Prayer to the deceased son. Text of the prayer “Lord rest the soul of your departed servant”

For all forty days after the death of a person, his family and friends should read. How many kathismas per day depends on the time and energy of the readers, but reading must certainly be daily. After reading the entire Psalter, it is read first. You just shouldn’t forget after each “Glory...” reading the prayer request for the remembrance of the deceased (from “Following the departure of the soul from the body”).

Many relatives and friends of the deceased, citing various circumstances, entrust this reading to others (readers) for a fee or order it from monasteries (the so-called “indestructible Psalter”). Of course, God hears such a prayer. But it will be stronger, more sincere, purer if a relative or close person to the deceased himself asks God for mercy on the deceased. And you shouldn’t waste any effort or time on this.
On the third, ninth and fortieth days, a special kathisma should be read for the deceased (it includes the 118th psalm). It is called memorial, and in liturgical books it is called “Immaculate” (according to the word found in its first verse: “Blessed are the blameless in the way that walks in the law of the Lord”).
After the kathisma, the prescribed troparia are read (they are immediately indicated after the 118th psalm in the prayer book), and after them - the 50th psalm and the troparia immaculate, or troparia for the repose (8 in number) with a refrain for each verse from the 118th psalm: " Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me by thy justification."
After these troparions, the canon “Following the departure of the soul from the body” is read.

Commemoration of the deceased in the Church

The deceased must be commemorated in the Church as often as possible, not only on designated special days of remembrance, but also on any other day. The Church performs the main prayer for the repose of deceased Orthodox Christians on Divine Liturgy, making a bloodless sacrifice to God for them. To do this, you should submit notes with their names to the church before the start of the liturgy (or the night before) (only baptized Orthodox Christians can be entered).
An eight-pointed symbol is usually placed at the top of the note. orthodox cross. Then the type of commemoration is indicated - “On repose”, after which the names of those commemorated in the genitive case are written in large, legible handwriting (to answer the question “who?”), and the clergy and monastics are mentioned first, indicating the rank and degree of monasticism (for example, Metropolitan John, schema-abbot Savva, archpriest Alexander, nun Rachel, Andrey, Nina).
All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and in full (Mikhail, Lyubov, and not Misha, Lyuba).
The number of names on the note does not matter. During the funeral litany, you can take out your memorial and pray for your loved ones. The prayer will be more effective if the one commemorating himself on that day partakes of the Body and Blood of Christ.
After the liturgy, a memorial service can be celebrated. The memorial service is served before the eve - a special table with an image of the crucifixion and rows of candlesticks. Here you can leave an offering for the needs of the temple in memory of deceased loved ones.
It is very important after death to order the sorokoust in the church - continuous commemoration during the liturgy for forty days. After its completion, the sorokoust can be ordered again. There are also long terms commemoration - six months, a year. Some monasteries accept notes for eternal (as long as the monastery stands) commemoration or for commemoration during the reading of the Psalter (such is the ancient Orthodox custom). Than in more temples will offer prayer, so much the better for our neighbor!

Remembering the departed at home

Prayerful memory of the departed should not grow cold at home. And home prayer is a saving grace for our departed loved ones.
The prayers that we say at home are called the “cell rule.” Thus, it seems to indicate that home prayers should not be disorderly, random, but have the appearance of a rule, i.e. must be compiled according to a known rule, have a certain order and possible constancy.
The Church calls on its children to prayerfully remember the living and the departed every day. The main home prayer for the departed is the memorial; it is in every prayer book. There are prayers for the departed in both the morning and evening rules.
If you want to add to the evening and morning rules special prayers for the deceased, you need to consult with the priest about this, and with his blessing, do your homework prayer rule for the departed.
Prayer for the departed is our main and invaluable help to those who have passed into another world.
The Church commands us to pray every day for deceased parents, relatives, known people and benefactors. For this purpose, among the daily morning prayers included the following short prayer about the deceased:
“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”


Prayer for the departed

God of spirits and all flesh, having trampled down death and abolished the devil, and given life to Thy world; Himself, Lord, rest the soul of Your departed servant (Your departed servant or Your departed servant), [name of the rivers], in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a calm place, from where sickness, sorrow and sighing have escaped. Every sin committed by him (her or them), in word, or deed, or thought, as God is good and a lover of mankind, forgive him. For there is no man who will live and not sin. For You are the only one without sin, Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and Your word true.

Prayer for a deceased Christian

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to the same, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as You generously rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Prayer of St. Leo of Optina to the Lord for a parent who died without repentance

Seek, Lord, the lost soul of my father (name), and if possible, have mercy! Your ways are inscrutable. Do not count this prayer of mine as a sin. But Thy holy will be done.

Prayer for the deceased

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of eternal life, Your departed servant (Your) (name), and as the Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and iniquities, let go and forgive all his (her) voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him (her) from eternal torment and the fire of hell, and grant him (her) communion and enjoyment of Your eternal blessings prepared for those who love You: after all, although he (s) sinned, he did not depart from You, and without a doubt, she believed in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God glorified in the Trinity, and she Orthodoxy confessed the Consubstantial Trinity even until her last breath.
Therefore, be merciful to him (her), and put faith in You instead of works, and rest with Your saints, as the Generous One: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the only sinless one, and Your truth is eternal, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, and we send up glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the deceased after a long illness

God, You allowed that Your servant (Your servant) served You in the midst of suffering and illness, thus participating in the Passion of Christ; We ask You to honor him (her) participation in the glory of the Savior through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the repose of those who have died after a serious and long illness

God! You are righteous, and Your judgment is righteous: You, in Your eternal Wisdom, have set a limit to our life, which no one will pass. Wise are Your laws, inscrutable are Your ways! You command the angel of death to remove from the body the soul of a baby and an old man, a husband and a young man, a healthy and a sick person, according to Your indescribable and unknown destinies; but we believe that this is Your holy will, and also, according to the judgment of Your truth, You, Most Good Lord, as the all-wise and omnipotent and omniscient Physician of our souls and bodies, send illnesses and ailments, troubles and misadventures to man as spiritual medicine.
You strike him and heal him, you kill the corruptible in him and revive the immortal, and, like a child-loving Father, you punish: we pray to You, O Lord who loves mankind, accept your departed servant (your servant) (name), whom you have sought with your love for mankind, punished with severe physical illness in order to save the soul from spiritual death; and since Your servant (Your) accepted all this from You with humility, patience and love for You, as the unceasing Physician of our souls and bodies, now show him (her) Your rich mercy, as one who has endured (s) all this for their sins.
Impute to him (her), Lord, this temporary serious illness as some kind of punishment for sins committed on this earth, and heal his (her) soul from sinful ailments.
Have mercy, Lord, have mercy on the slave (slave) (name) who has been sought by You and temporarily punished (name), I pray You, do not punish with deprivation of Your eternal heavenly blessings, but deign him (her) to enjoy them in Your Kingdom .
If your deceased servant(s) did not think about why he was worthy of suffering such an illness, which was the touch of your healing and providential Hand, he thought obstinately or, out of his own foolishness, grumbled (a) in his heart, because he considered such a burden unbearable, or because of the weakness of his nature, weakened by a long illness, he was upset by such a misfortune, we pray to You, Long-suffering and Much-Merciful Lord, forgive him (her) these sins according to Your boundless mercy and Your endless mercy towards us, Your sinful and unworthy servants, forgive for the sake of Your love for the human race; if his (her) iniquities were above all limits, and illness and illness did not prompt her to complete and sincere repentance, we beg You, the Head of our life, we beg You with Your redemptive merits, have mercy and save, O Savior, Your servant (yu) (name) from eternal death. Lord God, our Savior!
You, by faith in You, granted us forgiveness and remission of sins, granting pardon and healing to a 38-year-old paralytic, when You said: “Your sins are forgiven you”; With the same faith and hope in Your goodness, we resort to Your, O Most Generous Jesus, ineffable mercy and in the tenderness of our hearts we pray to You, Lord: remember now and today this word of mercy, grant the word of remission of sins to the deceased (s), who is ever remembered ( -oh) by us to Thy servant (Your) (name), may he be healed spiritually, and may he dwell in a bright place, in a peaceful place, where there is no illness, no sadness, no groaning, and may his illnesses and ailments be counted there (her), tears of suffering and sorrow into a source of joy in the Spirit. Amen.

