Aphorisms and sayings of Ivan Pavlov. “Man is the highest creation of nature

You are wearily wandering through a gloomy autumn park, scolding yourself for having structured the conversation with the customer incorrectly, not signing a contract and now you won’t see a bonus. At home, you will be faced with the problems of family members who always need something. The new neighbor turned out to be a very unpleasant and conflicted type, on top of everything - problems with health, weight, sleep, etc. You look enviously at the carefree laughing couple on the bench and do not understand how to enjoy life in your situation. Believe me, it's not that bad! And the fact that you are reading this material already indicates your readiness for change.

Optimism is a must!

Most main body in a person it is his brain. The ability to think, to give correct assessment events allows people to radically change their lives. Believe me, in order to catch moments of happiness more often, you don’t need special conditions and a lot of money. Billionaire on luxury yacht may feel less satisfied than a poor shoemaker who has just seen his newborn son. Happiness and satisfaction are momentary states, but these are the moments our lives consist of. Direct your thoughts along this path. Put negativity in a distant drawer. Remember Scarlett O'Hara's catchphrase: “I'll think about it tomorrow!”

Look at your situation and always say to yourself the word “but”: it’s a gloomy cold day, but the sweltering heat is over, you can dress warmly and take a walk, breathing fresh and moist air. Family problems? But you have a family and children, and someone dreams of this all their life. Didn't work out with the contract? This is a chance to think about new strategies and perspectives. Live and enjoy this particular day, this moment, this weather and yourself! Literally from tomorrow, start living as if all your dreams have already begun to come true! You'll see what happens soon.

You are the one and only

And this is the true truth! A bunch of complexes and the belief in one’s own inadequacy are formed differently for everyone: some are instilled in this by their parents, some reach out to a respected friend and blame themselves for their failure, some feel like a gray mouse against a bright background. beautiful girlfriend. Why do you love me? If you ask yourself this question sincerely, think: who will appreciate you if you yourself do not know your strengths? How can you enjoy life without self-esteem? If a person has too much self-criticism, self-flagellation and underestimation, it is difficult for him. There are no people in the world whom nature would not reward with something that would distinguish them from others. And don’t be afraid to sometimes reward yourself, your loved one, with an unplanned vacation or a delicious dessert. Every day, looking in the mirror, smile at yourself and say: “Life is great! And this day is for me!”

Tell me who is your friend

Sometimes a person’s surroundings hinder him from living happily now and here. This does not mean at all that you need to leave your family or stop helping your sick friend. The point is different: evaluate yours soberly. If you spend a lot of time in the company of whiners, in whom all conversations come down to criticism, gossip and cursing of an imperfect world, it is unlikely that your perception will be different. Take as an example a person who has everything going well, who is always cheerful and pleased with himself. Watch him, talk, find out his attitude to life, ask about his ability to overcome troubles. Moreover, the age of such a friend is not at all important - sometimes it is a measure life values it becomes an old man, wise with experience, and sometimes a very young, life-loving person.

You should always try to communicate with people who are equal to you in terms of moral values, degree of education, and range of interests. Watch TV shows selectively, eliminate negativity completely. An entire industry makes money from this - and you have nothing to do with it.

It is not customary for us to run to people for advice. personal psychologist like the Americans. Whether this is good or bad is a separate question, but the fact that you need to learn to feel comfortable in the world around you is a fact. Learn to be cheerful from people who call themselves happy.

Can money buy happiness?

How to enjoy life in poverty? Is happiness possible without money? Or is happiness not in money, but in its quantity? This question is discussed by everyone and everywhere. Everyone agrees: money is an opportunity to satisfy your needs. The difference is that everyone's needs are different. Some people want to be rich to ensure their importance and gain power; others want freedom of action and movement. Here lies the answer: money itself, in any form, does not mean anything; pleasure comes from what you spend it on.

Envy is the enemy of happiness

The ability to enjoy your life without comparing it with others and without envying anyone is not given to everyone. Envy kills friendship and love. This feeling destroys family ties and becomes the cause of enmity and crime. For oneself, envy is dissatisfaction and nerve diseases. You can completely get rid of this nasty feeling if you learn:

a) love yourself;

b) love people;

c) find a balance between your needs and capabilities.

