Marriage contract between Buzovoy and Tarasova. Lawyer Sergei Zhorin claims that Olga Buzova will not receive compensation from her husband after the divorce

New details of the divorce between Buzova and Tarasov were leaked onto the Internet. Fans of the TV presenter were able to find out some interesting details personal life celebrity thanks to her mother's statements and a random SMS.

About the marriage contract

Buzova’s mother said that her daughter entered into a marriage contract with Tarasov before their wedding took place. The terms of the contract were strict: in the event of a divorce, the girl does not receive anything, since she cannot claim the funds earned by her husband.

Olga Buzova herself says that she signed the agreement without hesitation. She really loved Tarasov and believed that this marriage would be the only one in her life.

Olga's mother was not so enamored with the football player. She says that Tarasov’s past alarmed her: he easily left the family, despite the fact that he and his wife had a common daughter. So Olga’s mother didn’t like the story with the contract, because it showed the whole essence of this man. According to the woman, Dmitry was initially not in the mood to maintain a relationship with her daughter and repeatedly thought about a possible breakup.

About the message sent to my daughter

Buzova's fans also learned about one not very pleasant trait inherent in their favorite. An SMS message written to Olga by her mother has leaked online. The woman in it points out that no man would live in a marriage with a woman who does not like to clean. “You’re a girl,” mom writes to Olga. — Wipe off the dust, put things back in their places and close the closet door - it’s not difficult. And it’s nice for a man.”

Buzova’s mother also complains that she did not teach her daughter to be tidy and cites the example of Olga’s sister, who was able to improve and learned to clean her house.

Well, perhaps the reason for the separation of Buzova and Tarasov was not only the betrayal of the latter. IN ordinary life many moments often remain behind closed doors, but when we're talking about about celebrities, keeping your secrets from the public is not so easy.

Journalists found out that almost all the real estate of the TV presenter and football player belongs to her husband. There is not a single house registered for the "House-2" star. According to documents, the apartment also belongs to the athlete, as do three foreign cars. Olga is only the owner of a company that sells costume jewelry.


According to media reports, Tarasov has three plots of land (42 acres) in the Sosenskoye settlement in New Moscow and a large cottage with an area of ​​800 square meters. Dmitry also purchased a building in the same village.

The house cost the footballer about 160 million rubles, reports the website The couple got an apartment a few months after the wedding. Tarasov bought an apartment with an area of ​​56 square meters in the east of Moscow. Reporters assessed the apartment and land plots at 40 million.

In addition, the spouses have three foreign cars worth about 15 million rubles. All are registered under Dmitry. If you believe the sharks of the pen, Olga uses two of them. Rumor has it that the TV presenter and football player managed to accumulate fines amounting to 30 thousand rubles. They will probably have to share this in court.

Photo published by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Oct 15, 2016 at 5:52 PDT

After studying the topic, fans of the beautiful couple were worried whether Olga would walk around the world if, according to her documents, she did not own anything. And will the TV presenter be left without a roof over her head?

Days.Ru found out from the lawyer, candidate legal sciences Svetlana Lvova, what part of the property registered in Tarasov’s name can Buzova, accustomed to a luxurious life, claim in the event of a divorce.

Svetlana, how will Olga and Dmitry divide property in case of divorce?

According to our family law, there are two options for the development of events. First: Olga can claim 50% of the value of all property by virtue of the Law when dividing jointly acquired property, if a marriage contract was not concluded between the spouses. Second: she can claim only the property or only the compensation that was agreed upon in the marriage contract, if one was concluded between the spouses. It is the marriage contract that changes the legal regime of property of the spouses and in the event of a divorce, each receives exactly that part of the property or the compensation that is stipulated in the corresponding marriage contract. Therefore, without seeing all the documents, it is impossible to say what a particular spouse will receive as a result of a divorce.

According to media reports, nothing has been registered against Olga. Will she still get her half if there is no prenup?

By virtue of the norms of the Family Code, all property acquired by spouses during marriage is subject to the regime of joint ownership, the so-called legal regime of property of spouses. And it doesn’t matter to whom exactly this property is registered. That is, even if all the property is registered in the name of the spouse, as in this case, this does not mean that the spouse does not have the right to half of this property or compensation in the amount of 50% of the value of this property. In the event of divorce, all property is subject to division - in judicial procedure or by agreement of the parties. You just need to remember about the general statute of limitations – 3 years, during which you need to complete all actions under the section. For example, shared ownership may be established on property. For example, 50% of the house for her and 50% of the house for him. If property is transferred to one of the spouses, the other pays compensation in the amount of 50% of the value of this property.

If, for example, a house costs 100 million rubles and it remains the property of the spouse, then he must pay the spouse compensation in the amount of 50 million. And so on for all other property.

How to divide three foreign cars according to this scheme?

In the case of cars, the situation is exactly the same. Ideal option: to separate amicably - to enter into an agreement on the division of jointly acquired property. The parties to this agreement determine the procedure for division and stipulate which property will become the property of which of them. And also who will pay what compensation to whom. If, for example, one car costs five million, and the second costs three million, then the spouse who received the car for five million must pay compensation to the spouse who received the car for three million. That is, everything is divided in half - 50/50.

