I. Severyanin. "A girl was crying in the park"

Ivkina Elena Vsevolodovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Topic: Analysis of Igor Severyanin’s poem “A girl was crying in the park”

Equipment: portrait of the poet, exhibition of collections of the poet’s works, recording of G. Faure’s musical play “The Awakening”, reproductions of the paintings “Mika Morozov” by V. Serov, “Portrait of a Son” by V. Tropinin and other children’s portraits, lexical lotto, image of a swallow, color signal cards.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: learning to analyze a lyric poem.

2. Developmental: development of the ability to expressively read a poem, figurative perception work of art.

3. Educational: education of kindness, mercy towards all living things.

Lesson progress:

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

We continue our journey to the amazing land of Poetry. A country where quivering creatures live, born of the talent, imagination and inspiration of the poet. These creatures are poems. They, like humans, have their own history, destiny, soul,

Today we have to get acquainted with one of these creations - the poem by the wonderful Russian poet Igor Severyanin “A girl was crying in the park.” I hope everyone will try to do everything so that the soul of this poem is revealed to us. And this will only be possible if you share the poet’s feelings and experiences, understand the thought that he put into his work,

This task is very difficult. To successfully solve it, you also need to be able to and know a lot. Therefore, first we will check how ready you are for our journey: we will play lexical lotto and thus repeat those concepts that may be useful to us when working on a poem.

2. Lexical lotto.

For the game you will need any picture, which is cut into the required number of parts depending on the number of students in the class. For example, there are 30 students in a class. To work you will need 15 cards. The term is written on the back of the card. In random order, cards are given to students on their desks to work in pairs. Half a minute is given for discussion. Then the teacher reads out lexical meaning concepts by which students should recognize their word. They say the term out loud and stick the card to the base on the board. Thus, the necessary picture is formed.

Lexical meaning

1. Description of a person’s life.

4. A type of literature whose works express the feelings, thoughts and experiences of a person.

5. A short wise saying.

6. What is said in the work.

7. The main idea of ​​the work.

8. Sound matches at the end of poetic lines.

9. Words of a person transmitted on his behalf.

10. Basics means of expression sounding speech, allowing you to convey your attitude towards what is being said.

11. What the word means.

12. Words of the same part of speech that mean the same thing, but may differ in shades of lexical meaning.

13. A hero whose thoughts, feelings, experiences are expressed in lyrical work.

14. Exact excerpt from the text.

15. Part of a poem, united into a single whole by rhyme, rhythm, content.



Direct speech


Lexical meaning


Lyrical hero

3. Repetition of the main facts of the biography of I. Severyanin.

4. Expressive reading of the poem “A girl was crying in the park” and analysis of the reader’s perception.

– I. Severyanin is a poet with many faces. In 5th grade we are introduced to only two of his poems. They will give us the opportunity to see only one of the facets of his work.

(Reading a poem by the teacher.)

– Re-read the poem yourself.

– Did you like it?

– Express your mood that arose while reading in color. Please comment.

(Working with signal cards.)

Color signal cards are constantly used in literature lessons when working with lyrical poems. Card white means that the work left the student indifferent and did not evoke any emotions; red - delight, joy; blue - peace, tranquility; pink – dreaminess; black - anxiety, etc.

5. Analysis of the poem.

– Can the poem be called lyrical? Why?

(Yes, it expresses feelings.)

– Whose feelings?

(Father and girls.)

– Is it possible to identify individual parts in a poem?

(Yes, the first part talks about the girl’s feelings, the second – about the father’s feelings.)

– Try to title the parts using quotes from the text.

(1. “A girl was crying in the park”

2. “And the father became thoughtful.”)

- How many sentences are there in the poem?

(Two. The first is a sentence with direct speech, the second is complex.)

– How are they connected into one poetic text?

(Theme, idea, conjunction I, adjacent rhyme.)

– Are the events happening at the same time that caused the feelings of the characters depicted in the poem?

(No, first an event occurs that agitates the girl, and then the father’s reaction to her feelings is depicted.)

– Read what this reaction is.