There are people who don't like to show their failures. Behind each successful career, a happy family requires long and painstaking work, and sometimes great losses that no one would want to wish for themselves. Realize this and try to understand what qualities helped another achieve what you would like. Don't waste your energy on envy, tell yourself: "Just live and enjoy life." And remember: at this moment thousands of people dream of what you have! For example, at least the ability to see and read on the Internet.


This means accepting them as they are. The always dissatisfied and grumpy neighbor may have become like this from loneliness, or maybe her childhood did not work out. Not everyone in the world is kind and fluffy. The world is generally imperfect. Loving life and not trying to educate everyone in your own way does not mean pleasing everyone. Some individuals cannot be brought up in mature age, and neither your kindness nor pity will re-educate them. Build your existence so that you cross paths with those you dislike as little as possible. Life is great! Don't waste time arguing! The best remedy to win the conflict - to avoid it.

Expectations and reality

Don’t expect too much from life, then there will be fewer disappointments, and each achievement will be more enjoyable. This does not mean that you don’t need to plan anything and set goals. Goals just need to be realistic. Psychologists advise using this tactic. First, learn to live in harmony with yourself now and identify one step in your development (career, relationships) that you can practically implement. After that, raise the bar higher and higher. Never stop there and praise yourself for every success.

Magic words of gratitude

Make it a rule to mentally and out loud thank the Universe for every day of your life, for everything that you have. There seems to be nothing to thank for? Not true! You have life, a roof over your head, water, food, sight. So every day, be grateful to God for this (the Universe, fate, in whom you believe). How does this work? Our thought is material. That's for sure! Evil attracts evil, curses return like a boomerang, gratitude is perceived by the Universe and returns with an addition. Sincerely thank the people who helped you.

Do good

No matter how bad you feel at the moment, always remember that there is someone who has it worse. Help someone else around you enjoy every day. You don't need to have a lot of money to do this, just desire is enough. Sometimes a person in trouble needs simple friendly assistance. Just don’t demand praise and brag about your good deeds on every occasion. Sincere goodness should be quiet, and your life, even without embellishment, will be filled with inner light and joy.

This hateful job

What does it mean to enjoy life? Enjoy every day you live! Wake up expecting something new and go to sleep satisfied with past events. And here’s the hitch: when a person is doing a job he hates, he doesn’t want to wake up in the morning, and restless thoughts keep him from sleeping at night. It is good for those who have the opportunity to earn money with pleasure. What if a well-paid position leads to frenzy and neurosis? There is always a way out.

1. Change your job, profession, leave your current position.

2. Analyze what is more important to you at the moment: healthy nervous system or is it the income that allows you to support your family? In that case, be grateful that you have such a job.

3. Try turning your favorite hobby into an income source - this has worked for many people. There is income and everyday pleasure.

Be persistent

Very often, stereotypes imposed on us by family, society, and environment penetrate so deeply into our consciousness and take root there that we are afraid to be happy if this requires retreating from them. Which university to enter, with whom to start a family, how to communicate with friends, how to spend a day off - it’s up to you to decide. And if you like baking pies, then don’t try to convince yourself that you need a career as a doctor of some kind of science in the name of continuing the family tradition. As a result, both you and those around you will be happy, because communicating with a person who knows how to enjoy life is a pleasure. Don't be afraid of drastic changes. If such a thought has matured, act.

A healthy mind in a healthy body

Among people who maintain a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet, there are very few gloomy pessimists. Sports, yoga, and dancing increase the level of satisfaction. In addition, group activities allow you to find friends among like-minded people. Spend more time in nature. Try to start by simply walking at least part of the way home from work, preferably through a square or park. A person always finds time for what he really wants. Sometimes you, your loved one, just need to be lifted and pushed into the light.

A person who has health problems cannot enjoy life. Constant dissatisfaction with one's place in society leads to problems with this important component. This is such a vicious circle. Only a personal desire to be healthy and happy can break it.

The same applies to the power system. No debilitating diet brought anyone joy. Constantly hungry eyes cannot look happy. Food brings joy when it is tasty, beautiful and healthy. Individual needs and a sense of proportion are important in everything.

Life is wonderful! Love her, yourself and your loved ones! And be happy!