Widower's Prayer

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart, I pray to You: rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), in Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Almighty! You blessed the marital union of husband and wife, when you said: it is not good for man to be alone, let us create for him a helper for him. You have sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and confess that You have blessed me to unite me in this holy union with one of Your handmaids. By your good and wise will you deigned to take away from me this servant of yours, whom you gave to me as a helper and companion of my life. I bow before Your will, and I pray to You with all my heart, accept my prayer for Your servant (name), and forgive her if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; Love earthly things more than heavenly things; Even if you care more about the clothing and decoration of your body than about the enlightenment of the clothing of your soul; or even careless about your children; if you upset anyone by word or deed; If there is a grudge in your heart against your neighbor or condemn someone or anything else you have done from such evil people.
Forgive her all this, for she is good and philanthropic; for there is no man who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, as Thy creation, do not condemn her to eternal torment for her sin, but have mercy and mercy according to Thy great mercy. I pray and ask You, Lord, to grant me strength throughout the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for Your departed servant, and even until the end of my life to ask her from You, the Judge of the whole world, for forgiveness of her sins. Yes, as if You, God, placed a crown of stone on her head, crowning her here on earth; So crown me with Your eternal glory in Your Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints who rejoice there, so that together with them the all-holy may eternally sing Your name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Widow's Prayer

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are the consolation of the weeping, the intercession of the orphans and widows. You said: call on Me in the day of your sorrow, and I will destroy you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer brought to You with tears. You, Lord, Master of all, have deigned to unite me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant as a companion and protector. It was Your good and wise will that you would take this servant of Yours away from me and leave me alone. I bow before Your will and I resort to You in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about separation from Your servant, my friend. Even if you took him away from me, do not take your mercy away from me. Just as you once accepted two mites from widows, so accept this prayer of mine. Remember, Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or in deed, or in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not consign him to eternal torment, but according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, weaken and forgive all his sins and commit them with Thy saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life. I pray and ask You, Lord, grant that all the days of my life I will not cease to pray for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive all his sins and place him in the Heavenly abodes, which You have prepared for those who love Cha. For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; impute to him the same faith, even in You, instead of works: for there is no man who will live and not sin, You are the only one besides sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever. I believe, Lord, and confess that You will hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing a widow weeping green, you were merciful, and you brought her son to the grave, carrying her to the grave; How did You open to Your servant Theophilus, who went to You, the doors of Your mercy and forgave him his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, heeding the prayers and alms of his wife: here and I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. For You are our hope. You are God, the hedgehog to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Parents' prayer for deceased children

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom your deceased servant (your servant), my child (name), and create for him (her) eternal memory. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been consigned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Prayer of parents for deceased children

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart, I run to You and pray to You: remember, Lord, in Your Kingdom your departed servant, my child (name), and create for him an eternal memory. You, the Lord of life and death, gave me this child, and by Your good and wise will you deigned to take him from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord.
I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth: according to Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, committed consciously and out of ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins, so that they may not remain on our children, for I know that we have sinned a lot before You, we have not kept many things and have not done what You commanded us.
If our deceased child, through his own or our fault, during his life worked more for the world and his flesh than for You, his Lord and God; if you have loved the deceptions of this world more than Your word and Your commandments; if he indulged in the pleasures of life, and not in contrition for his sins, and in intemperance forgot wakefulness, fasting and prayer - I earnestly pray to You, forgive, most good Father, all these sins of my child, forgive and forgive me, if he has done any other evil in his life yours.
Oh Jesus Christ! You raised the daughter of Jairus through faith and the prayer of her father, You healed the daughter of a Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother, hear my prayer, do not reject my prayer for my child.
Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins, and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, deliver him from eternal torment and settle with all Your saints, who have pleased You from the ages, where there is no illness, no sorrow, no groans, but endless life! For there is no person who has not sinned during his life, and only You are the only sinless one! May my child hear Your desired voice at Your Last Judgment: “Come, you blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.” For You are the Father of mercies and generosity, You are our life and resurrection, and to You we send up glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Mother's prayer (home prayer) for the stillborn and unbaptized children of St. Arseny of Athos

Lord, have mercy on my children who died in my womb! For my faith and tears according to Thy mercy, Lord, do not deprive them of Thy Divine light!

Children's prayer for deceased parents

Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the refuge of the grieving and the comforter of the weeping. I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my parent (my mother), (name) (or: with my parents who gave birth and raised me, their names) - , and his soul (or: her, or: them), as having gone (or: gone) to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, accept into Your Kingdom of Heaven. I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away (or: taken away, or: taken away) from me, and I ask You not to take away from him (or: from her, or: from them) Your mercy and mercy. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the unforgettable deceased (unforgettable deceased) for me Thy servant (Thy servant), my parent (my mother) (name), but forgive him (her) all his sins ( her) voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, created by him (her) in his (her) life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him (her) and eternal save me from torment. You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my deceased parent (my deceased mother) in my prayers, and to beg Thee, the righteous Judge, to order him in a place of light, in a place of coolness and in a place of peace, with all the saints, from nowhere all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled. Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (Thy) (name) my warm prayer and give him (her) Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as He taught (taught) me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, in reverently pray to You, trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for his (her) concern for my spiritual progress, for the warmth of his (her) prayer for me before You and for all the gifts he (she) asked me from You, reward him (her) with Your mercy. Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom. For You are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the departed

Most Holy Lady Theotokos! We appeal to You, our Intercessor, for You are ambulance ours and unceasing intercessor before God! We especially pray to You at this hour: help the deceased servant of God (deceased servant of God) (name), who is tormented in hell; We pray to You, Lady of the world, by Your power drive away the terrible dark spirits from his (her) soul, driven by fear, so that they may be confused and put to shame before You; free him/her from torment in hell.
We pray to You, Most Holy Theotokos, with Your honest robe protect him (her), pray for the sinful servant of God (sinful servant of God) (name), so that God will ease his (her) torment and remove him from the abyss of hell, so that he (she) may pass from hell to heaven. We pray to You, our Intercessor, intercede for God’s servant (name) with Your maternal boldness in the Lord; We pray to You, our Helper, help him (her) to justify himself before God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and beg Your Only Begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, to rest the deceased in the bosom of Abraham with the righteous and all the saints. Amen.

Prayer for the suddenly deceased

Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of life and death, You said in Your holy Gospel: “Watch, because you do not know at what hour your Lord will come, for at what hour you do not think the Son of Man will come.” But we, earthly and sinful, given over to the sorrows and pleasures of life, forget about the hour of our death, and therefore we are called to You, Judge of heaven and earth, suddenly, at an hour when we did not expect or imagine.
So suddenly Your deceased servant, our brother (name), was called to You.
Mysterious and incomprehensible are the ways of Your wondrous providence for us, Lord Savior! I humbly bow my head before these Thy paths, Lord Lord, and I earnestly pray to Thee with faith: look down from the height of Thy holy dwelling and overshadow me with Thy grace, so that my prayer may be directed before Thee like fragrant incense.
Most merciful Lord, hear my prayer for Your servant (name), who, according to Your inscrutable destinies, was suddenly kidnapped from us by death; have mercy and mercy on his trembling soul, called to Your impartial judgment at an hour in which it did not expect.
Do not reprove her with Your wrath, and do not punish her with Your anger, but spare and have mercy on her for the sake of Your suffering on the cross and through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, forgive her all sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance. After all, although Your servant (name) was raptured, in his life he believed in You and confessed You, God and the Savior of the world, Christ, and had hope in You: impute this faith and hope to him instead of works!
Merciful Lord! You do not desire the death of a sinner, but You mercifully accept from him and for him everything that is done towards conversion and salvation, and You Yourself improve his path for his salvation.
I also pray to You, deign to remember all the works of mercy and all the prayers done here on earth for Your deceased servant, deign to accept my prayer for him along with the prayers of the clergy of Your Holy Church and deign to forgive his soul all the sins, calm his troubled heart, spare him from eternal torment and rest in a bright place.
For You have mercy and save us, Christ our Savior, and unto You alone befits unspeakable goodness and eternal glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for those who died without repentance to St. Paisius the Great

ABOUT, sacred head, reverend father, blessed Paisius! Do not forget your unfortunate ones to the end, and always remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God!
Remember your flock which you have shepherded and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, as one who has boldness towards the Heavenly King; Pray for us unceasingly before the Lord and do not reject us, who honor you with faith and love.
Remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty and without ceasing to pray for us to Christ God, for you have been given the grace to pray for us.
For we do not think of you as dead: even if you passed away from us in body, then after death you remain alive. Do not give up on us in spirit, keeping us from enemy arrows and all demonic seductions and snares of the devil, our good shepherd.
For the shrine with your relics is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul is with hosts of Angels, with Ethereal faces, with By heavenly forces standing before the Throne of the Almighty, he rejoices with dignity.
Knowing truly that even after death you remain alive, we fall down and pray to you: pray for us to the Almighty God, for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may move from earth to heaven without hindrance, and may we get rid of bitter ordeals and demons and air princes and from eternal torment. And let us be heirs Kingdom of Heaven with all the righteous, who from all eternity have pleased our God Jesus Christ, to Whom is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for Suicides

