Parents Sunday of the year. Parents Saturday

In 2017, Parents' Day or Radonitsa is celebrated on April 25. This is Orthodox church holiday when the dead are remembered. So many people want to know what date is parent's day in 2017.

Radonitsa is one of the most important memorial days, when most people try to visit cemeteries where the graves of their relatives and friends are located. No matter how strange it may sound, this day is not only a day of blessed memory, but also joy and joy for the departed who have entered a new, eternal life.

In order not to miss this event, it is important to remember that Radonitsa always occurs on the 9th day after Easter, which this year was April 16 (we wrote earlier,). That is, it is not difficult to calculate what date Parents' Day will be in 2017 - April 25, Tuesday.

In general, everything parenting days in a year, eight and seven of them fall on Saturday, which is called parental Saturday. But Radonitsa is considered the most important day of them and it falls on different dates (depending on the day of celebration of Easter, exactly nine days after the Resurrection of Christ), and therefore on different days calendar That's why many people ask us, what date is Radonitsa in 2018 will be celebrated among Orthodox people.

By the way, it’s interesting that there are various signs on Parents’ Day. For example, if it is windy outside on this day, this means that the ancestors are angry that no one visited them. If it rains, then this good sign. Also, you cannot work on this day - this applies to farming and household chores.

Memorial days in 2018

Helps believers keep track of Orthodox holidays church calendar, so many people know what day Parents' Day is in 2017 - April 25th. But other days special commemoration, alas, not known to many. Therefore, we present to you full list memorial days for this year.

  1. February 18 – Saturday – Ecumenical Parents Saturday (meat-free)
  2. March 11 – Saturday – Second parents’ memorial Saturday
  3. March 18 – Saturday – Third Memorial Parents Day
  4. March 25 – Saturday – Fourth funeral Saturday
  5. April 25 – Tuesday – Radonitsa
  6. May 9 – Saturday – Day of Remembrance of Fallen War Soldiers
  7. June 3 – Saturday – Trinity Saturday
  8. November 4 – Saturday – Dmitrievskaya Saturday

For many citizens of our country, memorial days are very important, especially for Orthodox Christians. Therefore, despite the fact that most people treat this event with reverence, not everyone knows what date Parents’ Day is in 2017 in Russia. Let us remind you once again that Radonitsa this year falls on April 25, according to the calendar it will be Tuesday.

All people pay honor and memory to deceased relatives and friends. To know exactly the date of celebration of this sacred day, it is enough to clarify the date of celebration of Easter Sunday, and after that count exactly nine days, that is, the celebration of this day falls on the next Tuesday after Easter Day. To remember their friends, relatives, loved ones and acquaintances, people go to cemeteries, this happens on the tenth of May, this custom was introduced at the time when baptism took place in Rus'. It is worth learning the history of this sacred holiday, because this day has other names that are better known among the people. It is also important to find out not only when is Parents’ Day in 2017, what date is it in Russia, but also how this day is celebrated, as well as how Parents’ Day was created.

The history of the origin of the church holiday

This holiday has another simple name - Radonitsa, this is what the common people call this day, and the name was given many years ago, it was formed from the word Radunitsa, this name was used to call one of the gods worshiped by the pagans. This god preserved the souls of people who went to another world, he guards and protects these souls, helping them find peace. In ancient times, people who believed in the existence of God presented him with various sacrifices to appease him, but a little later these sacrifices were simply replaced with gifts in the form of colored eggs and other delicacies that are prepared on Easter Sunday. Since people were supposed to grieve for their deceased relatives, on this day the feeling of sorrow should be replaced by joy that the person’s soul was able to calm down and received a place in heaven. It is precisely because this holiday is also associated with souls of the dead, it was associated with the celebration of the sacred Sunday. Parents' Day is a symbol that says that death no longer has power over a person.

