A farewell letter to my best friend brings me to tears. To my best friend, in my own words, to tears

Hello, my dear and beloved friend! I want to give you this letter as a sign of my love, although you may not accept it. You have the right not to even read my message. But I won't forgive myself if I don't pass this test. I need to earn your forgiveness, if, of course, you can give it to me...


What a pity that you and I have not communicated for many years. But don’t think, I remember everything... I often remember you, and sometimes I feel sad to the point of tears that our friendship ended like that. Or maybe it’s not over yet?

Maybe we just took a short break and then started being friends again, with new strength, new emotions and impressions?

One way or another, I remember our anniversary. I think you remember her too. Then, exactly 20 years ago, we met you. How young we were! And naive. And that oath that we swore to each other... Do you remember it? She was like a test that we couldn’t pass, I couldn’t pass... It was an oath to a true true friend from the same friend. We swore that we would never part, we swore to get married one day. Our oath stated that we would protect each other in any situation. And even if we ever quarrel, we swore not to be offended at each other for a long time, to come to the meeting, there, in our place... This is our oath.

If you knew how many times I came there in the hope that you could give me your forgiveness. But I never met you under our willow, which bowed its branches and seemed to shed tears with me. Yes, I often came to our place years later. But I scold and reproach myself for not coming when it was so necessary. Probably, I myself missed my chance, I myself, with my own hands, destroyed our friendship, my dear friend.


But don't think that I forgot about you. Not at all, I remember the expression on your face, every mole you had, I often remember how you laughed: joyfully, loudly, contagiously. Unfortunately, we failed to pass the test and the obstacles that life put in front of us.

On our 20th anniversary of dating, I want to give you this confession. I'm writing a letter, but I don't know if I can send it to you. And in general, perhaps you are already far away, you don’t live where you used to, and you will never receive my letter of recognition on our anniversary.

To you, my sweet and dear friend, today I am writing this letter and I want it to be like an oath. An oath of my most sincere feelings for you. Let in recent years I didn't tell you the right words. We haven't spoken at all. But, believe me, I think about you every day, I cry quietly at night, I remember the time spent with you.

To you, my beloved, dear and best friend, I want to say that I have never met people like you on my way. You are the embodiment of femininity and wisdom. You are the one to whom my heart and soul have always longed, you are the one to whom I came for advice and always received it.


So what happened why we couldn't pass the friendship test? Believe me, it’s hard for me to dredge up the past, it’s not easy to remember what, or rather who, came between us. If only we knew then how life would turn out... And with him, with the one whom I preferred to you many years ago, we parted. I couldn't stand the pain and humiliation. Even more unbearable was the realization that I had betrayed our friendship. But then for me our competition was just a game.

Sorry, but I couldn’t give Him to you, for some reason I decided that He must definitely become mine. I didn't think about your feelings then. I only now realized how painful and difficult it was for you. I fought Him off, took away the one you truly loved. But then I, your friend, did not know what pain I was causing you. I failed this test, now I have no right to call myself your friend. But I would like it so much! Traitor of friendship - these are the only words I can now be called. And I’m saddened to tears that I betrayed our friendship.

In the end...

All I can do is write you a letter and hope that you forgive. I know, time is lost, I won’t blame you if you don’t want to give me at least a minute of your time. But if you still agree to the meeting, know that I will be waiting for you in our place. Just let me know. I want to give you my feelings and confessions, tell you how dear you are to me and how much I miss you. I sincerely want our friendship to have at least one more, smallest chance. And if you give it to me, I promise that I will be able to pass this test.

I will become the best friend, faithful and sincere. No man can come between us anymore.

My dear friend! If you read these lines, know that I miss you, I love you and I truly believe that our friendship has a chance. So let's take advantage of it, let's try to revive our friendship. Believe me, I sincerely wish this...

Forever yours I.

Writing letters in the 21st century, when the world is full of new technologies, would seem impractical. Nevertheless, waiting for this simple envelope for two weeks, opening it and reading a letter from my school friend is important to me. It always intrigues, inspires and fascinates. Agree, this is the feeling you get from reading messages on social media. You won't get it on networks.

Here is an example of one such letter.

