Saint Anne. Holy Righteous Anna, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Why do we know so little about Anna, the mother? Holy Mother of God, and why exactly the Church honors her, we asked a biblical philologist, associate professor at the Institute oriental cultures and Antiquity of the Russian State University for the Humanities, head. Department of Biblical Studies of the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Mikhail Georgievich Seleznev.

– Mikhail Georgievich, why doesn’t the Bible tell us anything about the life of righteous Anna?

– The fact is that the texts of early Christian literature generally show very little interest in the everyday details of the heroes’ lives, their childhood or their relationships with their relatives. They even talk very sparingly about the childhood of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark begins with, the Gospel of John, after the prologue about the Logos, also goes directly to Baptism. As for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, there are indeed stories about the birth and childhood of Jesus. However, these stories were written down not in order to provide any additional everyday details, but for the sake of the symbolic load of these texts. For example, Matthew gives the genealogy of Christ to connect the Old Testament story with the New Testament story. Unfortunately, the evangelists were of little interest to simple everyday details (for example, what Jesus looked like, what color His eyes and hair were).

The first Christians had a feeling that the end of the world was coming, it was close, it could come any day now, and therefore historical details, everyday moments are not important, but what is important is that it should begin now new era, new world. This was the focus of the first generation of Christians. experienced conversion on the way to Damascus, people who saw Christ were still alive, he can go to them and ask them to tell them about everything in as much detail as possible (as any of us would do if he had such an opportunity!). But for the Apostle Paul, the appearance was enough for him; he did not go to the apostles who knew Christ in his earthly life, he did not consult with people of “flesh and blood”, to find out the details of the life of Christ (Gal. 1: 15-17)... Not this important to him.

Kissing righteous Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate, 16th century

– How should we react to the fact that the facts about the life of righteous Anna are taken mainly from early Christian apocrypha?

– When decades and even more passed after the life of Jesus, the end of the world ceased to be perceived as a near reality and moved into an uncertain future. Then the interest in the events with which Christianity began, in their smallest details, in the details of how those people lived who are spoken of in the Gospel, becomes stronger. But the era of Jesus Christ has already become the past, where it is impossible to return and interview eyewitnesses.

Material on the topic

On September 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This event - the birth of the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ from the righteous parents Joachim and Anna - is described in Church Tradition. We will talk about the history, meaning and folk traditions related to the holiday.

Although there are no more witnesses, there is a desire to supplement the Gospel, to color it, especially in simple folk literature. This is how tales appear about the childhood of Jesus, about childhood, about Her parents. From century to century such tales became more and more detailed and more colorful.

Such tales, of course, have their own truth, but this is not historical truth, but the truth is a symbol, and we should talk, first of all, about the moral and dogmatic meaning inherent in these legends. I think it is not always meaningful to talk about what historical realities are behind them. These are texts about something else, they are given to us for something else.

“We know that the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, the righteous Joachim and Anna, had no offspring for a long time. What was the attitude in ancient Israel towards a family without children?

– Not only in ancient Israel, but in general in the ancient Near East, children were considered a blessing from God. Childlessness, in turn, was considered great grief. However, precisely in the era we are talking about, along with the ideals family life a certain proto-monastic ideal appears in Israel. Members of the Qumran community, in particular, practiced abstinence and celibacy. That is, just on the threshold of the New Testament, the attitude of the ancient Jews to the fact that marriage and children are the norm, and the absence of children is a disaster, began (at least in some circles) to change. The words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul about celibacy were no longer a complete surprise to their listeners.

The oldest monument outlining the history of the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, Saints Joachim and Anna, is the so-called “Proto-Gospel of James,” written no earlier than the second half of the 2nd century. according to R.H. As researchers note, much here is borrowed from Old Testament texts. The plot about the infertility of older people, which is for them a sign of God’s disfavor and great grief, about their prayer to God, that in old age a miracle happens and a child is born to them, is embodied in a number of Old Testament stories (about, about Isaac and Rebecca).

