The most beautiful and famous Russian horse breeds. Russian horse breeds

1. Complete group work assignments.

1) Breeding large and small livestock.
Write down which is large and small cattle bred in your region. (If possible, name the breeds of animals.) cows:

dairy (Jersey) and meat and dairy (Limousin); sheep (Romanovskaya, Edilbai); goats (Alpine, Saanen, Czech).

2) Pig farming.
Write down what breeds of pigs are raised in your area.

Landrace, Kemerovo, Ukrainian, bacon.

3) Horse breeding.

Write down what breeds of horses are bred in your area.

Hanoverian, Tver, Akhal-Teke, Vladimir heavy truck.

4) Rabbit breeding.

Write down what breeds of rabbits are bred in your area.

Californian, New Zealand white, French ram, white giant

5) Poultry farming.

Write down what poultry is bred in your area. (If possible, name the breeds of birds.)

chickens (Moscow black, Orlington, Adler white); geese (Kholmogory, Linda white), turkeys (Moscow white)

6) Fish farming.
Write down what fish are bred in fish farms in your region.

carp, grass carp, silver carp, tench, pike.

7) Beekeeping.
Are bees raised in your region? If yes, write down what products the beekeepers in your region produce.

breeds: Carpathian, Central Russian breed.
products: honey, propolis, beebread, zabrus, royal jelly, wax

2. Dog Ryzhik is a good friend of many pets. This is the task he came up with. Look at the photographs. Under each photo write the name of the corresponding livestock industry.

3. As instructed in the textbook (p. 203), observe the work of livestock breeders. Write a short report on your observations. You can make a drawing or paste a photo.

Once I was on a mini-farm where rabbits are bred and watched how these fluffy animals were fed.

The farm worker poured it into special feeders ground fresh herbs. She said that this is a summer diet and we need to make sure that the rabbits do not get poisonous herbs.

In winter, they are fed hay and a special “mash” of boiled potatoes, vegetables, bran and all kinds of grains. In addition, in winter, rabbits really like twigs of spruce, birch, pine, apple and maple harvested from the summer.

The farm worker said that it is very important to provide the rabbits with enough clean water room temperature. Each rabbit needs at least half a liter of water per day. Otherwise, the food they eat will not be digested.

It is also very important to monitor the cleanliness of animals’ drinking bowls and feeders, since if they eat from dirty dishes, they will quickly get sick.

Local breeds were formed under the influence of artificial and natural selection in conditions close to the natural environment, but with a low level of agricultural production and zootechnical work (lack of proper selection, unsatisfactory feeding and maintenance); they are not specialized in productivity, are highly adaptable to local conditions and are classified taking into account their distribution zones: northern forest, steppe, mountain.
Northern forest horse breeds are small horses of a wide variety of colors. Their adaptability to harsh northern conditions is unique - they can endure severe frosts, insect bites in the summer, and be content only with local pasture and roughage. They are hardy in agricultural and transport work. They have a lively, energetic temperament.

Vyatka horse. Among horses of the northern forest type, the Vyatka horse has long been known for its speed and endurance. It received its name from the place of its homeland - Vyatka lips.
Currently widespread in the Kirov region. and Udmurtia. The outstanding qualities of Vyatka horses created their fame. In the past they were used in threes for pit service.
The Vyatka horse was bred by the indigenous population on the basis of the local primitive horse of the northern forest type. The natural historical conditions of the forest zone and systematic work to improve the breed contributed to its comprehensive development. physical development and increasing working qualities. The result was a type of hardy and strong horse with good gait.
Exterior of the Vyatka horse: head of medium length, broad forehead; the look is lively, energetic; neck of medium length; the withers are low and wide; back straight; the lower back is strong; the croup is rounded, lowered; the chest is deep and wide; the bangs, mane and tail are thick; extremities are dry, with good joints; color dun, savrasaya, mousey.
Average measurements of stallions: 138-141 -162-18.
Average measurements of mares: 137-142-160-17.5.
Vyatka horses work well in agricultural work, skidding and hauling timber.
They are kept in rather primitive conditions. The main food is forest hay (pastures of low quality). Currently, the breed is bred “in itself”.

Pechora horse. Distributed along the middle reaches of the Pechora River, as well as along the Izhma, Pizhma, Tsilma and lower reaches of the Usa.
By origin, it originates from the horses of the population of this region, who lived here in ancient times. In type, these animals were close to the Mongolian ones, which crossed with the horses of the Novgorodians, approaching the klepper*. Subsequently, the local breed was influenced by the horses of Moscow Rus'.
The exterior of a modern Pechora horse: the head is rough, the profile is straight; neck of medium length; the withers are low, of medium length; back straight; the lower back is convex; the croup is drooping, roof-shaped; the chest is wide and deep; the bangs, mane and tail are thick; the position of the front legs is correct, the rear legs are X-shaped; colors are bay, black and karak.
Average measurements of stallions: 144-151 -165-20.
Average measurements of mares: 136-146-158-18.
Horses have good performance.
IN winter time kept in stables. The main food is hay. During the grazing period, pasture is used.
The Pechora horse is adapted to local conditions, is unpretentious and has good working qualities.

