Flat aquarium fish. The most beautiful aquarium fish

Fish for beginners should be unpretentious and easy to keep. So that caring for the aquarium and its inhabitants does not require experience, knowledge and qualifications. The following families of fish are suitable:

  • labyrinthine,
  • viviparous,
  • carp,
  • catfish,
  • cichlids.

Let us dwell on the description of only some species and specimens.

Labyrinth fish

They got their name for breathing ordinary air, the oxygen from which is absorbed in a special labyrinth of the fish’s body. For their content no need for a compressor, and can be transported in your pocket, wrapped in a wet cloth. The most common ones are:

The fish is 4-5 cm (occasionally up to 10 cm), especially beautiful when it fully opens its fins. Varied in color, brighter when excited or during spawning. Females are more modest both in color and in the size of their fins. By right called "fighting". It is very aggressive towards its own mirror image, rivals, and other fish species, and can fray its fins. When a female appears or just a change of water, it reacts violently. An unpretentious fish, with a temperature of up to 28 degrees, but feeling calm even at 18 degrees, it is ready to make do with an aquarium volume of 5 liters for each specimen.

Gourami grumbling

This fish breaks the main stereotype - it can talk. More precisely, make sounds reminiscent of chirping or croaking. The noise of the group really resembles grumbling. The silhouette of these fish, reaching a length of 7.5 cm, is vaguely similar to a shark. The color varies from brilliant blue to greenish and sometimes golden brown. An indispensable attribute is 2 or more tracks of dark spots along the body. The fins, which have a wide and rounded shape, with arrow-shaped endings in males. The abdominal ones are thread-like.

This aquarium fish has a very calm, accommodating, schooling and slightly timid behavior. Eats any food, but gives preference to those floating on the surface or nearby. Requires 24-28 degrees. content temperature, in 15 liters of steamed water, with an abundance of vegetation in the aquarium.

Viviparous fish

The very name “viviparous” indicates that these fish differ from most in the method of reproduction and the birth of offspring. As a result of mating, fertilization of the eggs occurs in the abdomen of the female, from where they emerge as fry. Moreover, having received the seed once, the female capable of reproducing offspring up to 8 times. The following species are often common in aquariums:

  • guppy,
  • molinesia,
  • swordtails,
  • platylia,
  • Amec.

Perhaps the most unpretentious of unpretentious fish. Males boast a huge variety of colors, patterns, iridescences and magnificent, veil-like tails. Size 2-4 cm, and the discreet-looking females are always larger and reach 7 cm. These are sociable aquarium fish fish that cannot withstand long periods of solitude are victims of attacks when kept with other, more aggressive species of fish.

Lovers of natural light. They are content with a space of 2-3 liters per couple and even in such conditions they will be able to reproduce. Content temperature 18-30 degrees. They prefer to eat live food, but do not refuse plant food.


Viviparous fish, which got its name from the shape of its tail. His inferior process strongly elongated and pointed, resembling a sword. This is a purely male attribute of a sexually mature male. The color of these fish, reaching 10 cm (excluding the appendage), varies from light olive to light brown, with a black edging of the sword. Females are traditionally larger and can reach 12 cm, but have a paler color. In groups of fish with a limited number of males, cases of females turning into males have been noticed, with a corresponding growth of the sword.

They live peacefully with other fish of similar sizes, but are aggressive towards small ones and those with bushy tails. They feel comfortable at a temperature of 22-26 degrees. They eat everything, giving preference to any meat dishes, but do not refuse plant food, are calm about long breaks in nutrition.

Predatory inhabitants of aquariums

It is worth noting that the term “predatory” refers to fish that often exhibit an aggressive nature and, for the most part, eat meat. A distinctive feature of such aquarium fish is their intelligence and complex social behavior , due to the fact that they are ready to hunt and are more jealous of their territory. These include not only bloodthirsty, but also quite large number fish that manifest themselves as such only in certain time or in certain circumstances. Their types:


This unpretentious, strong and agile aquarium fish that exhibit a character that determines the specificity of their keeping. They have a laterally flattened and vertically expanded body, with a large mouth and bulging eyes. They are found from monochromatic to multi-colored, from striped to dotted, with sufficient lighting the color is brighter. Males develop a frontal wen with age. The dorsal and ventral fins of this fish are deflected towards a wide tail and end in elongated processes. Males reach 10 cm, females are 2-3 cm smaller.