Material on the topic

On January 8, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Council of the Most Holy Theotokos, the one without whom there would be no Nativity of Christ and our salvation. The way Christians honor Mother of God, is incomparable with the veneration of any saint.

The corresponding lines of the “Proto-Gospel of Jacob” are especially close to the story of Elkanah and Anna (the parents of the prophet Samuel), which is contained in the first chapters of 1 Book of Samuel. So the plots played important role For Old Testament, were updated in the New.

– It is known that righteous Anna gave birth when she was already at an advanced age. Can this be called an undoubted miracle of God?

- Tradition clearly perceives this as a miracle - only in this case there is a overlap with the Old Testament, only in this case the story of the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary acquires its moral meaning - it becomes a lesson in patience and hope. Let us repeat once again that the question before us is not about a specific historical fact, but about its symbolic meaning. If there is no miracle, then there is no symbolic meaning either.

– Why exactly does the Orthodox Church venerate Righteous Anna?

– The Church honors all the Forefathers (and their wives, of course) who are related to the genealogy of the Savior. But the story about the parents of the Blessed Virgin, as I have already said, in itself carries an important semantic load. As with similar Old Testament narratives, we're talking about about the test of faith. About the test of a family (and in particular, righteous Anna), who is experiencing grief due to childlessness. But at the same time, faith, hope, patience, and prayer continue to live in future parents. And a miracle happens. This combination of themes - trouble, hope, patience, prayer, miracle - presents us with a certain moral lesson: “he who believes will not be put to shame.”

We often offer our prayers to the Lord and the Mother of God, undeservedly ignoring the people who contributed to the coming of the Savior into the world. And their history is as interesting as it is instructive. It is not in vain that the icon “Joachim and Anna” is considered miraculous. Do you know her story? If not, then let’s discover together what the meaning of the icon “Joachim and Anna with the Virgin Mary” is, who it helps, who looks at it with hope.

The legend of Anna and her husband Joachim

In ancient times it was considered shameful not to have children, but it happened. Joachim descended from King David. It was believed that his father Varpafir received a sign from the Lord that the Savior of the world would be born from the seed of his great-grandsons. Anna was the daughter of Matthan. On her mother's side, she was from the clan of Judah. The two got married and led a righteous life. There was only one misfortune in their family - the absence of children. The couple did not despair, since this feeling was displeasing to the Lord. They prayed and waited for the desired heir to appear. A lot of time passed, but no miracle happened. One day Joachim decided to take the gifts to the city of Jerusalem. At the end of the journey, a terrible disappointment awaited him, like a bolt from the blue, striking him in the very heart. The priest did not accept the gifts. He explained to the dejected Joachim that it is inappropriate for a sinner to make offerings to God, they are displeasing to Him. Probably the priest had his own reasons for such cruel behavior; the legend does not talk about this. But the righteous man reacted very negatively to such news. He went into the desert to never appear before society. Sin tormented his righteous soul.

Marital fidelity and duty

It is possible to understand what the icon “Joachim and Anna” is for believers only by fully studying their history. If you look superficially, it will seem that this is just a story about unhappy people. In fact, they are the real heroes. But let's continue. Anna found out how the priest had offended her beloved husband. She began to pray to the Lord that a child would be given to her. It did not occur to the woman to condemn the clergyman, nor did her husband. They trusted this man as the Lord's representative on earth. Their religious feelings were so deep that critical thoughts common to modern people simply did not occur to them. The couple prayed, Anna was at home, and Joachim was in the desert. You need to understand that they accepted their fate as it was, did not complain or be offended. And their prayers were heard. A miracle happened!

What does the icon “The Meeting of Joachim and Anna” tell about?

The Heavenly Messenger appeared to the couple. This messenger informed everyone that by the will of the Almighty they would have a daughter. But it won't be simple girl. She has a special mission. As an adult, she will give birth to the Savior. The Heavenly Messenger ordered the spouses to meet in Jerusalem. They immediately went to this city. As the Lord commanded, at the right time they had a daughter. The girl was named Maria. As the legend says, soon after the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, her father died. At that time, Joachim was already eighty years old. His wife survived him by two years. She passed away to another world, also in old age (79). Agree, this is a real feat - to believe in a miracle so much. You need to remember this when you want the icon “Joachim and Anna” to help. The history of the people from whom Jesus comes deserves the most careful and careful consideration.

