Names and greetings for the winter ball. Autumn ball at school - interesting scenarios for high school students

Greetings on autumn ball.

Get up, you terrible sloths!

The summer days have flown by!

Weighty backpacks await you,

Notebooks and diaries are waiting!

Get up, party-goers!

The new school year has arrived!

Forward to knowledge, forward!

(school rap)

Why do we go to school?

Yes, each to his own.

Here's Pasha for fun

And Vasya follows him


And you? And I...

And you tell me friends

What does school mean to you?

But we are not like that

And we, and we

We go to school to study

And you know, and I know

We are through the eyes of teachers

Here begins the first lesson,

These kids are terrible

Like high explosive charges,

Explosions and roar from them,

They have no knowledge

These kids.

(Song “Teacher’s Aria”)


Student. For what?

History teacher

Zhanna Evgenievna I forgot...

(song “Future School”)


Greetings to the autumn ball.

Welcome to the team “And that’s who we are!”

School and autumn are twin brothers.

When we say autumn, we mean school.

When we say school, we mean autumn.

After all, it is on the first autumn day that we receive full drive, when we return to our second home after the holidays, we meet our friends, teachers, and away we go, things start spinning!

Get up, you terrible sloths!

The summer days have flown by!

Weighty backpacks await you,

Notebooks and diaries are waiting!

Get up, party-goers!

The new school year has arrived!

Iron your shirts, shave your faces!

Forward to knowledge, forward!

And why do we go to this school? Rhetorical question.

(school rap)

Why do we go to school?

Yes, each to his own.

Here's Pasha for fun

And Vasya follows him

And Olya to show off her outfits

Natasha to find out all the news

And Yura, for example, doesn’t study at all

But he is the first bully and athlete at school

Oksana has five marks in all subjects

But because of her grades, she has no time to go out

Mila told me that school is just great

Especially when they don't ask us

Lessons are a hassle, but that's the fun of it

After all, if there are no lessons, then there will be no schools


And you? And I...

Tell me why you go to school

And you tell me friends

What does school mean to you?

But we are not like that

And we, and we

We go to school to study

And you know, and I know

I need this in my life, I need this in my life

We are through the eyes of teachers

(to the tune of the song “School Years”)

On the first fine day of September,

We come to school after vacation,

Here begins the first lesson,

Well, by the sixth we’re already going crazy,

These kids are terrible

Like high explosive charges,

Explosions and roar from them,

They have no knowledge

Is it possible to hammer something into them?

No, it's probably easier to kill them,

These kids.

Natalia Konstantinovna’s aria from the opera “School Sufferings”

(Song “Teacher’s Aria”)


And Artyom dreams bad dream that he became a teacher, and all teachers found themselves in the place of students.

The bell rings. Teachers sit at desks in the classroom, like students. A student enters, introducing himself as a teacher.

(whistle, globe, triangle, flask, volume of poems, “Burda”, Monomakh’s hat)

Student. Well, who's ready to answer?

Physical education teacher (raises his hand). Can! Can!

Student (surprised). Alexander Mikhailovich?

Physical education teacher. No, I'm going out.

Student. Sit! So, as always, there are no volunteers in this class. Then... Irina Nikolaevna will answer us.

Geography teacher. Why me right now!

Student. Well, Miklukha-Maklayha, tell us where the Black Sea flows. Don't give any hints! Don't know? Ashamed! Third deuce in a row! Very bad.

Physical education teacher (raises his hand). I want to go out!

Student. For what?

Physical education teacher. And I'm in your ear. (Whispers.)

Student. Are you skipping lessons again? Are you going to a fun start? It won’t work, Alexander Mikhailovich! We're doing math now. Mathematics is the queen of fields.

Math teacher. Not fields, but sciences.

Student. I know better! Answer, Valentina Ivanovna, what is the sum of the square legs?

Math teacher. What legs?

