About the Heavenly Host: how many Angels and Archangels are, how they differ, what is the purpose of each. How did the archangels appear and what is their mission?

There are many people on Earth of different nationalities, religions and cultures. But few of them do not know Archangel Michael. After all, he is one of the few saints revered in all religions; many stories have been written about his miracles. People wondering who Archangel Michael is (in Orthodox Church), first of all they will learn about his power and infinitely loving Essence.

Who are the Archangels

It is necessary to consider in detail the interpretation of the word “Archangel”, who is Michael in the heavenly hierarchy. This word is of Greek origin and means “great messenger of God.” In more detail, then: “Arch” is great or first, and “angel” is God’s messenger. It follows from this that it is now possible to clarify who the Archangel is - the great messenger who is similar to God himself, that is, he brings strength, wisdom and pure love from the Creator. It is known that 9 of them are the Archangels who are on the eighth level and are included in the third hierarchy. According to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, there are several of them, but in the canonical books of the Bible only Michael is indicated. Many Christians, when mentioning the actions of angels who are not named, identify them with Archangel Michael. He is also known as the Archangel - the military leader, the conqueror of Satan.

What tasks do Archangels perform?

Most main task The Archangels are the gospel of God to humanity, the transmission of prophecies from him. They also help to know the will of God and strengthen one’s faith in it. Messengers always stand in defense of God’s children, interceding for the people, and ridding the earth’s inhabitants of “fear toxins.” So we figured out the goals that the Archangel fulfills. "Who is Michael among them?" - you ask. Michael is a military leader who has been an inspiring leader and luminary since the days of the Garden of Eden, and it was he who taught Adam how to farm and take care of his family. The famous Joan of Arc during Hundred Years' War led France only thanks to the incentive and courage that the Archangel gave her. Almost all the most important biblical events took place with the participation of

Also one of the main Archangels in Christianity was Gabriel. Translated from Hebrew, his name means “God is my strength,” but in Russian its meaning is interpreted as “The Power of the Lord, a fortress.” He is mentioned in Holy Scripture as the Messenger, God's Messenger and petitioner before the Almighty for the salvation of Christian souls. You can also find out who Archangel Gabriel is from the Bible, which says that it was the angel of mercy, good news and wisdom who told the Virgin Mary the good news about the imminent birth of Jesus Christ. Gabriel also taught Moses in the desert, revealing to him the secrets of existence, he came to him in a dream righteous Joachim, Anna and Joseph the Betrothed.

How Archangel Michael is depicted

Michael is depicted in warrior armor, with a sword and spear. At his feet lies the overthrown Satan - an angel who rebelled against God, looking like a dragon. Sometimes you can see Michael with the scales of justice or a shield, two wings on his back and an expensive crown on his head. The saint's wings symbolize the speed with which he strives to fulfill God's commands in all parts of the Universe. Banner white, which adorns the top of the spear, is unchanging purity and unshakable angelic loyalty to the King of Heaven. The spear ending in a cross shows that the struggle against the kingdom of darkness and the victory of the Archangels over it is accomplished in the name of the Cross of Christ through humility, patience and self-sacrifice.

Who does Archangel Michael help?

The Archangel does not accept worship and in almost any case is ready to come to the aid of those who call him. Even if a person does not know who the Archangel is, he should simply turn to Michael - and he will send to the caller exactly the one who is needed in this or that case. Even the most categorical atheist can count on support - Mikhail is able to lead those who are lost, returning them to the mainstream of life, and encourage them to take decisive action, helping them make decisions. If, in your opinion, something has happened in which you cannot do without help, you just need to give him an order. But the Archangel knows who he really is when he asks for something negative. Therefore, everything emanating from such an entity is blocked. For real complex tasks The Archangel is able to decide so successfully that then they will seem to the petitioner not bad dream but a fun adventure.

