Titan quest additional quests. Titan Quest Anniversary Edition walkthrough of the game in detail: quests and tasks

The biggest ambush with addition to Titan Quest is that you can't play it until you beat the original game. To master a measly 10 hours Immortal Throne, your humble servant had to writhe for two days of pure time, pressing three buttons: attack, magic and a life restoration bottle.

Remembering the frantic passage of Titan Quest (faster, faster, the editor already called and hinted!), I want to take this entire magical arsenal, transfer it to real life and do something bad with the office Iron Lore . And at the same time, since there was such a booze, I should visit the company Blizzard Entertainment , without which there would not be Diablo– this depraved offspring of the Action/RPG genre. True, without her there is no World of Warcraft– and this would already be a serious loss.

It’s not even a shame that I had to go through again what was mastered six months ago and then safely deleted from the hard drive. It's a shame that after running through three acts and joyfully jumping onto the Immortal Throne, you discover that all your attempts are useless. The thirtieth level in the expansion is so funny that it becomes sad around the fiftieth suicide. But just like that, he was walking at night, came across a standard pack of monsters, started shooting back, and suddenly, to his own surprise, he died in two hits. I had to restore in my mind the half-forgotten “hit and run” tactic.

True, it doesn’t help much either: when a shabby level 35 archer takes away a third of your life with one shot, you begin to furiously figure out what’s wrong here. The rewards for the quests have not changed: in the original they never gave a single useful item, as in the addition. You can turn yourself inside out as much as you like, satisfying NPCs who are generous with tasks, but other than pitiful crumbs of experience, these efforts will not bring anything. However, those with free time have nothing to worry about: the level bar was raised right up to 75, and some “blue” items of the new act began to require “only” level 50.

But the designers have seriously worked on other aspects, and now Titan Quest does not look like a pathetic copy of Diablo with World of Warcraft impurities. First of all, this concerns the plot of Immortal Throne, which continues the original right off the bat. After killing the Titan Typhoon, a portal opens, leading to new adventures and the ancient Greek city of Rhodes. It was in it that the famous Colossus was later built (there is a small quest on this topic - accompany the lighthouse keeper to his place of work), and it is also the mythological birthplace of Helios, the ancient Greek god of the sun. From this remarkable place it begins crusade the main character to the kingdom of Hades.

On his heroic path he will meet the most diverse and famous ideas of the ancient Greeks about the underworld. This is the River Styx with its famous ferryman, Charon (don’t forget to grab a couple of obols), and the three-headed guard dog Cerberus, and so on. The plot of Immortal Throne neatly picks up the line of the original, continuing a series of epic adventures, legendary events and excursions through the fantasies of ancient storytellers.

Along with the expansion, Iron Lore introduced new game mechanics: for example, in large cities there were caravan owners, with whom you can store things obtained with your own sweat and other people’s blood. The storage capacity is small at first, but for 600 thousand gold it can be doubled, effectively equating it to a spare backpack. However, it’s too early to rejoice: the new features of the add-on require a bunch of different “relics” in their complete set (from 3 to 5 pieces), so the caravanner’s chest quickly becomes filled with little things that are unnecessary at first.

In addition, the storage has a second compartment where you can store things that are simultaneously accessible to “mules” or other full-fledged characters. Now you can not sell the “blue” that is useful to other classes with tears in your eyes, but simply transfer it to the second (third, fourth) hero. The appearance of the caravan driver is perhaps one of the best innovations, especially for those who intend to complete the game from the very beginning: thoughtfully and carefully.

Another useful NPC is the enchanter. He knows how to pull out “relics” and “charms” from various objects or simply free valuable equipment from them. In any case, one thing will definitely be destroyed in the process. One such operation costs a lot of money, so before you pull out some small thing from clothes that have become unnecessary, you need to think carefully - is the game worth the candle?

The same guy is selling artifacts - individual items that do not require a slot in the backpack. The artifact has a whole set of diverse functions, usually not focused on one/dual class, but offering everything in a row and discordantly. For example, 50% protection from piercing attacks, 100 hit points, 60 strength points and 10 percent energy recovery.

To acquire an artifact, you must first find, receive as a reward, or knock out the formula for its creation from a monster, then collect the necessary things (three sets of relics/charms) and take it all to the enchanter. Having peeled off a decent fee, he will create an artifact - now you can attach it and proudly carry it, demonstrating to everyone its incredible coolness. This is not to say that the creation of artifacts is stupid and useless; this detail adds a certain interest. But finding the formula and also knocking out all the necessary relics is not a task for a first-grader.

To the seven original skill branches, one more has been added - Dream Mastery. It is curious that Iron Lore did not create a whole new class, but simply strengthened the existing ones. The essence of "Dreamer" is to enhance certain aspects of the player. The hero using these talents enters a certain trance, increasing attack power, defense, or improving other skills. Therefore, it is best and easiest to use this type of skill in combination with others. Thus, it turns out that eight new classes have been introduced into the game, and this is enough for an enthusiastic hardcore player.

Another new thing in the world of Titan Quest is scrolls. They are incredibly expensive, but at the same time they improve life so much that you can’t help but think: it’s very difficult to play without them, but with them it’s very easy; Is there a terrible and terrible imbalance here? No, the developers believe, there is no imbalance here. If you're cool, you'll beat the game without scrolls. And if you are a pathetic loser, then save money and use scrolls. It’s very uncomfortable to feel like a pathetic loser; you need to either download levels (long and tediously), or spend money (with tears in your eyes), rummage through every corner and not miss a single “green” for sale.

(This, let me remind you, was 2007, when “legalized cheats” - in-app purchases - had not yet tried to conquer single-player games. - Ed.)

The design of new locations, including the kingdom of Hades itself, puts the Titan Quest engine in a favorable light. Not much has changed technically in the past six months, other than the introduction of a couple of new lighting effects, but the level of artistry seems to have taken a big step forward.

At first it seems strange and illogical to imagine Hades as a set of gray-blue-green textures, and not a dungeon engulfed in hellfire (see the caves before the Typhoon in the original game), but then the thought comes that such a “ghostly” implementation is there is “that world” where all the ancient Greeks end up. Lighting effects create a unique atmosphere thanks to correctly rendered shadows. The twenty new monster models are pleasing to the eye, and given their difficulty for a beginner, appearance and truly intimidating.

The sound was practically not altered. All the same melodies that accompany the player’s adventures and turn on, as a rule, when you least expect them. Episodes in Hades feature interesting effects such as echoes and howling winds. The atmosphere is accentuated by a dull, dreary and almost unintimidating environment. Unfortunately, there was practically no voice acting in the add-on - there are no new voices in Immortal Throne, and everyone is voiced by old familiar actors from the original.

The duration of the add-on is about 10-20 hours, depending on the level of difficulty and the player’s desire to explore the surrounding area, completing additional quests and collecting various items. You should not expect any revelations in this regard, the game mechanics remain classic and, with the exception of 30 optional tasks, everything follows the original “click the enemy 10 times per second” scheme. This isn't so bad at all, considering Titan Quest dedicated itself to killing Diablo II six months ago. Boss fights have definitely been worked on - now they require more attention to tactical techniques, and their duration does not always depend on the player’s level.

In summary: Immortal Throne does not include the richest content, new concepts and exciting gameplay. This is a classic addon with minimal changes, designed for maniacs who for some reason are interested in these tedious clicks for another fifteen hours. And you, by any chance, are not one of these?..

The only thing left to do is find her. You don't have to go far. Nisa is kept in one of the crypts of the Tsakon ruins. A simple task and a small reward of 25,000 experience.

In ruins. An army of strange monsters attacked the city of Paseron. Those who could ran away, but many remained. The next day, Theogen, one of the city guards, gathered a detachment and went to rescue those who were hiding in the captured city. Unfortunately, his squad was unable to resist the strange monsters. We are asked to find and deliver to a safe place all residents of the city. The reward is a magical jewel and experience. The task is simple. In different parts of the city, there are one, and in some places three, residents guarded by monsters with an aura. It is noteworthy that rare things fall out of these guards.

This is a bug: unfortunately, rescued residents stop halfway to freedom, and the task does not count.

Enemy leader. Strong monsters attack from all sides. One of the townspeople, Pythias, suggested killing the leader of the monsters. If he is right, then without a commander they will be significantly weakened. Let's go for Procea's head. The latter, by the way, lives at the exit from Paserone. For killing her, we are promised a magical item and traditional experience.

Dangerous task. Most of the refugees in the camp are injured or starving. They were in such a hurry to escape from Paseron that they only took their clothes with them. The boy Admet went to the dilapidated city to get food and medicine. But he was ambushed. Unfortunately, the boy cannot be saved. You can only do it last request- provide medicines to refugees. For this, the camp will reward us with experience and yellow metal.

This is interesting: we will meet Admet again. But already in the kingdom of Hades.

Stygian creature. The shadow near Charon's boat told us that in the depths of the Styx lives a monster that sometimes comes ashore and devours souls. You will find the monster on the other side of the river. To get there, cross the bridge in the east of the map. The Soul Eater can be found in the Stygian Swamps. By the way, for completing this task we will forever increase our strength, agility and intelligence by four points.

Leading the way. The boatman Charon has disappeared. The shadows of the dead cannot cross the Styx into the kingdom of the dead. Frightened, they crowded around the useless boat. The only one who tried to argue was taken away somewhere by the demons. We need to take the oar from Charon and free Hipparchus. After the battle with Charon, we cross the bridge, there we find the ghost we need. For completing the task we will be given some experience and a relic.

Plains of Souda

Treasures of Hades. According to the shadow of Aristonymus, Hades stores his wealth in a treasury just below the City of Lost Souls. Aristonymus has been trying to open the treasury for several centuries, but nothing has worked for him.

Interesting. The ghost has been unable to open the door for several centuries, and we must figure out the secret right away! There are four pedestals near the door. You need to insert a stone into each of them. The guardians of the stones will meet on the way to Hades; it is impossible to miss them. For opening a cache we will be given 100,000 experience. In addition, the contents of the treasury will also be ours. At the legendary difficulty level, you can find some very good things in chests.

Ashes of a titan. A long time ago, Zeus incinerated a titan with his lightning. From the remaining ashes, Prometheus created the first people. It is said that he did not use all the ashes, and on the plains of Judgment, a powerful guard, under the orders of Hades, still guards the urn containing the titan's ashes. The urn is located in deep caves in the Far Plains. From this ashes, the priestess of Leda will make an elixir for us, which adds two skill points.

Orpheus and Eurydice. Eurydice was separated from her lover, the great musician Orpheus. To find it, Eurydice needs Psyche's mirror. You can find him on the way to the Tower of Judgment. Eurydice will then open a portal to his prison. The prisoner is guarded by two cyclops. Colorful guys, and, God forbid, they wave batons. It's better to lure them out one at a time. As a reward, the lovers will give us magic scrolls and experience.

Invitation. On the Plains of Judgment, few shadows can claim to have accomplished anything remarkable in their lifetime. However, some of them have united and are trying to stop the demons. Kallikrates asks us to destroy the supplies in the demon camp. It looks like this will create serious difficulties for them. In the lower camp, find and destroy several carts surrounded by a halo. That's all, actually. As a reward you can get a magical jewel and some experience.

Necromanteion. Hades built the Necromanteion on the plains of Judgment, which became a temple and oracle for the dead. But the demons grabbed the priests and put them in cages. The demons have settled a giant Bone Beast in the temple and are feeding it captive shadows. We need to kill this creature before it eats itself to such a size that no one can resist it. The location is small. The creature lives not far from the entrance. Kill her and talk to the priestess. The task is completed, gain experience.

Admet in kingdom of the dead. Remember him? He, too, was captured by demons. After his death, he went to the Tower of Judgment, but demons captured it and did not allow him inside. Deprived of the opportunity to enter Elysium, Admetus vowed to help other shadows and earn the right to enter the fields of paradise. He suddenly appeared in the Tower of Judgment and opened a secret room that contained valuable items. Then he went to Elysium, where you need to talk to him in order to receive a reward for the task.

Secret struggle. Although the shadows who live on the Plains of Judgment are not heroes, they do everything in their power to thwart the demons. Keutonym, who leads these operations, is the demon himself, plotting intrigues for his fellow tribesmen. He will instruct us to intercept the demon messenger who is carrying a message to the vanguard. We go towards the Valley of Sorrow and kill the marked demon. We take the message to Kevtonim and receive a relic and experience as a reward. The task is completed.

Siege Walkers. The demons released five siege walkers onto the Enislasian fields, which inflict significant damage to the phalanx of heroes. There are other walkers walking around the field, but they are weaker than the five marked. By the way, be careful. Walkers shoot fireballs that do a lot of damage. For completing the task we will be rewarded with experience and magic scrolls.

Faster than the wind. Nestor is an excellent tactician. He sent a messenger to Ajax. We need to protect him. Nestor's messenger, by the way, is a strong guy himself, but he is very interested in fighting. If you don’t watch him, he’ll get carried away so much that you won’t be able to collect the bones later. We bring him to Ajax and receive a reward.