Children and parents - a common path to health

  • The game is a journey.

A healthy person is one who:

  • Feels good and looks good

  • Strong, tough, dexterous.

  • Does not get sick, does not miss class or work

  • Leads a healthy lifestyle.

  • Mentally and physically well developed.

  • Plays sports.

  • Has no bad habits.

  • Tempered.

  • Cheerful.

Health is affected by:

  • Heredity (this is what we received from our parents),

  • Ecology (water, air, products)

  • Level of medical care

  • The behavior of the person himself

  • Proper nutrition,

  • Maintaining a daily routine

  • Human habits.

  • Personal hygiene,

  • Mood

  • Wise use of free time.

country of health


  • "Movement is life."

Physical exercises for people who work on a computer.

  • Eye exercises

  • Finger exercise

  • Squats,

  • Jumping.

Create a physical activity plan.

  • Do morning exercises.

  • Do not use the elevator.

  • Alternate study with physical activity.

  • Don't miss physical education classes without reason.

  • “A person who wants to be in shape should do gymnastics every day. You need to walk, swim, ski, and hike a lot. The most dangerous enemy is laziness." Sofia Venderovskaya.

Labor Island

  • “He who loves to work cannot sit idle.”

Excerpts from the works:

  • “When I work with my parents at the dacha, my mood lifts and I feel a charge of vivacity.”

  • “When your brain and hands are busy, you begin to think about the results of your work, and not about nonsense. It helps me break bad habits."

  • When I started doing morning exercises and working with my dad, I help him in the garage, at the dacha, around the house, I began to feel better. And my mother says that I am her hope and support.”

  • “The main medicines: clean air, cold water, a saw and an ax.” Sukhomlinsky

Strait of Hobbies.

  • Each person is endowed with some kind of talent, and often simply wants to share with other people the wonderful things that they can do.

Island of Smiles

  • A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

  • A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...

  • Share your smile

  • And she will return to you more than once.

Zakalyayka Island

  • Air hardening

  • Sun hardening

  • Water hardening

  • Hardening the weakest areas of the body (for example, the throat).

  • Winter swimming.

  • Bath heat.


  • The day you steam, the day you don’t grow old.

  • “Sun, air and water are our best friends.

Island of Quitting Bad Habits.

  • Having bad habits means always following the path of least resistance, which is much easier than achieving good things, often overcoming many obstacles and making efforts on yourself.

Island Daily routine.

  • A daily routine is a certain rhythm of life, the alternation of various types of activities, rest, sleep, nutrition; this is your external and internal organization, the key to your health and success. Anyone who copes with the regime in childhood will be able to overcome many difficulties and life problems in life.

  • Stick to a certain rhythm throughout the day.

  • Properly alternate between studying and active recreation.

  • Strive for nutritious and regular meals and sleep.

  • Sleep is one of the primary human needs.

Island of Rational Nutrition.

  • “An animal is satisfied, a person eats, a smart person knows how to eat”

Principles of healthy eating

  • 1. Only natural food.

  • 2. Don't rush while eating.

  • 3. Do not cook foods that can be eaten raw.

  • 4. Don't talk at the table.

  • 5. Don't watch TV while eating.

  • 6. Try to eat as many vegetables as possible.

“Our food should be a healing agent, and our healing agents should be food. Hippocrates.

Make up words about a healthy lifestyle using the letters of the word “health.”

"Human - supreme creation nature. But in order to enjoy its treasures, he must at least meet one requirement: to be healthy.” A.A. Leonov.

Healthy lifestyle

Take care of your health from a young age According to the official definition of the World Health Organization, health is physical, mental and social well-being. Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. When meeting and parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life.

Health depends: 20% on the environment, 20% on hereditary factors, 10% on medical care, 50% - from lifestyle.

Health is something that we value little, but for which we pay more. Maximum duration of TV viewing: For preschoolers and junior schoolchildren– 1 hour, For middle-aged schoolchildren – 1.5 hours, For older children – 2 hours. Viewing can be no more than 2-3 times a week.

If you ruin your health, you can’t buy something new. Limitation of mobility leads to a decrease and disruption of vital functions. A child's body needs from 6 to 13 thousand movements per day. Sedentary children have very weak muscles. For the purpose of disease prevention great value has a 1.5-2 hour stay in the open air. The body weakens without doing anything.

