What kind of eyes will the child have? online table. What kind of eyes will the child have and what does this factor depend on?

Parents are very excitedly awaiting the birth of their baby and have already visualized what their baby will be like. Some people dream of a fair-haired, blue-eyed girl, and others of a dark-skinned boy with brown eyes.

However, nature decreed otherwise and a child is born who did not take on the eye color from his parents, as they would have liked. Why does this happen?

Again, in this case, everything has its explanation at the genetic level. You need to understand that the genes of close relatives in the family can also play a role big role and affect changes in eye color.

For example, brown-eyed parents give birth to a baby with blue eyes. This could happen. For example, light-skinned parents give birth to a dark-skinned child. If you remember your relatives, perhaps one of the parents would have a black grandfather or grandmother. This explains it all.

Child eye color: table and main varieties

The teaching of genetics, included in the course of biology, in addition to determining the type of face and other physical properties child, also considers the factors influencing the tone of the irises. This theory suggests several formation options. There are two main genes that form the eye color of a child’s parents, a table of the varieties of which will help predict the future shade - these are genes located on chromosomes 15 and 19.

Genes that form color

Gene 15 of chromosome. To determine what eye color a child will have, the table should include the main tones and shades. The fifteenth gene creates a brown or blue color. The dominant tone here is brown. A brown-eyed woman and a blue-eyed (green-eyed) man will have brown-eyed children, and their grandchildren will have unpredictable coloring.

Gene 19 of chromosome creates green or blue (gray, blue) colors. Dominant here green tone, but if at least one brown 15 gene is present, then, regardless of the presence of the 19 gene, the iris will be brown. Two green 19th genes, as well as blue plus green, create a green tone, and two blue ones create a blue tone. To make it easier to understand how to determine the eye color of the unborn child, the table should be viewed horizontally.

Green shade, which includes eye color chart

In babies with green eyes, the iris usually has brown specks or a predominance of marsh coloring. Completely green eye color is almost never observed in newborns. This tone, regardless of shade, is due to the low melanin content. The green color of the irises is also influenced by the presence of the lipofuscin pigment.

Gray and blue color

The corresponding eye color of a child from his parents, which is shown in the table, is explained by the density of the shell: the tissue of the outer layers, the denser, the lighter the tone. The highest fiber density is observed in light gray irises. Gray coloring, like blue, is more typical of Europeans. To identify the color of a child’s eyes, a table is considered the most visual way.


This color is obtained as a result of the content of the corresponding pigment in the outer layers. Low density the outer layer gives a light color, and vice versa. To determine what eye color a child will have, the table is the most convenient option. Moreover, there are no blue fibers in the iris - light hitting the surface is scattered, and only part of the rays is absorbed inner layer filled with melanin. Thus, with the combination of all these factors, we observe the tone of the babies’ eyes, in this case, a blue iris.

Child's brown eye color: table

These tones are considered the most common - this is due to the fact that there is a high amount of melanin pigment in the iris. In addition, the gene containing information about brown or black coloring is dominant. A table of the eye colors of the unborn child will help determine the tone. Black coloring in babies is more common in Asian countries.

What kind of eyes will the child have?

Most frequently asked question, which occurs in future parents - what kind of eyes will the baby be born with? Many people dream of a blue-eyed girl, while others dream of a brown-eyed boy.

In order to determine what eye color will be, you can use a special determination table.

As you can see from the table, if both parents have the same eye color, then the probability is close to 99% that the baby will have exactly the same eyes.

Of course, this table is close to ideal, but we must remember that nature also has its gifts and surprises. Sometimes, the baby’s parents expect one thing, but in reality the baby is born with a completely different eye color.

How to understand the table for calculating eye color in a child?

How can you understand the table and use it without doubt?

