Analysis of the poem Winter Morning. Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”

(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

Analysis of the poem "Winter Morning"

A.S. Pushkin felt nature very subtly and devoted many poems to this topic in his work. His descriptions are deeply personal and talented. Poem " Winter morning» - shining example special “Pushkin” delight and admiration for the momentary moment in nature.

In this poem, the poet perceives a beautiful winter morning as the beginning of something new, unknown. It’s interesting how subtly the author feels the brevity of a moment, because a winter day is so short. And in this fleeting moment, A.S.’s perception is especially touching. Pushkin of all the splendor of nature.

The poem begins with a memory of a blizzard night when the storm was raging and the moon looked gloomy through the clouds. The author finds unique nuances, we clearly see this harsh picture. Everything is alarming, uncomfortable, the word “angry” enhances the effect, because the heroine was “sad” at those moments. A lot of emotions and impressions are conveyed in a few words.

And suddenly a real fairy tale opens before our eyes: the snow is shining, the river under the ice is charming, and the spruce is covered with frost. The poet calls on him to rejoice at the miracle he has seen. He conveys his emotions very vividly, from which you light up with the same all-encompassing rapture and are enchanted secret world nature.

The image of the sun enhances the impression; it is not summer, it does not warm, but it enlivens everything around. The sun leaves hope for wonderful things to happen at any time of the year, even in such cold weather. The poet endlessly rejoices at the fabulous changes, they bring hope for happy events, and this is a deep philosophical thought A.S. Pushkin. You need to be able to quickly forget adversity and open up to a wonderful day.

The opening landscape is so alive and lyrical that nothing can overshadow it, not even a blackening forest, as a reminder that not everything is so rosy in life. But the poet emphasizes that the forest is “one”, and everything else around is worthy of admiration.

The reader is immersed in a shining world of winter splendor. This special world is rich in colors and fabulous views. Everything seen and subtly noticed by the poet is conveyed to the reader and charges him with extraordinary energy.

Pushkin smoothly moves on to a person’s worldview, his thoughts at this moment of enjoying what he saw. Nature cannot leave anyone indifferent, it gives an endless fireworks of emotions, and it is impossible not to come into contact with it live. Of course, you want to ride on horseback to where nature rejoices and the “sweet shore” awaits.

A.S. Pushkin is a Russian poet, a man of rare talent and noble convictions. What wonderful pictures he created with his powerful brush, how much sincerity and warmth spilled into his poetic descriptions. But not only the poet himself knew how to enjoy the beautiful, not only expressed his delight, he also knew how to convey his admiration to others. Pushkin's poems are distinguished by a deep philosophical vision of the world.

The lyrical work “Winter Morning” surprises with its originality and artistry. The picture of a frosty morning is bright and spectacular. What is the story behind the creation of the poem “Winter Morning”? It was written by A.S. Pushkin in 1829. This year has not been easy for the poet. The chief of gendarmes, Alexander Benckendorf, shamelessly reminded him all the time about his supervision. There were also concerns about understanding his work. Pushkin's poem "Poltava", published in 1829, was not accepted by all readers. This could not but affect Alexander Sergeevich’s mood. The problem was that Pushkin, the exponent of the national and universal spirit, “outgrew the interests and tastes of his readers.” The poet became more mature, his feelings changed, his works and songs were no longer the same. And readers demanded the familiar and familiar. Take a break from anxious thoughts The poet managed to work with inspiration and forget the bustle of the capital for a while in the company of old friends. On November 3, 1829, while in the village of Pavlovskoye, Staritsky district, Tver province (the possession of Pyotr Ivanovich Wulf), A.S. Pushkin wrote the work “Winter Morning,” which later became famous.

The main theme of the poem “Winter Morning” is man and nature, the relationship of the human soul with the natural world. Reliable and colorful images of a sunny winter morning are combined in a poetic work with love motives.

A characteristic feature of the poem “Winter Morning” is that behind the simplicity and accessibility of the syllable lies a deep philosophical and universal meaning. Nature is conceived as an independent aesthetic value, its condition influences the emotional mood lyrical hero. The poet managed to achieve his goal: to show typical character Russian nature, with which reasonable person lives in peace and harmony. The poet values ​​man and nature in harmonious unity.

Compositionally, the poem “Winter Morning” consists of five stanzas. Each stanza has six lines.