Priob horse. Distributed in Russian Federation, on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk National District of the Tyumen Region, along the Ob River and the lower reaches of the Irtysh. Meadows rich in forage vegetation stretch here for hundreds of kilometers. Well adapted to long, harsh winters, horses easily tolerate being kept throughout the summer on damp pastures, often with marshy soil (kept in herd and semi-herd methods).
The Priob horse of the northern forest type was bred by the local population. It is small, but has a long body; head of medium size, convex profile; like this apartment in Novosibirsk, the neck is short and thick; the withers are low, of medium length; the back is long, straight; the lower back is strong; the croup is deflated, often roof-shaped; the chest is deep and wide; the mane and tail are thick; legs are short (sabering is common); color bay, red, savrasaya.
Average measurements of stallions: 136-146-165-19.
Average measurements of mares: 132-143-163-18.
The uterus is very milky. Mares, young animals and stallions are on pastures from early spring until late autumn.
The main work of horses occurs in the winter.
Priob horses are strong, have high performance and endurance. Basically, the breed is bred “in itself”.

Yakut horse. It is remarkable in that it is perfectly adapted to existence in extremely harsh conditions.
Primitive year-round keeping in the open air (even in frosts down to minus 60 ° C), free mating created a short, squat horse with low legs. However, the Yakut horse quickly grows larger with improved feeding.
Horses of this breed are distinguished by their versatile productive qualities (mares have high milk production, and in some areas kumiss plays big role in the nutrition of the population), and also work under saddle and harness.
Yakut horses are characterized by a massive, rough head; short, thick neck; low withers; straight or carp-shaped long back; deflated croup; wide and deep chest; the mane, bangs and tail are very thick; the forelimbs are short, the legs are positioned correctly (the hind legs often have an X-shaped stance); the hooves are strong and regular in shape; the constitution is strong; large amount of fur in winter; the color is often gray, savras, mousey. The horse's temperament is lively and energetic.
Average measurements of stallions: 138-145-170-19.5.
Average measurements of mares: 134-141 - 164-17.5.
Due to the very harsh conditions of keeping, it is difficult to improve Yakut horses by crossing with sires of other breeds, so breeding the breed “in itself” is the main method of working with it.
Steppe horses are descended from Mongolian horses. Animals are adapted to herd keeping in conditions of dry steppes and semi-deserts. They are kept on pasture. Small in stature, broad-bodied, they are of great value for productive horse breeding.

Bashkir horse. This breed of horses was formed over many centuries on the farms of the Bashkirs, where horse breeding occupied one of the main places. They represent a transitional stage from steppe horses to horses of the northern forest type. Carrying the features of a steppe horse, the Bashkir
under the influence of natural historical and economic conditions, it acquired a number of features inherent in horses of the northern forest type.
During its existence, it was heavily subject to the action of natural selection.
The climate of Bashkortostan is sharply continental. A harsh winter with heavy snowfalls and snowstorms made it difficult for year-round grazing of herds and forced the population to stock up on insurance stocks of hay and to build shelters (fences) to protect horses from bad weather. In harsh conditions, only horses of exceptionally strong constitution can teem (look for food under the snow).
Currently, mainly mountain-steppe areas that have not been developed for agriculture are allocated for herd horse breeding in Bashkortostan.
Bashkir horses are small, but broad-bodied and bony. Universal in purpose. Use them as vehicle(they go well under horseback) and in agricultural work; In addition, milk and meat are obtained from them.
The head of Bashkir horses is of medium length, rough; the neck is straight, medium length, fleshy; withers low; the back is straight, wide; the loin is long and strong; the croup is round, deflated, short; the chest is wide and deep; the bangs, mane and tail are thick; legs are short, bony, dry; the constitution is strong; colors are bay, red, savrasaya, dun.
Average measurements of stallions: 143-144-180-20. Average measurements of mares: 142-145-178-18.5.
IN lately as a result of introductory crossing with improving breeds, selection and selection under conditions of improved feeding and maintenance, horses of an improved type were formed. The outstanding qualities of these horses are endurance, tirelessness and great strength with a relatively small stature.
High-milk mares. The Demyansk website writes about this Novosibirsk apartment for daily rent. Bashkir milk mares, which are used to stock kumys farms, have become widely known. On average, during the lactation period, which lasts 7-8 months, 1500 liters of milk are milked from each mare, and 2700 liters or more from the best ones (including milk consumed by the foal).
The Bashkir horse is bred within Bashkortostan, and its influence also affects the livestock of the adjacent areas of the Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Orenburg regions.