Hello, Olya!
How's life, how are you?
Exactly 10 years have already passed since our last meeting. Remember, we ourselves had just finished school then. We successfully passed the exams and went for a walk. And now, before we know it, we ourselves have become mothers. How is your son Artyom? Does he like to go to kindergarten? Which school do you plan to send to? My children will soon finish first and second grades. They don't like school at all. They say it's boring there. I understand them, but I'm trying to prove the opposite. This is probably what all mothers do. Yes, time flies. I especially began to notice this when the children went to school.
Where are you planning to vacation in the summer? Maybe we can cooperate somehow and relax as families? I wouldn't mind flying to Egypt or Tunisia. But the current dollar exchange rate wishes you good luck. Let's see if everything can work out and stabilize.
How is it on the personal front? Doesn't it offend you? Kidding! Knowing your character, you definitely won’t let yourself be offended. I, too, thank God, am doing well in this regard. There are, of course, some minor disagreements, but in my opinion you can’t avoid it, especially when you’ve been married for 9 years. Nightmare, 9 years old, but it’s as if there was just a wedding recently.
By the way, I saw Lenka a couple of days ago. She finally gave birth to a girl - Katya. Of course, Lenka has gained weight, very much, about 20 kilograms. But she’s as happy as an elephant.
In general, there is a lot of news. I would sit and write. But it's time to finish. You can't write much anyway. I would like to see you soon, have a heart-to-heart talk, like before. Look at you, what are you like, have you changed?
Write often and don’t forget!

In this article we will look at ways and ideas for writing a letter to a friend. We will also offer examples of lines to write.

The girlfriend often becomes practically sister, with whom you can share your most intimate things. Often, girls have their own gestures, signals, and even language that are understandable only to them. Although letters lately are becoming very rare, but no one excludes electronic options. You can beautifully congratulate your friend or make her happy just like that using heartfelt letter, which is sure to touch a corner of her soul.

A beautiful letter to your best friend about friendship to the point of tears for her birthday: sample, example letter

A birthday is a special holiday on which you want to delight a person as much as possible. Banal phrases and pictures with balloons definitely moving aside. This is where a good old piece of paper comes to the rescue. It is paper, since all the lines on it are written by hand, which means they come from the heart. Believe me, it is a letter in an envelope that can truly move your friend to tears.

IMPORTANT: Letters must be written correctly. If you are not very confident in your knowledge, it is better to double-check the words that are in doubt. If your handwriting is ugly or unclear, then use the keyboard. Be sure to sign at the bottom of the printed sheet. You can also come up with a small emblem or drawing to make your spiritual contribution.

  • On such a day, you can deviate from the usual pattern. Start with words of congratulations. Information from such a letter will be provided below. Enter more bright colors , make large and prominent inscriptions.
  • Can be diluted with poetry nice words, old photos. By the way, you can also resort to prose or combine styles.
  • This letter does not need the questions and interests of everyday affairs. Focus as much as possible on your friend’s wishes. Highlight her best qualities. You can give examples from life of how she did a wonderful thing.
  • On this day the birthday girl needs praise. And don’t forget to remember even the old ones funny stories. Such things sometimes bring much more warmth than expensive gifts.
  • On this day you can come up with unusual envelope. Even if your friend is far away. And be sure to include a small souvenir. Let it be small, but filled with deep meaning.
  • Also, do not forget that on this day you cannot skimp on pleasant and kind words addressed to a friend. Even if she is a “curly dandelion”, she will be the most cheerful and dear.
  • By the way, when registering take into account interests your girlfriend. Perhaps she was expecting a letter from an owl, like Harry Potter. Give her such a fairy tale, even with words of congratulations.
  • But fill your letter as much as possible kind words And pleasant memories. Give examples of her strengths more often, indicating that you value her and value your friendship.
  • If you are far away, be sure to express your desire to meet soon. And write as much as possible from yourself!

A touching letter to your best friend about friendship to the point of tears just like that: sample, example letter

To write a touching letter to your friend, you don’t need to remember pitiful stories from your lives. Even pleasant moments make your soul bitter, because they can never be returned.

  • Start off right. It's much more pleasant to look at a leaf that has exact date. Letters are often kept in keepsake boxes to help preserve memories of the past.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to mention at the very beginning girlfriend's name. Today many people miss this aspect. But it’s more pleasant for a person to see his name on paper. Even when you communicate with a person live, call him by name more often. We are designed in such a way that the barrier of mistrust is automatically removed, and the person begins to evoke sympathy.