Student. Don't know? Maybe you haven’t heard anything about the square hypotenuse? Two, Valentina Ivanovna, two! Come tomorrow with your parents

And you, Margarita Anatolyevna, why are you shining, is everything okay with the chemistry? Answer, at what temperature does a right angle boil? Don't know? Your troika gave a long life! But you blew the test, and you are bad with alkalis. So your card is broken. Second year!

Student. And what is this extraneous sounds? Dear Natalya Konstantinovna is chatting. Tell us better, in what year Pushkin wrote his bestseller “Mumu”.

Literature teacher. I forgot... I taught...

History teacher

Student (snatches the magazine). He's probably reading about the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava. No, he’s leafing through Burda! Stand up, Zhanna Evgenievna! Dressed up like you're going to a disco! And they painted their lips! You need to be more modest! Diary!!!

Zhanna Evgenievna I forgot...

Student. Did you forget your head at home?! If you don’t bring your diary tomorrow, I’ll send you home right now!

Student. No, my dears, it won’t work that way. The end of the semester is just around the corner. And you, slobs, loafers, grabbed twos! This way you will never leave school!

And then he woke up and came to his native fifth. And there are no less dear classmates.

But we are not like that! We study and dream.

(song “Future School”)

Units, twos, threes, oh, fours, nickels,

These are school grades, well, we are students,

We are always evaluated - this excellent student, that eccentric,

And we want to live carefreely like this!

Chorus: The teacher came and brought us chocolate,

And greeted everyone personally,

Then he took us all on a light picnic

That would be original!

Chorus: The teacher came - the lesson was cancelled,

He will chat a little about life with us!

And in Ancient Greece was a personal teacher,

We all don't have enough of them right now!

I have to wake up for school, but I really want to sleep,

Isn’t it possible to attend school freely, very freely!

And you can choose the items that you like,

Those who will play a role in your destiny!

Chorus: Of course, school is our home,

And that’s why we really want it to happen soon

Literally tomorrow something changed in him,

What kind of school will you be?!

Usually, such celebrations take place in gyms, but if the school has a large enough assembly hall, you can hold a ball there too. It is important to take care of the design. Balloons alone are not enough; you also need to use glitter, ribbons, leaves, and posters. Next comes the musical accompaniment. If you wish, you can set up several tables with snacks, but you can do without it. Mandatory dress code. Also, before the ball, it is necessary to vote and choose the King and Queen of the ball (announced at the beginning of the event). Voting should take place a month before the event, or even from the beginning of September. During this time, candidates must complete a certain list of tasks, which will be given to each of them.

Sample list:
1. Help your neighbor (help those who are behind in their lessons);
2. Charity (give away old things, unnecessary items, toys to the poor, help in an orphanage);
3. Taking care of smaller friends (feeding homeless animals, creating feeders);
4. Knowledge for children (after-school classes for first-graders);
5. Respect for age (help for pensioners, reading in nursing homes);
6. I love to cook, I can feed everyone in the world. (baking for the whole class);
7. An example for everyone in studies (2 weeks not to get C's or D's);
8. My presentation (each candidate prepares a collage or poster for himself, hangs it in the school hall a week before the holiday).

The list of tasks may be different. It is advisable that each competitor have his own curator, or simply keep a general report on the work done. It is also important to take care of the prize for the contestants. This could be a week's exemption from physical education, or from the first lesson. You can also give one day as a teacher. Options may vary.

Presenter, Presenter, high school students.

gifts for competitions, whatman paper, colored pencils, cards with words, blindfolds, cut out A4 sheets, scissors, colored paper, tape, cut out leaves, tape, scissors, hint note.

The presenters appear in the hall.

The leaves have already fallen,
We are seeing off autumn
Today the ball will be wonderful,
All the princesses and kings are here!

The lights are on and the music is playing
It's time to start the event
Inspiration, mood to everyone,
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart!

Dance, have fun, sing,
Smiles, brightness, kindness,
And read Autumn too,
Welcome friends!

Friends, I hasten to inform you,
That we counted the votes
It's time for us to announce the results
You've been waiting for them for so long.

