How do martial arts types differ from each other? What is the difference between sambo and judo, which is better to choose for a child.

In this article we will answer the question of what to choose for a beginner - combat sambo or sambo? First, let's figure out what are the main differences between classical and combat sambo - a self-defense technique developed more than 80 years ago in the USSR, and which is based on various types national martial arts. This is perhaps where their similarities end. And this means that it’s time to start their comparative characteristics. After which, you yourself can make the right choice.

The difference between combat sambo and classical sambo:

Without going into subtleties, the most important difference is that classical sambo is only wrestling, without the possibility of delivering any blows, while combat sambo is a mixed technique, very similar to the mixed fight technique. The combat sambo technique, in addition to punches and kicks, allows the use of painful holds, throws, grabs and suffocation. Thus, combat sambo is considered one of the most diverse martial arts techniques in terms of the number of techniques, making it possible to demonstrate a wide variety of fighting styles.

Advice - to choose the right one for a beginner, combat sambo or sambo?

As for choosing combat sambo or sambo for a beginner, you must first understand for what purpose you will be mastering sambo in general. If your goal is to improve your health, pump up your inner core, your fighting character, or you work in security structures where you need to have high-quality detention skills, then sports sambo is better for you.

First of all, because pure fighting requires significant costs physical energy, therefore for physical development gives a much greater effect than the striking technique. And if you work in security structures and you need experience in detaining an enemy, then sports holds the widest arsenal of painful holds, and this will give you the necessary skills.

If your goal is to gain an effective skill for self-defense, then combat sambo has much greater potential. This allows you to effectively fight in a standing position, striking with your hands, feet, knees and, if necessary, you will feel confident if you find yourself on the ground. Since combat sambo, in addition to striking techniques, also includes all the techniques of sports sambo, the same throws, arm locks, leg locks, and chokes give you the opportunity to confidently defeat your opponent on the ground. Thus, we can say that combat sambo is a universal technique, and sports sambo is a highly specialized technique.

So, if your goal is maximum combat effectiveness in all situations, including self-defense on the street, then combat sambo will be most preferable. Now let's move on to specific recommendations on how to get started.

For those who are not in St. Petersburg - our recommendations.

If you do not live in St. Petersburg and there are no combat sambo clubs in your city where there are special groups for beginners (experienced and beginners train in the same group), then it is best to start with sports sambo. Still, this type is less traumatic, of course, provided the trainer is sufficiently qualified. This way you will get the original physical training, master the basic techniques of sports sambo. After training for at least half a year, you can safely move to the combat sambo group; many things will already be familiar to you.

So, summarizing the above, once again about the differences in these two types of martial arts.

Combat sambo is highly dynamic, and the fight, as a rule, takes a short period of time. After all, the culmination of the action is often a knockdown and even a knockout, which, unlike classical sambo, significantly increases the likelihood of an early end to the fight. This is why combat sambo is perfect for real self-defense skills. In classical sambo, everything happens exactly the opposite - opponents often pause in order to prepare for the decisive throw.

Due to the development of such qualities as courage and will, improved physical fitness, as well as a minimal risk of injury, learning the basics of classical sambo is recommended even for young children. Combat Sambo, on the contrary, often becomes the choice of accomplished athletes, main goal which is the development of fighting qualities and skills.

Inexperienced spectators of judo and sambo fights will say that they at first glance similar.

These two martial arts and it’s true that there are both similarities and very noticeable ones significant differences, which need to be pointed out.

The distinction can be made along several parameters.

What is the difference between judo and freestyle wrestling?

Judo and freestyle wrestling - different types martial arts

The latter is used more physical strength when performing techniques.

IN first athletes use less force, but there is a big variety of technical actions.

In judo there are no such striking movements as there are in freestyle wrestling.

Differences from sambo

Martial arts can be distinguished from each other by the following parameters.