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The first situation is when both parents have brown eyes, then in this case there is a 75% chance that the baby will be born with brown eyes, 18.75% that the baby will be born with green eyes and 6.25% blue eyes.
  2. The second situation is when one parent has brown eyes and the other has green eyes. In this case, 50% of the child may be born with brown eyes, 37.5% with green and 12.5% ​​with blue.
  3. The third situation is when one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes, then there is a 50% chance that the child will have brown eyes, 0% green eyes and 50% blue eyes.
  4. The fourth situation is when both parents have green eyes, then the probability of green eyes reaches 75%, and blue eyes 25%.
  5. The fifth situation is when partners have blue and green eyes. With this mixing, there is a 99% chance that the child will take on blue eye color from his parents, as well as a 1% chance of green eyes.

As you can see, everything is quite logical and there is an explanation for everything. It is worth adhering to the opinion that the likelihood of adopting one or another eye color depends on the eye color of the partners. Therefore, there can be no difficulties in determining eye color.

However, you should always remember that there are exceptions to the rules and often, even in the case of a 0% probability of the formation of any eye color, it is possible that the baby will have exactly this eye color.

We must take into account genetics, which cannot be changed, let alone influenced. All the same, processes carried out at the genetic level have a certain power, and even more so, it is impossible for anyone to influence such processes.

Of course, when crossing genes, different options are possible, both the most obvious and the most unexpected for the baby’s parents.

Therefore, it is better to rejoice at the birth of a baby and do everything to keep his eyes healthy and keep him healthy. important body throughout his life.

Each trait in the body is inherited according to a specific type and is encoded in six different genes. This means that depending on the presence of signs in both the father and mother of the child, the amount of melanin in the baby can be predicted. This amount will determine the corresponding shade of the iris.

What exactly determines the color of a child's eyes? The coloring itself is determined by the presence of a specific organic compound– melanin pigment. The stroma (the supporting structure of organs) contains melanocytes, or pigment cells, that produce melanin. The more pigment contained in the stroma, the more intense the coloring of the eyes.

There are three main gradations of pigment content:

  • blue – minimum quantity;
  • green – average;
  • brown – maximum.

The trait is also influenced by chemical variations in the organic compound. The pattern depends on the amount of melanin, which determines the skin tone as a whole.

There are rare cases of specific genetic pathology when melanin in the cells of the iris is completely absent. Then the translucent blood vessels give the eyes a red tint.


Using the table, let's assume what kind of eyes the baby will have, not forgetting that each color has several nuances. Brown - not only brown, also honey, amber, onyx; blue ones are indigo or brilliant blue, and among the gray ones there are silver or pewter.

Despite scientific knowledge and genetics, it is worth remembering: to all the rules and laws, life always presents surprising exceptions.

And a little extra interesting information You can find out from the following video.

The table for determining the eye color of a child differs from ordinary tables because it contains few numbers and meanings. The table with the Rh factor is compiled in a similar way; they are similar to each other. The left column represents combinations of pairs of parents' eyes, depicted in the form of color drawings: brown brown, brown green, blue green, etc.

The top line of the table also shows the eyes with the color that the born baby: brown, green or blue-gray. And at the intersection of columns and rows the probability values ​​are indicated in percentage. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the sign.

For example, if one of the parents has blue eyes, and the other has brown eyes, the probability that the newborn will develop a brown tint as it grows up is 50%, and blue-gray is 50%, and the probability of green eyes is 0 %. You can understand the information for other options in a similar way.

Marina, mother of one-year-old Nastya: “My parents and I have dark brown eyes, and my husband has green ones. Even before Nastya was born, we looked at tables for determining the color of a child’s eyes and wondered what color her eyes would be. According to the sign it turned out that highest probability that her eyes will be a copy of mine. We were very surprised when we saw its dark gray shade, but knew we had to wait.

Eye color is passed on genetically from grandparents to our grandchildren. During pregnancy, many parents are eager to find out what eye color their unborn child will have. All answers and tables for calculating eye color are in this article. Good news for those who want to pass on their exact eye color to their descendants: this is possible.