  • It is correct to call a friend “dear” or “my dear.” Add a touch of warmth and tenderness next to your friend's name.
  • Always ask about her business. This way you make it clear that your friend is important to you. Show that you care about her and are interested in her life.
  • If you would like to receive a response letter, ask questions. But the answer should not be limited to just “normal” or “good.” Ask leading questions. If there are children, ask about a recent party or birthday. Where they were and how they spent it.
  • Fill the letter with your news. If you share with a friend your thoughts and experiences, it means you trust her and will create the effect of intimacy. Share not only past events, but also plans for the future. Then the letter will come out more open and honest.
  • There is no need to write entire memoirs about yourself. Try to bring any events to a friend. For example, you recently went to hockey or basketball. And they remembered how 5 or 10 ago a funny incident happened to you and a friend on the podium.
  • Add events from the lives of others, but they should all directly or indirectly touch your girlfriend. The information should not only be interesting to her, it should touch the notes of her soul. Perhaps you met a guy she liked for a long time, and he said hi. Or maybe he has already broken up with his Yulka.

IMPORTANT: More humor and bright colors. Often good memories touch the soul more powerfully than melodrama. And try to reduce the conversation to the fact that you want to meet as soon as possible.

  • Necessarily contact your friend! Let her be “bunny” or “sunshine”, or maybe you have your own nicknames. This will create another drop of warmth.
  • And don't forget to tell your friend "Thank you"! Even if it’s for a small thing or simple advice, but for this participation in your life you most want to thank her.
  • After the main part, underline the purpose of your letter, even if it is written just like that. Perhaps you want to meet sooner. Maybe you just want to receive a response letter, so you expect a speedy response.
  • In conclusion, always write that you miss your friend and you miss her. Don't limit yourself to a simple phrase, you can dilute it with some more memories.
  • It also doesn’t hurt to wish you good luck, love and success. Even if it’s just like that, you are worried about your friend and wish her warmth. Even the phrase "Take care" will become very touching.
  • A signature does not always need to be placed, as in a document. Maybe a friend came up with her nickname for you, although you can’t stand it. But she will be pleased.

IMPORTANT: Use a postscript! Psychologists noted that it is used if the recipient is very important. This small point will emphasize the importance and values ​​of a friend in your life. This small paragraph usually hides the most secret news. And this is also a small signal that you want to meet your friend.

A beautiful letter to a friend about friendship who is leaving: sample, example letter

Life sometimes turns out in such a way that you have to say goodbye to some very important people. A friend who has become dear at heart wants to put an envelope with farewell words in her bag.

  • This letter really surprise effect will play important role. After all, words spoken out of emotion on the platform will not be able to convey the warmth that can be stored in a box of memories.
  • Control your emotions! It doesn’t take a lot of suffering and regret that grief has fallen on your shoulders and you will never see each other.
  • More joy and positivity! Add a touch of nostalgia, how good and fun you had together, but turn it around in such a way that you are pleased to remember it. This period will never be erased from memory and will be the best of all.
  • Never use the phrase: “we will never see each other”! You will correspond, call each other and come to visit each other. Yes, now you may not have those evening hours over tea every day, but there will be other moments that you will definitely spend together.
  • In a farewell letter it would not hurt to remember dating day. Believe me, this will be a balm for the soul for your friend! There is nothing more pleasant than knowing that you are remembered. For example, your parents introduced you. But you remember that your friend brought a book with fairy tales to read. Although you haven’t gone to school yet and don’t even know your letters.
  • Or maybe you drew on your entire school yearbook before September 1, transferring your dreams and plans onto paper. Memories are what will be with us forever. Give them to a friend, because maybe she forgot something or you missed something. This means that you will soon receive a response letter with an addition.
  • Or your friendship began already in adult life at a dance class or at some competition. Remember every detail on this day.

IMPORTANT: Finish the letter in such a way that your friend wants and has the opportunity to answer!

  • If you have a strong friendship that has been tested over the years, then remember your big quarrels. For example, because of the guy Petya, who both liked. But your friendship survived this moment, becoming only stronger. And for yourself, you learned a lesson that men can no longer stand on the road of friendship.
  • Each friend has her own secrets and vivid memories. Remember them in your letter. You can even come up with a new one secret code . But its decoding will be at back side or in the next letter.
  • They will also bring the greatest joy photos, because a lot of them have gathered over so much time. Now most of them are stored in electronic version, so print out the brightest frames and put them in an envelope. If you want, you can make a whole album with inscriptions and explanations.