The venerable Optina elders sometimes allowed suicides to be commemorated during home prayer, for whom, according to the 14th rule of Timothy of Alexandria, there could be no offering in the Church. Thus, the Monk Leonid, in the Leo schema, gave one of his students (Pavel Tambovtsev), whose father committed suicide, the following instructions on prayer: “Commit both yourself and the fate of your parent to the will of the Lord, the all-wise, all-powerful. Do not test the Most High's fate. Striving with humility to strengthen yourself within the limits of moderate sadness. Pray to the all-good Creator, thereby fulfilling the duty of love and filial duties. - according to the spirit of the virtuous and wise: “Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of my father: if it is possible, have mercy. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin, but Thy holy will be done.” Pray simply, without testing, committing your heart to the right hand of the Most High. Of course, it was not the will of God for such a sad death of your parent: but now it is completely in the will of the Mighty One to cast both soul and body into the fiery furnace, Who both humbles and exalts, dies and gives life, brings down to hell and exalts. Moreover, He is so merciful, omnipotent and loving that the good qualities of all earthly beings are nothing before His highest goodness. For this reason, you should not be overly sad. You will say: “I love my parent, which is why I grieve inconsolably.” Fair. But God is beyond comparison greater than you. loved and loves him. This means that you can only leave the eternal fate of your parent to the goodness and mercy of God, who, if He deigns to have mercy, then who can resist Him?

Prayer for the unbaptized deceased to the martyr Uar

Oh, holy martyr Uar, worthy of special surprise, striving to imitate the Lord Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor and voluntarily suffered for Him.
And now the Church honors you as glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who gave you the grace of great boldness towards Him.
And now, standing before Him with the Angels, triumphant in the upper world, contemplating the Holy Trinity and enjoying the Light of the Beginning Radiance, remember the suffering of our relatives who died in wickedness, accept our petition, and how the unfaithful family of Cleopatra freed from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember and the godless buried, who died unbaptized, hasten to ask them for relief from eternal torment, so that with one mouth and one heart we may glorify the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.


Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything. Treasure of good things and life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times, with sign of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord, have mercy. (12 times.)
Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow.)
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow.)
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow.)

Psalm 90

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge. My God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, O God (three times).
From the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, rest the soul of Your servant, O Savior, preserving it in the blessed life that belongs to You, O Lover of Mankind.
In Thy chamber, O Lord, where Thy holiness rests, rest also the soul of Thy servant, for Thou art the only Lover of mankind.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: You are God, who descended into hell and loosed the bonds of those who were bound. May you and your servant rest in peace.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen: One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without a seed, pray for his soul to be saved.

Kontakion, tone 8: With the saints, rest, O Christ, the soul of Your servant, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.

Ikos: Thou art the One Immortal One, who created and created man: we are made of the earth from the earth, and we will go to the same earth, as Thou Who Created me commanded, and the river unto me: as Thou art the earth, and to the earth we go, and even as men we go, creating a funeral lamentation song: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Lord, have mercy (three times), bless.
Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
In blessed dormition, grant eternal peace. Lord, Thy departed servant (name) and create for him eternal memory.
Eternal memory (three times).
His soul will dwell in the good, and his memory throughout generation and generation.

Reading the Psalter for the departed

Reading the Psalter in memory of the departed brings them greater consolation, because... this reading is accepted by the Lord himself as a pleasant propitiatory sacrifice to cleanse the sins of those remembered. “The Psalter... prays to God for the whole world,” writes St. Basil the Great.
There is a practice of reading one 17th kathisma, this practice used when there is not enough time.
Reading the Psalter is a prayer to the Lord. The devotees of the Church recommend that the believer read the Psalter one kathisma daily, paying attention to the fact that an indispensable condition for reading is piety and purity of heart.

The death of a person is a tragedy for his family and friends. Sometimes it seems that nothing can be done to help the deceased, except for a funeral, a wake, a monument at the grave and the good memory of other people. But in reality this is not the case.

Since ancient times, Christians have spoken about the importance of prayer for the dead. It can be short and in your own words, it can be silent when a person cannot speak because of his grief, but it can also be long.

Many holy fathers themselves composed prayers for the dead. According to legend, the first example of a prayer of permission, which is placed in the hand of the deceased, was written by the Monk Theodosius of Pechersk in the second half of the 11th century at the request of one of the Kyiv princes.

Even earlier, in the 8th century, the famous theologian and defender of holy icons, St. John of Damascus, in memory of his deceased friend, composed 13 funeral stichera, which can still be heard at funeral services. However, the Church takes care of a person even at the most tragic moment of his life, when the soul is separated from the body - for this there is a special prayer for people who are in long and painful agony.

As soon as a Christian has died, you can read about his soul the canon about the same deceased and the Psalter with intense prayers for the soul of the newly deceased, and then in last time the person is brought to the temple for the funeral service.

Metropolitan Sourozhsky Anthony spoke wonderfully about the love of the Church for human body, which appears during the funeral service: “We find this love, this care, this reverent attitude towards the body in Orthodoxy; and this is reflected in a surprising way in the funeral service. We surround this body with love and attention; this body is the center of the funeral service for the deceased; not only the soul, but also the body. And indeed, if you think about it: there is nothing in human experience, not only earthly, but also heavenly, that would not reach us through our body.”

According to the teachings of the Church, it is very important to pray for a newly deceased (recently deceased person) in the first forty days from the moment of death, since at this time the person’s soul goes to either heaven or hell before the Last Judgment, but prayers for the dead are needed even after this period. After death, a Christian cannot independently ease his fate, but the prayers of loved ones, commemoration at the liturgy and the distribution of alms with a request to remember a person can change a person’s fate by Last Judgment. Once in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery they buried a monk who had many unconfessed sins. Other monks, together with the abbot, saw at night how their careless brother was tormented in hell. The amazed monks began to pray for the sinner, and in new visions the brother’s face became lighter and more peaceful. In the end, Christ forgave this man’s sins, and he went to heaven.

There are many ways to pray for the dead: you can submit a note to the proskomedia for commemoration at the liturgy, order a memorial service or a short litiya, or you can pray at home.

Prayer for the deceased up to 40 days

namename namerek,

Prayer for the deceased after 40 days

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession.

Prayer for the deceased at 9 days

Akathist for the one who died

Read daily for 40 days after death and the same amount before the anniversary of death

Kontakion 1

AND chosen as the Intercessor and High Priest, who laid down His soul for the salvation of the sinful world, giving us the power to be children of God and to dwell in the eternal days of Your Kingdom! Grant forgiveness and eternal joy to the deceased, for whom we cry out to You: Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of Paradise to Your servant.

Ikos 1

G Saint, given by the Lord to the Guardian Angel, come and pray for your servant, whom you have accompanied, protected and instructed on all the paths of life, call with us to the All-Bountiful Savior: Jesus, destroy the handwriting of the sins of Your servant (name). Jesus, heal his spiritual ulcers. Jesus, may there be no bitter memories of him on earth. Jesus, for this sake have mercy on those who upset him and those who were offended by him. Jesus, cover his imperfections with the luminous robe of Your redemption. Jesus, make him glad with Your mercy. Jesus, the Ineffable, Great and Wonderful, appeared to him Himself. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 2

I like an inconsolable turtle dove, the soul flies over the earthly vale, contemplating from the height of Divine understanding the sins and temptations of the past path, bitterly grieving over each irrevocable day that has passed without benefit, but have mercy on Your servant, Master, may he enter into Your peace, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

A Even if You also suffered for the whole world, if You also shed tears and bloody sweat about the living and the dead, who will keep us from praying for the deceased? Imitating You, who descended even to hell, we pray for the salvation of Your servant: Jesus, Giver of life, illuminate him with Your light. Jesus, may he be one with You and the Father [and the Spirit]. Jesus, call everyone to Your vineyard, do not forget to illuminate it with Your light. Jesus, generous Distributor of eternal rewards, show him to be the son of Your palace. Jesus, return to his soul the grace-filled power of pristine purity. Jesus, may good deeds be multiplied in his name. Jesus, warm the orphaned with Your mysterious joy. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 3

WITH Your servant, bound in the bonds of the flesh, fell sinfully, although his spirit yearned for Your eternal truth and holiness, now, when the weakness of the flesh is bound by the corruption of the grave, may his soul ascend above the sun to You, the All-Holy, and sing the song of deliverance: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