Recent research in the field of genetics has discovered new data on the genes that are responsible for eye color (previously 2 genes were known that were responsible for eye color, now there are 6). At the same time, today genetics does not have answers to all questions regarding eye color. However, there is general theory, which, even taking into account latest research, gives a genetic basis for eye color. Let's consider it.

So: every person has at least 2 genes that determine eye color: the HERC2 gene located on human chromosome 15, and the GEY gene (also called EYCL 1), which is located on chromosome 19.

Below is a diagram that shows the “chances of success” of a particular eye color (in % ratio) depending on the eye color of the parents.

Also look at the site - determining the color of a child’s eyes by the eye color of the baby’s parents and the eye color of your parents. This is an English-language resource, but it won’t be difficult to figure out what’s what.

How reliable is this? Let's check it together! Please let us know in the comments whether the eye color in reality coincided with the predictions calculated and proposed using these methods.

How is a baby's eye color determined?

As you know, the color of a baby's eyes can have different shades. Depending on conditions, mood, weather and even time of day, it may undergo some changes. Various diseases, stress and trauma can permanently change the color of a child’s iris, which is due to the complex processes of healing and restoration of the structure of the eyeball.

The following factors can cause changes in eye color:

  • long crying;
  • natural or artificial lighting;
  • weather conditions;
  • the color of the clothes the baby wears;
  • infectious diseases of the eyeball and eyelids;
  • child nutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • eyeball injuries.

How can you correctly determine the color of a child’s eyes? Wait until your baby is in a good-natured mood: full, happy and cheerful. Bring the baby closer to the light source and look carefully at his eyes. Most often it is very difficult to distinguish between blue and green shades.

The color of a child’s eyes is one of the inherited characteristics that makes him similar to his father, mother or close relatives, which are grandparents.

In the laws of genetics, there are two concepts - dominance and recessivity. Dominant trait always stronger, in a child it suppresses the weaker one - recessive, but does not block it completely, allowing it to manifest itself in the next generation.

Brown eye color always prevails over green, green over gray and blue. However, if the baby has a blue-eyed grandfather or a gray-eyed grandmother, then the eyes may be blue or gray. This means that the trait is passed on through generations.

It must be remembered that the laws of heredity are much more complex than those that we study at school.

Thus, scientists have found that sections of six genes affect the color of a child’s iris, so there are thousands of variations of just shades of the same eye color. Except classical rules genetics, there are mutations, an example of which is purple eye.

What determines the color of a child’s eyes? It is determined by the amount of melanin. This is a special pigment contained in the iris of the eye. There are more pigment cells in the posterior layer of the iris (with the exception of albinos) than in the anterior one.

This allows the light rays not to be scattered, but to be absorbed, due to which complex processes formation of a visual image and the visual process is carried out.

Pigment cells begin to synthesize melanin only under the influence of light. Depending on how much melanin is contained in the structure of the anterior layer of the iris, the following eye colors are distinguished: blue, cyan, gray, green, olive, brown, dark (black).

But there are a large number of their shades and tones. There are even scales for classifying iris color. The most famous are the Bunak scale and the Martin-Schultz system.

A few words should also be said about the characteristics of the shades:

  • Gray eyes and eyes of all shades of blue and cyan contain virtually no pigment. The light color of the vessels of the iris, combined with the scattering of light in its tissues, gives such a shade. The high density of collagen fibers in the structure of the anterior layer of the iris determines the lighter color;
  • The green tint of the eyes appears due to the fact that the amount of melanin in them is higher than in gray and blue ones. In addition, the presence of lipofuscin pigment plays a large role in creating this color;
  • Brown-eyed and dark-eyed people have the highest melanin content, which allows them to absorb almost all of the incident light.

What eye color are babies born with? Current opinion that almost everyone is born with blue eyes. This is not entirely true. Newborns' eyes can be either sky blue or dark gray.