An ordinary married couple?

The story and icon of the “Holy Righteous Fathers Joachim and Anna” teaches Christians true sincere faith. And it lies in the humble acceptance of what the Almighty gives. Resistance to the will of the Lord is considered a sin. It is necessary to distinguish between earthly activities and spiritual work, which are not the same thing. The couple probably understood that having a child was unlikely. Once conception has not occurred after a year or two, why will it become possible in old age? And according to legend, their daughter was born when they were both well over sixty years old. And yet they did not despair, did not give up hope. People firmly believed that a miracle was possible, it would happen when the Lord allowed it. This is what the icon “Joachim and Anna” is about: you must not let despondency enter your soul. This feeling is incompatible with real faith. And the Lord will always give exactly what a person deserves.

Icon “Anna and Joachim”: what does it help with?

People who have problems in family building turn to these saints. With their lives, Anna and Joachim proved the mercy of the Lord towards those who are faithful to love and trust in His help. Therefore, the saints pray for the conception of a child, for advice on raising a child, if there are problems in relations with him. Women turn to the icon with requests to soften the character of their spouse. The saints demonstrated incredible fidelity and tenderness of the union. They were close for more than half a century, supporting each other in grief and suffering. Those who feel lonely with a spouse turn to them. But most of all prayer words addressed to saints who did not receive the Highest blessing for conception. Doctors put terrible diagnosis- infertility. However, there are many cases where it turns out to be wrong. You just need to trust in the mercy of the Lord and not give up or become discouraged.

How to contact the saints

Let's fill in a little the general gaps in religious education. A person, as a rule, is able to find information about which icon to go to with his problem. But when you find yourself in front of it, you get lost. People look for clues in prayer books and do not believe in their ability to talk with those whose help they have decided to resort to. Is this what Jesus taught? He said that prayer must come from the depths of the heart. You need to talk to God alone, using your feelings, trusting him with your problems, opening your soul. Texts created by many generations of talented people are only help in studying the science of communication with the Lord. Think about this when the icon “Joachim and Anna” appears in front of you. You should pray for the conception of a child with all your heart, trusting the Almighty with your sorrows, your most secret fears, and revealing your hopes. This is the only way to count on His help.


By Christian tradition in front of the icon they pray for conception for forty days in a row. It should be noted that no one forbids continuing regular treatment of the saints. Study the lives of these people, understand their problems and ways of overcoming adversity that they considered true. Over time, the saints will become your friends, looking at sorrows with kindness and compassion, ready to lend a shoulder, listen to complaints, and rejoice in victories and successes. The Lord gave these people an extraordinary daughter in old age. Would you say that you had to suffer for too long? Remember folk wisdom, which says that the Lord does not give hardships beyond our strength. And it also helps to cope with them kind advice or a hint, he lets the right person down or gives him some chance. Do you see these signs or do you think it’s better to plunge into despondency and unbelief? Look for the answer in your soul before you approach the icon depicting the faces of real heroes who gave the world the opportunity to meet the Savior.

Steam sailing schooner of the expedition of G. L. Brusilov. Came out St. Petersburg with the goal of passing the Northern Sea Route from west to east. Lost (1912) by ice in the Kara Cape, drifted for 2 years and died; two members of the expedition (V.I. Albanov and A.... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Steam sailing schooner of the expedition of G. L. Brusilov. She left St. Petersburg with the goal of traveling the Northern Sea Route from west to east. Lost (1912) by ice in the Kara Sea, drifted for 2 years and died; two members of the expedition (V.I. Albanov and ... Russian history

