How to make friends between dogs and dogs in an apartment. Accustoming a dog to a kitten or the secrets of eternal friendship

Introducing a cat and a dog who were not originally raised together can be stressful for both animals. However, there are some steps you can take to help the animals gradually and safely get used to each other. Whether you're looking to bring home a new cat to an existing dog or vice versa, simple pet introduction steps can help you find much-needed harmony in a multi-pet home.


Introducing an existing dog to a new cat

    Teach your dog basic commands before bringing home a cat. If you already have a dog and are planning to get a cat, you should carefully work with your dog to complete general commands obedience before bringing home a new pet. Although the dog will very likely want to invade the cat's space to sniff and play with the cat, the cat will need time to acclimate. Work especially hard on the commands “Sit,” “Down,” and “Place,” so that you can immediately stop your dog’s attempts to pester your cat.

    • If possible, practice commands in a busy place where there are other people and distractions. The idea is to teach the dog to obey, despite all his excitement at the sight of a cat.
    • If you are just starting to learn basic commands, then it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with information on how to properly train a dog.
  1. Try introducing your dog to another cat who is dog friendly first. If the arrival of a cat at your home is your dog's first introduction to cats, he may become overexcited by this event, which will cause stress in the new pet. If you have friends who have both cats and dogs, ask permission to come to their home and introduce the dog to a cat who is not afraid of dogs in a controlled environment.

    Put your dog on a leash. The moment you bring your new pet home, and also when the cat and dog could potentially be in the same place during the acclimatization period, you should keep the dog on a leash. Even if the process of introducing animals takes place at home, the dog should be on a leash so that you have the opportunity to better control the situation. This will allow you to take the dog away if it stops responding to commands and your attempts to distract it from the cat.

    Keep your cat isolated in one of the rooms of your house. You will most likely need to keep the animals apart for some time until they demonstrate to you that they are capable of living together. If your new pet is a cat, then you shouldn’t overwhelm him with both a dog and a new spacious house at the same time. As soon as you bring your cat home, place his carrier, as well as his bedding, food, water, toys, and litter box, in one room. Leave the animal there and make sure that the dog does not have access to this room. The acclimatization period to a new environment occurs at different rates for different animals, and your cat may need to sit in his assigned room for several days before you can introduce him to your dog.

    Give your dog something to distract him from the cat. When you finally get both pets in the same room, you will need to distract the dog with something so that the cat can explore and approach it on its own. Consider using your dog's favorite toy for this purpose; it might be a good idea to get a toy that you can hide your dog's favorite treat in so that he is busy retrieving it without bothering the cat.

    Provide a clear escape route for your cat when encountering a dog. Do not position the dog or allow it to position itself in such a way that it blocks the only exit from the room. The cat should have an escape route if meeting the dog turns out to be too exciting for him. The feeling of being cornered will only increase the animal's anxiety. If the cat needs to escape, having such an opportunity will contribute to a more relaxed attitude towards subsequent encounters with the dog.

    • When a cat explores new home, you can install a cat play complex for him in one of the common rooms. This will ensure that the cat has a high place to hide from the dog if he needs a break from her.
  2. Arrange meetings with pets lasting 5-10 minutes. The purpose of holding introductory meetings is to stop them before anything bad happens. Meetings should last 5-10 minutes and end before the dog runs out of patience, interest in toys and commands, and begins to become interested in the cat.

    Provide your cat with treats and your own attention. Talk calmly to the cat the entire time you meet the dog, try to make this time as pleasant as possible for him. Sit on the floor, and if the cat comes to you, praise him generously and give him a treat. You must ensure that the first meetings with the dog give the cat a positive impression.

    Start feeding the animals on opposite sides of one door. Between brief encounters, you can help acclimatize the animals, such as feeding them from opposite sides of the same closed door. This will help them become aware of the presence of another pet nearby.

