The emergence of Homo sapiens. Presentation on biology on the topic Dream and its meaning (8th grade) Historical subspecies of Homo sapiens presentations

Item: Story
Class: 5
Lesson topic according to the curriculum: The emergence of “Homo sapiens.”
Lesson format: Combined lesson
Equipment: Textbook by Ukolov and others, outline maps, documents, comparison table, History Multimedia complex, TsOR “History of the ancient world 5th grade”, publishing house NFPC, TsOR “History 5th grade” publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, TsOR “ Atlas of history Ancient world ”, own presentation
Target: To prove that “Homo sapiens” is our contemporary.
Tasks: Development of cognitive interest

Nurturing love for general history and therefore to his homeland

Formation of skills in working with a historical map and historical sources

Expected results: independently continue the story about the fate of boys in primitive society; explain different ways hunting large wild animals; compare the differences between races and draw conclusions; identify a pattern historical development; compare and draw logical conclusions. Answer the problematic question.

The purpose of the lesson: to prove that “Homo sapiens” is our contemporary.

Lesson equipment: map “Territories of states in ancient times”, presentation, assignments. Models of tools prepared for the lesson.

Survey by D.Z.

  • questions No. 1-3 (3 people)
  • task No. 1-3 (oral)

New material.

State the purpose of the lesson.

Open your notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson.

“The emergence of Homo sapiens.” ( Slide No. 1 )

On which continents did the most ancient man live? (Africa, Eurasia) Show on map.

Let us recall the theories about the origin of man ( divine, alien, from a large mammal)

Charles Darwin ( Slide No. 2)

What's happened evolution (Slide No. 3) We write it down in notebooks.

Let's see how human development occurred or anthropogenesis – anthropo (human) and genesis (development). (Slide No. 4)

Who is depicted Slide No. 5 . (southern monkey)

Who is depicted Slide No. 6 .(ape-man)

All together they made up the name “skillful man.”

When did the “skillful man” appear? OK. 2.5 million years ago)

What were the main occupations of ancient man? (Slide No. 7)

What is collecting?

What type of farming did ancient man lead? appropriating)

Why. (I took everything necessary for life from nature)

What a “skillful man” could make. ( tools and weapons) ( Slide No. 8) + gun models

What material did people use to make tools and weapons? ( Wood and stone)

What is the name of the age in which tools and everything necessary were made of stone? ( stone)

How many periods does it consist of? Stone Age. (three) What are they called and what do they mean? (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)

What contributed to the development of human thinking? (work)

Evolution continued and the “skillful man” was replaced by “ a reasonable man." ( Slide number 9) Writing in a notebook.

This type includes Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon.Writing in a notebook.

Where is his homeland? Read the text p.18 last paragraph. Neanderthal ( Appendix No. 10) was named after the place where his remains were first found in the Neanderthal Valley in Germany. He had highly developed brow ridges, powerful forward jaws with large teeth.

The Neanderthal could not speak clearly because his vocal apparatus was not sufficiently developed. Neanderthals made tools from stone and built primitive houses. They hunted large animals. Their clothing was animal skins. The dead were buried in dug graves. For the first time they had ideas about death as a transition to afterlife. (Slide No. 11 – 14).

What were the names of the places where ancient people stayed for long periods of time? ( parking) (Slide No. 15)

For a long time it was believed that Neanderthals were the immediate predecessors of humans modern type. However, now scientists have abandoned this point of view and consider Neanderthals a dead-end species. Neanderthals lived for some time with another species of “homo sapiens” - Cro-Magnon whose remains were first found in the Cro-Magnon cave in France.

(Slide No. 16)

Is there any similarity between Cro-Magnon and modern man? (Yes)

- Cro-Magnons are our direct ancestors. Scientists call Cro-Magnons modern people, “homo sapiens, sapiens”, those. “a reasonable, intelligent man.” This emphasizes that man is the owner of the most developed mind on our planet.

40-30 thousand years ago - the Cro-Magnon man appeared. (write in notebook)

Thanks to constant work, the volume of the human brain increased. (Slide №17)

A person begins to work more and more meaningfully, learns to speak and communicate with his relatives.

Ice age. (Slide №18 ) Writing in a notebook.

During the glaciation in Europe, the ground thawed only for a short period, and sparse vegetation appeared on it. But it was enough to feed mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, bison, and reindeer.

What do you think is the most important activity for people and why? ( Hunting, because sparse vegetation remains)

Hunting during the Ice Age turns into the most important occupation of the Cro-Magnons. Tools began to be made not only from stone, but also from bones and horns of wild animals.

In addition, bone needles appeared, which were used to sew clothes from foxes, wolves, and other animals. (Slide No. 19)

How did ancient people hunt wild animals? (Slides No. 20-22)

Housing has also changed. (Slide No. 23) Let's read. From last 20 Paragraph.