- “SAINT ANNA”, a steam-sailing schooner of the expedition of G. L. Brusilov (see BRUSILOV Georgy Lvovich). She left St. Petersburg with the goal of traveling along the Northern Sea Route (see NORTHERN SEA ROUTE (NSR)) from west to east. Lost (1912) by ice in Kara... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Steam sailing schooner of the expedition of G. L. Brusilov. She left St. Petersburg with the goal of traveling the Northern Sea Route from west to east. Lost (1912) by ice in the Kara Sea, drifted for 2 years and died; two members of the expedition (V.I. Albanov and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

This term has other meanings, see Saint Anne (meanings). “St. Anne” “Blencathra” “Pandora II” “Newport” (English ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Saint Anne (meanings). "Saint Anna" is an annual festival of student and debut films. It has been taking place in Moscow since 1994. Is one of the most important, representative and respected... ... Wikipedia

Saint Anne: Saint Anne in the Christian tradition is the mother of the Virgin Mary, grandmother of Jesus Christ, wife of Saint Joachim. St. Anna festival of student and debut films. "Saint Anna" schooner of the Russian polar expedition led by G. L.... ... Wikipedia

Ingegerda (Swedish: Ingegerd, 1001 February 10, 1050) princess, daughter of King Olaf Shotkonung of Sweden and Estrid (Astrid, Swedish: Estrid, of Obodrit origin). She was born in Sigtuna in Sweden and was supposed to marry King Olaf II of Norway, in... ... Wikipedia

Like Saint Anne- 3 units Three half-galleys built at the Vyborg shipyard by Yu. A. Rusinov. 1 12 lb and 2 6 lb guns; 20 cans; 250 people. Saint Anna Founded in 1710, lowered in 1711, became part of the Baltic Fleet. Participated in the Northern War 1700–1721. (?) Saint… … Military encyclopedia


  • Saint Anne, . Anna is a Hebrew name that means grace. In biblical times, this name was glorified by the holy prophetess Anna, the mother of the prophet Samuel, and holy Anna the Prophetess, who was present...
  • Saint Anna, Filimonova L. (comp.). Anna is a Hebrew name that means “grace.” In biblical times, this name was glorified by the holy prophetess Anna, the mother of the prophet Samuel, and holy Anna the Prophetess, who was present...

Very often, when turning to the icons of St. Anna or with a prayer for help and protection, ignorant believers are not exactly sure which Anna they are trying to establish contact with. This leads to prayers going unheard and their faith being questioned. Let's look at all the famous saints with the name Anna, as well as the areas of their patronage.

Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary

The memory of Saint Righteous Anna is dedicated on December 22, August 7 and September 22 according to the new style. Saint Anna comes from the Aaronic family, and her husband, Saint Joachim, comes from the house of King David himself, from where, according to ancient legends, the Messiah was supposed to come. The couple lived in Nazareth and gave a portion of their income monthly for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem, as well as for donations to the poor.

Unfortunately, God is up to old age did not give the couple children, which the couple grieved unspeakably. It is known that among Jews, childless families are considered the most unfortunate, and infertility is called a grave punishment from God. However, the saints did not give up and fervently prayed for the appearance of offspring. Joachim went into the desert and spent 40 years there long days, praying for a miracle, Anna blamed herself for their misfortune; she also asked the Lord to give her a child, promising to bring him as a gift to God.

The couple's prayers were heard, an angel descended to them and announced that a miracle had happened. Thus, the couple had a daughter in Jerusalem - Holy Virgin Maria. According to legend, the holy righteous Anna died in old age in Jerusalem even before the Annunciation. The first church in honor of the saint was built in Devtera, and her Dormition is celebrated on August 7. Prayers to Saint Anne are offered in case of infertility, as well as in case of complications during pregnancy, in order to achieve healthy offspring. Like Saint Anna, Mary, her daughter, began to live a pious life and was honored with the happiness of giving birth to Jesus Christ, our savior.

Princess Anna Kashinskaya

During the time of total atheism, the church was destroyed again, and the source was covered with earth and covered with concrete slabs. However sacred water made its way, and the peasants cleared the way for the return of the lake.