    • If your cat is too scared to eat, move his bowl to a distance from the door where he is no longer afraid. Each feeding, move the bowl a few centimeters closer to the door.
  3. Keep organizing brief meetings pets

  4. Try giving the animals a chance to interact without your supervision. Before leaving your pets alone, you will spend significant time arranging for their supervised visits. About a month of good behavior should pass without any signs of the animals making remote threats towards each other before they can be allowed to begin socializing unsupervised.

Introducing an existing cat to a new dog

    Understand how your cat perceives your home. For a cat, your home is its territory, so new dog he sees an uninvited guest. Allowing your dog to run around the house is a very bad idea under any circumstances, as it will cause extreme stress for your cat. Similar action will automatically make the cat hostile towards the dog, no matter how well the dog behaves.

    Lock your dog in a separate room. Instead of locking your dog behind a solid door, install a baby gate or other barrier in the doorway to prevent the dog from leaving the room. This will allow the cat to decide after some time to study the dog and, if necessary, to easily use the escape route. Choose a room for your dog that is not of particular interest to the cat (not where he often sleeps or uses the litter box) and that he rarely visits.

    • To help your cat get used to your dog's scent, let him sleep on your old T-shirt, then place the T-shirt in your cat's favorite room. Do the same with cat scent for your dog. This way, both pets can learn each other's scent without having to sniff nose to nose at the dividing gate.
  1. Distract your dog when the cat approaches him. If you notice that the cat is showing interest in the dog and is getting closer to its impromptu pen, try to distract the dog. Give her her favorite toy, start learning commands, and so on. The goal is to draw her attention away from the cat so that he can watch and study her without being unduly bothered by the dog's attention.

    • Although this may not always be possible with a new puppy or dog, you should try to teach your new pet basic commands before placing him in the same room as the cat so that you have the opportunity to give the "Sit" or "Put" command if The dog will begin to show excessive interest in the cat.
  2. Let the cat explore the dog's crate. If you get a puppy, wait until he falls asleep in his crate and move the crate to one of your cat's favorite rooms. At closed cage(and in familiar territory) your cat will feel emboldened to allow himself to approach and sniff the dog.

    Put your dog on a leash and introduce the pets to each other. The first time your pets meet without a separating gate, the dog should be on a leash so that you can better control the situation. You should also provide your dog with his favorite toys to distract him while he tries to explore his new pet without drawing attention to himself.

    Provide the cat with an open escape route. Do not position the dog or allow it to position itself in such a way that it blocks the only exit from the room. The cat should have an escape route if meeting the dog turns out to be too exciting for him. The feeling of being cornered will only increase the animal's anxiety. If the cat needs to escape, having this opportunity will contribute to a more relaxed attitude towards subsequent encounters with the dog.

  3. Give the cat time to get used to the dog. Every time your cat and dog meet, let him decide for himself what to do. Take your dog on a leash into one of the common rooms of your home and then call the cat. Keep your dog on a leash and distract him while the cat sniffs and studies the dog. Also, do not forget to generously treat and praise the cat during the process. Once your cat begins to feel more relaxed about the dog (and associates it with the appearance of treats), you will notice that he will become more and more interested in it.

    • The whole process will require patience from you. If the dog begins to pay too much attention to the cat, and this causes obvious stress in the cat, take him back to a separate room.
    • Do not force the cat to stay near the dog longer than he wants. Even if the dog ignores the cat, it is very likely that the cat will become bored or tired of the dog's company and want to leave. Give the cat freedom and try to arrange another meeting of the pets a little later.
  4. Continue to give your pets short, supervised visits. It will take time and patience, but you should have supervised cat-dog encounters every day. They will probably soon move on to the stage of sniffing each other, but you will need to continue to supervise their interaction until the dog becomes completely calm and begins to completely ignore the cat, and the cat in turn also becomes calm, this will be fine eat and go about your business in the presence of the dog.