Even twins can have different shades. The initial color depends on the number of pigment cells. They begin to function immediately after birth, after the first rays of light enter the eye.

How does a child's eye color change?

Pay attention to the eye color of children at birth. If a newborn's eyes have a light blue tint, then most likely you should not expect radical changes. If the baby dark gray color, then it will change to brown or even black.

When does a child's eye color change?

Its change can be noticed by the end of the first month of life. By the age of 2.5 years, when the eye color of babies almost completely changes, you can tell who he looks like.

The final eye color will only be achieved by the age of twelve.

What unusual eye color options can there be?

  • in case of albinism (complete absence of pigment), the eyes are red. This occurs due to the visualization of the vessels of the iris;
  • with heterochromia ( hereditary mutation) eyes have different colors. This usually does not affect their function;
  • absence of the iris (aniridia) – congenital anomaly development. It can be partial or complete, and visual acuity is low. Very often combined with hereditary pathologies.

Can diseases change eye color?

In a number of diseases the iris can change its color:

  • with uveitis, it becomes red due to stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • at severe course– red-pink due to the appearance of newly formed vessels;
  • in the case of Wilson-Konovalov disease, a ring is formed around the iris due to copper deposits;
  • sometimes not the color, but the shade may change, becoming darker (with siderosis or melanoma) or lighter (with leukemia or anemia).

Changes in eye color appear at the height of the disease when clinical picture and the main symptom complex do not allow one to doubt the diagnosis.

At the end of the last century, the method of iridology was very popular. Changes in the pattern, color and structure of the iris were studied.

It was believed that it was possible to diagnose almost all diseases occurring in the human body. Within evidence-based medicine This method turned out to be absolutely unreliable, and therefore is not used today.

Changing the color or shade of the eyes is a matter of time. You shouldn’t waste such short days waiting for small changes. After all, we love the baby not for external signs, but for the fact that it exists!

Waiting for a child worries and stresses young parents. Many times they try to imagine what their miracle will look like when it is born. For some reason, it is generally accepted that brown-eyed parents must have a baby with brown, radiant eyes, and, conversely, blue-eyed parents must have only a baby with the same eyes shining in the sky.

The second outcome is quite probable, but when, instead of the expected brown color dark-eyed parents give birth to a child with gray eyes, dad may have a vague suspicion. Relatives also add: “Why doesn’t he look like you? “To avoid such incidents, a system has been invented by which you can find out on what factor the eye color of newborns depends - a table of the most likely options, taking into account the initial colors from mom and dad.

This may surprise inexperienced parents, but almost all children are born with dull gray, sometimes with a bluish tint, eyes. After some time, their color changes and by a certain age becomes permanent. For each child this happens at an individual time, but the approximate range varies from 6 to 36-48 months. Throughout this time, eye color changes many times.

The colored area of ​​the eye, called the iris, begins to form as early as 10-11 weeks of the baby's life in the mother's belly. Its color in the future is initially determined by a combination of as many as 6 different genes. No one can predict with 100% confidence exactly how the maps of genes will turn out. But genetic scientists keep statistics according to which they dominate in transmission hereditary characteristics parent with dark eyes. Maybe that’s why dark-haired and brown-eyed children seem more resilient than gentle and defenseless blondes with light eyes. Although in fact it has been proven that the latter will have stronger immunity. Why are children not immediately born with their permanent eye color? The reason is that the iris of newborns still lacks the coloring pigment melanin. When its production gains strength, the color of the eyes will change. For the same reason, children's hair color changes as they grow older.

Often, even in a child who has passed this age, the eye color does not match his mother’s or father’s. The thing is that hereditary traits are passed on to the child not only from parents, but also from long-dead relatives, among whom there could be people with different colors eyes, skin and hair. That’s why sometimes a white-skinned couple gives birth to a mulatto baby—it’s just that, for example, the genes of the Indian great-grandfather take an effect. There is nothing super unusual in the fact that the baby is different from his parents with his eyes or anything else - they still have enough in common.