They do not tolerate proximity to smaller fish, destroying them. This necessitates the need for separate maintenance or a large volume of water in the aquarium. Form permanent couples , require a separate territory and jealously defend it, especially during spawning and raising of fry, which they literally walk and drive home every day, for the period of growth.

Cichlazomas are able to recognize the owner and eat from the hand, but can painfully bite the finger if a person encroaches on the nesting territory. It is desirable to have an abundance of grottoes, shelters and strongly fortified algae for the comfortable maintenance of these fish. Being virtually omnivores, they require at least 70% of the diet from meat and protein foods. the required temperature is within 24-28 degrees.

Long-snouted cichlid

This fish is sometimes called the knife cichlid because of its very elongated, pointed body. The head, with a protruding lower lip, occupies slightly less than half the length, reaching 12 cm in males, and up to 10 cm in females. The color is silver, with a blue or greenish tint, and there are golden-orange dots at the ends of the dorsal and anal fins. Females have a color closer to olive.

This predator is quite calm, but loves to pounce on shiny objects, and when attacking other fish, on their eyes. Males are polygamous they need a harem, if he gets by with only a couple of females, he constantly pesters them. Activity can be reduced by increasing the aquarium and the number of females, as well as creating plenty of hiding places and introducing only faster and larger neighbors.

During spawning, these fish jealously guard the nest. All incubation period and until the fry get stronger and feed themselves, for several weeks, the female carries them in her mouth. Cichlids require a variety of live or frozen meat food; some “lovers” provide small fish. For maintenance they require a large aquarium, more than 200 liters per family, with a temperature of 24-28 degrees.

The smallest inhabitants of aquariums

In a large aquarium they will be invisible, but in a small aquarium it may not be so easy to maintain a regular microclimate, because small fish are often very picky about their living conditions. Preferably flocks of 8-12 individuals so that aquarium life is interesting for both the fish and their owner. These include:

Dwarf tetradon

This is a small, four-toothed predator, up to 2.5-3 cm in length. It is yellowish in color with dark, irregularly shaped spots on its body, resembling a tadpole. Sexually mature males are brighter and sometimes have a dark stripe on the abdomen. Goggle eyes move independently of each other.

Like many small fish, they are quite shy, but like all predators, they are quite smart. They are attentively interested in what is happening behind the glass and when a person appears, they can beg for food, deliberately showing themselves. Interesting feature, their reaction to fear is to swell into a ball 2-3 body sizes in size.

They hunt snails, worms, mollusks and juvenile shrimp, hovering over the prey for a long time and choosing the moment. They require a predominance of shell food to wear down teeth, live or frozen. They are relatively peaceful with their aquarium neighbors, but those with large tails will definitely be chewed off. Content temperature 23-27 degrees in an aquarium from 15 liters of water, part of the space in which has dense greenery and shelter.

Pygmy catfish

The aquarium fish Corydoras pygmy attracts with its elegant and discreet appearance. A greyish-olive elongated body, with widened sides, a dark back and a stripe running from the nose to the tail. The corners of the mouth have small antennae. The size of females is up to 3 cm, and for males - up to 2.5 cm.

The fish is peaceful, curious and accommodating, with the sparrow-like behavior of a flock that can sit side by side, having taken a liking to a snag or leaf, and then rush off to another place after one of its relatives. Behave more actively and confidently with a content of 10 copies, with the number of males at least 2 per female. They like to swarm around the bottom, with businesslike while absorbing food. They eat everything that can fit into a small mouth. We are happy with an aquarium of 40 liters, per flock of 6-12 fish, with a temperature of 24-26 degrees.