    • Increase the duration of the interaction, but still keep the dog on a leash as the animals continue to get used to each other. The goal is to make the pets feel satisfied and relaxed in each other's company. After this, you can try to let the dog off the leash in the presence of the cat.
    • Consider purchasing gaming complex for the cat. The high platforms of the play complex will provide the cat with the opportunity to hide from the dog in a safe place. Even if both pets get along with each other, the cat will be less stressed if he knows that he has a place where he can retire.
    • Take a responsible approach to teaching your dog commands. Practice the Sit, Place, and Beside commands in different environments. This will allow you to better control your dog's impulsive behavior if you need to intervene in the development of the situation.
    • Another way to familiarize animals with each other's smells before the pets actually meet is to use synthetic cat and dog pheromones.

Introducing a newly purchased puppy to your existing cat will likely be stressful for both animals, but if handled correctly, both pets will be safe and relatively calm while they develop a positive relationship. Initially, animals must be separated from each other. Later, you can move on to organizing short personal meetings with pets on a leash. And only when the puppy and cat feel completely comfortable in each other’s company can they be allowed to communicate unattended.


Part 1

At first, keep your pets separately

    Set up a place to keep a cat or dog indoors. Both the puppy and the cat will need to be given a certain place to gradually adapt to each other. You should not immediately arrange a meeting with your pets without any preparation. Provide them with separate care and attention for the first couple of days.

    • Typically, you should limit your new pet's territory, meaning it is recommended to keep the puppy in a separate room until it is time to allow him to run around the house.
    • Make sure your new pet's room has enough food, water and toys. Be sure to spend plenty of time with your puppy as he adjusts to his new home.
  1. Change your pets' positions periodically. This will allow each of them to fully explore the territory of your home. They will also get used to each other's smell and will find it easier to come to terms with the actual presence of another animal.

    • Rotate animals every few hours. It is important that your puppy has the chance to leave the confined room and explore a bit outside, but he should not be allowed to run freely around the house just yet as this may interfere with his toilet training. Expand the puppy's territory into two or three rooms and keep a close eye on him so as not to miss the moment when he wants to go to the toilet.
    • Separated animals can communicate with each other through the door. For example, the puppy may become familiar with other smells from under the door or try to put its paws through the crack under the door. In most cases, this is completely safe, however, if your puppy scratches the door excessively, the behavior may need to be corrected. Excessive puppy activity can stress your cat and negatively affect the pets' introduction to each other.
  2. Introduce your pets to each other's scent. It is very important to make sure that both the dog and the cat get used to each other's smell. To do this, you can swap small objects that are integral part their bedding, such as pillows or blankets. You can also exchange pet toys. Try additionally rubbing one animal with a towel and placing it under another animal's food bowl.

    Be sure to keep pets separately when no one is home. Under no circumstances should pets be allowed to interact unsupervised unless you have already had many successful introduction sessions for them.

    • Be sure to keep both the cat and dog securely locked in their own territory when neither of you is home.
    • You may want to crate train your puppy and leave him in it in your absence, allowing the cat to move freely around the house (since she has long felt completely comfortable throughout its territory).
    • If you decide to lock your cat in a separate room during your absence, be sure to place a litter tray there.

    Part 2

    Organize the first meetings
    1. Choose a suitable location for your pets' first in-person meeting. After a few days of initial adaptation, you can try to introduce the pets in person. The meeting should take place directly at your home. As for dogs, it is better to meet other pets on neutral territory. And if you take your cat out of the house, it may experience stress.

      Put the puppy on a leash and arrange for him to meet the cat. It is best to do this when the puppy is well tired from playing and physical activity, since in this state he will behave more calmly next to the cat. While holding the puppy on a leash, let the cat into the room. Let your pets examine each other.