(“And the father became thoughtful, shocked for a moment.”)

– What feeling did he have?


– Reveal the lexical meaning of this word through the selection of synonymous words.

(Shock, strong excitement, surprise, change in mood.)

– What caused the father’s shock? To answer this question, let's read the first part of the poem. It reveals the girl’s feelings and creates her image.

– What means are used here?

(Speech only.)

(“A girl was crying in the park.”)

– What verb introduces direct speech?


– There is one more word in the poem that characterizes the girl’s condition.

(Sobbed - from the verb “to burst into tears.”)

– And when people cry, even sob?

(From grief, joy, suffering, that is, from strong feelings, which washed over them from shocks.)

– How do we know what caused the shock in the child?

(From a girl’s speech. She says: “The pretty swallow’s little foot is broken.”)

– What do these words convey?

(State of a swallow.)

– How do you imagine this bird?

(Small, nimble, fast in flight, swift, cheerful.)

Show picture.

– Use your imagination. What kind of bird did the girl see?

(Cannot fly, beats the ground with her wings, scared, helpless.)

– Describe in one word the condition of the wounded bird.

(Suffering, torment, physical and mental pain.)

– What feelings did the swallow’s suffering evoke in the girl’s soul?

(Sympathy, compassion, condolences, empathy, pity.)

– What is the meaning of the prefix co- in these words?

(Togetherness, unification.)

– How did you understand that these were the feelings she was experiencing?

(She turns to her father for sympathy, uses words with diminutive suffixes in her speech, wants to help the bird: “I’ll take the poor bird and wrap it in a scarf...)

- Pay attention to this line. What are the key words in it?

(I'll take it and wrap it up.)

– What part of speech is this? What does it mean? In what form is it used?

(This is a verb used in the future tense.)

– That is, the girl’s words reflected only her desire. Did she do it? Let's experiment: remove this line. Will the meaning of the poem, its logic change?

(Yes, the father would not have been shocked if the girl had not acted.)

- But in the poem there is no description of the child’s actions. How do we guess that the action was committed?

(Ellipses play a huge role in the poem. They can mean that the girl lost her breath from tears and did not have enough words to express her feelings. The author deliberately left out the words: behind them are specific actions.)

– What do you think the girl did?

(She stroked the bird, wrapped it in a handkerchief, hugged it to her, asked her father to help the swallow and take it home.)

– What definition can be given to her action?

(Kind, merciful.)

– How do you understand the lexical meaning of these words?

(Kindness is responsiveness, the desire to do good to other people..

Mercy is the willingness to help someone or forgive someone.)

– Thus, we see that the girl not only took pity on the bird in words, but also turned out to be capable of doing a good deed.

Now think about how old this girl could be? Let reproductions of children's portraits help you in answering your question: “Portrait of a Son” by Vasily Andreevich Tropinin, “Mika Morozov” by Valentin Serov.

Tell me, which of the children depicted could experience someone else’s suffering as keenly as the heroine of the poem?

(Mika is small, touching in his spontaneity.)

– He was 4 years old when the portrait was created. Could you cry? What about adults? Why did the girl react so sharply?

(It was the first time she saw someone else’s pain so closely, it was the first living creature, to whom she showed mercy, and the first feeling is always the most acute.)

(We can assume that this is no coincidence. “The first swallow” is a stable expression. This is what they say about the first signs of the appearance of something good.)

- So what shocked father so much? What was he thinking about?

(He saw in his child the first signs of the appearance of kindness and mercy. Before his eyes, these qualities were born in his daughter.)

– Listen to the lyrical miniature by the famous French composer Gabriel Fauré “The Awakening”. How did this make you feel? piece of music?

- Let's read last lines poems.

– How do you understand the word “coming”?


– Why does a father forgive his daughter for future whims and pranks?

(She has something in her that will make a girl a real person.)

- Let's read the poem again.

– Convey your feelings using colors signal cards.

6. Generalization.

– What is the soul of I. Severyanin’s poem “A Girl Cried in the Park”? What does it teach us?