IN Your chief apostle, on a cold night by the fire, three times denied food to You, and You saved him. O One who knows the infirmity of human nature, forgive Thy servant (name) for his many forms of falling away from Thy will. Jesus, place him where there is no error. Jesus, deliver him from the painful torment of his conscience. Jesus, may the memory of his sins perish forever. Jesus, do not remember the temptations of his youth. Jesus, cleanse him from secret iniquities. Jesus, overshadow him with the quiet light of salvation. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 4

B The lives of life are over, earthly suffering is over, enemies with their malice are powerless, but love is strong, delivering from eternal darkness and saving everyone about whom the bold song rises to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

T You are merciful to us without number. You are the only Savior, what can we add to the feat of Your saving love? even as Simon of Cyrene helped You, the Almighty, to carry the Cross, so now Your goodness is willing to accomplish the salvation of loved ones with our participation. Jesus, You commanded us to bear one another’s burdens. Jesus, You are also the one who has mercy on us after death. Jesus, the covenant of love established between the dead and the living. Jesus, may the labors of those who love serve for the salvation of Your servant (name). Jesus, hear his heartfelt cry raised through our lips. Jesus, accept his repentance in our tears. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 5

B God, may You accept his dying sigh of contrition, like the prayer of a prudent thief. He died on the cross of life, let him inherit Your promises, just like him: “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise,” where hosts of repentant sinners joyfully sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Z and for us, Crucified, tormented for us, stretch out your hand from Your Cross, with drops of Your blood, without a trace, washing away his poured-out sins, with Your beautiful nakedness warm the naked, orphaned soul. Jesus, You knew his life before birth and You loved him. Jesus, You saw him from afar from the height of Your Cross. Jesus, You extended Your wounded embrace to him, far into the future. Jesus, You cried out for his forgiveness on bloody Golgotha. Jesus, You meekly died for him in severe torment. Jesus, having endured the situation in the tomb, sanctify his grave rest. Risen Jesus, lift up to the Father the soul embittered by the world and saved by You. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 6

WITH He drinks the eternal sleep of the grave, but his soul does not sleep, it longs for You, O Lord, it longs for You, the eternal Bridegroom. May Your words be fulfilled on the deceased: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood will have eternal life.” Give him to eat from the hidden manna and to sing at Your Throne: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

WITH Death has separated you from all your neighbors: your soul has become distant, your knowledge is broken, and you alone remain close. The barriers of the flesh were destroyed, and You revealed yourself in the unapproachable greatness of the Divine with the expectation of an answer. Jesus, Love that surpasses all understanding, have mercy on Your servant. Jesus, moving away from You, he suffers grievously. Jesus, forgive the unfaithfulness of his heart. Jesus, disappointed hopes gave rise to longing for You. Jesus, remember those hours when his soul trembled with Your delight. Jesus, give the deceased unearthly joy and peace. Jesus, the only faithful, unchangeable, accept him. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 7

IN We believe that our separation will not be long. We bury you like grain in a field; you are about to grow in another country. May the tares of your sins perish in the grave, and may your good deeds shine forth there, where the seeds of goodness bear incorruptible fruit, where holy souls sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

E when oblivion becomes the lot of the deceased, when his image fades in hearts and time erases, along with the grave, the zeal of prayer for him, and then You will not leave him, give joy to a lonely soul. Jesus, Your love never grows cold. Jesus, Your favor is inexhaustible. Jesus, in unceasing prayers to the Church, may his sins be washed away by the offering of the Bloodless Sacrifice. Jesus, through the intercession of all the saints, grant him the grace of prayer for the living. Jesus, in the days of our trials, accept his intercession for us. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 8

AND mothers pray with tears, when the memory of the deceased is painfully fresh, imams remember his name night and day, giving alms, feeding the hungry, crying from the depths of their souls: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

T The visionary John the Theologian beheld at the Throne of the Lamb of God a great multitude of people clothed in white robes: these are these who have come from the great tribulation. They joyfully serve God day and night, and God dwells with them, and no torment touches them. Jesus, number your servant (name) among them. Jesus, he suffered and languished much. Jesus, all the bitter hours and painful minutes of it are known to You. Jesus, he is in sorrow and sorrow on earth, give him consolation in heaven. Jesus, give him delight from the springs of living water. Jesus, take away every tear from his eyes. Jesus, place him where the sun of Thy righteousness does not scorch, but lives. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 9

TO The earthly journey is over, what a grace-filled transition into the world of the Spirit, what contemplation of new things unknown to the earthly world and heavenly beauties, the soul returns to its Fatherland, where the bright sun, the truth of God, enlightens those who sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

A Your reflection and trace still shines on the faces of mortals, what kind of person are you?! If the fruits of Your hands are so beautiful, and the earth, reflecting only Your shadow, is full of inexpressible greatness, what is Your invisible Face?! Reveal Your glory to Your departed servant (name). Jesus, sharpen his hearing to perceive Your Divinity. Jesus, sharpen his mind to the understanding of heavenly things. Jesus, may his joy be full. Jesus, strengthen him with the hope of meeting him in the abodes of the blessed. Jesus, let us feel the gracious power of funeral prayer. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 10

ABOUT Our dear, accept Him who has passed away into Your Kingdom, where there is no sin and evil, where the Holy will is indestructible, where in the hosts of the purest souls and immaculate Angels Your gracious name is hallowed and your praise is fragrant: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

IN On that day the Angels will set up Your Throne, O Judge, and You will shine in the glory of Your Father, bringing reward to every person. Oh, then look mercifully on Your humble servant (name), say to him: “Come to My right hand.” Jesus, for God has the power to forgive sins. Jesus, forgive his sins forgotten or hidden in shame. Jesus, let go of the iniquities of weakness and ignorance. Jesus, deliver him from the unholy depths of hellish despair. Jesus, may he inherit Your life-giving promises. Jesus, count him among the blessed of Your Father. Jesus, grant him endless bliss forever. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 11

IN Lord, All-Merciful, may the sun-shaped gates of paradise open to the deceased, may the councils of the righteous and saints, the hosts of loved ones and those who loved him, greet him with rejoicing, may Your luminous Angels rejoice over him, may he see Your Ever-Blessed Mother there, where the victorious sounds: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

P With Your breath flowers come to life, nature is resurrected, hosts of the smallest creatures awaken, Your gaze is brighter than the spring skies, Your love, Jesus, is warmer than the rays of the sun. Thou hast raised mortal human flesh from the dust of the earth to the blossoming of the eternal, incorruptible life of spring, then illumine Thy servant (name) with the light of Thy mercies. Jesus, at Your right hand is favor and life. Jesus, in Your gaze there is light and love. Jesus, deliver the deceased from eternal spiritual death. Jesus, I will fall asleep with hope, like the River Nile before the cold winter. Jesus, awaken him when the thorns of the earth are clothed with the color of eternity. Jesus, may nothing earthly darken his last sleep. Jesus, Unchangeable Happiness and the purpose of our existence. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 12

X Rista! You are the Kingdom of Heaven, You are the land of the meek, You are the abode of many, You are the perfect new drink, You are the robe and crown of the saints, You are the resting place of the saints, You are the Sweetest Jesus! Praise is due to you: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

P In the image of quiet gardens of unearthly beauty and bright, like the sun, abodes and in the splendor of heavenly chants, You revealed to us the bliss of those who love You. Jesus, may Your servant enter into Your joy. Jesus, clothe him with the radiance of the glory of the Father. Jesus, sanctify him with the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, may he hear the unspeakable song of the Cherubim. Jesus, may he ascend from glory to glory. Jesus, may he see You face to face. Jesus, All-Merciful Judge, vouchsafe the sweetness of paradise to Thy servant.

Kontakion 13

ABOUT Zhenishe the Immortal, at midnight of sin and unbelief, coming from heaven with the Angels to judge the whole world! Open the doors of Your glorious palace to Your servant ( namename), and in countless hosts of saints he sings forever: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Say this kontakion three times. Then 1st Ikos and 1st Kontakion.