Further, the development of the plot required the expansion of time boundaries; the lyrical hero reminds the lovely lady of yesterday’s pranks of the weather. Everything was not rosy, sad and depressing: “the blizzard was angry,” “the darkness was rushing in the cloudy sky.” This tension in nature affected the beauty’s mood: “And you sat sad...”. Human heart beats in unison with nature.

The prevailing mood of the third stanza is joyful, almost festive. The details of the landscape are expressive and original. There is so much joyful rapture and glorification of nature and life in the poet’s lines. The colorful descriptions of nature in the poem are not a background; landscape plays important role in revealing the inner world of the lyrical hero.

But pictures of nature temporarily give way to pictures of rural life. The room, the stove crackling with its cheerful crackling sound, is a familiar and at the same time wonderful village scene. In the poet's draft, the last verse of the fourth stanza looked like this: “Ban the Cherkassy horse.” But the final poetic solution was different - “Ban the brown filly” - which indicates Pushkin’s desire for a realistic style.

The fifth stanza is the most dynamic. Motifs of the road and running appear in it. The lyrical hero invites his beauty to visit familiar and dear places. In the last stanza a new character appears - the “impatient horse.” The horse is a symbol of movement, striving forward. In an energetic movement, to merge with nature, enjoy and admire it - aren’t these the wonderful realities of life?

One of the means of verbal expressiveness of the poem “Winter Morning” is antithesis. Antithesis is a comparison of contrasting or opposing images. The opening line of the poem—“Frost and sun…”—is the first observable antithesis. “Frost” (coldness, impartiality, immobility) and “sun” (awakening, warmth, development). The images of the heroes of the poem “Winter Morning” are also contrasting. The lyrical hero is active, full of strength and life, but the beauty is dozing, she is in the grip of sleep, oblivion, and apathy. In the second and third stanzas, the author again resorts to antithesis, showing in contrast the picture of a bygone stormy evening and a new wonderful morning. “Muddy sky” and “blue skies”, “evening” and “wonderful day”, magnificent carpets of snow and blackening forest - all these are antitheses skillfully arranged by the author.

Carrying out an analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”, one can notice that the work combines such delightful expressions as “closed gazes”, “northern Aurora” with decidedly prosaic ones - “the flooded stove cracks”, “ban the brown filly”. At the same time, the unity of the artistic impression of the poems does not suffer; on the contrary, thanks to this, a special charm and expressiveness of the poem is born.

The means of artistic expression of the poem “Winter Morning” are as follows:

- epithets (figurative definitions) - “lovely friend”, “wonderful day”, “muddy sky”, “transparent forest”, “empty fields”, “amber shine”, “impatient horse”, “ dear friend»,

- metaphors - “the blizzard was angry”, “the darkness was rushing”, “the snow lies in magnificent carpets”, “a cheerful crackling”

- simile - “the moon is like a pale spot.”

The poetic meter is iambic tetrameter.

In the six-line stanzas of the poem, the author used special scheme rhymes: the first line rhymes with the second, the third with the sixth, and the fourth with the fifth. The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabvvb. In this poem, feminine rhyme is predominant. These are lines one, two, four, five. The third and sixth lines are masculine rhyme.

I liked the poem “Winter Morning” because of the sonority and harmony of the syllable, the richness of impressions, and the ability to capture characteristic details. The lyrical hero is sincere, complete vitality, he joyfully welcomes the birth of a new day and encourages his beloved to do the same. In this poem one can feel movement, dynamics, changes, and they concern both nature and man. The poem “Winter Morning” has an incentive plan. I just want to, following the calls of the lyrical hero, harness a brown filly to a sled, and, surrendering to the running of an impatient horse, visit empty fields, until recently, dense forests and the coast. Pushkin peered vigilantly into the outside world and showed it as it appears in at the moment. The poem “Winter Morning” is written in “living” colors - you feel and see this “frost and sun; a wonderful day,” this snow glistening in the sun, the blackening forest, the river glistening under the ice.

"Winter Morning" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

Poem "Winter Morning" Pushkin wrote November 3, 1829. At that time the poet was not in the best state of mind, his life was full of sadness and loneliness. Therefore, the bright and enthusiastic poem “Winter Morning,” glorifying the beauty of the Russian winter, came as a pleasant surprise to critics and friends of Alexander Sergeevich.

Pushkin's work is literally permeated lyrical works. The poet has repeatedly admitted that he not only treats legends, myths and folk traditions, but also never ceases to admire the magic of Russian nature. “Winter Morning”, without exaggeration, can be considered one of Pushkin’s most successful poems on this topic.