      • You may notice signs of fear or aggression in your pets. If the animals are growling at each other, or if the cat is attacking the puppy, you are probably in too much of a hurry. In this case, return to the stage of keeping your pets separate for a few more days, and then arrange for them to meet again.
      • Have your puppy's favorite toy or treat available to distract him if he becomes overly interested in the cat.
      • Do not let your puppy off the leash during the first meeting. The transition to free contact between animals should be gradual. In a burst of enthusiasm, a puppy can easily injure a cat.
    2. Continue to give your pets supervised brief visits. Start with short meetings and gradually increase their duration. Do not forget to pay attention to each pet, in equally Show them your love and reward them for peaceful behavior.

      • Always try to end meetings on a positive note. If neither pet is showing aggression and both of them have been in the same room for several minutes, then this is the right time to end the meeting.
      • Over time, the cat will begin to behave more confidently in the puppy's company, and the puppy should lose increased interest in her.
    3. Keep your puppy on a leash until he is completely calm. The amount of time this will take depends largely on the temperament of both pets. Some cats and dogs calm down quickly, while others take longer to fully relax.

      • The cat should find complete peace of mind in the company of the puppy. She should start eating, drinking and using the litter box without any embarrassment.
      • The puppy should almost completely lose interest in the cat. In most cases, he should simply ignore the cat and pay attention to completely different stimuli.
      • Once both of your pets are in good condition, the puppy can be allowed to interact with the cat without a leash.

    Part 3

    Reinforce appropriate behavior
    1. Continuously reward good behavior. Often people tend to scold and punish puppies for chasing and disturbing cats. Such measures are counterproductive and create stressful situation, pushing him to be more aggressive towards the cat. Instead of punishing your puppy for negative behavior, try to reinforce the correct behavior.

      • Be sure to reward your puppy for being calm and obedient around the cat. Offer him treats and praise him for ignoring the cat in the same room.
      • Keep a small bag of treats with you. Every time your puppy behaves appropriately, give him a treat.
    2. Distract your puppy if he focuses his attention on the cat. It is better to try to distract your pet with something than to punish him for bothering the cat. If your puppy is chasing, following, or otherwise bothering your cat, look for suitable remedy, which can distract him.

      • Use a treat, attract your puppy with a happy voice, or offer him a toy to distract him when he starts pestering the cat.
      • As soon as the puppy leaves the cat alone, give him a treat as a reward.
    3. Watch closely for signs of aggression. Communication between a dog and a cat should be monitored very carefully. Aggression can be a serious problem, and both of your pets can get hurt due to physical altercations. If you notice the slightest signs of aggression, act quickly.

      • If the puppy is concentrated on the cat to such an extent that he simply does not take his eyes off her, then this is a sign of aggression. In a cat, signs of aggression include growling, hissing and waving its paws.
      • Be sure to separate your pets away from each other if they become aggressive. There is no need to bring things to a fight.
    4. Do not allow your pets to interact unattended for at least a month. Only when the animals finally get used to each other can they be allowed to communicate in private. Be sure to ensure that both of your pets always have privacy. Special doors for cats or dogs, high shelves or small shelters where animals can find peace will help you with this. It will take you at least a month for your pets to communicate unattended and become completely safe.

Some people love cats, and some people love dogs, but what if you want both to live in the house? They didn’t just live, but spent time comfortably, played and even loved each other.

Before bringing a new pet into your home, you need to develop a behavior strategy and understand what the reasons for hostility between cats and dogs may be:

  1. Differences in character and habits. Since cats and dogs are different species, their behavior is determined by nature. Cats are individualists, and dogs are pack animals. A cat that is used to walking on its own may perceive the dog’s actions as an attack on personal freedom. The result is increased irritability And aggressive behavior, especially if pets are in a confined space.
  2. Jealousy. Many people bring a dog into their home and realize that a previously calm cat begins an active struggle for the owner’s attention: meows loudly, behaves defiantly, marks its territory, etc. Some animals, on the contrary, hide under furniture, refuse food and do not allow humans to touch them.
  3. Fight for food. Cats and dogs often eat completely differently. Dogs have a natural love for food (even someone else's), but cats can often return to the bowl several times without finishing their portion right away. This can be solved very simply - feeding places should be separated and the cat should be given the opportunity to eat where the dog cannot reach it. A window sill is perfect for these purposes. Every owner should ensure that each pet eats from its own bowl.
  4. Fight for territory. The arrival of a new family member is stressful for any animal. Get ready for the fact that at first the pets will desperately share the space of the house among themselves.

