Kupriyanov Petr Andreevich General Lieutenant of the Medical Service. Pyotr Andreevich Kupriyanov - chief surgeon of the front

More than 20 years have passed since the death of Pyotr Andreevich, but it still sometimes seems to me that this did not happen, that he did not die then, in 1963, from an intestinal tumor. And that his funeral, by all Leningrad, is not a reality. And the morning when I arrived from Moscow to see him off. I asked the taxi driver to help me buy flowers. But the driver smiled bitterly: “You won’t find flowers. Today Leningrad is burying our Pyotr Andreevich.” And Holden, bowing helplessly in front of the coffin, is Pyotr Andreevich’s comrade, who operated on him. It seems to me that all this did not happen.

But it was different. It’s a spring day, right now, in 1986. And I meet the aged Pyotr Andreevich. Of course, I meet him at the entrance to the institute. We have been preparing for his visit for two days now. Everything is washed, everything shines. I show the institute to Pyotr Andreevich and, of course, start with the department intensive care And emergency surgery newborns and children of the first year of life admitted to critical condition. This is ours latest achievement, our pride. Then Pyotr Andreevich watches my operation, necessarily a radical correction of transposition great vessels with a defect interventricular septum and pulmonary stenosis. A complex, lengthy operation. But I want the operation not to end, but to continue and continue, and Pyotr Andreevich would look and look at the fruits of his labors.

Do you remember, Pyotr Andreevich, your first operation in the country to ligate an open ductus arteriosus performed under hypothermia? And then the successful operations of Blalock anastomosis in “blue” children also under hypothermia? You performed these operations in 1953 - 30 years ago...

But the imaginary picture fades, and the bitter smile of the taxi driver and the lobby of the main building Military Medical Academy them. S. M. Kirov with a coffin covered with flowers takes on real shape.

Then, before the grave, I thought: what happiness it was to be young and realize: I work for Pyotr Andreevich Kupriyanov.

In February 1963, my article dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Pyotr Andreevich appeared in the Izvestia newspaper. These days I was the head of the department birth defects the heart of the Institute cardiovascular surgery, which did not yet bear the name of Alexander Nikolaevich Bakulev. I titled my article: “Surgeon, scientist, patriot.” But the editors changed the title: “The Thought of a Scientist, the Talent of an Organizer.” In the article I tried to understand why the clinic led by P. A. Kupriyanov became one of the most advanced surgical centers our country. Everything that I wrote about him then was the fruit of long reflection over a number of years. I would not have been able to write this if, after 7 years of work in the clinic headed by him, I would not have seen another, if I had not had to work in the military field surgery clinic of the Military Medical Order of Lenin Academy. S. M. Kirov and in two major research institutes, in particular at the Institute of Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. I thought a lot about what character traits a scientist-surgeon should have in order to create a modern surgical clinic, in essence, a real research institute that meets all the requirements of today.

Yes, it is no coincidence that an efficient and purposeful team is formed in the center where a large and talented scientist-organizer is at the head. This is a necessary condition. But not enough. It is also necessary that the leader possess such qualities as integrity, firmness and deep decency. If this is the case, the expectation of success is justified.

Perennial tireless and fruitful work, as well as the exceptional qualities of Pyotr Andreevich earned him universal respect and recognition. Outstanding works in various branches of surgery, and especially in the field of military field and thoracic surgery, made his name well known in our country and far beyond its borders. After graduating from the Military Medical Academy during the First World War, P. A. Kupriyanov began medical practice in the ranks of the active army. After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, he joined the Red Army, with which he connected his entire subsequent life. Pyotr Andreevich devotes numerous works to improving care for the wounded. Among them are such as “The behavior of a military doctor during traumatic injuries"(1933), " Primary processing wounds in a military zone" (1933), "Volume and character surgical care on various stages evacuation" (1936), "Anesthesia during the stages of evacuation in a military area" (1937), "Primary treatment of wounds in a military area" (1937), etc. During the war with the Whitefins, P. A. Kupriyanov was promoted to the position of chief surgeon of the front . His works were a valuable contribution to the creation unified system providing surgical care to the wounded.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War P. A. Kupriyanov works as the chief surgeon, first of the northwestern direction, and then of the Leningrad Front. In the difficult conditions of a blocked city, he gives all his strength faster recovery health of the wounded, creating a network of specialized medical institutions. Along with this, his active scientific activity. « Short course military field surgery", created by him together with Professor S.I. Banaitis and being a generalization of the experience accumulated by military surgeons, served as a reference book for surgeons throughout the war.