(This is very good poem. It teaches sincerity, mutual understanding, mercy towards everyone who is close to us.)

– Imagine that you were asked to formulate the topic of the lesson and choose it from these aphorisms. Get to know them, make a choice and explain to the class.

“To believe in good, people must begin to do it.” L. Tolstoy.

“Charity is active kindness.” I. Shmelev.

“By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own.” Plato.

– So, today we analyzed a surprisingly tender and touching poem by I. Severyanin, in which the poet showed himself from an unexpected side: as a simple-minded, dreamy and even naive person, and most importantly - surprisingly kind. Therefore, I would like to end the lesson with a poem by the poet and translator G. Shengeli, who knew I. Severyanin closely.

You were naively sure
That your wife is a queen,
That your friend will be a professor,
That all the envelopes in the mail are for you,
What's the saddest thing in the world?
How a girl cried in the park...

7. Homework.

Expressive reading of a poem.

Optional: formulate the “Law of Kindness.”

Lesson extracurricular reading in literature in 5th grade. TOPIC: Perception, interpretation and analysis of I. Severyanin’s poem “A girl was crying in the park.” Goals: to teach to adequately perceive poetic text; teach to evaluate a poetic work in terms of language and content; cultivate attention to words; cultivate mercy. Lesson form: analytical reading. Lesson type: conversation. Visibility: portrait of I. Severyanin, reproduction of I. I. Shishkin’s painting “Park in Pavlovsk”. Progress of the lesson: The epigraph of the lesson is written on the board...I live and breathe nature, Inspiration and just write, Dissolving with my soul in simplicity, I live on earth in beauty! (“On Earth in Beauty”, 1925) - Guys, today we will continue reading and analyzing poems by the poet Igor Severyanin dedicated to nature. -What do you already know about this poet? Student. Real name I. Severyanina is Lotarev, and Severyanin is a pseudonym that he attached to his name. Perhaps he wanted to emphasize his love for northern nature and Russia, a northern country. The poet seemed to have a presentiment of separation from his homeland. In 1918, he left for Estonia, and no longer had to live in St. Petersburg. But in his heart he was inextricably linked with the Russian land. He dedicated his lyric poems to her. Teacher. I. Severyanin has many poems - landscape sketches, poems about the park. -What attracts the poet to the park, do you think? (silence, peace, birdsong, the opportunity to think, create...) -Look at the reproduction of I.I. Shishkin’s painting “Park in Pavlovsk”. -What does it depict? -What mood appears? Student. Report about the park in Pavlovsky (two minutes). -You also often walk in the park with your parents, by yourself. And recently we had an excursion to the park. -Write a short essay-memory about the park: -What did you experience when you were in the park? - Why did they come there, what did they expect from his visit? The musical background will help us create to some extent the atmosphere of the park. Music is playing. Students write a mini-essay (five minutes). -Let's read a few works. We read three or four works. After reading, we come to a common opinion: everyone associates delight, joy, and strong emotions with the park. Everyone expected joy, something unusual. -Before you is I. Severyanin’s poem “A Girl Cried in the Park.” -Let's think about the title. -Suggest what the poem might be about. Something happened to the girl. Something unusual, probably unpleasant, happened. - Let's remember what inversion is. -Where is it used in the title of the poem? Inversion is the reverse order of words, in which the most important word is placed in an unusual place for the purpose of emphasis. The author emphasizes the word “in the park”, and we feel misfortune, because in the park they are having fun and rejoicing. But the girl feels bad, she’s crying. -Let's read a poem. Reading, immersion in the text. -What impression did the poem leave on you? Who is his hero? (Girl, father, bird). -Did your assumptions regarding what happened to the girl come true? -Let us pay attention to the girl’s words addressed to her father. How is her replica built? -What's unusual about