Was it possible to hunt wild beast and build houses alone. (It is forbidden)

Dozens of people were required, organized, collected, disciplined. People began to live tribal communities. (Slide No. 24) Writing in a notebook.

Such a family included several large families that formed a clan. The men hunted together. Together they made tools and built houses. The mother woman was especially respected. Initially, the relationship was on the maternal side. In the habitats of ancient people, skillfully made female figurines are often found.

What did the women do? (They were engaged in gathering, preparing food, watching the fire, storing food supplies, sewing clothes, and most importantly, raising children)

The family was ruled elders - the wisest and most experienced members of the family.

Message on the topic “Raising children in the tribal community)

Why do you think prehistoric boys were raised so harshly? (this time is a time of survival, and the future of you and your loved ones depends on how you are prepared for life)

With the advent of the Cro-Magnon man, human races began to form. Race is a group of humanity. There are three of them in the world . (Slide No. 25) Writing in a notebook.

How do human races differ? . (Slide № 26 – 28) (Skin color, eye shape, hair color and type, length and shape of the skull).

Conclusion: the races differ only in external characteristics. All races have equal opportunities for development.


Task No. 4. In groups and all together.

Let's return to the purpose of our lesson. Remember, today in class we told you that scientists call Cro-Magnon man and modern people “Homo sapiens”,

“a reasonable man.” Prove why? (external appearance; man acquired qualities that began to be distinguished from the animal world: consciousness, labor, speech, communication)

(Slide № 29)

Lesson grades:

IV. Homework.

& 4 (v.1,2 y.); creative task. "I am a writer"

Task No. 1.

Fill in the missing words.

A) The most ancient people lived on earth more than ________ years ago.

B) The main difference between ancient people and animals was ________.

C) The most ancient tools were: ______________.

D) The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food _________.

Task No. 2.

Determine the main occupation of the inhabitants of the Teshik-Tash grotto?

During archaeological excavations, 339 stone tools and over 10,000 fragments of animal bones were found in the Teshik-Tash grotto. Of the total number of bones, it was possible to establish the identity of 938. Of these, 2 were horses, 2 were bears, 767 were mountain goats, and 1 were leopards.

Task No. 3.

Continue the story. Why did the elder do this?

“... Krek told everything that happened to them, why they could not return to the cave on time. He tried to pity the old people.

We hoped to get a lot of food for everyone,” the boy finished his story, gasping, “and only then did I leave the cave.” When leaving, I made sure that the fire would not go out, but would live until we returned.

The fire died... - one boss grumbled. - And may he be avenged.

Krek and Ojo looked around in confusion. Wild screams screaming for revenge grew louder and louder. The brothers looked in vain for a glimmer of pity on the faces of the elders and hunters. All faces were distorted with despair and rage, and fierce determination shone in all their glances.

The senior chief stood up, walked up to the children, grabbed their hands and...”

Task No. 4.

Fill out the table, marking with a “+” sign the members of the tribal community who performed the listed tasks and responsibilities. Highlight the work that men, women and children still do today.

Affairs and responsibilities Men Women Children Elder
1 Dig holes and traps
2 Build houses
3 Make tools
4 Sewing clothes
5 Cooking food
6 Keep the fire going
7 Raise children
8 Collect fruits, nuts, sweet roots
9 Check food supplies
10 Learn to make tools
11 Tell family legends

Assignment No. 5. (Homework)

“Evidence of the origin of man from animals” - Test 8. Rudiments are called: The phenomenon of reduction of organs that have lost their significance. C. Linnaeus placed man in the class Mammals, order Primates. Chapter XIV. It became possible to transmit information. Test 7. Atavisms are called: The phenomenon of reduction of organs that have lost their significance. Cases of returning to the characteristics of ancestors.

"Primitive society" - Primitive society. Origin of races. Homo erectus. Paleolithic art. Main manifestation initial stage development of religion - totemism. Neanderthals were engaged in gathering and hunting. In the history of cave painting of the Paleolithic era, experts distinguish several periods. Iron Age.

“The Emergence of Man” - Historical forms of humanism. Human nature. Hominid triad. Philosophical meaning of the concept “man”. 1. Transition to upright posture 2. Development of the hand 3. Evolution of the skull and increase in brain volume. Man from a man's point of view. Evolutionary factors of anthropogenesis. Anthropic principle in cosmology. Subject: Philosophical teaching about a person.

"Ancient People" - Pithecanthropus. Sinanthropus. Height is about 155-165 cm. 1. The most ancient people, archanthropes. Repetition: Pimenov A.V. The chin protrusion was missing. Archanthropes lived 2 million - 200 thousand years ago. Australopithecus. At home: § 64. K to the most ancient people(archanthropes) include (_). Speech is rudimentary. Homo erectus. Heidelberg Man.