Four-legged animals are jealous, like little children. To avoid “showdowns” between pets, try to give each of them the same amount of attention, at least until they become friends or get used to each other.

To make friends between a cat and a dog, you need to know a few rules.

Even experienced veterinarians and dog handlers cannot answer the question: who should be adopted first – a cat or a dog? Experts recommend not to worry about this, especially since most people who ask this question already have pets and have no choice.

If you don’t have pets, but are planning to get a cat and a dog, do it at the same time: kids will get used to each other much faster than adults or pets different ages. If you already have a cat, bringing an adult dog home will be risky: the animals' reactions to each other can be completely unpredictable. The meeting will be more or less successful if the cat is several years older than the dog ( best optionadult cat and puppy 3-12 weeks). A similar situation arises for dog breeders who want to bring a kitten into their home. The only thing is that in this case the dog must react adequately to cats. Otherwise, it can scare the baby and harm his fragile psyche.

That, Whether friendship between four-legged animals “works out” depends on their first meeting. It is important that the acquaintance takes place under your control. You should not introduce a newbie to your pet on the first day.

Let the animal come to its senses, get comfortable, get used to the unusual surroundings and new smells. Some recommend introducing animals at a distance, i.e. put pieces of each other's bedding on them. After this, you can allow your pets visual contact.

When a cat and a dog meet, don't force things, pushing pets towards each other. Wait for the animals to sniff and show curiosity. If the cat is aggressive, make sure that she is at a safe distance and cannot harm the puppy.

When introducing a kitten to an adult dog, it is important to observe the latter’s reaction. If the pet wags its tail and falls on its front paws, inviting the kitten to play, it means that it feels sympathy for the baby.

Feed animals in the same room, but in different corners(pets should get used to each other’s smell and associate it with something positive). Make sure your dog doesn't steal food from the cat's bowl. Such an encroachment can become a reason for bitter hostility.

Give both pets the same amount of attention. If one of the animals feels left out, conflict cannot be avoided.

Make sure that four-legged animals have their own rest areas. This is easy to organize, since cats like to climb higher, and dogs prefer to rest on the floor. In addition, the presence of a “high” bed will allow the cat to avoid conflicts rather than enter into them.

Act calmly in the presence of animals. Pets react very sensitively to their owner’s mood, so increased nervousness a person can frighten them and provoke aggressive behavior towards each other.

If an adult cat is going to meet a puppy, make sure to trim your pet's claws in advance. If the cat behaves friendly towards the baby, reward it with a tasty treat so that it feels approved and understands that it is loved by its owner just as before.

At first, do not leave animals unattended in the same room. When leaving to run errands, separate your pets into different rooms.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake made by people who want to make friends with pets is improper nutrition. Placing bowls next to each other is strictly prohibited, as the animals will carry each other’s food and become aggressive. This is especially true for adults.

If the apartment is so small that it is not possible to feed your pets in different rooms, leave the cat bowls on the table or windowsill.

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Do you have a dog in your house and have you decided to get a kitten? Or, on the contrary, you have a kitten, but are planning to add to the family? The second option, of course, is simpler, make friends with two cubs, even if different types, quite real. Let's not concentrate on small things and go the hard way - consider dating adult dog and a cat (kitten, young cat). If you are ready to work, correct the behavior of your charges, show patience and restraint, below we will look at how to accustom a dog to a kitten. If you think that it will “grow together on its own,” my urgent advice is to refuse to purchase a second animal.