her? -How is a girl’s character revealed through words? She is gentle, kind: in her speech there are words with diminutive suffixes that convey the girl’s attitude towards her father and the unfortunate bird. She calls her a “pretty swallow” whose little “baby is broken.” Her words contain both grief and pain. She sympathizes with the bird, accepts its pain as her own. We like the girl for her ability to worry, sympathize, and compassion. -The poet took all the words from our life. -What do we call birds and animals? (Of course, “how cute”! And everyone who gets into trouble - poor, poor thing), we feel so sorry. Who among us hasn’t said “look at this” to a friend when showing a kitten or a dog, especially if they need help? This is how simply and heartily I. Severyanin writes. - Pay attention to the second part of her remark. It consists entirely of inversions. - For what? All the previous characteristics of the swallow inevitably lead us to the idea that this bird is unhappy, so the girl calls it “the poor bird.” The inversion helps to emphasize the girl’s relationship with the unfortunate bird. Her sympathy goes beyond words. It is effective, active: she wants to “wrap the bird in a scarf.” - Let's turn to the dictionary. What does the word "wrap" mean? In what meaning does the author use it? The word "envelop" means "to envelop on all sides." -Isn’t there another word for this? figurative meaning, in which it is used in this poem? In this context, the word “wrap” is used in the meaning of “to regret”, “to warm”. The girl wants to warm the swallow, give her warmth. Therefore, a handkerchief will come in handy here. -Why did the girl feel the need to warm the swallow? Many people passed by and did not pay attention to the bird’s misfortune. And the girl’s father was also indifferent. Therefore, the girl begins her words by addressing her father, who could also indifferently pass by the misfortune of the unfortunate bird. The girl was faced with a cold, often indifferent world of adults who do not pay attention to the little things in life and, in their opinion, are unworthy of their attention. -Why did the poet need to take the most ordinary situation as the theme of his poem? This incident helped the father take a fresh look at his daughter. Previously, he had only seen her as perhaps capricious, playful, disobedient, but now he saw in her good soul. One minute changed his previous ideas about the girl. He's shocked. - Let’s turn to the dictionary and find out the meaning of the word “shock”. The word in the dictionary has two meanings: 1. Deep, hard-to-experience excitement. 2. A complete change, a radical break in something. -In what meaning does I. Severyanin use this word? Prove it. The father changed his opinion about his daughter, took a fresh look at her whims and pranks, and forgave them in advance. This means that the word “shock” is used in the second meaning. -Pay attention to the role of the words “and... thought about it... and forgave.” -Why does the author use polyunion? This technique is used to enhance the father's described feelings. He probably thought for the first time about the character and soul of his daughter, and having thought about it, he forgave her fleeting pranks, because he saw a good soul in her. He calls her “sweetheart”, he could see in her big heart. -Why does the author specify “buried with pity”? He adds detail to the girl's characterization. Previously, she cried over trifles, was capricious, but now the reason for her tears is different - she is in the misfortune of someone else. -What do we call words that are similar in lexical meaning? (synonyms). -Can these words be called “synonyms”? -What is the difference between the synonyms “cry and sob”? Is it a coincidence that I. Severyanin begins the poem with the word “cried” and ends verb form"buried"? To cry is to shed tears sometimes over trifles, and to sob is to cry loudly, convulsively, without calming down. Tears are different. At the beginning of the poem, we do not yet know the reason for the girl’s tears, so the author uses the word “cry,” that is, a neutral verb. And her father perceives her crying as just another whim. And at the end of the poem we understood the true deep reason the girl's tears caused by the tragedy that took place in the park. -How