, Russian Empire

Famous students B. V. Petrovsky, I. S. Kolesnikov, V. I. Burakovsky, A. P. Kolesov, M. S. Girgolav, V. I. Kolesov, M. N. Anichkov, S. L. Libov, S. A. Gadzhiev

Pyotr Andreevich Kupriyanov(January 27 [February 8], St. Petersburg - March 13, Leningrad) - Soviet surgeon, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1944), lieutenant general medical service(1945). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1960), Hero of Socialist Labor ().


Kupriyanov's grave at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Since 1918 - teacher, then private assistant professor at the Military Medical Academy. In 1921 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine on the topic: “ Surgical anatomy outer base of the skull. Since 1924 - senior resident, head of the surgical department of the Leningrad District Clinical Military Hospital named after. Z. P. Solovyova. At the same time, in 1934-1938, he was deputy head of the hospital surgery clinic of the Military Medical Academy, headed by Professor S. S. Girgolav. In 1938-1941 - chief surgeon LVO.

At the same time, since 1926 - a teacher, since 1930 - professor, head of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy, then - department Faculty of Surgery(until 1949).

In 1943-1963 - professor, head of the newly created department of faculty surgery No. 2 (later - the department of surgery for advanced training of doctors) Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov.

In 1958, on the initiative of P. A. Kupriyanov, the first department of anesthesiology in the USSR was created on the basis of the clinic, which he headed until the end of his life.

In 1944-1950 - vice-president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

He was elected chairman of the All-Union Society of Surgeons of the USSR, honorary chairman of the Pirogov Surgical Society and the G. F. Lang Cardiological Society. Member of the boards of: International Society of Surgeons, European Society cardiovascular surgeons, All-Russian Society of Surgeons of the RSFSR.

He was a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Breast Surgery”, “Surgery”, “Bulletin of Surgery”; Great Medical Encyclopedia.

Video on the topic

Scientific activities

He studied the problems of operative, thoracic and military field surgery. Editor of the section “Chest Wounds” of the work “The Experience of Soviet Medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, editor and author of a number of sections of the “Atlas” gunshot wounds"(in 10 volumes, 1945-1955).

In 1953, he was the first in Leningrad (and the second in the country after A.N. Bakulev) to perform ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus, elimination of pulmonary artery stenosis, and coarctation of the aorta. In the same year, he performed the first closed mitral commissurotomy for rheumatic stenosis.

On June 19, 1959, he was the first in the USSR to begin operations involving opening the cavities of the heart (surgery on a “dry” heart).

Author of more than 360 scientific works in the field of operative surgery, military field surgery, chest and abdominal surgery, cardiac surgery, anesthesiology, resuscitation, clinical physiology and others. Trained 25 doctors and 38 candidates of science.

Selected works

  • Modern problems of thoracic surgery, [Rech...], L., 1954
  • Short course of military field surgery, M., 1942;
  • Atlas of gunshot wounds, vol. 1-10, [L.], 1946-55;
  • Purulent diseases pleura and lungs, L., 1955.
  • Kupriyanov P. A. Surgical treatment of chronic purulent lung diseases // Surgery. - 1952. - No. 8.
  • Kupriyanov P. A. Experience surgical treatment heart defects // Bulletin of surgery named after. Grekova. - 1955. - T. 76, No. 9.
  • Kuprianov P. A. La sindrome cardiorespiratoria in corso di pneumatorace aperto // Minerva medica. - Torino, 1955. - Vol. 46, no. 57-58. - P. 177-81.
  • Kupriyanov P. A. et al. The problem of artificial hypothermia in heart surgery // Clinical medicine. - 1956. - № 10 .

TO Pyotr Andreevich Upriyanov - Soviet surgeon, one of the founders of Soviet cardiovascular surgery, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, professor, head of the department of surgery of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, lieutenant general of the medical service.