  • Jokes and funny pictures no one canceled. If you are an artist at heart, this will lift your friend's spirits even more. Don't be afraid to reload your letter with drawings or stickers. This will only saturate him with even greater emotionality and warmth.
  • It also wouldn’t hurt to put some kind of amulet, bracelet or keychain in the envelope. In a new place, your friend will really need your support, even from a distance. You can not only buy a ready-made product in the store, but also make it yourself!

Sincere letter of friendship for a good friend: sample, sample letter

A sincere letter should always come from your heart. You can add some beautiful poems and colorful pictures or stickers to it. But try to highlight only true qualities and events that really connect you. Not because it will sound nice.

  • If you have a talent for writing, then come up with your own little rhyme. Write it at the very beginning of the letter to convey the main point. The main thing is to fit in these lines best quality girlfriends who are so important to your friendship.
  • Take a break from the banal white paper. You might want to make it look like old parchment. Use your imagination. Or you can insert adjacent faces into the text. So what if the artist has no talent? But it's fun!
  • Talk more often "Thank you" throughout the entire letter. Only really sincerely, for good advice and tips. Or maybe she saved you from a failed business or helped you babysit Vanka.
  • Let your friend know that she is important to you! Emphasize that your friendship is the best even with all the disagreements and quarrels.

  • Even such a sincere letter does not exclude the “main body” of the letter. Ask questions and be interested in your friend's life.
  • Tell us about your recent incidents. Just don’t turn the letter into a plaintive story about your life. More positive. In general, to interest the recipient, start with good news.
  • Praise your friend! Perhaps she makes a delicious cupcake, and you just made it recently. According to her own recipe. It was delicious, although the bottom was burnt.
  • Even with a good friend, try to stick to established requirements to the letter. Indicate the date and address her affectionately. And always put your signature at the end.
  • This is not a document, so you can use farewell remarks with wishes. And definitely "kiss" and "hug" girlfriend at the end of the letter.

IMPORTANT: Consider the closeness of your friendship. Always control information, especially personal information. You shouldn’t tell too much about yourself, especially in writing.

A beautiful letter to an adult friend about friendship in prose: sample, example letter

Adult life already paints it with other colors, but you still want to believe in a fairy tale and receive a share of a touching manifestation of love. An adult friend is a different level, the next stage of friendship. There are no those childhood divisions with a doll or youthful grievances over a guy.

  • Often in adulthood, each of the friends already has their own family. In this aspect, follow some recommendations. Never, under any circumstances, complain to a friend about your spouse! This will ruin your relationship with your husband on an energetic level.
    • Yes, and turn your girlfriend against him. After all, she will remember every word spoken incorrectly in your direction, and every quarrel. But doing this in a letter is absolutely impossible. Put complaints about personal life under taboo!
  • When discussing children, you also need to focus only on positive aspects. Remember how the kids went potty together or took each other’s pacifiers. Or maybe they got along right from the cradle.

IMPORTANT: Add old photos to your letter. And don’t forget to give a detailed explanation of the captured event. This will renew pleasant moments in memory and make the letter sincere.

  • In adult life, there is no escape from problems or some incidents. You may have had a bad career experience. For example, you decide to start selling children's toys. Don't focus on negative side. Better remember how spontaneously you came up with all this and quickly organized it.
  • Don’t forget about the rare “outings” without children and husband, when you could relax and have a heart-to-heart talk. Emphasize its importance in your life! Point out the subtle spiritual connection between you and the ability to understand each other at a glance or at a glance.

  • Nobody says that you should only communicate together. Therefore, do not forget to mention Lenka from the next door, who waited so long for the baby to appear, or Svetka, who lost 20 kg. Contribute to the world around you in your correspondence. Don't limit your friendship to everything. Remember, your girlfriend is not your property.
  • And, of course, be sure to describe the importance of her support for you in difficult times. After all, you have always been and will be ready to rush to help each other.
  • And your friendship, which has gone through thick and thin, will last for many more years. Leave out the word “never.” After all, in adult life, we all have a sober mind and understand that in this life you can’t be 100% sure of anything.
  • But your friend has earned your complete trust, which, undoubtedly, is what you value in her. If you are far away or rarely see each other, which often happens in adult life, be sure to mention desire to meet quickly or see each other more often.

Do not end the letter with the phrase “bye” or “farewell”, it is better to replace it with a replica "Goodbye!" After all, you spent together best years your life, and then there will be an even brighter period!