would you define the theme of this poem? This poem is about adults and children, about adults’ misunderstanding of their children, and about the fact that one minute can change the idea of ​​a person. You must be able to sympathize with all living things, be able to empathize. The most important quality in a person there is a feeling of mercy. -What kind of person do you think you have to be to write such a poem? To love nature, animals, people, to be able to sympathize and regret, to experience co-experience, to perceive other people’s misfortune and pain as one’s own. -Listen to how the poet himself wrote about himself. The teacher reads the epigraph for the lesson. -What can you say about the poet from these few lines? He lived simply, loved nature, and wrote with inspiration about the beauty of the earth. -But Igor Severyanin not only “lived in beauty”, he loved nature, he also cared about its preservation, called for it to be protected and preserved. He has a poem called "What the Park Whispers." -What did the poet and we hear in the whisper of the park? The student reads the poem by heart. -The title contains the word “whispers.” What figurative means of expression did the author use? (personification). -For what? To show that the park is alive; the poet hears his whisper, because he “breathes and lives by nature.” Both a broken branch and a fresh stump resonate painfully in his soul. The epithet “deadly” speaks of the tragic state of a person who sees trees in the park being wounded and mutilated. “My soul is mortally sad, / And it hurts me so tragically.” And the park thins out, thins out, thins out. -What feeling does this triple repetition give us? Yes, there is a sad feeling of loss, as if we hear the passing of time, which is destroying the park, which was once a thicker forest. -What destroyed the park? The cruelty of people. "The ax carried its echoing swing...", "the roar of the murderous axe." -Right. Have you felt how the repetitions of the sounds r, z, g, l convey the grinding of a saw? And the epithet murderous also pierces our soul. You see and hear how giant trees fall heavily and loudly with a groan. And through this hum, the poet hears the sad complaint of the park, saying goodbye to life: Soon I will not be there. But I lived - it was time. -Have you and I heard the quiet plea of ​​nature, which is dying at our hands and our cruelty? -How are man and nature connected? Man depends on nature, because he takes everything from it in order to live. And if nature dies, then man will die too. -To prevent this from happening, what should be done? Protect, protect; increase wealth... Be able to sympathize with all living things. The most important quality in a person is a sense of mercy. -The poet Igor Severyanin wrote about this. I am a purely Russian son of nature, And sunsets and sunrises are dearer to me than city delights! ("At the Call of Nature", 1923). Homework (creative). Write what feelings the poem (one of the two analyzed) aroused in you, what made you think about it? A plan for analyzing the poem was given to the children. Bottom line. Lesson grades. Poem analysis plan. There is not and cannot be a single scheme for analyzing a poem, because each work of art is unique, deeply original. You need to take a closer look at it, try to understand the secret of its charm: either it’s an unexpected metaphor, or melodious music, or original composition, and place this dominant technique at the center of analysis, correlating with it all other elements of the form. I give the students the following rough plan analysis of the poem: 1. Date of writing. 2. Biographical commentary using factual material. 3. Genre originality(monologue, confession, message, testament, etc.) 4. Ideological content: a) Leading theme. b) Main idea. V) Emotional coloring feelings. d) External impressions and internal reaction to it. Poem structure. 1. Basic images. 2. Basic visual means (epithet, metaphor, allegory, comparison, hyperbole, irony (as a trope), personification, sarcasm and others). 3. Speech features in terms of intonation and syntactic figures (repetition, antithesis, inversion, anaphora and others). 4. Poetic meter, rhyme. 5. Sound writing (alliteration, assonance). 6. Stanza (couple, tercet, quintet, quatrain, octave, sonnet, Onegin stanza).