But this is the legal property regime for spouses. And there is also a contractual one, which is determined by the marriage contract. If the parties have determined in the marriage contract that in the event of divorce, all property remains the property of the spouse, then the spouse cannot claim anything at all. The only exception is if she proves that, at the expense of her funds, inseparable improvements were made to the property, due to which the value of this property increased. For example, major renovation. In this case, she may claim some share in this property or monetary compensation.

But even under the legal regime of property of spouses, when all property is joint and must be divided in half, it is necessary to keep in mind that the property that one of the spouses received as a gift, by inheritance or as a result of some other gratuitous transaction is his personal property and is not subject to division. If the property was purchased with money that was received before marriage or given as a gift, then such property is also not subject to the regime of joint ownership. For example, a spouse had an apartment worth seven million before marriage, he sold it and bought another one for 15 million, but during the marriage. In this case, only part of the apartment can be subject to the joint ownership regime.

In my practice, there were situations when, during a marriage, specific property was purchased, but with money that belonged to a specific spouse - it was earned or received as a result of the sale of real estate that belonged to him personally. In this case there is a corresponding judicial practice, which indicates that such property can be recognized as the personal property of a particular spouse. The legal regime of spouses no longer applies to him, but all this needs to be proven.

If foreign cars are registered in Tarasov’s name, will all of Buzova’s fines remain with him?

No. Here we must understand that this situation is considered according to the rules of the administrative code. In administrative law there is such a concept as an event administrative offense and the person at fault. IN in this case We have all seen the MTPL insurance policy. There is a column where the names of people who are allowed to drive this vehicle are recorded. If, for example, the actual owner did not drive the vehicle, but transferred control to someone else, and this someone violated the rules traffic, then in this case the owner should challenge this fine in an administrative or judicial manner, since he was not driving the car and, accordingly, he is not guilty of a specific administrative offense. And then the person who violated the traffic rules will be brought to administrative responsibility if the statute of limitations for bringing to administrative responsibility does not pass.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Tarasov officially confirmed for the first time that. Now the footballer is not playing for Lokomotiv due to injury. On November 2, the athlete was discharged from the hospital with a nasal septum.

Journalists are speculating what happened. Feather sharks, citing knowledgeable friends, blame everything on . Others believe that Olga is “promoting her marriage,” which might not have suited the football player.

News about the TV presenter's divorce Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov became one of the most discussed last days. New details of their separation are appearing in the press with incredible speed, and latest version The couple's quarrel was the athlete's infidelity with his 22-year-old mistress, student from RUDN University Anastasia Kostenko.

Olga decided to put an end to the relationship and, according to the portal, filed documents for divorce. It is reported that on November 29, Buzova turned to the Meshchansky registry office to dissolve her marriage with Tarasov. It is symbolic that the couple’s official divorce will take place on December 30. Thanks to this date, both spouses will begin new life with the coming of 2017.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that despite the marriage contract concluded between the spouses, Tarasov would give Buzova half of the jointly acquired property. He talked about this in his first interview. However, Olga recently hinted that her husband took the car from her, which he had previously presented to her as a surprise. This situation commented the star lawyer Sergey Zhorin.

“The divorce will be quick and easy. If they really had a marriage contract, then everything will be exactly as indicated there, and Buzova will not be able to receive any special compensation. Although I will add that Olga could still claim some kind of compensation if they had children,” Zhorin told the publication “

February 28, 2017

Irina Aleksandrovna once again commented on the TV presenter’s divorce from Dmitry Tarasov.

Earlier, the mother of the “House-2” star already told reporters about her daughter’s condition after breaking up with her husband. Recently, the woman again opened up to the media. Irina Aleksandrovna reported on the strict marriage contract that her daughter signed on the day of her wedding to the football player. According to the terms of the document, in the event of a breakup, Olga was left with nothing. In fact, this is what happened, the athlete took away an apartment, a car and a country house from his once beloved wife, but at the time of the wedding, Buzova was not afraid of such conventions. She considered her feelings for Tarasov to be love for life.

According to the TV presenter’s mother, she initially did not like the format of the couple’s relationship, but she could not influence Olga in any way. Let us remember that during his affair with Buzova, Dmitry was suing his first wife, who gave birth to his daughter.

“Olga naively believed that her love would “save the world” and she was behind a “stone wall,” and her husband was responsible for his vows. And the fact that saying and doing are different things became a difficult discovery for her. It’s not the separation itself that’s scary, but how a person does it. Tarasov has already broken up inhumanly with his wives twice. Having betrayed her once, she will betray her next time,” Irina Aleksandrovna commented to the portal’s journalists

Irina Alexandrovna for the first time decided to openly express her point of view and talk about her daughter’s divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Divorce is entirely Tarasov’s decision,” says Irina Aleksandrovna. - One “beautiful” day Olya called me and, sobbing, asked for help. I arrived, packed my things as best I could, and moved my daughter to rented apartment. In fact, I found Olya on the verge of life.