Strawberry rasbora

Sometimes you can hear the name “Strawberry Boraras”, as well as similar variations. There is no difference, it is the same bright red fish, with a body size of 1.5-2.0 cm and having a dark spot on each side, oval in shape, reminiscent of a berry mark. Females are more faded in color and can reach 2.5 cm in length, and the spot is round in shape, but smaller in size.

This timid, fussy and very active fish, preferring to stay in a flock, so for natural and comfortable behavior, it is better to keep from 7-10 specimens. Feels good in an aquarium densely planted with aquatic plants, the bottom of which is lined with dry leaves, which reminds the fish of natural conditions and helps to better observe their life, against a dark background. These fish eat all protein and frozen foods, but being insectivores, they prefer live and small ones.

They live well even in aquariums of 10 liters per school of 8-10 fish, but they feel more freely and reproduce in large volumes. Content temperature 23-28 degrees.

The underwater world is large and diverse; it is impossible to describe all its splendor within the framework of one material. We just touched it. They lifted the veil of secrecy only over some of the inhabitants of the fish kingdom. Everyone can take this path of observation and discovery by joining the ranks of aquarists.

Fish species that can live in an aquarium belong to 11 families. The most popular are the representatives of carp (Cyprinidae): barb, zebrafish, labeo, goldfish. There are a number of characteristics that all aquarium fish have: decorative coloring, medium-sized sizes, whimsical shapes.

Aquarium fish compatibility

The main task of fish aquarium keeping is to create conditions for the inhabitants that are close to natural. One of the signs wellness fish - maintaining the ability to reproduce, good color and size, not different from the standard one. To maintain fish health it is necessary balanced diet with a variety of nutritional ingredients.

Sumatran barb (Capoeta (Barbus) tetrazona)

Choosing aquarium fish based on photo and name, feeding habits is an important point, but when organizing an aquarium, knowledge of the rules of compatibility of inhabitants is required:

  1. The sizes of the fish should be similar. Large and small individuals cannot be kept together.
  2. Aggressive species require solitary confinement; sometimes cohabitation with larger individuals is allowed.
  3. The speed of movement of the inhabitants should also be similar. Nimble fish and lovers of calm swimming do not get along well.

Veiled guppies

There are groups of calm and temperamental varieties or those with potential aggression. This division does not take into account many nuances, and complex selection methods are beyond the power of beginners. In addition to the nature of the specimens, compatibility is influenced by the conditions of their maintenance before purchase, including with which species they lived together. It is better to purchase fry that have not yet grown up and raise them together, then you can combine poorly compatible species in one aquarium.

Danio Chopra (Chepra) (Danio choprae, Brachydanio choprae)

There are a number of characteristics that all aquarium fish have: decorative coloring, medium-sized sizes, whimsical shapes.

Goldfish Comet -Carassius gibelio forma auratus

Compatibility categories

Timid small aquarium fish (guppies, cardinals, common neons, fire tetras, glass perches) are incompatible with other species, only with each other. A 60 liter aquarium is suitable.

Cardinal (veil form) - Tanichthys albonubes Lin Shu Yen

Neon blue or common Paracheirodon innesi

Fire tetra or Tetra von Rio - Hyphessobrycon flammeus

Glass perch (Chanda ranga)

Peaceful (danios, swordtails, mollies, larger ones: tetras various types). You need a volume of water of 60-100 liters. These are collective fish, purchased in several specimens.

Ruby forked swordtail - Xiphophorus helleri

Mollies latipinna - Poecilia latipinna

Tetra Colombian or Red Colombian tetra -Hyphessobrycon colombianus

Active, quite peaceful and compatible with each other (barbs, gourami, labeo, lalius, macropods, bindweed, eels). Fry are kept in an aquarium of 50 liters, adults - 100 liters.