How to ask for help from the Archangels

Because solve some difficult questions and life can be made easier with the help of the Archangels, it is important to understand that all requests and appeals must be correct. The inhabitants of the spiritual world are able to read information about a person, but you still need to learn how to correctly and clearly formulate your requests. That is why texts with requests to the Archangels, called prayers, were specially invented.

In your appeals, you must not forget who Archangel Michael is, and ask for no more than a person should, because he can only do what he can do. It must be taken into account that each of God’s messengers is responsible for certain actions and is not able to help in all matters at once. But it is not at all necessary to follow the “standard” prayers. It is important that the words spoken by the person asking come from the heart. Each time the prayer must be composed anew, reflecting current experiences, and it should not contain only requests. An appeal written in person is the most sincere.

When is St. Michael the Archangel's Day celebrated?

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Most Faithful Archangel, and all Heavenly Powers ethereal, November 21 annually (8th old style). This date is due to the fact that the year in ancient times began in March, respectively, November was the ninth in a row, equal to the number of Angelic ranks. The number 8 symbolizes the day of the Last Judgment, which, after the present century, measured in weeks (weeks), will come on the “eighth day.”

The remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael is also celebrated; the day of its celebration falls on September 19 (6th in the Old Style). People call this holiday the Miracle of Michaelmas.

In conclusion, I would like to say that every person is protected by an Archangel. Who he is can be understood depending on the situations from which he manages to successfully get out. The most important thing is to contact your assistants, because they are nearby and ready to solve the problem.

Depending on the religious tradition, there can be from four or seven to countless numbers.

Archangels are not associated with any specific religious tradition; they help any person, regardless of his religious or non-religious present or past. They can be close to each of us, alone, at the same time, because they are not subject to the limitations of space and time. Just imagine what your life would be like if you were in different places simultaneously! On this occasion, the angels say that we humans do not possess these properties only because we do not believe in it. Perhaps with their help we will soon learn to overcome such limitations.

It was not for nothing that I dwelled on this point: many people are worried that if they turn, for example, to someone for help, they will thereby distract him from “more important matters.” That's how easily we project our human limitations! The truth is that archangels and ascended masters can be close to any person who needs their support, and at the same time they worry about each of them unique experience. Remember that you can always mentally turn to them for help, and at the same time you are not required to know any .

The specific number of archangels depends on the belief system you adhere to or follow. holy book you are. The Bible, the Koran, the Testament of Levi, the Kabbalah, the Third Book of Enoch and the Dionysian Manuscripts present and describe different names and the number of archangels.

Suffice it to say that there are many of them, but in my works and seminars I usually highlight the archangels: Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel. Interestingly, recently the other archangels began to encourage me to involve them in my work and participation in my life; that's why I included it in this book brief characteristics and some other archangels, as well as the area in which they can provide assistance.

I made the distinction by gender based on personal communication with them. Since archangels don't have physical body, their gender can only be determined based on the characteristics of their energies and occupational specialization. For example, Archangel Michael, who has strong protective properties, is undeniably male, while Yophiel, focused on beauty, is most likely female.

1. Archangel Ariel

The name Ariel means "Divine Lion" (or "lioness"). Ariel is known as the Archangel of the Earth because he works tirelessly for the benefit of all the planets. He controls the elemental realm and helps heal animals, especially strays. Contact Ariel if you want to get to know the fairy kingdom better, help with protection projects environment, or if you need to treat an injured wild bird or other animal.

2. Archangel Azrael

Name Azrael means "one who is helped by God." He is often called the Angel of Death because he meets people on their final journey and escorts them to the Other Side. It helps recently deceased souls experience peace and feel very loved. This archangel helps clergy of all faiths and spiritual teachers. Call on Azrael to help your dead or dying loved ones, or when you need help choosing a path in life.

3. Archangel Gabriel

The name Gabriel means "God is my strength." During the early Renaissance, this archangel was portrayed as a female archangel, although in later writings he is addressed as a man (this may have begun after the extensive editing of the Scriptures at the Council of Nicaea). She is a messenger angel and helps those whose activities are related to the transfer of information: writers, teachers, journalists. Contact Gabriel to overcome your fear and procrastination in any communication endeavor. She also helps with issues of conception and pregnancy, adoption and early childhood.