If we talk about the background... You know, in our country the woman has always been the core of the family. She works, raises children, arranges a home, and pulls them out of a crisis. For the sake of well-being in the house, a woman is ready to do a lot. The man is not. Unfortunately, this experience exists in our family: mine, my parents, and my husband’s parents. Both of Olya’s grandmothers – Tamara Semyonovna (70 years old) and Alla Timofeevna (80 years old) – are still working. I also plan to work for another twenty years, no less. Olya, seeing all this, dreamed of being weak, wanted to be next to strong man, who will protect her from all adversity. But she was not given such an opportunity either.

In general, my daughter and I are by nature different people. I am much tougher, a Soviet-trained man. Olya is soft, vulnerable, the very embodiment of femininity. Life forces her to be strong.

Mom Irina Aleksandrovna with daughters Anna and Olga (right).

Photo Evgeny Fedotov/

Olya always preferred to deal with problems herself. And that's right. When parents interfere in a relationship, children then automatically blame them for all the troubles. For last year My daughter only turned to me twice with the question: what should I do? And that’s because I was shocked by this whole situation with Tarasov. Trying to help, I then went through everything possible options. You know, the kind they give in women's magazines: from “diversify sex life” to “bake him pies in the morning.” But it is very difficult to give advice when you are not inside the situation. Yes, and you can’t explain much loving woman. I understood perfectly well: no matter what I said, it wouldn’t work. If a man doesn’t love you, then even wash his feet and drink this water, nothing will change.

Olga has always had fans. But she wanted to get married once and for the rest of her life. Olga was very interested in Roman Tretyakov, with whom she built a relationship at Dom-2 for three years. Smart, creative, charismatic, always rooting for her, even though he made evil jokes... But it never came to marriage.

I always told Olga: marriage is your plans for the future. They may not coincide with your plans young man. Many people take vows of fidelity, get married, and then get divorced, believing that this is in the order of things. Others live a lie under one blanket, but with a stamp. Loving is a gift that, unfortunately, not everyone has. It seems to me that no matter how hard it is, no matter how much you love yourself, it is better to part with a person who does not love you, so as not to live with a pretender and not betray yourself.

If a man proposes a marriage contract, what is the future?

From the very beginning I did not like the format of Olga’s relationship with Tarasov. The man with whom his daughter fell in love is suing his wife and small child. And when I found out that Dima was offering to conclude a marriage contract, everything became clear. Alas, only for me. A grown young man earning millions takes a popular working girl as his wife and stipulates in advance that he will never owe her anything. What are we talking about? I warned my daughter, but I heard in response: “I love him! I don’t need his money.”

Olya loved Dima’s mother Olga Alexandrovna very much. She called her mommy, they often spent time together. Olya and Olga Aleksandrovna are even similar in many ways: both are tall blondes, emotional, laughing, both like publicity. Dima also called me mommy. But I’m never Dima’s son, because I’m used to being responsible for my words. I have two daughters, period. And how Tarasov and his mother really treated me, it’s better to ask them. For me, these were the people my daughter loved. We celebrate many holidays - birthdays, Christmas, and New Year– celebrated together: me, Olya and Dima and his mother. Every time I heard words of gratitude and admiration addressed to me and Olya. As it turned out, all this was said just for the sake of a nice word. At such events it is difficult to understand who is who.

In addition, Olga and Dima had many common interests. They didn’t swear in front of me, they looked happy. When Dima performed his song for her 30th birthday and gave her a ring, even I believed that they had love story there will be a long life.

Tarasov has already broken up with his wives twice inhumanely

After Olya’s divorce and her move to another apartment, I did not communicate with anyone from the Tarasov family. Olga naively believed that her love would “save the world” and she was behind a “stone wall”, and her husband was responsible for his vows. And the fact that saying and doing are different things became a difficult discovery for her. It’s not the separation itself that’s scary, but how a person does it. Tarasov has already broken up inhumanly with his wives twice. Having betrayed you once, he will betray you the next time.

After the divorce, the daughter changed both internally and externally. But we girls are all like that. I also often change my clothing style, hairstyle, and image. Many people say, dark color hair added by Ole let. It seems to me that at 30 you can afford to look a little older. When you're over 50, it's worth thinking about. The main thing is that she tries herself in different styles. And she likes it.

She also became more serious and less trusting. I'm used to the fact that my daughter is a girly girl, white and fluffy. And now I understand that this is an adult with difficult trials behind him. The change in image reflects the acquired life experience, not age. All lived recent months- in her eyes. She can smile, but her eyes are black, suffering and deep.

Olga and Dmitry. To many this marriage seemed happy.

Photo by Dmitry Drozdov

Knowing how she loved and how she idealized her loved one, literally dissolving in him, I understand that in two months the state of a torn soul and a trampled heart will not go away. Divorce is a huge stress for the loving party. Changing your image or working will not help change the situation. Only time will put everything in its place, and also a new happy relationship. For Olga, work is not a reason to leave herself, but rather a reason to turn towards herself. She rarely allows herself to laze on the couch. My daughter never gives up. I am amazed at her performance. I myself learn a lot from her in this regard. When I can’t bear to do something, I think: what about my girl on her feet from morning to night?