Prayer for the deceased on the year since death

From the funeral service

Troparion tone 8

Build with the depth of wisdom all things humanely and bestow upon all that are useful, O One Creator, rest, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant (or: the soul of Thy servant; for many: the souls of Thy servant), for place their trust in Thee (or for many: place their trust), the Creator and the Creator and our God. Glory, even now: To you and the Wall and the Refuge of the Imams, and the Prayer Book favorable to God, Whom You gave birth to, O Blessed Mother of God, salvation of the faithful


God of spirits and all flesh, having trampled down death and abolished the devil, and given life to Thy world! O Lord, give rest to the souls of your departed servants: holy patriarchs, His Eminence Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, who served You in the priestly, ecclesiastical and monastic ranks; the creators of this holy temple, the Orthodox forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters, lying here and everywhere; leaders and warriors who laid down their lives for the faith and fatherland, the faithful, who were killed in internecine warfare, drowned, burned, frozen to death, torn to pieces by beasts, suddenly died without repentance and did not have time to reconcile with the Church and with their enemies; in the frenzy of the mind of those who committed suicide, those for whom we were commanded and asked to pray, for whom there is no one to pray, and the faithful, Christian burial deprived of (the name of the rivers) in a bright place, in a green place, in a place of peace, from where sickness, sadness and sighing can escape . Every sin committed by them in word or deed or thought, as a good Lover of mankind, God forgives, as if there is no man who will live and not sin. For You are the only one besides sin, Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and Your word is truth.

Prayers for deceased parents

Prayer for a deceased father

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my parent who gave birth to and raised me, (Name), accept his soul, as if it had gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, into Your Heavenly Kingdom.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to You, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment your deceased servant, my parent, who is unforgettable to me. (Name), but forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by him in his life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver him from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my deceased parent in my prayers, and to beg You, the righteous Judge, to order him in a place of light, in a place of coolness and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Receive today for Your servant (Name) this warm prayer of mine and give him Your reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as He taught me first of all to lead You, my Lord, to pray to You in reverence, to trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and to keep the commandments Yours; for his concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of the prayer he brings for me before You and for all the gifts he (she) asked me from You, reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

Prayer for the deceased mother

Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the refuge of the grieving and the comforter of the weeping.

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my mother who gave birth to and raised me, (Name)- But accept her soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, into Your Heavenly Kingdom.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from her. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to You, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment Your deceased servant, unforgettable for me, my mother. (Name), but forgive her all her sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by her in her life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on her and deliver her from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my departed mother in my prayers, and to beg Thee, the righteous Judge, to order me in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Receive today for Thy servant (Name) this warm prayer of mine and reward it with Your reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as you taught me first of all to lead You, my Lord, to pray to You in reverence, to trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and to keep the commandments Yours; for her concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of her prayer for me before You and for all the gifts she asked me from You, reward her with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

For You are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the deceased grandmother

Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the eternal life of Thy servant Name, and as he is good and a lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, raising him up at Thy holy second coming to partake of Thy eternal blessings, for the sake of which there is only faith in Thee, the true God and Lover of Mankind.

For Thou art the resurrection and life and rest of Thy servant Name, Christ our God. And we send glory to You, with Your beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Prayer for a deceased grandfather

Name, and as he is good and a lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, raising him up at Thy holy second coming to partake of Thy eternal blessings, for the sake of which there is only faith in Thee, the true God and Lover of Mankind.

For You are the resurrection and life and rest for Your servant, Name, Christ our God. And we send glory to You, with Your beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Prayers for a deceased child

Prayer for a deceased daughter

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom your fallen servant, my child, (Name), and create eternal memory for her. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for a deceased son

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom, Your departed servant, my child (Name), and create eternal memory for her. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers for a deceased husband

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are the consolation of the weeping, the intercession of the orphans and widows. You said: call on Me in the day of your sorrow, and I will destroy you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer brought to You with tears. You, Lord, Master of all, have deigned to unite me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant as a companion and protector. It was Your good and wise will that you would take this servant of Yours away from me and leave me alone. I bow before Your will and I resort to You in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about separation from Your servant, my friend. Even if you took him away from me, do not take your mercy away from me. Just as you once accepted two mites from widows, so accept this prayer of mine. Remember, Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (Name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or in deed, or in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not subject him to eternal torment, but according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your bounties, weaken and forgive all his sins and Do it with Your saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life. I pray and ask You, Lord, grant that all the days of my life I will not cease to pray for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive all his sins and place him in the Heavenly abodes, which You have prepared for those who love Cha. For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; imputed to him the same faith, even in You, instead of works: for there is no man who will live and not sin, You are the only one besides sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever. I believe, Lord, and confess that You will hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing a widow weeping green, you were merciful, and you brought her son to the grave, carrying her to the grave; How did You open to Your servant Theophilus, who went to You, the doors of Your mercy and forgave him his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, heeding the prayers and alms of his wife: here and I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. For You are our hope. You are God, the hedgehog to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for a deceased wife

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart I pray to You: rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (Name), in Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Almighty! You blessed the marital union of husband and wife, when you said: it is not good for man to be alone, let us create for him a helper for him. You have sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and confess that You have blessed me to unite me in this holy union with one of Your handmaids. By your good and wise will you deigned to take away from me this servant of yours, whom you gave to me as a helper and companion of my life. I bow before Your will, and I pray to You with all my heart, accept my prayer for Your servant (name), and forgive her if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; Love earthly things more than heavenly things; Even if you care more about the clothing and decoration of your body than about the enlightenment of the clothing of your soul; or even careless about your children; if you upset anyone by word or deed; If there is a grudge in your heart against your neighbor or condemn someone or anything else you have done from such evil people. Forgive her all this, for she is good and philanthropic; for there is no man who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, as Thy creation, do not condemn her to eternal torment for her sin, but have mercy and mercy according to Thy great mercy. I pray and ask You, Lord, to grant me strength throughout the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for Your departed servant, and even until the end of my life to ask her from You, the Judge of the whole world, for forgiveness of her sins. Yes, as if You, God, placed a crown of stone on her head, crowning her here on earth; Thus crown me with Thy eternal glory in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints who rejoice there, so that together with them He may forever sing Thy all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for the deceased in the cemetery

Following the lithium for the laity

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord, have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 90

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my intercessor, and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak and demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you: behold your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not come close to your body. As His angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone. Tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him and glorify him; I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to You, O God. (Thrice)

Troparion, tone 4:

From the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, rest the soul of Your servant, O Savior, preserving it in the blessed life that belongs to You, O Lover of Mankind.

In Thy chamber, O Lord, where all Thy saints rest, rest also the soul of Thy servant, for Thou art the only Lover of mankind.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You are God, descended into hell, and the bonds of the bound can be broken, give rest to yourself and the soul of your servant.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without a seed, pray for his soul to be saved.

Sedalen, voice 5th:

Rest, our Savior, with the righteous of Thy servant, and this one is lodged in Thy courts, as it is written, despising, as Good, his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and all those in knowledge and not in knowledge, Lover of mankind.
Kontakion, tone 8:

With the saints, rest, O Christ, the soul of Your servant, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.


Thou art the One Immortal One, who created and created man, on earth we were created from the earth, and to the other earth we will go, as you commanded, Who created me and gave me: as you are the earth, and you will go to the earth, and maybe all men will go, creating a funeral lament creating a song : alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord have mercy (Thrice), bless.

Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

In the blessed dormition, grant eternal rest, O Lord, to Thy departed servant. (Name), and create eternal memory for him.

Eternal memory. (Thrice)

His soul will dwell in the good, and his memory throughout generation and generation.

A short prayer for the deceased

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names),

Prayers for the departed in Russian

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of eternal life your departed servant(s) (Name), and as the Good and Lover of Mankind, who forgives sins and iniquities, forgive and forgive all his (her) voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him (her) from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him (her) communion and enjoyment of Your eternal blessings prepared those who love You: after all, although he (s) sinned, he (s) did not depart from You, and without a doubt, she believed in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God glorified in the Trinity, and the Trinity of Consubstantial Orthodoxy even to her last confessed with sighs.

Prayers for the departed in Church Slavonic

Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the life of Thy eternal servant Name, and as he is good and a lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, raising him up at Thy holy second coming to partake of Thy eternal blessings, for the sake of which there is only faith in Thee, the true God and Lover of Mankind.

For You are the resurrection and life and rest for Your servant, Name, Christ our God. And we send glory to You, with Your beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Prayers for the unbaptized dead

Prayer for someone who died unbaptized, St. Martyr Uar

O holy martyr Uare, the venerable one, we kindle with zeal for the Lord Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and now the Church honors you, as glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now you stand before Him with the Angels, and in the highest you rejoice, and clearly see the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance: remember also our relatives in languor, who died in wickedness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatrine, you freed the unfaithful race with your prayers from eternal torment, so remember the people buried against God, those who died unbaptized (names), Let us strive to ask for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we may all praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the newly deceased

Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the eternal life of Your newly departed servant (or Your handmaid), namename

Prayers for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of your departed servant, our brother (Name), and as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgiving sins and consuming untruths, weaken, forgive and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Thy eternal good things, prepared for those who love Thee: if For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, God glorify You in the Trinity, faith, and the Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until your last breath of confession.