4. Archangel Zadkiel

The name Zadkiel means "Divine Justice". For a long time he was considered the archangel of good memory. Like Uriel, he is an excellent student helper. Contact Zadkiel if you need to learn or remember anything, such as your Divine essence.

5. Archangel Jeremiel

The name Jeremiel means "mercy of God." This archangel inspires us to dedicate ourselves to the spiritual aspects of work. It also helps in the process of comprehension

Divine wisdom. Call Jeremiel if you feel spiritually stagnant and if you need to renew your enthusiasm for moving forward. Spiritual path or fulfillment of Divine purpose. Jeremiel creates favorable conditions for emotional healing. It especially helps in situations related to issues of forgiveness.

6. Archangel Yophiel

The name Yofiel means " Divine beauty" This archangel is the patron of artists and helps to see and maintain beauty in life. Contact Yofiel before starting any creative project. Since she is dedicated to maintaining the beauty of our planet by cleansing it of pollution, you can also ask this archangel for a task for yourself that you can complete to help her in her important mission. I call Yophiel the angel of feng shui because she helps eliminate clutter and confusion - in your office, home or in your head and life in general.

7. Archangel Metatron

Metatron's name means "presence." This archangel is called “the archangel of presence.” He is considered the youngest and tallest among all known archangels; he is one of two who previously led an earthly life (like the prophet Enoch). Metatron works together with the Mother of God, helping children - both alive and well, and those who have left the Earth. Contact him whenever you need any help regarding children. His interventions often involve opening children to spiritual awareness and understanding. It also helps Crystal and Indigo children keep their spiritual abilities active and cope with pressures at school and home, as well as in other aspects of their lives.

8. Archangel Michael

The name Michael means "like God" or "one who looks like God." This archangel frees the planet and its inhabitants from the consequences of fear. He protects the police, gives us all courage and perseverance in serving our truth and fulfilling our Divine mission. Contact Michael if you feel fear or anxiety about your own safety, your Heavenly destiny, or cannot decide to make an important change in your life. You can also ask one hundred to fix a mechanical or electrical problem. In addition, Michael can help you remember your life purpose and give you the courage to follow it.

9. Archangel Raguel

The name Raguel means "friend of God." This archangel is often called the archangel of justice and honesty, as well as the protector of the underdog. Ask him for help if you feel that someone is abusing their power over you or trying to manipulate you. Raguel will intervene and guide you on how to achieve a balance of integrity and power in your personal and social relationships. Contact him on behalf of another person if you know for sure that he is being treated unfairly. Raguel will help you harmonize all your relationships.

10. Archangel Raziel

The name Raziel means "secret of God." They say that this archangel is very close to God, so he knows all the conversations about the secrets and mysteries of the Universe. He described these secrets in a document that he gave to Adam (from whom this document later came to the prophets Enoch and Samuel). Archangel Raziel will help you understand esoteric material (including your dreams), as well as in alchemy or materialization.

11. Archangel Raphael

The name Raphael means "The Lord heals." This archangel deals with all types of physical healing. It helps all those involved in health and well-being - both professionals and experienced people, as well as beginners. Call on Raphael in cases of any injury, damage or illness - in you, in other people or in animals. Ask him for help with your medical endeavors, including education or starting a private practice.

Rafail also helps travelers. Therefore, by asking him for support, you can be sure that the journey will be safe and will probably go smoothly.

12. Archangel Samuel

The name Samuel means "one who sees God." This archangel helps restore significant parts of our lives. Call Samuel if you want to find new ones love relationship, new friends, a job or any lost item. Once a new situation is created, Samuel will help you maintain it at the proper level. Therefore, you can turn to him for help if you want to clear up misunderstandings in your personal or work relationships.