Before bringing a new animal into your home, think through all the nuances in detail:

  • Pets should not “cross each other” for 2–3 days.
  • Both animals must have their own bedding.
  • The “resident” must have access to the places where the “newcomer” has been.
  • The cat must have access to .
  • Feeding should be separate, behind tightly closed doors.
  • The dog must know basic commands and be comfortable with the muzzle.
  • The tips of the kitten's claws are filed.

Important! Don't be under the illusion that a dog represents great danger, yes, she is physically stronger, but a kitten running for its life is an “eye-scratching machine”! Be prepared for attack from both sides!

Read also: How many grams of food to give a puppy: rules and regulations

Initial acquaintance

Animals do not need to see each other; they rely on smells. Ideally, the wards are locked in different rooms. If the home has one room, the kitchen is used as an “enclosure”. During the day, animals must be swapped and allowed to walk through “neutral territory” on a first-come, first-served basis. The period of 3 days is conditional to accustom big dog To little kitten you need to keep the animals separately until the primary emotions fade away. It will be especially difficult with choleric dogs.

Be prepared for incidents, most well behaved dog may make a puddle in the place where he smells the cat or turn over the litter tray. Murzik is also capable of small “tactical moves” - tearing the upholstery of furniture out of indignation, singing songs under the door, furiously demanding attention, wetting corners.

The whole family should be prepared for unexpected moments. The dog's collar is not removed; a blanket is kept ready in the room with the cat. Advice - take care of your hands and face; if the cat is furious, use a blanket to cover and calm the animal. A confrontation with an angry cat is guaranteed to be more dangerous than a confrontation with a dog.

Pay attention! Sometimes, dogs with pronounced instincts of hunting and pursuit cannot be accustomed to a cat - the costs of the “profession”.

Face to face – first meeting

When the first passions subside and the animals come to terms with the presence of a “stranger,” we move on to the next stage. A parfors is put on an adult dog ( strict collar) and a muzzle. The animals meet through a crack in the slightly open door. Please note that a cat may well scratch a dog through a small gap. The procedure is repeated until the animals begin to behave restrainedly, “sniffing nose to nose.”

Read also: Why does a dog ride on its butt? We identify the root causes

There is also a method for fans of fast and extreme moves. First, you thoroughly study the body language of cats and dogs! Afterwards, a soft muzzle and a loose leash are put on the dog, and the cat’s claws are trimmed. Animals are brought together in one room, the owner watches. If they intend to start a fight, the animals isolate themselves. According to the experience of the owners, the first method is more effective; it allows the wards to get to know each other under circumstances of moderate stress. No one guarantees that pets will sleep together, but they are quite capable of sharing territory without fighting.

Important! Continue to feed your pets separately, even after introductions, at least until the animals are fully grown.

Introducing a puppy to a kitten or adult cat

Yes, the puppy’s behavior needs to be considered separately. The baby is unlikely to intentionally harm the cat, but is guaranteed to turn the existence of the mustachioed tabby into a “holiday.” Your task is to exhaust the dog on walks and distract it at home if the cat is not in the mood to communicate. Over time, Murzik will adapt to move around the house without touching the floor, and the puppy will understand that the arched back and hiss of a “forced playmate” are far from a friendly invitation to frolic.

If serious aggression is shown, the dog should be punished by you, and not by the cat - it is safer. Your task is to catch the moment of the attack and strictly stop it with the command “Fu”, with a jerk of the parforce, a rolled-up newspaper on the butt as a last resort. If you do not “break” this moment in the process of growing up, either the dog will need a dog handler, or your cat will die the “death of the brave.”

There is a stereotype that friendship between a cat and a dog is impossible. We often see animals showing aggression towards each other. Dogs rush at cats, cats hiss at dogs. However, pets can be made friends if you know their character traits and adhere to certain rules.