Achaean pass. Demons continuously attack the Achaean Pass, which is defended by Menelaus with a detachment of warriors. But Menelaus has too few men, and Ajax cannot provide him with enough reinforcements. Menelaus is wounded and needs our help. His men will fight as long as the flag is raised. We must prevent the demons from reaching the flag!

This is one of the most difficult tasks in the game. Demons will climb from all sides: first small ones, then more serious ones, and then whole heaps, supported by walkers. It is best to intercept attacks outside the camp, so that in the heat of battle some demon cannot sneak towards the flag.

Sabotage. A detachment of daredevils under the command of Menestheus sneaked behind enemy lines to create sabotage and allow Odysseus to finish the job. They plan to attack the bloody Queen Melina, who commands the demon troops in the area.

A typical task to kill the main boss. Be careful, the bosses are very angry even on normal difficulty. You may not survive even a couple of blows.

Palace of Aida

Crystals of Erebus. The heroes of Elysium learned that Hades had made five crystals to control his troops above, in the world of the living. It is necessary to destroy the crystals so that Hades loses control over all his troops and can no longer send them to the surface. On the way to Hades' lair, we destroy the crystals and gain additional experience in the amount of 35,000 units. Just attack them like normal monsters.

Warlords of Hades. Apparently, after the judges refused to lead the army of Hades, he appointed the three Macha patriarchs as commanders, endowing them with a piece of divine power. You can find these three patriarchs in the palace of Hades. They are marked on the map with a yellow icon with an exclamation point. By the way, as a nice addition, next to each of them you can find a chest with magic items. As a reward for this task, we will be given a permanent five percent increase in damage.

That's all, actually. Hades is defeated, the army of demons is scattered. The world is saved again. But who knows what could happen and what other threat will hang over the peaceful life of the ancient world...

New classes

As before, the name of the character's class depends on the chosen specializations. Here is a list of all the new classes in the expansion. The power of dreams is a seer. Military affairs and the Power of Dreams are a harbinger. Art of Defense and Power of Dreams - Templar. The powers of the earth and the power of dreams are the awakener. The powers of air and the power of dreams - the prophet. The Art of Hunting and the Power of Dreams - haruspex. Shadow Craft and Dream Power - Ghost. The power of the forest and the power of dreams - ritualist. The powers of the spirit and the power of dreams - sorcerers.

Hidden things

There is an item in the game menu. If you click on it, a line will appear. Try entering these codes into it and see what happens. Just in case, I warn you that nothing will happen to the character.


Boss Killing Tactics: Charon

The famous boatman sided with the demons of Hades. He guards the only bridge across the River Styx. Naturally, in order to move on, he must be defeated. And twice. But first things first. Charon uses several types of attacks. The first is a blow with an oar. He walks slowly and hits too. But if he hits... In general, when he swings, you need to run back. The second type of attack is bubbles flying from the river. They fall anywhere and cause decent damage. This also includes stationary water columns. It is better not to enter them, they cause a lot of damage.

Everything is in the power of the gods, the sages are the friends of the gods; but friends have everything in common; therefore, everything in the world belongs to the wise.


Not a single thing arises without a cause, but everything arises for some reason and due to necessity.


The secret has long been known that will allow the game to linger for a long time in the minds of players and on the hard drives of their computers. And it is very simple - the presence of an editor whose accessibility will captivate everyone who is interested, and whose global capabilities will allow you to create your own projects and additions that are not inferior to the original game. Titan Quest is doing well with this - there is a global editor for levels, monsters and NPCs, which allows you to implement almost any plot based on it, no matter whether it is historical or fantastic. However, we forgot about the multiplayer mode - the second reason for the long-term love for the game. In this game it is brilliantly simple - joint passages and duels. Both open up new facets of the game, showing it in all its glory.

But all this is the “mind” of the game, and, as you know, they are met “by their clothes.” So let's start ad ovo, with the egg.

Thespians and comedians

Hundred-headed monster - Typhon,

Born of the earth. For all the gods

He rose up: a thorn and a whistle from his jaws

He threatened the throne of Zeus, and from his eyes

The fire of the frantic Gorgon sparkled...

Aeschylus "Chained Prometheus"

The backstory of the game world is quite short, which is surprising for a game based on the myths of Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and China. Let's start, perhaps:

As you all know very well, 12 titans of both sexes were born from Earth-Gaia and Sky-Uranus. The youngest and most cunning of them, Cronus, rebelled against his father, overthrew him and began to rule. And so that no one would encroach on his throne, he ate his children. However, one of them - Zeus - managed to escape. He subsequently returned, freed his brothers and sisters, who became Olympian gods, and led a rebellion against his Titan parents. In the war he was helped by the Cyclopes and the hundred-armed giants Hecatoncheires, who later became the guardians of the titans in the eternal darkness of Tartarus. Then the angry Earth gave birth to the monster Typhon with a hundred dragon heads. From him came many terrible creatures, but Zeus defeated him too, pushing Mount Etna down, causing it to become a volcano.

For a long time, the Olympians lived quietly, reaping the benefits of human love and respect. Their peace was disturbed only once, when the titan Prometheus escaped from an underground prison and, having stolen fire from Olympus, gave it to people. ( This is where the plot actually begins)

Apparently, a bad example is contagious, and centuries later other titans decided to escape. History is silent about how they managed to bypass the Hecatoncheires, but the fact remains - the titans broke free, and an orgy began, without Bacchus and on a cosmic scale: mischievous satyrs and centaurs turned into shaped animals, the living dead, lizards, rat-men, jellyfish climbed from everywhere -gorgons...

But the worst thing is that someone thought of digging up Typhon, and he again began to smoke all over the world. The Olympian gods could not cope with the new scourge on their own, and they needed heroes. We will become one of them.

On the way to Olympus, Greece, Egypt, Babylon, and even far, far away China await us. We will cover this entire distance on foot, destroying thousands of titan minions along the way, and finally return to Olympus, talk with Zeus and we'll kill Typhon. And it doesn’t matter that even Zeus failed to accomplish this - our business is forced.

But don’t despair, the road will be extremely exciting - and don’t look at how linear it is.

Heroes of the Ancient World

I see, child, as they say, that your breed is noble!..


So, we have a plot. For a good play, we now need to find an actor for the main role. Let's press " New game"And let's choose: name, gender, dress color? It doesn't matter at all, it has purely aesthetic value. Let's scroll further!

Here in front of us is Helos, a Greek village, and here we can, by pressing a key C , see your alter ego and the accompanying equipment, a “doll” and a passport. What do they mean?

Primary Stats


  • Health reserve ( Health) — shows how many more times the hero needs to be hit for him to be reborn.
  • Mana reserve ( Energy) - shows how much more you can conjure. If the hero is hit, it may decrease.
  • Strength ( Strength) - the amount of damage caused by melee weapons and the ability to use heavy armor and weapons depend on it.
  • Intelligence ( Intelligence) - the amount of damage caused by elemental magic and the speed of mana regeneration depend on it.
  • Dexterity ( Dexterity) - attack and defense abilities, the amount of piercing damage inflicted, and the ability to use small arms depend on it.


  • Fire resistance ( Fire Resistance) - what % of fire damage will be prevented.
  • Cold resistance ( Cold Resistance) - what % of damage from cold will be prevented.
  • Resistance to poison ( Poison Resistance) — what % of damage from poison will be prevented.
  • Resistance to lightning ( Lightning Resistance) — what % of damage from lightning will be prevented.
  • Resistance to piercing blows ( Pierce Resistance) - what % of damage from a piercing blow will be prevented.


  • Average damage ( Average Damage) - shows the average damage dealt per hit.
  • Attack speed ( Attack Speed) - shows how many hits a character can inflict per second, measured in %. Depends on skills and equipment.
  • Damage per second ( Damage Per Second) — DPS - this is the main parameter by which both warriors and magicians “measure” each other.

This is the advice: be sure to look at the speed of your weapon, it can be Very Fast, Fast, Average, Slow and Very Slow. Sometimes a fast knife with nominally low damage can provide more DPS than a good but slow club.


  • Total armor ( Combined Armor) — the amount of armor attached to the character. Allows you to endure a certain amount of damage painlessly.
  • Block ( Block) - the chance to block an enemy's blow, depends on the shield and is measured in %.
  • Damage Blocked ( Damage Blocked) — the amount of damage that will be prevented with a successful block.

Secondary Stats

Secondary Resistances

  • Bleeding Resistance - what % of damage from attacks that cause bleeding will be prevented.
  • Endurance ( Vitality Resistance) - what % of damage from attacks aimed at undermining stamina or draining life will be prevented.
  • Energy ( Energy Resistance) — what % of damage from attacks aimed at undermining Energy or siphoning mana will be prevented.
  • Resistance to Stagger ( Stun Resistance) - by what percentage of the total duration the duration of Stun will be reduced (a stunned character cannot attack).
  • Resistance to Destruction ( Disruption Resistance) - by what percentage of the total duration the duration of Destruction attacks will be reduced (a “destroyed” character cannot attack).


  • Health regeneration ( Health Regeneration) — the number of life units restored within a second.
  • Mana regeneration ( Energy Regeneration) — the number of mana units restored within a second
  • Attack ability ( Offensive ability) - shows your chance to hit the target, as well as the ability to inflict a critical hit.
  • Defensive ability ( Defensive ability) - shows your chance to dodge a hit, as well as your ability to avoid a critical hit.
  • Spell Speed ​​( Cast Speed) — the time required to cast a spell, in % of the norm.
  • Running speed ( Run Speed) — character’s running speed in % of normal.
  • The most powerful monster ( Greatest Monster Killed) - defeated character.
  • Monsters killed ( Monsters Killed) - in total by the character and his assistants.
  • The biggest damage ( Greatest Damage Dealt) - done at one time.
  • Time ( Elapsed Time) — spent on the game.
  • Number of deaths ( Total Deaths) - and character revivals throughout the game.

Becoming more experienced

With every enemy defeated and every quest completed, your experience level increases. The green stripe below shows how much time the savior of the whole world has left until the next level of his career.

This is the advice: summoned creatures do not receive experience, but transfer it entirely to their master. So don’t be shy and call your partner as soon as possible. Almost any discipline allows you to do this, and this friend will come in handy more than once or twice. Either cover yourself like a shield, or break away from the chase...

When a hero gains a level, nothing increases automatically. He receives 2 Attribute points and 3 Skill points. Attribute points can be invested in any amount into strength, intelligence or agility, which will increase the corresponding attribute by 4 points for each invested AP. If you invest them in health or mana, then their supply will increase by 16 points in the same way.

By spending 1 SP, you can upgrade any available skill by one unit.

But before you develop your skills, you need to figure out what’s what. So...


The beautiful is comprehended through study and great effort, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty.


Having reached the long-awaited level 2, we get the opportunity to choose our first discipline. You should approach the choice carefully, because the follower of each skill has a radically different principle of play. From this moment on, we receive one of the basic 8 classes (according to the number of disciplines), and at the 8th level of experience we will have the opportunity to study the second and final discipline, after which our alter ego will establish itself in one of the advanced 28 classes, resulting from a combination of 2 disciplines.

Within each discipline, you can learn various skills/auras/spells or improve your main skill ( Base Skill). You can increase it up to 32, and each level will increase class attributes, as well as open access to other skills/auras/spells. They can also be studied repeatedly, but in this case only the effect of this particular branch of skills increases (usually there are 2-3 of them), without affecting the rest.

For example, by choosing the Nature Magic discipline and raising the main Nature skill from 0 to 1, we will gain attributes: +2 intelligence, +1 agility, +21 health and +10 mana, as well as access to the following skills: Regrowth (1) And Call of the Wild (1). Here and below, in parentheses next to the name of the skill, the number of points that you need to have in the main skill is indicated if you want to teach.

The number of possible strategies is incalculable, and if we also take into account that the skills of different characters can be combined in any way in one game, then we get truly limitless possibilities!

Warfare Mastery

Warrior surpasses everyone in the amount of physical damage inflicted, but pays for it by deteriorating protection. With increasing skill, the Warrior can learn to inflict damage on several enemies at once.

The scope of his skills is close combat. Through training, the Warrior improves his skill with a sword, ax and mace, his ability to attack with both hands and other methods of attack.

Base Skill (0-32)

Provides what you need physical development and knowledge of the necessary martial techniques that allow one to achieve much in the martial arts. Increases strength, agility and health.

Battle Rage (1)

Every time an enemy hits you, it can cause you to have a seizure. Battle Rage, which will give a bonus to damage and increase attack skill for a short period of time.

Weapon Training (1)

Years of training with a sword, ax and club allow you to attack faster and react more sharply to enemy attacks.

Onslaught (1)

When you use the default attack, Onslaught increases the damage you deal with each unit of health successively taken from the enemy. Strength Onslaught dissipates quickly if not attacked. Replaces the basic attack.

War Horn (4)

The victorious sound of your war horn temporarily stuns opponents

Dodge Attack (4)

Even the strongest armor has weak spots. The best way to survive is to prevent the enemy from finding them.