From 1911 to 1915 he studied at the Military Medical Academy (MMA). In 1915 he was drafted into the Russian imperial army, as an ordinary doctor, he was sent to the Southwestern Front, served as a resident in the infirmary of an infantry division, and as a doctor in an artillery brigade. Was wounded.

After October Revolution returned to Petrograd, passed the exams for the title of doctor at the Military Medical Academy (1918), and was left as a teacher in the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy. At the same time he worked in the clinic of V.A. Oppel and S.P. Fedorov.

In 1921 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Surgical anatomy of the external base of the skull and the limits surgical intervention" In 1924-1938, senior resident and then head of department at the Leningrad Red Banner Military Hospital. Since 1930, he headed the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, and from 1944 to 1949, the Department of Faculty Surgery of the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute. At the same time, in 1944-1963, he headed the Department of Surgery for the improvement of doctors at the Military Medical Academy. Kupriyanov took the initiative to create the first department of anesthesiology in the USSR at the Military Medical Academy (1958), which he headed until 1963.

During the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940, Kupriyanov was a consultant surgeon at the front and was the chief surgeon of the Leningrad Military District. During the Great Patriotic War, Kupriyanov led the surgical service of the North-Western direction, and then of the Leningrad Front and besieged Leningrad. He could often be seen at the forefront of defense, where fierce battles took place. Kupriyanov recalled: “When our troops converged on Leningrad, medical battalions were located on the outskirts of the city, partly on its streets. Army field hospitals entered shared network front evacuation point." When the evacuation of the wounded from Leningrad stopped on August 31, 1941, Kupriyanov organized hospital bases for the lightly wounded in each army. During the most difficult days of the siege of Leningrad, in agreement with the chief therapist of the front, it was decided to locate therapeutic mobile field hospitals “end-to-end” on the same site with surgical mobile field hospitals. This made it possible to use experienced therapists to treat those wounded in the chest, abdomen and in the postoperative period.

Along with his main work as the chief surgeon of the front, Kupriyanov supervised the work of a specialized hospital where those wounded in the chest lay. The chief surgeon of the Volkhov Front, A.A. Vishnevsky, who arrived on business in besieged Leningrad, writes in his diary that he saw Kupriyanov “... calm as always, smiling slightly, but much thinner.” During the blockade, Kupriyanov performed more than 60 operations on those wounded in the heart.

In 1944-1950, vice-president of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Kupriyanov published more than 200 scientific papers. Many of them are devoted to military field surgery and reflected the experience of Soviet medicine during the war years: “Short course of military field surgery” (1942, co-authored with S.I. Banaitis), “Amputation of limbs (excluding fingers) at the stages of evacuation” ( 1943), "Gunshot wounds chest"(1948), "Gunshot wounds of the abdomen" (1952), "Gunshot wounds of blood vessels" (1952), "Gunshot wounds and chest injuries" (in the book "The Experience of Soviet Medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"; 1949- 1950). Based on the experience of the Great Patriotic War, on the initiative of Kupriyanov, a unique “Atlas of Gunshot Wounds” was created in 10 volumes (1948-1955). Kupriyanov is one of the founders of Soviet cardiovascular surgery. His clinic performed about 10 thousand operations on the heart and great vessels.

Kupriyanov was one of the first in the USSR to operate on patients with congenital (429) and acquired heart defects (422). In 1957, he performed the first operation in the USSR on a switched-off “dry” heart. He was one of the first to introduce clinical practice methods of reviving an organism in a state of clinical death. For his work on cardiovascular surgery in 1960, he was awarded the Lenin Prize (together with A.A. Vishnevsky, E.N. Meshalkin and B.V. Petrovsky).

He made a great contribution to the development of problems thoracic surgery and surgical treatment of esophageal diseases. He is a pioneer of radical surgical treatment of suppurative processes in the lungs and lung cancer (by 1959, 900 such operations were performed in his clinic). He was the first in the USSR to apply radical surgical treatment bronchial obstruction. The most important works on these problems are: “Purulent diseases of the pleura and lungs” (1955, editor), “Some issues of thoracic surgery” (1955, co-author), “Operations on the chest organs” (1960, co-author).