The names are hidden in the envelope,
I agree, an unconventional start,
But there is no ball without a King,
And the Queen should be nearby!

(The host announces the King of the ball, and the Host announces the Queen. They are presented with crowns decorated with leaves)

We'll start the ball, of course, with dancing,
King and Queen, please
Show us a master class,
I invite you to waltz!

(The King and Queen open the ball with the first dance)

Let's talk about autumn a little,
Such a glorious, wonderful time,
Everything around became golden,
And the leaves rustle underfoot again.
And you can take the scarf out of the closet,
And read a book by the window,
You don’t need much to be happy in the fall,
And in the fall I like to dream so much.

I often walk in the park in the fall,
After all, autumn takes away the vanity,
Melancholic weather
This is why I love autumn so much.
I like hot cocoa
I like nature, beauty,
And in the fall I feel calmer and more comfortable,
Even though spring is blooming in my soul.

Tell me, why do you love autumn most? What fascinates and inspires you this time of year?

(High school students share their opinions)

announces the first musical break lasting 10-15 minutes.

You danced a little
There is a task for you,
Let's play artists a little,
I'll tell you the rules now!

All participants are divided into three teams. Each team receives whatman paper and a set of pencils. Captains are selected. Participants are given cards with words symbolizing autumn. The team must depict autumn in 1 minute. Key Feature competition - only the captain, who is previously blindfolded, must draw, and the team dictates words from the list. Those who best cope with the task will win. The winners will receive a symbolic prize.

List of words for cards:
Young woman;

(The list of words may be different. You can also hold a competition for creativity. It is not necessary to be blindfolded; the captain can draw, but at the same time, drawing only what the participants say. Whose autumn turns out to be more interesting, they will win. Teachers can act as judges. You will need: Whatman paper, colored pencils, cards with words, blindfolds.)

I'll invite you to the stage now,
Those who were born in a wonderful time,
I'm waiting for autumn birthdays,
I want to give you a gift!

(Those born in the fall come up on stage. The presenters read to them. Then the two of them take out the box, pretending that it is very heavy. A gift is hidden in the box for the birthday boy, who can guess what lies there. The birthday people take turns asking the presenters questions regarding content, and the presenters answer only “yes” and “no”)

Example of a gift for a box:
Little pumpkin;
Small toy;
Fridge magnet;
Bouquet of leaves;
Chewing gum,
Candy on a stick.

There may be another option for congratulations. True, it will require longer preparation. You can put matchboxes (in wrapping paper) in one large box and give them to each birthday person. In each box, put a small change with a wish.

Example of gifts and wishes:
- Sweetie (may your life be sweet);
- Several large paper clips (so that important people attached for life);
- Coin (so that luck settles in your wallet);
- Kinder surprise figurine (so that childhood never ends);
- Small photo together (so that memories warm your soul, even on the coldest evenings);
- Decorative flower (so that beauty fills life);
- Beautiful pebble or rhinestones (so that glitter and chic accompany everywhere);

Gift options may be different, it all depends on your imagination and possibilities.

announces a musical break lasting 10-25 minutes.

I remembered one the most important thing! To crown, we crowned, but what about royal oaths and decrees?

Indeed, we somehow didn’t think about it, but it’s okay, we’ll fix it now!

(The King and Queen go up to the stage. They are given manuscripts where oaths have already been written for them. The King reads first)

King's Oath:
I swear that I will support the school,
Why will I become a wall for her?
That I will be the most exemplary
I am responsible for her with my head.
I will keep order
And don’t offend the kids,
I'll be doing exercises
Help all teachers.
I'll come at dawn
To check the offices,
To bake buns in the dining room,
And give instructions!
I swear that I will be athletic
I swear to study well
I swear, read literature,
Now I am responsible for everything!

Queen's Oath:
I swear now and forever,
To be the most fashionable in this school,
I swear to always give advice,
And dress according to the weather!
I swear to learn all the lessons,
Maintain order at school
I swear I will walk dressed,
Help other girls.
I swear that I will rule wisely
I swear to live in peace with the King,
I swear that I will become diligent
Let's lead together!