He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy: Parental smoking increases the risk that the child will develop asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases. Parental smoking increases the risk that their child will start smoking at a young age. Life expectancy for smokers is reduced by about 8 years

All vices from idleness In women, alcoholism acquires chronic form much faster than men. Alcoholism leads to premature aging of the entire body. Alcoholism causes constant anxiety and fear, depression. 94% of parents who drink have children who suffer from mental disorders or become alcoholics

Drug addiction is a disease of the 21st century. From the moment of onset of drug addiction, a person lives no more than 3-4 years. There are about 7 million drug addicts in our country

Keep your daily routine! Wash your face and brush your teeth morning and evening.

Clean and ventilate the room more often. Read and write in good lighting.

Play sports and do exercises. Toughen up.

Wash your hands before eating, after going outside and interacting with animals. Walk outside every day.

Take a bath every evening. Watch your posture, keep your back straight.

Eat healthy.

Study on the computer and watch TV for half an hour a day. Go to bed on time.

We are for a healthy lifestyle!

Be healthy Thank you for your attention

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of the basics healthy image life. teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. IN game form reveal creativity students. The goal of health-saving educational technologies: to provide students, in the conditions of comprehensive informatization of education, with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study in an educational institution, to form necessary knowledge, skills and abilities not only of an educational nature, but also of a healthy lifestyle. Means of health-saving educational technologies: Elements of movement, physical and dance exercises, physical education and moving breaks, emotional release and “minutes of peace”, gymnastics, physical therapy, outdoor games. Massage, self-massage. Psycho-gymnastics, trainings.

Direction "Goals and means".

No matter how trivial it may sound, we live in order to enjoy life, love it, ourselves and others, receive satisfaction from our own actions and be happy. If we talk schematically, then life is a series of different actions and branches leading to goals and a specific dream. Yes, in the process of life, all this can change, but the path itself from goal to goal remains the basis of everything, and it is on this that a person’s condition depends, the result of what he strives for all his life. In this essay we will try to come to a conclusion about what goals are important to set for life path.

It seems to me that just as there is no one specific truth, there is no concept of a “worthy goal” that would satisfy everyone. Everyone is different, and what, for example, would be really important and worthwhile for me, can only cause a judgmental laugh from another person. In my opinion, a goal should help us move on, and not get hung up on something specific; it should be a guide, an impetus to further actions, life should not end at one specific goal. For example, in the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Gooseberry" the author introduces us to another "case" person. Throughout his life, Nikolai Ivanovich dreamed of having his own estate with gooseberries; this was the goal of his whole life. For her, he denied himself everything: food, sleep, good clothes, the man even married an old, wealthy widow and deliberately ensured her death in order to get his wife’s money. Such spiritual degradation, it seemed to him, was a deliberate sacrifice to achieve his cherished goal - but was it worth it? Having received his unsightly plot and planted gooseberries on it, the hero completely stopped his development, there was no meaning in his life, he stopped. It seems to me that the real goal should not require such spiritual sacrifices and should not lead to an ending, especially one like this.

The goal should be a starting point, one of the steps. Yes, of course, this must be a hard-to-reach step, with its own special irregularities and bends. But, firstly, a person must see the point in taking a step on it, and, secondly, he must see ways to overcome these same unevenness - otherwise he will stop believing in himself. The hero of the novel N.V. Gogol " Dead souls“had one major goal and many small ones, which were kind of small steps. He wanted to commit a scam, earn money and status, and for this he communicated with a large number heterogeneous personalities, receiving from each their own special benefits. But, unlike the gooseberry garden, Chichikov’s goal was not specific, final, we understand this because the hero himself is in constant motion. He reaches one goal and immediately moves towards another, passing all the tests. It becomes clear to the reader that more and more new stages of Chichikov’s life are just around the corner, this is the charm of the hero - he knew how to set goals that were important to him further development, while sweeping away everything unnecessary and unnecessary to him.

What goals are important to set along the path of life? Those whose achievement will not entail the desire to stop. The goal is the path to understanding the meaning, the path to complete satisfaction, but the interesting thing is that no one ever knows what the ending might be.