Most likely eye color

Since we're talking about genetic predisposition to the inheritance of eye color, then, as already mentioned, there is a certain system by which you can approximately determine what it will be like in a child. Below is a table showing the approximate percentage probability.

Eye color of the child's parentsThe baby will have green eyesThe child will have Blue eyes The child will have brown eyes
Brown + brown19% probability6% chance75% probability
Green + green75% 25% Less than 1%
Blue + light blue1% 98-99% Less than 1%
Brown + green38% 12% 50%
Brown + blue0,5% 50% 50%
Blue + green50% 50% 0,5%

But what if your child’s eyes are not colored at all in accordance with the table and generally have a completely unusual color that you did not expect? Then focus your attention on his health. So, if you have blue eyes and want a child with the same color, strive to marry a blue-eyed person. The same applies to other colors. But remember that the most beautiful and happiest eyes are those of newborn babies whose parents are together because of love, and not because of eye color.


It happens that a child’s natural eye color is hidden behind a veil of illness. For example, neonatal jaundice or hepatitis causes the white part of the eyeball to yellow, causing the iris to change and appear darker than usual. The general soreness of the body also makes the whites of the eyes less contrasting and obscures the brightness of their natural color. In medicine, there has long been a method for diagnosing diseases based on the condition of the iris. Doctors who practice this method are called iridologist. With many diseases and slagging in the body, the iris darkens or becomes clouded, the clarity of the gaze changes, and, conversely, a clear gaze serves as an indicator of excellent health.

However, there are incurables, but not always dangerous disease iris called heterochromia. With this pathology, melanin, which determines its color, is not produced or is unevenly distributed inside the eye, leading to their dissimilarity. Heterochromia can affect the iris completely or only partially. Even though children whose eyes different colors, look like from another planet, in modern world, where everyone strives to be different, this is more of a nicety than a negative. But this is not always good. Sometimes changes and differences in the color of the iris require examination for diseases.

Albinism is as rare as heterochromia - complete absence melanin in the iris. Albinos' eyes are always very light, almost transparent. Blood vessels, feeding eyeball, give it a slightly red tint. If parents are confused by the color of their child’s eyes, for peace of mind they should contact an ophthalmologist with their complaints.

The main thing is vision

It is unlikely that you are so concerned about the eye color of your unborn child that you will be too upset if it does not match your dreams. It is much more important that the baby’s eyes are sharp and help him understand the world around him. How does vision develop in newborns?

It is known that a baby that has barely been born is not yet able to see objects and people the way we can. At first, the baby sees everything as if through a thin transparent fabric. This is explained by the fact that he is not yet able to concentrate his gaze on one point. Gradually, what appears to the child’s gaze changes, becomes more and more defined, so that he begins to recognize familiar faces and things. Normally, this clearing of vision occurs before 2 months of life. But it still takes a long time for a baby to reach the adult level, since at one year old he sees only 50% of the capabilities of an adult without visual impairments.

There is no need to worry, because upon reaching the required age, the baby will gain a clear, directed and sharp look. Only if you observe deviations from the accepted norm, consult a specialist. Good eyesight will give the child great opportunities in the future, and eye color will not hurt, but will not help him take advantage of them.

The child is great joy for every family and, of course, his parents will love him in any way, this generally does not depend on what color his eyes are or what structure his hair is. Although many couples still try to imagine their future child even before his appearance in our world and try to predict what eye color the child will have. A table developed by scientists and based on genetics can really help to at least approximately determine what color a child’s eyes may turn out to be.

What determines the color of the irises

Before you get acquainted with the very table, which with one degree of probability or another can help determine which of the possible shades the iris will be painted in, it is worth understanding what the color primarily depends on, what affects the color of the eyes in principle. So, in any person or even animal, the color of the iris is determined by the presence of a special dark pigment called melanin. It is its concentration that will have the maximum impact on the resulting color. It’s not difficult to guess - the more dark coloring substance there is in the iris, the brighter and darker the eyes will turn out, and the less of it, the lighter.