13. Archangel Sandalphon

The name Sandalphon means "brother". This archangel, like Archangel Metatron, during his lifetime was a prophet (Elijah), who after death ascended to the world of archangels. Sandalphon is the archangel of music and prayer. He helps Archangel Michael clear the space of fear and its consequences with the help of music. Play any soothing music and call upon this archangel to clear away any spiritual confusion.

14. Archangel Uriel

The name Uriel means "God is light." This archangel sheds light on unclear situations and demonstrates our ability to solve problems. Call on Uriel if you are stuck and don't know what to do and need a clear mind to find answers to your questions. Uriel helps students and those who need intellectual assistance.

15. Archangel Haniel

Name Haniel means "Divine Grace" or "Grace". Call Haniel whenever you need to add grace or its accompanying qualities to something or to your life (peace, serenity, joy from communicating with close friends, beauty, harmony, etc.). You can also ask him for help when you need to make a positive impression, such as at an important presentation, a job interview, or on a first date.

based on materials from the book: Doreen Virtue - “How to Hear Your Angels.”

Each angel corresponds to a certain category, the highest of which - archangel - only seven of them have.

Theologians have tried to understand the essence of the concept of archangels and their purpose from ancient times to the present day.

Seven Archangels and their names

In Christian sources you can find references to different quantities archangels, but according to church traditions there are seven of them:

  1. Michael.
  2. Gabriel.
  3. Rafail.
  4. Uriel.
  5. Selafiel.
  6. Yehudiel.
  7. Barachiel.

What is the difference between an angel and an archangel

Like angels, archangels have mystical abilities, convey the will of God, and have no flesh. In the images we see them as winged creatures, otherwise similar to humans.

Angels are the main helpers of people in everyday life. They help cope with difficulties, convey the will of God, and help people become better. Even sinners have their own angels next to them, supporting them, helping them to repent, find forgiveness and avoid sinful acts in the future.

Both a person personally and his family, church, and country have their own angels, the number of which cannot be counted due to their immortality and constant replenishment.

Archangels notify about more important events. Through their mediation, God influences a person’s life only in exceptional situations. They help people strengthen their faith and learn the true meaning of sacred texts.

For the countless Heavenly Host, fighting against dark forces, the archangels are the Archangels.

How does Archangel Gabriel help (messages from Archangel Gabriel for every day)

Mentions of the Archangel Gabriel can be found in both testaments. In Judaism he is known as Gabriel. The Old Testament describes the appearance of Gabriel to the prophet Daniel in order to talk about the end of days.

New Testament references to Gabriel are related to:

  • with the Virgin Mary and the transmission of the good news to her;
  • with a revelation to the father of John the Baptist about the imminent appearance of his son;
  • with the myrrh-bearing women, to whom the archangel told about the accomplished Resurrection.

In addition, there is information about Gabriel’s involvement in teaching Moses to read and write and prophesying the birth of the Mother of God.

People turn to Gabriel for help in finding love, friendship and peace in the family, peace in the home, and the health of their children. He guides the believers to the right life path, the right choice in difficult situations.

This archangel is next to God, he protects people from any manifestation of evil.

Help from Archangel Michael today

Archangel Michael is considered the protector of believers from evil forces and diseases associated with their harmful effects, helps the sad and sleeping, and protects warriors fighting for good purposes.

When crossing the threshold of a new home for the first time, you need to turn to Archangel Michael with a request that God’s grace always reign in this house.

Ancient Christian texts call Michael a judge on the Last Judgment, to call souls to which he is also destined. Thanks to Michael's weeping for sinners, Jesus later grants them forgiveness.

It is Michael who is depicted as the guardian of the gates of heaven on the icons dedicated to him. In his hands is a sword that helps prevent the unworthy from entering the Gardens of Eden.

Currently, there are stories of unexpected healings after praying to Archangel Michael. Such cases were described in Greece in 1987 and in Italy in 1993. To receive the help of Archangel Michael, you need to turn to him with a sincere request and faith in your heart.