At first the holiday was called Radunitsa, but a little later the day began to be called , this was done so that people could read the words “joy” and “glad” in this name, on this day one cannot be sad or mention the dead with sadness, it is necessary to talk about the dead only good things, and remember this person with a smile on your face. I would also like to say that in ancient times people called relatives not only blood relatives, but also all acquaintances or friends, and other ancestors of their family and the entire clan. That is why today people can leave gifts not only to their relatives, but also to complete strangers, whose graves will be empty on this day. Even outside of Rus', this tradition was honored for many years; only in the ninth century did believers stop celebrating this day, but this only happened outside the borders of Rus'.

There are records that explain why it is so important to honor the deceased who have passed on to another world. At the same time, people must respect not only their relatives, but also strangers. According to many records available in some churches, it is written that when a Christian goes to heaven, he may be left without relatives who will remember him. Also, a Christian can die far in the mountains, drown in the cold sea or perish in the desert, because of this the person can be forgotten, which is why it is customary to honor not only relatives, but also other Christians who have been forgotten by their friends or relatives.

Since death can be strange, in such a death a person can simply go missing, therefore in churches in prayers they talk about the most different types death so that we can remember the many people who died in a variety of circumstances. I would like to say that Orthodox believers honor the dead not only on this great day, but also on ordinary non-holiday days; at this time churches hold services so that people can remember the familiar and fragile people who have already left this world. Not many people know when Parents' Day will be in 2017 in Russia, what date, but everyone knows perfectly well when Easter Sunday is celebrated, which means that immediately after the celebration of the most important sacred holiday, people will be able to go to church to celebrate Rodnitsa.

There are several days on which the dead are honored

It’s worth finding out not only when parent’s day is in 2017, what date after Easter, but also on what other days they honor relatives and friends who have passed on to another world. Of course, one of the main days when deceased relatives are honored is Rodnitsa; this year this holiday falls on Tuesday, and it is celebrated on April 25, after Easter Sunday. If you do the math, you can understand that Rodnitsa is celebrated exactly nine days after the celebration of Easter Day. Still, if a person sincerely and completely believes in the existence of God, he can remember his relatives on any Saturday. For example, if you come to Israel, you can find out that on the sixth day of the week people do not work there, since they have a legal day off to visit their temples and pray. This year there will be only six Saturdays that can be dedicated to prayers for people who have gone to another world, and on these days you cannot do housework.

Several important days on which they remember their loved ones:

The first day of the current year is Meat Saturday, this day falls on February 18, this is the day given to believers so that they can please themselves with meat dishes, this date is floating, since Meat Saturday falls on the date that is obtained after subtracting the week from the beginning of Lent.

Another day will be March 11, on this day people go to church and honor their family and friends who once left this world. This day is set in the second week after the start, although on this day it will not be possible to remember your relatives with meat dishes, since fasting prohibits this, but services are constantly held in churches, and people should pray for their deceased loved ones.

Another date when, according to the church, Parents' Day in 2017, what date this day is celebrated is the third Saturday, which falls on the third week of Lent. There will also be a fourth Saturday, on which you can remember your loved ones, it will fall on the ninth day of April, and the next important day is this, on this church holiday people honor their relatives and visit cemeteries.

Every person has relatives who have already left our world; they must be remembered so that in their world they know that they are loved and remembered. Each person will be able to remember their relatives in their own way, yet there are some rules that are observed by churches throughout our country, and people do not violate customs and foundations christian church. Even if it is not possible to read a prayer, it is enough to treat your friends with sweets or cookies so that people can remember the deceased person.

April 18th, 2017 admin

Since Orthodoxy in Rus' was recognized as the official religion, many religious holidays and spiritual rituals have appeared in our lives. Their history is not only well known to us, it is closely connected with our modernity. One of the special Orthodox holidays is “Radonitsa” (“Radunitsa”) or Parent’s Day, which does not have a specific date in Orthodoxy. As St. John Chrysostom states, since ancient times on Tuesday of the second week after Easter, that is, on the 9th day after Easter people went to the graves of their relatives and loved ones and celebrated Easter for the departed. According to archaic folk tradition, the Slavs brought to the cemetery painted eggs and other food and had a meal. The day of veneration of ancestors has also become an Orthodox holiday, Christians emphasized that physical death does not mean spiritual death, that dead ancestors are always with us.