Origin of martial arts

Judo represents japanese martial art with its own philosophy and ethics. In 1882, Jigoro Kano opened a school called "Kodokan", where he taught those interested in the art of wrestling. Kano took techniques from jujutsu as a basis, removing the most traumatic ones so that students could practice them to their full potential. As a result, a new martial art emerged.

Martial arts began to attract everyone's attention more people - his popularity grew. The school has expanded and started to open new branches.

Reference! Translated it means "soft way". The name itself defines the principle of this martial arts.

Sambo as a sport was created in the USSR, that is, it is a relatively young martial art. Officially recognized by the sports committee November 16, 1938. At the same time, the view is also mixed: it combines effective techniques and techniques from various martial arts. The full name is “self-defense without weapons.”

What is an Olympic sport?

Sambo is still not included in the program Olympic Games, and judo is included since 1964.

Permitted techniques

In judo, choking techniques and pain is strictly prohibited on your feet.

In sambo it’s the other way around: athletes use painful locks on the knee, hip and ankle joints. In judo there are throws and grabs.

Victory in judo can be achieved by performing one technically “clean” and beautiful throw.


One of the rules of judo is: "Surrender to Win". This is what characterizes its name “soft path”. Here some principles must be observed even at the expense of the effectiveness of the battle.

The wrestler needs to defeat his opponent in a special way, in compliance with philosophy arts: softness and restraint, which are cultivated in ordinary life athletes.

Thus, judo is this is a technical fight, and not a forceful confrontation. To master the techniques, you do not need to have high physical strength.

Sambo is primarily a strength art with a wide arsenal of techniques and resolutions. The fight itself looks more viscous and tough, as the athletes use low stances. In judo, on the contrary, high stances are used.

Ethics and culture of behavior

Present in sambo aggressive desire to win. Here, too, traditions in the form of bowing to the coach and the opponent on the fighting site are not observed. In judo, bowing is mandatory, as it is a manifestation respect for the enemy, which is what philosophy teaches “ soft path».

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Tatami shape

Tatami are special mats that are folded together to form a surface for fighting.

In sambo, participants fight on round tatami, and in judo athletes compete on square.

At the same time, in second martial arts use mats that are harsher than in first.

Availability of shoes

Judo athletes enter the court barefoot. Sambo wrestlers wear special shoes - wrestling shoes. They differ from ordinary sports shoes:

  1. Soft leather not thick sole.
  2. Absence hard and protruding elements.
  3. Sealed inside with seams.
  4. Models tall with full ankle support.

Opponents' clothing

Traditional costume in judo - kimono white(judoga), consisting of a jacket and pants. It is tied with a special belt. The color of the latter determines the degree of skill of the athlete. The use of kimonos is allowed during training different colors. At international competitions, athletes compete either in blue suit, or white. This helps to distinguish the participants in the fight.

Photo 1. Kimono for judo, model Super, 705 cotton, 30% polyester, manufacturer - “Green hill”.

Sambo wrestlers wear jackets with small wings, through which the belt is threaded, as well as shorts red or blue . The uniform is more open than judo suits.

The sambo jacket fits tightly to the wrestler’s body, as does the belt. There should be a distance between the sleeve and the hand 10 cm(same standard in judo). Overall length of the jacket - not lower than 15 cm from the waist.

Shorts must fit following requirements:

  1. Available, do not fit. It is comfortable for the athlete to move in them.
  2. None pockets, fasteners and solid decor.
  3. Cover third of the thigh.
  4. Are being selected strictly matches the jacket.

Determining the level of professionalism

In sambo there are only categories and titles: first category, candidate master of sports, master of sports, etc.

Do you want to take up oriental martial arts, but have not yet decided what to choose? Or maybe you are choosing a section for your child? In this case, you will be interested to know how judo differs from sambo and which type of wrestling has more advantages.

Judo and sambo: what is it?

Both sports are related to wrestling, they help develop strength, speed, and improve coordination. During training, you use all the muscles in your body. Their advantage is that both children and adults can do them.