Dual Wield (4)

Ability to effectively use two types of weapons.

Ignore Pain (4)

Full concentration on the battle allows you to ignore physical and piercing damage.

Crushing Blow (10)

Increases the chance of a critical attack with increased damage when Battle Rage.

Hew (10)

Damaged when using a skill Dual Wield damage increases by 50%

War Wind (10)

The warrior fights by spinning in place like a top and hitting up to 4 targets simultaneously.

Battle Standard (10)

Summon Battle Banner - All allies have increased attack skill and damage absorption.

Cross Cut (16)

Skill Dual Wield allows you to deal damage to two enemies at once.

Hamstring (16)

An attack targeting an enemy's legs temporarily reduces their defenses and movement speed.

Lacerate (24)

Adds additional damage To War Wind. It is required that the warrior have either an ax or a sword in his hand.

Triumph (24)

Seeing the inevitability of your triumph, your enemies lose hope and the power of their attacks decreases.

Doom Horn (24)

The sound of your War Horn promises death to enemies, frightening them and reducing their ability to defend.

Counter Attack (24)

Gives a chance to counterattack when the enemy inflicts damage during Battle Rage.

Tumult (32)

When using technology Dual Wield You can hit up to three enemies at the same time

Ardor (32)

Stronger and faster attack, increased movement speed.

Ancestral Horn (32)

The call of an ancient relic brings the ghosts of past heroes from the Champs Elysees to the battlefield for another battle.

Defense Mastery

Defender focuses on survival in battles, which is why he doesn't shine very well in the area of ​​offensive skills. Many skills focus on using the shield as a weapon, as well as deflecting enemy attacks and crippling them in return.

A character who trains in Defense will be able to better parry attacks with conventional weapons, use shields and armor more effectively, and recover from damage faster.

Base Skill (0-32)

Provides the mental strength and physical development necessary to protect both yourself and others. Increases strength, agility and health.

Concussive Blow (1)

Gives a chance to stun the enemy on impact and increases the duration of stun when attacking with a club.

Battle Awareness (1)

Grants an aura that allows you and nearby allies to defend more effectively.

Batter (1)

Shield attack. Deals damage and slows down the enemy.

Armor Handling (1)

Reduces armor requirements, making it possible to use heavier armor than skills allow.

Adrenaline (4)

Each enemy hit can cause an adrenaline rush, increasing your regeneration.

Rally (4)

The sound of your horn helps allies regenerate stamina.

Quick Recovery (4)

Over a short period of time, your skill with a shield increases, allowing you to block several attacks at once with great speed.

Shield Smash (4)

A fighting technique in which damage is caused by both a weapon and a shield.

Resilience (10)

Increases frequency of use Adrenaline.

Focus (10)

Improves reaction, increasing the chance of successfully blocking an enemy attack.

Shield Charge (10)

A running strike at an enemy with a shield, stunning and dealing additional damage.

Inspiration (16)

Partially restores energy lost by allies, allowing them to continue the battle.

Rend Armor (16)

Increases efficiency Batter, allowing you to attack up to three opponents simultaneously.

Disable (16)

A fighting technique that uses a shield to knock down an opponent or at least keep them off balance.

Defensive Reaction (24)

Increases damage and attack speed when using a skill Adrenaline.

Iron Will (24)

The aura grants all allies increased defense and resistance.

Disruption (24)

Increases shock effect Shield Charge, preventing enemies from using their skills.

Defiance (32)

A certain percentage of the damage you deal is returned to the enemy within a short time after use Rally.

Colossus Form (32)

You take the form of a Colossus, tower-like in grandeur.

Pulverize (32)

A fighting technique using a shield, in which you attack several enemies at once, breaking through their formation.

Hunting Mastery

Hunter - master in the use of bows and spears. His arrows, penetrating everywhere, will penetrate any armor and find their target even in a crowd of opponents. However, for the success of his actions, the Hunter needs to constantly move and keep his distance.

The art of hunting appeared long before civilized times for the purpose of obtaining food and for sporting competitions. However, now it is used to fight the minions of the Titans, who are more dangerous than any predator.

Base Skill (0-32)

Develops in its owner the mind and reaction of a predator necessary for hunting. Increases strength, agility and health.

Ensnare (1)

Envelops an enemy's legs in a net that prevents them from moving, but does not prevent them from attacking if you are within their reach.

Take Down (1)

Rough thrusts with a spear deal increased damage to the enemy.

Wood Lore (1)

Increased proficiency with bow and spear. Years spent in the jungle take their toll.

Marksmanship (4)

Allows you to shoot fire arrows instead of regular ones, which fly faster and deal increased damage. Replaces the basic attack.

Art of the Hunt (4)

Rich hunting experience gives you an advantage when meeting potential prey - creatures of the Animals and Beastmen classes.

Herbal Remedy (4)

The ability to create healing potions from plants that can be found on travel. Treats poison and accelerates wound healing.

Barbed Netting (10)

Net E nsnare receives thorns that inflict bleeding wounds on the enemy.

Call of the Hunt (10)

Increases attack speed and damage dealt by Beasts and Beastmen.

Eviscerate (10)

Allows you to find weak points and inflict bleeding wounds on enemies.

Monster Lure (10)

A bait that attracts the attention of nearby monsters.

Study Prey (16)

Ranged damage increases by exploiting enemy weaknesses.

Puncture Shot Arrows (16)

The arrows shoot straight through, thus hitting several targets at once.

Gouge (16)

When using a spear or bow, deep wounds leading to prolonged bleeding.

Find Cover (16)

You can use cover to avoid unnecessary damage without stopping the attack.

Exploit Weakness (24)

Exploiting enemies' weaknesses - increasing damage from shots.

Trail Blazing (24)

Gives hunters the strength to relentlessly pursue prey, so that even the thickest bushes cannot slow down the pursuit.

Detonate (24)

The bait becomes explosive. An explosion requires a full supply of energy.

Flush Out (32)

Forces enemies to open up, making them more vulnerable.

Scatter Shot Arrows (32)

The arrowhead becomes explosive, scattering into many fragments in all directions upon contact.

Volley (32)

Speeds up an attack with a spear or bow three times.

Rogue Mastery

Rogue unsurpassed in the art of dealing with lone enemies. His attacks leave his opponents with poisoned and bleeding wounds. Rogues are best suited to hit-and-run tactics, forcing them to be as sophisticated as possible when facing large groups of enemies.

The art of deception is rightfully the domain of murderers and thieves, because in the struggle for survival the end justifies the means. The thief's fighting style focuses on fast attacks, which are lethal to most opponents. The Vagabonds enhance their deadly abilities by studying various poisons and knowledge of human anatomy.

Base Skill (0-32)

Gives the necessary physical training and secret knowledge in order to become a successful thief. Increases intelligence, agility and health.

Calculated Strike (1)

Instead of just one hit, you get the ability to deal several in the same amount of time. Replaces the basic attack.

Blade Honing (1)

Gives increased damage to the blades of swords or spears for you and your allies.

Envenom Weapon (1)

Adds poison damage to the attack.

Throwing Knife (4)

Throws a knife at an enemy, causing them to bleed and damage them over time.

Disarm Traps (4)

Allows you to disarm traps.

Nightshade (4)

Allows infected weapons to slow opponents. Valid when activated Envenom Weapon.

Flash Powder (4)

Flashing powder that blinds and disorients enemies.

Lucky Hit (10)

Gives a chance to hit a place unprotected by armor, causing much more damage when activated. Calculated Strike.

Open Wound (10)

Gives a chance to inflict a bleeding wound, causing damage for some time after the attack. Possible when using a sword, spear, bow and axe.

Lay Trap (10)

Creates a crossbow trap.

Poison Gas Bomb (10)

A bomb that releases a poisonous cloud. Causes confusion, panic and reduced defense against ranged attacks.

Lethal Strike (16)

Inflicts one deadly blow with greatly increased damage.

Rapid Construction (16)

Reduces preparation time for setting a new trap

Toxin Distillation (16)

Increased strength and duration of action of the poison.

Anatomy (24)

Knowing anatomy increases the chance of causing a bleeding wound and increased damage.

Mandrake (24)

Gives a chance to confuse the enemy with a successful poison attack.

Shrapnel (24)

Adds to Poison Gas Bomb shrapnel.

Mortal Wound (32)

Adds poison damage to any attack and causes bleeding wounds.

Flurry of Knives (32)

Allows you to throw multiple knives. Increased penetration damage.

Improved Firing Mechanism (32)

Modified Bolt Trap. The number of bolts produced has been increased.

Wind and Lightning Magic (Storm Mastery)

Stormcaller Excellent ability to cause lightning and snow storms, dealing with small groups of enemies. Yes, his defense is weak, but he can freeze and stun his opponents, and then finish them off with the deadly wrath of Heaven.

Dedicated to serving the celestials, Stormcasters learn to control lightning, project hail, and channel arctic winds. In addition to rapid attacks, the Magic of Wind and Lightning has several more in store effective ways self-defense.

Base Skill (0-32)

Allows the mage to control weather phenomena. Increases intelligence, agility, health and mana.

Ice Shard (1)

Throws an ice star at the enemy, dealing cold damage and slowing their movement.

Storm Nimbus (1)

When this skill is active, you gain Storm Power, adding cold and lightning damage to your attacks.

Spell Breaker (4)

An energy impulse that removes useful curses from enemies and harmful ones from allies.

Thunderball (4)

Creates an energy ball that stuns and damages enemies within its explosion radius.

Heart of Frost (4)

When Storm Nimbus active, the air around you becomes cold and all enemy attacks are slowed down.

Spell Shock (10)

Deals energy damage and prevents enemy magicians from using their skills when running Spell Breaker.

Velocity (10)

Increases speed and damage from Ice Shard. Gives fragments a chance to continue flying after hitting the target.

Squall (10)

Creates an air storm around the enemy, reducing the accuracy of his attacks.

Freezing Blast (10)

Encases the enemy in ice, preventing him from moving, but reduces the effectiveness of your attacks towards him.

Lightning Bolt (16)

Lightning attack spell.

Concussive Blast (16)

Increases radius and damage Thunderball.

Obscured Visibility (16)

Further reduces visibility inside Squall.

Static Charge (16)

Provides the possibility of retaliatory damage when attacking an enemy while activated Storm Nimbus.

Energy Shield (16)

Creates an energy shield that absorbs all elemental attacks.

Torrent (24)

Increases the number of fragments Ice Shard, turning it into a continuous stream.

Summon Wisp (24)

Summons Storm Wisp

Storm Surge (24)

When active, each strike has a chance to unleash a barrage of storm energy.

Chain Lightning (32)

Spell Lightning Bolt hits several opponents at once.

Eye of the Storm (32)

Using this skill will increase lightning and cold damage for all allies and provide protection from lightning and cold damage.

Reflection (32)

Gives Energy Shield the ability to reflect damage back to opponents.

Earth Mastery

Pyromancer , a connoisseur of many spells, is capable of bringing down fire on the heads of enemies and opening up the earth under their feet. His intimate knowledge of Earth Magic allows him to summon an Elemental capable of single-handedly dealing with a crowd of opponents.

As you learn the secrets of the blacksmith god Hephaestus, feel the spirit of stone and flame. In the name of the Earthly Core, make the sword in your hands burn, and the stones crash into the ranks of your opponents. Establish a spiritual connection with the Elemental and cause massive destruction in your path. Just remember that the Pyromancer is strong in attack, but has practically no defense.

Base Skill (0-32)

Training your mind and spirit with ancient techniques that will give you

the ability to receive powers from stone and fire.

Earth Enchantment (1)

Charges your weapon and the weapons of your allies with the power of stone and fire.

Flame Surge (1)

Three flames destroy everything near the magician.

Brimstone (4)

Adds physical damage to attacks and increases the chance of dealing critical fire damage when attacking under Earth Enchantment.

Heat Shield (4)

Places a shield that absorbs fire damage.

Ring of Flame (4)

Temporarily surrounds you with a circle of fire, setting your enemies on fire.

Volcanic Orb (4)

Casts a burning ball that explodes among enemies and deals physical damage to them, damaging everyone in a small radius.

Stone Form (10)

Turns you into stone, increasing regeneration but preventing movement.

Summon Core Dweller (10)

Summons a defender from the depths of the Earth to the battlefield.

Barrage (10)

Reduces recharge time and energy costs for Flame Surge.

Stone Skin (16)

Temporary armor increases resistance to physical and fire damage.

Inner Fire (16)

Increases speed Core Dweller and adds fire damage to his attacks.

Soften Metal (16)

Adds heat to Ring of Flame, which softens the metal on enemy armor and weapons, reducing their effectiveness.

Conflagration (16)

Increases radius Volcanic Orb and adds flame damage, setting enemies on fire.

Molten Rock (24)

Adds fire damage to Stone Form.

Wildfire (24)

Allows Core Dweller set multiple enemies on fire.

Flame Arch (24)

Increases damage and number of flames Flame Surge.