Buryat horse. Among the native horses of Russia, the most typical representative of the Mongolian root is the Buryat horse. Distributed in the Chita region. and the Buryat Republic.
It has been bred since ancient times. Over the course of several centuries, these horses were periodically influenced by the Mongolian breed.
Buryat horses are among the shortest horses in Siberia, but are distinguished by their massive build. Their exterior is characterized by the following features: a head of medium length, heavy, with a wide forehead and a straight profile; the neck is short, muscular; withers short, low; the back is straight, strong; the lower back is convex; the croup is drooping, roof-shaped; chest of moderate depth, wide; the mane and tail are long and thick; legs are short, bony; the tendons stand out clearly; the constitution is strong; Savrasaya color, gray, bay, red.
Average measurements of stallions: 134-141 -167-18.5.
Average measurements of mares: 132-138-164-17.0.
Well adapted to grazing throughout the year in the sharply continental climate of Transbaikalia, where frosts reach minus 50 °C. These horses are bred using the herd method.
By the nature of productivity, they, like steppe horses, are not specialized; They serve in the same way as horse and harness horses. Over long distances they show great endurance.
The accommodations for horses are primitive - a shed with three walls. Breeding work is carried out both by improving “in itself” and by crossing with factory breeds. The success of crossing depends to a large extent on feeding conditions.

Altai horse. Since ancient times, numerous horse herds have grazed in the valleys and mountains of Altai. Horse breeding has developed widely here
already in the era of the early nomads.
2.5 thousand years ago, the Altaians not only bred small horses of the Mongolian type, but also had riding horses from the regions Central Asia. Horse corpses are well preserved in the permafrost various types- local, close to the modern Mongolian breed, and riding.
The Altai horse is a mixed use horse. Its distribution area is Altai region, rich in luxurious mountain pastures.
The natural conditions of Altai and its climate are much milder than in Mongolia. Fertile soils, plenty of precipitation, and excellent grass cover on pastures create favorable conditions for herd horse breeding. In mountain meadows and along river valleys, horses find pasture in all seasons of the year. The sharply continental climate restrains the development of agriculture, so a significant part of the natural forage lands is preserved.
When describing the exterior of the Altai horse, its harness, development of the chest and short stature are striking; the head is rough, of medium size, with a straight profile; neck of medium length, fleshy, straight; the back is long, straight; the lower back is convex; the croup is long, wide; the chest is wide and deep; limbs are short, widely set (occurring defects are soft pasterns and sabering); the color is varied - dun, savrasai, mousey, red, bay, there are dappled and piebald horses.
Average measurements of stallions: 137-144-165-19.
Average measurements of mares: 135-140-160-17.5.
Altai horses are distinguished by great endurance and work well in harness, under saddle and pack.
A valuable quality of the local Altai horse is its high adaptability to the conditions of year-round grazing in herds on the same pasture. The local horse provides an excellent breeding ground for industrial crossbreeding. A good riding horse in Altai is needed for tourism, sports, traveling, for shepherds guarding the camps of antler deer, and crossing with heavy breeds makes it possible to raise a calm draft horse.
Traditions of the local population and favorable natural conditions allow the development of horse breeding as a branch of productive livestock farming.
Altai horses are improved by stallions of such breeds as Budennovskaya, Donskaya, Oryol Trotter, Russian Heavy Draft, and the breed itself is also improved.
Currently, horse breeding factories have been organized in Altai - “Ulagansky”, “Kryrlyksky”, etc.

Hello dear readers of the blog Dacha Owner. In this article we will look at all the main breeds of horses that are found on European territory, with detailed description and photo. And so we went:

What breeds of horses are there?

Currently, all horses are divided into two groups:

  • Racing
  • Stepper:

This group includes:

1) Arabian type horses:

  • Arabic,
  • Varvariyskaya,
  • Persian,
  • Tekinskaya,
  • Karabakh,
  • English blood,
  • Rostopchinskaya,
  • Turkish.

2) Breeds of the northern forest type:

  • Scottish nonns,
  • Swede,
  • Elepper,
  • Vyatka,
  • Zhmudka,
  • Blame and others.

3) Mixed horse breeds:

  • Orlovsky and American trotters,
  • Gonter,
  • Trakenskaya,
  • Oldenburg horse etc.

