Differences between digital printing and offset printing. Difference between offset and digital printing

When ordering the production of printing products, many are faced with a choice - what is better to order - offset printing or digital? These printing methods have significant specific differences. However, it is not entirely correct to argue that one type of printing is better than another, because the choice directly depends on ultimate goal and the wishes of the customer himself. First of all, you need to decide on the circulation. Here they usually adhere to the following rule: if the circulation is large, then it is better to choose offset; if the circulation is small, trial or urgent, it is better to give preference to the digital printing method. There are other ways to determine which type of printing will be best in your case. So…

Offset printing is better if...

  1. High quality printing required. Used by almost any printing house, because it has an undeniable advantage in the form of excellent quality of finished products. In the production of printing using this printing method, paint is supplied from a flexible form directly to a rubber sheet under pressure, and only then to the necessary printing materials (paper, fabric, etc.).
  2. There is a need for full color printing and additional ink. Offset printing in in this case digital is better due to the fact that it allows the use of full-color printing methods without restrictions of two or three colors and even has the ability to use additional effects - varnish, silver or gold plating.
  3. Required use different types paper and post-printing processing is required. Peculiarity offset printing– possibility of application various types papers ranging from newspaper and offset to designer linen or corduroy paper and even vinyl!
  4. Large circulation required. Only when ordering a significant amount of finished products will offset printing be profitable. With a small circulation, this will be a rather expensive order. This is due to the fact that the printing equipment itself can cost several thousand, or even millions, of dollars. In addition, pre-press preparation and production of prints takes long time. Before you start offset printing, a mandatory color proof and color balancing, creation and printing is required. required forms etc. In this case, the implementation of an urgent order is impossible, and printing small runs is unprofitable.

Digital printing is better if...

  1. High speed production of printed products is required. in this aspect, it significantly outperforms offset, which is an advantage when urgently ordering production of a circulation.
  2. Fast and high-quality pre-press processing of source images is required. Using digital printing, it is possible to view an image at the pre-press stage, obtain high-quality color and black-and-white prints, and also make test prints.
  3. A small edition order is planned. Digital printing in the best possible way suitable for small runs, which will be more profitable than ordering small runs using the offset manufacturing method. In addition, with digital printing it is possible to personalize and number data.
  4. Production of products in small formats is required. This type printing is ideal for ordering business cards, postcards, invitations, small leaflets, posters and booklets. A3 format is the largest for digital printing, but the minimum can be absolutely anything. The only drawback is that with this printing method it is possible to use a limited number of types of paper (smooth coated paper, its analogues and certain types designer).

Having studied the main features of digital and offset printing listed above, the customer will be able to draw up own performance, which printing method will be more profitable and suitable specifically for ordering it.

1. What is the difference between digital and offset printing technology?

Offset printing is a method of printing an image on plastic, in which ink is transferred from a printing plate under pressure to an intermediate rubber surface, and from there to a plastic blank.

Digital printing is a printing process that allows the production of printed products bypassing the processes of film output and printing plate manufacturing.

2. What are the minimum print runs for offset and digital printing?

Digital printing is distinguished by the ability to print small (up to 500 pieces) and ultra-small (from 1 piece) circulations, the production of which using offset is unprofitable and expensive.

3. Deadlines for offset and digital printing

Digital printing has made the cherished dream of every customer come true - “bring a layout on a medium, printed a test copy and within an hour received a finished edition” - and this is the biggest advantage of digital printing.

The minimum period for offset printing is three days, which is due to the need for pre-press and post-print processing.

4. Summary

Important advantages of digital printing compared to traditional offset, namely:
Low cost per print for small print runs.
High quality fingerprint
Ability to print on some non-absorbent materials
Possibility of personalization.

Have this method seals and cons.

The first (and most important) of them is the technical impossibility of accurately matching the colors of the Pantone scale, which is used to control color in printing.
The machine can only print as similar as possible, but the color will not clearly match the scale. As an analysis of the development of digital printing technology shows, this problem has already been successfully resolved and will soon simply disappear.

The second disadvantage is the inability to print with metallic inks (although some types of machines, theoretically, can do this); this option is not used in Russia due to a number of technological reasons.

The third disadvantage is the insufficient quality of raster transmission. This is due to the features of the digital rasterization algorithm. This problem is also being successfully corrected and will also disappear with the advent of new printing systems.