Fragmentation (24)

Adds to Volcanic Orb pieces of stone that fly apart during an explosion and cause additional physical damage.

Volativity (32)

Draws additional power from the Earth. Your fire attacks have a chance to deal very high damage.

Metamorphosis Core Dweller (32)

Gains increased resistance to enemy attacks.

Eruption (32)

Creates fountains on the battlefield that spew lava and pieces of stone onto enemies.

Nature Mastery

Wanderer uses the power of the forest and forest inhabitants to attack and defend. Regeneration and protective auras allow allies to survive longer and fight more effectively.

Traveling outside the walls of any city, you find yourself at the mercy of wild nature. And only a wanderer can enlist the help of plants and animals. Despite the fact that the main direction of Nature's forces is protection and healing, she can also show her anger.

Base Skill (0-32)

Builds inner harmony and patience necessary to learn the language of wild creatures and dominate wildlife. Increases intelligence, agility, health and mana.

Regrowth (1)

Allows you to restore life to a selected ally.

Call of the Wild (1)

Summons a wolf to fight at your side. At high skill levels there may be more wolves.

Heart of Oak (4)

An aura that keeps you and your allies alive and increases your speed.

Accelerated Growth (4)

Recharge time Regrowth is shrinking.

Maul (4)

An attack that tears through the enemy's flesh and causes a bleeding wound.

Plague (4)

The target of the spell, when infected, loses a little health, and then the disease is transmitted further, from enemy to enemy.

Briar Ward (10)

A wall of thorny bushes grows around you, slowing down and damaging enemies.

Survival Instinct (10)

Survival Instinct - increases damage and absorbs a small amount of damage. Activated in the most critical situation.

Fatigue (10)

Infected enemies act more slowly and less effectively.

Tranquility of Water (16)

Gives a chance to restore 50% of the energy spent using any skill. Only works while active Heart of Oak.

Dissemination (16)

Action Regrowth applies not only to the specified target, but also to nearby allies.

Stinging Nettle (16)

Enemies attacking Briar Ward, get poisoned.

Sylvan Nymph (16)

Call Sylvan Nymph, who can shoot a bow and cast spells on allies.

Permanence of Stone (24)

Protects allies from elemental damage.

Strength of the Pack (24)

Your wolves gain the ability to pack howl, which cheers the hearts of allies, causing them to fight more desperately.

Overgrowth (24)

Grants Nymph the ability to create a living shield that absorbs harm and deals retaliatory damage to enemies.

Susceptibility (24)

Makes enemies more susceptible to poison and elemental magic.

Refresh (32)

Immediately recharges any skills that haven't had time to cool down.

Sanctuary (32)

Creates a grove in which mana regenerates faster and skills consume less of it.

Nature's Wrath (32)

Fills attacks Nymph the power of the magic of the elements.

Spirit Mastery

Theurgist combines attack and defense with insidious magic that steals health from enemies and replenishes it for its owner. At higher levels, the ability to summon a powerfulLiche King , sowing death and decay around itself.

Anyone who studies the forbidden knowledge of warlocks knows that with the death of the body, the mind and spirit can be preserved in our mortal dimension. Knowledge of this dark art begins with experiments on one’s body, and subsequently Theurgists gain the ability to control spiritual energy and vital forces their enemies and even command the living.

Base Skill (0-32)

Learning the dark art of controlling spirits through witchcraft and thought power. Increases intelligence, agility, health and mana.

Deathchill Aura (1)

The deadly cold emanating from the character causes the enemy to slow down their movement and attack.

Life Drain (1)

Allows you to drink life from enemies, replenishing your own.

Ternion Attack (4)

Adds additional magic damage to a staff attack.

Ravages of Time (4)

Increases wear and tear on enemy armor and weapons, causing them to collapse and lose their properties.

Vision of Death (4)

Allows you to show your opponents the sight of their own death. The weaker in spirit run away, the stronger fight less effectively.

Spirit Ward (4)

Gives a protective aura that reduces damage from attacks of the living dead on the character and his allies.

Cascade (10)

Spell Life Drain affects several enemies at once.

Dark Covenant (10)

At the expense of your own life, you can communicate with spirits, replenishing your energy supply.

Summon Liche King (10)

Summoning the Ancient Liche King.

Spirit Bane (10)

Adds to action Spirit Ward damage inflicted on the living dead.

Arcane Lore (16)

Increases the speed and attack power of a magic staff.

Necrosis (16)

Weakens enemies, making them more susceptible to physical damage.

Enslave Spirit (16)

Enslaves the minds of enemies, forcing them to fight on the side of the hero. Valid for a limited time.

Death Nova (16)

Creates a wave of death that sucks the life out of any living creature in its path.

Unearthly Power (24)

At the expense of your own life, you are allowed to increase your strength and the strength of your allies.

Wraith Shell Liche King (24)

Partially transforms into another dimension, making him less vulnerable to all types of damage.

Circle of Power (24)

Creates a magic circle within which the living dead receive damage, and all allies receive additional protection from their attacks.

Death Ward (32)

Gives the hero extra life, protecting him from death. At the moment when health runs out, its entire supply is replenished.

Summon Outsider (32)

Summons a very powerful ally for a short period of time.

Arcane Blast (32)

Allows Liche King Throw charges of elemental magic at your opponents.

Song of War

The destruction of one is the birth of another.



Fundamentally, weapons and armor in Titan Quest are no different from their counterparts in Diablo 2.

They still have a prefix before the name, for example Iron Ax, which indicates that the ax is made of iron material and has the appropriate level of quality. There are 145 prefixes in the game. This number also includes unique and quest items.

In addition, all magical weapons also have a suffix in their name, by which one can determine the spell cast on it. For example, the name Short sword of Agility tells us that the lucky owner of this sword has increased agility. There are only 121 suffixes in the game. What a blessing that you don’t need to identify anything in Titan Quest.

There are 4 slots for weapons, the main and additional ones for the right hand and the same number for the left. Moreover, on your left hand, without special skills, you cannot take anything except a shield. You can put a little on yourself: a helmet, armor, bracers, leggings, a couple of rings and a necklace. Yes, in ancient times people always wore sandals and bare thighs, so we will not wear boots and trousers that have not yet been invented.

In addition to weapons, shields, armor and bottles, the game contains Relic Shard - debris from magic symbols, which can be used to enchant weapons. But you can wait and accumulate five identical ones, and then they can be combined into one full-fledged artifact. Each type of Relic, and there are 75 types in total, allows you to enchant a certain type of equipment - armor, shield, or weapon, adding a new property to them. This could be a banal reduction in armor requirements, an increase in armor, acceleration of regeneration and addition of poison damage.

Altars and wells

In addition, on the way to Olympus, the Wells of Rebirth and Enchanted Altars will be an indispensable help to you.

Once you touch the Well, you will bind your immortal spirit to it, and in the event of your tragic death, the blessed waters will revive you next to it again. Wells are generously scattered everywhere, you will find them in every second location, and therefore the path will be pleasant. If you leave the game, you will also wake up next to the Well, and not in the nearest city.

Enchanted Altars have a completely recognizable shape and a glowing aura around them. If you touch the Altar, it will bless you once, after which the savior of Hellas will have a positive company for a short time. This could be additional protection, increased regeneration, and an increase in all skills... But the absolute top of the pyramid in terms of attractiveness will be held by the Altar, which doubles the experience gain!

Altars also serve as a kind of “litmus test” - by their presence you can determine that there is a difficult or dangerous area not far ahead.

In the name of Zeus!

Love is the desire for intimacy caused by the appearance of beauty.

Zeno of Citium

What we have in the end is an excellent game in the Diablo genre, like a beautiful antique statue, carved in imitation of a person. Yes, she is not so flexible, but she is attractive and monumental.

The first players are already mastering the multiplayer spaces of online Hellas and glorifying the Greek gods in all parts of the world. Let's not lag behind them! And if you also like the game, then we will return to it in “Tips from the Masters” and talk about what else is worth paying attention to.

Well, good luck!

Do you know what?..

The director and chief designer of the Titan Quest game is Brian Sullivan, who founded Ensemble Studios back in the early 90s. It was in it that the illustrious game Age of Empires, now widely known and revered, saw the light of day. Brian even received the “Best Game Design” award for it at the Game Developers Conference in 1998. However, his favorite creation was and remains the game Age of Mythology, from which he drew inspiration, deciding to take episodes from the real history of the ancient world, add a little mysticism, creepy monsters and magic - and the result is an original and exciting role-playing game!

Despite the fact that Iron Lore is a very young game studio, people who worked on Asheron's Call and people from Blizzard found themselves in it, so success and the creation of new masterpieces are probably ahead of them!


W- change weapons

WITH- character window

S- skill window

Q— task window

M- map window

1-0 — quick cell from 1 to 10

D- throw a thing

Z- show all things

Alt- do not show broken things

X- don't show ordinary things

Down- next skill

Up- previous skill

Num 1— maximum approximation

Number 3— maximum distance

Num 2- default camera

Num 0— center the map

L— activate the portal

R- drink the elixir of life

E- drink the elixir of mana

Mouse wheel up- zoom in

Mouse wheel down- move away

Shift- stationary attack

T- chat window

P- command window

G- game menu

H- help window

Space- pause

Greece (Gelos)

1 – Starting point
this is where you start the game

2 - Timaes
Timaes (#2) will ask you to save his horse (#2a), which was attacked by satyrs and a boar. There is no reward for completing this quest, but the satyrs and boar only attack the horse; therefore, they can be killed without fear of attack from them. After their death, satyrs will leave behind trophies.

3- Iolaus
Iolaus is a historian. He will tell you about Hercules.

4 - Diomedes
Diomedes (#4) – The village elder. He will give the first main quest in the game - kill the satyr shaman (#4a), who is directing the satyrs to attack the city. A shaman is usually level 4, but can also be level 2. He is stronger than other satyrs and monsters you have encountered. Therefore, if you cannot cope with it, make sure that the skill points you received, etc. used by you for character development. Also use the two shrines that are nearby. After his death, take the trophies.
Note: before the fight with the shaman, go to the portal in the south (P) and pick up the portal stone. It will allow you to quickly move to the village for treatment and sell excess equipment.

When you return to Diomedes, talk to him twice. He will give 1000 gold and 150 experience, and also tell you to talk to General Leonid in the Spartan Military Camp

5- Nicostratus
Nicostratus is a shepherd. When you first leave Gelos through the southern gate (exit A), Nicostratus will follow you, and then he will come to this place in the village. When you talk to him, he will give the side quest “Monstrous Brigands” - rescue Tellis from the satyr cave. The cave is located in Laconia.

A: south gate. If you go through them, you will get to Laconia.

Other points of interest (for all maps):
F: healing spring
M: merchant
P: portal
S: shrine
$: treasure

Greece (Laconia)

1 - Cave

2 – Captain Pausanias

Spartan captain Pausanias (#2) will tell you that his people caught the demon, but do not know what to do with it. If you fight the demon (#2a) and kill it, you will receive 3000 experience and a random magic weapon. The demon is strong; he can deal over 400 points of damage and sometimes throws poisonous “grenades” that drain your health very quickly. It is best to kill him with a bow or spells.

3 - Isarchus
Isarhus will tell you that a group of scouts has disappeared and ask you to find them. This is the side quest “Spartans Lost”. The missing group is in the swamp in the Monster Camp. After meeting the group, return to Isarchus and talk to him twice. You will receive 4000 experience.

A: entrance to the Pythian Caves
B: Bridge to Monster Camp

Greece (Monster Camp)

1 - Eriks
Eriks leads a missing group of scouts. After talking with him, he will update the quest “Spartans Lost”. To complete it, you need to return to Isarchus in the Cephisus Valley and talk to him twice.

2 – Ancient Tomb

Exits: A: bridge to the Kefiss Valley
B: main gate to Athens

Greece (Athens)

1 – General Leonid
You will meet General Leonid here. He will tell you that Telkin led his army to Athens, but suddenly disappeared during the battle. Then he will say that the battle is not over yet - the battle continues at the walls of the city - and will ask to reconnoiter the situation.

After talking with Leonid a second time, you will complete the main quest “The Battle for Athens” and receive 2500 experience. You will also receive the quest “The Order of Prometheus” and then the city gates will open (#2).

2 - City Gate
At the beginning they are closed and will open only after talking with Leonid (#1).

3 - Anaxogoras
Anaxogoras is a historian. He will talk about the god Hermes.

4 – Magician Antiphon

5 - Cyrus
Cyrus is a member of the Order of Prometheus. He will tell you that Telkin summoned monsters to attack the catacombs near Athens (entrance B), and that the head of the Order went there. He will ask you to save the leader. After talking with him, the quest “The Order of Prometheus” will be updated.

Exits: A: path to Monster Camp
B: Entrance to the Athens Catacombs

Greece (Athens Catacombs)

1 – Door
You can open it when you first get here; After passing through the door, it will close and will only open after destroying the minotaur (#2).