If you don’t want to choose whether to get a cat or a dog, but want to keep both types of pets at home, this article is for you.

What is the reason for the strained relationship?

Zoologists say that cats are not afraid of dogs, but avoid unnecessary contact. Dogs crave companionship. Cats, on the contrary, walk on their own, they require personal space, and they do not like it when someone violates it.

A dog may approach a cat out of curiosity, but the first meeting is unlikely to end in friendship. Murka will either run away or try to scratch the poor dog. If the cat runs, it will provoke the dog to play catch; if it starts to hiss and scratch, it will provoke defensive reaction which will lead to fear or aggression.

After the first unsuccessful attempt at acquaintance, a cat and a dog may never become friends. Therefore, it is important to conduct the first meeting of pets correctly and avoid mistakes.

New in the house. How should the owner behave?

It’s easier to improve relationships between pets early age. If you want to have both a cat and a dog, get them at the same time. The kitten and puppy will definitely get along with each other, and you will keep dating problems to a minimum.

Do you already have one pet and are you planning to get a new one? The following tips are for you.

How to make friends between an adult cat and a puppy

If you have an adult cat, it is advisable to adopt a puppy at the age of 2-3 months. This will make it easier for pets to make friends. Only at first should you limit animal contact. So that a friendly puppy who wants to play with a cat does not meet resistance and is not afraid of the menacing purr. Adult cats are friendly towards puppies and often take them under their care. Therefore, there should be no problems.

How to make friends between an adult dog and a kitten

The first meeting between an adult dog and a kitten should be strictly supervised. If the dog treats cats calmly, then the acquaintance will go smoothly. Before the meeting, the dog must be walked and fed so that the pet does not have additional cause for concern. After the first meeting, it is better to place the animals in different rooms so that they gradually get used to the new smells.

How to make friends between an adult cat and a dog

If the cat and dog are already adults, then making them friends can be much more difficult. Conduct the first meeting under strict supervision. It is better to put a muzzle on the dog or put the cat in a carrier. Then let them sniff each other.

It will most likely take a lot of time for the pets to get used to each other. A cat must have its own place in the house where it can feel safe. Meetings of animals at first should take place under your supervision. They especially bring pets together walking together. Therefore, you can buy a harness for the cat and walk it with the dog. Outside the home, pets bond much faster.

Rules for keeping cats and dogs together

The main rule of keeping several animals together is that you should not give reasons for pets to be jealous of each other. Otherwise, quarrels become inevitable, and you will have to constantly intervene in conflicts between jealous animals.

Owner's attention

Divide your attention and care equally to all animals in the house. It often happens that a newcomer is given more time than a pet who has been living for a long time. If you pet one pet, don't forget to pet the other, and it's better to do it at the same time. Don't forget that animals, like little children, are very jealous. You shouldn't have a pet in your house.


The biggest reason for a quarrel can be food. Therefore, feed the animals at the same time, always from different bowls. Do not place bowls too close to each other, especially at first after introducing your pets. When a cat and a dog eat at the same time, they stop feeling competition between themselves. Make sure that the dog does not help the cat finish his portion. Overeating will harm the dog's health, and stealing from someone else's bowl will not help improve warm relations between animals.

Competition for place

Get ready for the fight between pets to be fought for any place in the house. The main thing in this situation is to show that you are the boss of the house. Don’t let any of your pets get impudent and try to restore justice in any situation.

Everything is equally

Remember that cats and dogs are animals with different characters and habits, so approach their joint content thoughtfully. Don't let the process of introducing pets take its course. Take matters into your own hands. Pay more attention to animals, invent different games, in which both pets can participate. Never allow jealousy between your pets. Treat each one the same.

It is possible to make friends between a cat and a dog. This depends not only on the age and character of the pets, but also on the owner himself. Two pets in the house will require twice as much responsibility from you. If you are ready for this, then go ahead. You will succeed.

We hope that our tips will help you, and your cat and dog will become true friends.