For the production of large quantities of products, the offset printing method is simply irreplaceable. This is due to the peculiarities of production technology, where the equipment is designed for a certain minimum printing batch. If, for example, you use a circulation volume less than this minimum, then the amount of materials used will be the same. It follows from this that printing a small batch will cost more than a large batch, because The smaller the circulation, the higher the price.

Advantages of this type of printing:

1. High quality reproduction of the original image. Offset is distinguished by excellent clarity and brightness of color reproduction.

2. Large circulations in the shortest possible time.

The disadvantages of offset printing include:

Post-press processing. Offset printing requires processing, which makes printing small runs more expensive

With offset printing, identification and numbering cannot be applied.

Modern printing houses use 2 main types of printing - offset and digital. What are their features?

Facts about offset printing

Under offset It is customary to understand printing using a special machine that uses elements with printed image templates. These elements are most often made of metals. In addition, the structure of the offset machine uses a canvas made of waterproof fabric, most often rubberized.

During the printing process, the coloring matter does not reach the paper or other surface directly, but through the use of intermediate mechanisms. Mainly cylinders rotating around their axis.

In classic offset machines, two cylinders are used: the first contains the printing elements, the other is called “offset” and is in contact with the paper or other surface on which the image is applied. The purpose of the offset cylinder is to reduce wear on the main one (printing elements are placed on it). In addition, its use allows you to distribute the paint on paper or other surface more evenly than if it were applied directly.

The main advantage of offset printing is the ability to significantly reduce the cost of producing printed products (per 1 unit), provided that the circulation is large enough. In addition, offset printing allows you to use almost all types of paper. As many experts in the field of printing note, the quality of offset printing in many cases is much higher than when using other technologies.

The disadvantages of offset include the need preliminary preparation printed elements - this takes considerable time, and therefore fulfilling prompt orders using appropriate technology is not always possible. For small runs, using the offset method is not economically profitable.

Facts about digital printing

Under digital printing is understood when using devices that involve the use of image forms in the form of graphic files that are located on the computer. The simplest and most affordable device for digital printing is a printer. But, of course, it has a very modest productivity in terms of producing printed products in large quantities, which is why modern printing houses use specialized printing machines.

Unlike devices of the first type, in which there is an offset cylinder located between the printing forms and the paper, in digital machines the ink is applied directly to the paper.

The main advantages of digital printing:

  • efficiency (there is no need, as in the case of offset, to pre-prepare printing elements - you just need to have graphic files at your disposal);
  • low cost of printing 1 unit of printed products for small and medium circulations;
  • the ability to print images of almost any complexity and color content.

The disadvantages of digital printing include the relatively high costs when printing printed products in large quantities.


The main difference between offset printing and digital printing is that the first technology in its classic version involves printing images based on pre-prepared forms, while the second technology can use forms in the form of graphic files.

Eat significant difference also in the design of printing machines of the types in question. Offset devices imply the use of a multi-stage mechanism, which includes at least 2 cylinders - the main and offset. In digital devices, ink is applied directly to paper or other surfaces.

It can be noted that modern printing houses also use combined devices - combining digital and offset printing technologies.

Having determined what the difference is between offset and digital printing, we will display the conclusions in the table.


Offset printing Digital printing
Involves printing images based on pre-prepared formsInvolves printing images based on forms in the form of graphic files - immediately ready for processing and transferring to paper or other surface
Most offset presses use a blanket cylinder to reduce the load on the main print cylinder and also provide a more even distribution of ink.Most digital presses apply ink directly to the paper or other surface.
Optimal for printing large quantitiesOptimal for printing medium and small runs
Involves significant time spent preparing printed formsCharacterized by efficiency: having graphic files available, you can immediately begin printing them on paper or other surface

Any order at the GraniArt printing house can be completed using one of two printing methods - digital or offset. But to choose the right one, you need to know What is the difference between offset printing and digital printing? In some cases there is almost no difference. But the larger or more specific the order, the more significant the choice becomes.

Offset printing is a method that uses a printing plate. It is pre-fabricated using metal and chemicals. That's why digital and offset printing They differ primarily in their level of training. Using the form, the circulation is produced on a printing machine. Its launch will be justified and expedient if the circulation volume is large. The offset method is usually used for the production of standard products: books, magazines, and so on.