4) Breeds of the Mongolian or steppe type:

  • Mongolian horse,
  • Kyrgyz,
  • Bashkir,
  • Kalmytskaya,
  • Uralskaya,
  • Sibirskaya et al.

Horses walking photos

This group of horses includes:

  • Belgian,
  • Persheronskaya,
  • Boulogne,
  • Sufolkskaya,
  • Shiyrskaya,
  • Clydesdale

6) Medium and small working horses:

  • Ardennes,
  • Danish,
  • Dutch,
  • Russian work horse

The Arabian horse is the best representative of oriental horses. She mainly served

material for improving fast running horses. There is not a single country with large horse breeding where this horse is not exported to improve local horses.

The hobby reached the point that heavy farm horses were infused with the blood of an Arabian horse. The homeland of the Arabian horse is considered to be the western bank of the Nile and Dibia. From there it penetrated into Northern Arabia.

Currently, there are about 120 thousand Arabian horses in the Euphrates Valley and Syria. The Arabs do not have a written pedigree of horses. The pedigree of horses is passed down orally. There are few purebred mares, and even fewer stallions.

It is believed that for every 200 purebred mares there is one purebred stallion. The Arabian horse is not tall, 1,421-1,510 meters. Her forehead is wide, slightly convex, her eyes are expressive, large, her nostrils are wide, her ears are small and mobile.

The neck is light, but not swan-like, the shoulder is good, the withers are high, the muscles of the elbow are well developed, the back is short, the ribs are steep, the groin is small, the croup is raised, the tail section is beautiful, the joints are well developed and sharply defined, the wrist and hock joint are low. The legs are strong with sharply defined tendons. The pasterns are thin and long, hard, like a glass. The most common color is bay - about 35%, gray - 30%.

Arabian horse well conveys to the offspring low demands, endurance, strength and dryness of the body. Related to the Arabian horse are: Barbary, Persian, Turkish, Turkmen, Karabakh, Kabardian and other horses.

Currently, the main material for improving riding horses is English racehorse. This horse was created by crossing a local English horse with the best Arabian, Barbary, Persian and other oriental stallions. The stud book of English racehorses shows that some 176 oriental stallions were imported into England to improve this horse.

According to experts, the English racing horse contains up to 75% of the blood of eastern horses. From them she received beautiful slim forms, dryness of structure, energy, speed of running, and from the local horse the massiveness of the body and height of growth.

The height of the English racehorse is 1.51 to 1.73 meters. The English horse perfectly passes on to its offspring: height, voluminous lungs, big heart, dense muscles, hard bones, lean build, energy and speed of running.

Breeds of the northern or local type photo

These breeds include:

  • Estonian klepera,
  • accusation
  • Vyatka horses, etc.

For us, the Finnish horse and our Vyatka and Obvinsk horses are of practical interest. Finnish horse or the Swede is a favorite horse in our Karelia and other neighboring areas of our Union with Finland.

Medium sized Finnish horse head with wide ganaches. The neck is thick, muscular and short. The ribs are rounded, the back is wide and muscular. The croup is somewhat drooping, the legs are dry and strong. Height is 1 m 48 cm - 1 m 55 cm. Color is mostly red. Swedes are distinguished by fast running and are suitable for agricultural work.
Vyatka and Obvinsk horses come from local horses, improved by Estonian klepers back in the time of Stroganov. These horses are well built, have a fast run, but are small in stature. To improve these horses, Russia buys Swedish stallions and sends them to breeding stations in the Vyatka and Perm regions.

Mixed breed horses photos

Trotters are among the mixed breeds of horses in Russia. This cultural horse, quite common in our Union, is of great importance to us. The trotter was created by Orlov ( ) The blood of this breed contains the blood of English racing Arabian, Dutch, Danish, Mecklenburg and other horses.

41 stallions and 71 mares from ten years participated in the creation of this breed. various breeds, so far we managed to get “Smetanka”, and from it “Polkan I” and “Barca I”. Orlov created two types of horses: trotter light type and a bushy type trotter. In the first, Eastern blood predominates, and in the second, Dutch.

For our country, the bushy type trotter is of economic importance. The bushy type trotter is a large, massively built horse. Her height is from 1 m 55 cm to 1 m 74 cm. Weight is 400-676 kg. The head is beautiful with expressive eyes.

The neck is high and beautifully arched, the chest is wide and long, the back is straight. Well rounded but slightly dropped croup. Strong legs with well-developed muscles and tendons. The hoof is durable.

The running is beautiful. The bushy type trotter is strong, playful, and durable in hard work and over long distances. He is distinguished by his meek disposition. When mated with a peasant horse, it conveys its qualities well. There are areas in the Voronezh, Tambov, Tula, Oryol and other regions where the trotter has improved peasant horses over a considerable area.