Archangel Raphael in Orthodoxy

The name of the Archangel Raphael in different versions of the translation has one meaning - healing. Its main purpose is connected with this.

When we encounter a mention of Raphael in the Holy Scriptures, we read about his connection with medicine, for example, an explanation of how to use medicinal purposes fish organs, relief from Abraham's suffering after circumcision old age, helping Jacob, wounded in battle.

The most powerful archangel in the Bible

Trying to name the most powerful archangel, you can follow different classifications, studying the ranks of heavenly protectors. However, most sources recognize the primacy of Michael, sometimes placing Gabriel on the same level with him and calling them spiritual brothers of the Archangels, leaders.

Archangel Michael in some theological works is called the only archangel, while the rest of his brothers are simply angels.

Although this opinion is not generally accepted, Michael's name is mentioned first when listing the archangels, and he is considered the most significant figure of his kind.

Archangel Selaphiel icon

The icon of the Archangel Seraphiel, upon careful examination, easily clarifies its purpose and essence. A bowed head and prayerfully crossed hands on the chest are the most appropriate position for talking with God.

Seraphiel helps prayers reach their destination. He patronizes communication between people and the Creator and teaches how to correctly interpret issues of faith.

The image of Seraphiel, placed in the house, as well as timely and competent appeal to him, will help a person to correctly find his path in life, strengthen his faith, and find a way out of a dead end situation.

In heaven, brothers, despite mutual love, joy and bliss of one and all, there is, however, no equality that some, out of extreme foolishness, seek on earth; and there some rule and lead, others obey and follow. Essential and complete equality is found only between three Persons Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Although the number of Angels is immeasurably great, “they are dark” (Rev. 5:11), according to the expression of the Holy Scriptures; but there are only seven Archangels. “I am... one of the seven holy angels,” said Archangel Raphael to the righteous Tobit, “who offer the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy One” (Tob. 12:15). Why are there only seven main Angels - no less and no more?

This is the secret of creation, known to the Lord and Creator of Angels. We can only note with reverence that the septenary number is a sacred number; for shall we look upon the Kingdom of grace? We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven Sacraments. Shall we look at the kingdom of nature? We find seven rays of light, seven tones of sound, seven days of creation, etc.

Of these seven supreme spirits, the Holy Church recognizes Michael first. Who is like God (Heb.) – means his name; who is like God expresses himself and all his deeds. He was the first to rebel against Lucifer (Satan) when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this first terrible war ended - with the overthrow of Dennitsa from the sky. Since then, Archangel Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the cause of salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children. Therefore, he is always depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or sword in his hand, with a dragon under his feet, that is, the spirit of evil. The white banner adorning the top of his spear means the unchanging purity and unshakable loyalty of the Angels to the Heavenly King; and the cross with which the spear ends makes it known that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and the victory over it by the Archangels themselves is accomplished in the name of the Cross of Christ, accomplished through patience, humility and self-sacrifice. Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant war against vice and impiety, constant humility and self-sacrifice.

Second place in the rank of Angels belongs to Gabriel: a name meaning the power of God. This Archangel, in the work of serving human salvation, is especially the herald and servant of the omnipotence of God. So, whether the power of God will be revealed in the miraculous conception of the Forerunner from elderly parents, the news of this conception rests with Gabriel. Whether the seedless conception of the Son of God Himself can occur - the honor of announcing this goes to Gabriel again. This same Archangel, in the opinion of God-wise men, was sent to reinforce the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and to announce to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Dormition. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles. But, serving miracles, he is therefore a special servant of the mysteries of God. The Holy Church sometimes depicts him with a branch of paradise in his hand, which he brought to the Mother of God, and sometimes in his right hand with a lantern with a candle burning inside, and in his left hand with a jasper mirror. Gabriel is depicted with a mirror, since he is the messenger of God's destinies for the salvation of the human race; is depicted with a candle in a lantern, since the destinies of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment, and when fulfilled, they are comprehended only by those who steadily look into the mirror of the word of God and their conscience. Thus, for all who bear the name Gabriel, that faith of God is appropriate (Mark 2:25), for which, according to the word of the Savior Himself, nothing is impossible.