Be merciful to the same, and faith, even in You instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as You generously rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers for deceased soldiers

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: the warriors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the departed

Holy Lady Theotokos! We resort to You, our Intercessor: You are a quick helper, our never-ending intercessor with God! Most of all, we pray to Thee at this hour: help Thy newly departed servant (Thy servant) (name) to cross this terrible and unknown path; We pray to Thee, Lady of the world, by Thy power to drive away from his (her) fear-driven soul the terrible powers of dark spirits, so that they may be confused and put to shame before Thee; free the air tax collectors from torture, destroy their councils and overthrow them as malicious enemies. Be her, O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, intercessor and protector from the airy prince of darkness, tormentor and champion of the terrible paths; We pray to You, Most Holy Theotokos, to protect us with Your honorable robe, so that He may pass from earth to heaven without fear and without restraint. We pray to You, our Intercessor, intercede for Your servant (Your servant) with Your Mother before the Lord with boldness; We pray to Thee, our Help, help him (her), who has been judged even before the Last Judgment Seat, help him to be justified before God, as the Creator of heaven and earth, and implore Your Only Begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, May the deceased rest in the bosom of Abraham with the righteous and all the saints. Amen.

The most detailed description: a strong prayer for a deceased son - for our readers and subscribers.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death. Comforter of the Sorrowful! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember, Lord, in Your Kingdom your departed servant (Thy servant), my child (name), and create eternal memory for him (her). You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy Name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins too, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not kept, and have not done as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your Commandments, if you indulged in sweets worldly, and not more so in contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance having given up vigil, fasting and prayer to oblivion, I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive the most good Father, my child, all such sins of him, forgive and weaken, even if he has done other evil in this life, Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive, all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and dwell with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man. who will live and not sin. You are One except for sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessing of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For You are the Father of mercies and generosity, You are our life and resurrection, and to You we send glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Prayers for the departed. The power of prayers for the dead

Friends, good afternoon. There is a Tajik proverb: “You can’t help a dead person by crying.” The proverb is true, but I would complement it like this: “You can’t help the dead by crying, but you can help by praying for them.” Let's see how we can help deceased people in their new life.

Why can't the dead help themselves?

While a person is alive, he can always repent, which means he can receive forgiveness from God. But after death, a person’s soul can no longer intercede for itself before the Lord, but the living can.

How and where the soul of the deceased will live in the future depends on a combination of three main factors - on the Grace of the Lord, on how the person lived in this world and on our prayers (petitions, requests, actions...) for the deceased.

The power of prayers for the dead

Our prayers for the newly deceased are especially important, since it is within 40 days after death that the further spiritual fate of a person is determined. Will the soul go to Hell or Heaven? It largely depends on our prayers. When praying for the newly deceased, we ask God for mercy towards the deceased, giving a reason to “relax” the punishment.

But even after forty days we can improve the situation of the souls of the departed. Our every prayer for the deceased, every prayer service for him is an occasion for the Lord to improve the situation of the soul of the deceased.

Praying for the salvation of the soul of the deceased is a sacred duty that is assigned to living relatives. Remember that only by praying for deceased loved ones can you give them the only good they are waiting for. This good will be the remembrance of the Lord.



Daily short prayer for the departed

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Prayer for one who died up to 40 days

(Read from the day of death 40 days and before the anniversary 40 days before the day of death daily). *Until the 40th day, after death, it is necessary to read “newly deceased”, and subsequently - “departed”.

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed * servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming iniquities, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is Orthodox even until its last breath of confession.

In the same way, be merciful to him, and the faith that is in You, instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as you are Generous, rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin and Your truth is the truth forever , and You are the One God of mercy and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayers for a deceased spouse (Widow's prayer for a deceased husband)

“Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are the consolation of the weeping, the intercession of the orphans and widows. You said: call on Me in the day of your sorrow, and I will destroy you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer brought to You with tears.

You, Lord, Master of all, have deigned to unite me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant as a companion and protector. It was Your good and wise will that you would take this servant of Yours away from me and leave me alone.

I bow before Your will and I resort to You in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about separation from Your servant, my friend. Even if you took him away from me, do not take your mercy away from me. Just as you once accepted two mites from widows, so accept this prayer of mine.

Remember, Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or in deed, or in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not consign him to eternal torment, but according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, weaken and forgive all his sins and commit them with Thy saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.

I pray and ask You, Lord, grant that all the days of my life I will not cease to pray for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive all his sins and place him in the Heavenly abodes, which You have prepared for those who love Cha. For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; the same faith of one, even in You, instead of works imputed to him: for there is no man who will live and will not sin, You are besides sin, and Your truth is truth forever.

I believe, Lord, and confess that You will hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing a widow weeping green, you were merciful, and you brought her son to the grave, carrying her to the grave; How did You open to Your servant Theophilus, who went to You, the doors of Your mercy and forgave him his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, heeding the prayers and alms of his wife: here and I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. For You are our hope. You are God, the hedgehog to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer for a deceased wife (Prayer for a widower for a deceased wife)

“Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart, I pray to You: rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), in Your Heavenly Kingdom.

Lord Almighty! You blessed the marital union of husband and wife, when you said: it is not good for man to be alone, let us create for him a helper for him. You have sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and confess that You have blessed me to unite me in this holy union with one of Your handmaids. By your good and wise will you deigned to take away from me this servant of yours, whom you gave to me as a helper and companion of my life.

I bow before Your will, and I pray to You with all my heart, accept my prayer for Your servant (name), and forgive her if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; Love earthly things more than heavenly things; Even if you care more about the clothing and decoration of your body than about the enlightenment of the clothing of your soul; or even careless about your children; if you upset anyone by word or deed; If there is a grudge in your heart against your neighbor or condemn someone or anything else you have done from such evil people.

Forgive her all this, for she is good and philanthropic; for there is no man who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, as Thy creation, do not condemn her to eternal torment for her sin, but have mercy and mercy according to Thy great mercy.

I pray and ask You, Lord, to grant me strength throughout the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for Your departed servant, and even until the end of my life to ask her from You, the Judge of the whole world, for forgiveness of her sins. Yes, as if You, God, placed a crown of stone on her head, crowning her here on earth; Thus crown me with Thy eternal glory in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints who rejoice there, so that together with them He may forever sing Thy all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Children's prayers for deceased parents

Prayer for the deceased mother

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my mother (name), who gave birth to and raised me, and accept her soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your philanthropy and mercy, into the Kingdom Yours Heavenly.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from her. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to You, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment Your deceased servant, unforgettable for me, my mother (name), but forgive her all her sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by her in her life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on me and deliver me from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my departed mother in my prayers, and to beg Thee, the righteous Judge, to order me in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (name) my warm prayer and reward her with Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as she taught me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, to reverently pray to Thee, in Thee alone to trust in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for her concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of her prayer for me before You and for all the gifts she asked me from You, reward her with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

Prayer for a deceased father

“Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the refuge of the grieving and the comforter of the weeping.

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my parent, (name), who gave birth and raised me, and accept his soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, into Your Kingdom Heavenly.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the deceased unforgettable servant of Thy parent (name), but forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by him in his life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver him from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my deceased parent in my prayers, and to beg You, the righteous Judge, to order him in a place of light, in a place of coolness and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (name) my warm prayer and reward him with Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as he who taught me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, to reverently pray to Thee, in Thee alone to place my trust. troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for his concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of the prayer he brings for me before You and for all the gifts he asked me from You, reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

For You are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Prayers of parents for deceased children

Prayer for a deceased daughter

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Thy Kingdom the deceased Thy servant, my child (name), and create for her eternal memory. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me.

Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us.

If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father.

You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Prayer for a deceased son

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom your departed servant, my child (name), and create for her eternal memory.

You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance.

Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child.

Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer for unbaptized and stillborn babies

Prayer for unbaptized infants from the Synodikon of His Eminence Gregory, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

“Remember, O Lord who loves mankind, the souls of Your departed servants, the babies who in the womb of their Orthodox mothers died accidentally from unknown actions, or from a difficult birth, or from some carelessness; baptize them, O Lord, in the sea of ​​Your bounties, and save them with Your ineffable goodness.”

Mother's prayer for stillborn and unbaptized children given by Hieromonk Arseny of Athos:

“Lord, have mercy on my children who died in my womb! For my faith and tears, for the sake of Thy mercy, Lord, do not deprive them of Thy Divine light!”