The bushy type trotter, while a good farm horse in the countryside, is not suitable for the city or for carrying heavy loads. A good trotter has enough strength to carry quite large loads, but he does not have the proper composure in hard work, and therefore is more likely to wear out than Brabançon and other heavy draft horses.

Unfortunately, in our country there are relatively few trotters of thick mud, but a larger number of them are of the light type. Before the war, there was a passion among horse breeders to increase the running speed of our trotters by infusing the blood of American trotters. The American Trotter is a mixture of the blood of an English racer and an American pacer.

This breed was first created by the English horse Messergeri, bred with American mares. The result was half-breeds, distinguished by fast running. The frequent receipt of prizes at races by American trotters forced our horse breeders, pursuing mainly the benefits of the sport, to infuse the blood of American trotters into ours.

This influx of American blood increased the running speed, but reduced the height and weight of our trotters. In agricultural terms, this trotter worsened the useful agricultural qualities of our trotter.

Among the mixed breeds, in addition, the following are known:

  • English horse Gaunter,
  • German horse
  • Trakenskaya,
  • Oldenburgskaya,
  • Hungarian et al.

Horse breeds of the Mongolian or steppe type photo

A typical representative of steppe type horses is the Mongolian horse. The main breeding base for this horse is the steppes of Inner Mongolia, covered with good pastures. Total quantity There are about 16,000,000 of these horses. The typical Mongolian horse is small and, on average, no taller than 1 m 22 cm.

The head of a typical Mongolian horse is large with a wide forehead, big ears, the neck is straight, fleshy, the withers are low, the chest is wide and very deep, the back is straight, the loin is high and wide, the croup is muscular and, often, slightly drooping, the legs are short, dry, muscular and very strong.

Mongolian-type breeds bred in Russia include:

  • Kyrgyz,
  • Kalmyk,
  • Bashkir,
  • Transbaikal,
  • Amur and other horses.

The largest number of this type of horse is Kyrgyz. , having common typical features of the Mongolian, differs from it in the following: it has a drier head, high withers, a neck of moderate length, light and dry. This horse is distinguished by its extraordinary endurance and unpretentiousness to feed.

At good feeding she soon eats up and without significant work gets very fat. Despite some external roughness of build, she is agile, energetic and fast. The best Kyrgyz horses run a distance of 20 miles in 27.5 minutes.

When mated with English horses, they produce good half-breeds, very suitable for cavalry service. Mating with trotting stallions produces very good riding horses.

Fewer than the Kyrgyz ones in number, but better in quality (greater height and weight), we have Kalmyk horses. This horse, even if not improved, is very suitable for cavalry. With good feeding and proper care gives good growth: there have been cases when a Kalmyk horse,
When she joined the cavalry, at 3.5 - 4 years of age she gave an increase of about 16 cm.

Bred on the Don, it is rarely found in its pure form. This horse has been improved since ancient times by the influx of blood from English, Persian, Arabian blood and half-bred stallions. From the old Don horse the new one received greater endurance and unpretentiousness to feed, and from cultivated stallions more beautiful shapes, large height and weight. The Novodon horse has a height of 1 m 33 cm-1 m 57 cm.

Large breeds - working horses photos

Since ancient times, two main types of horses have been bred in Belgium: the lowland horse, the Flemish horse, and the mountain horse ~ Ardennes. The need to have a strong horse for working with heavy agricultural implements and the demands of cities force the Belgians to breed a heavy horse.

The Ardennes, being less strong, less tall and less massive, are gradually disappearing. In the near future, these horses will disappear completely. The large Belgian Brabant horse has a height of 1 m 55 cm - 1 m, weight - about 800 kilograms, varied color: bay, red, roan, black and gray. Horses of this breed are early maturing: at 2 years old they are already fully functional.

The head of the Brabansen is large, but dry, the neck is short and thick, the chest is wide and deep, the back is of medium length, muscular, the croup is forked and somewhat drooping, the legs are dry and strong with small brushes. The volume of the leg under the wrist is about 26 cm.

The horse is very strong and suitable for carrying large loads and at the same time quite mobile, is not prone to colds, is indiscriminate in its feeding and uses it well. In our country, Brabançons are bred quite well by peasants - and they happen to be from peasant queens. They convey their qualities well to our peasant horses.

French draft horses photo

The local old French horse, through the influx of blood from eastern stallions, has now developed into two types: Percheron horse and Boulogne. Percherons deserve the most attention. The color of these horses is often gray, their height ranges from 1 m 55 cm to 1 m 71 cm, and their weight is about 650 kg. The Percheron is a large, strong, well-proportioned horse.