Raphael, or God's help and healing, is the name of the third Archangel; a name dear to all who suffer. IN Holy Scripture there is a whole book that describes how this Archangel, in the form of a man, accompanied the righteous Tobiah, freed his bride from the evil spirit, restored the sight of his elderly father, Tobit, and then ascended from them to heaven. Therefore, this Archangel is depicted with a medicine vessel in his left hand, right hand he leads Tobiah. The words spoken by this Archangel during separation from Tobit’s family are very instructive: “Prayer with fasting and alms and righteousness is good...” Raphael said, “for alms delivers from death and cleanses all sin... do not hide from me, but do good to me.” I will be with you” (Tov.12:8-9,13). Therefore, whoever wants to be worthy heavenly help Raphael, first of all, he himself needs to be merciful to those in need. Moreover, the virtues of mercy and compassion should distinguish those who bear the name of Raphael: otherwise they will not have a spiritual union with the Archangel.

The fourth Archangel is depicted with a sword, and in shuyts with a flame descending to the bottom, and his name is Uriel, that is, the light or fire of God. As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; like the Angel of Divine Fire, he inflames hearts with love for God and destroys impure earthly attachments in them. So, Uriel is your Archangel, people devoted to science! Do not forget, following his example, to be servants not only of the light of truth, but also of the fire of Divine love. “Reason boasts, but love creates” (1 Cor. 8:1).

The fifth Archangel is the supreme minister of prayer and is called Selaphiel. Pure and fiery prayer itself can serve instead of a Cherub for the soul, protecting it from all hostile forces. But what are our prayers? Weak, short, unclean, cold. And so, the Lord gave us a whole face of prayerful Angels with their leader Selafiel, so that with the pure inspiration of their lips they would warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they would instruct us about what, when and how to pray, so that they would lift up our very offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon the Archangel standing in a position of prayer, with his eyes downcast, with his hands reverently placed on his chest, then know that this is Selaphiel. And seeing the Archangel of prayer himself in this position, try yourself during prayer to always be in a position appropriate for the one praying. Decent, I say, because many do not have this. Looking at how some of us pray, you would think that they do not ask, but command and threaten the One from whom they ask. Is this a prayer?..

The sixth Archangel has a golden crown in his right hand, and in his shuyts a scourge of three red ropes. This is because the duty of this Archangel with the face of the Angels entrusted to him is to encourage with the reward of eternal blessings and to protect in the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ people working for the glory of God; that is why it is called Jehudiel, or the praise of God. Each of us, young and old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God. But on our sinful earth, among us sinful people, no good deed is accomplished except with difficulty, and many with great and difficult labor. What needs? Our Lord and Master will not forget any of our deeds and any “labor of love” (Heb. 6:10) in His name. The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. The crown in the right hand of the Archangel is not in vain: this is a reward for every Christian who works for the glory of God.

Celebrating the council of Archangels and Angels, we must, brothers, think that we also need, we certainly need to be either in the council of Angels, or among the crowd of rejected spirits. Who can decide on the latter? But, desiring the former, one must prepare oneself in advance for cohabitation with the Angels through the acquisition of Angelic thoughts and feelings. Amen.

From the writings of Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson

Probably each of us in childhood loved stories about valiant knights. Everyone remembers Camelot - King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the wizard Merlin. Let's remember what assets our heroes had - a brave heart, tenacity WITHIloy Volya and undoubtedly Courage. In every action they carried Strength of the Spirit, true Righteousness, which allowed them to remain in the saddle and carry the banner Wisdom Lords of huge land areas and castles. Ordinary people They completely believed in their king, because his word was always law. The history of those times keeps many secrets, but one thing is clear - Will man obeyed the Universal Laws and only virtuous qualities - Bravery, Courage, Mercy allowed to be the Lord from the word get along.