2 - Minotaur
The Minotaur is a large and strong boss, a melee warrior. He is aided by 4 traps, but you can destroy a couple of them without attracting his attention if you sneak around the room. Otherwise, find a safe place to stand and drink as many potions as you need to destroy it.

3 – Door
This door will not open until you kill the Minotaur (#2).

4 - Megales

Megales is Telkin, about which much has already been said. When you approach him, he will create a barrier around himself and call 4 nearby statues to help him. The statues move slowly, so hit-and-run tactics are used successfully against them.
After killing them, the barrier will disappear and Megales can be attacked. Megales casts lightning spells and summons demons (“life eaters”) to his aid. Demons can take life and give it to Megales; so kill them as quickly as possible. Or run around Megales and drink potions until he is killed.

After his death, a magic ball will remain. Click on it and several magical things will appear, mostly green and better. Also, after Megales' death, the nearby wall will open and Cyrus will appear.

5 – Wall/Kir
The wall will open only after the destruction of Megales (#4). Cyrus will appear; You must remember him, he gave the quest to save Faedrus. Talk to Cyrus; he will say that he is upset by the fact that Telkin destroyed the Knossos artifact, but he suggests that in Egypt there is a man named Imhotep who knows a way that allows people to speak with the gods again. Cyrus will give permission to use the ship, so you can go there immediately.

Talk to Cyrus a second time and you will complete the quest “Under the Labyrinth”, for which you will receive relic armor, inventory replenishment and 7500 experience. Also get the new main quest “The Blindness of the Gods”.

A: exit to the Palace of Knossos
B: transition between maze levels 1 and 2
C: transition between maze levels 2 and 3
D: exit to Knossos Pier

Crete (Knossos Pier)

1 – Captain Apollodorus
When you talk to him, he will offer to take you to Egypt.

A: return to the Minoan Labyrinth

Egypt (Rakotis)

1 – Neb-ka-n-ra
Neb-ka-n-ra is the chief librarian. He will say that the scroll can be found in the archives below - among the crowd of jackal people.

2 – Door
Now you know the order. When you see a door, it means the boss is nearby. This door will open when you click on it, but will close behind you and then open when you kill the Scarab (#3).

3 – Scarab, King of the Desert

Scarab is a large spider. It poisons you when hit; poisoning slows you down and causes damage. He also summons small scarabs to help. There are no tricks in this fight. Run around him and hit him until you kill him.

4 – Door
This door will open after the Scarab dies (#3).

5 - Spell Scroll
Pick up the Scroll and the main quest “The Blindness of the Gods” will be updated. The door (#6) will also open.

6 – Door
This door will open after you take the Scroll (#5).

A: exit to Rakotis
Q: Transition between library levels 1 and 2.
C: transition between library levels 2 and 3.
D: exit to Lake Hathor.

Egypt (Lake Hathor)

1 – Far Cave
There is only one way to the plateau - through a cave near Lake Hathor. You can only enter the cave from Rakotis.

2 – Seba
Seba (#2) will give a side quest “ The Beast of Legend.” He will tell you that “something huge is wandering in the night” and ask you to find out what it is in the cave (#2a). When you enter the cave, you will find an Ancient Scorpos monster (this is a mini-boss) there, which is easy to kill. After his death, you will receive 7500 experience and 2 skill points.

A: return to the Rakotis Library.
B: tunnel
C: way to Sais.

Egypt (Sais)

1 - Cave

2 – Nile farmers
Anpu (#2) and Nedjemib (#2a) will give you the side quest “Plight of the Nile Farmers”. They will talk about reptiles attacking the city and ask for help. You'll find reptiles along the coast south of town (between points #2b and #2c). Once you kill them, return to the city and talk to Makara (#2d) twice and receive 8000 experience and a talisman.

3 – Temple of Ptah

In front of the temple you will meet Essence. He will tell you that when Telkin walked through Sais, he stopped here to plunder and burn the temple, but Imhotep saved several relics. You will find Imhotep in Memphis.

A: the path to Lake Hathor
B: the path to the Lower Nile

Egypt (Lower Nile)

1 - Tombs
There is a high probability that you will find magical things there.

2 – Inen

By killing enemies near Inen and talking to him twice, you will receive 7500 experience and a random jewel.

3 - Tomb

A: way to Sais
B: Road to Memphis

Egypt (Memphis)

1 - Merab
Merab (#1) will give the side quest “Lowest of the Low”. He will say that monsters have occupied Beggar's quarter and ask you to kill them. Behind Merab (between points #1a and #1b) there is a block with shadowstalkers. Shadowstalkers transform into gaseous form, making them invulnerable to ranged weapons, and materialize for close combat. If you play as a hunter or mage, this will annoy you; so watch your health and kill monsters. Then return to Merab and he will give you 8500 experience and a random magic ring.

2 – Sikhator
Sikhator is a historian. He will talk about Osiris, Isis, Set, Horus and how Osiris became the king of the dead.

3 - Tasari

Tasari will give you the side quest “The Missing Brother”. She will talk about her brother Unas and how he went on a “stupid and dangerous mission” to awaken the guard at the tomb in Giza. You need to kill the guard when you get there. Then return to Tasari and she will give you 10,000 experience and a random magic ring.

4 – Imhotep

When you give the Spell Scroll to Imhotep, you will complete the main quest “The Blindness of the Gods” and receive 8000 experience and a pair of random magic rings. Imhotep will decipher the Scroll and say that you need to find the Eye of Chaos and the Hand of Balance so that he can complete the ancient ritual. The Eye is located in the Temple of Atum near the Fayum Oasis; The hand is in the Tomb of Khufu in Giza.

When you bring these items to Imhotep (he will now be standing near the gate at Entrance B), you will receive 10,000 experience, 2 skill points and a relic shield. Imhotep will not be able to perform the ritual, but he will tell you that you need to go to the Tomb of Ramses in the Valley of the Kings.

5 - Zazamankh
Zazamankh will give the side quest “The High Priest’s Request”. He will tell you that due to the problems associated with Telkin, many are demanding that the priests in the city show their strength. The problem is that the priests have no magical power without the magical rod, which is located in the Tomb of Khufu in Giza. If you find the Rod of Khufu and bring it to Zazamankh, it will give 9000 experience and a random relic shield.

A: the path to the Lower Nile
B: Gateway to the Upper Nile. You will not be able to enter them until you complete the main quest “The Invocation”
C: Palm gate. They lead to the Sobek plateau. This gate and the Sphinx Gate (Exit D) lead to the Fayum Oasis, but this route through the Sobek Plateau is completely optional.
D: Sphinx Gate. They lead to Giza.

Egypt (Giza)

1 - Tekenu
Teken will give the side quest “Khufu’s Curse”. He will tell you that Khufu’s sarcophagus is cursed and if it is opened, “terrible events will happen.” He will ask you to enter Khufu's tomb (exit C) and kill the monsters inside before they open the sarcophagus. Destroying monsters will complete the quest and give you 12,500 experience.

2 - Tomb
Behind this tomb you will meet Unas, brother of Tasari from Memphis. Talk to him and he will say that he came here to wake up the tomb guard, but the guard attacked him. You will find a guard in the next room. This is an orange boss and is easy to kill. After the fight with him, talk to Unas and Tasari and receive 10,000 experience and a random magic ring.

A: Gateway to Memphis
B: path to the Great Sphinx
C: Entrance to Khufu's Tomb
D: path to the Fayum oasis

Egypt (Great Sphinx)

1 – Pharaoh's Guard
In this room you will find 3 things: several mummies, several Kabechenef crypts and 4 large statues of the pharaoh's guards. Crypts generate mummies, but after the crypt is destroyed, a spirit appears and brings one of the statues to life. The Pharaoh's guard is a large and strong opponent; Don't be distracted by it and destroy the other crypts. After that, kill the guards one by one. After all 4 guards are killed, the doors to the room will open and you will gain access to the Hand of Balance (#2).

2 – Hand of Balance
Pick it up and you will complete half of the main quest “The Invocation”.

A: exit to Giza

Egypt (Tomb of Khufu)

1 - Kindergartens
In this place you will meet Sadiki, the Champion of Anubis. After killing him, you will complete the side quest “Khufu’s Curse” and receive 12,500 experience. It is possible that Sadiki's death will prevent the sarcophagus (#2) from being opened, although you can open it if you wish.

2 – Sarcophagus of the Pharaoh
This sarcophagus belongs to the side quest “Khufu’s Curse”. It is assumed that if it is opened, a plague will descend on humanity; but if you click on it, nothing special will happen (a poison trap will work and nothing else).

3 – Sarcophagus of Khufu
When you click on this sarcophagus, the Rod of Khufu will fall out of it and 4 liches will appear. Liches move very slowly and will be easy to kill. After killing them, take the Rod and bring it to Zazamankh to Memphis; You will complete the side quest “The High Priest’s Request.”

A: exit to Giza

Egypt (Sobek Plateau)

Egypt (Fayoum Oasis)

1 - Menemnakht
Menemnakht (#1) and Pa-neb (#1a) will give the side quest “Caravan Woes”. Menemnakht will say that his caravan was attacked by robbers and he lost everything, but he does not need the lost goods. Pa-neb will say that the leader of the robbers is called Iznu and his death will stop the robbers.

You will find Izna among the ruins in the north of the oasis (#1b). This is an orange boss and is quite easy to kill. After he's dead, return to Pa-neb and talk to him twice; it will give 12000 experience.

2 - Asri
Asri (#2) will give the side quest “A Hidden Treasure”. He will say that when he once wandered through the desert, he lost his way and found a tomb in which there were many treasure chests.

You will find this tomb north of the oasis (#2a). This is a small tomb and is not much different from the previous tombs, except for the treasure in the back room. There are several chests there and when you enter this room you will receive 9000 experience.

3 – A’o-pekhti
A'o-pekhti is a historian. He will talk about the war between Horus and Set.

4 - Kenna
Kenna will say that Telkin walked here and destroyed the local temple, as well as the temple of Ptah in Sais.

5 – Cave
This cave is larger than the previous ones, but it is not necessary to complete it

6 – Temple of Atum
The Temple of Atum contains the Eye of Chaos, which is needed to complete the main quest “The Invocation”. Of course, you won’t get the Eye just like that. You will have to kill Nehebkau, the Scorpion King, in order to obtain the Eye. Nehebkau summons scorpions and sometimes creates a poisonous cloud.

Note: You will find 5 chests (including 2 magic ones) in the temple with Nehebkau. Since this fight will take place near the healing spring in the oasis, this is one of best places to find good things. You can kill Nehebkau, examine the chests, exit the game and reload.
Oddity: Behind the bridge leading from the temple is an obelisk (#6a) that can be clicked and destroyed. There will be a red animation that seems to be related to health, but the fight with Nehebkau will not change whether this obelisk is destroyed or not.

A: way to Giza
B: way to Sobek plateau

Egypt (Upper Nile)

Egypt (Temple of Set)

1 – Amen-nakht
Amen-nakht will give the side quest “The Corrupted Priest”. He will say that the main priest of the Neb-kemi temple tried to fight Telkin when he passed here, but Telkin bewitched him, turning him into an evil monster.

You will find Neb-kemi in a small tomb east of the temple (#1a). This is the orange boss. After killing him, return to Amen-nakht, talk to him twice and receive 15,000 experience and a random magic weapon.

2 – magician Masakharta

3 - Hapuseneb
Hapuseneb is a historian. He will tell you what happens to a person after his death and what the purpose of the funeral is.

4 – Imhotep
Imhotep will appear here after you find the wedge-shaped tablet from the Tomb of Ramses. He deciphers it and discovers that Telkin is looking for an ancient artifact, the Sickle of Kronos, which is located in the Temple of Marduk in Babylon. Imhotep will tell you to head east without delay. He will open the northern gate of the temple (exit C) and give you the Rod of Immortality, which you can use to open a magical portal in the Temple of Hatshepsut. You will also receive 12,000 experience and 2 skill points.

A: Gateway to the Lower Nile
B: the path to the Valley of the Kings
C: Gate of Hatshepsut. Beyond them is the path of Hatshepsut. You won't be able to open them until you complete the main quest “A Telkine in Egypt.”

Egypt (Valley of the Kings)

1 - Tombs
Most of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings are optional. There is a very high probability that you will find magical chests in them; Moreover, they are poorly guarded. The only tomb that you must go through is the Tomb of Ramses (exit B).

A: the path to the Temple of Set
B: Entrance to the tomb of Ramses.

Egypt (Tomb of Ramses)

1 - Door
You will be able to open this door when you enter it for the first time; then it will close and open only after you kill Aktaos (#2).

2 – Aktaos
Aktaos is Telkin. He uses fire magic and summons tomb guards, and also creates his own doubles, but fighting him should not be difficult.

After his death, he will leave behind a wedge-shaped tablet and a magic ball. The tablet must be given to Imhotep in the Temple of Set. A lot of magical things fall out of the ball.

A: exit to the Valley of the Kings

Egypt (Hatshepsut's Path)

Egypt (Temple of Hatshepsut)

1 – Door
You will be able to open this door when you enter it for the first time; then it will close and open only after you kill the Sand Spirit (#2).