Despite her massiveness and calm character, she is quite mobile. Americans love this breed of horse very much and do not skimp on spending a lot of money on good Percherons, and therefore the price for them is very high. When mated to simple Russian peasant mares, this horse does not quite consistently convey its qualities.

Of the English heavy horses, the first place is occupied by Clydesdales. The height of this horse is from 1 m 66 cm to 1 m 72 cm. Weight is about 800-850 kg, the color is often bay, with a bald head and legs in stockings. The head is relatively light and dry. The neck position is correct, the neck is rounded, the shoulder blades are set obliquely, the chest is narrower than that of other heavy horses, but it is deep.

The legs are overgrown with large brushes, the hooves are wide, sometimes flat. The step is cheeky, wide, the trot is good. At a walk on a good road, the Clydesdale carries 2457 kg-3276 kg. Their working qualities are undeniable.

The practice of our peasant breeders in Tambov, Ryazan, Kursk and other regions has shown that these horses are also suitable for rural work and for sale in the city. Unfortunately, in some areas, farmers, carried away by the height of the horse, will create its height at the expense lower bones legs, and therefore unsatisfactory.

Clydesdales pass on their qualities well to their offspring, and half-breeds, in most cases, are powerful, tall and similar in color to sires.

This horse is intensively bred in the Vladimir region. Many of the horses bred in this area have received so much Clydesdale blood and are so typical that they can be considered purebreds.

In addition to the Vladimir region, Clydesdales are grown by peasants in the Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Tula, Tambov and other regions. The best place to buy Clydesdale manufacturers is in the Vladimir region.

Height 1 m 63 cm - 1 m 66 cm, weight from 736 kg to 819 kg, color mostly red, no long hair on legs. This horse is hardy, has cheeky movements, and matures quickly. There are few good horses of this breed, they are expensive. Here in Russia they come across as an exception.

English horse Pirehorse more common in England than Suffolks. The height of this horse is from 1 m 66 cm-1 m 72 cm. Weight is 736-900 kg. The color is varied, but black and karak predominate. This horse has a very large overgrowth of long hair on the legs, reaching the carpal and hock joints and even covering the front of the fetlock and coronoid bones. There are few of these horses in our country, and they are not beloved.

Russian farm horses photo

Simple peasants represent a wide variety that is difficult to characterize in general terms. But they can partly be subsumed under the following groups: biters, draymen and a simple peasant horse.

Peter the 1st Voronezh region Dutch and Danish stallions were sent to improve the peasant horse. These stallions, as well as the stallions prescribed by Orlov; When crossed with Russian peasant horses, they formed the Bityug breed.

Bityug is of average height 1 m 50 cm, the head is not large, shaggy, the chest is wide and muscular, legs are brushed, but dry. Bityug is strong and has a satisfactory trot. Nowadays it is very difficult to find real bityugs. This breed has almost disappeared. She partly degenerated as a result of poor maintenance and care, and partly changed as a result of mating with Clydesdales, Shires and other horses.

Draft horse photo

Large, heavy, raw peasant horses that do not fit the bityug type are called dray horses. These horses deserve attention only as larger material for improvement by thoroughbred stallions.

A typical peasant horse is small - from 1 m 22 cm - 1 m 54 cm. Weight 245 kg-295 kg. She is late in maturity, has a coarse, heavy head, a narrow chest, a drooping narrow croup, weak joints and poor bones. Its economic importance is very small; it cannot work in plows, mowing machines and other cultivated agricultural implements.

Raising such a horse costs more than its sale price. Improving this horse: increasing height, weight and strength is the immediate, immediate goal.

Our peasant horse, if well maintained, fed and cared for, can improve greatly. When mated with good stallions: trotters, Clydesdales, Ardens, Percherons and even half-breeds of these breeds, it produces good offspring.

This horse can be improved by good maintenance and feeding, and especially by infusion of blood from horses of the best working breeds. The most the right remedy horse breeding cooperation is used to implement measures.

Horse breeding cooperation, led by specialists, will teach how to conduct business and find means for this purpose. Currently, there are quite a few such horse breeding cooperations in our Union. Some of them, although recently founded, work great.

Horseback riding in St. Petersburg

Finally, we bring to your attention a video about our trip to the equestrian club, where we had a nice weekend with the whole family and had a blast riding horses.

1. Complete group work assignments.

1) Breeding large and small livestock
Write down what large and small livestock are raised in your area. (If possible, name the breeds of animals.) cows: dairy (Yaroslavl breed, Kholmogory, Holstein, black-and-white, red steppe, Aishir) and meat and dairy (Kostroma, Swiss, Simmental); sheep(Altai sheep, Caucasian sheep, Kyrgyz, Soviet Mernos, Grozny, Karakul sheep, Askanian, Romanov, Merino, Voloshskaya, Edilbay, East Frisian); goats (Russian white, Angora, Donskaya, Alpine, Saanen, Bital, Kiko, Gorno-Altai, Oberhazli, Czech).