Video: Letter to a friend

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Everything's in order
Is everything in place?
Only something is not sung -
Are you bored about the orchestra?
This world has been small since ancient times
And you can’t do it one by one,
If you don't have time for songs today,
Tears are also useless.
Wear a hat for strength,
And exercise every day...


You can think about it. Let letter will be kind or evil, gentle or cruel, cheerful or sad. This is the soul! In which you can see what happens to a person who... relates to the addressee. And conversation is chatter that is quickly forgotten. And then you remember for a long time: what did you say? Letter You can read it again and again. Think about it. And rewrite it again. Not everyone can or wants to write letters.The soul is different for everyone. But who has a “black” soul or no soul at all. Surely not when and not at all...


Former militants included in the Olympic team

... The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam were included in the Sri Lankan Olympic team, the BBC Russian service reports. Several snipers will participate in shooting competitions. Other former militants may defend the honor of Sri Lanka in swimming, athletics and cricket. All selected athletes won a specially organized talent search competition...



There should be one girlfriend
A girlfriend should be forever.
We must never forget
What was, what is and what will be,
After all, friendship, it never
It won't get in the way.
You can tell your friend
Everything that is stored in the heart,
And she’s like family...


One way letters

One way letters
Letters without answer.
I'm writing a story
From winter to summer.

She has a childish smile,
Sweet naivety,
Youth is wild and daring,
Charm, glamour, sportiness.

There is volcanic love in her,
Pain and shame drop by drop,
Accursed old age,

For days now I have been hurting, no, not my heart, not my kidneys, not even my head, my soul is hurting. It hurts to such an extent that pain pierces the whole body, every organ, every cell,
No, no one died and my boyfriend didn’t leave me, I was betrayed, I was betrayed by my friends, they drowned me in the dirt, they simply destroyed me.
It’s so terrible when you don’t expect a person to stick a knife in your back at the most unexpected moment. And the most offensive thing is when you try to explain to this person in tears what he did, how he offended, how he set him up, and you hear in response, “Ha, I’m still drunk after yesterday.” Drive such people into the neck; they have no excuse, whether they are drunk, stoned, or on wheels. After all, suddenly in life it will turn out like this: they will kill, and your so-called friend will say, “I was drunk, so I was watching on the sidelines.” or even worse, it will help finish you off.
But there are other people in life who value you. This does not mean that they are the same, no, but somewhere deep down in your soul, you understand that someday you will again be able to be offended, betrayed by a person whom you love, value, appreciate, respect, whom you are ready to help in everything, and he as a sign of gratitude he tramples you into the dirt. But you should always hope for the best, and if this happens, in no case should you forgive or look for explanations. A person who betrays once will do so twice. You need to find strength and live on, live out of spite, smile at your enemies and give joy to others, cherish the people who are nearby, who love you for what you are!
There is such a good song, we all remember it from childhood, “A friend will not leave you in trouble, he will not ask too much,” so don’t abandon your friends, support them, even if your friend is wrong 1000 times, stand up for him, let everyone be against him, don’t abandon him, and suddenly, later, having figured it out, you will understand that your friend was right, and how you will look him in the eyes after you abandoned him or set him up or humiliated him, and if he is wrong, then tell him about it in private , you don’t need to talk about this in front of everyone, it’s better to stand up for him, because maybe he has no one else to expect help from, at a time when everyone is against him,
And finally, I want to say, “Don’t betray your friends, don’t throw them out, whether you’re drunk or sober, don’t humiliate your friends, because every action you take can have an irreparable result, respect the people who value you, appreciate you for what you are, "

P.S Well, hello my friend, ex-girlfriend.
I know that you will read this letter and now you understand perfectly well that this was written to you. I hope you are glad that everything happened this way, because with your words and actions you proved that you never loved me, even at some points you were a hypocrite. I won't say what I felt for you. but I’ll say one thing, you were able to replace me with a person whom I never had - a sister. You were like a sister to me, even if not by blood, And you did this, and how dare you ask how I’m doing? After all, I fulfilled yours last wish (remember your last call), and you fulfill mine - leave me alone!!!
I will never forget July 16th, for a long time there will be pain in my soul, sadness in my heart, and tears will well up in my eyes, and the memories will make my hair stand on end! But in our lives everything is not by chance and people don’t just appear in our lives and I am grateful to fate that you were in my life, even if not for long, so it was necessary!