Note! If there is no melanin in the body at all, then people are born albinos, having very light skin and pale hair. They will also have red eyes. This unusual and even frightening color appears due to blood vessels visible through the tissue.

The amount of coloring pigment in the body actually depends only on genetics, that is, it is determined by heredity. There are more people with dark eyes in the world relative to the total number, but those who have light eyes are much smaller. So the likelihood of having a dark-eyed baby is significantly higher than that of a light-eyed baby. Also, in some cases, the shade may change during life. For example, people with light-colored irises may notice over time that they have darkened - scientists associate this with the process of increasing and accumulating melanin. In older people, the irises may, on the contrary, become very light. Sometimes the shade changes due to some pathology.

What shades are there?

Usually there are only 4 main shades of eyes - daring green, romantic blue, attractive brown and strict gray. But in fact there are several more of them than we think.

Table. Basic eye colors.


The stroma of the eyeball is of moderate density, its fibers are grayish. Scientists note that the denser the stroma, the lighter the human eye. It is generally accepted that the blue tint is the result of a mutation in a certain gene that affects the production of melanin. According to research, this mutation formed in nature at least 10 thousand years ago.

In this case, the person has a dark blue iris. There is very little melanin. The result of the appearance of this color is the effect of the scattering of light rays in the stroma. The iris is always dark inside, and the stroma blue-eyed people has low density. Newly born children usually have such eyes.

Green irises appear due to a small amount of melanin and a special pigment called lipofuscin, which is characterized by a yellow or brownish color. The effect of this “symbiosis” is green eyes. In this case, by the way, the iris can have a number of shades and be unevenly colored. The presence of such a shade is very rare. They occur more often in women than in men.

This shade is due to the presence of a higher density in the stroma. With a relatively low density, the iris is colored bluish-gray. Gray-eyed people may have slightly grayish eyes due to the presence of some melanin.

This is very rare. This color variation is due to the presence large quantity lipofuscin. But often this color is associated with certain health problems - for example, kidney disease.

These eyes can often appear golden yellow and sometimes coppery. The phenomenon is associated with the content of lipofuscin. There are light amber and dark amber shades, among which it is customary to distinguish others, even red-brown.

There is a lot of dark pigment. The irises become clear brown color. This shade is the most common in nature.

Also, an iris of this shade is called green-brown. Melanin is present, but in fairly moderate quantities. Combination of melanin and blue-blue shade- this is it varying intensity brown color. The irises can be both somewhat yellowish and greenish due to the heterogeneity of color.

A shade that appears due to a significant amount of dark coloring pigment. By the way, the eyeball itself in this case may have a slightly yellowish or grayish tint. Mongoloids usually have this color. Even their children are often born with dark eyes, and not blue, like others.

Note! There are also people who have radically different colors irises. This unusual phenomenon is called. Because of this “joke of nature,” the eyes may be completely different in color from each other or partially. The phenomenon occurs more often in animals; in humans it occurs less frequently, although it also occurs.

Baby's eye color

Most children (at least 90%, according to statistics) come into this world with blue or saturated eyes. blue color. But during the first few months of life, the iris darkens. So the eyes of a child who has just seen the world are not an indicator of what color they will be in the future. It is possible to finally say what color it will be only when the young person turns 10-12 years old. Before this, serious changes in shade can be noted.

Only 10% of all children born in the world have dark, almost black eyes immediately after birth. This aspect is related to certain factors, including race, as well as heredity, etc. Moreover, if a child has light-colored eyes (for example, blue), then they can gradually change from light to dark color, while dark ones will most likely only lighten a little with age.