Prayer for suicides

(given by St. Leo of Optina)

“Seek, Lord, the lost soul (name); If possible, have mercy! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin for me. But Thy holy will be done!”


  • Categories:With God
  • Key words:Prayers

Oleg Plett 8:16 am

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Complete collection and description: a mother’s prayer to a deceased son for the spiritual life of a believer.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death. Comforter of the Sorrowful! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember, Lord, in Your Kingdom your departed servant (Thy servant), my child (name), and create eternal memory for him (her). You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy Name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins too, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not kept, and have not done as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your Commandments, if you indulged in sweets worldly, and not more so in contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance having given up vigil, fasting and prayer to oblivion, I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive the most good Father, my child, all such sins of him, forgive and weaken, even if he has done other evil in this life, Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive, all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and dwell with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man. who will live and not sin. You are One except for sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessing of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For You are the Father of mercies and generosity, You are our life and resurrection, and to You we send glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Parents' prayer for deceased children: text and video

Prayer of parents for deceased children: Russian text. Can listen reading a prayer on video, read the right words Orthodox prayers in Old Church Slavonic.

Prayer of parents for deceased children

Video of prayer reading

The text of the parents' prayer for their dead children in Church Slavonic:

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember, O Lord, in Your kingdom Your departed servant, my child ( Name), and create eternal memory for him. You, Lord of life and death, gave me this child, but by your good and wise will you deigned to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance.

Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins too, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have committed many things before You, many have not kept them, we have not done as Thou hast commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, giving up vigil, fasting and prayer to oblivion, I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil things in life family

Christ Jesus! You raised the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father, You healed the daughter of a Canaanite woman through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive, all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and dwell with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man, whoever lives and does not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For You are the Father of mercies and generosity, You are our life and resurrection, and to You we send glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers for the departed. The power of prayers for the dead

Friends, good afternoon. There is a Tajik proverb: “You can’t help a dead person by crying.” The proverb is true, but I would complement it like this: “You can’t help the dead by crying, but you can help by praying for them.” Let's see how we can help deceased people in their new life.

Why can't the dead help themselves?

While a person is alive, he can always repent, which means he can receive forgiveness from God. But after death, a person’s soul can no longer intercede for itself before the Lord, but the living can.

How and where the soul of the deceased will live in the future depends on a combination of three main factors - on the Grace of the Lord, on how the person lived in this world and on our prayers (petitions, requests, actions...) for the deceased.

The power of prayers for the dead

Our prayers for the newly deceased are especially important, since it is within 40 days after death that the further spiritual fate of a person is determined. Will the soul go to Hell or Heaven? It largely depends on our prayers. When praying for the newly deceased, we ask God for mercy towards the deceased, giving a reason to “relax” the punishment.

But even after forty days we can improve the situation of the souls of the departed. Our every prayer for the deceased, every prayer service for him is an occasion for the Lord to improve the situation of the soul of the deceased.

Praying for the salvation of the soul of the deceased is a sacred duty that is assigned to living relatives. Remember that only by praying for deceased loved ones can you give them the only good they are waiting for. This good will be the remembrance of the Lord.



Daily short prayer for the departed

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Prayer for one who died up to 40 days

(Read from the day of death 40 days and before the anniversary 40 days before the day of death daily). *Until the 40th day, after death, it is necessary to read “newly deceased”, and subsequently - “departed”.

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed * servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming iniquities, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is Orthodox even until its last breath of confession.

In the same way, be merciful to him, and the faith that is in You, instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as you are Generous, rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin and Your truth is the truth forever , and You are the One God of mercy and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayers for a deceased spouse (Widow's prayer for a deceased husband)

“Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are the consolation of the weeping, the intercession of the orphans and widows. You said: call on Me in the day of your sorrow, and I will destroy you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer brought to You with tears.

You, Lord, Master of all, have deigned to unite me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant as a companion and protector. It was Your good and wise will that you would take this servant of Yours away from me and leave me alone.

I bow before Your will and I resort to You in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about separation from Your servant, my friend. Even if you took him away from me, do not take your mercy away from me. Just as you once accepted two mites from widows, so accept this prayer of mine.

Remember, Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or in deed, or in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not consign him to eternal torment, but according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, weaken and forgive all his sins and commit them with Thy saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.

I pray and ask You, Lord, grant that all the days of my life I will not cease to pray for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive all his sins and place him in the Heavenly abodes, which You have prepared for those who love Cha. For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; the same faith of one, even in You, instead of works imputed to him: for there is no man who will live and will not sin, You are besides sin, and Your truth is truth forever.

I believe, Lord, and confess that You will hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing a widow weeping green, you were merciful, and you brought her son to the grave, carrying her to the grave; How did You open to Your servant Theophilus, who went to You, the doors of Your mercy and forgave him his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, heeding the prayers and alms of his wife: here and I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. For You are our hope. You are God, the hedgehog to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer for a deceased wife (Prayer for a widower for a deceased wife)

“Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart, I pray to You: rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), in Your Heavenly Kingdom.

Lord Almighty! You blessed the marital union of husband and wife, when you said: it is not good for man to be alone, let us create for him a helper for him. You have sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and confess that You have blessed me to unite me in this holy union with one of Your handmaids. By your good and wise will you deigned to take away from me this servant of yours, whom you gave to me as a helper and companion of my life.

I bow before Your will, and I pray to You with all my heart, accept my prayer for Your servant (name), and forgive her if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; Love earthly things more than heavenly things; Even if you care more about the clothing and decoration of your body than about the enlightenment of the clothing of your soul; or even careless about your children; if you upset anyone by word or deed; If there is a grudge in your heart against your neighbor or condemn someone or anything else you have done from such evil people.

Forgive her all this, for she is good and philanthropic; for there is no man who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, as Thy creation, do not condemn her to eternal torment for her sin, but have mercy and mercy according to Thy great mercy.

I pray and ask You, Lord, to grant me strength throughout the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for Your departed servant, and even until the end of my life to ask her from You, the Judge of the whole world, for forgiveness of her sins. Yes, as if You, God, placed a crown of stone on her head, crowning her here on earth; Thus crown me with Thy eternal glory in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints who rejoice there, so that together with them He may forever sing Thy all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Children's prayers for deceased parents

Prayer for the deceased mother

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my mother (name), who gave birth to and raised me, and accept her soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your philanthropy and mercy, into the Kingdom Yours Heavenly.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from her. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to You, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment Your deceased servant, unforgettable for me, my mother (name), but forgive her all her sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by her in her life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on me and deliver me from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my departed mother in my prayers, and to beg Thee, the righteous Judge, to order me in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (name) my warm prayer and reward her with Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as she taught me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, to reverently pray to Thee, in Thee alone to trust in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for her concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of her prayer for me before You and for all the gifts she asked me from You, reward her with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

Prayer for a deceased father

“Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the refuge of the grieving and the comforter of the weeping.

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my parent, (name), who gave birth and raised me, and accept his soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, into Your Kingdom Heavenly.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the deceased unforgettable servant of Thy parent (name), but forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by him in his life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver him from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my deceased parent in my prayers, and to beg You, the righteous Judge, to order him in a place of light, in a place of coolness and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (name) my warm prayer and reward him with Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as he who taught me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, to reverently pray to Thee, in Thee alone to place my trust. troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for his concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of the prayer he brings for me before You and for all the gifts he asked me from You, reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

For You are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Prayers of parents for deceased children

Prayer for a deceased daughter

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Thy Kingdom the deceased Thy servant, my child (name), and create for her eternal memory. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me.

Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us.

If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father.

You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Prayer for a deceased son

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom your departed servant, my child (name), and create for her eternal memory.

You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance.

Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child.

Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer for unbaptized and stillborn babies

Prayer for unbaptized infants from the Synodikon of His Eminence Gregory, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

“Remember, O Lord who loves mankind, the souls of Your departed servants, the babies who in the womb of their Orthodox mothers died accidentally from unknown actions, or from a difficult birth, or from some carelessness; baptize them, O Lord, in the sea of ​​Your bounties, and save them with Your ineffable goodness.”

Mother's prayer for stillborn and unbaptized children given by Hieromonk Arseny of Athos:

“Lord, have mercy on my children who died in my womb! For my faith and tears, for the sake of Thy mercy, Lord, do not deprive them of Thy Divine light!”

Prayer for suicides

(given by St. Leo of Optina)

“Seek, Lord, the lost soul (name); If possible, have mercy! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin for me. But Thy holy will be done!”


