What is the best way to install a radar detector in a car? Where is the best place to install your radar detector? How to connect and configure directly

There is a category of drivers for whom driving fast is a common occurrence. There are even special installations that allow the driver to avoid fines. The very first radar detector appeared back in the seventies of the last century, and today for many drivers it is necessary equipment.

Using radar detectors

The task of the radar detector is to detect radar radiation in a timely manner. It warns the driver through audio and light alarms. In this case, the radar detector should not respond to random interference.

More sensitive devices recognize “danger” from a greater distance, but at the same time the likelihood of false alarms from portable and stationary radio stations, from mobile phones. For this reason, signal receivers have to be equipped complex system filtering interference.

In general, a radar detector is a device that, having detected radar radiation, sends back a signal that distorts the speed meter readings. These are quite complex devices. In most countries they are prohibited for use.

We would like to say that the legislation in Russia and the CIS countries does not prohibit the use of radar detectors. This does not apply in any way to radar detectors, the use of which can result in serious punishment. IN different countries different attitude to such installations. In many countries their use is prohibited.

But there are also exceptions. In Germany, for example, the police repeatedly hold campaigns as a result of which motorists receive radar detectors. For safety, road workers install so-called “false radars” in the most dangerous areas.

They simulate a traffic radar signal. When the radar detector is triggered, the driver reduces speed, and, consequently, the accident rate in this area decreases. An analysis of such work confirmed that drivers who installed a radar detector had fewer accidents.

Myths and reality

  1. There is an opinion that if you hang a CD on the windshield, it will reflect the signal from the police radar and there will be no way to determine the speed of the car. But it's the other way around. How better details your car will reflect the radar signal, the faster the inspector will catch the car’s speed. Any flat metallized surface is most in the best possible way capable of reflecting a radar signal. This myth came from Germany. The fact is that on some German autobahns there is a restriction speed limit. And violators are detected not only using radar, but also using a camera. The camera captures the driver. In this case, the CD reflects the flash, creating a glare. The photo, which serves as evidence of the guilt of a particular driver, will be spoiled.
  2. There is an opinion that a product has been invented that, when applied to the body, will make it invisible to radar. English company that produces household chemicals, previously released Flashtec spray. It had an interesting effect. If you apply it to license plates, they will not be “read” by stationary security cameras. Glare appeared. The police received a photo of the car, instead of the number plate, the photo of which had white spot. After which the UK Transport Department banned the use of this anti-radar liquid.
  3. There is an opinion that there are detectors that are able to recognize a signal through any obstacles. But radar radio waves travel in a straight line. They can penetrate tree foliage and wooden buildings, but they cannot bend around or pass through massive obstacles at all. In the absence of a radio signal, the detector, being essentially a receiver, will not be able to respond to it.

Operating principle of the radar detector

A conventional radar detector picks up radio signals using a simple radio receiver. This is a device that simply detects the presence of radar. As for more complex devices, they can really deceive the patrol.

In addition to the receiver, these devices are equipped with their own radio transmitter, which emits interference. Having received an echo signal, the radar can no longer correctly determine real speed car. A regular radar detector will not help if a patrol car with the radar turned on approaches from behind.

How to install a radar detector?

The main part of the radar detectors has a monoblock design. They must be installed in front of the windshield. The front part of the device with indicators should be turned towards the driver, but rear end The receiver must be facing exactly along the axis of movement of the vehicle.

Under no circumstances should any objects be placed in front of the device that block the view. If a tint film with a metallized base is stretched onto the windshield, this will seriously disrupt the operation of the detector.

Best effect from installing a radar detector will be achieved if it is positioned closer to the top edge windshield. This will give even better results when driving the car on hilly terrain.

Almost all installations are attached in three ways: with suction cups, with a latch and with Velcro. Most comfortable view The fastenings are suction cups. The Velcro mount will not fit every car.

The instrument panel must be suitable for such mounting. Mounting it on a sun visor has an undeniable advantage - the driver’s field of vision is not limited, and the radar detector is hidden from prying eyes. But with this installation, you need to route the power cable along the rack. And at the same time, the dangling wire from the cigarette lighter will interfere.

