A program that parses sentences. Parsing a simple sentence

When working with various texts, many people need to parse a sentence according to its composition. Carrying out such analysis usually presupposes that a person has appropriate philological knowledge that can help in the correct analysis of the text he needs. At the same time, there are also services on the network that perform online sentence parsing operations. After thoroughly studying the rules for parsing different offers Regarding the composition, I decided to present all my achievements in this article.

At the beginning, I note that the expression “parsing a sentence by composition” is somewhat incorrect, since words are usually parsed by composition, and what interests us in in this case, is called “sentence parsing”.

In this case, the specified syntactic parsing (at school it is also called “parsing by members”) is usually performed as follows:

  • Decide which sentence you are analyzing based on the purpose of its statement (declarative, interrogative or motivating in nature);
  • Indicate the emotional coloring of the sentence (is it exclamatory or non-exclamatory);
  • Note the number of grammatical stems in this sentence (if the sentence is simple, then one stem, if complex, then two or more);

If the sentence is simple:

Example simple sentence:

“It was an extraordinary autumn day!”

Having carried out a syntactic analysis, we can see that this sentence is declarative, exclamatory, simple, two-part, complete, and uncomplicated.

If the sentence is complex:

  • Decide on the connection in a complex sentence - union or non-union;
  • Indicate the connection used in the sentence - intonation, subordinating, coordinating;
  • Indicate the type of complex sentence - non-conjunctive, complex, complex.

Example of a complex sentence:

“The bouquet included roses and lilies, but she liked tulips better.”

Having carried out a syntactic analysis of this sentence, we can see that this sentence is of a narrative nature, not exclamatory, complex, has a conjunction, and is complex. The first sentence here is two-part, the grammatical basis is the words “there were roses and lilies”, it is common, and is complicated by homogeneous subjects.

The second sentence in this complex sentence is two-part, its grammatical basis is the words “liked tulips”, the sentence is common and not complicated.

Services for analyzing proposals by composition online

Due to the richness of grammatical structures and the difficulty of creating a powerful network tool for syntactic text analysis, the services presented on the network (of which there are few) have rather weak capabilities for conducting a full syntactic parsing of sentences. However, I would highlight the following resources:


Among the Russian-language resources for conducting semantic analysis online (de facto they are practically not represented), I would highlight the seosin.ru service. It allows you to identify syntactic and morphological errors, demonstrates the general associativity of the text, and performs other types of analysis. Unfortunately, the service does not always work stably; dysfunctions are often observed in its operation.

  1. To work with this service, go to seosin.ru.
  2. Enter your proposal in the appropriate window and click on “Analyze”.


For lovers English language The powerful linguistic resource lexisrex.com can help with parsing. Its capabilities make it possible to analyze a proposal by its members. However, this site also contains other auxiliary tools for implementing various types linguistic analysis online.

  1. To use this resource, log in to lexisrex.com.
  2. Paste your proposal into the appropriate window and click on the “Analyze” button.

Linguist forums

When parsing sentences online, you can turn to the help of the “human factor” and go to various linguist forums (level gramota.turbotext.ru, rusforus.ru and analogues). Register there, ask your question, and they will definitely help you.


Network resources that allow you to analyze proposals by composition are rather scarce, which is associated with the difficulties of creating such resources. However, there are several such tools available on the Internet (most of them are in English) that make it easy to carry out the text analysis we need. Use the functionality of these services to parse the necessary sentences and conduct parsing online.

Today we continue to study a complex sentence; in this lesson we will learn how to parse it.

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement ( narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Determine the type of sentence by intonation ( exclamation, non-exclamation).

3. Identify simple sentences within complex ones and determine their bases.

4. Determine the means of communication of simple sentences in a complex one ( allied, non-union).

5. Select minor members in each part of a complex sentence, indicate whether it is common or uncommon.

6. Mark availability homogeneous members or appeals.

Proposition 1 (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Sentence 1

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex (has two grammatical stems), conjunctive (connected by the conjunction And), both the first and second parts are not widespread (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Analysis of sentence 1

Proposition 2 (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Sentence 2

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, non-conjunctive. The first part is common (there is a definition), the second is not common (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Analysis of sentence 2

Parse the sentence (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Offer

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, conjunction. The first part is common, complicated by homogeneous predicates. The second part is common.

Rice. 6. Analysis of the proposal


1. Russian language. 5th grade. In 3 parts Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. 9th ed., revised. - M.: 2012 Part 1 - 182 p., Part 2 - 167 p., Part 3 - 63 p.

2. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. - Part 1 - 192 pp.; Part 2 - 176 p.

3. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook / Ed. Razumovskoy M.M., Lekanta P.A. - M.: 2012 - 318 p.

4. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts Rybchenkova L.M. and others - M.: Education, 2014. - Part 1 - 127 p., Part 2 - 160 p.

1. Website of the festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” ()


1. What is the procedure for parsing a complex sentence?

2. What are there? complex sentences by means of communication between parts?

3. Underline the grammatical basics in the sentence:

The hasty dawn was approaching, the heights of heaven brightened.


Offer - this is a word or group of words that are related in meaning; from one word to another you can pose a question. A sentence expresses a complete thought.

The first word in a sentence is written with a capital letter, and a period, exclamation or question mark is placed at the end of the sentence.

Every sentence is spoken for a purpose.

According to the purpose of making sentences, there are : narrative, interrogative. incentive.

Declarative sentence - this is a sentence in which something is reported (narrated).

Interrogative sentence is a sentence in which something is asked.

Incentive offer - this is a sentence in which they encourage action, advise or ask to do something.

By intonation there are offers exclamation and non-exclamation.

exclamation clause is a sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling. An exclamation point (!) is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence.