  • Categories:With God
  • Key words:Prayers

Oleg Plett 8:16 am

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Friends, good afternoon. There is a Tajik proverb: “You can’t help a dead person by crying.” The proverb is true, but I would complement it like this: “You can’t help the dead by crying, but you can help by praying for them.” Let's see how we can help deceased people in their new life.

Why can't the dead help themselves?

While a person is alive, he can always repent, which means he can receive forgiveness from God. But after death, a person’s soul can no longer intercede for itself before the Lord, but the living can.

How and where the soul of the deceased will live in the future depends on a combination of three main factors - on the Grace of the Lord, on how the person lived in this world and on our prayers (petitions, requests, actions...) for the deceased.

The power of prayers for the dead

Our prayers for the newly deceased are especially important, since it is within 40 days after death that the further spiritual fate of a person is determined. Will the soul go to Hell or Heaven? It largely depends on our prayers. When praying for the newly deceased, we ask God for mercy towards the deceased, giving a reason to “relax” the punishment.

But even after forty days we can improve the situation of the souls of the departed. Our every prayer for the deceased, every prayer service for him is an occasion for the Lord to improve the situation of the soul of the deceased.

Praying for the salvation of the soul of the deceased is a sacred duty that is assigned to living relatives. Remember that only by praying for deceased loved ones can you give them the only good they are waiting for. This good will be the remembrance of the Lord.



Daily short prayer for the departed

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Prayer for one who died up to 40 days

(Read from the day of death 40 days and before the anniversary 40 days before the day of death daily). *Until the 40th day, after death, it is necessary to read “newly deceased”, and subsequently - “departed”.

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the eternal life of Your departed * servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming iniquities, weaken, forsake and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your glorified God in the Trinity, Faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is Orthodox even until its last breath of confession.

In the same way, be merciful to him, and the faith that is in You, instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as you are Generous, rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin and Your truth is the truth forever , and You are the One God of mercy and generosity, and love for mankind, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Prayers for a deceased spouse (Widow's prayer for a deceased husband)

“Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are the consolation of the weeping, the intercession of the orphans and widows. You said: call on Me in the day of your sorrow, and I will destroy you. In the days of my sorrow, I run to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer brought to You with tears.

You, Lord, Master of all, have deigned to unite me with one of Your servants, so that we may be one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant as a companion and protector. It was Your good and wise will that you would take this servant of Yours away from me and leave me alone.

I bow before Your will and I resort to You in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about separation from Your servant, my friend. Even if you took him away from me, do not take your mercy away from me. Just as you once accepted two mites from widows, so accept this prayer of mine.

Remember, Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, whether in word, or in deed, or in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not consign him to eternal torment, but according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, weaken and forgive all his sins and commit them with Thy saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.

I pray and ask You, Lord, grant that all the days of my life I will not cease to pray for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, to forgive all his sins and place him in the Heavenly abodes, which You have prepared for those who love Cha. For even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; the same faith of one, even in You, instead of works imputed to him: for there is no man who will live and will not sin, You are besides sin, and Your truth is truth forever.

I believe, Lord, and confess that You will hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing a widow weeping green, you were merciful, and you brought her son to the grave, carrying her to the grave; How did You open to Your servant Theophilus, who went to You, the doors of Your mercy and forgave him his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, heeding the prayers and alms of his wife: here and I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. For You are our hope. You are God, the hedgehog to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer for a deceased wife (Prayer for a widower for a deceased wife)

“Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart, I pray to You: rest, O Lord, the soul of Your departed servant (name), in Your Heavenly Kingdom.

Lord Almighty! You blessed the marital union of husband and wife, when you said: it is not good for man to be alone, let us create for him a helper for him. You have sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and confess that You have blessed me to unite me in this holy union with one of Your handmaids. By your good and wise will you deigned to take away from me this servant of yours, whom you gave to me as a helper and companion of my life.

I bow before Your will, and I pray to You with all my heart, accept my prayer for Your servant (name), and forgive her if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; Love earthly things more than heavenly things; Even if you care more about the clothing and decoration of your body than about the enlightenment of the clothing of your soul; or even careless about your children; if you upset anyone by word or deed; If there is a grudge in your heart against your neighbor or condemn someone or anything else you have done from such evil people.

Forgive her all this, for she is good and philanthropic; for there is no man who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, as Thy creation, do not condemn her to eternal torment for her sin, but have mercy and mercy according to Thy great mercy.

I pray and ask You, Lord, to grant me strength throughout the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for Your departed servant, and even until the end of my life to ask her from You, the Judge of the whole world, for forgiveness of her sins. Yes, as if You, God, placed a crown of stone on her head, crowning her here on earth; Thus crown me with Thy eternal glory in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints who rejoice there, so that together with them He may forever sing Thy all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Children's prayers for deceased parents

Prayer for the deceased mother

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my mother (name), who gave birth to and raised me, and accept her soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your philanthropy and mercy, into the Kingdom Yours Heavenly.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from her. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to You, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment Your deceased servant, unforgettable for me, my mother (name), but forgive her all her sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by her in her life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on me and deliver me from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my departed mother in my prayers, and to beg Thee, the righteous Judge, to order me in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (name) my warm prayer and reward her with Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as she taught me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, to reverently pray to Thee, in Thee alone to trust in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for her concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of her prayer for me before You and for all the gifts she asked me from You, reward her with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

Prayer for a deceased father

“Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the keeper of the orphans, the refuge of the grieving and the comforter of the weeping.

I come running to you, an orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, satisfy my grief over separation from my parent, (name), who gave birth and raised me, and accept his soul, as if it has gone to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your love for mankind and mercy, into Your Kingdom Heavenly.

I bow before Your holy will, which was taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, you punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even to the third and fourth generation: but you also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the deceased unforgettable servant of Thy parent (name), but forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance, committed by him in his life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and love for mankind, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver him from eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, not to cease to remember my deceased parent in my prayers, and to beg You, the righteous Judge, to order him in a place of light, in a place of coolness and in a place of peace, with all the saints , from here all illness, sorrow and sighing have escaped.

Merciful Lord! Accept this day for Thy servant (name) my warm prayer and reward him with Thy reward for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as he who taught me first of all to lead Thee, my Lord, to reverently pray to Thee, in Thee alone to place my trust. troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for his concern for my spiritual success, for the warmth of the prayer he brings for me before You and for all the gifts he asked me from You, reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom.

For You are the God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Prayers of parents for deceased children

Prayer for a deceased daughter

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Thy Kingdom the deceased Thy servant, my child (name), and create for her eternal memory. You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me.

Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us.

If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father.

You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Prayer for a deceased son

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of the afflicted! With a contrite and tender heart I run to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in Your Kingdom your departed servant, my child (name), and create for her eternal memory.

You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. It was your good and wise will to take it away from me. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord. I pray to You, Judge of heaven and earth, with Your endless love for us sinners, forgive my deceased child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word, in deed, in knowledge and ignorance.

Forgive, O Merciful One, our parental sins as well, so that they may not remain on our children: we know that we have sinned many times before You, many of whom we have not observed, and have not done, as You commanded us. If our deceased child, ours or his own, for the sake of guilt, lived in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and his God: if you loved the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you surrendered with the pleasures of life, and not more than with contrition for one’s sins, and in intemperance, vigil, fasting and prayer have been abandoned to oblivion - I earnestly pray to Thee, forgive, most good Father, all such sins of my child, forgive and weaken, even if you have done other evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You raised up the daughter of Jairus through the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of the Canaanite wife through faith and the request of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child.

Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, remove eternal torment and place him with all Your saints, who have pleased You from all eternity, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: like there is no man like He will live and will not sin, but You are the only One besides all sin: so that when you judge the world, my child will hear Your most beloved voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For You are the Father of mercies and generosity. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer for unbaptized and stillborn babies

Prayer for unbaptized infants from the Synodikon of His Eminence Gregory, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg.

“Remember, O Lord who loves mankind, the souls of Your departed servants, the babies who in the womb of their Orthodox mothers died accidentally from unknown actions, or from a difficult birth, or from some carelessness; baptize them, O Lord, in the sea of ​​Your bounties, and save them with Your ineffable goodness.”

Mother's prayer for stillborn and unbaptized children given by Hieromonk Arseny of Athos:

“Lord, have mercy on my children who died in my womb! For my faith and tears, for the sake of Thy mercy, Lord, do not deprive them of Thy Divine light!”

Prayer for suicides

(given by St. Leo of Optina)

“Seek, Lord, the lost soul (name); If possible, have mercy! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin for me. But Thy holy will be done!”


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