There is also a design option in which the entire kit can be installed covertly; the indicator is separated from the receiver. Such devices are suitable for those who travel by car to a country where radar detectors are prohibited.

On Russian market You can find models with a compass, with voice functions, with a voice recorder, etc. There are models with the so-called “Geiger effect”. The frequency of the warning sound and light signal begins to increase in such devices as the vehicle approaches the signal source. Do you need these additional options? It's up to you to decide.

A radar detector, like any other consumer product, must perform its basic functions, and not just be an addition to a modern car. But there are a number of problems here. When purchasing a radio, you just need to turn it on to check its functionality.

With a radar detector everything is more complicated. How to test it? No device is 100 percent effective. New types of radars appear periodically that use the latest technologies.

Existing radar detectors are becoming ineffective. That's why there is only one way to avoid fines for speeding - don't exceed it!

The instructions are shown using the example of connecting a radar detector; for other devices (connecting a DVR or navigator), all actions are performed in the same way.

You will need:

  1. Radar detector, video recorder or navigator;
  2. Button (for example, recirculation), for convenient on/off. additional devices.
  3. Pliers;
  4. Insulating tape;
  5. Twin wire;

To prevent the battery from being discharged while parking, it is recommended to connect an additional devices through the ignition (when +12V disappears when the ignition is turned off). The navigator's lamp "tens" is not suitable, it has constant +12V, so you will have to run the wires under the panel.

So, in order to connect the radar and button lighting, you will need to remove the BSK unit, and take the ground and power from it after ignition (see photo No. 1), or use the 4-pin clock connector (further connected through it, photo No. 2).

  • 1st pin (black wire) - “minus”;
  • 2nd pin (white wire) - “plus” appears after the dimensions are turned on;
  • 3rd pin (orange wire) - “plus” appears after turning on the ignition;
  • The 4th pin (white-red) is a constant “plus”.
Pinout of the recirculation button (photo No. 3):
  • Contacts 6 and 7 - backlight of the + and - buttons, respectively.
  • Contacts 9 and 10 are actually switching ones.
We set it (if the clock is not needed), or connect the button block to the contacts of the clock block according to the diagram:
  1. We connect the black negative wire to the negative wire from the radar and connect it to pin 6 of the block.
  2. Button illumination - connect the white wire to pin 7 (a “plus” appears on it after the dimensions are turned on).
  3. We connect the orange one to pin 9.
  4. We connect the “plus” of the radar to the 10th contact of the block.
We install the button in place.

All that remains is to install the fuse in a convenient place. We install it in the “plus” slot, with a nominal value of 5A.

As a result, this connection of the radar detector took 40 minutes.

Other useful contacts in the fuse box (+12V when ignition is on):

  • Ш2-16 (directly from the ignition switch),
  • Ш1-4 and Ш4-17 (through before F19),
  • Ш5-3 (via relay contact K6 and before F18),
  • Ш5-5 (via relay contact K6 and before F9) - the last two are high-current.

It is necessary to determine its location so that the road is in good visibility for it. An important condition for its installation is also that the device itself does not distract you while driving. You can, of course, install it in a place inaccessible to prying eyes, but this will create the problem of monitoring the readings and state of the device; the car body will interfere with the reception of radar and laser signals, and this will significantly reduce the range of the radar. The height at which the device is installed is no less important. The long one catches the signal much better, but the length of the ultra-high frequency radar is such that it can be reflected from any surfaces.

If you install the radar on the bottom of the windshield, then the likelihood of “catching” the laser radar signal increases. Therefore, this installation is recommended for city residents who rarely travel outside the city. And it is better to install the radar on the top of the windshield for residents of the region where laser radar is not used.

Proper installation of the radar will protect you from theft. Try to install the device so that it can be easily removed before leaving the vehicle. This will also prevent the radar housing from being damaged by overheating and deformation when exposed to direct sunlight.

Rules for using the radar detector

Various disturbances in city conditions provoke false alarms of the device, which distracts and reduces the driver’s reaction speed. It is better to understand the capabilities of a particular radar detector in advance and configure it for fewer false readings. If you rarely go out of town, then it is better to immediately purchase one designed for urban conditions. Outside the city, the radar behaves completely differently, so when driving on the highway, switch it to a different mode that can provide a greater range of signal reception. Eat special devices, independently switching the operating mode, focusing on the amount of interference.