Each prayer born in the Heart will become the property of the valiant Warriors of Light. It is enough to simply address any Archangel by name, and you will be heard.

We will give a description of several Archangels in the article.

Archangels Michael and Michaella or Vera.

Children of the Earth, do not be embarrassed by your aspiration to Heaven. He who is deaf and blind will not seek the Light either here or anywhere else. Let's leave big words and just unite in purity of thoughts and kind deeds towards each other. We, your Bright Heavenly brothers, bear the memory of all the ups and downs of earthly life. Maybe it will happen again, the world will light up with a smile. Children's laughter is a harbinger of eternal birth.


1. They are the protectors and guardians of divine truth and the Legions of Light.

2. They will cut with their sword the ties that bind you to bad people, situations or memories of the past, will fill you with strength and love, protect you from the destructive thoughts, emotions and actions of other people.


Strength, Patience, Determination


Ask for help and visualize yourself with a dark blue coat wrapped around you.



With the sword of valor cut the bonds of unbelief. With the courage to forgive all, open the path of Ascension to the all-forgiven Soul.

Find within yourself the Strength and Courage to become a conscious, creative creature, whose self-development is the goal and meaning of life. Virtue and the desire for perfection are tools on the path of the evolution of consciousness towards spirituality.

They keep peacemakers on Earth and in heaven.

Remember the power of interaction. It is in the communication of human souls and the Light Hierarchy that the wisdom of life is born, which forms the basis of your thoughts and actions. And, over time, the perception of the world develops into individual point of being - World-view.

So, in living every day happily, you show your individuality in the world, thereby exerting a beneficial influence on the evolution of planet Earth, which is the root cause of your birth.


1. Bring serenity, love, calm and peace.

2. Communication with them makes it possible to achieve unity with all humanity. This highest stage grace that brings you freedom and joy.


Clarity, Honesty, Mercy.


Imagine yourself in a purple and gold cloak and appeal to the help of the Archangel couple, asking them for a clear mind.


They sit on a bright red beam of iridescent purple and gold. This is a ray of wisdom and spirituality.


Tell yourself, being yourself is the root cause in your life. Let the joy of communion with the divine plan fill you with courage, faith, love and the courage of the victory of Light in all manifestations of life, for the fabric of Reality woven in the calm and wisdom of being acquires the quality of divine greatness. Be wise in your progressive movement towards the truth. Thus, new discoveries will bring you the sincerity of every action, word and thought.

Archangels Gabriel and Gabriella.

These are the messengers of God and the guardians of free will.

White color, the source of life for all living things. Energy is color and sound in the movement of space and time. Interaction with white energy is always beneficial for the body and spirit. Feel free to fill your life with white light.

1. Free you from fear of old memories, ingrained habits and incorrect thinking patterns that lower your vibrations and create blocks in the body.

2. Bring order, discipline into your life, clarity and fun.


Discipline, Forgiveness, Self-esteem.


Ask for help and imagine yourself standing in pure white light.


They sit on the white ray of forgiveness and purification.


Know that every moment carries purification, for again and again we recognize divine truth in every word, thought, and action. Be kind, merciful, loved. Learn the wisdom of forgiveness, for it is woven by true faith in Love.

Archangels Zadkiel and Zadkiella.

Guardians and protectors of divine intelligence and commitment to spiritual accomplishments

In difficult times, when the forces of evil throw their last resources into battle, do not be upset. After all, this means that the beautiful purple-scarlet dawn is already close. Call us in moments of fear and despair, we are always there.

1. Patience and forgiveness.

2. Grant purification and transformation of energy, helping to rise in vibration.


Throw problems and difficulties into the violet fire to get rid of all negative emotions.


Faith, Hope, Insight.


They sit on the violet ray of purification and transformation.