What is judo? The birthplace of this struggle is Japan, the participants in the fight wear white kimonos, without which they are not allowed to fight. During the match, wrestlers throw each other to the floor and to avoid this, they must move as quickly as possible and guess the opponent's strategy in a matter of seconds.

What is sambo? This type of wrestling combines various techniques taken from several types of martial arts, including judo. It can be concluded that Sambo was not developed as separate species struggle from the beginning.

During a fight, you may notice that there are no bright blows in Sambo. It seems that the participants have virtually no contact. Unlike judo, athletes must make grabs rather than throw each other to the floor.

There is no spirituality in sambo; the main qualities are speed and smoothness of movements.

What is the difference between sambo and judo?

Above we examined the basic principles of both types of struggle. In order to understand and see the difference, we recommend that you watch the fights.

What is the difference between sambo and judo, the main differences:

Olympic Games. Many people are interested in the question of whether these types of wrestling are included in the program of the Olympic Games. Judo is included, but sambo is not.

Spirituality and philosophy. Judo is a way of spiritual development that also helps to develop the body. There is no such spiritual philosophy in Sambo.

Initiative. In judo you need to win with with minimal effort, and in sambo, the winner shows initiative and activity.

Painful grips. In judo you can choke your opponent, but in sambo you cannot. And vice versa - in judo you cannot use painful holds and holds, but in sambo you can.

Field for a duel. The fights take place on the tatami. In sambo the tatami is round, and in judo it is square.

Shoes and suits. Judokas are always without shoes, but sambo wrestlers wear light sneakers or sneakers. Moreover, as you can see, the wrestlers different clothes. In judo - a kimono, in sambo - short shorts and a top with sleeves.

Rack. A fight in judo takes place in a high stance, in sambo - in a low one.

Versatility. The basic techniques of judo are used in other types of wrestling, for example, in sambo and karate. It is varied and includes huge amount technician, which is why many people prefer him.

Since sambo was invented later, and it also contains techniques from judo, both types of martial arts are similar. But judo is still more important, since it includes physical and spiritual development, besides, this wrestling is on the list of the Olympic Games.

What is the difference between sambo and judo? Above we have listed the main distinctive features two types of martial arts. Which workouts to choose is up to you.

What to choose for self-defense?

If you do not pursue the goal of participating in competitions and want to train for your own development, you are probably interested in the question “What to choose - sambo or judo?” Familiarize yourself with the techniques of both types of wrestling, attend classes, because only through practice will you be able to understand what you like best. Both options are suitable for self-defense. If you are not ready to study the philosophy of combat, choose sambo. If the spiritual aspect is important to you, choose judo.


Already for many years There is debate about which type of wrestling is better than sambo or judo. We will try to understand this issue by looking at it from three different, but very clear, sides.

Strength versus technology?

There is an opinion that sambo is strength, and judo is technique. But it's not hard to see what it is complete delusion! In any fight, both technique and strength are of no small importance.

A technically weak wrestler will never be able to achieve anything in either sambo or judo. significant results. At the same time, a strong but “wooden” athlete has no chance of successful career. In this question we can put equality.

Entertainment and variety of tactics

But this misconception arose for a reason. The fact is that in judo the rules significantly reduce the tactical variety of the fight, aiming at early victory. Therefore, sambo significantly wins in this component and in the variety of technical actions, especially taking into account the most recent “limiting” changes in the rules in judo. But while winning in these components, sambo loses in another important component – ​​entertainment.

The “low” entertainment value of Sambo is due to the fact that due to the variety of tactics, fights sometimes take place at a slow pace, without any special attacking actions, which may not please the audience.

Video 1964 — Sambo vs Judo

Russian Sambo fighter Boris Mishchenko vs. Japanese Isao Okano. Fight according to the rules of Judo.

Salary of a sambist versus salary of a judoka

Let’s consider another very important component of an athlete’s life – salary. Judokas of the Russian national team receive much more than sambo wrestlers of the same rank. This factor often becomes decisive.

Most judokas in childhood and adolescence compete in both sports, but having reached certain results in judo, leaving sambo.

