months in order to fully utilize the opportunity, but there are also shorter projects. There is one small loophole - if you don’t yet know whether international volunteering is right for you or not, you can try yourself in this role from 2 weeks to 2 months under the same conditions. If your experience is positive, EVS can be continued in another country and in another organization, while the total number of months on the project should not exceed 12.

Financial conditions for participation?

The volunteer pays NOTHING. The grant covers travel and visa expenses (within certain limits, but most often they are enough to pay for air tickets, trains and all the costs of paperwork associated with obtaining a visa), accommodation, food, pocket expenses on the spot (on average, a volunteer receives hands from 200 to 300 euros per month for food and pocket expenses, depending on the country, and lives either on rented apartment with other volunteers or with a host family), as well as health insurance with a good amount of coverage and language courses. In addition, the volunteer has a coordinator and mentor who ensures that everything is good and comfortable for him, both in work and in personal life. From experience, volunteers have enough money, not just to survive, but also sometimes to travel and study local culture. Although, this year you will definitely become experts in saving so that more money was spent on travel and not on other expenses. There is no contribution to the sending organization for participation and cannot be, according to the rules of the program.

What to do on the project?

Whatever you want (within the limits permitted by law, of course!). Projects are carried out by non-profit organizations and budgetary institutions, which means that you will not work in the commercial sphere, you will work in the social sphere, most likely with people.

Options could be:

  • with children in kindergarten;
  • with young people in the youth center;
  • with elderly people in a nursing home;
  • with people with disabilities in rehabilitation centers;
  • in the NGO office, working on projects in the field of ecology, the fight for human rights and many others;
  • with animals, for example in shelters.

There are a great many organizations that accept volunteers, the main thing is to find yours! As part of the project, in addition to the regular activities offered by the organization, you will also have the opportunity to carry out your own projects and bring ideas to life. For example, if you work in a youth center, you will take part in its activities every day and help with master classes and events, but in addition to this, you can also offer something of your own and receive support in realizing your idea!

Therefore, if you feel a thirst for adventure, want to learn something new, improve your knowledge foreign languages, experience life in another country and be there not just as a tourist, but as a local resident, learn all its pros and cons, immerse yourself in the culture... in fact, you can’t count all the effects, they are different for each person. But if you feel what you want, there is no need to think - you need to look for a project and go, fulfilling your dreams!

A volunteer works 30-35 hours per week, has 2 days off per week and 2 vacation days per month, which can be used separately or accumulated.

What do you need to know before you go?

First, be confident in your desire and set your goals clearly. It shouldn’t just be “drop everything and go far away,” you should have a clear idea of ​​what you want to do and what to achieve during this time on the project. You also need to remove rose-colored glasses with the thought that everything is wonderful in Europe - when you are there not for a couple of weeks as a tourist, but live like any local, you will encounter both its wonderful sides and its shortcomings. And that's okay!

How to find a project?

All detailed information You can find information about how to find a project on the website of an organization that deals with international volunteering in Russia and will help you find a project and go!

On a project, you will have a receiving organization (which can also be a coordinating organization, that is, the main one in the project, since it applies for funding) and a sending organization (which must be located in Russia). Without the sending organization, it is impossible to go to the project according to the rules of the program. Let us remind you that there is no fee for participation and cannot be.

The sending organization helps with the search for a project, gives advice and recommendations, takes part in submitting a grant application and accompanies and supports you at all stages - preparation, obtaining a visa, as well as while on the project and after it, upon returning home.

Irina, 25 years old, Nizhny Novgorod, went to Estonia, Tallinn for 11 months:

I worked in a youth organization in Tallinn, organized volunteer projects and promoted volunteerism among Russian-speaking children in Tallinn and other Estonian cities through presentations, master classes, and thematic meetings. During this time I met huge amount people who took my breath away, learned about the culture of an amazing country that is often underestimated and fell head over heels in love with its capital on the shores of the cold and so alluring Baltic Sea. I also realized that I can do, if not everything, then a lot; I learned to accept people as they are and appreciate every minute of my time. This is priceless life experience, a small model of life that was crammed into one year, and the intensity of what was lived can hardly be compared with anything. Go ahead and just go ahead!