Parents' Day is one of the special days set aside by the church for honoring (commemorating) our deceased ancestors. There are only eight Parental Days in the year, each day has its own name and religious customs. Radonitsa is the most significant and important day among all other memorial parental days. Radonitsa begins on Tuesday, the 9th day after Easter, which gives it special significance. This year, both Christians and Catholics celebrated the most long-awaited and joyful holiday Easter on one day - April 16 , means funeral Parents' Day in 2017 falls on April 25th.

Orthodox Radonitsa

Radonitsa is celebrated by all Slavic peoples, the only difference is in the name. In Russia, this day of remembrance of ancestors is called Radonitsa or Radovnitsa, on the territory of Ukraine - Mogilki, in Moldova - Parents' Day, and in Belarus this day has the status of a public holiday and is called Radovantsy or Navii Day.

Origin and history of the day of remembrance of ancestors — Parent’s day has ancient roots, going back to archaic pre-Slavic history, when in the center of the picture of the world “one’s kind” was placed - *svojь rodъ> (I.E. *suo- geno - “one’s kind”). The first commandment of the pre-Slavic world was - *znajь svojь rodь - “KNOW YOUR KIND” (lat. *gno– suom genom), and honor your ancestors. Since the archaic period of paganism in the proto-Slavic world, there was a cult of remembrance and veneration of ancestors, when the people gathered on burial mounds, lit bonfires, on which they sacrificed domestic animals, fruits of fields and gardens to their ancestors, believing that in this way they would appease the souls of the deceased, people held funeral feasts on funeral mounds, as if inviting deceased relatives to share treats with them.

The desire to preserve the spiritual connection of generations was too deeply rooted in the popular consciousness and, after centuries, the Radonitsa holiday was officially recognized Orthodox Church. However, with the adoption of Orthodoxy, the traditions of celebrating the day of remembrance of ancestors changed and took on a pronounced spiritual meaning. The very word “Radonitsa” means “joy” from meeting one’s ancient family, deceased relatives, who, of course, also rejoice for us living. And the fact that on a mournful day of remembrance we talk about joy is nothing strange. Despite the fact that Radonitsa is associated with a cemetery, burial mounds, and commemoration of the deceased, Parents' Day is a joyful holiday.

Advancing after Happy Easter and by the Resurrection of the Lord, who trampled death by his death, Radonitsa becomes for all Christian believers a bright hope for the resurrection of all those who have died. On this day, remembering the dead, the living celebrate the victory of life over death and believe that Orthodox Christians have entered the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Church dictates that Orthodox Christians should visit the temple on Parents' Day, hold a funeral service, then visit the graves of their relatives, remember them in their memory, pray and be sure to light a church candle at the grave.

How to remember ancestors on Parents' Day?

Close people always clean and put in order graves, wash and paint monuments, and decorate them with flowers. Coming to the cemetery on Parents' Day, Orthodox Christian believers should be aware of the essence of the Rodonitsa holiday, feel a spiritual connection with their ancestors, therefore, in the cemetery you need to behave with reverence, you should not arrange feasts at the graves of the deceased and leave food and alcoholic drinks on their graves. It is better on this day to distribute food to the poor and needy people, asking them to pray for those who rest in peace.

There is nothing shameful in the fact that any of us today out of ignorance acted incorrectly, the very manifestation of a craving for knowledge of Orthodox canons and for paying honors to deceased close relatives speaks of a desire for spirituality and closeness to God. And how wonderful it is that in modern world spoiled by temptations and temptations, Orthodox people remain with true spirituality Christian Faith. Parents' Day - Radonitsa helps us maintain the connection between generations, which is one of the foundations of spiritual Orthodox life.

With bright sadness, let us remember all our relatives who are no longer with us. People are not given immortality, but the human soul lives forever. Our beloved, close people are alive as long as the memory of them lives in our hearts. Let them be happy and calm where they are now.