Your Majesties, you will forgive us, but we plucked up courage and compiled a list of your decrees for you. We'll count them, if you don't mind?

(Leaders read in turns)

Examples of decrees:
1. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we order you not to be late for lessons;
2. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we command you to eat more sweets and nuts;
3. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we prohibit coming to class in a disheveled state;
4. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we order every Friday to hold reading evenings, where the books read will be discussed;
5. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we prohibit listening to sad music;
6. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we prohibit rudeness within the walls of our school;
7. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we are obliged to help our four-legged friends;
8. By the will of the King and Queen of the autumn ball, we prohibit disrespectful behavior towards older people.

(Options for decrees may be different, even in a humorous form)

The leaves are spinning, falling,
It's time to warm up,
Let the music play
Let's dance with you, friends!

The presenter suggests dance competition “Fallen leaf”. 4 pairs of participants are selected. Couples stand on cut A4 maple leaves. The task is to dance to the given music without going beyond the boundaries of the sheet. The couple who steps on the floor leaves the competition. A prize awaits the winners. For this competition it is better to use rhythmic music. Then you can announce a musical break lasting 10-25 minutes. You will need: cut A4 sheets.

We can't survive autumn without a scarf,
It saves from the wind, from the coolness,
I suggest weaving a scarf now,
And show you how to wear it!

Competition for students “Fashionable scarf”.
3 participants are selected. Each person receives scissors, tape, and colored paper. In 1 minute you need to make a scarf and tie it around your neck. The best product will receive a prize. You will need: scissors, colored paper, tape.

I have prepared one task,
Needed to fulfill men,
I will test your talent
And you're fun to play with!

Competition "Deciduous leaf fall".
Participants are divided into two teams (equal number of participants 6-8). The presenters simultaneously scatter pre-prepared cut out leaves around the hall. A note is attached to one of them indicating where to find scissors and tape. The participants' task is to collect as many leaves as possible, make a wreath out of them and present them to the Prom Queen. Whichever team completes it first will take the prize. Time 1.5 minutes. You will need: cut out leaves, tape, scissors, a hint note.

Our ball is coming to an end,
I want to thank you
For participation, for joy,
Know that autumn is my weakness!

And it's time for us to announce
Farewell waltz, white dance,
Spin around in this dance,
Send autumn on a long journey.

(Students dance slow dance)

I'm not saying goodbye
I'm just telling you goodbye
I wish you a charming winter,
We spent a decent autumn with you,
We must say goodbye for a while!

Until we meet again, good luck to you all,
All the leaves have fallen off,
We say goodbye to autumn, which means
What a magical winter is ahead!

(The last musical break is announced, lasting up to 30 minutes)

You can add more if you wish


The air is fresh and clear,
A yellow leaf flies by
There is no heat and the smell is delicious
Autumn grasses... The wind whistles.

Autumn, delighting with coolness,
He walks with wet steps,
Delight after hot days
A drop of moisture will fall.

Crane wedge across the sky
He rushed into the distance, to the south,
Giving us your bliss,
In the village we made a detour.

Autumn, carefully removing
Multi-colored sundress,
Before winter completely naked
The camp will present its wondrous presence.

Poem about the autumn forest

Autumn forest, playing with colors,
Weaves wreaths from the crowns of trees,
With your sunny caresses
Warm days are pampering.

This is immeasurable pleasure -
Walk along the holiday path
Along the rainbow maples, probably
With a deciduous bouquet in hand.

And very quietly, confidentially
Autumn in the ear with a breeze
Whispers something with which it is speculative
Everyone had known each other for a long time.

Poem about rainy autumn

Autumn rain will knock on the window,
Bringing to mind the past,
Maybe someone can't sleep,
But that’s not what we’re talking about today.

We'll talk about rainy autumn,
About fogs, icy dew,
About such a leisurely time
And about one sunny autumn day.

We will talk about stormy autumn,
What makes everyone sad,
And a voluptuous piece of her,
About which they talk a lot.