Kirill, 24 years old, Ufa, went to Luxembourg for 11 months:

My volunteer year was spent in Luxembourg (yes, there is such a country!). Our team included two volunteers and another one of the kindest and most sympathetic people in the world - our Boss. Every Friday we organized a culinary evening for local students and tried to make a presentation so that everyone would be interested in discussing and arguing about it later. And sometimes we put the presentation aside and just talked about what. The weekend was devoted to exploring interesting places outside the city and even abroad, fortunately, in Luxembourg it’s not at all difficult - for example, you can just fall asleep on the train.

Vera, 25 years old, traveled from cultural capital Russia in small town Tapa (translated as "to kill"), Estonia:

It's a leap year, which means one more day of adventure. As part of the EVS program, I worked with people with developmental disabilities or, as I liked to say, with adult children. My “children” were 35+, some couldn’t speak, while others had difficulty moving. We had at our disposal art rooms, a ceramics class, a gym and the vast territory of the center with beautiful horses, a picturesque garden and a playground. Every Friday afternoon we went on a dance break, because missing the disco was a crime against fun.
Take off emotional stress I spent my working days traveling, playing sports and cooking. During the year I managed to visit 9 countries and more than 30 cities. I acted in a movie, won a medal at the most famous marathon in Estonia and wrote cookbook. Managed to make friends with the world and save up for great trip to Spain. I managed to get on a surfboard, spend the night in an abandoned forest house, and enjoy two weeks as a camp leader.
EVS clearly demonstrated that even if you are in a village with a minimum of funds, you can survive best year in your life. The main thing is motivation, imagination and like-minded people.

Olga, 25 years old, Yekaterinburg, traveled to Ireland for 12 months:

EVS allows the impossible - to go to a European country for a year, something that I could only imagine in my fantasies. There was no question of choosing a country - it could only be Ireland. A year is enough time to get a feel for how the interaction between you and the country works, including language, problems (oh yes, there will definitely be some), and volunteer work itself. This is a simulation of a simplified reality (because you don’t have to think about rent, taxes and gas savings), in which there is the opportunity to grow or vice versa. Through the program, I wanted an understanding of where to move next, do I really want to live in another country, am I in sync with this kind of change, to see the process of work and life here from the inside, to do something that I have never done before, to understand at least a little Irish people and look at their own past life, modeling the future. And this year really allowed me to understand the “other world” from the inside, to be disappointed in something, to fall in love with something (oh those charming Irish rains, bringing the smell of the ocean and leaving behind a rainbow smile), to travel (in addition to Ireland, I also looked into Spain and Germany), to be useful and useless... You can talk endlessly, but it’s better to try once.

Maria, 23 years old, Rostov-on-Don, went on a short-term project to Turkey and a long-term project to Romania:

I began my acquaintance with the European Voluntary Service in Turkey, at an environmental assistance project sea ​​turtles, listed in the Red Book. We were looking for newly hatched turtles on the beach to prevent them from crawling far from the sea and being eaten by predators. It was difficult at times due to the hot weather and hours of walking, but the thousands of turtles we saved were worth it. The project was short-term (2 months) and according to the terms of the program I could take part in EVS a second time. While still in Turkey, I found an organization in Romania, when I returned, I collected all the documents and a month later I was sitting on a plane flying to Bucharest. Now I have been in Romania for the third month. We work with prisoners in juvenile detention. Every weekday we visit the colony, conduct different classes, and organize events.
My two projects are very different, but both brought me unique experience. Without unnecessary pathos, I can say that participation in EVS changed my life and my views on it. I met a lot amazing people, be it a surgeon who runs in the middle of the night to operate on a turtle that has been hit by a boat, a teacher who has worked in a colony for 33 years and has spent more time there than any of the prisoners, workers at a center for people with autism who devote themselves to these special people, and many different , interesting and wonderful volunteers.
EVS is a great chance for young people. You can travel, meet new people, make friends, practice languages, gain new experience. And all this is absolutely free. I believe that people in Russia should be more aware of the volunteer movement and EVS in particular, and the opportunities they provide.