“The ancient ancestors of man” - Australopithecus hardly knew how to make tools, although they certainly used them. The life of our ancestors." DRYOPITECINAE (Dryopithecinae, “tree monkeys”), a subfamily of extinct apes. A reasonable man. He had developed articulate speech. Ancient ancestors of man." Mongoloid. Lesson 2. “Ancient people.

“Theories of the origin of man” - Orthodox theology considers the theory of creation to be unproven. Where did I come from? There are 80,000 thousand genes in the human body. Lesson topic: “The Origin of Man.” Existing theories of human origins. Today there are 4 theories of human origin. Theory of Creation. Evolutionary theory.

There are 10 presentations in total

  • The first finds of their fossilized remains were found in the Neanderthal Valley in Germany (hence the name of the species) in 1856.
  • To date, the remains of about 20 Neanderthals have been found in Europe and South-West Asia.

  • European Neanderthals are called classical Neanderthals." They lived 70-30 thousand years ago.
  • Muscular, stocky, 1.7 m tall, weighing 70 kg. Brain volume – 1500 cm3.
  • They had a sloping forehead, supraorbital ridges, and an occipital protuberance with a large base.

  • Neanderthals knew how to make fire. They lived in caves or huts.
  • They made clothes from skins using animal sinews as thread.
  • They were clever hunters.
  • Neanderthals were the first representatives of the human race to systematically bury their dead. The graves were arranged on the floor of the cave.

  • The first fossilized remains of Cro-Magnons were found near the city of Les Eyzies in France in 1868 during construction work in the Cro-Magnon grotto (hence the name of the species).

  • Cro-Magnons were short. The man's height was on average 170 cm, weight - about 70 kg.
  • The volume of the brain was 140 cm3.
  • They had a high forehead, a straight (not protruding) facial part, absent or poorly developed supraorbital ridges, small jaws with small teeth, and a developed chin protrusion.
  • The location of the nasal and oral cavities, and a much more elongated pharynx, allowed the Cro-Magnons to produce sounds that were much clearer and more varied than the sounds available to their predecessors.

  • Cro-Magnons lived during the Ice Age. They inhabited caves or built tents from animal skins.
  • They knew how to create tools from stone or animal bones.
  • The Cro-Magnons were the first to create drawings on the walls of caves, bone figurines, and jewelry.
  • Cro-Magnons reached an important stage of evolution - they knew how to operate with symbols.


The settlement of modern people began about 100 thousand years ago. It came from Africa.

Evolution of hominoids.

The path of development from animal to human was not direct and unambiguous. Some of man's predecessors were unable to complete it and became extinct.

Natural communities of living organisms. Municipal educational institution average secondary school No. 2 Budyonnovsk. Biogeocenoses. Rich. Marten in the European taiga. Reasons: heterogeneity of the environment, environment-forming influence of plants, biological features plants. Steppes – feather grass, wormwood, fescue. Mosaic – dismemberment in the horizontal direction. Frequency of occurrence is the uniformity or unevenness of the distribution of a species in a biocenosis. The layering of animals is confined to a certain layer of vegetation.

"Structure of a eukaryotic cell"- Testing and updating knowledge. Lesson plan. Make a diagram “Structure and composition of the nucleus.” Transport of substances. Core. Diploid set of chromosomes in animals. Nuclear pores. Cell nucleus. Set of male chromosomes. Consider the cell model and remember what structure the cell nucleus has? Centromeres are……………………………………………………… List the functions of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. Topic concepts. Protein.

"Biological evolution of man"- Human nature. A reasonable man. Objective. Anthropogenesis is the theory of human origin. What is the meaning of life? Meaning and purpose human life in the views of philosophers. Everyone decides for themselves. Australopithecus. Ramapithecus. Philosophical view. Two sides of the issue. A skillful man. Assignment: Fill out the table based on the textbook material p. 28-29. Subjective. Stages of anthropogenesis. Assignment: fill out the table based on the textbook p. 30.

"Asexual reproduction of organisms"- Some species of unicellular organisms are characterized by a form of asexual reproduction called budding. Biology presentation on the topic “Asexual reproduction.” Bacteria, protozoa, and many unicellular algae reproduce in this way. Division. This is how some animals, mushrooms and many plants reproduce. Vegetative propagation. Fragmentation (body division). Budding.

"Animal Cell"- The “warehouse” of the cell is the Golgi complex. Biology. 10th grade. Basics of cytology. Speaker Alexey Kondratov. The cell membrane is the cell membrane. The “labyrinth” of the cell is the endoplasmic reticulum. animal cell. Interaction of cell organelles. The “internal” environment of the cell is the cytoplasm. Interaction of the Golgi Complex. Membrane interaction. Mitochondria interaction. The “builders” of the cell are ribosomes.