In order for the radar detector to be truly useful, you need to learn how to read its readings correctly. A weak signal may indicate interference or that the radar is too far away. It is also possible that a traffic police officer turns on the radar periodically to track the speed of only individual objects. Without paying due attention to such a signal, you may not have time to take precautions in time.

Main feature Using a radar detector is an immediate response to all signals and a timely reduction in speed. But don't forget about the dangers of emergency braking. It is important to realize that a radar detector is not a salvation from fines; you cannot blindly rely on it. Only your responsibility, caution and vigilance will help you avoid a fine for speeding.

There is a category of drivers for whom driving fast is a common occurrence. There are even special installations that allow the driver to avoid fines. The very first radar detector appeared back in the seventies of the last century, and today it is a necessary equipment for many drivers. In the article “Radar detector for a car and its installation on a car” we will tell you what radar detectors are used for, how they work and how to install them on a car.

Using radar detectors

The task of the radar detector is to detect radar radiation in a timely manner. It warns the driver through audio and light alarms. In this case, the radar detector should not respond to random interference. More sensitive devices recognize “danger” from a greater distance, but at the same time the likelihood of false alarms from portable and stationary radio stations, and from mobile phones increases. For this reason, signal receivers have to be equipped with a complex interference filtering system. In general, a radar detector is a device that, having detected radar radiation, sends back its own signal, which distorts the speed meter readings. These are quite complex devices. In most countries they are prohibited for use.

We would like to say that the legislation in Russia and the CIS countries does not prohibit the use of radar detectors. This does not apply in any way to radar detectors, the use of which can result in serious punishment. Different countries have different attitudes towards such installations. In many countries their use is prohibited. But there are also exceptions. In Germany, for example, the police repeatedly hold campaigns as a result of which motorists receive radar detectors. For safety, road workers install so-called “false radars” in the most dangerous areas. They simulate a traffic radar signal. When the radar detector is triggered, the driver reduces speed, and, consequently, the accident rate in this area decreases. An analysis of such work confirmed that drivers who installed a radar detector had fewer accidents.

Myths and reality

  1. There is an opinion that if you hang a CD on the windshield, it will reflect the police radar signal and there will be no way to determine the speed of the car. But it's the other way around. The better the parts of your car reflect the radar signal, the faster the inspector will detect the speed of the car. Any flat metallized surface is best able to reflect a radar signal. This myth came from Germany. The fact is that on some German autobahns there is a speed limit. And violators are detected not only using radar, but also using a camera. The camera captures the driver. In this case, the CD reflects the flash, creating a glare. The photo, which serves as evidence of the guilt of a particular driver, will be spoiled.
  2. There is an opinion that a product has been invented that, when applied to the body, will make it invisible to radar. An English company that produces household chemicals used to produce Flashtec spray. It had an interesting effect. If you apply it to license plates, they will not be “read” by stationary security cameras. Glare appeared. The police received a photo of the car, instead of a license plate number, which had a white spot in the photo. After which the UK Transport Department banned the use of this anti-radar liquid.
  3. There is an opinion that there are detectors that are able to recognize a signal through any obstacles. But radar radio waves travel in a straight line. They can penetrate tree foliage and wooden buildings, but they cannot bend around or pass through massive obstacles at all. In the absence of a radio signal, the detector, being essentially a receiver, will not be able to respond to it.

A conventional radar detector picks up radio signals using a simple radio receiver. This is a device that simply detects the presence of radar. As for more complex devices, they can really deceive the patrol. In addition to the receiver, these devices are equipped with their own radio transmitter, which emits interference. Having received an echo signal, the radar can no longer correctly determine the real speed of the car. A regular radar detector will not help if a patrol car with the radar turned on approaches from behind.