I. Severyanin. "A girl was crying in the park." Extracurricular reading lesson.


    teach to adequately perceive poetic text

    teach to evaluate a poetic work in terms of language and content

    develop attention to words

    cultivate mercy

Lesson format: analytical reading.

Lesson type: conversation

Visibility: portrait of I. Severyanin, reproduction of the painting “Park in Pavlovsk” by I. I. Shishkin.


1. The guys are divided into two groups to complete a group task.

Group 1 is working on a portrait of the poet Igor Severyanin. What can you say about this person, about his interests, his soul? Pay attention to the years of his life (1887–1941). What events could have influenced his character and views?

Group 2 writes a short memory of the park. What did you feel when you were in the park, why did you come there, what did you expect from visiting the park?

2. Socialization.

After reading the mini-essays, we come to a common conclusion: everyone associates joy, delight, and strong emotions with the park. Everyone expected joy, something unusual.

Here is Igor Severyanin’s poem “A Girl Cried in the Park.” Let's think about the title. Guess what the poem might be about.

Something happened to the girl.
Something unusual, probably unpleasant, happened.

Let's remember what INVERSION is. Where is it used in the title of the poem and why?

Inversion is the reverse order of words, in which the most important word is placed in an unusual place for the purpose of emphasis. The author emphasizes the word “in the park”, and we feel trouble, because in the park they are having fun and rejoicing. But the girl feels bad, she’s crying.

3. Reading a poem and immersing yourself in the text.(The poem is read by a teacher or a specially trained student)

    What impression did the poem leave on you? Who are his heroes?

    Did your assumptions regarding what happened to the girl come true?

    Let us pay attention to the girl’s words addressed to her father. How is her replica built? What's unusual about her? How do words reveal a girl’s character?
    She is gentle, kind: in her speech there are words with diminutive suffixes that convey the girl’s attitude towards her father and towards the unfortunate bird. She calls her a “pretty swallow” whose little “baby is broken.” Her words contain both grief and pain. She sympathizes with the bird, accepts its pain as her own. We like the girl for her ability to worry and sympathize.

    Pay attention to the second part of her remark. It consists entirely of inversions. For what?
    All the previous characteristics of the swallow inevitably lead us to the idea that this bird is unhappy, so the girl calls it “the poor bird.” The inversion helps to emphasize the girl’s attitude towards the unfortunate bird. Her sympathy goes beyond words. It is effective, active: she wants to “wrap the bird in a scarf.”

    Let's turn to the dictionary. What does the word “wrap up” mean? In what meaning does the author use it?
    The word “envelop” means “to envelop on all sides.”

    Does this word have another, figurative meaning in which it is used in this poem?
    In this context, the word “wrap” is used in the meaning of “to regret”, “to warm”. The girl wants to warm the swallow, give her warmth. Therefore, a handkerchief will come in handy here.

    Why did the girl feel the need to warm the swallow?
    Many people passed by and did not pay attention to the bird’s misfortune. And the girl’s dad was also indifferent. Therefore, the girl begins her words by addressing her father, who could also pass by indifferently the misfortune of the unfortunate bird. The girl was faced with a cold, indifferent world of adults who do not pay attention to the little things in life that, in their opinion, are not worthy of their attention.

    Why did the poet need to take the most ordinary situation as the theme of his poem?
    This incident helped the father take a fresh look at his daughter. Previously, he had only seen her as capricious, playful, and disobedient, but now he saw a good soul in her. One minute changed his previous ideas about the girl. He is “shocked.”

    Let's turn to the dictionary and find out the meaning of the word “shock”.
    The word in the dictionary has two meanings:

    Deep, painful emotion

    A complete change, a radical break in something.

    In what meaning does Igor Severyanin use this word? Prove it.
    The father changed his mind about his daughter, took a fresh look at her whims and pranks, and forgave them in advance. This means that the word “shock” is used in the second meaning.

    Pay attention to the role of the words “and... thought about it... and forgave.” Why does the author use MULTI-UNION?
    This technique is used to enhance the father's described feelings. He probably thought for the first time about the character and soul of his daughter, and having thought about it, he forgave her fleeting pranks. Because I saw a good soul in her. He calls her “sweetheart” and could see a big heart in her.

    What is the difference between the synonyms “cry and sob?” Is it a coincidence that I. Severyanin begins the poem with the word “cried” and ends with the verb form “buried”?
    To cry is to shed tears sometimes over trifles, and to sob is to cry loudly, convulsively, without calming down. Tears are different. We don’t yet know the reason for the girl’s tears, so the author uses the word “cry,” that is, a neutral verb. And her father perceives her crying as just another whim. And at the end of the poem, we understood the true, deep reason for the girl’s tears, caused by the tragedy that took place in the park.

    How would you define the theme of this poem?
    This poem is about adults and children, about adults’ misunderstanding of their children, and about the fact that one minute can change the idea of ​​a person. You must be able to sympathize with all living things. The most important quality in a person is a sense of mercy.