Pearl Gourami – Trichogaster leeri

Labeotropheus trewavasae

Red neon lalius - Colisa lalia

Common macropod or paradise fish - Macropodus opercularis

Macrognathus ocellated or Siamese - Macrognathus aculeatus

Apistogramma, lamprologus and pelmitochromis are not aggressive, but protect the territory. These cichlids have dwarf sizes; they require a large aquarium of 50 liters for two fish; they can be decorated with live plants.

Apistogramma ramirez

Lamprologus speciosus - Lamprologus speciosus

Aggressive and large cichlids (cichlazomas) get along well with plecostomus, cuckoo catfish, pangasius, and older labeos. For young fish, an aquarium of 100 liters is suitable, then at least 200 liters.

Cichlid mbuna yellow or Labidochromis yellow - lat. Labidochromis caeruleus

Synodontis multipunctatus

Pangasius, shark catfish— Pangasius hypophthalmus

Aggressive predators (astronotus) can be kept together with large-sized pacu, pangasius and plecostomus. For fry, an aquarium of at least 300 liters is needed, after growing up - at least 500 liters.

Red pacu - Piaractus brachypomus

Astronotus “Fiery Oscar” - Astronotus ocellatus

Black-striped plecostomus, royal plecostomus, royal panaque - Panaque nigrolineatus

Aggressive cichlids with territorial behavior (iodotropheus, labeotropheus, mbuna, melanochromis, etc.). To keep the mbuna, a school of 12-15 fish is formed; these cichlids are compatible with aquarium orderlies (Ancistrus, Bariancistrus, Pterygoplicht brocade, Soma synodontis). A smaller number of individuals will lead to the constant oppression of weak specimens by strong ones. A volume of at least 300 liters and fish for the upper layers (Australian rainbowfish) are required as indicators of the absence of predators.

Rusty cichlid, Iodotropheus sprengerae

Melanochromis golden - Melanochromis auratus

PTERYGOPLICHTHYS Gibbiceps - Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps

Territorial cichlids (aulonocara, some varieties of mbuna, utaka, haplochromis) actively swimming with medium aggressiveness. Requires keeping a group of 12 fish. During the growth period, an aquarium from 300 liters and after that no less than 500-700 liters is suitable. Synodontis catfishes are compatible with Alunocarans and Haplochromis.


Baryancistrus Golden Nugget

Popular types of fish

Aquarium fish of the poeciliaceae family are in second place in popularity after carp. Caring for such representatives as guppies, swordtails, mollies, platies - best option gaining experience by novice aquarists. Anthracitus, loach and bomic are also popular varieties of aquarium fish. Photos and names of cichlids attract many due to the variety of shapes and colors of the species. Common representatives: astronotus, discus, angelfish. Among the labyrinthine family, laliuses, macropods, and cockerels are popular.

Red Turkis Discus - Symphysodon aequifasciata

In conclusion, some examples of fish compatibility. Lalius, iris and angelfish are always successfully combined with each other, subject to a water volume of 150 liters or more. The height of the container is from 50 cm. Additionally, the system can be populated with cuckoo catfish. Aquarium goldfish are familiar to many by their photo and name, but not everyone knows what they like cold water. As the individuals grow, a volume of 40 liters per fish will be required. They cannot be used to stock aggressive koi, comets, or Shubunkin pond fish.

Siamese Cockerel, Banded Cockerel, Masked Cockerel or Siamese Fighting Fish - Betta splendens Regan, Betta bellica, Betta pugnax, Betta imbellis

Red and white riukin - Carassius auratus

Goldfish – Oranda Little Red Riding Hood – Tancho Oranda

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Aquarium fish have long ceased to be exotic and have taken an important place among favorite pets. Aquarium keeping has become a common hobby, although not a cheap one, with its pros and cons. And fish, even rare specimens, can be bought today in almost any pet store.

However, you shouldn’t grab the first one you like; first you need to understand how to care for it and whether you can do it. To begin with, especially beginners, you need to understand that aquarium fish come in several types, and depending on this, their behavior, gastronomic preferences and requirements for living conditions will change.

Which families of chordates are suitable for an aquarium? There are a lot of varieties, and the main criterion limiting the choice will only be your ability to create favorable conditions. Many beginners mistakenly think that the size of an aquarium depends only on the size of the fish that should populate it. This is not entirely true. For example, they also require a large space because they breathe oxygen dissolved in water. But catfish and catfish, capable of swimming to the surface and breathing atmospheric oxygen, are therefore more unpretentious in this matter.

It would also be a good idea to find out in advance about the conditions in which the future pet lives in nature. This will help recreate the habitat for the fish in the aquarium. The better you study the selected individual, the less chance of its death.

But don’t be afraid, the fish have long adapted to artificial conditions habitat. They even managed to maintain reproductive ability, although breeding requires considerable effort from the owner - creating suitable conditions and preserving the offspring does not always work out the first time.

Content Features

It is no coincidence that the description of many aquarium fish begins with how easy-going they are. Not everyone can afford to maintain two or more aquariums at home, so they have to move neighbors in with existing pets. And they don't always get along. First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the individuals. Most often more large fish They will exterminate the small ones very quickly. Never introduce them to other chordate species, as they are prone to aggression. Don't forget about the temperament of the fish. Keeping active and slow individuals in the same aquarium will not lead to anything good.

And this is not to mention the requirements for water and food, which can vary greatly depending on the type of fish. Dissimilarity temperature regime, hardness and acidity of water and even light intensity can lead to dire consequences.

Aquariums and fish must fit perfectly together, otherwise this may result in illness and even death of the latter.

Types of fish

There are many varieties of aquarium fish. Therefore, you can easily choose a pet according to your preferences and capabilities. Below are the types of aquarium fish with photos :

  • Belontium or - representatives of this family are able to breathe atmospheric air. For this they have special body- a labyrinth, which gave these fish their second name. The family includes the following large species: Anabasaceae, Helostoma. Representatives of this family must be provided with access to the surface of the water so that they can swallow atmospheric air, otherwise they will suffocate and die.

  • Loaches are one of the largest families, which includes more than 30 genera and 150 species. These are quite small fish - the size of the largest individuals does not exceed 15 cm. Loaches prefer to stay near the bottom, lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend most of their time in shelters.

  • – very common among aquarists due to their ease of maintenance. They have a peaceful character and are completely incapable of aggression. This family includes those that are so beloved by beginners. There are even more subspecies and genera of cyprinids than loaches.

  • - most of the representatives of this family. They are distinguished by their bright colors and ease of maintenance. Aquarists love to breed these fish, and at the moment There are many artificially bred genera that differ in color and fin shape. The most famous representatives are guppies, swordtails, and girardinus.

  • – representatives of the family live in fresh water bodies of Africa. They have a peaceful disposition and prefer to live in packs. Due to its small dimensions, several representatives of the species can be safely kept in one aquarium. The fish have very bright and varied colors, which is why they are loved among aquarists. Despite the fact that most representatives are not prone to aggression, piranhas, very dangerous predators, belong to this family.

  • - the largest family of vertebrates. To date, 1,300 species have been described, and that’s not all. A distinctive feature is the method of reproduction and care of the fry. These fish are one of the few chordates endowed with the instinct to protect their offspring.

  • - a very large family that includes many subspecies. It is worth considering that not all representatives of this species are decorative. And a small baby bought in a store can turn into a huge fish in six months, which will be cramped in your aquarium. Therefore, before getting any catfish, carefully read its description, habitat and conditions of detention.

  • Gobies are inhabitants of warm seas. They prefer to stay in the lower layers of water near the bottom.

  • Multi-feathered - they got their name due to the bizarre arrangement and shape of the fins. Almost all representatives of this family are quite large predators. They have an unusual structure respiratory system, due to which they can breathe both oxygen dissolved in water and atmospheric oxygen.

  • Carp-toothed fish are rare inhabitants of aquariums, as they have a bad character and cannot tolerate not only representatives of other fish, but also their own kind. They differ in that, when frightened, they are able to swell and raise spines over the entire surface of the body.

Not all types of aquarium fish are listed here, but only the most popular and widely available.

How to choose a fish and create suitable conditions for it?

As mentioned above, the fish and its aquarium should resemble each other. Therefore, you first need to decide what to purchase first. If you already have an aquarium, then the pet approaches it. Beginners should pay attention to unpretentious fish.

Beforehand, familiarize yourself not only with the conditions of keeping the individual, but also with photographs, since an unscrupulous seller or breeder may try to deceive you by slipping you the wrong variety or a sick fish.

Be sure to find out the exact name of the pet you like so as not to make a mistake. For example, there are quite a few species and subspecies of ornamental catfish, and they all have their own names.

Once you have made your choice, you need to prepare a home for your future pet. For this, suitable containers, plants, decorations, and soil are selected. You will be able to go to the store for the fish itself only three weeks after the aquarium is launched.

Koi carps, keeping and breeding, ponds for Koi carps - 4.5 out of 5 based on 39 votes

Brocade carp (or koi carp) is an ornamental variety of common carp. Moreover, only those fish that have passed 6 selective selections can be considered koi. There are approximately 80 breeds of koi carp in the world. They are divided into 16 groups, which are combined into several or one general characteristics:

Sacbranch catfish, feeding, keeping, breeding, photo of sacbranchial catfish - 4.4 out of 5 based on 11 votes

The sacbranch catfish is the only representative of the sacbranch family (or sacbranchids). The length of a catfish in an aquarium can reach up to 25-35 cm, and in natural reservoirs up to 60-70 cm.

The color is brown and gray-black, and there is also an albino form.

The body is elongated, slightly flattened on the sides, and wriggles like a snake when swimming. The head is small and pointed with small eyes and 8 long whiskers arranged in pairs. On the sides from the tail to the gill covers there are additional respiratory organs, thanks to which the catfish can bury itself in the mud or leave the water.

Colisa striped, Lyalius, Honey gourami - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Colisa striped, Lyalius, Honey gourami.

These freshwater fish inhabit Southeast Asia and India. They have a slightly elongated body, flattened laterally. A labyrinth apparatus allows fish of the genus Coliza to breathe atmospheric air. Another distinctive feature are two ventral thread-like fins that serve as an organ of touch for colises.

Colises are peaceful fish that live in the middle and upper layers of water. They can be kept in an aquarium along with other fish.

Cichlids, maintenance, food for cichlids, breeding of cichlids. - 4.2 out of 5 based on 13 votes


Cichlids are representatives of the Cichlid family from the order Perciformes. This family consists of a huge number of different species of fish: about 1300 species have already been described, and together with undescribed species the total number reaches 1900 species. This fact makes the cichlid family one of the three largest families vertebrates. They are characterized by certain methods of reproduction, behavioral reactions and morphological characteristics.

Cichlids are common in freshwater lakes, streams, and slow-moving rivers in Africa, Southwest Asia, and South and Central America.

Barbs, green, Sumatran, keeping barbs, breeding barbs, photo - 4.1 out of 5 based on 7 votes

Barbs (Sumatran and green)

- small, mobile and variously colored fish of the carp family. The size of the fish depends on the species: from 2cm to 15cm or more. Life expectancy also depends on the specific species, but generally about 4-5 years. Some of the most popular barbs among aquarists are Sumatran and green.

The Sumatran barb or tiger barb is a 7-centimeter fish with a tall and laterally flattened body. The general background color of the body is yellowish-golden, the back has a greenish tint, and the sides have a brownish-red tint. Transverse wide black stripes run across the entire body. All fins are red, the dorsal is black with a red border.

Tetradon, maintenance, breeding, food for tetradon - 3.3 out of 5 based on 12 votes


Tetradon belongs to the four-toothed family. There are several types of tetradons, differing in aggressiveness and size, as well as toxicity. The body is usually clumsy and thick-skinned; the head is relatively large; eyes widely spaced; the skin is bare or covered with three-rayed spines; pelvic fins are absent, all other fins have only soft rays. In a moment of fear, it swells and turns into a solid ball.

Angelfish, maintenance, reproduction of angelfish, photo - 4.4 out of 5 based on 13 votes


The angelfish belongs to the cichlid family. These fish are unpretentious and have developed intelligence.

The body is round, strongly flattened laterally. The pelvic fins are elongated, the back and anal fins are crescent-shaped. In nature, the main color of the angelfish is silver with several transverse black stripes. Depending on the temperature of the water, the lighting of the aquarium, the conditions of keeping and feeding, they become densely black or pale. Breeding species of angelfish are diverse in appearance and coloring.

Adults can reach 15 cm in length and up to 26 cm in height, so they require tall aquariums.

Life expectancy is on average up to 15 years.

Rasbora, wedge-spotted, wedge-shaped rasbora, maintenance, breeding rasbora - 3.5 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Rasbora heteromorph

Rasbora heteromorph (Rasbora wedge-shaped/Rasbora cuneiformata) belongs to the cyprinid family. There are about fifty types of rasboras.

The body of the rasbora wedge-shaped is wider than most other rasboras and has a diamond shape. It is called wedge-spotted for its black-blue triangular spot on the back half of the body, stretching along the side of the fish to the end of the caudal peduncle. The body color is pinkish-red, turning into silver on the abdomen. The pectoral and ventral fins are transparent; the anal fins have longitudinal dark streaks. The dorsal and caudal fins are red, and unevenly colored with a transition to transparent.

Mollies, platies, photo, reproduction of mollies, content - 4.8 out of 5 based on 5 votes

Pecilia (mollies)

Pecilia (mollies) belongs to the family of viviparous toothed carps. The body is short, dense with a wide caudal fin. In mature males, the anal fin is curled into a tube.

Thanks to selection, aquarium platies differ from platies in nature in the variety of body colors. There are about ten color variations.

The length of the fish can reach up to 8cm.

The lifespan of platies in an aquarium is from three to five years.

Cockerel, photo, keeping cockerels, reproduction, betta fish - 4.4 out of 5 based on 33 votes


The cockerel, or common betta fish, belongs to the labyrinth family. It got its name due to its warlike disposition - males always fight among themselves, like real roosters. There are even special fighting fish fights, where spectators organize betting. Most fights end with the death of one of the fighters. Slim body The cockerel is elongated in length, almost round in cross section. The body color is varied and depends on the habitat. Fish are often found in nature dark brown with shiny rows of green spots. Veiled forms of cockerels with elongated fins and different colors have been selectively bred: pink and white, blue, red, black, green, yellow or various variations of these colors.

Brocade catfish, brocade pterygoplicht, maintenance, reproduction of catfish - 4.2 out of 5 based on 32 votes

Brocade catfish

Brocade catfish (Brarovy pterygoplicht) is a representative of the chain-mail catfish family.

The body is flattened from above, elongated. One pair of mustaches. Mouth in the form of a large strong suction cup. The fins are large: the dorsal is in the form of a sail, the tail is sloping towards the head top part, there are no braids on it, the ventral fins almost touch the pectoral fins.

Features of Pterygoplicht: by using circulatory system its intestines can absorb atmospheric air. When there is a lack of oxygen dissolved in the water, they rise to the surface and swallow an air bubble. It survives periods of drought remarkably well, burying itself in river silt.

Neon, blue neon, content, neon breeding, photo - 3.5 out of 5 based on 19 votes

Neon blue

Neon (blue or regular) belongs to the characin family.

The body is narrow, graceful. A shining blue stripe runs along the sides, and underneath it is the same bright scarlet one. The fins are transparent, uncolored.

The female grows up to 4 centimeters, the male is usually 0.5-1 centimeter smaller than the female.

In an aquarium, blue neon can live 3-5 years.