Writers attribute this work to genre of landscape poetry. Its name already sounds romantic. Beautiful pictures of Russian nature, trees in a dazzling snowy decoration, immediately appear in the reader’s imagination.

Structurally, “Winter Morning” is divided into five stanzas, each of which is a six-line line. In the first stanza, the poet conveys his admiration for the Russian frosty winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the author's mood changes. Pushkin recalls the gloomy and stormy evening yesterday, which was filled with the violence and indignation of the elements. Therefore, the lyrical hero is delighted with the wonderful weather in morning hours. Antithesis in the second stanza gives the whole work a special flavor.

The fourth stanza, after describing a fine morning, returns the reader to a warm room, where the cheerful crackling of logs in the stove is heard. The last part of the work again invites the reader to admire the winter landscapes while taking a sleigh ride. Pushkin saturates the dynamically changing pictures of nature with bright and precise details: the amber shine of fire, magnificent carpets of snow, a shining river under ice.

"Winter Morning" is written melodiously iambic tetrameter with mixed rhyme (AABCSV), which gives the work a special lightness. Four lines with feminine rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth) are diluted in each stanza with two lines with masculine rhyme (third and sixth).

The nouns in the poem create a vivid image of a frosty winter morning: sun, sky, ice, frost, river, spruce, frost. Equally successfully, Pushkin uses verbs that saturate the text with the dynamics of life: appear, lie, wake up, shine, turn black, turn green.

Wonderful day, magnificent carpets, transparent forest, amber shine, cheerful crackling, dear friend - so positive epithets awaken a joyful mood in the reader's soul. But to depict evening bad weather, Pushkin uses phrases and comparisons with a negative connotation: "the moon is like a pale spot", "in the cloudy sky", "dark clouds". For blizzards and haze the poet uses personification, gives them properties characteristic of humans: "the darkness was rushing", "The blizzard was angry".

The syntactic structure of the language is also unique in “Winter Morning”. At the beginning of the work, the author uses declarative sentences. They are easy to read. Then the plot changes and becomes agitated, which is reflected in exclamatory sentences. There are also questions, one of which is rhetorical.

Pushkin widely uses appeals(beauty, lovely friend, dear friend), introductory words and direct speech, which creates in the reader a feeling of involvement in the event. Alliteration with the help of hissing and sonorous consonants, as well as successful consonance of vowels (assonance), both the creaking of snow and the clatter of horse hooves are conveyed. In the first stanza, the sound of a cold winter morning, “es,” is often heard, and in the second six-line, the sound “el” is repeated, conveying the sensations of frosty air. Effect "amber glow of fire" and the crackling of dry logs emphasizes the hard consonants “t” and “r”. The same purpose is served by a deliberate tautology - "crackles".

Lyrical hero The work appears before the reader as a poetic, subtle person who loves his native nature and knows how to discern beauty. The cheerful and joyful tone of the poem creates a feeling of something bright and festive.

Pushkin’s legacy includes many works with winter landscapes, but “Winter Morning” differs from others in its special skill and vitality.


“Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning””

Pushkin's poetry is surprisingly true to Russian

reality, does she portray a Russian

nature or Russian character...

V.G. Belinsky.

Among Pushkin's poems, an important role is played by those in which the poet lovingly paints pictures of his native nature. The incomparable painter perceived her with the heart of an ardent patriot. Since childhood, love for native nature firmly entered his soul. It grew stronger and was reflected in poems, poems and the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

In Pushkin’s lyrics, a prominent place belongs to the poem “Winter Morning,” written on December 3, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine in the village of Pavlovskoye. It is imbued with a sunny mood and accurately conveys the feelings that overwhelmed the author.

There are two heroes in the work: the so-called lyrical hero, and the beauty to whom the poem itself, which is the monologue of the lyrical hero, is dedicated. It is this beauty that the author calls “adorable friend” and “dear friend.”

The poem begins with the exclamation “Frost and sun; It’s a wonderful day!” and immediately evokes a feeling of joy in the reader. “Open your closed eyes to tenderness” - this is how in the first stanza the author addresses the beauty, using a metaphor.

To enhance artistic expressiveness, the author resorts to antithesis. The contrasting description of “today” and “evening” occupies the main place in the poem. The splendor of a winter morning is felt even more acutely in comparison with yesterday's storm, which is described with the same precision.

The most poetic landscape is in the second stanza; it is full of comparisons and personifications, although it evokes the heroine’s sadness. He describes only the sky:

“...the blizzard was angry,

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,

And you sat sadly -

And now look out the window!”