2) Pig farming
Write down what breeds of pigs are raised in your area.

A significant part of the livestock in Russia today falls on large white pigs. This is one of the oldest species of farm animals. Other breeds: North Caucasian, Landrace, Northern Siberian, Kemerovo, Ukrainian, Mirgorod pig, Duroc, bacon.

3) Horse breeding

Write down what breeds of horses are bred in your region:

riding (domestic breeds, Don, Tersk, Russian riding, Budenovskaya)
harness (domestic breeds Russian and Oryol trotter)
heavy draft (domestic breeds include the Vladimir and Soviet heavy draft).

4) Rabbit breeding

Write down what breeds of rabbits are bred in your area.

Russian ermine, Hiplus, Angora downy, Ober, Californian, New Zealand white, French ram, dwarf fox, white giant, gray giant.

5) Poultry farming

Write down what poultry is bred in your area. (If possible, name the breeds of birds.)

chickens(Brahma, Moscow black, Welsumer, Orlington, Adler silver, Hungarian giant); geese(Kuban geese, Lindovsky, Kholmogory, large greylag geese, Tula, Toulouse, governor's geese), turkeys(bronze turkey, North Caucasian silver, North Caucasian white, white Moscow, bronze broad-breasted, Moscow bronze, Uzbek fawn, black Tikhoretsk,)

6) Fish farming.
Write down what fish are bred in fish farms in your region.

carp, crucian carp, trout, tench, kaluga, beluga, thorn, stellate sturgeon, sterlet and a number of hybrids, for example, bester

7) Beekeeping.
Are bees raised in your region? If yes, write down what products the beekeepers in your region produce.

breeds: yellow Caucasian, Carpathian, Central Russian breed, buckfast, mountain gray Caucasian, carnika.
products: honey, propolis, beebread, zabrus, royal jelly, wax

2. Dog Ryzhik is a good friend of many pets. This is the task he came up with. Look at the photographs. Under every photo write the name of the relevant livestock industry

3. As instructed in the textbook (p. 203), observe the work of livestock breeders. Write a short report on your observations. You can make a drawing or paste a photo.

.Raising chickens
We visited a poultry farm where chickens are raised. I was taken through the most interesting places: they showed a workshop with poultry, talked about the secrets of high egg production of chickens. They showed not only adult chickens, but also hatched chicks. I learned that in order for chickens to lay a lot of eggs, silence and an uninterrupted supply of food are necessary, that is, make sure that the chicken eats the amount of food that it requires, that is, 14 - 15 grams per day, so that there is always fresh water. This excursion was very interesting and educational.

Report on observations of the work of livestock farmers.Raising cows
I want to talk about how I was on a farm where cows are raised. A cow is a very useful animal for humans. Meat, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter - the cow gives us all this. A cow gives us 25 liters of milk per day, that’s almost three large buckets! Milk is very good for health: it contains a lot of vitamins.
There are many cows on the farm; they all live in the barn. Cows sleep in it, and in winter they escape from frost and blizzards. Cowsheds are large, warm barns with thick walls, floors and ceilings. The light is always on in them. In the barn, each cow has its own separate “room”. There is a drinking bowl for water and a feeder for food. In summer, cows are taken to meadows (pastures), where they eat fresh grass.

Report on observations of the work of livestock farmers.Raising rabbits
Once I was on a mini-farm where rabbits are bred and watched how these fluffy animals were fed. The farm worker poured ground fresh grass into special feeders for them. She said that this is a summer diet and we need to make sure that the rabbits do not get poisonous herbs. In winter, they are fed hay and a special “mash” of boiled potatoes, vegetables, bran and all kinds of grains. In addition, rabbits in winter really like twigs of spruce, birch, pine, apple and maple harvested from the summer.

The farm worker said it was very important to provide the rabbits with enough clean water at room temperature. Each rabbit needs at least half a liter of water per day. Otherwise, the food they eat will not be digested. It is also very important to monitor the cleanliness of the animals’ drinking bowls and feeders, since if they eat from dirty dishes, they will quickly get sick.

A horse is a very beautiful and graceful animal. There are more than two hundred breeds in the world, fifty of them are bred in the countries of the former USSR. This article will discuss their classification, and will also provide descriptions and photographs of some of the most popular ones.

In one of the developed classifications identified 3 main groups.

