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With the modern pace of life and its tension, rarely can anyone boast of self-control and calmness. Even naturally phlegmatic people, under the pressure of circumstances, break down and lose their temper. And how can one be cool-blooded when tension grows every day: on the one hand, a person is pressured by external circumstances: problems in the family, at work, poor environment, lack of communication, financial crisis, on the other hand, his internal state, often caused by these very circumstances. But learning to manage your emotions and find peace is extremely important: it depends on personal life, relationships with others, career, health. Feeling inner harmony- this is the state that any normal person strives for.

Malice, anger, intolerance, rudeness create tension, take away physical and mental strength, exhaust, destroy relationships and families. By learning to control your emotions, you can significantly improve the quality of your life, manage to do much more, and significantly expand your circle of friends. There are many recommendations that aim to develop the ability to remain cool-headed. The most important of them come down to the following basic rules: There is no need to dramatize events. Of course, everyone tends to exaggerate the complexity of a problem that concerns them personally. Pimple on own nose many people think it is more important than hunger in African countries. You should not exaggerate the negative and escalate the situation.

To learn to objectively assess the situation, you can start with the simplest thing: stop using words and phrases like “always”, “never”, “well when finally”, “I knew it.” This vocabulary is typical for people with a maximalist character, who cannot live a day without creating dramas, against the background of which Shakespeare’s Hamlet will seem like an ordinary soap opera. It is better to replenish your vocabulary with the phrases “It’s okay,” “I can do it,” “It can be worse.” Over time, they will help you learn to look at the problem from a different point of view and look for solutions instead of falling into hysterics. There is no need to tell others about the problem that has just arisen.

Of course, with some complexity it immediately seems insoluble, and retelling its essence under the sauce of violent emotions to friends and family will certainly give them the impression of the impossibility of finding a way out. The interlocutors (sometimes based on good intentions) begin to empathize and express sympathy, thereby increasing tension and preparing the ground for the final loss of control over the situation. It is better to first analyze any problem that arises alone, and, if possible, with a fresh mind. Fatigue and hunger can contribute to inappropriately inflating the complexity of the situation. It’s better to rest and eat first, and then analyze and look for possible solutions.

To maintain composure, psychologists advise using the method of visualization and metaphors. You can imagine the problem as a knot that gets tangled and tightens as anxiety and panic grow. With inner calm and concentration, on the contrary, it weakens, and it becomes possible to untangle it with ease. The ability to critically look at an irritated self from the outside, through the eyes of those around you, and then mentally imagine yourself as calm, restrained, able to focus and concentrate on finding a solution, also helps a lot. The image should be as bright as possible, thought out to the smallest detail. It is necessary to feel it to the smallest detail and realize the feeling of psychological comfort that communication with this still imaginary character creates.

It is necessary to eradicate the habit of shouting, moving nervously, rushing from corner to corner in a state of nervous tension. You can start by developing a manner of speaking quietly, slowly but confidently, thinking through all your words and assessing the reaction they can cause in your interlocutor and others. Gestures must also be controlled. Unrestrained people are characterized by violent gestures and expressive facial expressions that can convey their emotions without words. When developing an external habit of calm gestures and maintaining a restrained facial expression, emotions are automatically regulated, since a conditional connection has been established between them in the brain over the years, and a change in one link of this chain certainly leads to a change in another.

The next step is to identify the situations that most often provoke a loss of composure. For some, this is a noisy environment, loud music, for others, on the contrary, the absence of sounds. When looking for reasons for loss of self-control, every little detail should be taken into account: from the time of day to the food eaten and the degree of workload or state of boredom and idleness. Information about personal irritants helps prevent a violent outburst of emotions. Best advice regarding how to become calm: you need to realize your ability to self-control. To do this, you need to remember as many situations as possible in which you managed to remain calm in the presence of rather difficult circumstances.

Sometimes the presence of a child, strangers, phone call, which makes it possible to switch. Creating relaxing rituals helps a lot. For some it may be calm music, for others it may be complete silence, for others it may be observation. aquarium fish. You can light scented candles. The smell of lavender, pine needles, lemon balm has a relaxing effect, tea tree. Very important point is proper diet and adequate sleep. With increased nervous excitability You should reduce the amount of coffee, tea, and sugar consumed.