2 – Sand Spirit
He uses fire magic, slows down your attack and summons other spirits. Attack the Sand Spirit and watch your health. After his death, the doors (#1 and #3) will open.

3 – Door
This door will open after the death of the Sand Spirit (#2)

4 – Altar of Immortality
When you click on it, you will place the Rod of Immortality on it and a portal to the East will open (exit C)

A: exit to the Path of Hatshepsut
B: transition between level 1 and 2
C: portal to the East

East (Gardens of Babylon)

1 - Zakir
Zakir will update the main quest “The Sickle of Kronos”. He will tell you that Lelkin went to the Temple of Marduk (exit B) and will ask you to stop him.

A: portal to the Temple of Hatshepsut
B: Entrance to the Temple of Marduk

East (Temple of Marduk)

1 - Chimera
Here you will meet a chimera. The Chimera uses melee combat and fire breath. The only way to kill her is when the chimera prepares to breathe fire, she does not move; so as soon as you notice this, move away and you will avoid damage from fire.

2 - Feyan
In this place you will find the wounded Feyan lying on the floor. She will tell you that Telkin has the Sickle of Kronos and that he has cut off the path to the east (exit E). She will ask you to go after Telkin and stop him.

Talk to Feyan a second time and you will complete the main quest “The Sickle of Kronos” and receive 15,000 experience, a random relic shield and a third bag of equipment. You will also receive the main quest “Hunt for the Sickle”.

A: exit to the Gardens of Babylon
B: transition between levels 1 and 2
C: transition between levels 2 and 3
D: transition between levels 3 and 4
E: exit to the Outskirts of Babylon

East (Outskirts of Babylon)

1 – Ilu-Elatti
Ilu-Elatti is a historian. He will talk about Enkidu and Gilgamesh.

2 – Appa
Appa will update the main quest “Hunt for the Sickle”. He will tell you that Telkin and his horde passed through the city, “destroying everyone in their path.”

3 – Immeru
When you approach the bridge, Immeru will approach you and follow you for some distance, but then stop on the western side (#3). When you talk to him, he will say that monsters destroyed his farm and ask you to help him. You will find monsters, about 10 in total, in the field to the east (#3a). After they are dead, return to Immer and talk to him twice. It will give 18,000 experience.

A: return to the Temple of Marduk
B: Bridge to the Silk Road.

East (Silk Road)

East (Shangshung Village)

1 – Pasang Do-ma
He will give the side quest “A Gargantuan Yeti”. He will say that he found a giant yeti in the Tsongmo Ice Caves in the east. When you find and kill the yeti, you will receive 20,000 experience.

2 – Lhak-pa Gyal-tsen
Lhak-pa Gyal-tsen is a historian. He will talk about the world of spirits.

3 – Kilu Tem-ba
Kilu Tem-ba will say that the Neanderthals nearby became “brave and strong” and began to attack the village. Worse yet, he will say that his son has disappeared. He will give the side quest “Mystery in the Mountains”, which will appear when you go further east.

4 – magician Hsiang Hsiu

A: bridge to the Silk Road
B: Bridge to Natu La Pass

East (Natu La Pass)

1 – Ice Caves

2 – Gong Li
You will find merchant Gong Li's caravan being attacked by a group of ice demons. If you save Lee by killing all the demons, he will give 18,000 experience and a random amount of jewelry.

A: Bridge to Shangshung Village
B: Path to Tsongmo Peak

East (Tsongmo Peak)

1 – Riddle of the Mountain
Many people and places in this map are related to the side quest “Mystery of the Mountain”. Ang Tshe-ring (#1) will tell you that the ghosts in the cave (#1a) are angry; this is caused by the theft of the three sacred weapons by the Neanderthals. Da-wa Fu-ti (#1b) confesses that he stole the sacred weapons, but the Neanderthals attacked him and stole the weapons.

Note: Da-wa Fu-ti is the son of Kilu Tem-ba from Shangshung Village.

To complete this quest, you need to go through the Neanderthal Caves (#1c) and kill Barmana, the Neanderthal Leader. Barmanu attacks with his breath and can cause meteorites to fall, but most often he uses a powerful melee weapon and you will have to run around him and strike; At the same time, monitor your health and receive timely treatment.

After Barmanu dies, return to Shangshung Village and tell Kil Tem-ba that his son is safe. (The sacred weapons have disappeared, but apparently they are also safe). As a reward you will receive 22,000 experience.

A: the way to Natu La Pass
B: Entrance to Tsongmo Ice Caves

1 – Cave
2 – Erren’s tribesman
Here you will find a group of Erren's tribesmen. They are slightly stronger than normal enemies, especially if you are a melee warrior; so the battle will be long, so stock up on healing potions.

3 – Chang Er
After killing Erren's tribesmen (#2), if you talk to Chang Er (#3), she will give the side quest “The Child and the Raptor”. She will say that her daughter was attacked by a lizard. You will find a lizard to the east (#3a). The lizard is an orange boss and is easy to kill. After his death, Chang Er's daughter will appear and run to her. Then talk to Chang Er again and receive 23,000 experience and a random amount of jewelry.

A: the way to the Orhan Valley
B: the path to the Great Wall

East (Great Wall)

1 – Wen Shong
Wen Shong is not related to any quest, but he will say that Telkin passed here yesterday.

2 – Zee Chan
Zee Chan (#2) will give the side quest “Peng Problems”. He will say that he has an order to clear the wall, but a huge monster is protecting one of the towers, and his people cannot cope with it. You will find a giant a little further along the wall (#2a). The giant calls other enemies to help and casts a spell that steals health, but he is not such a strong boss, and you can cope with him. After he's dead, continue along the other side of the wall and you'll find the Commander (#2b). Tell him that the wall has been cleared and he will give you 23,000 experience and a random magic weapon.

A: the way to Guangzhong village
B: the way to the village of Zhidan

East (Zhidan Village)

1 – Huang Ye
Huang Ye will update the main quest “Hunt for the Sickle”. She will say that a woman (Feyan) is looking for you in the center of the city and that the emperor's terracotta warriors have come to life and are attacking people.

2 – Ma Feibai and Wai Zhen
There are 2 soldiers here (#2), rjnjst will repeat the words of Huang Ye (#1) that the emperor's terracotta warriors have come to life and are attacking people.

Ma Feibai will give you the side quest “The Emperor’s Clay Soldiers”. He will ask you to go to the palace (#2a) and destroy the terracotta warriors there. The terracotta magician Bandari is located in the palace. The magician casts numerous spells that damage you and slow you down, and also teleports around the palace, implying that you will kill all the terracotta warriors. But first you need to kill the magician. After this, talk to the spirit of the Great Emperor in the palace and receive 2 skill points. Then talk to Ma Feibai and get 30,000 experience and a random amulet.

Wai Zhen will give you the side quest “Terra Cottas at Large”. He will say that his people are afraid of the Terracotta Warriors, and he cannot restore order in the city until they are destroyed. You'll find Terracotta Warriors throughout the city, mostly near courtyards closed by wooden doors (#2b). When you kill sufficient quantity warriors, return to Wai Zhen and receive 26,000 experience and a random magic weapon.

3 - Feyan
Feyan will say that Telkin has disappeared, but recent research shows that he is trying to free the Titan hidden in this territory. She will ask you to go to the Jade Palace because the Yellow Emperor who is there knows where the Titan is hidden.

After this, something will happen. The main quest “Hunt for the Sickle” will be completed and you will receive 10,000 experience. There will also be a new main quest “Journey to the Jade Palace”.

4 – Ku Yuan
Ku Yuan is a historian. He will talk about Nuwa, “the mother of all mortals.”

5 – magician Pe-Lu

6 – Closed gate
You will not be able to get through them until you complete the main quest “Journey to the Jade Palace”.

7 - Closed gate
You need to talk to the guard before you go through. You also need to complete the main quest “Journey to the Jade Palace” first.

A: path to Shaanxi Fields
B: Gateway to Quimba Bamboo Forest
C: Gate to Jinghe Swamp. You will not be able to get through them until you complete the main quest “Journey to the Jade Palace”.
D: Gate to the Ancient Forest. You will not be able to get through them until you complete the main quest “Journey to the Jade Palace”.

East (Kwimba Bamboo Forest)

1 – Rank Yu

Rank Yu (#1) will say that after his failed attempt to stop the monsters, he abandoned his weapon in a nearby cave (#1a). The cave is quite large and has 2 entrances. But if you explore it slowly, you will find 3 red chests in the eastern part. Go to the chests and get 26000 experience and complete the side quest “A General in Repose”. However, these are ordinary chests and may contain nothing new.

Note: Rang Yu Cave also leads to a place called Zhong Ku Tomb. When playing on normal difficulty, you won't find anything interesting there.

2 – Xao Ishan
Xao Ishan will give the side quest “The Hermit Mage”. He will say that the great magician visited the village, but he has not been seen for a long time. You will find the burned house of the magician in the Jinghe River Valley, but you will not find the magician himself. However, when you approach the house, you will receive 28,000 experience and find 3 red chests.

3 – Bang Gu
Ban Gu is a historian. He will talk about Lao Tzu and the Tao.

2 – Yaogwei
In this place you will find Yaogwei, an ancient demon. Yaogwei uses fire magic and summons shadowstalkers, but nevertheless, he is similar to other bosses in the game. Just hit him and watch your health.

A: Bridge to the Jinghe River Valley
B: Entrance to the Jade Palace

East (Jinghe Swamp)

1 - Cave

2 – Li Hua
Li Hua (#2) will update the “Three Sisters” side quest. She will say that one of the three sisters, Ru Zhao, is in trouble because her talisman is broken. You will find Ru Zhao captured in the monster camp (#2a). After killing the monsters, talk to Ru Zhao and you will learn the whole story about the three sisters.

1 – Typhon
Typhon is the biggest and baddest of the big and bad bosses. It deals heavy damage and can perform special attacks. How to defeat him? Well, there are a few tricks.

First, notice the statues (S) around Typhon. If you move the mouse pointer over it, you can attack the statue and destroy it. If that doesn't work, check out the 4 Greek God Statues (#2). If Typhon destroys any of these statues with his attack, he will lose some of his abilities. You need to be careful with Hades statues. If Typhon destroys one of them, he will increase his health drain attack and can fully restore his health (even if you have 100% damage protection). Obviously you need to keep Typhon away from this statue or destroy it while dodging Typhon's attacks. The third trick is less important. If you run back down the way you came, Typhon will return to the center. If you have a ranged weapon, you can try to keep Typhon away from you (as you jump to the top) and then retreat back (to where you came from), while constantly attacking him.

However, as long as you keep Typhon away from the Hades statue, it doesn't matter how close you are to him. The only way to regenerate Typhon's health is through the statue of Hades; and if Typhon does not have access to it, each of your attacks brings Typhon's death closer. Even if you die several times, you can weaken and kill him.

When Typhon dies, the game will be over. You will receive 30,000 experience; Zeus will congratulate you; a portal will appear (exit A); Typhon will drop Typhon's essence, which is similar to a large magic ball that once fell out of Telkin. Congratulations on your victory!

2 – Statues
If Typhon hits one of these statues, it will lose some of its features. The Apollo Statue gives him an energy drain attack and allows him to cause meteorites to fall. The Demeter Statue gives him a poison attack and the ability to paralyze. The Statue of Hades gives him a life drain attack and allows him to summon liches. The statue of Zeus gives him the ability to attack with lightning. To prevent Typhon from taking advantage of these opportunities, either keep him away from these statues or destroy these statues yourself.

A: Portal of Victory. By exiting through this portal, you will be taken to the main menu of the game and will have access to the next difficulty level. However, if you return to the current difficulty level, you will start from the last healing source you activated; so if you want to shake good things out of Typhon, use this.

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“Before the Divine Light illuminated the world, there was only Darkness, and the Titans ruled it. After great war Zeus seized power in the heavens and banished the Titans to Tartarus forever. And then the earth blossomed, and mortals began to live on it. But, having become proud, the gods forgot that even from their prison it is possible to escape..."

“One day the sun will dim and darkness will fall upon the world. Temples that have stood for centuries will be destroyed, Paradise will disappear and the gods will flee to earth.
One day the weak will prevail over the strong, the rhapsodists will stop singing and take up their swords.
In these dark times mighty heroes will be born.”


1. Restless Village

One morning you are surprised to find yourself on the bank of the river, near the village of Gelos. “Apparently, the party was a success...” - a lonely thought flashes through my head. Judging by the presence of a boat at the pier behind you, you got to these parts by water. The vacation began unexpectedly, but you were caught in warm regions, moreover, with a large number of attractions and various tourist routes.