Digital printing is done without prior preparation. The source is a file on a computer, on removable media, or on the Internet. This takes minimal time and allows you to print immediately. Typically this method is used for printing one-off products or small runs. What is the difference between offset printing and digital printing? besides this? Because you can use a wide range of materials - not only paper, but also cardboard, plastic, fabric, and so on.

The appropriate method is selected based on the volume of the order, urgency, material used, and quality requirements. An employee of the GraniArt printing house will, if necessary, advise you and help you make right choice. Digital and offset printing always performed at a professional level.

What is the difference between digital and offset printing?

Offset printingDigital printing
Images are printed based on pre-prepared forms Images are printed from graphic files that are immediately ready for processing and transferring images to paper or film
Most offset printing machines use a blanket cylinder when printing, which ensures a more even distribution of ink Most digital presses apply ink directly to paper or film.
Ideal for large print runs Ideal for medium to small print runs
More time-consuming due to preparation of printed forms More efficient, because Having graphic files available, you can immediately start printing

Modern technologies for printing printed products are truly worthy, despite the difference in holding events. Each potential customer should understand the difference between offset and polygraphic printing in order to give preference only to the best option.

What is offset printing?

Offset printing is a classic technology that involves the use of a printing plate. Thus, to carry out the procedure, a thin sheet of iron with a special image should be used, and the material is pre-treated with chemicals or laser technology. One edition requires at least four plates.

Creating a printed form involves time, material and financial costs. As a result of such aspects, long-term performance of services is expected, increased financial expenses. Moreover, the client must be prepared for this to happen. professional conduct adjustments, or rather adjustments of the printing machine to improve the quality of the products. During setup, additional paper consumption is expected, the cost of which is initially included in the order price.

Offset printing ink is cheaper compared to digital technology. For this reason, this option is recommended for large quantities.

What is digital printing?

Digital printing must guarantee minimum order production times. Among the advantages, it should be noted that there are no printed forms and no need to configure equipment, since the image is supposed to be printed from a personal computer.

Digital printing allows you to apply an image to various roll-type materials, regardless of thickness. If necessary, the customer can provide material of thickness from 20 to 5 00 microns. There is a possibility of successful processing various types paper (textured, synthetic, self-adhesive, sealing, label), fabric, plastic, cardboard, film, packaging materials. Moreover, it is possible to use materials that exhibit increased sensitivity to heat, pressure.

Digital printing is modern technology, which allows us to guarantee a high level of product protection from various counterfeiters without increasing the cost. This assumes a high level of product protection from the risk of counterfeiting.

It should be noted that modern digital printing implies an increased cost when sold if the circulation is large. This is largely due to expensive paint.

What to choose: offset or digital printing?

When thinking about which technology is most preferable, it is recommended to carefully study the features of each proposal and try to make the right choice.

  1. Digital cars make you happy high level functionality, reliability, in comparison with equipment designed for offset printing. It should be noted that models for digital printing should be adjusted only once, since subsequently stable and successful work. Moreover, circulations will not require modification. Offset printing requires regular adjustments, which must be carried out by a qualified, experienced printer.
  2. Finished products always have a high level of quality. Thus, digital and offset printing are approximately on the same level. Despite this, certain differences still exist.
  3. In most cases, digital printing uses semi-office tools for sewing, creating a block, and trimming material. However, such systems have increased risk errors in the selection.
  4. Both printing technologies offer optimal color reproduction and reproduction of complex graphic details.
  5. It should be noted that the main difference lies in the cost of production, as well as in the limitation of the size of the printing format of sheet-fed equipment. Digital technology is based on the break point, which can be between 200 and 250 copies. Moreover, you can successfully process print runs with different settings while ensuring consistent quality of printed documents.
  6. Offset is a specific technology that can successfully cope with complex, unusual orders.
  7. Digital and offset printing provide an optimal finish to the printed product. However, digital technology implies problems with varnishing and folding documents.
  8. The price for the product is important question. Offset printing can print 10 - 100 copies, but a setup that takes about 30 - 60 minutes will require approximately a hundred copies of paper. The only way out is to increase the circulation volume to reduce the cost of printing. Digital printing implies a stable cost per print, which is why this technology is most often used for small runs.
  9. Digital printing pleases with the efficiency in completing tasks, since the complex of actions is reduced. If necessary, processing or finishing of printed products can be carried out.

Taking into account the similarities and differences of both technologies, the best solution there will be a refusal to compare. Digital and offset printing can successfully complement each other.