Sometimes the cause of irritability is increased or reduced level blood sugar. It should be measured regularly and adjusted if necessary. An excellent tool getting rid of negative energy are physical exercise, yoga and meditation. Of course, each person knows what helps him best. It is important to remember that pacifying escaping emotions is much more difficult than preventing their manifestation.

1. Try don't dramatize

Never make a big deal out of proportion. Calm down, pull yourself together and soberly assess the situation. Follow your thoughts. Don't let them lead you in the wrong direction. Think that what happened is not scary at all, that you can solve the problem and get out of the current situation with ease. Stay positive. This will make it much easier for you. Don't panic under any circumstances.

2. Think before sharing a problem.

So you want to understand how to develop composure. First, break down your problem. Think about it yourself, weigh all the pros and cons. Determine exactly which way to solve the problem you consider the most successful. Do not rush to inform everyone around you about the current situation.

Think it over yourself first! By telling your friends everything right away, you will give them information that is not entirely correct, exaggerated. You can say that you misinform them and, naturally, their view of the situation will not be objective. Calm down, think for yourself and only then, if necessary, share with others.

3. Discover visualization as a way to stay calm.

Each of us can learn to solve our problems without panicking. To do this, you need to understand how to develop composure. In turn, for this you need to learn to imagine the most complex life situations like a tangled knot that can always be unraveled. The more nervous you are, the tighter the knot will tighten. And as soon as you will relax, there will be an excellent chance to untangle it, and therefore calmly solve your problem.

4. Realize that you can control your emotions.

Learn to control your emotions. There is no need to panic, scream, or throw hysterics. Learn to calm down and pull yourself together. No need to wave your arms and run from corner to corner. Just try to relax and breathe calmly. You will succeed if you will try.

5. Create a calm environment

Try to get rid of all the irritants around you. Everyone has their own. It could be noise or, conversely, silence, the people around you, even the closest ones, conversations around you and much more. If necessary, stay with yourself, think carefully, concentrate and try to find a solution to the problem.

6. Pay attention to the soul

A very important skill for any person is the ability to remain calm, no matter what situation he finds himself in. All negative emotions and experiences such as panic, fear, anger can completely deprive you of your strength without giving anything in return. Those who do not know how to maintain composure and manage their emotions very often become victims of stress and nervous breakdowns, which over time can transform into chronic disease. And vice versa, those who are able to keep their nerves in check are able to achieve success in all their endeavors, know how to build harmonious relationships with others, always cope with all planned tasks on time.

How to become cold-blooded and how to learn to manage your emotions? There are many tips for this, the creation of which scientists have seriously worked on.

Tip #1.

Regardless of the situation you find yourself in, first of all try to soberly analyze it and give it an adequate assessment. It may turn out that under the influence of emotions you are blowing the most ordinary fly into an elephant. Direct your thoughts in a positive direction. Make yourself think that you are stronger than circumstances and the problem is not as terrible as it seems at first glance. This will help you get rid of unnecessary worry.

Tip #2.

When faced with any problem, first try to solve it with your own. Only if you can’t do it, share this with others. Very often, when you begin to talk about an incident with horror in your eyes, your interlocutors begin to react to it in the same way as you, and you, looking at them, become convinced of the complexity of the situation, even if it is not as terrible as you thought so at first.

Tip #3.

Facing difficult situation, try to imagine it in the form of a heavy knot, which becomes even more entangled when you, and unravels when you calm down, thereby giving you a chance to unravel it.

Tip #4.

On the question of how to become cold-blooded, it is very important to learn how to control your facial expressions, gestures and movements. Don't fuss, don't run from corner to corner and don't shout. Maintain external calm and equanimity and, without noticing it, you will actually be able to calm down and make the most correct decisions.

Tip #5.

It is very difficult to maintain composure if your body is exhausted and you are tired. If you haven't gotten enough sleep or are feeling hungry, your behavior can easily become irritable. Try to make your body always feel comfortable. Moderate physical activity can also help in this matter.

Tip #6.

Remember that breathing is a powerful tool with which every person, no matter what situation he is in, can pull himself together. A person under the influence of emotions and experiences, as a rule, breathes intermittently, not rhythmically, in small breaths. Try to breathe deeply full breasts, and you will see for yourself that yours will begin to come into order, and you will calm down.