Healing begins with the need to understand the nature of existence. This is how the movement towards freedom, equality, and fraternity begins. Thus, consciousness opens to the desire for divine ideals, which allows those walking along the path of self-knowledge to be strengthened by faith in the love and help of the divine hierarchy. The nobility of the Soul is the property of such a conscious creature. It is always only patience and faith that gives rise to new views on the path to realizing the divine plan.

Archangels Chamuel and Chamwell.

They rule over the areas of music and divine harmony.

The revelations of the New Age are extremely simple. Only immature consciousness seeks signs goodwill. A true seer acts. In the colors of the canvas, in the sounds of music, in the clear thought of the syllable, it proclaims the beauty of change and the path to the realization of the Creator's plan - in the movement of human creative forces, the whole gamut of revelation has tantalized the spirit. Only an ignoramus waits for a sign from above, but a noble person is striving, assiduous and fearless in the face of the abyss of vice and lies. The power of creativity of the spirit wins!

1. Allows you to discover unconditional love.

2. Create an angelic bridge of Light, leading you to the divine realms.


Call upon and imagine yourself in a pure, soft pink light.


Communication, Generosity, Kindness


Seated on a gently pink ray of Love.


The idea of ​​self-knowledge gives rise to the Age of Light. Thus, true knowledge reveals that aspect of God that is characteristic only of the individual Soul. This is the harmony of the knower, the nobility and devotion of the conscious. The property of our perception of the world is the subtlety of every moment of existence in its forward movement towards a single goal - the divine purity of consciousness.

Archangels Jophiel and Jofiella.

Guardians of divine wisdom and the ability to gain wisdom from any life experience, any experience, including suffering.

Messengers of goodwill, messengers of Peace and Love, we urge you to join forces and meet the new day in all the splendor of a mature human spirit, when feelings and emotions do not dominate the pure aspirations of the soul. Our call to you - with the power of thought, strive for a bright victory, in words proclaim the inevitable harmony of the cell of the body and the Universe, with action exalt the heroic impulse of the body and spirit fused together. Leave your doubts. Be the Blessed Son Loving Father yours.

They are guided by angels who help make the transition from life to death.

1. Help you achieve your inner deep knowledge.

2. Provide divine assistance in aiding learning.

3. Helps you open your mind, cleanse yourself and become wise.


Gratitude, Acceptance, Curiosity


Put on the golden cloak of wisdom. Imagine that you are surrounded by golden light. Call to guide you and give you strength.


They sit on a golden ray, attracting the Wisdom of the Source.


Alignment and reconnection with divine guidance provide the opportunity to discover true knowledge on the path of self-discovery. The courage to accept the divine will bestows the courage of the Spirit and the confidence of self-realization. This power of interaction is perfected by experience and prudence.

Be confident in yourself and move in the dance of existence, subtly feel the breath of eternity in the love of communion with all that exists.

Archangels Raphael and Raphaella.

These are the protectors and guardians of Divine Love.

Today, the united spirit of man is more important than ever. This means all the creative forces of spirit and matter merged together. Mark each day with the growth of self-awareness in all spheres of thought; it is from this that a person’s life path begins “from start to finish.” Finally, understand that only through an effort of will can you rise up and open your wings. Smile at the new day, walk with a light gait and subtly weave the thread of a bright future into eternal centuries on Earth. This is your banner against any obstacles. Remember that we are always with you in every bright thought and endeavor. Rise up and rule over yourself, then you will be able to reunite with all that exists during your Earthly life.

1. They bestow grace, healing, health.

2. Helps develop intuition and gut feeling.

3. Protect travelers during travel.

4. Summoning pure divine energy.


Joy, Beauty, Positive attitude.


Call upon and visualize yourself in pure green light.


Seated on the green ray of healing and balance.


Grant the joy of being here and now, for it has the quality of knowledge at the moment of the highest knowledge of the truth. This is the substance that is the key to self-knowledge of ascending creatures, for life gives birth to that awareness and intuition that is necessary at all times.