Finding out the eye color of a child expected in the near future is a desire that comes to every parent. But without proper knowledge it will be extremely difficult to guess even possible option. There are several hypotheses that allow us to predict the shade of a baby’s eyes. But so far, in fact, scientists rely only on Mendel’s law. It is this law that allows us to assume not only the color of the iris, but even the color of the baby’s hair and is based only on genetics.

Note! The dark gene can be called the main one, it is dominant. That is, it almost always prevails over light. Mendel himself described this process, and other scientists also spoke about it. They fully described this pattern and recorded possible exceptions to the rules.

According to the law mentioned above, dark-eyed father and mother will give birth to a brown-eyed child with more likely than light-eyed. But descendants in subsequent generations can easily appear with very light eyes if the gene that determines this feature is present in the parents’ family.

If the father and mother themselves have a different shade of the iris, then their babies will most likely inherit the darker one. Or the iris will turn into an average color between the two shades of the ancestors’ eyes. A light-eyed father and mother can hope for a blue-eyed baby.

Note! Knowing your ancestors well and understanding genetics, you can really calculate and find out what your son or daughter will look like before birth. But sometimes babies can be fundamentally different from their ancestors, not to mention the similarity in eye color. Genetics is to blame for everything.

If you believe the tables that scientists have developed, if both parents have blue irises, children with a significant probability of 99% will also be born with blue ones. And only 1% admit that the fruit of love will have green irises. If the parents are green-eyed, then the chances of getting a green-eyed child increase to 50%. And they become approximately the same if one of the pair has brown eyes.

But parents with green eyes, as a rule, do not always give birth to green-eyed children. The probability of such an outcome of the situation is 75%, and no one can accurately and confidently state that the child will not belong to the other 25%, among which there is a 24% chance that he will be born blue-eyed, and 1% - brown-eyed.

If you have a green-eyed father and a brown-eyed mother, you can expect a brown-eyed child with a 50% chance. But it is possible (and the probability is 37.5%) that the child will inherit green irises from his dad. In 12.5%, the child may even turn out to be blue-eyed. If both ancestors have brown eyes, then the probability of having a child with a different shade of irises is approximately the following: 19% - green, 6% - blue.


It will not be possible to determine the color of your son or daughter’s eyes as accurately as possible in advance. But you can try to guess what shade their iris will be. It is also recommended to remember that the impact on appearance The child is influenced by the genes of his great-grandparents, and not just the parents themselves.

Note! The color of the iris, as it turns out, is controlled by six genes at once, interacting with each other according to a special pattern. Previously, scientists thought that only 2 genes were involved in creating shade.

One of the genes, which, according to the theory, is responsible for coloring, is located on chromosome 15, the second - on chromosome 19. And both of them have copies that are passed on to the child both from the mother and from the other parent.

Hazel, brown, dark colors, whatever one may say, are dominant. So a light-eyed man will “lose” to a brown-eyed woman - the child will most likely turn out dark-eyed. But the eyes of this couple’s grandchildren can have any color and shade.

How to determine the eye color of your planned baby

Step 1. It is required to evaluate the color of the irises of the father and mother, that is, the parents.

Step 3. You need to understand at least the basics of genetics in order to understand how a person’s eye color is formed.

Step 4. It is necessary to understand what any shade of the iris generally depends on.

Step 5. It is recommended to compare all the features and facts and, based on Mendel’s law, derive an assumption that will make it possible to understand what color of the irises the baby will end up with and with what degree of probability.

Step 6. You can do it simpler - open a ready-made table that allows you to evaluate the combination of different eye colors, and use it to see what your eyes might turn out like.

Video – What will your baby look like?

Genetics is a very interesting, but not easy science, but it is precisely this that will allow us to guess and try to calculate what color the baby’s eyes might turn out to be. But, be that as it may, it is not the color of the eyes that is important in a child, but the presence of good health. So trying to determine the shade of the iris of a new family member can only be for your own interest.