Kupriyanov created a school of surgeons, among his students: V.I. Burakovsky, A.P. Kolesov, V.I. Kolesov and others. He was chairman of the All-Union Scientific Society of Surgeons (since 1952), an honorary member of the Czechoslovak and Polish Surgical Societies, and a member of the editorial boards of surgical journals.

U of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 7, 1963 for outstanding services in the development of Soviet medical science and healthcare and in connection with the seventieth anniversary of his birth Kupriyanov Pyotr Andreevich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Full member (academician) of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1944). Lived and worked in the hero city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Died on March 13, 1963. He was buried at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Major General of Medical Service (03/31/1943);
Lieutenant General of Medical Service (07/11/1945).

Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin (1940, 02/21/1945, 02/07/1963), 3 Orders of the Red Banner (02/13/1943, 11/03/1944, 06/24/1948, ...), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (12/06/1943) , medals.

Lenin Prize laureate (1960). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1942).

In St. Petersburg, on the building of the Military Medical Academy, a memorial plaque was installed.

The Great Patriotic War, of course, became the most difficult test for all citizens Soviet Union, and forever left a deep bloody imprint on world history. Millions of people took part in this enormous military conflict, which lasted more than four years. However, its contribution to common struggle contributed not only to the military, but also ordinary people and especially qualified doctors, who were constantly in a critical situation, exposed their lives to enormous danger, but still continued to fulfill their duty and pull wounded soldiers and officers from the other world practically onto the battlefield.

The efficiency and dedication of Soviet doctors has gone down in history, and the performance of soldiers returned to duty is simply amazing, but achieving such amazing results would have been impossible without sensitive and professional leadership. And at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the talented and outstanding doctor of medical sciences and practicing surgeon Pyotr Andreevich Kupriyanov was appointed chief surgeon of the front.

The story of Peter Andreevich

His talents and abilities were well known even before the start of the war, and as time has shown, his appointment became truly the right step. He completed his studies back in 1911 and took a direct part in the First World War as a military doctor. It was at that time that he received practical knowledge about the difficulties doctors face at the front, and also developed many ways to quickly and effective treatment seriously ill patients. Pyotr Andreevich worked tirelessly throughout the war, and largely thanks to his titanic work, the medical service was able to work so effectively, received the maximum possible supplies, was promptly replenished with new young doctors and nurses, and had a complex but effective internal organization.

He personally introduced many innovations into the military medical system, and especially distinguished himself in the early stages of the war, when the front-line medical service was not yet sufficiently organized, had very few supplies and even human resources, and had to deal simply with a huge amount seriously injured patients. Then with all his might he knocked out the necessary medical supplies and equipment in order to send it to the front as quickly as possible and provide normal work to your colleagues.

In parallel with this, he supervised and carried out operations in a specially organized hospital, where the most seriously wounded soldiers were brought with bullets or shrapnel wounds in the chest. Dr. Kupriyanov performed dozens of operations in a matter of days, and in parallel with the rescue human lives wrote down all his observations, and also trained other doctors on the spot.

Research activities

At the beginning of the Russian-Finnish war, Professor Kupriyanov taught at the university and, in addition to medical practice Conducted active research work. In this way he made a significant contribution to the development of the Soviet military medicine, after all, at the very beginning of the war, he wrote and published a book in Leningrad - “A Short Course in Military Field Surgery” in which he outlined the main principles and methods of treating seriously wounded soldiers during hostilities. Everything written in the book was based on the solid experience of Pyotr Andreevich, and greatly helped in the work of hundreds of doctors who arrived at the front for the first time and did not yet know all the specifics and features of military medicine. Special value this book played for young doctors who did not have full experience and were learning in the process, directly in field medical camps.

Occupation of Leningrad

During the war, Dr. Kupriyanov was appointed chief surgeon of the Northern Front, and, starting in 1943, of the Leningrad Front. He led everyone medical workers in occupied Leningrad, and it was precisely at this difficult and in many ways turning point of the war that his assistance to the military forces was simply invaluable. Cut off from basic resources and seriously depleted soviet army suffered serious human losses, and in order to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy it was very important to ensure speedy recovery and return to duty maximum quantity soldiers and officers. In addition to close cooperation with the heads of other medical departments and organizing their joint work, Petr Kupriyanov personally worked with difficult and demanding emergency care patients, and during the blockade alone he performed 60 successful heart surgeries.