The boatman Korif, standing not far from you, will tell you that your intention to admire the surroundings and take a fascinating walk with a local guide cannot be realized. More precisely, you will be able to take a walk, but only if you are well armed and prepared to fight hordes of enemies. Naturally, you can’t count on a guide either - apparently, they boldly hide in the surrounding bushes and forests.
The reason for this turns out to be extremely simple. The village of Gelos, located nearby, was attacked by mythical creatures - satyrs and other monsters. Your sword and military skill will come in handy: the village needs help, and urgently, because monsters are preventing the peasants from getting to the fields. There are no supermarkets nearby, nor fast food, so the locals will die of hunger without you. So, go ahead, dear one, to the embrasures!..
After walking literally a couple of dozen steps, you will see the poor farmer Timaeus running away from the satyrs operating in his field. Seeing you, the poor fellow will begin to beg for help - his only horse is in mortal danger and he needs to kill the satyrs who attacked it. It turned out to be quite easy to kill the satyrs (fortunately, the satyr is such a half-drunk horned creature...), and now the joyful Timaeus bestows you with experience and his gratitude. But you urgently need to go to the village that was attacked by monsters.
As you approach the village along the road, you will see several satyrs fighting with the guards. After killing them, you have the opportunity to proudly walk along the main street of the village and say hello to the headman, Diomedes, who stands at the bend in the road. Diomedes, with a trembling voice, will inform you that the village urgently needs help in getting rid of the satyrs, led by the satyr shaman (who, presumably, drank more than the rest of the satyrs). The enemy is located in the forests across the river; you can get there via the bridge located next to the headman.
In order to kill the main villain, i.e. satyr-shaman, you will need to go to the farthest end of the Gelos Forest location, simultaneously clearing the territory, as well as getting hold of new weapons and armor.
Killing the boss is quite simple, and besides, near the shaman’s location there are two battle altars, which turn the entire battle into a disco with lights and music (the music is a funeral march, of course).
After admiring the trees and burning fields, you can go with a clear conscience for your reward, which will be given in gold and exp.
Finally, Diomedes will ask you to take a quick walk to the Spartan camp and find the military leader Leonidas there, who should send a detachment to protect the village.

The walk to the Spartan camp will be quite long and pleasant. Along the way through several locations, you will complete several additional quests, which will significantly increase the amount of available experience.

2. Spartans at war

Arriving at the Spartan camp, you, like any petitioner, will first go to Leonidas. But that’s not the case - they won’t let him in under the pretext that he’s supposedly busy, and in general - all sorts of people hang around here. Leonidas's guard, Brasidas, will advise you to first warm up with the centaur Nessus, who makes life very difficult for the Spartans, and no one manages to kill him.
A malicious centaur and his accomplices have entrenched themselves in the Pellan Valley, and it is necessary to destroy the monster in the name of goodness, justice, to protect the humiliated, the weak and the oppressed. And so on down the list.
A centaur who has really dug in at the exit of the valley is a somewhat unpleasant enemy, because... constantly encourages his allies with the sounds of his horn and throws traps. But, nevertheless, killing him is not too difficult.
Helped Ness throw off his hooves? Then you can safely go to Leonid - the guards will let you through to him without objection, simultaneously singing praises of your military virtues and courage. After talking with Leonid's guard, you will receive the due reward and permission to see the military leader. But only very, very quickly, because he is an important person and he has very little time.
Having complained about his fate, people and monsters, Leonid promises to send a detachment of warriors to Gelos for protection. But he will have a new task for you: the only way to understand what is happening and why is to go to the Delphic Oracle in the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. But they don’t go to the oracle empty-handed, so along the way it would be advisable to drop into Megara, the local shops, and Timon’s to choose a suitable gift.

3. Oracle's Predictions

The path to Megara will be quite long - Greece, as you can see, is a rather large country. Moreover, taking into account that everything is there... As always, along the way you will have to complete a couple of quests. It will be especially pleasant to fight with spiders - in order to get to this location, you need to go left from the direct road to Megara, a little short of reaching a small village called Tegea, which is not even equipped with a portal (there is not even a portal, you are completely behind the times! ).
Having arrived in Megara and finding Timon (though without Pumbaa), you will find out the next goal of your journey. The best gift for the Oracle will be nothing more than a branch of the sacred olive. While discussing your task with you, Timon, incidentally, will provide you with a backpack, which is very nice.
The olive grove is located very close to Delphi and you will not be able to pass by - the grove is on fire, and there is such smoke above it that it is simply terrifying. This is not the village of Villabaggio with its burning hemp fields!.. Eurytim, the owner of the olive grove, will bitterly inform you that there is a fire in the grove (but we didn’t notice!) and it’s all downright stuffed with monsters.
A walk through the grove will not give you the opportunity to breathe fresh air - the grove is on fire, sparks are swarming around, and smoke obscures everything around. Moreover, the monsters, represented by spiders, are trying to poison you with poison - as if smoke and fire were not enough. Fortunately, the grove burns quite safely - the road is wide, and the fire does not cause damage.
Approaching the desired goal, you will find that the sacred olive tree is guarded, and not by anyone, but by Arachne, the queen of spiders. But it’s not difficult to cope with it, and now you are already at your goal - under the shade of the sacred tree. You will see a branch on the pedestal. By touching the pedestal, you will break the spell and the branch will fall. Pick it up - and boldly forward to Delphi, where the Oracle has already been waiting for you.
After passing through fire, water and copper pipes, you will find yourself in Delphi. Approaching the temple of Apollo, you will meet a servant named Astyoch, who will take your gift to the Oracle from you, although she will not forget to thank you. After this, it will be possible to “enter and appear before the great Oracle.”
Upon entering the temple, you will see in front of you the Delphic Oracle, sitting on a fancy chair with vibration massage and relaxation instead of a traditional tripod. Seeing you next to him, the Oracle will begin to broadcast (in poetry, in the best traditions of Russian folk ditties) that the answer to the question of the reason for the appearance of monsters can only be found by passing through the Parnassian caves. The Oracle will not give any practical advice; he will only continue the good tradition of sending the hero somewhere far away. In general, go there, I don’t know where, dear, but I don’t feel sour in my chair here...
In Delphi you will meet not only the standard set of inhabitants - rhapsodists and other blacksmiths and healers. There is a special person there - a mystic, whose skills can be redistributed within the selected schools (for a fee, of course).

4. Lair of Monsters

Your path will be through the southeastern gate of Delphi. After passing through the gate, you will find yourself in the Parnassian Highlands, the journey through which ends with the entrance to the cave. After walking through the caves and arranging a planned cleanup in them, you will find yourself on the Parnassus Plateau, where a portal and a satyr merchant will be waiting for you.
The second bridge across the Parnassian plateau will reveal a great secret to you - a huge camp of monsters is set up on the plateau. The oracle told you about this, but the knowledge escaped your memory, hiding somewhere in its nooks and crannies. Well, forgetfulness is common to many people, including great heroes... In short, what's the point of complaining? Anti-sclerosis pills and a faithful sword are your main allies.
Exploring the surroundings of the camp leads to the realization of the need to go down into the dungeon again, but nothing can be done about it.
The Pythian caves, which you will find yourself in after successively clearing the Lower and Upper camps of enemy forces, are almost impossible to miss. The entrance to them is decorated with various sculptural groups - as it turns out later, the sculptures were created by Medusa the Gorgon. You will see Medusa and her two sisters, the Gorgon queens, upon entering the cave. Defeating the snake-haired family is quite easy, but health bottles won't hurt.
With your victory over the Gorgons, you will contribute to the revival of Feyan, an eastern warrior who has embarked on the path of revenge and wants to kill Telkhin.
She will tell you about Telkhin, whom she tracked down and was going to elegantly eliminate. But there was a bummer: the Gorgon sisters stood in her way, interrupting the swift path of the avenger. Feyan will also tell you that Telkhin is leading an army of monsters to Athens and wants to besiege the city.
The gate behind Feiyan will open and she will head through it. You need to go there too - this is the road to Athens.

5. Battle of Athens

Approaching Athens, you will see traces of the Athenian massacre - apparently, the city was besieged, but, as it turned out, it managed to survive.
At the gate you will meet Leonidas, who led his soldiers to defend the city. Leonidas wants to hear the prophecy (it was he who sent you to the Oracle in Delphi, what a great fellow!) and find out news about the monster camp on Parnassus. Seeing you, Leonid will be very happy - now he is absolutely sure that you are a hero and incredibly cool (did he have doubts?).

6. Order of Prometheus

Leonidas will tell you that he was informed about monsters that had entered Athens. Head into the city and find out how the monsters got inside.
After visiting all the necessary merchants and activating the portal, you will need to go to the Acropolis. At its steps you will meet a frightened man who, with a trembling voice, will beg you for help. He will babble about how monsters have fallen from the sky and that they are looking for something in the Parthenon.
The entire Acropolis is filled with monsters. Moreover, some of the monsters penetrated into the city itself. Having entered the Acropolis and admired the statue of Pallas Athena (we are cultured, we read guidebooks after all), you will go down into the catacombs in order to prove to Leonidas that you are cool. One more time.
Your path lies all the time down to the fifth level of the catacombs - it is this that will turn out to be fateful. Behind the Carved Stone Door is Alastor, Acheron's tormentor. He will rush around the tombs and clone 3 skeletons at a time, and even drain energy from you. Overall, she's a charmer.
Having dealt with the formidable enemy, you will meet with the old philosopher Phaedrus, head of the Order of Prometheus in Athens.
Phaedrus will tell you that an army of monsters, led by Telkhin, headed to Knossos on the island of Crete. There they are looking for an ancient artifact, with the help of which the Order of Prometheus contacted the gods (presumably, a mobile phone made of pure gold). Without this artifact, the gods will never know that monsters roam the earth, and people need divine intervention and help.
In your hands is the fate of the whole world (for the umpteenth time)! You need to stop Telkhin as quickly as possible!
Therefore, you must hurry and urgently go to the docks, where a faithful person will be waiting for you (for the umpteenth time).
Once at the Athens docks, the first thing you will run into is the unbalanced warrior Feyan, who will immediately begin to scream resentfully that she herself wants to stop Telkhin, but, instead, she is sent to the East on some mission. But, alas, she is forced to obey. Having generously forgiven you (isn’t Feiyan a delight?), she will show you the ship you need and tell you that in Knossos, under the palace, there is a labyrinth where, in fact, an artifact connecting the world of people and gods is kept.

7. In the labyrinth

Sailing to Crete, you will land in the vicinity of the village of Heraklion.
The villagers will readily tell you about the monsters that have recently passed through these places and complain about the unrest that is going on.
It turns out that you are almost stepping on Telkhin’s heels - he was in Heraklion literally the day before. Unfortunately, many fell ill from his presence, and the healer, as luck would have it, went to the mountains (a prankster climber was found) and has not yet returned (which, in fact, was to be expected).
You will have an exciting journey and a great opportunity to get acquainted with the fauna and beauty of the island of Crete, in addition, the trip will be very useful in terms of experience and money.
After going through many dangers and defeating many enemies, you will find yourself in the Labyrinth of Minos. You will have two main tasks: defeat Telkhin and protect the artifact.
After wandering through the labyrinth for quite a long time, you will find yourself in front of the first obstacle - as usual, it will be a Carved Stone Door, behind which the enemy is hiding. The enemy will be the Lord of the Minotaurs - a fairly easy to kill boss. Having defeated him, you will have to go to the Hall of the Mediator of the Gods, where Telkhin Megalesius is already hanging around.
To begin with, he will launch several stone statues at you (lazy guy, he shouldn’t rush into battle himself right away!), and then he’ll get down to business. Those. for you. In vain...
Of course, since you are insanely cool, the pest has come to an end. But, alas, Telkhin managed to destroy the artifact, and now the gods will not be able to hear people.
Congratulations - you have successfully defeated the first Telkhin. Cyrus from the Order of Prometheus, who bravely watched the battle from hiding, will also want to congratulate you. He will long be surprised that a mortal was able to defeat Telkhin, because this seemed impossible to everyone... But what to do - the artifact is broken, the prayers of people will not reach the ears of the gods, and without help higher powers People will never be able to cope with hordes of monsters! Cyrus will also report that Leonidas managed to unite Greece under his auspices, but the trouble with the people is that they do not believe in their own strength, relying and hoping to a greater extent on divine intervention in the battle.
Alas, the only way is to go to Egypt for a rendezvous with the sage Imhotep, head of the Egyptian branch of the Order of Prometheus. He knows a lot, and perhaps he will be able to contact the gods in some other way, and not just with the help of a lost artifact. After all, cell phones rule, and our pings are fast.
You need to look for Imhotep in Rakotis, where the captain of the ship anchored on the river, not far from the labyrinth, will readily take you.


1. Find Imhotep in Rhakotis.

After you get off the ship, you just have to walk forward along the pier and you will see Imhotep, who is just waiting to talk to you.