Future parents can already find out the color of their child's eyes already during the mother's pregnancy. This can be calculated using special genetic tables, which will be discussed in the article.

Genetic predisposition

Parents are encouraged to find out what kind of eyes the child will have even before his birth, although this will be approximately. In biology classes, we all took a lesson on genetics, which determines the formation of facial features or other properties of the unborn child, including eye color. Science has proven that eye color corresponds to 6 genes, and not 2, as was previously believed. But even today it is difficult for parents to predict what color your child will be - you can only guess.

The theory of genetic formation of a child’s eye color suggests the following variations:

  • There are 2 genes that have been well studied and by which the eye color of the unborn child can be determined. One of them is located on chromosome 15, and the other on chromosome 19. Both genes have 2 copies, one of which the child receives from the mother, and the second from the father.
  • The gene on chromosome 15 carries the colors brown and blue; there can be varieties: 2 brown, 2 blue or 1 brown and 1 blue. 2 brown genes carry brown eye color, brown and blue also carry brown color, but 2 blue genes can carry blue or green. Brown color is dominant. For example, a brown-eyed woman and a blue-eyed or green-eyed man will only have brown-eyed children, but their grandchildren will receive an unpredictable color.
  • The gene on chromosome 19 carries the colors green and blue. Cyan can also include shades of blue and gray. Green- dominant, blue - recessive. Blue eye color is caused by the highest gene on chromosome 15, so a person with two blue such genes may have various variations in the presence of gene 15. If he has at least 1 brown 15 gene, then his eyes, regardless of the 19 gene, will be brown. This is difficult, but this is genetics - with two green 19 genes the eye color will be green, with green and blue the result will be green again, and in the case of 2 blue genes it will be blue.

A simplified table is used to facilitate understanding.

Layout of the eye color of the unborn child

To avoid confusion in explaining the genome, an approximate general table in order to determine the eye color of the unborn child. According to her:

  • 2 brown-eyed parents will give birth to a brown-eyed child in 75% of cases, green-eyed in almost 19% of cases, and blue-eyed in only 6% of cases.
  • With brown-eyed and green-eyed parents, a child in 50% of cases will have brown eyes, in almost 38% of cases - green, and only in almost 13% - blue.
  • A brown-eyed and blue-eyed parent will again have a brown-eyed child in 50% of cases, and a blue-eyed child in the remaining 50% of cases. A green-eyed child cannot be born to such parents in any case.
  • Two green-eyed parents will give birth to a child with green eyes in 75% of cases, blue-eyed in 24% of cases, and brown-eyed in only 1% of cases.
  • A green-eyed and blue-eyed parent will have equal chances of giving birth to a child with blue or green eyes; they cannot have a brown-eyed baby.
  • Two blue-eyed parents in 99% of cases it will be born blue eyed child and only 1% have green eyes. Brown eyes it can't work here either.

TO interesting facts The following cases can be considered:

  • The majority of the world's population is brown-eyed, and the least green eyed people- they are observed in only 2% of the total number, and green-eyed female children are born most actively in Turkey and Iceland.
  • You can hardly find green-eyed people in Asian, South American and Central Asia. eastern countries, but blue eye color is very common among Caucasians.
  • The formation of eye color is completed only by the age of 4, and all newborns are born with the same blue eye, only for some it darkens or turns into other shades.
  • Brown eyes are blue eyes covered with pigment brown. Modern medicine It has come to the point that there is an operation to change eye color from brown to blue, although this will not affect the offspring.
  • Some scientists believe that blue eye color is due to genetic mutation, so all blue-eyed people have one common ancestor.
  • Albinos have red eyes due to the lack of iris pigment.
  • Black or yellow eyes in fact, brown and green, respectively, the rays falling on them simply reflect the color differently.

Thus, you can predict the eye color of your unborn child with a high degree of probability. IN in rare cases Children may be born with different colored irises in both eyes, but this is not a disease, but just a unique feature.