Natalia, 22 years old, Nizhny Novgorod, went to Estonia for a year:

My name is Natalia Laptieva, I am from Nizhny Novgorod, like SPHERE. As part of my EVS project, I have been working at an acrobatic and circus school in Tallinn since September 2016. Without a doubt, I am on an unusual cool project. I train children, choreograph performances for competitions and help organize various events. During the project I have already received significant experience working with children as a coach.
EVS is definitely about working on yourself, self-development and overcoming difficulties. New language, culture and work environment. And as a reward for the work done, you get a ton positive emotions and new impressions. You meet wonderful people open people from different countries, as motivated and purposeful as you. Yes, EVS is also about friendship and support. Still have doubts? Don't be afraid, look for your project and develop!

Maria, 31 years old, St. Petersburg, spent a year in Sweden:

I spent my EVS year in a small Swedish town, working with teenagers in the local youth center. Together with the center’s staff, we organized various events, held games, competitions, master classes, and also just talked a lot with the kids. This is the first time I've encountered this a large number young representatives of different countries and cultures, concentrated under one roof (in addition to the Swedes, there were children of employees of foreign companies, as well as migrants and recently arrived refugees), so at first I felt a little confused and did not know how to approach anyone. But everything fell into place quite quickly: communication quickly improved, I learned Swedish, the guys who didn’t know it yet also learned Swedish, and at the same time English (I was always happy to help), we all got used to each other and became friends, and my organization and energy harmoniously combined with the calm and relaxed working style of my Swedish colleagues.
The year on the project turned out to be very busy and dynamic. It wasn't always easy, but it was always interesting. I got an excellent opportunity not only to participate in an exciting and useful activity, but also a chance to get to know myself better, to understand what is really important and what is not, to see in myself what I still need to work on, and what I can already be proud of. And, of course, I cannot help but note that my volunteer year gave me many vivid impressions and memories, travel, adventures and, most importantly, wonderful new friends. So after the project there is something to remember, and it’s clear in which direction you want to move.
For those who have not yet visited EVS: guys, don’t waste time on fears and doubts, look for your project, open this world, dare and do good!

Maria, 25 years old, Yekaterinburg, spent a year in Ireland:

In 2014, I went to Ireland for a project, where I spent one year living in Dublin. I worked for a charity helping homeless people suffering from drug addiction, alcoholism and various mental illness. During the project, I organized various events for clients aimed at their socialization and healthy image life (cooking lessons, playing football, hiking, holidays, etc.). Thanks to this experience, I began to understand people much better, became more tolerant and kinder. Stories of homeless people often do not leave you indifferent. I learned a lot about this social problem and saw how it was being resolved in Ireland.
The main thing that EVS gave me was the awareness of what I want to do in life, in what area to develop further. On at the moment, I'm preparing to enter foreign university, where I plan to gain knowledge in social sphere, so that later they can be applied in practice in Russia.
I am sure that everyone who goes to EVS will change their life in better side, because he will be able to understand and surprise himself.

Irina, 28 years old, Moscow, volunteered in the UK for one year:

I worked in a youth organization in Belfast, UK. My project was related to politics and journalism. This allowed me to become very immersed in the cultural and social context of Northern Ireland. Since there is a religious-ethnic conflict in this country, non-formal education is very important there. We taught teenagers and young people to think critically, understand politics, and find their place in life. There were a lot of cool projects over the year: from organizing events where young people could directly communicate with local politicians to the Rock the Vote campaign for the American franchise during the Westminster elections. The most amazing thing for me was how professionally the employees of our organization found common language even with very difficult children and people, we identified their problems and motivated them to take some action, while our meetings with teenagers never looked like lessons or moral teachings.
Before EVS, I was very skeptical about volunteering abroad. I think it’s stupid to go to Australia to pick fruit for three months in a row and then travel for maybe 10 days. It’s easier to earn money and learn the language in your own country, and then go on vacation to Australia.
At EVS, even projects involving manual labor are aimed at social change. The people you work with and meet have, so to speak, a humanistic value system.
I can wish those who decide to apply for this program patience, since the competition is high, and you have to wait a long time - there are a lot of bureaucratic issues, and I also advise you to apply only for the project that you really like!

Questions can be written to email address [email protected].