Classes in sambo and judo sections are becoming increasingly popular. It's no secret that security forces Almost all countries use the techniques of these particular martial arts. And the parents of the younger generation are racing to send their child to one of the above sections. After all, in modern world It is very important to be able to stand up for yourself. And these sports will soon be taught to everyone necessary techniques self-defense. The peculiar philosophy of these directions will help strengthen character. And since these martial arts are quite similar to each other (at first glance), it can be difficult to decide on the choice of section. Now judo and sambo sections are opening everywhere, especially since adults are not lagging behind children in their desire to practice these martial arts.

So what is sambo?

Sambo is characterized as “ self-defense without weapons“You must agree, this name says a lot. The USSR became the parent of this type of martial arts. Despite the fact that sambo appeared in 1920, only 18 years later this wrestling received the status of a sport.

Sambo wrestlers train in special suits consisting of a jacket with a belt and shorts. Special boots are required on your feet. There are even protective bands available to protect particularly vulnerable parts of the body.

Sambo can be described as “ vinaigrette styles“, because in the combination of techniques of this fight, there are selected from various martial arts the most effective techniques. And a considerable number of attack and defense techniques that came to this popular sport from the East make the Sambo style quite fast and even a little cruel. A big plus is that Sambo cares not only about the beauty of the body. The unique philosophy of this type of martial arts can cultivate in a person the following qualities:

  1. Self-discipline.
  2. Persistence in achieving any goal.
  3. Strength of character.
  4. Vitality.

So, in addition to the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones, sambo strengthens the will to overcome any life difficulties and gives enormous self-confidence. And these are the most important components of the character of a successful person.

Characteristics of judo

The basis for this martial art, like judo, is rooted in the Country rising sun. After all, it was the Japanese master who created the basic rules and principles of training for this martial art. The first judo school was founded in 1882 in Japan; this year is considered to be the year of the founding of this type of martial arts. This type of martial arts came to us in 1914. Since then, judo has developed and gained popularity.

Judo is based on three essential principles:

  1. Mutual assistance and understanding
  2. Maximum control of body and spirit
  3. Give in to win.

There are two types of judo: traditional and sporty. This type martial art is rich in painful holds, throws, choking, etc. You don't need to be special at all physical strength to master the judo technique perfectly. After all, the main thing in this fight is technical maneuvers, which are countless here. It must be added that since 1964, competitions in sports judo, in mandatory included in the Olympic Games program.

What are the main differences between judo and sambo?

At first glance, judo and sambo are very similar in their grips, painful holds and numerous throws. But upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that these two types of martial arts are too different.


1. The country is the parent of the martial arts school:

  • Judo came from Japan.
  • The birthplace of sambo is the USSR.

2. Date of birth:

  • Judo - 1882.
  • Sambo - 1920.

3. Clothes for classes:

  • Sambo is a special suit (shorts, jacket, belt, special boots).
  • Judo - kimono (jacket, pants), belt and legs - nothing.

4. Competition mat:

  • Judokas have a square tatami.
  • Sambo wrestlers have a round tatami.

5. Olympic Games:

  • Sambo is not Olympic form sports
  • Judo has been a regular participant in the Olympic Games since 1964.

6. Chokes:

  • You can't do it in sambo.
  • There are quite a lot of them in judo.

7. Painful techniques aimed at the legs:

  • In sambo it can be produced.
  • In judo it is prohibited.

8. The role of physical strength:

  • It is welcome in Sambo.
  • In judo, physical strength is not that important.

9. “Viscous wrestling” technique:

  • Occurs in sambo (the use of low stances is facilitated).
  • Judo does not have this technique.

10. Philosophy:

  • In Sambo, the highest priority is physical strength and an aggressive desire to win. Based on this, the philosophy is unique, Soviet.
  • Judo has its own philosophy, which first of all teaches you to respect your opponent.

11. Culture of behavior in a training room:

  • Bowing to the coach and your opponent on the tatami distinguishes judokas.
  • Sambo does not provide for such traditions.