When do Orthodox Christians celebrate Parents' Day in 2017?
Knowing the dates of all Parents' Days, Orthodox Christians can adequately prepare for them in advance.
Parents' days in 2017:
1) Ecumenical Parents Saturday(meat) – February 18, 2017
2) Second Memorial Parent Saturday - March 11, 2017
3) Third memorial day Parent’s day – March 18, 2017
4) Fourth Memorial Saturday - March 25, 2017
5) Radonitsa Parents' Day – April 25, 2017
6) Day of Remembrance of Fallen Soldiers - March 9, 2017
7) Trinity Saturday – June 3, 2017
8) Dmitrievskaya Saturday – November 4, 2017

In this article we will talk specifically about Parents' Day in 2017 and what date Radunitsa is. This year it falls on April 25th. In general, if we look at it in succession of years, then you just need to look for the date of the second Tuesday from the onset of Orthodox Easter.

Of course, it is not the only day during the year when Orthodox believers commemorate their parents. Despite the fact that memorial days are called “parental” days, it is not at all necessary to go to the cemetery just to honor the memory of your parents. You can visit the person you loved and miss, regardless of the degree of relationship.

It is customary to rejoice on Radunitsa

Day April 25 – exact date When is Parents' Day in 2017, what date (Tuesday). This is the second Tuesday after Easter, which falls on St. Thomas week. It is interesting that “Fomina” week is called because it is dedicated to the Apostle Thomas (it was because of him that the saying “Doubter Thomas” became popular among the people).
Radunitsa falls on this Tuesday for several reasons. Firstly, if you refer to folk traditions and by the time of paganism, around this day it was customary to go to the cemetery. Supporters of this theory even claim that the name of the day comes from the word “genus”. Then, when Christianity was adopted, this day was made a day of remembrance of the dead after Easter as an important holiday.

As for modern church traditions, it is indeed a holiday. People are wondering when parent’s day begins in 2017, what date, because since Easter this is the first day when you can go to the cemetery. If you are used to doing this on Easter itself or during yuletide week, then you need to change the wrong habit. On Rainbow Day, we rejoice at the coming of Easter together with our departed ancestors and loved ones. The second part of historians believes that the name of the holiday comes from the word “rejoice.”

Other memorial days after Easter

With Radunitsa, of course, there are memorial days during the Orthodox church year don't end. There will still be days when you must go to church in the morning for a service and pray for your ancestors, and then go to the cemetery to show them your respect.

We offer a calendar of parental days in 2017 (what date after Easter):
On Victory Day, the church celebrates the day of remembrance of the dead. Churches hold services in honor of people who died during wars. Especially, of course, during the Great Patriotic War. This year, All Souls Day falls on Saturday.
Before Trinity, on Saturday, there is a parenting period. This day is called: Trinity Parents' Saturday. During the service, special attention is paid to prayers. In general, this parenting day in the spring-summer period is considered the main one.
Then only in the fall, on September 11, the cemetery is visited on the eve of the Intercession holiday. At services in churches on this day they remember John the Baptist and his painful death for his faith.
The last parent's day of the year is always Dmitrievskaya Saturday. It falls on November 4, and received this name in honor of Dmitry Donskoy. On these days, during the service, special attention, just like on Victory Day, is paid to fallen soldiers.

So, within Orthodox year There is more than one parent's day to remember. But, if you are looking for the date of parent Tuesday, Radunitsa, then this year 2017 it falls on April 25. Can be prepared on this day

Parents' Day or, as it is also called, Radonitsa (Radunitsa) is a spring Orthodox church holiday of special commemoration of the dead. According to Radonitsa, it is one of the most important memorial days, when it is customary to visit cemeteries where the graves of relatives and friends are located.

This is a day of bright memory and, oddly enough, joy, because this joy is for the birth of those who died in new life- eternal life. To prepare for this in time Orthodox holiday, you need to know what date is parent's day celebrated in 2017.

When is Parents' Memorial Day celebrated?

There are eight parental days in a year, and seven of them fall on Saturday and therefore they are called parental Saturdays. But among parental days there is the most important, most important holiday of remembrance of the deceased (Radonitsa), which always falls on Tuesday.