Now a whole bathhouse has been built on the site of the lake, with separate cabins for men and women. It is noteworthy that the temperature of the lake does not change, regardless of the time of year. In summer the water does not heat up, and in winter it does not freeze...

in Vilnius

This church is considered a true masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. The small cathedral looks so fragile and miniature that it attracts much more admiring glances than the huge Church of St. Bernard standing behind it. It is not known exactly who built this cathedral and in what period of time, but it looks so dazzling that Napoleon himself wanted to move it to Paris.

Now the famous Church of St. Anne is considered one of the symbols of Vilnius. If you look closely at the main facade of the cathedral, you will find the letters “A” and “M”, which can mean “Ave Maria” or “Anna Mater Maria”. According to some experts, the composition of the facade imitates the Gediminovich pillars, the tops of which are 3 small turrets.

In the 19th century, a bell tower made in pseudo-Gothic style was built next to the church. Now it’s broken near the church beautiful park, where those who wish can sit in the shade of trees or lie on the grass, enjoying the beauty of the cathedral. Special excursions lasting one and a half or 3 hours are held for tourists, including with Russian guides.

Church in Augsburg

The church, together with a small monastery, was erected in the very center of the city in 1321, after which it was restored and reconstructed many times. By 1420, thanks to donations, the monastery of St. Anne had doubled its original area. The Jewelers' Chapel was built, and then the Fuggers' Chapel. It belonged to one of the most influential families in the city and was practically the first building in the Renaissance style.

One of the attractions of the church is the Martin Luther Museum. Its history dates back to 1518, when Luther arrived in the city for a theological conversation with the cardinal himself. As a result of this meeting, the papal legate planned to arrest the partisan leader. However, after the meeting, Luther secretly left the city. In 1551 began new story church, where a school was opened, and then a gymnasium of St. Anna. A short time later, the city architect erected a new building with a library and a church tower with a spire especially for the gymnasium.

Church decorations

In the 16th century, the church became the owner of a unique collection of paintings that can be seen there to this day. Some of the works of art belong to the hand of the great German master Lucas Cranach the Elder. As for the artistic component of the temple’s design, there is something to see here for both pilgrims and ordinary tourists outside the Christian faith. Firstly, you should pay attention to the paintings on the ceiling, made in the Rococo and Baroque styles. Numerous frescoes and stuccoes depict such great events as the Day of Judgment, the Crucifixion and the Sermon on the Mount.

Built entirely from donations, the Chapel of the Goldsmiths was expanded and decorated with frescoes depicting King Herod. In the story, the king turns to the warlocks with a request to find out the whereabouts of Jesus. The frescoes also depict Jesus himself, the Magi, Saints Helen, George and Christopher.

Athonite Monastery of St. Anne

Greece has one of the most popular pilgrimage sites dedicated to St. Anne. The Athos monastery has a miraculous icon that patronizes motherhood. It is known that thousands of people received children after praying in front of the icon, and Saint Anna helped them. The icon has been standing here since ancient times, as evidenced by the ancient lamp with an egg standing near the icon.

It turns out that this lamp was presented to the monastery by the Turkish Sultan more than 200 years ago! The history of this gift is extremely interesting. The fact is that the Sultan of Limnu was childless, and, as mentioned earlier, among Muslims, infertility is like a curse on the entire family. Time passed, the Sultan gradually grew old, but there was still no hope of finding offspring. Then rumors reached him that in the Athos monastery there was miraculous icon, helping parents find children. And the Sultan sent without hesitation generous gifts to the monastery with a request to bring him holy water and oil from the lamp.

However, the pilgrims thought: “How can we hand over the shrine to a person who does not even profess Christianity?” And they poured out the oil. However, the Sultan believed in the power of the icon and again demanded that the pilgrims fulfill his request. Confused, the pilgrims went to the monastery fathers for advice. “What should we do? - they asked. “If we do not fulfill the Sultan’s request, he will execute us!” And the fathers answered: “Then take it to him. plain butter And ordinary water».