It is also worth noting that even in the most difficult conditions of the siege, under the leadership of Professor Kupriyanov, the “Atlas of Gunshot Wounds” was created, the development of which involved the best medical specialists and artists, who created the most accurate and detailed illustrations, using which a doctor could carry out unfamiliar and complex operation. The first volumes of this work were published during the war and provided invaluable assistance in the field of military surgery, because they described absolutely all cases of injuries and methods of their most effective and safe treatment.

Achievements of Professor Kupriyanov

Back in 1942, Kupriyanov was awarded the title of an outstanding figure in national science, and in 1944 he became one of the organizers of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, of which he was chairman until 1950.

It is difficult to assess what a huge contribution Pyotr Andreevich Kupriyanov made to the development of military and civilian medicine, and how much he helped to achieve a common victory over the fascist occupiers. However, it is clear that he coped well with the enormous responsibility entrusted to him and always remained as professional and confident as possible. own strength specialists.

This talented and dedicated surgeon deserves the title of one of the most outstanding medical specialists The Great Patriotic War, and it was thanks to masters of their craft like him that victory over a strong and dangerous enemy became possible. And tens of thousands of people were able to continue their lives even after hostilities, because they were saved in time by doctors and nurses, whose work was organized by Pyotr Andreevich.

1926 - 02.11.1944
Hero of the Soviet Union

TO Pyotr Ivanovich Upriyanov – reconnaissance officer of the 3rd battalion of the 53rd motorized rifle brigade of the 29th tank corps of the 5th Guards Tank Army of the 1st Baltic Front, corporal.

Born in 1926 in the village of Zhodino (now a city) in the Minsk region in a peasant family. Belarusian. Member of the Komsomol. He graduated from a rural school. He worked on a collective farm.

From May 1943 to July 1944, Kupriyanov was a messenger and then a machine gunner in the “Razgrom” partisan brigade. He was a good intelligence officer, engaged in subversive activities, and participated in the defeat of German garrisons.

In July 1944, when the Red Army expelled the Nazis from Belarus, Kupriyanov volunteered for the front.

In November 1944, the battalion in which Kupriyanov served took part in the battles to eliminate the encircled fascist group in the Baltic states.

On November 2, 1944, in one of the areas, at a height near the village of Nikratce, Kuldiga region of the Republic of Latvia, the advancing units encountered strong resistance from the Nazis. Several times rifle chains rose to attack and lay down, pinned to the ground by machine-gun fire.

An experienced partisan intelligence officer, Corporal Kupriyanov, together with a group of other soldiers, received an order to destroy enemy firing points.

In full view of all the fighters of the battalion, the daredevils began to make their way to the height on their bellies. They managed to suppress two fascist machine guns, but the battalion could not advance; a machine gun from a bunker located at the top of the height again opened fire on the attackers. Some of the fighters managed to crawl 30 meters to the bunker, but they could not “extinguish” the firing point: the embrasure of the bunker was narrow, and grenade explosions did not harm either the machine gun or the fascist machine gunner.

Not far from the bunker, Pyotr Kupriyanov was hiding in a crater. Suddenly he got up, ran to the bunker and fell with his chest on the embrasure.

The fighters, who saw the feat of their comrade, rushed forward and took possession of the height. The battalion continued to carry out its combat mission.

U Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 24, 1945 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the corporal Kupriyanov Petr Ivanovich posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was buried on the territory of the Nikrattse state farm. Obelisks were installed at the grave and at the place of death, and a bust was installed in the city of Slutsk. In Zhodino, a monument was erected to Kupriyanov’s mother and her five sons who died during the war. The documentary film “Peter Kupriyanov” is dedicated to the life and feat of the hero. A school in Zhodino, streets in the cities of Minsk, Slutsk, Smolevichi, Zhodino, Vileyka, Kuldiga are named after the Hero. Enlisted forever in the lists of the military unit.

Awarded the Order Lenin, medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" 2nd degree.