Non-exclamatory sentence is a sentence that is pronounced calmly, without strong feeling. A period (.) or a question mark (?) is placed at the end of a non-exclamatory sentence.

The offer includes main And minor members.

Main members of the proposal - this is the subject and the predicate.

Subject - This main member a sentence that names who or what the sentence is about. The subject answers the question who? or what? The subject is emphasized by one line.

Predicate - this is the main member of the sentence, which denotes what is said about the subject, names what the subject does. The predicate answers one of the questions: what does it do? what are they doing? what will it do? what did you do? what will he do? The predicate is emphasized by two features.

Members of the sentence


Examples Information
Subject - the main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences some state, or has a certain characteristic.
Answers questions:
Who? What?
Predicate - the main member of a sentence that names the action, state or attribute of the subject.

Answers questions:
What does it do? What? What's happened? Who is this?

The subject and predicate are the basis of the sentence.


Examples Information
Addition- a minor member of a sentence that denotes an object.

Answers questions about indirect cases.

Definition- a minor member of a sentence that denotes a feature of an object.

Answers questions:
Which? Whose?

Circumstance- a minor member of a sentence that denotes time, place, method of action.

Answers questions:
Where? When? Where? Where?
Why? For what? and How?


1. Role in language Expresses a thought that is complete in meaning and intonation.
3. Types of sentences according to the number of grammatical bases Simple - one stem, complex - two or more grammatical stems.
4. Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement Narrative (contains a message); interrogative (contains a question); incentive (inducement to action).
5. Types of sentences by intonation An exclamation, in which a thought is accompanied by a strong feeling, and a non-exclamation.
6. Types of proposals for the presence or absence of secondary members Common (besides the main members, there are also secondary ones) and non-common (consist only of the grammatical basis).
7. Types of proposals by complexity May be complicated by appeals, homogeneous members

Parsing offers

Today we continue to study a complex sentence; in this lesson we will learn how to parse it.

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement ( narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Determine the type of sentence by intonation ( exclamation, non-exclamation).

3. Identify simple sentences within complex ones and determine their bases.

4. Determine the means of communication of simple sentences in a complex one ( allied, non-union).

5. Highlight the minor members in each part of a complex sentence, indicate whether it is common or uncommon.

6. Note the presence of homogeneous members or appeals.

Proposition 1 (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Sentence 1

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex (has two grammatical stems), conjunctive (connected by the conjunction And), both the first and second parts are not widespread (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Analysis of sentence 1

Proposition 2 (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Sentence 2

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, non-conjunctive. The first part is common (there is a definition), the second is not common (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Analysis of sentence 2

Parse the sentence (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Offer

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, conjunction. The first part is common, complicated by homogeneous predicates. The second part is common.

Rice. 6. Analysis of the proposal


1. Russian language. 5th grade. In 3 parts Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. 9th ed., revised. - M.: 2012 Part 1 - 182 p., Part 2 - 167 p., Part 3 - 63 p.

2. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. - Part 1 - 192 pp.; Part 2 - 176 p.

3. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook / Ed. Razumovskoy M.M., Lekanta P.A. - M.: 2012 - 318 p.

4. Russian language. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts Rybchenkova L.M. and others - M.: Education, 2014. - Part 1 - 127 p., Part 2 - 160 p.

1. Website of the festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” ()


1. What is the procedure for parsing a complex sentence?

2. What are complex sentences for the means of communication between parts?

3. Underline the grammatical basics in the sentence:

The hasty dawn was approaching, the heights of heaven brightened.

Analysis plan:

  • Complex.

    The number of parts in a complex complex, their boundaries (highlight grammatical bases in simple sentences).

    Means of communication between parts (indicate conjunctions and determine the meaning of a complex sentence).

    Proposal outline.

Sample parsing:

Was winter, but that's all last days stood thaw. (I. Bunin).

(Narrative, non-exclamative, complex, conjunction, compound, consists of two parts, opposition is expressed between the first and second parts, the parts are connected by an adversative conjunction But.)

Offer outline:

1 but 2.

The order of syntactic parsing of a complex sentence

Analysis plan:

    Type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative or motivating).

    Type of offer by emotional coloring(exclamation or non-exclamation).

  • Complex.

    Main and subordinate parts.

    What does the subordinate clause spread?

    What is the subordinate clause attached to?

    Location of the subordinate part.

    Type of subordinate part.

    Complex sentence diagram.

Sample parsing:

When she played downstairs on the piano 1, I got up And listened 2 . (A.P. Chekhov)

(Declarative, non-exclamative, complex, conjunction, complex, consists of two parts. The 2nd part is the main one, the 1st is the subordinate part, the subordinate part extends the main part and joins it with a conjunction When, the subordinate part is located before the main one, the type of subordinate part is the subordinate clause).

Offer outline:

(union when...) 1, [...] 2.

subordinate clause

Noun.. verb. union of places Verb. ex. adj. noun

Travelers saw, What They are on small clearing. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex, SPP with explanatory adjective, 1) non-distributive, two-part, complete. 2) distribution, two-part, full).

[ ____ ], (What…).

The order of syntactic parsing of a non-conjunctive complex sentence

Analysis plan:

    Type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative or motivating).

    Type of sentence according to emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

  • Non-Union.

    Number of parts (highlight grammatical basics in simple sentences).

    Proposal outline.

Sample parsing:

The song ended 1 - the usual applause was heard 2. (I.S. Turgenev)

(Narrative, non-exclamative, complex, non-union, consists of two parts, the first part indicates the time of action of what is said in the second part, a dash is placed between the parts.)

Offer outline: