Prayer to the icon of the unbreakable wall, the meaning of what helps. Icon “Unbreakable Wall”: its meaning and how it helps

June 13 at Orthodox Church celebrate the day of remembrance of the beloved and revered image of the Mother of God, which is called “ Unbreakable Wall" Christians from all over the world understand that a person is a creature that cannot do without spiritual support, consolation from others, and also without a sense of security.

For this reason, more than a thousand years after the Baptism of Rus', believers became accustomed to believing in the images of saints and asking them for help. This is true, because everyone knows large number recorded miraculous cases, which were often performed with the help of the shrine of the Mother of God. One of these images is the icon Holy Mother of God"The Unbreakable Wall" As the legend says, the root cause of the worldwide fame of the shrine was the miraculous vision of one monk who spent his life on the territory of the Spaso-Eleazar Hermitage. He dreamed of a magnificent city, and the path to it could be chosen twice. One path was very wide, smooth and beautiful, while the other was winding, inconspicuous and difficult. Of course, most people climbed to the city along a wide, comfortable road, but at the finish line a huge giant was waiting for them, who captured everyone walking with a net. A small path led around the trap, and those rare travelers who followed it remained safe and sound. The net simply did not reach the narrow path, and immediately bounced off the wall that protected the few people, which was created by the Mother of God. Having walked along this road, the monk himself found himself in an ideal world - in a magical town.

The image today can be found in Kyiv, within the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral. Looking at the mosaic shrine, you will be impressed by its grandeur and, of course, its size. The fact is that the icon is six meters high, and it is located in the upper part of the dome. For 900 years, the image appeared intact to Christians, but it is noteworthy that the cities where the shrine was seen repeatedly succumbed to destruction. For this reason, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unbreakable Wall” has such a name, because she protects the walls of her monastery, as well as all the people who surround her. Most parishioners believe that the image can also protect all worshipers from possible negative events. But, given the historical past, many people ask for a peaceful sky above their heads, protection from various invasions or the aggressive attitude of other states. If a person has a home shrine to the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall,” then it will also be useful in the life of a Christian. After all, in front of the image, the person praying usually asks that he and his family be treated only with good intentions. When protecting your own monastery, you can pray for protection from fire, possible theft, evil tongues, flooding, and so on. With all this, it is very important to have some understanding of how to properly hang the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Unbreakable Wall” in the house. The most common and right place for placement - this is the place opposite the front door. In other words, the Mother of God can look at all the people who enter and leave the house. It is believed that if a person comes to visit the owner of the image with bad thoughts, he will not be able to stay in such a monastery for long. He will rush to leave him as quickly as possible, as he will feel a lack of mental balance and a loss of control over self-control. Every year, on June 13, parishioners have the opportunity to visit the church to thank the shrine and the Most Holy Theotokos for their tireless patronage and protection.

Among the lists of Mother of God icons there are very rare images. Icon Mother of God“The Unbreakable Wall” is one of those things. Each manifested icon of the Most Holy Theotokos brings people hope, helps people gain firm faith, teaches us mercy and love, so the meaning and how the “Unbreakable Wall” icon helps - necessary information for the believer.

Among the lists of Mother of God icons there are very rare images

The name of the image suggests what this icon is praying for, what the “Unbreakable Wall” icon of the Mother of God protects from. It's not about construction work, although spiritual life is also a kind of construction site.

The consequences of unstable walls during the construction of houses are known, and this saddens us. And if you imagine that when we pray, we also build, only the spiritual walls of our inner temple, then the meaning of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon becomes obvious.

O our Gracious Lady, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, accept from us this song of thanksgiving and offer up to our Creator and Creator your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, the Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, nasty deeds. O Most Holy Lady, have mercy on us and send down a gift according to our needs: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, bring the lost to reason, protect the infants, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, be with us both here and in eternal life, Unbreakable Wall, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, and always praise Your mother's love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

History and description of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

The history of the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” is about 1000 years old. One of the images is laid out in mosaics on the wall of the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. Today's events in Orthodoxy related to the schism of the Church were held within the walls of this spiritual monastery.

It would seem that such an image should stand as a wall against schismatics, but the fact of desecration of shrines only confirms how low we have fallen and how deeply we are drowning in unrepentant sins, and the Lord allows difficult spiritual trials.

One of the images is laid out in mosaics on the wall of the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral

The Mother of God is depicted at full height with her hands raised in prayer, as if creating an invisible protective wall from the invisible militia of lower spirits. There is an inscription around the Virgin Mary. The words of Psalm 45: God is in Her midst and does not move: the morning will help Her. These words are translated as a prophecy about the Mother of God - She, sanctified by God himself, is unshakable in her highest destiny and the help of the Almighty will be with Her constantly.

It got its name because for 900 years the image remained safe and sound during numerous enemy attacks.

One of them is located in the Lefortovo Church of Peter and Paul

In which church does the “Unbreakable Wall” icon in Moscow have a miraculous list, resources suggest mass media. There are only three such lists in the world. One of them is located in the Lefortovo Church of Peter and Paul. Our Lady of the “Unbreakable Wall” is highly revered in Kaliningrad; the central cathedral also has this image.

Based on archival records and old photographs, it was possible to restore that the image that was located in the village. Nikolskoye Arkhangelsk region Saint John of Kronstadt personally consecrated it in the monastery.

During the years of fighting against God, the meaning of the “Indestructible Wall” icon was preserved by the pious woman Maria Anshakova. The icon was in her home iconostasis. Afterwards the icon returned to its native monastery.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”

The meaning of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon is evidenced by numerous stories about the help of the Most Holy Theotokos. Several times She appeared in subtle dreams to people in need of healing. And she pointed out exactly where to look for Her image.

One woman literally forced the priest to find this icon, because even he did not know that there was such an image of the Mother of God in the temple. And the Mother of God gave instructions to the woman on how to receive healing: to touch the “Unbreakable Wall” icon.

The Mother of God gave instructions on how to receive healing

Where to hang the “Unbreakable Wall” icon, in the home iconostasis or in another place, is decided depending on the living conditions.

Where in the house is it better to place the icon?

The icon can be placed not only in the home iconostasis, the main thing is that access to it is free. And you could pray in front of the image at any time. The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, its meaning and correct placement in the house is suggested by the very name of the image.

The icon can be placed not only in the home iconostasis

For example, it would be logical to place the icon in front of the entrance to a house or apartment. Where hanging the “Unbreakable Wall” icon in the house is not a significant moment for performing prayer. This has no effect on spiritual improvement, and the salvation of the soul, this is confirmed by the following story.

Miracles through the prayers of parishioners in front of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

The meaning and how the “Unbreakable Wall” icon helps, where the image traveled, what miracles were performed through prayers, says the nun Samuila, who accompanied the icon on a trip to different cities.

“Since the miraculous temple icon “The Unbreakable Wall” is difficult to transport over long distances, it is 100 years old, so we made a copy of it. When we arrived in Chernigov, it began to smell fragrant and began to flow myrrh. The priests, with tears in their eyes, served a thanksgiving prayer service before her. We continued our journey further, and it was December, the road was snowy, difficult, at some point the car skidded and we began to spin at 3600. The driver could not control the controls. On this section of the road there was not just a ditch, but a large deep ravine, into which we would have flown a little more. I raised the icon as high as possible in the car and began to cry out: “Mother of God, save me!” No one understood how the car ended up on the asphalt. There were already three kilometers left, we drove carefully, but the demon did not calm down, we were thrown into the ditch again. Again I prayed to Our Lady of the “Unbreakable Wall”, and again the car was miraculously returned to the road. The glass on the icon cracked, but the clergy did not allow it to be replaced, because apparently it is the Mother of God’s will that they ask about this miraculous salvation, and we testify to the mercy and power of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

This living testimony says that the meaning of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon will be determined by each believer independently.

Download the text of the prayer in front of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of whose name is easy to determine even for an unbeliever (intercession), is one of the mosaics of St. Sophia of Kyiv that has survived to this day. This cathedral, built by the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise, still amazes with the splendor of its decoration. And today its majestic premises, decorated with mosaics and frescoes, delight the eyes of all believers and connoisseurs of beauty.

As long as the icon is intact, Kyiv will stand

Many images have survived to this day as they were originally created. Including the “Unbreakable Wall” icon. The meaning of this name has been known since ancient times. Many still believe that as long as this mosaic remains intact, Kyiv will stand. This belief actually has a fairly serious basis. The fact is that the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed during the raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. The temple suffered especially badly during the capture of Kyiv by the Tatar-Mongols. However, the wall above the main altar, on which the Virgin Mary of Oranta is depicted, was not damaged even once.

Oranta the Intercessor

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which in sacred terms is unambiguous - the protection of home and family, made long ago by Byzantine and Russian masters, became the prototype for many later Christian images of the Blessed Virgin.

Literally all the mosaics of this first Christian temple are the standard of Orthodox religious painting. Orants are called the Mother of God without a child, standing in full height and arms outstretched in a gesture of protection.

The icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” of Sophia of Kyiv is made of smalt using a technology that was later forgotten in for many years. The Virgin Mary is depicted dressed in heavenly robes blue and is surrounded by a “shine” of golden smalt, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. She has a cloth tucked into her belt, with which, according to the beliefs of Christian believers, she wipes away the tears of the mourners. Raised hands mean intercession before the Almighty.

Home protection

Nowadays, believers are advised to hang such icons at home on the wall directly opposite the front door. In this case, Virgo will reliably protect the home from all enemies. An ill-wisher, entering the house and seeing the stern gaze of the Mother of God, will certainly be ashamed of his wicked intentions and leave the apartment. This icon is also hung on the wall if they are going to leave their home unattended for some time. In this case, the apartment or house will be under reliable protection until the owners return. Just to do this, you should also pray to this image. These are the properties that the “Unbreakable Wall” icon has. The prayer to the Virgin goes like this: “Mistress Immaculate, not without reason called the “Unbreakable Wall,” be a barrier to all those who are plotting enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my home. Become an indestructible fortress for us, protecting us and our home from all troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".

Of course, for those who believe in strength christian church, it is worth purchasing this icon in the shop of some temple. It will certainly become a reliable barrier from all troubles and troubles. The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which is protection, will certainly help any praying and sincere believer.

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of whose name is easy to determine even for an unbeliever (intercession), is one of the mosaics of St. Sophia of Kyiv that has survived to this day. This cathedral, built by the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise, still amazes with the splendor of its decoration. And today its majestic premises, decorated with mosaics and frescoes, delight the eyes of all believers and connoisseurs of beauty.

As long as the icon is intact, Kyiv will stand

Many images have survived to this day as they were originally created. Including the “Unbreakable Wall” icon. The meaning of this name has been known since ancient times. Many still believe that as long as this mosaic remains intact, Kyiv will stand. This belief actually has a fairly serious basis. The fact is that the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed during the raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. The temple suffered especially badly during the capture of Kyiv by the Tatar-Mongols. However, the wall above the main altar, on which the Virgin Mary of Oranta is depicted, was not damaged even once.

Oranta the Intercessor

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which in sacred terms is unambiguous - the protection of home and family, made long ago by Byzantine and Russian masters, became the prototype for many later Christian images of the Blessed Virgin. Literally all the mosaics of this first Christian church are the standard of Orthodox religious painting. Orants are called the Mother of God without a child, standing at full height and spreading her arms in a gesture of protection.

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” of Sophia of Kyiv is made of smalt using a technology that was later forgotten for many years. The Virgin Mary is depicted dressed in robes of heavenly blue and surrounded by a “shine” of golden smalt, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. She has a cloth tucked into her belt, with which, according to the beliefs of Christian believers, she wipes away the tears of the mourners. Raised hands mean intercession before the Almighty.

Home protection

Nowadays, believers are advised to hang such icons at home on the wall directly opposite the front door. In this case, Virgo will reliably protect the home from all enemies. An ill-wisher, entering the house and seeing the stern gaze of the Mother of God, will certainly be ashamed of his wicked intentions and leave the apartment. This icon is also hung on the wall if they are going to leave their home unattended for some time. In this case, the apartment or house will be under reliable protection until the owners return. Just to do this, you should also pray to this image. These are the properties that the “Unbreakable Wall” icon has. The prayer to the Virgin goes like this: “Mistress Immaculate, not without reason called the “Unbreakable Wall,” be a barrier to all those who are plotting enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my home. Become an indestructible fortress for us, protecting us and our home from all troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".

Of course, those who believe in the power of the Christian Church should purchase this icon in the shop of some temple. It will certainly become a reliable barrier from all troubles and troubles. The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which is protection, will certainly help any praying and sincere believer.

Icon of the Mother of God Unbreakable Wall meaning, what it helps with

Icon of the Mother of God Unbreakable Wall meaning, photo, what it helps with, holiday and memorial day, in which churches it is kept, in what cases they pray to it, where to hang it.

Meaning, what it helps with

We all want to protect ourselves and our loved ones from various misfortunes and diseases. Those who believe in the Lord turn for support to one of the most respected Orthodox icons- the face of the Mother of God.

This image of the Mother of God is a magnificent artistic creation, and people Christian faith They claim that it is truly miraculous and healing. This holy of holies is made in a mosaic style. The Blessed Virgin is represented raising her palms to the sky, against an amber background at full height.

Monastery and temples, where is it kept?

The main monastery has always been the St. Sophia Church, which is located on the territory of Kyiv. The face is located at the main altar above the mountain area.

IN present period there is another form, which was registered according to the face, in the St. Sophia Church and monastery on the territory of Constantinople.

This holy of holies is located in the Resurrection-Myrrh-Bearing Monastery in the village of Nikolsk.

It was carefully hidden and appeared to the environment only in the 2nd mid-20th century. They say that only in the new millennium did this face in the Resurrection-Myrrh-Bearing Monastery begin to bestow miraculous powers on the Orthodox.

During atheism, the temple was looted and broken, but one believing woman was able to save the appearance. She kept it in her home and, as soon as the destruction was over, she gave the shrine to the temple.

All over the world there are many inexplicable phenomena, miraculous recoveries and amazing things that the face of the Most Holy One has done.

And you can look at the miraculous faces:

in the capital's Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul;

in the Cathedral of the Birth of the Immaculate;

on the territory of the Kaliningrad chapel in the cathedral church.

in the Monastery of the Mother of God, which is located in the Krasnodar region;

in the Essentuki Cathedral of the Stavropol Territory.

The most famous is the Holy of Holies of the Most High, which is located on the territory of the Kaliningrad Cathedral Church. In this place you can see a large number of people who continuously offer prayers to the holy image.

Since the Orthodox people believe that if you send a prayer before her face, the Most Holy One will definitely hear the prayer. Period of celebration: Week of Absolutely All Immaculates (Seventh day after Trinity).

Meaning and what it helps with

It acquired this name because of its own indestructibility. Since the face of the Immaculate in the Kiev Church over many centuries experienced a colossal number of misfortunes and attacks from enemies, however, it nevertheless remained intact.

This confirms the miracle of the indestructibility of the provided shrine, since it was not touched by either fire or the elements. Despite this, the Church of St. Sophia itself and the capital itself were plundered and destroyed more than once. Is this an accident or a true miracle?

Is it possible that this is something unique and mysterious for human minds? Actually, as a result of this, Christians seek her protection from absolutely all diseases and unfavorable influences.

They cry out for support and intercession. The face of the Mother of God can help protect your home from misfortunes and diseases. The image has the ability to take away troubles from your loved ones, and the enemy, robber and fire will bypass your abode in roundabout ways. In addition, it promotes home well-being and happiness. Numerous believers claim that thanks to this shrine, their family circle is flourishing, inseparable and strong.

The ancient significance of the icon and its representation have been preserved to this day.

The essence of the image of the Mother of God is this:

The Most Holy One is depicted in full height. She is presented on a golden stone, which is a reliable, indestructible basis for absolutely everyone who needs her protection. On to the Blessed Virgin a cape of heavenly colors, a scarlet belt, and on the belt there is a lention, and with it she wipes away many tears of Christian people. In his palms, which he raises to the heavens, is an azure band; on his head is a decoration of gold. The cover in the form of an omophorion will be pulled over the ramen. On the clear brow of the Most Holy One a bright star glows, and 2 more clear stars on her shoulders, since she herself is the Most Pure Mother of God of the Never-Setting Light, the beginning of the Never-Setting Sun.”

In addition, in honor of the miraculous image they named Absheronsky convent , which is located on the territory of Kuban. The image of the Immaculate is already a whole series centuries seems to be a highly respected shrine for Orthodox people. People who believe in God treat the icon with very deep and enormous respect.

All thanks to the fact that this is an amazing creation, and its miraculous features have been confirmed at all times.

What to pray for

It is necessary to offer prayer to the immaculate image in the following situations:

When you or your family intend to go on a journey, a business trip or a long trip;

You can rush to the shrine so that it protects your home or your family;

When a misfortune or illness of a neighbor befell the monastery;

In case of domestic disagreements, she can unite the family circle;

In addition, the following customs must be observed:

If you or a relative is leaving somewhere, then you need to offer a prayer just before leaving your home;

If there is trouble in the family or illness, it is necessary to offer prayer in solitude. To do this, you should kneel before the icon, read a prayer, say the words according to the canon, and then rush to the Mother of God with your own phrases;

To ask the Almighty for the protection of family and housing is necessary after reading the prayer.

All this should be done openly, and the prayer itself must come from your heart.

Where should I hang it?

A large number of people who believe in God say that if you want to offer prayers to this image, then you need to go to the St. Sophia Church, which is located on the territory of Kyiv.

However, if you do not have such an opportunity, you are allowed to install an Unbreakable Wall face in your own home.

In order for Our Lady to have the opportunity to protect your home and Christian family, a person must know in what place the face should be placed.

The best place in the home for the miraculous guardian will be in the opposite direction from front door If this is not feasible, then it is allowed to hang over it. Only in in this case Our Lady will look after absolutely everyone who crosses the threshold of your home and her appearance will be directed towards these people.

If a person comes to your house with bad thoughts or bad intentions, he will feel confused and uncomfortable. Because of this, he will try to leave your abode as soon as possible, and in subsequent times he will wonder whether it is worth coming at all. The image of the Almighty protects both from enemies and from bad weather, illnesses and evil influences.

This image of the Most Holy One can be presented as a gift to relatives, acquaintances and friends so that their family and home were constantly under protection. And the Orthodox industry creates a lot of all kinds of amazing images. Such works appear not only as powerful protection your home, but also magnificent icon painting that will perfectly decorate the interior of every home.

May the Lord, the creator of this world, be with you!