Minor, characins, maintenance, breeding of minors, photo of minor - 3.0 out of 5 based on 8 votes


Minor belongs to the characin family. The body is long, high, laterally compressed. There is an adipose fin.

The color of the minors is bright: the back is brown with a green tint, the sides are bright red, behind the gill cover there is a small black spot, dorsal fin with a small black spot and a white tip, the adipose fin is transparent, all others are red.

The body length of the fish reaches 4 cm.

The lifespan of a minor is approximately 6 years.

Swordtails, maintenance, feeding, reproduction of swordtails, photo - 4.3 out of 5 based on 58 votes


Swordtails belong to the family of viviparous toothed carps. The body is elongated, flattened laterally.

The natural background color of males is light brownish-olive, with a green tint on the back. A two-millimeter red stripe runs along the sides, and below and above it are two more narrow red stripes. The long lower ray of the caudal fin (sword) has a clear black edge. The color of the female is much paler, the body has a silvery sheen, the middle of the body is occupied by a wide stripe, and below and above this stripe there are two more narrow stripes 0.5 mm wide.

Labeo, photo, two-color labeo, maintenance, breeding, food for labeo - 4.5 out of 5 based on 4 votes


Labeo bicolor belongs to the carp family. Individuals of this species have an elongated body, the line of the back is very curved compared to the belly. Characteristic are two pairs of antennae and horny villi at the mouth. The fins are large. The tail fin is two-lobed.

The color of the labeo is two-tone: the body and fins are velvety black, the caudal fin is bright red. The coloring of young animals is not so contrasting: the body is dark gray, with a black dot visible behind the head. The fry have a white edging on the dorsal fin. Females are quite larger and paler than males. In nature, labeo can reach a length of 30 cm; in an aquarium, females reach no more than 13 cm, and males 11 cm.

Speckled catfish, photo, common catfish, corydoras, maintenance, catfish spawning - 4.7 out of 5 based on 3 votes

Speckled catfish

The speckled catfish (common catfish/corydoras) belongs to the armored catfish family.

The body of the catfish is stocky and shortened, two rows of overlapping bone plates run along the sides, the dorsal and pectoral fins are equipped with hard spines, upper lip two pairs of mustaches. The background color is pale brown, turning pinkish-golden on the belly. The back and fins are covered with numerous dark spots.

In an aquarium, the common catfish can reach 7 cm in length.

Goldfish, photo, goldfish care, keeping, breeding, feeding - 4.1 out of 5 based on 75 votes


Goldfish are a subspecies of silver carp. There are a huge number of varieties that are impossible to take into account.

The main color of the fins and body is red-golden, the belly is lighter than the body. Other varieties of color: red, pale pink, white, fiery red, black, yellow, black and blue, dark bronze. The body of the goldfish is elongated and slightly laterally compressed.

Discus, keeping, feeding, breeding of discus, photo - 4.0 out of 5 based on 8 votes


Discus fish are cichlid fish with round, laterally flattened bodies. The color of discus depends on the water temperature, its chemical composition, lighting, as well as on the nutrition and condition of the fish.

Discus is a schooling fish, so it is better to keep them in groups.

Aquariums must be high, not lower than 45 cm, and the volume must be at least 200 liters. For one adult 15-20 cm long, 40-50 liters are suitable, and for a teenager long...

Danio rerio, reproduction, maintenance, food for zebrafish, photo - 4.1 out of 5 based on 14 votes

Danio rerio

Danio rerio – spawn-laying freshwater fish carp family. The body is elongated, does not exceed 5 cm. The fins are short, over time they grow and form a veil. There are two pairs of antennae.

The color of the zebrafish is not too bright: the back is dark green, alternating straw-yellow or yellow-green and black-blue stripes run along the body from the gill covers to the caudal fin. The edges of the fins can be colored yellow.

The lifespan of zebrafish varies from 2.5 to 5 years.

Gourami, maintenance, reproduction, aquarium for gourami, photo - 4.2 out of 5 based on 50 votes