4. Creative work. Write how the poem made you feel and what it made you think about.

To the question, analysis of the verse “A girl was crying in the park” and asked by the author Dry out the best answer is 10 points from you :)
5. Analysis of the poem.
– Can the poem be called lyrical? Why?
(Yes, it expresses feelings.)
– Whose feelings?
(Father and girls.)
– Is it possible to identify individual parts in a poem?
(Yes, the first part talks about the girl’s feelings, the second – about the father’s feelings.)
– Try to title the parts using quotes from the text.
(1. “A girl was crying in the park”
2. “And the father became thoughtful.”)
- How many sentences are there in the poem?
(Two. The first is a sentence with direct speech, the second is complex.)
– How are they connected into one poetic text?
(Theme, idea, conjunction I, adjacent rhyme.)
– Are the events happening at the same time that caused the feelings of the characters depicted in the poem?
(No, first an event occurs that agitates the girl, and then the father’s reaction to her feelings is depicted.)
– Read what this reaction is.
(“And the father became thoughtful, shocked for a moment.”)
– What feeling did he have?
– Reveal the lexical meaning of this word through the selection of synonymous words.
(Shock, strong excitement, surprise, change in mood.)
– What caused the father’s shock? To answer this question, let's read the first part of the poem. It reveals the girl’s feelings and creates her image.
What means can the author use to create the image of the hero?
(Name, portrait, speech, author’s description, self-characterization, characterization by other characters...)
– What means are used here?
(Speech only.)
– Read the author’s words in this sentence.
(“A girl was crying in the park.”)
– What verb introduces direct speech?
– There is one more word in the poem that characterizes the girl’s condition.
(Sobbed - from the verb “to burst into tears.”)
– And when people cry, even sob?
(From grief, joy, suffering, that is, from the strong feelings that washed over them, from shock.)
– How do we know what caused the shock in the child?
(From a girl’s speech. She says: “The pretty swallow’s little foot is broken.”)
– What do these words convey?
(State of a swallow.)
– How do you imagine this bird?
(Small, nimble, fast in flight, swift, cheerful.)
Show picture.
– Use your imagination. What kind of bird did the girl see?
(Cannot fly, beats the ground with her wings, scared, helpless.)
– Describe in one word the condition of the wounded bird.
(Suffering, torment, physical and mental pain.)
– What feelings did the swallow’s suffering evoke in the girl’s soul?
(Sympathy, compassion, condolences, empathy, pity.)
– What is the meaning of the prefix co- in these words?
(Togetherness, unification.)
– How did you understand that these were the feelings she was experiencing?
(She turns to her father for sympathy, uses words with diminutive suffixes in her speech, wants to help the bird: “I’ll take the poor bird and wrap it in a scarf...)
- Pay attention to this line. What are the key words in it?
(I'll take it and wrap it up.)
– What part of speech is this? What does it mean? In what form is it used?
(This is a verb used in the future tense.)
– That is, the girl’s words reflected only her desire. Did she do it? Let's experiment: remove this line. Will the meaning of the poem, its logic change?
(Yes, the father would not have been shocked if the girl had not acted.)
- But in the poem there is no description of the child’s actions. How do we guess that the action was committed?
(Ellipses play a huge role in the poem. They can mean that the girl lost her breath from tears and did not have enough words to express her feelings. The author deliberately left out the words: behind them are specific actions.)
– What do you think the girl did?
(She stroked the bird, wrapped it in a handkerchief, hugged it to her, asked her father to help the swallow and take it home.)
– What definition can be given to her action?
(Kind, merciful


“I cried in the park


  1. Conversation on questions:
- What feelings did you experience when you listened to this poem? How would you define the theme of this poem? Can this poem be called lyrical? Name the lyrical heroes. Read an excerpt from a poem that expresses the girl’s feelings.

Read the lines that talk about your father’s feelings.

Title parts of the poem using quotes from the text. Do the events in the first and second parts take place simultaneously? What did the father experience? Try to discover the meaning of the word shock through a selection of synonyms.

What are the means of creating an image? lyrical hero does the author use?

Find keywords in the girl's speech. What part of speech is this?

Slide show. Which of the children depicted might also react strongly to the bird's pain?

Experiment. Try to remove the lines from the poem: “I will take the poor bird and wrap it in a scarf.” Has the meaning of the poem changed?