The first group included bred horse breeds with their inherent high performance, which were created under conditions specified by man. This group was divided into 4 types depending on purpose and specialization :

  • heavy-drawn vehicles (Soviet heavy truck, Russian heavy truck, Vladimir heavy truck, Percheron);
  • harness (Russian trotter, Oryol trotter, Finnish breed and others);
  • riding (purebred, Budennovskaya, Andalusian, Trakehner and other breeds);
  • horse-drawn (Hungarian, Morgan, Wielkopolska, German “half-breed” and others).

In the second group, bred animals are distinguished, but in conditions that are closest to natural. This group is also highly efficient. More homogeneous (upland, upper - harness), however, differ significantly in biological qualities and therefore their divided into zonal subgroups:

  • mountain,
  • steppe,
  • Southern Deserts.

The third group includes breeds formed by natural and artificial selection in the most similar natural conditions.

They have no specialization in terms of productivity (workers and meat and dairy workers); are distinctively adapted to local conditions and are divided according to distribution zones :

  • steppe,
  • northern forest,
  • mountain and
  • island ponies.

In this article we will look at the most common breeds of the first group for each type. And since today horses are of the greatest interest in sports and horseback riding, let's start with the riding horse.

Budenovskaya horse breed

Budenovskaya - riding, pretty common mixed breed. It was recorded in 1948. The breeding of this breed was carried out by the First Cavalry Army and other horse breedings located in the Rostov region, their leader was Marshal S.M. Budyonnov, in whose honor this breed was named. Don and Black Sea mares were crossed with purebred riding stallions. Thus, Budennovsky horses had strength and racing qualities.

Initially, this breed was created for the cavalry; it was necessary to achieve the endurance of the horse when creating it. However, when there was no longer a need for cavalry horses, the purpose of breeding became sport and horse riding, and the infusion of blood from racing breeds increased.

Budennovskaya differs in reference rack, her temperament is energetic. She has massive shapes, well-developed muscles, a straight, wide back and lower back, a broad chest, strong limbs, her head is proportional, and her neck is straight and long. The height of the Budennovsky horse reaches about 170 cm.

The most common color of the Budennovsky horse is red (as in the photograph presented), there are also brown, bay and raven colors.


Morgan is a riding and draft horse breed.

Surprisingly, American Morgans are descended from one stallion, named Justin Morgan. He was height no more than 142 cm, and weighing no more than 386 kg, however, became famous in competitions in carrying heavy loads and racing under saddle and in harness. This made him an exceptionally strong horse.

In appearance, Morgans give the impression of a compact horse (see photo) - deep body, short back, muscular croup. They have a wide forehead big eyes, short protruding ears, lush mane and tail. They have a light, springy step, which is perhaps why they are considered the best walking horses.

Morgans reach an average height of 144-157 cm at the withers and a weight of about 450 kg. They can have black, bay, brown and red colors.

Oryol trotter

The Oryol trotter is a draft horse, it is also called the Oryol trotting horse. A characteristic feature of him is that he is able to run at a brisk trot.

This Russian breed was bred at a stud farm at the end of the 13th century. early XIX century thanks to Count A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky, in whose honor it was named. The Orlov Trotter was developed by crossing approximately fifteen different breeds.

The head size of this animal large sizes, humpbacked trotters are common. The neck of the Oryol trotter is straight and long; a swan-shaped withers of medium height is also often found. They have small and erect ears and large eyes. The back is long and laid down, the croup of this breed is lowered, as can be seen in the photo.

The Oryol trotter appears tall due to its wide chest. These horses move beautifully look smart and beautiful in harness. They have endurance and significant strength. Oryol trotters come in snow white or dapple gray, grey, black, bay, red and, very rarely, karak.

Soviet heavy truck - unusually strong and large breed horses with high carrying capacity.

Their weight can reach about a ton, and their height is 170 cm. This breed has muscular forms (just look at the photo), a large, wide chest, back, loin, very wide croup, legs of medium length, has coarse hair in the mane and tail, head medium size. Predisposed to fat deposits. Temperament is calm, phlegmatic, and at the same time energetic. Mares are capable of producing large quantities milk.

The Soviet heavy truck was bred more than 60 years ago by crossing Ardennes, Brabançons, Percherons and Bityugs.

The most common colors are red, bay, and less often black and brown.

An interesting and famous fact in the world about the record in lifting weights (which has not been broken to this day) is associated with a representative of this breed - a stallion named Force - he managed to remove a load weighing 22991 kg and walked 35 m with it.

And although interest in horses faded with the development of technological progress, and they lost their original purpose, thanks to connoisseurs who saved many breeds after wars and other troubles, the world can still enjoy the beauty and strength of horses.