Installation Features

The main part of the radar detectors has a monoblock design. They must be installed in front of the windshield. The front part of the device with indicators should be turned towards the driver, but the rear part with the receiver should be facing exactly along the axis of movement of the car. Under no circumstances should any objects be placed in front of the device that block the view. If a tint film with a metallized base is stretched onto the windshield, this will seriously disrupt the operation of the detector. The best effect from installing the radar detector will be achieved if it is located closer to the upper edge of the windshield. This will give even better results when driving the car on hilly terrain.

Almost all installations are attached in three ways: with suction cups, with a latch and with Velcro. The most convenient type of fastening is suction cups. The Velcro mount will not fit every car. The instrument panel must be suitable for such mounting. Installation on a sun visor has an undeniable advantage - the driver’s field of vision is not limited, and the radar detector is hidden from prying eyes. But with this installation, you need to route the power cable along the rack. And at the same time, the dangling wire from the cigarette lighter will interfere. There is also a design option in which the entire kit can be installed covertly; the indicator is separated from the receiver. Such devices are suitable for those who travel by car to a country where radar detectors are prohibited.

On the Russian market you can find models with a compass, with voice functions, with a voice recorder, etc. There are models with the so-called “Geiger effect”. The frequency of the warning sound and light signal begins to increase in such devices as the vehicle approaches the signal source. Do you need these additional options? It's up to you to decide.

A radar detector, like any other consumer product, must perform its basic functions, and not just be an addition to a modern car. But there are a number of problems here. When purchasing a radio, just turn it on to check its functionality. With a radar detector everything is more complicated. How to test it? No device is 100 percent effective. New types of radars appear periodically that use the latest technologies. Existing radar detectors are becoming ineffective. That's why there is only one way to avoid fines for speeding - don't exceed it!

A good driver knows the price of safety. Needless to say, the road is full of surprises. Here, profit-hungry road inspectors, pedestrians and other traffic violators await traffic. To protect against such problems, a car enthusiast needs only two things - and a video recorder. And here there are two options - buy the devices separately or give preference to a multifunctional device that combines the two functions mentioned above.

For many car enthusiasts, the second option looks more preferable. This is not surprising. Firstly, the new device takes a lot less space. Secondly, setting up the device takes less time. Thirdly, you can save a lot of money.

Purpose of a DVR with a radar detector

Let's remember what task each device performs:

2. The task of the radar detector is to notify in time about the presence of special devices ahead that detect. violations (for example,). But that's not all. Modern radar detectors are capable of performing the following functions:

  • signal the use of special monitoring systems by police officers (within several kilometers);
  • warn about the presence of photo-recording devices;
  • detect the operation of automatic or manual radars.

As for “combined” devices, the developers combined the two functions described above. All that remains is to decide which DVR with radar detector is better, and which model to give preference to.

The main criterion for most car enthusiasts is price. There are three main categories here:

1. The cheapest devices. If we do not consider the most suspicious Chinese video recorders with radar detectors, then the average cost is about 5-7 thousand rubles. For this money you can buy a completely reliable and high-quality assistant, capable of performing a certain set of tasks. The disadvantage of such devices is limited functionality. For example, the built-in radar detector may not see modern devices in the “arms” of traffic police inspectors, and the video recorder will have a limited viewing angle or insufficient high quality video.

Among the most well-known and accessible devices are:

  • Arena PRO 6000 DVR. The main advantages of this radar detector are compactness, high recording quality, sensitive sensor, affordable price. At the same time, the device copes well with identifying the main devices in the hands and vehicles of traffic police inspectors. TO distinctive features Arena PRO 6000 DVR includes a shock sensor, a good viewing angle (120 degrees), a built-in microphone, the ability to operate on battery power, a screen for viewing captured video (two inches diagonal), support for HD video and the ability to use memory cards up to 32 GB in size ;

  • Subini STR XT-5 - another one priced at about 7 thousand rubles. The advantages of this device include a powerful processor, the ability to record in Full HD format, a 2 megapixel camera, and a high-quality 2.7-inch LCD display. The developers did not forget about such options as a built-in GPS receiver, which allows you to accurately link the location of the car to a map of the area, as well as a shock sensor. On the road, the photo mode can also be useful, allowing you to use the device as a regular camera.