The Radonitsa holiday does not have its own date; it is always celebrated on different times, depending on what date it falls on. In the second week, or, to be more precise, nine days after the Holy Resurrection of Christ, on Tuesday, the day of remembrance of the dead comes - the first parent's day after the holiday of Easter.

Memorial days extremely important for everyone Orthodox Christian. They are also called “parental” so that we remember the need to take care of the souls of our ancestors.

It is imperative to know the dates of all memorial days so as not to miss the opportunity to remember and commemorate your deceased loved ones, relatives and friends, go to the cemetery and clean up the grave.

History and customs of the holiday of the main parent's day

According to the testimony of John Chrysostom, this holiday was celebrated by Christians in ancient times. The name itself - Radonitsa - was instilled in us from the common Slavic spring pagan holiday with the obligatory commemoration of the departed, which was called Radavanitsy, Graves, Triznas, and Navy Day.

The word “radonitsa” comes from “joy” and “kind”; moreover, this holiday takes pride of place immediately after the celebration of Bright Easter Week and, one might say, obliges Orthodox Christians not to delve too deeply into grief for the dead, but to rejoice over them eternal life together with the Lord God.

The whole Christian world celebrates Christ's Resurrection, His victory over earthly death, and then, nine days later, believers celebrate the revival of their ancestors, relatives and friends to a new life, remembering them on a special day - Radonitsa. The Resurrection of Christ, as a victory over death, displaces the sadness of separation from loved ones and therefore on the ninth day from Easter we, as Metropolitan Anthony of Surzh said:

“...with faith, reliable and Easter confidence we stand at the tombs of the departed.”

What to do on Parents' Day

Enough large number People visit relatives and friends at the cemetery on Easter. Many, unfortunately, adhere to the blasphemous custom of accompanying visits to the dead with drunken wild revelry. And those who don’t do this very often don’t even know when to Easter days it is possible (and necessary) to remember the dead.

The first commemoration of the deceased after Easter takes place on the second Easter week(week), after Fomin Sunday, on Tuesday. And the widespread tradition of going to the cemetery on the Easter holiday itself sharply contradicts the institutions of the Church: before the ninth day from Easter, commemoration of the dead cannot be performed. If a person passes into another world on Easter, then he is buried according to a special Easter rite.

Like many Orthodox clergy, priest Valery Chislov, rector of the temple in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God at the Assumption Cemetery in Chelyabinsk, warns against rash actions and other actions committed out of ignorance on the feast of Radonitsa:

“It should be remembered that a cemetery is a place where one should behave with reverence. It is sad to see how some people drink vodka there and sing worldly songs. Someone crumbles bread and eggs onto the grave mound and pours alcohol. Sometimes they get into a real riot. All this is more reminiscent of pagan funeral feasts and is unacceptable for Christians. If we already took food to the cemetery, it is better to distribute it to the poor. Let them pray for our departed, and then the Lord may send some consolation to our relatives.”

When you come to the cemetery on the feast of Radonitsa, you need to light a candle and perform litia (pray intensely). To perform litia during the commemoration of the dead, a priest should be invited. You can also read the Akathist about the repose of the dead. Then you need to clean up the grave, be silent for a while, remembering the deceased.

There is no need to drink or eat in a cemetery, it is unacceptable to pour alcohol on a grave mound - these actions insult the memory of the dead. The tradition of leaving a glass of vodka with bread on a grave is a relic of pagan culture and should not be observed in Christian Orthodox families. It is better to give food to the poor or hungry.

How to remember the deceased

Prayer for deceased relatives and loved ones is the most important and greatest thing we can do for those who have passed on to another world. By and large, the deceased does not need either a coffin or a monument - this is only a pious tribute to tradition.

A simple wooden or metal cross is more appropriate for the grave of a true Orthodox Christian. But the soul of the deceased experiences a great need for our unceasing prayer. Saint John Chrysostom wrote:

“We will try, as much as possible, to help the deceased, instead of tears, instead of sobs, instead of magnificent tombs - with our prayers, alms and offerings for them, so that in this way both they and we will receive the promised benefits.”

And special help to the deceased is provided by commemorating them in the Church.