The meaning of the words is a little routine,
It consists in one thing:
The series of chilly autumn days is long,
But there will be a beautiful day in it
I hear the breath of autumn
Cool, sugary-fresh,
Trees with purple graying
The caresses of the wind are pampered...

The streets smell like maples,
Rain and damp fogs,
And the sky sadly frowns,
Glowing with torn clouds.

And the bright leaves are wet
I want to collect it in my palms
And in front of the open windows
Scatter them with rich colors

I want to get lost in silence
Hide from the raindrops
Walk barefoot through the streets
In a transparent and light dress.

Autumn plays hide and seek
Autumn plays hide and seek
Pretending to be dew in the grass...
On tiptoe and sneaking
Autumn is creeping towards you.

Then she will hide in the sky,
Under the dome of gray clouds,
And like a queen of nature
Will send you a ray of sunshine.

He will dress in an outfit of leaves,
All in gold and fringe,
May all migratory birds
"Farewell!" scream in the blue.

In an instant the wind will throw off her outfit,
And the leaves seem to be on fire...
Look, barefoot autumn
Quietly creeping towards you.

Don't trust her smiles
There will be no more warmth in them.

The autumn ball at school is one of the brightest, most significant and anticipated events of the first academic quarter. They prepare for it in advance and very carefully develop a suitable scenario. For elementary school children, as a rule, they choose a fairy-tale or cartoon theme with familiar characters and magical characters well known to children. In such an atmosphere, boys and girls feel very comfortable and easily indulge in fun in front of satisfied parents, grandparents and other honored guests.

The program for the future holiday is already being discussed with students in grades 5-7 and they are sure to listen to the wishes of the children. Very often children at this age prefer funny scenarios and try to make the gala event as lively, cheerful and cheerful as possible. Humorous themes are used for competitions and performances, and modern dance trends in the style of hip-hop and breakdance are chosen.

When planning a holiday for high school students and future graduates, much attention is paid to decorating the hall. To do this, the children make bright, colorful autumn-themed wall newspapers with their own hands, filling them with interesting articles and colorful images. They begin the event with a touching introduction in poetry, and then hold all sorts of competitions and quizzes, show costumed skits and, of course, perform classical and modern dances. At the end of the evening, the king and queen of the event are usually chosen, and the process of awarding and assigning honorary titles is filmed for the story of a carefree and enjoyable school life.

Autumn ball at school - scenario for high school students “Miss Autumn”

Choose from school events all sorts of queens of beauty, grace and grace have long become a tradition. However, after such events people are often left offended and misunderstandings arise between classmates. Someone expresses disagreement with the opinion of the jury and accuses its members of being biased. To avoid these unpleasant moments, it is worth changing the principle of holding the autumn ball at school and making some amendments to the scenario for high school students. If you really want to choose a Miss, no matter what, you need to think through the program so that none of the girls participating leaves the party without a crown. Let there be several winners in each competition, then no one will feel deprived of attention, and everyone will be happy. Why are high awards and titles awarded? Yes, for anything. A beautiful, heartfelt poem, a melodic song, a fiery dance, or a funny stage production are equally worthy of encouragement.

Don't forget about boys on this holiday. They also need to be noted kind words, touching congratulations, small souvenirs and some funny titles. You can not limit yourself to the traditional choice of “Mister” of the evening, but hold several competitions and reward absolutely every guy with something pleasant. This approach to celebrating the holiday will strengthen relationships within the class and make relationships between children more trusting, cordial and sincere. And this is the main goal of such events.

Autumn ball at school funny script for grades 5-7 with songs and poems

The school autumn ball for grades 5-7 can be held in a funny, cheerful and cool script. Top holiday topics that are relevant among students include:

  • “Fabulous Autumn in Rus'” is a folk-style event with songs, funny ditties, dancing, games and all kinds of competitions. To celebrate the holiday, you will need to decorate the room in the style of a Russian village: make symbolic cardboard frames on the windows, hang bouquets and wreaths of autumn flowers in the corners, and string garlands of maple leaves under the ceiling in the hall. You don’t need to spend money on all these paraphernalia. Children can easily make the necessary items with their own hands during a labor or home economics lesson. For the role of presenters, it is worth choosing a boy and a girl with good diction and loud, intelligible voices. They - like sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka - will direct the course of the holiday, announce musical numbers and invite participants to the stage for quizzes and competitions. The further plan of the program depends solely on the desires and imagination of the event participants. You can focus exclusively on dancing and give the children the opportunity to perform classic Russian round dances, moving quadrille, re-dance or lady dance. Or diversify the party funny scenes, telling with humor about the life of the Russian village. The theme does not provide any restrictions and allows children to fully demonstrate your creative potential. And this is in in this case the most important.
  • “Ship of Liars” is a cheerful, catchy production in modern style, conceived as a kind of competition between two teams sailing on the same ship. “Liars” and “Truth-tellers” cross the ocean on the same ship and tell each other interesting facts about autumn. The challenge is to determine what is true and what is fictional information. Well, in between the riddles you can dance. Here, lively, fiery dances in a modern style or traditional sea options (“Apple”, “Washing the deck”, etc.) will be in place.
  • “Get up, the trial is coming!” — a progressive version of the improvised script trial over autumn. One part of the students acts as accusers and reproaches the golden beauty for rain, dampness, slush and cold weather, while the other plays the role of lawyers and defends autumn from attacks, simultaneously talking about what good things September, October and November bring to people. At the end, the judge acquits Autumn, and all participants dance and sing beautiful, lyrical songs.

Dance at the autumn ball at school - video examples

Choosing a dance for the autumn ball at school requires special care and great attention. First of all, you should consider what age category the event is for. If the holiday is celebrated in primary school, don't get too carried away complex numbers with unusual musical accompaniment. It will be very difficult for children to learn large number dance steps and adapt to the original accompaniment. If, at the time of performance, one of the guys loses the rhythm or forgets the necessary movements, an awkward situation may arise and the performance will be ruined.

At the autumn ball in grades 5-9 there is no longer any reason to limit yourself to simple compositions. Children aged 11-14 will completely calmly learn the smooth and graceful movements of classical dances and elements of modern, active and fast compositions. Perhaps there are children in the team who attend a dance studio or plastic arts classes. Such young specialists should be involved in the development of the festive evening and, together with them, select the most spectacular, beautiful and fiery numbers.

Holding events for high school students and future graduates is both easy and difficult. On the one hand, boys and girls aged 14-16 already have experience going to discos and club youth parties, they know how to move well and are not shy about performing in public, but on the other hand, they are extremely picky about the repertoire and do not always agree with the program proposed by teachers and parents. To avoid conflict situations and satisfy all wishes, it is worth finding out in advance from the guys what dances they would like to perform and attracting young people to the choice of music for the holiday. Seeing that teachers take their opinions into account, students will eventually make concessions and agree to learn not only hip-hop and breakdancing, but also the traditional waltz, exquisite mazurka or cheerful square dance.

DIY wall newspaper for the autumn ball

A wall newspaper made with your own hands for a traditional ball dedicated to the onset of autumn should be catchy, effective and attractive in appearance. The ideal format is considered to be a whole sheet of Whatman paper. On it, as a rule, with a simple pencil They mark out the approximate layout of the future product, and write the main heading on top or in the middle in large letters. When choosing a font, preference is given to smooth, medium-sized letters with a minimum of decorative elements. They are well perceived by the eye and can be easily, without strain, read from any distance.

All further work depends solely on imagination. In the wall newspaper on the occasion of the autumn ball, you can include various poetic works, lines beautiful prose, school photographs, drawings and applications made of colored paper or natural materials. The only thing you should definitely remember is a sense of proportion. You shouldn’t try to “cram” into a wall newspaper everything that can be made from scrap materials. A product filled to capacity with information will seem overloaded and will be difficult for the eye to perceive.

Greetings to the autumn ball in verse for schoolchildren of different ages

Regardless of which scenario is chosen for the autumn ball at school, you will need to start the event with a solemn, bright and beautiful greeting. At the holiday in elementary school It is enough to read just a few lines of poetry and complement them with a small dramatization or a simple dance. After such a colorful performance, the transition to the main program will go quite smoothly and harmoniously.

As a greeting, students in grades 5-7 should learn something like a short poem about autumn and read it aloud at the opening of the festive ball. If the script is written in a frivolous, cheerful and humorous manner, you will have to choose a funny and cool work. It can be performed in the style of KVN greetings or depicted as a performance by popular modern comedians in a Comedy Club. There is no point in limiting your imagination and doing everything exclusively within the framework of traditions. Let the kids figure out how best to start the holiday. It is likely that teenagers will have an extraordinary idea, which they will happily begin to implement.

The autumn prom for high school students needs to be truly chic. The hall where the event will take place must be decorated with traditional paraphernalia, colorful posters and wall newspapers with interesting articles written by the students themselves. The main welcoming words, symbolizing the beginning of the celebration, can be said from the stage by the hosts - the king and queen of the festive evening. It would be a good idea to accompany their speech with a short video, where not only the students of the class will “shine up,” but also the teachers who teach the children a set of basic disciplines. This will add spectacle to the performance and turn a chamber event of a school scale into a bright and spectacular show that will be remembered for a long time by the students, teachers and invited guests present.

Autumn leaf, ticket to the ball,
A golden carriage is flying...
And the Prince was almost late,
And a flock of cranes took off.
And the neckline is slightly open,
A mountain ash leaf got stuck there...
Everyone is rushing towards their dreams,
Everyone is rushing to the ancient ball...
The harpsichord does not stop,
The leaves are flying to Chopin's waltz,
The sunflower hung over the tyn,
He definitely dreams of going to the ball.
And circling in the gold of foliage,
Until dawn in a whirlwind of leaf fall...
White waltz with Prince Charming,
I don't need more happiness.

Everything is ready for the autumn ball!
The aspens are clothed in purple,
The precious time has come -
Golden openwork on birches.

Ripe cranberries shine with rubies,
Decorating the moss of the swamps,
Bright scarlet rowan brushes
They tell us: “Autumn is coming!”

Beauty Autumn is back in Russia
Golden opens the season!
Cobwebs are flying, blue the sky
Bestows a crystal tear.

The waltz sounds, the leaves are crazy again
They fall easily under our feet,
They whirl with the wind, as if drunk,
Like a flock of colored moths!

You and I have gathered here today
For an autumn evening - fun and jokes.
We wish your hopes to come true,
May you never be bored for a minute!
Let the couples swirl
Let the laughter be heard!
Enough fun and music for everyone!!!

Teacher of secondary school No. 5 named after. M. Auezov, Talgar, Almaty region

Druzhbina N.I.

Presentation of the Demeter team at the Autumn Ball event

(Development of team performance)

Our team: "Demeter"

Our motto: “More fruits, more vegetables

Demeter is a goddess, we will serve her."

Our song: Somewhere in this world there is Demeter, the goddess.

Apples, pears, plums – you can’t count them all at once!

People raise them for a long time, work in the fields.

Summer gives way to autumn, everyone has been waiting for it for a long time!

Autumn brings many fruits to every home

The goddess Demeter generously gives people the harvest.

Those people are spinning the Earth, the Earth is spinning!

La-la-la-la-la-la-la, the Earth is spinning faster!


Here is young Demeter in front of you,

She is the goddess of fertility.

I came to admire the bouquets

People are not afraid of winter when it comes

(they place trays of fruits and vegetables at Demeter’s feet)


Autumn generously brings us

Vegetables and fruits.

It's up to you to collect them

People, don't forget.


We are no less happy

Raspberry berries

And we want you to dance

Of course, Kalinka.


She wasn't in a hurry

Not cold, not talkative,

Without an insolent look for everyone,

Without pretensions to success,

Without these little antics,

No imitative ideas...