The third stanza is a winter landscape. The picture created by the poet is saturated with color: it is blue (“under blue skies”), and black (“the transparent forest alone turns black”), and green (“the spruce turns green through the frost”). Everything sparkles, shines; in the stanza the cognate words “brilliant” and “glitters” are repeated twice.

The third and fourth stanzas are connected with the word “shine”: “The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine.” Only the shine is no longer winter, but warm, amber. The author smoothly moves from admiring the beauty of nature to describing the furnishings of the room in which he is located. He uses alliteration, so the tautology “crackling” is justified, and thanks to it we hear the crackling sound of a flooded furnace.

The poet’s feeling of joy grows and requires movement; he wants to visit the “empty fields.” The most strong attachment, in which the author admits in this poem that this is “a shore dear to me.” This epithet, most likely, should be understood as native, dear places to the heart. In my opinion, in last line lies the main magnet of the work. After all, the entire poem is a monologue of a man persuading his “dear friend” to wake up in order to immediately go to the shore, dear to the poet.

There is harmony in life and that is why it is beautiful. You immediately understand this when reading the poem “Winter Morning”. The day is wonderful thanks to the harmonious existence of frost and solar warmth. Not possible in fully enjoy a joyful sunny morning if you have never had a gloomy evening in your life.

Who among us does not know the famous Pushkin lines: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” We remember them when we leave the house on a winter morning and see a wonderful picture that fits into two words: “frost”... and “sun”... And it seems that we don’t even need to add anything. It begins with these words famous poem A.S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”. Of course, this is a poem about nature, about the joy of life, about the feeling of happiness.

So, “frost and sun; wonderful day!” - we read, and an amazing landscape opens before our eyes: a blue sky, and on it there is a bright sun, which usually shines on a frosty day.

It’s as if we are seeing a lyrical hero (perhaps the poet himself) who came to the window and froze, enchanted. But who is he addressing?

You are still dozing, dear friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up...

Open your closed eyes

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

High vocabulary (bareness, gazes, appear), vivid metaphors (northern Aurora, northern star) help the poet express those solemn feelings that are born in his soul.

But just yesterday everything was completely different. The second stanza is about this:

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry

There was darkness in the cloudy sky;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,

With the help of personifications (the blizzard was angry, the darkness was rushing) the poet animates nature, shows it close to a person, kindred to his soul. After all, the nature of the night evoked horror in him, which is emphasized by the sound recording.

It’s as if in reality we hear the howling of the wind (drums - evening, remember, muddy, spot), the sounds of snow knocking on the window (angry, rushing, through). And even the “pale spot of the moon” is not pleasing to the eye, because we see “through the dark clouds.”

But that was yesterday, and today:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

There is so much light in these lines! The snow glistens, the river glistens - the feeling of winter glitter does not leave us, the glitter of the snow even hurts our eyes so much that we want to close our eyes, as happens on a clear winter day, the poet conveyed this so accurately. And the colors! The heavens seem to be parted, and it seems that blue The entire space is filled. “The forest turns black”, “the spruce turns green” - these bright spots are also pleasing to the eye. The impression is strengthened by the comparison of “magnificent carpets, as well as the anaphora at the end of the stanza. And we enjoy the beauty of the winter morning together with the lyrical hero.

But then he moves away from the window and sees that the room has also been transformed: now it is “illuminated with an amber shine,” which means that the sun has penetrated here too. Even the stove begins to crackle with a “cheerful crackling”, rejoicing at the beautiful morning. And the desire to take a walk (“shouldn’t I tell the brown filly to be banned from the sled?”) seems absolutely natural.

And the last part of the poem conveys feelings of complete happiness when the hero and his beloved sit in a sleigh and enjoy the beauty of nature, the fast running of an impatient horse and, of course, each other’s company. And what seemed empty and sad yesterday is perceived completely differently today. And even forced imprisonment (and we know that the poem was written in Mikhailovsky, where Pushkin was exiled, which is why we hear a slight sadness in the poet’s voice) does not seem so terrible, even “sweet”.

The poem is surprisingly light and bright. Iambic tetrameter, alternation of male and female rhymes, simplicity of visual and expressive means create a feeling of naturalness and simplicity. Each line is imbued with warmth. We feel a mood of complete harmony. Magnificent nature, a loved one, simple joys - what else does a person need to be happy?

Updated: 2017-10-06

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