In this “hybrid” the radar detector also performs its functions well. The device detects complexes such as “Robot” and “Strelka” with a bang. In addition, you can independently determine the operating ranges of the radar unit, set the sensitivity of the detector (city, highway), turn on voice notification, and so on. A DVR with a radar detector Subini STR XT-5 will be effective not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. Its operating range is up to 1.2 km.

In principle, the devices described above are worthy of attention. If you are puzzling over which is the best DVR with radar detector, but have an amount of up to 7,000 rubles, then the choice is obvious.

2. Middle price segment. For drivers who do not want to buy cheap devices, devices from the mid-price range are perfect. Here the cost of the device ranges from 8-9 thousand rubles. The most popular DVRs with radar detectors include:

  • Vizant 730ST is a reliable device that combines two important functions– DVR and radar detector. The advantages of the device include a very large display (2.5 inches), convenient mounting, a reliable case and the presence of a microphone. Such an assistant is capable of detecting not only stationary cameras on the roads, but also hidden “ambushes” of traffic police representatives. In particular, the Vizant 730ST accurately records the most popular device today, Strelka ST.

The main feature of the Vizant 730ST is selectivity. The device perfectly recognizes which camera is on, and which one performs the function of a regular “scaremonger” or is simply turned off. The use of a special algorithm allows you to avoid false positives and avoid interference. The undoubted advantage of the Vizant 730ST is large number settings that allow you to configure each device (both the DVR and the radar detector) separately.

The DVR function makes it possible to shoot high-quality video with HD resolution and an angle of 120 degrees. The device's built-in 5 MP camera allows you to high quality photos, and a large display and speaker - to review the captured video on the spot;

The built-in radar detector is capable of calculating any laser or radar meters - Radis, Iskra, Berkut, Cordon, Vizir, Krechet, Arena and so on. It is worth noting the quality of detection of the most popular radars - “Robot” and “Strelka”. Features include the presence of a digital signal strength meter, providing information about the distance to the radar, measuring the form of notifications about the presence of a fixing device, and so on.

It should be noted that the recorder, which shoots high-quality HD video, is equipped with a G-sensor, a built-in microphone and a 3 MP camera. A special advantage of the Cobra VRD 3000CT is the ability to shoot at an angle of 140 degrees and the presence of a fairly large 2.4-inch display.

When buying a device in this price range, you can count on full functionality for relatively little money. So if there is an amount of 7-10 thousand rubles. All you have to do is choose which DVR with radar is best for you

3. Expensive devices. Premium devices will cost from 10 thousand rubles and more. The most popular ones include:

The developer paid attention to the functions of the radar detector. A special feature of the Vizant 735 ST is its ability to detect all radars operating in the K, Ka, X bands, as well as the laser range. The device also copes well with identifying the well-known Strelka radars. If desired, you can change the sensitivity of the device and its operating ranges. When a radar appears in the radar coverage area, the device gives a corresponding signal;

  • Neoline X-COP 9500 is one of the new devices that will cost the car enthusiast about 11,000 rubles. According to its functions this device according to the rule, it is one of the leaders in sales (and not only in Russia). The updated model of the device has a unique expansion - Super HD with a number of pixels of 2304 * 1296, high-quality optics and stable firmware. In addition, the Neoline X-COP 9500 device supports new technology WDR, has a high-quality 3-inch screen and a sensitive radar detector. By the way, the latter is capable of identifying all existing and used in the CIS complex - Mesta, Iskra, Cordon, Strelka and others. In addition, it is capable of accurately identifying zonal speed control systems, for example, the same Avtodoriya.

DVR with radar detector Neoline X-COP 9500

The peculiarity of Neoline X-COP 9500 is that the functions of the DVR with radar detector are separated by software, that is. In this case, the settings must be set for each module separately. Additional advantages include the presence of a powerful battery, a shock sensor, the ability to display images on an external screen, a built-in radar base, and so on.


When choosing such a device, you should focus on several aspects - your preferences in terms of functionality and the availability of the required amount in your wallet. If possible, it is better, of course, to buy a more expensive device. If the budget is limited, then a simple DVR with a radar detector will suffice. In general, the choice is yours.