2. Get the Scroll of Summoning from Rakotis's library.

Imhotep will greet you with open arms and tell you how great you are for defeating Telkhin! You are simply incredibly cool (take the pie from the shelf)! And the respected one will tell you that chaos reigns not only in Greece, but also in Egypt. Their pharaoh fled from the palace in an unknown direction, presumably to the pyramids, the troops cannot cope with the invasion of monsters, the free Internet has run out, in general - everything is terrible! But he, the venerable Imhotep, knows how to contact the gods, even despite the fact that the artifact was destroyed (the comrade is clearly asking for praise, don’t you think?). There is a ritual with which you can turn to the gods. To do this, Imhotep will need a certain Scroll of Challenge, which lies in the library of Rakotis. You need to find this scroll and bring it to him. It seemed that it could be simpler? But the library, of course, is full of monsters. With farewell farewells, Imhotep will wave his hand to us and inform us that he will go to Sais, where he will be waiting for you in the temple of Ptah, sipping a pina colada and studying cable television...
Well... Go to the library, which is located in Rakotis - the path to it runs through the Slums of the glorious city.
On the first floor of the library we meet the frightened and shaking Neb-pa-n-ra - the head of the library. He will tell us that the scroll we are looking for is located below, but going there is pure madness, since it is full of monsters! Well, let's go down to the Archives and methodically clear them (we won't encounter anything serious there). In the Archives we find a staircase leading to the basement, going down there, killing several monsters and entering the Mysterious Door. There we will have a battle with the Scarab beetle (if you have at least five bottles of life potion or one can of Dichlorvos with you, you will defeat it in one go). After defeating the beetle, we go into the small room behind it and take the Scroll from the pedestal. A secret exit from the Archives opens up for us, we stomp there - and here we are in the desert outside the city. All that remains is to reach Sais and find Imhotep there.
We pass Hathor Bay, Wadjet Gorge, the Nile floodplain and enter the village of Says. Immediately outside the village there will be a temple of Ptah.
As you get closer to him, you will see Tutti from the Order of Prometheus. He will tell you in vivid colors that Telkhin came at night and destroyed everything (apparently, the adversary was a little tipsy), the temple servants were left with the feeling that he was looking for something in the temple, but what exactly is unknown (there are suspicions that it was a pickle) ... The warriors were unable to kill Telkhin (naturally, it’s only you who are cool enough), and Imhotep quickly went to Memphis and is waiting for you there. Okay, we’ve convinced you, we go to Memphis, which is located not far from Saisa, we pass through the Lower Nile and the outskirts of Memphis, we pass the Beggar’s Quarter - and now you are already in the city’s market square.

3. Ritual of Summoning.

In the market square you will find Imhotep, who will tell you that, as always, people were not ready to repel the attacks of monsters and drunken Telkhins, and in Egypt things are getting worse and worse. But – you have an important mission ahead (not again, but again)!
Then Imhotep will take the scroll from us, sing you another portion of praises and so unobtrusively ask for a couple more artifacts for the ritual: the Eye of Chaos, which is located somewhere near the Fayum Oasis, and the Hand of Balance, which is located somewhere in Giza.
There is nothing to do, we need to save humanity, so we go to Giza (fortunately, it is closer than Fayum).
Exit the eastern gate of the city and stomp along a couple of locations in a straight line, clearing everything in your path. Once you find a tomb in the Great Sphinx, go down there. Having wandered around the tomb and earned a decent amount of experience, at the end opposite from the entrance we come across a door. A difficult battle awaits us behind it...

4. Defeat the Pharaoh's honor guard.

We go in, quickly kill the small creatures and mechanisms, and then begin the battle with the guards. It is advisable to fight with each one in turn, it will be easier. Having defeated the four guards, we go to the next door, open it and go into the room. We take the Hand of Balance from the pedestal and head for the Eye of Chaos. It should be noted that the guards come to life due to the spirits flying out of the mechanism. Thus, it is necessary to destroy the mechanisms sequentially.
There are two ways to get to the Fayum Oasis.
The first is from Giz, through the Fayum Pass into the Fayum Desert and on the way to the Temple of Atum.
The second - from the Crafts Quarter, through the Desert, and through the Canyon of Isis, you exit into the Fayum Desert, and then the Temple of Atum awaits you.
Again, you can come there one way and leave another. It's up to you and your pocket guide to decide.
So, beyond the Fayum Desert you will need to find the Temple of Atum, after which, having climbed the bridge, you will find yourself in front of a barred door.

5. Defeat Nekhebtau.

Entering the gate, you will encounter Nekhebtau, who turns out to be a huge scorpion. If you have a small supply of health potions or a large slipper with you, then when you fight a monster, you will undoubtedly win.

6. Get the Eye of Chaos.

Approaching the pedestal, you need to take the precious Eye from it, after which you can safely open the chests and go to Memphis to see Imhotep.
As a reward you will receive a piece of the amulet and 2 stat points.

7. Ritual of Summoning.

After you give Imhotep the relics and receive his well-deserved reward, he will immediately begin the Ritual. But alas, the ritual will end in failure, the Gods will simply ignore our call, and the Rod of Eternity will be destroyed. Imhotep will tell you that he has become convinced of his most pessimistic guesses - the connection with the Gods has been lost, subscribers are outside the network coverage area, everyone’s mobile phones are dead and cannot be recharged! Apparently, the Gods do not care about Greece and Egypt. In general, everything is terrible (what were you waiting for? A happy ending? Well, no, this is not a Hollywood melodrama)! And you, as a brave hero, will again have to save the situation with the help of a lot of physical exercise. In general, we’re going to kill everyone again, and the only joy is that there will be less cellulite...

8. Telkhin in Egypt.

Imhotep will tell you that Telkhin is destroying Temples throughout Egypt, which are guarded by the servants of the Order of Prometheus, and only the tomb of Ramses in the Valley of the Kings near Thebes remains untouched. You need to find her and kill Telkhin the Vandal.
Without any adventures, you will reach Thebes and end up in the Valley. Along the way, as usual, it will be necessary to clear the territory and listen to terrible tales that Telkhin was here just now, and that only a madman can come into the Valley, i.e. You!
Leaving Thebes, you will pass through the Mountain Pass to the Place of Truth, and from there - straight to the Valley of the Kings, dotted along and across with the inscriptions “Telkhin was here”. There we will be met by the last portal and the last merchant in Egypt.
And now, in the northwest, very close to the merchant, is the tomb of Ramses - the last sanctuary guarded by the servants of the Order of Prometheus in Egypt.
Having gone down into the tomb and put the local monsters to rest, you will eventually find yourself in front of a closed door - Telkhin of Egypt is calmly waiting for us behind it. Having stocked up on potions, go and guide him on the right path.
After his death, Telkhin will leave you on the floor not only valuables and gold, but also a Tablet, which we should immediately take to Imhotep in Thebes. When you meet, Imhotep will thank you generously and give you the Rod of Eternity.
Reward: 2 skill points + experience.


1. Go to Babylon.

Imhotep will tell you that Telkhin is currently besieging Babylon, and, judging by what is written in the Tablet we brought, the scoundrel is looking for the Crohn's Sickle, which used to belong to the Titans. With its help you can even kill a god (and then, say, pose for the statue “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”)! You need to immediately go to the Temple of Hatshepsut and, using the Rod of Eternity, open a portal to Babylon.
In the Temple of Hatshepsut, in the Hall of Prometheus, you need to kill the main guard, after which the last door in the temple opens in front of you. And here in front of you is the altar of Eternity. We click on it with the mouse - the portal to Babylon is open, and you go to the next act.


2. Find and protect Crohn's Sickle.

Once in Babylon, approach Zakir from the Order of Prometheus, who will note with surprise that he did not believe in stories about the portal before (he thought that the grass was just good). And then he will tell you that you need to hurry before Telkhin penetrates the sacred chambers in the temple of Marduk. He managed to penetrate into the temple itself; the glorious soldiers of the order were no obstacle to him...
Go to the top, to the Temple of Marduk.
We go down to the first level of the temple, clear it of monsters, earning exp, and do the same with the second and third levels. Going down to the fourth level of the temple (it is very small), defeat the Chimera there. Behind the door you will come to Feyyan lying near the column, which you remember from Greece.
Yes, the girl, despite all her ambition, was never able to kill Telkhin, and he stole the Sickle, the little scoundrel! So now you have a difficult path ahead, you need to find the evil Telkhin and initiate him into the intricacies of the Criminal Code, the article for theft...
Reward: experience + essence + last third backpack!


1. Hunt down Telkhin with Crohn's Sickle.

Farmer Appa on the outskirts of Babylon will tell you that Telkhin actually passed here recently and headed towards the Silk Road.
On the Silk Road you will meet Minani, who will say that you are going the right way, comrades, Telkhin headed further.
At Tsongo Peak you will meet the elder Sang-Gie Dore, who will give you valuable instructions on where to go (as if there were other paths). According to him, in order to catch Telkhin, you need to go through the Ice Caves.
Having passed through them, we again meet the old man, who shows us the further path. According to him, Telkhin walked through the mountains to the Great Wall of China, and you are about to catch up with him, so you really need to watch out for him!
Hehe, that was not the case - after passing the Great Wall of China and arriving in the village of Zhidan, you will learn from Fan Ye that Telkhin just recently (oh, a coincidence!) walked through the village and headed towards Chang-An. What this traveler with the sickle forgot in the royal palace is not yet clear, so you need to go there and satisfy, so to speak, your curiosity.
As soon as you enter the outskirts of Chang An, you will meet a woman who will tell you that the emperor's terracotta warriors have come to life and are attacking civilians, spreading fear and destruction throughout the city. And the main thing is that you central square some young woman is waiting (which is good news...)
Clearing everything in your path, go to the city - there you will see Feyan, who has miraculously recovered.
She will tell you about the suspicions of Eastern scientists: they think that Telkhin wants to free Titan, the only one who was not expelled to Tartarus, but was imprisoned here on earth. Only the Yellow Emperor, who lives in the Jade Hall, knows where to look for the place of his imprisonment.
Well, go in search of the Jade Hall (that is, to hell with you, to put it simply). After passing through the village of Bingsan and climbing Mount Chi Yun, you will need to defeat the Ox. Having gutted the chests, as usual, you can safely move on.
And here it is - the Jade Hall, in which the Yellow Emperor sits.
He will tell you that the gods imprisoned one of the Titans, namely the most evil and insidious (it can’t be, what a coincidence!!) named Typhon, under Mount Vusao. And now Telkhin goes to free him (everyone is afraid!). You need to be the first to reach the mountain and prevent the evil Telkhin from digging the Titan out from under the mountain.
Reward: experience + green item.
Take the emperor's hint and go back through the underground passage to the swamps, and further to Chang-An.
After reaching the city through the swamps, go to Feiyan and talk to her. She will tell you that one of the city gates leads to the Forest of the Ancestors, and behind this forest stands Mount Vusao.
Set out on a journey towards danger.
Leaving through the gate located in the east of the city, you will find yourself in the Forest of the Ancestors. You will have to wave your weapon a lot - the forest is literally teeming with enemies. However, this is more of a plus than a minus.
Coming out of the forest, you will find yourself in the Vusao Wasteland. Climbing the path along the mountainside, you will find yourself on a mountain plateau, on which there is a portal and a tunnel (ha ha!) to Titan. After fighting with extremely boring skeletons, you will achieve one of the goals - the entrance to the cave.
After passing through a couple of caves, you will find yourself in a drop-dead beautiful interior (this is where your camera will come in handy) - everything is so empty, and only the road winds (the cave must have been cleared out before us)...
That's where you need to go. Along this very road - and forward, forward, forward, into a bright future...
Once in the Obsidian Caves, you won’t see anyone - draconians, and balrogs (those, you know, big and horned) and a bunch of Diablo-like charmers, and elves (hello, Uncle Tolkien!), and other skeletons: swing - I don’t want to. The diversity of the cave's inhabitants will be a pleasant prelude to the main battle in this location.
After clearing the area, you will again find yourself on the road in the void. And from this very road you will see that Telkhin, armed with the Sickle of Cronus, cuts the shackles of Typhon. Alas, you won’t be able to do anything - you can’t move faster, and the quest won’t allow it. Typhon will solemnly retire to the portal to Olympus amid applause, and all you have to do is kill Telkhin to clear the way to the portal. You'll have to tinker a little with Telkhin, but you can twist him into a ram's horn. After his death, he (i.e. Telkhin, not the ram’s horn) will leave a bunch of nice goodies especially for you.
Having collected everything you need and stocked up on health, you can go into the portal after Typhon. The destination of your journey is Mount Olympus. Unfortunately (or fortunately), you will not meet any of the gods (subscribers are unavailable, remember?). But you will meet a large number of other local residents (who, however, resemble the aborigines in the same way as ballerinas resemble rockers... But that’s not the point).
The main danger to you are cyclops (one-eyed snipers, definitely), of which at least a dozen live on Olympus. They will become the last barrier before Typhon.
Typhon is an extremely unpleasant opponent. Even evasiveness does not always help in the fight against him - he constantly attacks with magic, and periodically drains life and energy.
But your victory over him is the key to the existence and prosperity of the whole world, so go for it! After defeating the main adversary, if you enjoyed chasing the Telkhins around the globe, you will be able to repeat this fascinating epic at a higher difficulty level. There are Typhons of Typhonists and Cyclops of Cyclopistes... Good luck! ;-)

Special thanks to Kitty Venom