Everything was quiet, it was just there.


Enchanted for a long time,

I bow to you for a reason,

I'm on my knees before you,

Feminine beauty!

(Kneels on one knee in front of Demeter.)

Carrot performance.

(The boys, dressed in black suits and white shirts, formed a circle, facing inward. Inside is a carrot, dressed in an orange dress, with a leaf-shaped cap on her head made of fabric. She is not visible.

Two blows are heard, and the boys sit down on one knee. A beautiful carrot appears with the words):

Hey, you're up there!

I want to inform you all!

That I'm a beautiful maiden

I've been sitting here in prison for a long time.

I have accumulated carotene

He's not the only one in me,

I collected all the vitamins,

Do you want A, do you want C,

Or maybe B or even PP.

I have miracle sugar in me,

Pectin substances.

I am always with you with all my heart,

I can heal, I can feed,

To you better vegetable can't be found

I advise you to be friends with me.

At this time, the boys lined up and talked about carrots.

(Place two Christmas trees representing a forest).

In the distant Middle Ages, carrots were considered a delicacy for gnomes. There was a belief: if you take a cup of steamed carrots to the forest in the evening, then in the morning instead of carrots you will find an ingot of gold - having eaten the carrots, the gnomes will generously repay the delicacy. (a cup with steamed carrots is placed, a “bar of gold” is raised.

But this is a legend, but in reality people have been eating carrots for 4,000 years.

Cultivated carrots have been centuries in the making. And only in the 17th century did Europeans begin to breed it everywhere, and then one of the the best varieties- carotel.

It entered the territory of our country in time immemorial, knew her back in Ancient Rus', and in the 16th century carrot juice in Rus' they treated diseases of the heart, liver and nasopharynx.

For the jury, we offer several carrot recipes

Fashion show

Fashion designer

And now the glamorous moment has arrived.

I look with alarm into our hall.

After all, this is my collection!

How will the strict jury accept?

Oh my God, here they are too

(Jury enters)


Who is this coming here?

Have you gone crazy, spring?

She came and brought the whole village.

Not fashionable, it sucks!

Summer collection

Where is the relevance? Where's the organ?

No, really, I won’t give you a place!

Winter collection


O good people, look,

She confuses everything, shaggy winter!

Fashion designer:

No! I won’t give you any more minutes!

Let my collection go!

Here's autumn fashion, look

Team presentation at the Autumn Ball

    Summer is behind us,

And autumn with a yellow hand

He's in a hurry to paint everything around.

    Our team: "Generosity"

    Our motto:

Never, never be lazy

Live and work well.

Autumn will reward you generously,

And he will always give you everything!

4. The team composition is the best,

We have a bouquet of excellent students

The talents of the class are in front of you,

And this has no equal in sports!

5. If anyone asks me,

I am quiet Autumn,

I'm melting in the falling leaves

And I water it with rain.

I follow the fog

Through fields and oak groves,

And the viburnum turns red

There are also rowan trees on the bushes.

I am rich in fruits

I came to you guys

So that you know who is autumn,

If suddenly someone asks!

Our song:

Autumn is suddenly silent

Knocked on the door

Is it really you again,

I believe and I don't believe.

A ray of sunshine, rain from clouds,

Autumn was drizzling,

So many days and weeks

Where was she?!

Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, Autumn came

And she brought gifts with her

She gave apples and pears to you and me,

We didn't argue with fate

We worked, we always waited,

We know it was not in vain

Everything that happened was not in vain,

It was not in vain!

I came here to you

Replaced summer

Your happiness is with me,

I know this for sure.

The one who waits will demolish everything,

No matter how life hits you.

If only that's all, that's all

It was not in vain!

    Yes, I am autumn, friends,

And I will always be useful to you

I will reward you with the harvest,

I will treat everyone generously.

(Takes fruit from the bag of happiness)

Fashion competition

The beauties took to the podium,

They want to show off their outfits

They're wearing great clothes today,

No one has these on any guys!