It was decided to do so. Believing in miraculous power icons, the Sultan drank ordinary water from the stream and began to desperately pray, because his last hope was Saint Anna. The icon really helped, and soon a miracle happened: the Sultan received his long-awaited son! Filled with gratitude, the Sultan sent a lamp decorated precious stone. However, soon thieves stole the stone, and the Sultan sent a silver egg in its place.

For prayer to gain power...

Many people refuse to believe in God simply because their prayers are not answered. But what if it is the fault of the worshipers themselves? The fact is that very often we are too focused on our own sorrows to give due respect and attention to the greatness of the Lord to whom we are addressing. When we focus only on our own needs, our prayer loses its power. The main condition for the success of any prayer is trust in the love and power of God, who wants to help us.

For prayer to be powerful, we must view it in the light of God’s grace, then we can ascend to Him and the prayer will be heard. Learn to “meet” God in every prayer. After all, we long to meet our loved ones and relatives, but most often we just want something from God. However, God is not like a salesman. He bestows goodness on those who truly believe and long for the presence of the Lord in their lives.

Using the example of the Sultan, one can judge that a person’s religion is not so important as the sincerity of his prayers and motives. Therefore, even if an “infidel” sincerely turns to God and asks for his participation in his life, the Lord will respond to his prayers.

Saint Anna the Prophetess is the only woman of the New Testament, who is called the Prophetess. Very little reliable information has been preserved about the life of Saint Anne. The Gospel says that Anna is the daughter of Phanuel; after the death of her husband, she did not remarry. Saint Anne is mentioned in the event when the Christ child was brought to the Jerusalem Temple.

Throughout her long life, Saint Anna led a righteous life, serving God with her prayer and fasting. Seeing the born Savior in the Jerusalem Temple, confirming the prophecy of Simeon the God-Receiver, she began to preach the news of the Messiah.

Icon of St. Anna the Prophetess and its meaning

Initially, in the ancient Russian tradition, Saint Anna was depicted on the icons of the Presentation of the Lord behind the back of the Mother of God, sometimes in profile with a prophetic gesture or pointing a finger at Christ. Anna the Prophetess was often presented as old woman with an extremely gaunt face and gray hair. In some paintings, Saint Anna holds an expanded or folded list, on which are written words about the imminent deliverance of all those living in Jerusalem. There is also another version of the text, which talks about the baby who created heaven and earth.

It is customary to honor Saint Anna the Prophetess on August 28 and February 3. This saint is recognized as the patroness of widows, nuns and single women. Usually they pray to Saint Anne for a righteous lifestyle in loneliness and widowhood, strengthening strength in prayer and fasting, and support in childlessness. Saint Anne is also considered the patroness of infants. You should turn to her with prayers if your child is sick. Because Anna led a righteous and pious lifestyle, she was awarded the right to see the newborn Christ in the temple. Those who lack humility in life, who want to get rid of sorrow, who want to resist temptations and live righteously, should turn to Saint Anna the Prophetess in prayer.

You can purchase jewelry with the image of St. Anne the Prophetess at the Vladimir Mikhailov salon. The works of this talented artist fascinate with their clarity and thoughtfulness of lines, quality of materials, beauty and grace. This famous master creates unique jewelry pieces that amaze with their originality and novelty against the backdrop of the Orthodox tradition.

  • Article: 44160
  • Material: Gold 585 "green"
  • Height: 23 mm.
  • Width: 12 mm.

In the hands of an Angel standing on a cloud is an icon with the image of Anna the prophetess, daughter of Phanuel. Anna the prophetess was the last righteous woman of the Old Testament, who was granted to see Jesus Christ with her own eyes and announce to all the people in Jerusalem about the birth of the Savior. On the reverse side of the icon are the words of the saint’s prayer.

  • Article: 14500
  • Material: 925 silver, gold plated
  • Height: 30 mm.
  • Width: 21 mm.

Anna the Prophetess is revered Orthodox Church in the face of the righteous. The Gospel of Luke says that she was a pious widow from Jerusalem who had reached a very old age. She served God day and night with fasting and prayer, for which she was honored to be present with Saint Simeon the God-Receiver in those holy moments when the infant Christ was first brought to the temple.